12 Important Tests That Could Save Your Life

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Health Checkup & Tests That Could Save Your Life

2D Echo Cardiography  2D Echo cardiography is an imaging

technique  Helps to provide images of the heart, vessels & para cardiac structures  2D Echo cardiography helps to measure each part of the heart  2D Echo cardiography also helps to study the motion & appearance if the valves of the heart  2D Echo cardiography helps to determine overall health of the heart & detect if any abnormalities are present

ECG  Electrocardiogram is also known as EKG or ECG  Help to check the electrical activity of the

heart  Helps to identify the cause of the chest pain  ECG helps to find the symptoms of the heart disease like shortness of breath &

irregular heart beats  ECG helps to check if the mechanical device like a pacemaker is placed properly in the heart  ECG helps to identify the health of the heart when even other diseases are present simultaneously

Pulmonary Function Test  Pulmonary function test is actually a breathing test  It helps to identify the air the movement from in & out of the lungs

 It helps to confirm how freely oxygen enters the body  The most common Pulmonary function test is spirometry  Pulmonary function test helps to identify problems like COPD & Asthma  Pulmonary function test helps to

identify the overall health of the lungs

Bone Density Scan  Bone density scan is also known as bone mineral density test  Bone density scan help to identify the strength of the bone

 Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which bones become weak & pores  Bone density scan helps to identify the current status of the bone post treatment for osteoporosis  The result of bone density scan can help to treat & prevent bone loss &


Blood Pressure Check  The only way ensure that you have normal blood pressure is by going for a blood pressure check

 Sphygmomanometer is an instrument that measure the blood pressure  If the systolic pressure is less than 140 mm Hg while the diastolic pressure is less than 90 mm Hg then it is called as normal blood pressure  If the blood pressure is greater than 140/90 mm Hg then it as called as high blood pressure Blood Pressure Overview

Mammogram  Mammogram is imaging technique  Mammogram is the X-ray of the breast  Mammogram helps to detect the breast cancer at an early stage

 There are 2 types of Mammogram  Screening Mammogram: used to detect the signs of breast cancer in women who do not have any symptoms or problems  Diagnostic Mammogram: used when a women has a breast problem

Screening For Stroke  Stroke happens when there is a damage to blood vessels & artery is clogged with plaque  Carotid ultrasound test helps to detect the level of cholesterol-filled plaque in the carotid arteries  Other things that contribute to the formation of cholesterol-filled plaque are diabetes, high blood pressure & high cholesterol levels  Thus blood test to keep these in control & to avoid stroke is important

Pap Smear  Pap smear is a test for cervical cancer  Cells are tested from the opening of the cervix  Most of the cervical cancer can be detected early if a women undergoes routine pap smear

test  If the result is normal that means that there are no abnormal cells present Pap Smear Test

PSA  PSA means prostate-specific antigen  Prostate-specific antigen is produced by the prostate gland

 High levels of prostate-specific antigen indicates prostate cancer  A blood test to identify the levels of the prostate-specific antigen is done to detect prostate cancer  PSA levels under 4 ng/mL is normal

PSA Test

Advanced Lipid Profile Tests  Advanced lipid profile test is used as a part of assessment for cardiac risk  Advanced lipid profile test will help to identify the individual risk to heart diseases  Advanced lipid profile test is a blood

test that measures:  Total Cholesterol  HDL cholesterol  LDL cholesterol  Triglycerides  VLDL cholesterol

Blood Glucose Test  Blood glucose test is done to detect the sugar levels in the blood  Blood glucose test is very crucial for a person suffering from diabetes  Haemoglobin A1c Test : is a blood test to identify the average blood sugar levels in the past 3 months

TSH  Thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH) test is a blood test to identify the problem with the thyroid gland  TSH causes thyroid gland to make 2 hormones viz., T3 & T4  T3 & T4 controls body’s metabolism

Full Body Checkup

Vital Signs

Examination  Heart

 Blood pressure

 Lung

 Heart rate

 Abdominal

 Temperature

 Neurological  Joints  Blood test Click here to get Full Body Checkup Now!

Sex Specific  Male Examination  Testicular  Hernia  Penis & Prostate

 Female Examination  Breast  Vagina  Cervix

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