How Artificial Intelligence Will Change The World For Better? From different smartphones to different chatbots, Artificial Intelligence (AI) products are slowly infiltrating everywhere. Now, AI experts can use data to instruct machines on how to learn and predict. While being in the early stages of the AI era, it has the potential to significantly improve many financial sectors such as healthcare, education, cybersecurity, etc.
In this article, we're going to discuss some of the ways by which AI can change the world for better. By the end of it, we hope you'll realize the massive importance and potential of AI technology in today's world. Cybersecurity Do you know that there were around 707 million cybersecurity breaches in the year 2015 and about 554 million in the first half of the year 2016? These kinds of cyber-attacks are terrifying and can cause some severe damage. However, many Artificial Intelligence Solution Providers and Smart India Hackathon 2020 are being more proactive and trying to identify and understand the cybersecurity
attacks' patterns. AI technology can help security professionals to detect these threats and can prevent many frauds from happening as well. Transportation We all know that driverless trains are now ruling the rails transportation in many countries all over the world, and companies like Boeing are trying to build autonomous jetliners. However, one place where AI can have the most significant impact in the near future is self-driving cars. Hopefully, AI drivers might prove to be safer than human drivers and provide more safe transportation services. Precise Medicines AI technology is vastly improving precision medicine, an emerging approach for the treatment of many diseases based on individual variability. It will allow doctors and medical experts to make accurate predictions for the treatment of various diseases which can work for a large group of people. Hopefully, in the future, AI might find a more effective and better cure for cancer as well. As we said earlier, the AI era is still in its early stages, and there's a lot of potential for this technology to make this world a better place. If you're looking to benefit your business with it, then Indus Tech Services is the right answer for you. While being one of the Top Artificial Intelligence Companies in India, Indus Tech Services provides one of the Best Webinar Software and Interaction Technology as well. So connect with us today and get benefitted by this future technology.