Your Industrial Fitness Workout Beachin Challenge_ Day 2_CardioFocus Virginia Chere Lucett
Jumping Jacks
• A warm up will prepare you for exercise by increasing blood flow to the muscles as well as help increasing joint range of motion • Perform a 5 minute warm up, starting at a slow pace and gradually increasing it as you proceed.
Sets Reps
1 2 3 4 5
1 - Stand upright with your feet together and your arms by your sides. 2 - Jump up, splitting your feet out to the sides. 3 - Simultaneously swing your arms up to the sides in an arc over your head. • Reverse the direction of the movement.
SET 1 TIME: 0:01:00
• Stand upright with your hands by your sides. 1 - Jog in place and rapidly kick your legs high back up behind as if you were trying to kick yourself in the buttocks. 2 - Rapidly alternate legs in a jogging motion.
High Knees
Butt Kickers
SET 1 TIME: 0:01:00
• Stand upright with your feet together and your arms by your sides. 1 - Run on the spot raising your knees as high as possible each step. 2 - Rapidly switch feet and use your arms as if running.
SET 1 TIME: 0:01:00
This PDF/printout was generated using Industrial Fitness. Get access at © 2014 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by Virginia Chere Lucett and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF.
printed 05/05/14 08:20PM Page 1 of 4
Your Industrial Fitness Workout Beachin Challenge_ Day 2_CardioFocus Virginia Chere Lucett
SET 1 TIME: 0:01:00
• Jog in an upright position swinging your arms by your sides. • Concentrate on your stride length as well as your stride frequency. • Your hands should swing up to about chest height in front and back down to your hip.
• Run in an upright position, swinging your arms by your sides. • Concentrate on both your stride length and your stride frequency. • You hand should swing up to about shoulder height in front and back down to your hip.
SET 1 TIME: 0:05:00
SET 1 TIME: 0:02:00
• Jog in an upright position swinging your arms by your sides. • Concentrate on your stride length as well as your stride frequency. • Your hands should swing up to about chest height in front and back down to your hip.
SET 1 TIME: 0:05:00
This PDF/printout was generated using Industrial Fitness. Get access at © 2014 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by Virginia Chere Lucett and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF.
printed 05/05/14 08:20PM Page 2 of 4
Your Industrial Fitness Workout Beachin Challenge_ Day 2_CardioFocus Virginia Chere Lucett
• Run in an upright position, swinging your arms by your sides. • Concentrate on both your stride length and your stride frequency. • You hand should swing up to about shoulder height in front and back down to your hip.
SET 1 TIME: 0:02:00
• Jog in an upright position swinging your arms by your sides. • Concentrate on your stride length as well as your stride frequency. • Your hands should swing up to about chest height in front and back down to your hip.
• Run in an upright position, swinging your arms by your sides. • Concentrate on both your stride length and your stride frequency. • You hand should swing up to about shoulder height in front and back down to your hip.
SET 1 TIME: 0:05:00
SET 1 TIME: 0:02:00
• Jog in an upright position swinging your arms by your sides. • Concentrate on your stride length as well as your stride frequency. • Your hands should swing up to about chest height in front and back down to your hip.
SET 1 TIME: 0:05:00
This PDF/printout was generated using Industrial Fitness. Get access at © 2014 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by Virginia Chere Lucett and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF.
printed 05/05/14 08:20PM Page 3 of 4
Your Industrial Fitness Workout Beachin Challenge_ Day 2_CardioFocus Virginia Chere Lucett
• A cool down allows time for your heart rate and core temperature to begin to drop back to normal levels. • Perform a 5 minute cool down at a slow pace, using controlled breathing.
Sets Reps
1 2 3 4 5 6
• Stand upright, bracing yourself against a wall or solid support with your back leg straight and your front leg slightly bent at the knee. 1 - Keeping your back foot flat on the floor, lean your weight forward and push into your back heel. • Perform on one side, then switch to the other side. Alternate sides with each rep.
SET 1 TIME: 0:00:30
Hold for 30 seconds each leg
SET 1 • Lie on your back with both TIME: 0:00:30 Hold for 30 seconds each leg legs straight. 1 - Raise one leg up, bending at the knee and place your opposite hand on it. 2 - Gently pull your bent leg across the other leg and down towards the floor. • Keep both shoulders on the floor throughout. • Perform on one side, then switch to the other side. Alternate sides with each rep. This PDF/printout was generated using Industrial Fitness. Get access at
© 2014 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by Virginia Chere Lucett and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF.
printed 05/05/14 08:20PM Page 4 of 4