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Leadership strengthened with extraordinary performance Subor

The Turkish Company Subor is a leading provider of Glass fiber Reinforced Polyester (GRP) pipes as well as fittings, manholes, tanks and silos for a range of applications including potable water, irrigation, waste water, industry plants and energy.
SSubor Pipe Industry and Trade Inc. was established in 1996 in Turkey, Istanbul as a joint venture between “Yapı Merkezi Holding” and “Amiantit Group of Companies” and began operating with one manufacturing line with a staff of 30 in 2007. 50 per cent of Subor shares are owned by Yapı Merkezi İnşaat ve Sanayi A.Ş. that is one of the greatest Turkish engineering and general contracting companies. Subor’s foreign partner, which owns 50 per cent of Subor shares, is Saudi Arabian based Amiantit Company. Amiantit Group is one of the largest pipe manufacturing groups in the world and owns manufacturing facilities and technology centers in many countries around the world. Subor specializes in the manufacture of GRP pipes and fittings for both the domestic and overseas markets.
Since its establishment the company has grown constantly and has expanded its production capacity by over four times. Even during the height of the economic crisis in 2009 it was able to invest in a new manufacturing line which is capable of producing GRP pipes up to a diameter of 4 meters and increased the overall production capacity by 33 per cent. In fact, during the economic crisis it was still able to increase its turnover by 24 per cent in 2009 compared to the previous year. This ability to stay strong in challenging economic times has allowed Subor to be an unrivalled manufacturer of GRP pipes in terms of total capacity throughout Turkey and Europe, with a manufacturing capacity of 800 km GRP pipes of different diameter per year at its three manufacturing lines at Sakarya and one manufacturing line at Şanlıurfa.
Subor continues to be an effective force in the worldwide pipe market owing to its existing installed capacity, its continuing investment, its experienced staff of 500 and an innovative and a creative corporate culture that prioritises the sharing of knowledge.
Globally recognized quality
In its history of more than 1000 projects in Turkey and abroad, Subor has supplied 5 million meters of GRP pipes and fittings in diameters up to 4 meters.
Subor broke a record in 2011 by reaching the highest yearly production by weight in its history.
Subor’s products are present in 33 countries throughout three continents, with 50 per cent of its output currently destined for export. Its largest markets are the Balkans, the Middle East, Russia, the Turkic Republics and North Africa.
During 2011, Subor continued to open up new markets while also strengthening its existing markets and added Iceland, Montenegro and Morocco to its export network.
This global success is largely down to the company’s complete solutions for a wide variety of projects from irrigation to potable water, including industrial plants, energy investments, wastewater, and storm water. It manufactures GRP pipes with a diameter range of 300-4000 mm, and 1-32 bar pressure. Their high corrosion resistance requires no cathodic protection or additional insulation, and means they can be used safely in the chemical transfer pipelines for industrial plants, geothermal lines or the cooling water and circulating water lines of power plants.
Furthermore, according to the company, the fact that the fittings are made from the same material makes them particularly suitable for irrigation projects. The special pipes it produces for newly installed urban sewerage lines and rehabilitation projects are made of ECR-type fiberglass with sulphur corrosion resistance.
All Subor’s GRP pipes are manufactured in accordance with the respective standards of the USA, Germany, Belgium, Norway and Switzerland. They are also certi-

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fied for “compliance to the food codes” and for “drinking water conformance” by organizations such as the US-based National Sanitation Foundation (NSF).
Growing with new investments…
According to its 2012 strategic growth plan Subor is planning to invest in a new manufacturing plant in one of its regional export markets.
Subor is planning to commission its new plant at the beginning of 2013. The investment includes two manufacturing plants costing approximately USD25 million and creating an employment of 120 persons.
In 2010 Subor signed a contract to manufacture and install GRP pipes with DN 4 meters for the Kralkızı Dicle Main Channel Second Part Irrigation Project – siphon lines, in a joint venture with the contractors Ufuk İnşaat and İnelsan İnşaat.
The project, which is contained within the city borders of Diyarbakır, is part of the GAP (South-eastern Anatolia Project) – one of the biggest regional development projects taking place in the world today and covering the basins of the Euphrates and Tigris, as well as the nine cities (Adıyaman, Batman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Şanlıurfa and Şırnak) located in the upper Mesopotamia plains.
Subor’s GRP pipes were chosen for this project owing to their high corrosion resistance, easy and fast installation, economy and short manufacturing period. According to the agreement, Subor provided a total of 10.700 meters of GRP pipes with diameter class DN 4 meters, pressure classes PN 6-10 and stiffness SN 5000.
The pipes were shipped to the construction site by low bed trucks and the installation of the pipes in 7 meters deep trench was carried out by Subor’s experienced field services team. The field service team also carried out leakage tests on the coupling connections of the GRP pipes using Subor’s exclusively designed hydraulic field equipment.
In 2011 Subor exported GRP pipes in Iceland for the first time by providing 4 metre GRP pipes to the Laxa II SHPP Project. Within the scope of this project, a total of 348 metres of GRP pipes in diameter DN 4 meters, pressure class PN 10 and stiffness SN 5000 have been produced and shipped.
After visiting both the Sakarya manufacturing plant to observe the manufacturing process and controlled testing of the pipes, as well as the Diyarbakır Kralkızı Project construction site, where DN 4000 GRP pipes are being installed, the Icelandic company was pleased to order these high technology GRP pipes for the project. n