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On the road HYMER

Europe’s leading manufacturer of motorhomes and caravans HYMER is enjoying an increasingly global footprint as it meets the challenges of a market that is on its own journey. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to HYMER managing director, Jorg Reithmeier, to find out more.
HYMER is Europe’s leading manufacturer of motorhomes and caravans. It is part of the HYMER Group which includes such well-known and well-loved brands as HYMER, Eriba, Bürstner, Dethleffs, Laika, LMC, Niesmann+Bischoff, Carado and Sunlight in its ownership, as well as Europe´s largest motorhome rental McRent and the accessories specialist MOVERA. The Group has unrivalled knowledge of the recreational vehicle (RV) market.
Offering a large range of vehicles from ‘beginner’ RVs right up to premium vehicles, all with recognised brands that have been known on the market for many years, HYMER Group is able to deliver to all sectors of the market, both across Europe and, increasingly, worldwide.
HYMER Group generated €1.3 billion in revenue from over 33,000 motorhomes and caravans sold in the fiscal year 2011/2012. The company employs more than 4000 people in Europe. These figures show that, even though the RV market in Europe has been stagnating for the past five years and is, in some areas, in decline, HYMER Group has been able to continue its impressive performance as the market leader.
Leading the way
Managing director of the HYMER brand Jorg Reithmeier told Industry Europe how he believes this is being achieved. He said, “We are certainly in a difficult market at the moment but as the leading player across Europe with a growing presence in global markets including the USA, we are focusing on customer-led RV. We are continuously working on meeting the challenges of the market, with different approaches for different geographical areas, and, as a Group, we are well-positioned to serve our customers better than any other player.”
Mr Reithmeier continued, “I am totally convinced that the RV market will change in the next few years and I am confident that HYMER will stay the leading player, especially as we know that we are the company that reacted the quickest to the changing demands of the industry.”
These changing demands and HYMER’s rapid reaction to it is an important part of its success story. Always keeping in touch with its customers and staying committed to offering vehicles that meet these changing demands is a quality that helps set HYMER apart. Mr Reithmeier added, “Our strong portfolio of brands is integral to our success. We can provide different customers with the vehicle they want, all while staying true to our HYMER promise of quality and value for money.”
In order to stay one step ahead of the changes and challenges of the RV market, HYMER has identified the ways in which it must perform over and above the competition. By offering a wider, stronger portfolio,

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being more customer-orientated with both service and products, maintaining the best possible balance of price and quality and continually listening to customers, HYMER knows it will keep its leading position.
Mr Reithmeier said, ”It’s about being the best in the industry. We have fantastic brand recognition across our range and it is an exciting marketing activity to maximise our brand. As our brand is so familiar to its markets, particularly in the Netherlands, Spain and Italy, we know that we are perfectly positioned to enjoy a boost in the market when it happens.” Quality control
The marketing team at HYMER also has the advantage that all of its vehicles are manufactured in Germany. The ‘Made in Germany’ marque is a popular shorthand for high-quality, high-precision workmanship. Mr Reithmeier explained, “It’s the perfect balance for our customers to get the best product at the best price. We manufacture all of our vehicles in Germany.”
The RV market leader across Europe for many years, HYMER Group is steadily boosting its global footprint. Following its tradition of acquiring complementary brands to add to its portfolio and then integrating them carefully into the HYMER Group family, the company expects to make further strategic acquisitions as well as growing organically. Mr Reithmeier concluded, “Beyond Europe we are growing especially well in the USA and we also see opportunities in Asia. We will maintain our love of innovation as we stay close to our customers and introduce new features and products that meet the requirements of each of our markets. We have high expectations of our vehicles and we are very excited about serving our customers in the future.” n