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Consumer Goods news


New developments in the Consumer Goods

Aker BioMarine Invests In Sustainable Fisheries Technology

by Romana Moares

Norwegian fishing and biotech company Aker BioMarine has signed a deal with German food processing technology firm GEA to supply the process systems for its new krill-based protein plant in Norway.

Sustainable use of ocean and marine resources is a key part of Aker BioMarine’s strategy. To achieve this, the company has invested heavily in technology that contributes to more sustainable fisheries and fishery management.

With the signing of the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for delivery of process equipment with GEA, Aker BioMarine says it is taking the next step towards the commercialisation of INVI, its new protein ingredient for food and beverages, made from hydrolysed krill protein.

The pilot plant is expected to be operational in late 2022 and will be located in Ski Næringspark in Norway's southeast.

INVI is a premium krill-based protein ingredient for use in food, beverages and nutraceutical products targeted towards the sports nutrition and general wellness markets.

Aker BioMarine says that INVI is "sustainably sourced from pure Antarctic waters and with high nutritional profile and unique functional benefits", and the company is aiming for it to become a staple ingredient in a range of products.

As the first purpose-built krill protein development and production facility, the site will enable fastpaced product and process development, as well as volume for commercial launch partners.

“With GEA’s experience in engineering facilities and systems for industries like ours, we aim for a highly innovative, technologybased plant, which will also house a research and innovation centre,” said Kees van de Watering, VP Process Engineering.

“We aim to closely collaborate with Aker BioMarine in the development of their krill-based protein plant in order to create a state-of-the-art plant that optimizes production, puts innovation first, and makes use of the digital solutions at our disposal today,” said Heinz-Jürgen Kroner, SVP Liquid Technologies at GEA. Visit: www.akerbiomarine.com Visit: www.gea.com

Post-Brexit UKCA Certification Delayed Following Industry Pressure

by Ash Jones

The UK government has decided to increase the deadline of the UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) safety and quality mark by another year, allowing more time for British businesses to mark their goods under the new guidelines.

The new measure, which came into effect when the UK left the EU on January 1, 2021, will have its application extended until January 1, 2023, to allow for businesses to have more time for their goods to meet the standards, following significant pressure from industry and trade groups.

The UKCA is a post-Brexit replacement to the European mark Conformité Européenne (CE) - a declaration that the goods meet all the essential requirements of EU directives, which was first revealed in early 2019. Most goods that were eligible for the CE rating will also be eligible for the UKCA.

A number of manufacturing groups had previously expressed concern about the capacity to test their products ahead of the new measures coming into effect.

This would particularly affect the British construction and manufacturing sectors, which had warned the government of risks to supply chains if they could no longer use goods from overseas.

The coronavirus pandemic has played a part in this change, with the government revealing the crisis has created an atmosphere where this kind of immediate change becomes difficult for many businesses.

To be awarded the certification, goods need to be assessed by British bodies, although rumours are circulating of the tests costing in excess of £50,000 (€58,500).

There is also the issue of actively testing the products, with a number of trade groups across various sectors, including automotive, expressing fears the UK does not have the infrastructure to perform such a high volume of tests.

EU goods may not also qualify for UKCA certification, which, unlike its European counterparts, is designed to test and measure viability across the supply chain.

While EU goods often supply very few parts, anything that does slip through the net could cause further disruptions in the supply chains.

Fergus McReynolds, of the manufacturing trade group, Make UK, said this was a welcome move from the government which he suggested could be "vital for protecting supply chains".

“Companies were becoming increasingly nervous as the clock ticked down to the end of the year, caught up in the delays and bureaucracy in getting their products tested. The extra year will provide both exporters and importers with valuable breathing space to enable a new testing system to bed in place," he revealed in a statement.

However, he told the FT that a number of sectors, such as pyrotechnics or construction products do not have the capacity to constantly run the tests required for certification, and expressed concerns at supply from overseas companies being disrupted should they not be prepared for the new mark.

However, should CE marks transfer to UKCA marks, this could significantly streamline the process.

A number of trade bodies are currently working in tandem with government regulators to allow overseas suppliers to transfer their existing European certifications into UKCA marks.

Both CE and UKCA marks are also set to be recognised in Northern Ireland, as part of the UK-EU agreement as it pertains to any post-Brexit trade.

UK goods that receive a UKCA rating intended for sale within the EU will also still require a CE certification. For more info, visit: www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukca-marking



ALPLA Acquires Packaging Manufacturer Wolf Plastics

by Steven Gislam

Packaging and recycling specialist The ALPLA Group has announced it is acquiring all shares in packaging manufacturer the Wolf Plastics Group.

The company says the acquisition will see it expand and grow in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

In a press release, ALPLA said it was purchasing Wolf Plastics, based in Kammern, Austria, to "use the company’s expertise, in particular in the manufacture of plastic buckets and canisters, to expand its product portfolio."

Wolf Plastics has three production facilities in Austria, Hungary and Romania, and a strong market presence in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

The Austrian and Romanian competition authorities are currently examining the proposed takeover and the deal is still subject to regulatory approval.

Wolf Plastics was founded in Kammern in the Austrian state of Styria in 1973. It supplies SMEs and international key accounts in the construction, chemical and food industries with buckets, canisters and bottles.

It currently employs around 210 employees across its three sites in Kammern, as well as in Fertőszentmiklós, Hungary and near Bucharest, Romania. The product range consists of around 400 products.

"Wolf Plastics has decades of experience in product areas in which we want to increase our representation in order to expand our portfolio and grow in Central and South-Eastern Europe," said ALPLA CEO Philipp Lehner.

The purchase price for the deal was not disclosed. Visit: www.alpla.com/en Visit: www.wolfplastics.eu/en

Marlboro Cigarettes To Disappear From UK Shelves "Within 10 Years"

by Ash Jones

Credit: Oleg Golovnev / Shutterstock

US tobacco group Philip Morris has revealed plans to stop selling its Marlboro brand of cigarettes in the UK within the next decade, according to the group's CEO.

This comes as part of a diversification strategy as the company plans to deliver on what it calls a "smoke-free future" stating the "problem of smoking" could be eradicated within 10 years in the UK.

The company also recently offered £1.05 billion (€1.22 billion) to Vectura to gain access to its respiratory system as part of a greater, company-wide initiative to phase out cigarettes.

This move is the latest push by tobacco giants to change their image following years of negative press and lawsuits in the marketing and selling of cigarettes.

The rise of vaping and decline in smoking rates over the last decade has been spurred by several factors, including increased links to cancer, and an emphasis on improving personal health.

Philip Morris' CEO Jacek Olczak told the Mail on Sunday came as part of his company's plans to phase out traditional smoking. Those who wish to continue will be guided towards less harmful alternatives such as e-cigarettes or heated smoking devices.

Under Olczak, who became CEO earlier this year, the company has continued to invest heavily in tobacco alternatives. However, the company still brings in £800 million per year from Marlboro cigarettes alone, according to one FT report.

Around a quarter of the company's current global revenue is through alternative smoking methods, and it operates a far higher market share than its main competitors.

The company has continued to express interest in trying to phase out cigarettes in favour of less dangerous alternatives. It is worth noting, however, that some of the issues associated with smoking still exist through these means, even if the rates of health concerns are reduced.

Olczak revealed that "the first choice to the consumer was for them to quit smoking." "But if they don't, the second-best choice is to let them switch to the better alternatives," he added.

The company has set a target to generate more than 50% of its revenue from smokefree products and at least $1 billion from products beyond nicotine by 2025 as part of its "evolution into a broader healthcare and wellness company".

There is also currently no news on the company's plans in other major economies. However, it would not be unreasonable to assume it is making strikes in pushing alternative smoking methods in other countries.

Critics, however, have voiced concern as to whether or not some of the larger tobacco companies will be able to fully phase out cigarettes.

The UK government has also laid out plans to go smoke-free by 2030, which includes a scheme to reduce cigarette smoking among various age demographics, which may have spurred this decision from Philip Morris. Visit: www.pmi.com

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