Industry Leaders Magazine January 2012 Issue

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Latest news and trends from around the globe in the fields of F&B, Energy, Manufacturing, Construction & Supply Chain

December 2011

October 2011

October 2011

January 2012

Editor’s Blog

by Carrie-Ann

Happy New Year to all of our subscribers and readers from the Industry Leaders Magazine team. The New Year is already here with a blast and industry leaders have a long to-do list laying on the desks. This month’s cover story is about the new business trends that the industry leaders need to watch for in 2012. Last year was a turmoil for businesses with the bad economy and every leader is gearing up to make changes for a successful 2012. In the cover story we are covering major business trends for 2012 like Digitalization in Business, Social Media Usage, Going Green, etc. that we think are going to prove to be successful metrics for all businesses, big or small. This month’s Wow Quotient covers the super wonderful Gate Tower building, a 16 storey office building in Fukushima. What makes it notable is a highway that passes through the building. People have termed it a “beehive” referring to its appearance as a “busyplace”. This issue is very exciting and is filled with more interesting stories like these. So have a great 2012 and don’t forget to start implementing the coolest business trends of 2012 that we wrote in this issue. All this and more...

Carrie Ann Editor-in-Chief, Industry Leaders Magazine. January 2012


October 2011

October 2011

The Team


Carrie Ann Editor-in-Chief

Dhwani Shah SubEditor

Richard Meryn Associate Editor

Aubrey Chang Associate Editor


Christy Gren Industry Specialist Reporter


Kevin Paul Sr. Graphic Designer

A.Ojha Graphic Designer

Patrick Jam Advertising Coordinator

Zaina Ava Design Associate

Jason Miller Sr. Project Director

Project Management Tom Parker Project Director

Julia Zimmerman Project Director

Christine Taylor Project Director

Diana Polo Project Director

Technology John Hancock Head - Web Department

4 January 2012


Jennifer Morgan Project Director

Chris Mckenzie Project Director

Finance Controller Le Manh Cuong Sr Software Coordinator

RR Baratiya

Julia Hunt Magazine Production

October 2011

October 2011

January 2012



34 34

Walmart: Low Prices, Big Numbers 2.1 million. That’s how many people work at Walmart. It is the largest retailer in the world, and the largest private...mployer in the world. Called “as-

44 44 54 54

Space Tourism: It’s closer than you think Just how close are we to making space tourism and commercial space flight something that the middle class can do, instead of just the extremely wealthy? There have been...

January 2012


Cover Story

Top Business Trends to Watch for 2012

The New Year is already here with a blast and industry leaders have a long to-do list laying on the desks. It seems that 2012 is going to be a better year for industries to ... Read on to know more...

October 2011 7



Regulars 10 The Latest in Business 18 Leader Talk 26 The WOW ! Quotient


Chancery Hotels The Chancery Hotels is a major hospitality brand in India with an emphasis in service and property development...

108 114

26 Larger than Life Industry Events & Tradeshows

70 70 UDI Infrastructure Group 108 January 2012


UDI Infrastructure Group(UDII),and its associates and subsidiary companies, develop and execute infrastructure projects on a turnkey basis...

October 2011


Company Profiles

Agility Logistics Agility is a publicly traded logistics company headquartered in Kuwait. It has its presence in more than 100 countries with about 550 offices...

78 92 92 Timken Company 86

Dongfang Electric Corp.


9 January 2012



I’m as proud as what we don’t do as I’m of what we do.

October 2011

- Steve Jobs


Dongfang Electric Corporation is China’s third largest Wind Turbine producer in China along with being the largest power equipment producer...

The Timken Company is a leading global manufacturer of highly engineered bearings, alloy steels, and related components and assemblies...


The iPad 3 Due in 2012

in Business

There are new rumors going around that the iPad 3, or the next generation iPad from Apple, will be coming out between February and April 2012. These rumors are coming out as Apple’s supply chain and component manufacturers are gearing up for an upcoming release. One might wonder why Apple would release a device so soon after the Christmas season, but consider that Apple has an ongoing rivalry with Samsung, so there’s speculation that Apple might launch the iPad 3 in February in order to upstage Samsung’s February launch

12 January 2012


- Dhwani Shah

of their own next-generation Galaxy Tab. What’s To Be Expected from the iPad 3? The iPad 3 is likely to be just a bit thicker and will boast a high-resolution, retina display, screen based on new technology from Sharp. In fact, a better screen will be the key feature with the iPad 3, quite possibly a 2048 x 1536 display. There’s a possibility of LTE support, and Nikkei Business recently “confirmed” such LTE support.

October 2011

DHL To Standardize Warehouse Operations Globally The world’s largest logistics specialist, DHL, is now working on standardizing its warehouse management system globally. DHL has a hold in more than 220 countries, employing 275,000 people worldwide. In order to make use of supply chain management technology in all its facilities, DHL has fixed a deal with US software firm RedPrairie Corporation. RedPrairie Corporations’ Support to DHL The RedPrairie Corporation will provide DHL with the Warehouse Management System (WMS) and Workforce Management (WFM) tools, a more simplified and cost effective approach

to implementing the systems with supply chain customers, to help the firm improve the accuracy of its supply chain and boost product availability. Bringing in Positivity Improving the ability to synchronize and optimize productivity in the warehouse and the workforce will enable DHL to continue to lead the way in meeting the increasingly complex global supply chain challenges our customers face every day. This new deal is paving way for the expansion of the firm’s global framework.

The Latest in Business

13 December 2011


October 2011


Kingfisher Airlines marooned 15 aircrafts, Concerns Rise on Domestic and International OperaKingfisher Airlines, owned by liquor industry leader Vijay Mallya, is in a financial chaos struggling to pay back its Rs 6,000 crore loans. Kingfisher airlines is facing a tough time. It has turned penniless and stranded 15 aircrafts following the incapability of paying its maintenance and overhauling expenses. Hindering Domestic and International Operations This move might limit its domestic as well as international operations further. Kingfisher airlines is looking for financial aid from investors and leniency from banks to stay afloat.

14 December 2011


Nearly 50 senior and junior pilots were freed from Kingfisher airlines Thursday, before the completion of their notice period. But according to an industry person, who is familiar with the development, about 140 pilots have resigned and 11 have left without the loss-making carrier, Kingfisher airlines, giving them a clearance, to join IndiGo, its rival budget airline. There are talks going on between Kingfisher airlines and the leasing companies to take back aircraft on ‘as is’ basis.

October 2011

Zynga Makes Its IPO Debut, 100 Million Shares Already Zynga is generating real profits through its virtual goods. Zynga made its debut in IPO, Friday pricing its shares at $10 per share, top of its expected range.

more than the next 14 game developers combined. . The billion-dollar entry will be the second largest IPO offering since Google went public in 2004.

The social gaming space has already sold 100 million shares giving the company a valuation of $7 billion. It started trading Friday under the symbol ZNGA on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

Who’s Competing?

Analysts Reviews

There will definitely be more competition for Zynga. But, this seems to be a positive sign for the overall virtual gaming space because it might lead more people into the social gaming zone.

Analysts are stunned at this new development. They believe this to be a revolution. Zynga is currently the leader in the social gaming space. It has 54 million daily active users, which is


October 2011

The Latest in Business

15 December 2011


AT&T Withdraws T-Mobile Acquisition Plan AT&T has dropped its plan to acquire, Deutsche Telekom’s U.S. Wireless unit, T-Mobile, surrendering to federal regulators’ growing conflict regarding the matter. The $39 billion bid heaved issues that it would lift prices, trim down innovation and give customers fewer choices.


What Caused the Failure?

In Compensation

The merger with T-Mobile was organized by AT&T in March, in order to push all the right buttons. The deal promised a faster network for customers and an extension of mobile broadband into more of rural America to the

AT&T, as part of the break-up with Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile’s parent company, will have to pay a fee of $3 billion in cash to Deutsche Telekom as well as provide $1 billion in wireless assets as part of the settlement.

Though AT&T was quite sure of the merger deal with T-Mobile being approved, the dream started shattering in late August after the Justice Department filed a suit to block the acquisition deal on antitrust grounds.

October 2011

China To Levy Additional Duties On U.S. Car Imports China plans to impose additional duties on U.S. auto imports. China’s commerce ministry believes that vehicles were being dumped in the Chinese market, substantially hampering China’s domestic market. The new tariff will probably have a main symbolic function rather than reduce the insufficient sales of imported vehicles in China. The Impact

This has caused an escalated tension between China and America over the matters of international trade. Taxes will be charged on cars with larger-engine from several manufacturers, of which would be a few European firms with factories in the US. Models from General Motors, Chrysler, Mercedes Benz and BMW that have been made in the US are a major prey to this trade dispute.

This new tariff totals up to nearly 22 percent of the import prices. Other taxes and tariff which have already been levied have limited sales of import by America helping China raise three times its retail price.

The Latest in Business

17 December 2011


October 2011

October 2011

October 2011

The Imp Good Leadersh


hen people talk about leadership, they mostly want to learn how to be good leaders at work. Leadership in the corporate October 2011 context is one of the hottest topics in the world.

pact Of hip In Society

Leader Talk

- Patrick Alain

October 2011

October 2011

Pope John Paul - II

Leader Talk

When people talk about leadership, they mostly want to learn how to be good leaders at work. Leadership in the corporate context is one of the hottest topics in the world, and everyone wants to learn how to become a billionaire and be the best possible boss. However, leadership is not just limited to the work frontier; it extends to all of society. In fact, leadership began as a societal phenomenon much

before it evolved into a professional one. In fact, many of the present-day leadership qualities that corporate and professional leaders aspire to are based on the social and political leaders of the yesteryears.

Human beings are social animals living together in large groups, which obviously October 2011 meant that people needed to adopt different

24 November 2011 Oprah Winfrey


October 2011

roles and accomplish different groups. In order to give structure to society and help society grow and develop, people were naturally divided into leaders and followers. The leaders paved the way and moved from one frontier to another, directing the others, while the followers completed the tasks assigned to them and helped bring the changes about. Understanding the role and impact of good leadership in society makes for an interesting study. While it’s easy to break down the effects of leadership in the work environment into small, easily identifiable structures, analyzing how positive leadership affects society is somewhat complex. Society is a multi-phenomena structure, with a myriad of social forces, elements and factors at play all the time. Society is not limited to a few defined goals, and hence, leadership in society is a vast, and often intangible, phenomenon. Leadership For Adopting Social Change Leadership is instrumental to achieving social change. All through history, whether it was for abolishing social norms, overcoming social evils or modernizing history, social change has been impossible without the right kind of leadership. When it comes to mobilizing the masses, igniting passion in people towards a common goal and motivating people to act towards the said common goal, it isn’t possible to unite the people and inspire action without leadership. One person has to spear the movement, and he may not professionally be a leader, and does not have to be a political leader, but he should have the charisma to inspire people and motivate them.

January 2012


October 2011

Leader Talk

A great example from recent times would be that of Anna Hazare, and Indian citizen who inflamed thousands of Indians against the injustices of the Indian political system and the rampant corruption in society and politics and launched one of the biggest civil movements Asia has seen in a long time. In terms of social change, the leader is the face of the movement as well as the backbone of it, while the people form the heart and soul.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Leadership For A Positive And Content Society

can build a strong nation!

It is interesting to note that one person or a small group of people has the power to influence how millions feel. A society that is bereft of competent leaders is invariably thrown into dissatisfaction at a small scale and turmoil and anarchy at a larger scale. A leader who is good at what he does, is able to keep people motivated and inspired, works for the greater good of society and not just his own personal gains, and is able to respect his people will be successful in creating a positive and happy society. When people have faith in their leader and feel that they are taken care of, be it economically or socially or politically, they are in a better frame of mind on the whole. Good leadership creates a happy society, and a happy society

Leadership For Improved Professional Performance It is quite remarkable that even when leadership is effective in the social, not corporate, context, it has an impact on people’s professional lives. When a society is led by a powerful, positive and forwardthinking leader, one of the main areas of focus is people’s professional development. Leadership For A Strengthened Identity Most people fail to appreciate how a common leader is often the face of the society and a Octoberfor 2011 symbol it.

When people elect a leader they are proud of, or they are placed under the care of a leader who does a good job, there is a sense of pride and identification with the individual that also ties the society together. An effective leader is one that people of the society are happy to call their own, and in turn, the leader ends up bringing the society together and giving them a common, positive identity that the people are all happy to have. Societies are often remembered by their remarkable leaders and not the people, and it is a unique social phenomenon that one man or woman can not only shape the future of several people but can also make them feel closer to one another and strengthen their bonds with each other and with a common identity by virtue of being an

effective leader. It goes without saying the professional progress is required for economic growth and no society can do well without financial stability. Hence, good leaders are those that take all factors into consideration, even if their role is ostensibly limited to one niche. A positive leader will always be mindful of the fact that people need to be achieving something in their professional capacities in order to lead the society forward, and hence the leader will emphasize the importance of education, picking the right career, working hard and focusing on performance.

Leader Talk

Anna Hazare December 2011 January 2012

25 25

October 2011




Quot ent

- Christine Taylor

Hanshin Exp A True W

October 2011

pressway: Wonder

October 2011

Hanshin Expressway: A True Wonder Gate Tower building, a 16 storey office building in Fukushima is no less than a wonder. And what makes it notable is a highway that passes through the building. Yes, a ‘Highway’ passes through the fifth, sixth and seventh floor of the building.

The Gate Tower Building is the first building in Japan to have a highway, the Hansin Expressway, pass through it. And people call it a “beehive” referring to its appearance as a “busy place”. This highway is part of the Hanshin Expressway, a network of expressways surrounding Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto.

October 2011

“The land owners had submitted plans for a new office block and discovered that the city planners had already designated the space above the land as expressway area.”

What made a highway pass through the building? Was this a dilemma or the reason for this wonder? It was back in the 80′s, when the city officials and the owners of the land took five long years to come up with this idea of building a highway through the Gate Tower building. The land owners had submitted plans for a new office block and discovered that the city planners had already designated the space above the land as expressway area. But the land owner had no plans of giving up. He negotiated with the Hanshin Expressway Corporation for approximately 5 years to reach the current solution. Due to the Explosive growth in exports led by cars and consumer electronics, the government was left with flush of funds to spend. The government decided to spend this on urban construction projects. Hanshin Expressway was one such project which involved the addition of several entry and exit ramps. The issue wasn’t yet resolved when a problem surfaced.

The small yet critical piece of the city center land intended to support the Umeda exit ramp was owned by a lumber & charcoal firm, which was declining, but the owners weren’t interested in selling the rights of the January 2012


October 2011

The WOW Quotient

“The government decided to spend this on urban construction projects. Hanshin Expressway was one such project which involved the addition of several entry and exit ramps.”

valuable property. As there was no room to shift the exit ramp, both the parties negotiated… and negotiated… and negotiated and finally resolved the issue after five long years, to create this wonder, though neither side really conceded anything. And Then… After the long waiting, the Gate Tower Building finally got a go-ahead signal and both the projects proceed in sync. It is still a mystery whether the original Gate Tower plan had a ‘hole’ designed right through its 5th, 6th and 7th floors. But, let’s not wonder about it because it’s absolutely irrelevant now. Gate Tower is a commercial building and workers in the Gate Tower Building don’t really notice the Umeda exit incline as they plug away at the desks. The most amazing thing is that the Hanshin Expressway Corporation insulated the build-

ing from noise and vibration, an achievement that was accomplished in several ways. The Urban Engineering Skills The Hanshin Expressway would definitely require an exceptionally outstanding design to put the plan on the wheels of success. Now this is something ‘Amazing’. The wonder is that the ramp is self-supporting and is designed as a bridge, where all its weight rests on the pillars. It is fascinating to note the pillars nearest the building are structured in a


There are elevators mounted on the exterior of the tower and for practical reasons and the cars bypass floors 5 through 7. The Gate Tower Building is a flawless example of urban engineering proficiency, determination to crack potentially intractable problems and most of all, desire to reach harmony regardless of the time and trouble required to do so. And that’s how an expressway, the wonder, goes straight through the building. It is potentially difficult to imagine peaceful working on the floors above or below it, but Japan

October 2011

The WOW Quotient

November 2011

way that they complement the tower’s surfaced facade. Another amazing this is “dogleg” bend; about a dozen meters of ramp on both side of the building are bonded in a sort of “muffler” that softens the sounds of vehicles.

October 2011

October 2011

Numberliciously Good


Low Prices, Numbers October 2011


, Big s

- Jason Miller

- Dhwani Shah

December 2011


October 2011

Bill Simon CEO

October 2011

Walmart: Low Prices, Big Numbers 2.1 million. That’s how many people work at Walmart. It is the largest retailer in the world, and the largest private employer in the world. Called “associates” by Walmart, the sheer number of employees is just one of the many statistics that illustrate the monstrosity that is Walmart. Walmart Stores: An Overview Walmart has almost 10,000 stores in 28 countries, under 60 different names. The company operates under its own name in the United States, including all 50 states and Puerto Rico. It operates in Mexico as Walmex, in the United Kingdom as Asda, in Japan as Seiyu, and in India as Best Price. It has wholly owned operations in Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. Walmart’s investments outside North America have had mixed results: its operations in the United Kingdom, South America and China are highly successful, whereas ventures in Germany and South Korea were unsuccessful.

“Walmart Stores U.S. is the company’s largest division, accounting for $258 billion, or 63 percent of total sales for financial year 2010.”

Numberliciously Good

On July 2, 1962, Sam Walton, a businessman from Arkansas, opened the first WalMart Discount City store in Rogers, Arkansas. Within five years, the company expanded to 24 stores across Arkansas and reached $12.6 million in sales. In 1968, it opened its first stores outside Arkansas, in Sikeston, Missouri and Claremore, Oklahoma.

The retailer that only seems to have exploded in popularity in the past decade has actually been around for almost 50 years (makes its 50th anniversary in 2012). And yes, Walmart started (and suggest the dash Octoberwith 2011 the dash be used when referring to the company’s fi

Numberliciously Good

October 2011

“In Germany, it had captured just two percent of German food market.”

nancial results or governance matters), but dropped it in 2008 during a corporate rebranding. Walmart Store Operations In it’s U.S stores, Walmart serves 100 million customers each week in the U.S (almost one-third of the U.S population). Walmart’s operations are organized into three divisions: Walmart Stores U.S., Sam’s Club, and Walmart International. Walmart Stores U.S. is the company’s largest division, accounting for $258 billion, or 63 percent of total sales for financial year 2010. It consists of three retail formats that have become commonplace in the United States: Discount Stores, Supercenters, and Walmart Markets. The most common of these three retail formats are the supercenters, with almost 3000 of them in the United States. Walmart also consists of a few other, yet popular, brands in the U.S, such as Marketside, Walmart Express, and Supermercado de Walmart. Walmart has tons of competition, both in the U.S and overseas. As previously mentioned, Walmart stores have faced fierce competition in some foreign markets, and hasn’t been successful in all of them. In Germany, it had captured just two percent of German food market following its entry into the country in 1997 and remained “a secondary player” behind Aldi.

December 2011


In July 2006, Walmart announced its withdrawal from Germany, while Walmart stores continue to do well in the UK. In May 2006, after entering the South Korean market in 1998, Walmart withdrew and sold all 16 of its South Korean outlets to Shinsegae, a local retailer, for $882 million. Shinsegae October 2011 branded the Walmarts as E-mart stores.

Walmart Stores Continue to Expand Overseas Walmart struggled to export its brand elsewhere as it rigidly tried to reproduce its model overseas. In China, Walmart has succeeded by adapting and doing things preferable to Chinese citizens. For example, the retailer found that Chinese consumers preferred to select their own live fish and seafood, so


Walmart stores began displaying the meat uncovered and installed fish tanks, leading to higher sales and eventual success in the Asian giant. The adaptation to the cultural preferences of the country is what has made the difference between success and failure for Walmart’s expansion overseas. With international success comes internation-

October 2011

al expansion, and that’s exactly what Walmart is doing. In January 2009, the company acquired a controlling interest in the largest grocer in Chile, Distribucion y Servicio D&S SA.

“Walmart first went international back in 1991, when it opened a Sam’s Club in Mexico City.” In September 2012, Walmart announced it would buy Massmart Holdings Ltd. of Johannesburg, South Africa in a deal worth over $4 billion, giving the company its first stores in Africa. Besides South Africa, Walmart also has stores in Botswana, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Mauritius, Lesotho, and Swaziland.

Walmart’s 49-plus years of success would not be possible without the hard work of its 2.1 million employees staffed all over the world. These associates work the floor, keep the supply chain moving, and manage all of the operations necessary to keep those Walmart stores open and meeting customer needs. This industry leader is both loved and hated, but has made it big on its promise of low prices.

October 2011

Numberliciously Good


That’s 11 countries in Africa! Besides those previously mentioned, Walmart also has a presence and operations in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Walmart first went international back in 1991, when it opened a Sam’s Club in Mexico City. Today, Walmart International is the fastest growing division of Walmart’s operations, with over half of its stores located outside of the U.S.

October 2011

October 2011

Top Business Trends to Watch for 2012 The New Year is already here with a blast and industry leaders have a long to-do list laying on the desks. It seems that 2012 is October going2011 to be a better year for indus-

- Carrie Ann

tries to perform. Well, the question that arises is – can 2012 get worse than 2011 for the businesses?It actually could, even though it doesn’t seem so. October 2011

It is wisely said that even bad economies can’t suppress bold ideas, breakthrough concepts and determined entrepreneurs. There might be ideas that, at the first glance, may not seem new or innovative. But as so many mega-successful entrepreneurs have proven, it’s not always about what you’re selling, but how you sell it. Now, it’s time we start looking at the new business trends that the industry leaders need to watch for in 2012. Business Trends # 1: Digitalization in businesses

“iPads are flying off the shelf and employees are seen walking out with laptops in their hand.”

With internet booming and the need for technological advancement being felt by the people, it becomes necessary for industry leaders to concentrate on developing internet applications and electronic media. iPads are flying off the shelf and employees are seen walking out with laptops. This possibly is the ‘digitalization’ of the world. Business trend number 1 showcases the rise of the internet world and electronic media is at hand. Employees

October 2011

are looking for convenience and flexibility at work. Well, seems like businesses will need to have pace with the new developments and accept changes that come their way in order to sustain in the competitive world. Business Trends # 2: Social Media Usage Social media is one of the business trends that industry leaders can’t afford to ignore. Facebook isn’t just something used by the kids; today, there are more people using the social media websites, than there are those reading newspapers or watching television.

“We are in an age when use of social media is intensifying and more and more people are getting involved in social networking sites like facebook, twitter and ibibo.” Nearly 80 percent of the total online users involve in social networking to follow brands. We are in an age when use of social media is intensifying and more and more people are getting involved in social networking sites like facebook, twitter and ibibo. There are about 200 million people on facebook and over 50 percent of them follow brands. What business trend number 2 showcases for industry leaders is to increase the usage of social media to look smart. October 2011

Business Trends # 3: Get rid of traditional work hours

Top Business Trends for 2012

When we talk about digitalization in businesses and increasing usage of social media, it wouldn’t be astounding to know that the tradition of working from 9 to 5 has gradually shifted to flexible working hours. Employees want to have flexible working hours so that they can work from anywhere, anytime. A combination of innumerable things around us has made it happen. Business trend number 3 showcases industry leaders to give employees flexibility in working hours and get rid of the traditional 9 to 5 working pattern. Who do we blame this development on? Well, I see laptops, smartphones, Internet, tablets, apps and software as the culprits.

“Industries covering a wide arena of sectors are focusing all their energy to go green in whatever way possible. To follow the business trends number 4, a few tips would be enough.”

Business Trends # 4: Go Green Consumers are sincerely following the go green thing and it is expected that go green would be a major trend in 2012. Industries covering a wide arena of sectors are focusing all their energy to go green in whatever way possible. Just a few tips and you would be right there, following the business trend number 4. Try going green through eco-friendly packaging, green buildings, water-risk management and taking care toxic emissions. But before you go green, you need to thoroughly study and investigate about ecofriendly products because they are often more expensive.

October 2011

Business Trends # 5: Be a risk taker As an industry leader, you must walk hand in hand with the developments that take place in the industry. And for this you will be required to take risks and bring in innovative ideas to climb the up-ladder. Restart working on plans that previously failed and try bringing them on play.

“For industry leaders, to sustain in the ever rushing and ever demanding economy, it becomes necessary to have their knowledge updated.� Today, it is expected that more of the business trends for 2012 would be based entirely on technological innovation. Entirely new industries will be formed by innovations that are yet to be brought to market. The organization’s capacity to understand the prospective key trends, that shape the future of technology, customers, society and the marketplace, will determine how well will the industry leader survive. Business Trends # 6: Knowledge Expires, Replace it


For businesses and organizations to run successfully, industry leaders will have to think out of the box. We should always remember that knowledge cannot be carried forward for a long time. Like pills expire, so does knowledge, and it might then fail to fit in the future scenario. To sustain in the ever rushing and ever demanding economy, it becomes necessary for industry leaders to keep themselves updated. The industry demands innovation and fresh ideas. Business trends are changing and the industry leaders will have to update the already existing knowledge with innovative and challenging ideas to cope up with the changes in the industry. October 2011

Business Trends # 7: Corporate Social Responsibility Business trends have become consumer driven and closely related to how well the corporate are benefitting the society. Corporate social responsibility is no more a trend just for big biz, but even small businesses are looking forward to reap the great benefits by being perceived as good members of the community. Now, one might wonder, how does this become consumer driven? It has been proven that consumers make their buying decision based on how involved is the corporate in fulfilling its corporate social responsibility. The corporate reputation definitely has a significant impact on the how consumers choose their brands.

“People are always looking for opportunities to participate in something worthwhile. Especially, when their favorite brands give them a chance to experience and work closely with the brand.� Business Trends # 8: Consumer Involvement People are always looking for opportunities to participate in something worthwhile, especially when their favorite brands give them a chance to experience and work closely with the brand. Doing something together and association with the brand came up as a big motivator for many of the business trends this year. Social loneliness led people to wander in search of opportunities to have great experiences with their favorite brands. Consumers devote a lot of time for such en-

October 2011

gagements and collaborations, which come forward as a passion. Business Trends # 9: Phone apps on a rise What people used to do on their computer, years ago, they now do on their phones. You don’t need a separate computer to work on documents, browse the Web or play games. Many tech experts say that phone is a computer. Well, that’s not all. There is also so much more. And for this we need to thank people’s insatiable appetite for phone apps. Phone apps are replacing everything from piles of log books through credit card readers. An Apple iPhone app called Square enables you to accept credit card payments by plugging a card reader into your iPhone.

“It is not enough to simply set a few sales goals through the beginning of the New Year.” Small businesses can also benefit from this business trend, just like big ones, by using phone apps to eliminate some of your other office equipment and supplies. With the beginning of the New Year, industry leaders and companies can nab a position in the competitive world and outperform their goals. It is not enough to simply set a few sales goals through the beginning of the New Year. What would actually be required is a deep insight into the upcoming business trends and a thorough understanding of strategies to be taken.

October 2011

October 2011

Making News - Jason Miller

Space Tou It’s Closer than October 2011

urism: n You Think October 2011 -Jason Miller

“There have been many startup companies that have, in recent years, recoiled in a hope to create a marvelous space tourism industry.�

While it is true that money can’t buy you happiness, but it can certainly buy you a ticket for space tourism. Make your reservations now. Space travel may no longer be restricted to astronauts as industry leaders around the world are working to develop commercial space flight and to make space tourism the new thing to do over winter vacation. Just how close are we to making space tourism and commercial space flight something that the middle class can do, instead of just the extremely wealthy? There have been many startup companies that have, in recent

October 2011

years, recoiled in a hope to create a marvelous space tourism industry. Orbital space tourism opportunities have been limited and expensive, with only the Russian Space Agency providing transport to space till date, because of expensive and limited opportunities in Orbital space tourism. Cyberspace Hot Shots in a Commercial Space Race

“My dream is to make space accessible to tens of thousands of people.” - Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic.

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen unveiled plans last week for a new commercial spaceship that, instead of blasting off a launch pad, would be carried high into the atmosphere by the widest plane ever built before it fires its rockets. Allen joins Silicon Valley powerhouses Elon Musk of PayPal and Jeff Bezosof Inc. in a new private space race that attempts to fill the gap left when the U.S. government ended the space shuttle program. The first test flight of the ambitious venture by Allen’s new company Stratolaunch Systems is not scheduled until 2015, Stratolaunch Systems isn’t the only one in this space race. Virgin Galactic is well known in the industries of commercial space flight and space tourism, as well as Boeing and Zero G Corporation. “My dream is to make space accessible to tens of thousands of people.” — Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic. The Progress Toward Commercial Space Flight and Space Tourism Right now, this space race is focused on building a commercial vehicle that can bring people into orbit, or suborbit, and can bring

October 2011

them back as safely and as affordable as possible. Yes, everyone would like to go into space, but it currently costs several thousand dollars per person to do so. Blue Origin, which was founded by Bezos, is developing a fully reusable suborbital vehicle called New Shepard, which is capable of flying three or more passengers on suborbital flights. Boeing’s Commercial Space Transportation-100 space capsule is being designed to carry astronauts and supplies to the space station, but the aerospace giant has also partnered with Space Adventures to sell passenger seats for future CST-100 flights. Space Adventures Taking the Lead in Space Tourism There’s definitely a market for space tourism and commercial space flight as several thousand people have already ventured into outer space. Since the company’s first flight in 2004, Zero G Corp., which is owned by Space Adventures, has flown over 6,000 people; including former Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, and celebrities such as Martha Stewart, rocker Ozzy Osbourne and famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. Space Adventures is an American space tourism January 2012


“Imagine the amount of excitement there would be to actually spend a holiday far far away.” company that arranges multimillion-dollar trips to the International Space Station for extremely wealthy clients. The firm is the only company that has booked private flights to the space station, and brokered those deals with the Russian Federal Space Agency, to charge customers about $35 million for rides on Russian-built Soyuz spacecraft. Make no mistake about it, going to space will be the most expensive vacation you ever take. Prices right now are in the tens of millions of dollars and that is indeed expensive. Reaching Space Is Half The Fun Imagine the amount of excitement there would be to actually spend a holiday far far away. Even before we could reach there, questions like what would a space hotel actually be like to visit? What would the experience of living in space mean? And many more would start spinning in our minds. That’s how the trip will actually start with launch to orbit,

October 2011

followed by up to a few hours of weightlessness approaching the hotel. Orbit hotels will offer you services same like any other hotel would; private rooms, bars, meals. But that’s not all. You will be offered two unique experiences: stupendous views and living in zero gravity. You would have the ultimate experience viewing Earth and space and experiencing the endless entertainment of living in zero-G. Anousheh Ansari, Iranian-American space tourist who flew to the International Space Station. She believes that the sheer beauty of it just brought tears to my eyes. “If people can see Earth from up here, see it without those borders, see it without any differences in race or religion, they would have a completely different perspective. Because when you see it from that angle, you cannot think of your home or your country. All you can see is one Earth....”

“There is one thing NASA and the Aerospace Corporation is worried about – the effects on environment.” Now, it is clear that the space tourism market exists, and it’s time to exploit it. And we might have chances closer than ever. Within the next 20 years, space shuttles could be taking off for the Moon just airplanes flying between New York and Los Angeles. But there is one thing NASA and the Aerospace Corporation is worried about – the effects on environment. According to a report funded by NASA and the Aerospace Corporation, it is believed that the soot emitted by the space rockets would lead to a significant commotion in the globe’s climatic system as well as affect the ozone layer.

October 2011

October 2011

October 2011

October 2011

Chancery Hotels

- Jennifer Morgan


he Chancery Hotels is a major hospitality brand in India with an emOctoberin phasis and property development.

October 2011

Naveen Raju, executive director of the Chancery Hotels, has been with the business for almost his entire life, although he’s only been executive director for four years.

information technology sector, biotechnology sector, and other industries important to business leaders in India and around the world.

“This is a family-run business,” Raju said. “I understand all the needs of the company and maintain a high sense of trust.”

Millions of tourists from all over the world come to Bangalore for business needs, sightseeing, medical and personal visits. The city is fondly called “The Garden City of India” due to its greenery and the presence of famous parks such as LalBagh and Cubbon Park.

The Chancery Hotels comprises of two hotels in Bangalore: the Chancery and the Chancery Pavilion.Bangalore is better known as the Silicon Valley of India due to the existence of a strong

“We were the first to open a business hotel in Bangalore,” Raju said. “We are more professional, more people oriented, and we maintain a certain degree of trust.”

“We were the first to open a business hotel in Bangalore,” Raju said. “We are more professional, more people oriented, and we maintain a certain degree of trust.” The Chancery, the first of the two, is a fourstar luxury hotel that matches all the comforts and convenience provided by a fivestar hotel. The hotel is conveniently placed in the heart of Bangalore city from where commuting is very easy, located near the airport, railway station and all major shopping malls. The Chancery, upon request, arranges transportation to different facilities inside of Bangalore.This hotel has exquisitely furnished rooms, great restaurants serving Indian and International cuisines, splendid banquet halls, a remarkable health club, and everything a four-star luxury hotel ought to have.

Naveen Raju Executive Director January 2012


The Chancery Pavilion is Bangalore’s modern five-star luxury business hotel. Set on an elevation amidst the heart of Bangalore’s central business district on Resi-

October 2011

dency Road, the Chancery Pavilion is the perfect destination for business travelers, tourists, medical visits and even quick getaways.With stateof-the-art banquet facilities spread over 20,000 sq. ft. the Chancery Pavilion is the ideal place to facilitate corporate workshops, wedding receptions, or even informal gatherings.

“It actually started in real estate and low-cost housing back in the 80s.”

December 2011


Its signature restaurants serve both Indian and global delicacies, offering the finest food and beverage experience in Bangalore. The Chancery was built in 2001, but the Chancery Hotels didn’t start in the hospitality industry. It actually started in real estate and low-cost housing back in the 80s, but has evolved into a versatile hospitality developer. As a demonstration of the quality of the Chancery Hotels’ brand, both hotels are receiving excellent reviews on hotel websites

October 2011

such as TripAdvisor and Here’s a review of the Chancery from two months ago.

“The hotel rooms are clean and neat, food quality is simply excellent. Hotel staff are quite courteous. One can have star experience at the cost of a budget hotel.”

If one wants the Chancery experience with a budget tag, this hotel can definitely be tried. The hotel is situated at a strategic location on the prime business center M G Road of Bangalore. This hotel is very close to the famous Mahatma Gandhi statue and the KSCA Cricket stadium. The hotel rooms are clean and neat, food quality is simply excellent. Hotel staff are quite courteous. One can have star experience at the cost of a budget hotel. “We do business with compassion,” Raju said. “We form relationships permanently and treat all of our stakeholders equally.” With over 700 employees in both hotels, plus another 20 or 30 across different projects, the compassion is evident in them. Some employees have been with the Chancery Hotels for over 20 years, and the company spends time on the training and personality development of its workers.Besides the two hotels, the Chancery Hotels also offers asset management, design development and procurement services, and would like to keep these services together in house instead of getting them or offering them through other companies and vendors.

“We have an opportunity for growth in this economic turnaround.” “We’re holding on to people in a competitive environment,” Raju said. “We have an opportunity for growth in this economic turnaround.” The Chancery Hotels will see growth this year, although it won’t be dramatic growth. The source of this growth is from 15 years January 2012


October 2011

of sourcing and synergy, and Raju projects that the company will begin mushrooming in a few years. To prepare for this mushrooming, it is leveraging education in engineering and hospitality in order to develop an edge over the competition and challenges the company faces in India. To overcome both of those, the Chancery Hotels is building its own information technology campus in Chennai.

“The campus is being built on 25 acres of land, and will also have its own 150-room hotel and a conferencing facility.”

The campus is being built on 25 acres of land, and will also have its own 150-room hotel and a conferencing facility. This campus will also give Chancery Hotels the opportunity to develop its own asset management software and tech platforms while improving the talent of its personnel. “A strong vision is absolutely essential,” Raju said. “So are planning, professionalism, and moments of introspective truth and transformation.”

October 2011

October 2011

UDI Infrastru

October 2011

ucture Group - Julia Zimmerman

- Christine Taylor

-Jason Miller


echtel Corporation (pronounced BEK tl) is the largest engineering company in the United States, DI Infrastructure Group(UDII),and itsranking associates and subsidiaryprivately comas the 5th-largest panies, develop and execute infrastructure oninathe turnkey basis; ownedprojects company country. and facilitate theimport and export of goods and services between the United States and India.


October 2011

UDII is solely committed to the infrastructure development of India and many countries around the world, and strongly believes in keeping the Indian traditional values in mind when conducting business in the professional and ethical business environment of India. UDI aims to bring rural India on par with urban India by using environmentally-friendly infrastructure development, and techniques blended with the highest level of security for the people of India. UDIIwas founded to focus specifically on the Indian market for two reasons, according to ShahnazPetiwalla, Founder and Chairperson of UDII. First, Petiwalla said that India is still on the rise, while the U.S and Europe are slowing down. Second, India used to have a closed, tightly regulated system, where it was very difficult to do business. Now, the system is much more liberal, and it is much easier for companies like UDII to be successful. Petiwalla has been chairperson since 2005, and prior to that had worked in her own


company. Petiwalla oversees a variety of different projects over several different sectors, such as hospitality, renewable energy, construction, and supply chain. Some of UDII’s current projects include: • Multi-Product Special Economic Zone – This project will spread over 2500 acres and have an unlimited and uninterrupted supply of power and fresh water along the coastal region of Tamil Nadu. The proposed SEZ will have a township, schools, colleges, hospitals, a multiplex, malls, and other facilities of international standards. • Desalination Plants - UDII is setting up a RO Seawater desalination plant with a production capacity of approximately 1000 cubic meters of fresh water per hour. The desalination plant shall meet the consumptive needs of both the UDI Power Plant as well as the proposed special economic zone. • Coal Mining • Marble Mining

October 2011

• Solar Power Plants • Commercial Complexes • Hotel Construction and Management Besides the development and execution of infrastructure projects, UDII also offers a variety of engineering services, including: • Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Reports and Feasibility Reports • Detailed Project Reports • Vendor Coordination • Selection of EPC Contractors • Owners’ Engineering • Site Inspection • Construction Management All those projects and servicesmay seem titanic and diverse, but UDII is always in an ongoing process of diversification. In fact, its hospitality and renewable energy sectors are some of its newest, as the company

does its best to meet the demands of India’s growing infrastructure. One of the biggest of these projects is coalbased merchant thermal power plant with a generating capacity 2000 MW. The plant will be located on the eastern coast of Tamil Nadu in the district of Nagapattinam, and will utilize clean coal technology. The plant will be operational by 2012. With renewable energy, UDII is also doing work with solar energy, with primary investments in a method called solar pumping. Solar pumping is the use of solar energy to draw water from open well, bore wells, and streams. Solar pumps are useful for agriculture and horticulture in rural India, as the pumps are able to provide the water necessary for the people, while giving them the opportunity to do other things.

October 2011


October 2011

UDII is also working on obtaining carbon credits. Petiwalla said that the company has applied for them, but hopes to receive them within the next year.

“Hard work, hard work, hard work, and doing things ethically. You always need to be on top of things and taking care of the details.”

staff, with many more that work on the specific projects throughout India. “We take care of our human resources. They are family,” she said. “We provide our workers with the many benefits they require.” UDII understands that one of its most important assets is its people. To be successful, it focuses on providing a rewarding place to work, providing opportunity and encouragement to help itspeople realize their potential. Mutual respect may be part of UDI’s key to success, but Petiwalla says that it’s more than just human resources. “Hard work, hard work, hard work, and doing things ethically,” said Petiwalla. “You always need to be on top of things and taking care of the details.”

UDII has experienced a fast and accelerated growth during the past two years, combined with the assimilation of new companies in the group. Petiwalla said that UDI will do much better this year than it did last year because of its upcoming projects in the solar energy and hospitality sectors. Petiwalla also places a high priority on the people who work for UDI. The company has between 400 and 500 permanent

UDII places a strong emphasis on conducting business ethically, remaining true to its values of quality, honesty and hard work. UDII consistently maintains high standards of service, quality, personal attention to clients, and integrity. Because of this reputation, UDII has the privilege of implementing some of the most prestigious projects in India.

Shahnaz Petiwalla Founder & Chairperson , UDI Group January 2012


October 2011

October 2011

October 2011


- Richard Meryn

October 2011


gility is a publicly traded logistics company headquartered in Kuwait.


gility is a publicly traded logistics company headquartered in Kuwait. It has its presence in more than 100 countries 550 offices. October 2011 with about

Agility offers logistics, storage, and infrastructure services to government organizations, commercial businesses, international institutions, and relief agencies worldwide. Agility specializes in challenging environments and emerging markets. Essa Al Saleh, President & CEO, Global Integrated Logistics states, “Agility offers customerdriven solutions dedicated to meeting our customers’ supply chain needs.” 82 Agility’s vision is to be a new type of logistics

leader meeting the challenges of global trade. Agility aims to facilitate trade through innovative supply chain solutions. Agility’s values revolve around integrity, personal ownership, teamwork and excellence. Agility is one of the world’s leading providers of integrated logistics with more than 22,000 employees in over 550 offices and 100 countries. From roots in emerging markets, Agility brings efficiency to supply chains in some of the world’s most challenging environments, October 2011 offering unmatched personal service, a glob-

al footprint and customized capabilities in developed countries and emerging economies. “We don’t just talk about going above and beyond - we do it,” says Tarek Sultan, the CEO and Managing Director of Agility.

“From 1996 onward, Agility has grown rapidly through organic growth and acquisition of other logistics companies.”

Agility was primarily established in Kuwait in

1979 as the state-owned Public Warehousing Company Logistics. It got privatized in 1997. When Public Warehousing Company Logistics was privatized, National Real Estate Corporation, a venture of the Sultan Al-Essa family, purchased up to 25 percent of the company’s shares and named Tarek Abdulaziz Sultan Al-Essa Chairman

and Managing Director. From 1996 onward, Agility has grown rapidly through organic growth and acquisition of other logistics companies. Some of the most significant purchases have included UAE-based Transport, Singaporean October 2011Tristar company Trans-Link Group, Swiss company

Tarek Sultan CEO & Managing Director

November 84 2011


October 2011

“Agility has more than 32,000 employees worldwide and annual revenues of close to $6 billion.”

Cronat Transport Holding AG, Globe Marine Services of Saudi Arabia, Cosa Freight in China, Kenya-based Starfreight, and US-based companies Transoceanic Shipping and GeoLogistics Corporation, WTS of Houston, Inc., and Global Express Line. Some of these brands have a history dating back to the 19th century. In 2006, the company unified its services under the new name of Agility. In 2009, Agility was named a top ten 3PL provider by industry analysts Armstrong and Armstrong. Agility was also named to the Boston Consulting Group’s list of “global challengers” from emerging markets. As of 2009, Agility has more than 32,000 employees worldwide and annual revenues of close to $6 billion. Agility’s commercial business, headquartered in Switzerland. Agility GIL provides supply chain solutions to meet complex and standard cus-

tomer needs. From well-travelled trade lanes to remote environments, our worldwide network brings substantial leverage to your organization in the form of local points of contact, service delivery and cost savings. Tarek Sultan believes, “Agility concentrates its capabilities on areas that are critical to modern supply chains. It caters to expertise

“Agility emerged as a global logistics leader with two main lines of business: Agility Global Integrated Logistics and Agility Infrastructure.” in emerging markets, deep knowledge of local markets and culture, far reaching network, personal service, appetite for complex assignments in challenging conditions, global network for international freight forwarding and logistics capabilities for warehousing and distribution worldwide.”

October 2011

Agility emerged as a global logistics leader with Agility’s core commercial business, Global (GIL), provides supply chain solutions to meet traditional and complex customer needs. These include: • Freight forwarding products: air, sea, sea/air and road freight forwarding • Logistics capabilities: warehousing and distribution, systems and technology • Specialty services: fairs and events logistics, chemicals logistics, project logistics, and fuel logistics. Jim Fredholm, CFO and SVP Global Operations Initiatives says, “We live our commitment to give our customers personal service every day.” Agility’s Infrastructure group of companies manages industrial real estate and offers logistics-related services, including e-government customs optimization and consulting, waste management

January 2012


and recycling, aviation and ground-handling services, defense and government services, and remote infrastructure and life support. Agility Infrastructure companies include: Real Estate, Inspection & Control Services, National Aviation Services, Global Clearinghouse Systems, Metal Recycling Company, GCC Services and Defense & Government Services.

“We live our commitment to give our customers personal service every day.” Jim Fredholm, CFO and SVP Global Operations Initiatives said.

October 2011

Vice Chairman, Agility Board of Directors, Adel Mohammed Al-Bader commented in an interview, “When the demands of your supply chain require a depth of knowledge and a level of customization beyond our standard Freight Forwarding services, Agility’s Logistics Management experts are here to help.”

“Our Lead Logistics Concept is a systematic method to customizing solutions to your distinct needs.”

Agility offers a convenient menu of standard freight management services, including Air, Sea, Road and Sea/Air to balance urgency and January 2012


cost-effectiveness for your day-to-day shipments. Its Freight Forwarding experts tailor these services to your specific requirements through a host of easy-to-configure options, including Forwarding Service Options for special cargo requirements and Logistics Service Options for needs that go beyond pickup and delivery. Agility’s customs clearance specialists are well versed on current laws, rules and regulations to ensure accurate documentation and streamlined processing. Adel Mohammed Al-Bader also said, “Our professionals invest the time and care necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of your overall warehousing and distribution needs. We never stop advising, optimizing, and searching for new efficiencies, even after putting your solution in motion. Our Lead Logistics Concept is a systematic method to customizing solutions to your distinct needs. The accountability, competence and ease that come with having Agility as your single,

October 2011

Dongfang E Corpora

October 2011

Electric ation


ongfang Electric Corporation is China’s third largest Wind Turbine producer in China along with being the largest power equipment producer.

- Dhwani Shah

October 2011

The company has managed to grow impressively like the rest of the Chinese and is seeking expansion in foreign markets as well. Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC), has it’s headquarter in Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, which is named as the ‘Heavenly Land on Earth’ and the ‘Hometown of Giant Panda’. It is one of the largest backbone enterprise groups under the direct administration of Chinese Central Government. DEC has become a comprehensive group spe74 cialized in manufacturing industry, R&D of

cutting edge technology, contracting international engineering projects, exporting complete plants and equipment, and international economic and technical cooperation, after the development of over 50 years. Due to its distinguished capacity and contribution, DEC represents the top class technological and manufacturing level for China’s heavy machinery and equipment industry, and is appointed by the Central Government as one of the most important state-owned enterprise concerning the national October 2011groups economy of the country.

Chairman of DEC, Mr. Si Zefu, believes that, “With its endeavor and hard working, DEC not only achieved the annual production of power generating equipment for more than 30,000MW consisting of hydro, thermal, nuclear, wind, combine-cycle generating unit, presently enjoys one-third domestic market share in thermal power and two-fifths in hydro power, but also has been diversifying its manufacturing industries to various fields such as desulphurization and denitrification, heavy-duty machinery, power transmission, hi-voltage large power frequency converter, solar grade silicon, industrial control devices, chemical and maritime equipment and so on.”

As the national strategic base for heavy-duty machinery and equipment, DEC possesses comprehensive technical R&D abilities and is honored by the Central Government as a National Research & Development Center. Mr. Si Zefu further states that, “Being an active international Contractor, DEC takes the lead in China particularly in contracting international power stations and a wide variety of large engineering projects, and exports complete plants and equipment to over 30 countries involving projects in such diverse fields as power generation, electric and mechanical works, power distribution and transmission, railways, environmental protection, heavy duty mining and metal-

“Mr. Si Zefu further states that, “Being an active international Contractor, DEC takes the lead in China particularly in contracting international power stations and a wide variety of large engineering projects” lurgy equipment, traffic and transportation, communication etc., from which DEC has gained recognition worldwide and been selected as one of The Top 225 International Contractors in the world for many years by the well-reputed Engineering News Record of USA since 1996.” Adhering to the principles of Innovative, Factual, Initiative and Harmonious, DEC will be constantly dedicated and devoted to be a responsible company, responsible for the products, responsible for the services, responsible for the customers and responsible for the society. October 2011 DEC, a company from an historical and an-

“DEC, a company from an historical and ancient land, is embarked on striving towards the goal of becoming a domestically leading and internationally competitive group�

November 2011


October 2011

Wen Shugang, President of Dongfang Electric Corporation Limited commented in an interview, “Through its subsidiaries, DEC is principally engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of energy generation products, new energy generation products, hydro power and environmental protection equipment and provision of construction services for power stations.” The Company caters to various industries, such as power generation, substation and transmission, railways and transportation, environmental protection, heavy-duty machinery and general electric and machinery. Wen Shugang also said, “DEC’s main export products included, boiler and auxiliaries, steam turbine-generator, gas turbine, solar energy equipment, transformers, disconnectors, locomotives, coaches, freight wagons, sewerage water treatment plants, metallurgical equipment and plant cement equipment, large-capacity chemical plant vessels and steel products.” As a national strategic machinery manufacturing base and an active worldwide solution provider, DEC gains great attention from both China’s top authorities and dozens of foreign governmental authorities. Thanks to their kind attentions and great supports, DEC could develop step by step, emerging as a significant world player and contributing to the developments of world economy and improvement of people’s life. Being Chinese strategic machinery manufacturing base, national enterprise technology center, DEC possesses top-ranking comprehensive technological research and development abilities in Chinese power equipment industry. It is the only Chinese power equipment manufacturing enterprise honored by the govNovember 2011


ernment as the first batch of ‘Innovationoriented enterprises’. After the efforts of several generations, DEC adheres to technology progressing, technological innovation node and the innovation system with its own characteristics. Innovation culture of “self-reliance, passion, perseverance, adventure, creation, pursuit of success, open” is established, which gradually enhances DEC’S abilities of technology innovation and upgrades DEC’s core competencies.

“As a national strategic machinery manufacturing base and an active worldwide solution provider, DEC gains great attention from both China’s top authorities and dozens of foreign governmental authorities.”

Technological innovation promotes the sustained and rapid development of DEC. DEC’s technology center was set up in 1994 and was identified as national enterprise technology center in 2001. The Central Academy was founded in 2007, which further improve DEC’s technical innovation system DEC insists on people oriented, keeps on consummating technology innovation mechanism, consolidates technological innovation, and cultivates a band of excellent sci-tech talented group. DEC adheres to independent innovation, at the same time actively carries out international technical cooperation. The ability for R&D, technological level and international competitiveness of enhanced significantly.


cient land, is embarked on striving towards the goal of becoming a domestically leading and internationally competitive group, and is ready to work with our friends all over the world and share our experiences to achieve the mutual development.

October 2011

The Timken Company

October 2011

- Carrie Ann


he Timken Company is a leading global manufacturer of highly engineered bearings, alloy steels, and October 2011 related components and assemblies.

Timken’s technologies and products turn up virtually everywhere equipment moves or power is transmitted. By applying its knowledge of friction management and power transmission, the Timken Company helps its customers’ products to run smoother, faster and more efficiently and to deliver unparalleled value and innovation all around the world. Timken values its customers and keeps them at the center of everything it does. But that not all; it is also reflected in Timken’s vision, which is focused on improving the performance of customers’ applications. While Timken’s vision defines the ultimate destination, core values serve as the roadmap to guide our daily decisions for the benefit of all Timken stakeholders.

vices everywhere in the world. Timken also focuses on continuously advancing energy-efficient, durable performance in virtually every kind of machinery. From aircraft, to trains, to wind turbines, Timken is all set to develop innovative solutions with customers to help their applications run smoothly, safely and efficiently, which also makes the world a better place. James W. Griffith, President & CEO at Timken Company said, “Because we believe independence fosters the greatest potential for creativity and growth, Timken is managed to retain financial independence. In turn, our

“Quality is the cornerstone of Timken’s brand promise to customers, and a basic requirement of global competitiveness.”

Henry Timken, The founder of Timken Company, said “If you have an idea which you think is right, push it to a finish. But above all, don’t set your name to anything you will ever have a cause to be ashamed of.” Timken takes that to heart, to the extent that ethics, honesty and respect are upheld as the most important considerations in the business decisions it makes. Quality is the cornerstone of Timken’s brand promise to customers, and a basic requirement of global competitiveness. Timken’s associates are deeply ingrained in quality processes to ensure that customers receive consistent, excellent quality in all Timken products and ser-

January 2012


October 2011

associates directly contribute and share rewards for the improvements we achieve to benefit our customers and other stakeholders.” Wherever there is motion, Timken team is found at work. It is one of the world’s leading producers of highly engineered antifriction bearings and related products and services and alloy steel and components. The company has helped create, transfer and control power, putting the friction management and power transmission technologies to work across a broad industry spectrum. Timken operates its offices in 30 countries on six continents, and its team of 20,000 employees is dedicated to improving our customers’ performance in a variety of applications.

Timken has nearly 25,000 associates globally and the combination includes a variety of cultural backgrounds, education levels and thinking styles. Timken’s commitment to global inclusion enables that mix to work. The diversity and global inclusion process of Timken is not only about treating all associates equally, but also treating their ideas as valuable. Employees at Timken strive to cultivate and promote a diverse workforce that’s committed to working together to develop innovative ideas and reach appropriate solutions.

“We believe this diversity of thought, when united by a common purpose, will enhance our business performance and shareholder return.”

At the Timken Company, the global inclusion strategy ensures that the management is successful in its workforce, workplace, and marketplace and value creation. James further declares, “We believe this diversity of thought, when united by a common purpose, will enhance our business performance and shareholder return.” To ensure that global inclusion strategies match business objectives, Timken has implemented a leadership structure, comprised of a global inclusion team, inclusion leads and the Global Inclusion Advisory Council (GIAC). Led by the manager of global inclusion, the team sets the overall strategy for Timken’s global inclusion process. Inclusion leads – selected from the businesses and regions Octoberthe 2011globe – around are responsible for im-

October 2011 James W. Griffith, CEO

plementing and measuring tactics. Senior management representatives who are part of the GIAC meet quarterly to make sure global inclusion strategies align with business strategies. James says, “We continue to build a diverse workforce by attracting and retaining diverse associates with an integrated university relations and experienced hire recruiting strategy. In addition, we have developed an inclusive talent management process by linking inclusion behaviors to our standards of performance. We are creating a better, more open

the company got listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Timken got listed among The 100 Most Trustworthy Companies by Forbes magazine in 2009. In 2010, Timken got named by Ethisphere Institute as one of world’s most ethical companies. Today, Timken continues its tradition of working with customers to solve problems. its portfolio includes a full line of products and services that reduce friction and transmit power, not to mention an endless offering of technical solutions that help customers design, protect and maintain their own products. Timken also believe that its global inclusion strategy is more than just a good idea. It’s a business imperative that the management measures and leverages to deliver unparalleled value to its customers and shareholders.

workplace through employee resource groups, global inclusion training, internal communications and inclusive benefits and rewards.” Through positive community relations and supplier diversity, Timken Company continues to create inclusive marketplaces that advance its business objectives and enhance the communities where Timken associates live and work. Timken has managed to achieve a significant timeline that portrays Timken’s success through the years that have passed by. The key to Timken’s success throughout the decades has been our willingness to transform our business to meet the demands of the market – and the needs of our customers. Timken Roller Bearing Company incorporated in 1899.

“Through positive community relations and supplier diversity, Timken Company continues to create inclusive marketplaces that advance its business objectives and enhance the communities where Timken associates live and work.”

It moved from St. Louis to Canton, Ohio, and opened a bearing and axle plant in 1901; it is later that it got renamed as The Timken Roller Bearing Company. In 1922, Timken stock began public trading and

January 2012


October 2011

October 2011

Leighton Welspun Contractors Pvt. Ltd. Local Knowledge International Experience - Julia Zimmerman


eighton Welspun Contractors Pvt. Ltd. (Leighton Welspun) is one of India’s largest and most respected international contractors. October 2011

Operating in India since 1998, Leighton Welspun is part of the Leighton Holdings Group, Australia’s leading construction, mining and project development group. Leighton Holdings is majority owned by HOCHTIEF AG, the world’s largest international contractor. Leighton Welspun is a fully owned subsidiary of Leighton Holdings, one of the world’s largest contracting groups. Founded in Australia in 1949, Leighton Holdings Limited listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in 1962. Russell Waugh, an Australian transplant and managing director of Leighton Welspun in India, said the he originally came to India as a general manager, and that the original office was just him and an accountant. “It seemed like an exciting place to work and to do business,” said Waugh, who’s been in India for the past seven years. “India is fairly diverse and has a very large growth potential.” Leighton Welspun’s business in India has been built on its unwavering commitment to deliver quality projects, on time and within budget. Clients receive the latest in construction technology and methodologies, as well as a flexible approach to contracting structures.

Leighton Welspun is active in diverse range of sectors, including: • Oil and Gas • Construction • Information Technology Development • Infrastructure

“It seemed like an exciting place to work and to do business,” said Waugh, who’s been in India for the past seven years. “India is fairly diverse and has a very large growth potential.” Waugh said that one of the company’s biggest challenges was finding the skilled labor in India to work on the various projects. To overcome this challenge, Leighton Welspun has its own training school, which has trained over 2000 people over the past three years. People go through training in groups of 60 to

October 2011

100, learning the skills necessary to work in all the different sectors of Leighton Welspun. “There’s a great talent pool in India,” Waugh said. “Leighton Welspun is on the ground and not developing from abroad.”

The Leighton Group’s financial strength has been a key factor in its success over many years and Leighton Welspun is fortunate to be able to benefit from this. The balance sheet supports performance bonds, bank guarantees and letters of credit, which provide our clients with security that projects will be completed in accordance with contracts. This training program is part of the company’s commitment to developing and nurturing its employees to ensure that the knowledge, experience and skill of its workforce remain marketrelevant and up-to-date.

This training facility, which runs the programs in partnership with TAFE, Australia, incorporates a personalized curriculum that includes concepts and practices. Leighton Welpun’s sustained efforts result in better quality, faster turnaround times and greater safety not only for its people, but also for its clients. Waugh also said that it was India itself that helped Leighton Welspun to be successful in the country. Since the company has offices in the country, as well as over 30 years of experience in Asia, it’s been able to meet commitments with more quality and consistency than those who choose to develop from abroad. “The company will be similar to last year [in revenues],” Waugh said. “India has a bit of sluggishness, but there remains a solid picture of growth.” The Leighton Group’s financial strength has been a key factor in its success over many years and Leighton Welspun is fortunate to be able to benefit from this. The balance sheet supports performance bonds, bank guarantees and letters of credit, which provide our clients with security that projects will be completed in accordance with contracts. This enables Leighton Welspunto take equity stakes in projects and can also assist clients in raising debt funding at competitive rates The company has the ability to develop project financing solutions to suit each individual clients’ needs. One of these projects for Leighton Welspun is a contract by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) for topside modification, hook-up and pre-commissioning and riser installation in G1-GS15 field in Bay of Bengal, 20 kilometers off the Amalapuram coast in Andhra Pradesh, India. The G1-GS15 Field Development Shallow Water Project involves installation of risers, subsea tie in and ‘WYE’ piece, deck October 2011 sions, hook-up and pre-commissioning of

October 2011


Miles of pipelines to date.


October 2011

Supplier for every step of the way

CRC-Evans Pipeline International, Inc. Building a cross-country pipeline requires a wide range of personnel, equipment and expertise in order for the project to be a success. From stringing the pipe along the right-of-way, to fusing joints and securing the line underground, CRC-Evans Pipeline International provides the necessary equipment and services to build the pipelines that supply oil and gas to customers in both hemispheres of the planet. CRC-Evans is a global provider of pipeline construction equipment and automatic welding systems, as well as subsea pipeline managed services, field joint coating and inspection. The company has customers in Europe, Asia, South America and the Middle East, in addition to North America. Two major divisions of CRC-Evans are Pipeline Equipment and Automatic Welding, which are managed under the company’s Pipeline and Automatic Welding Group. The group is responsible for CRC-Evans’ pipeline construction equipment business and is headed in the Emerging Markets by Mikhail Blekherov, Managing Director of CRC-Evans EMPG. CRC-Evans was founded in 1933, and its corporate headquarters are in Houston. The company also has offices and facilities throughout North America, in Tulsa, Okla., Toms River, N.J., and Edmonton, Alberta, and across the globe in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, the Middle East, France and Africa. The Pipeline Equipment Division is based in Tulsa. The management at CRC-Evans believes that two elements are very important for success in the pipeline construction market. One is technology, which supplies the capability to build pipelines. That’s the equipment CRC-Evans manufactures. The second important thing is having the right delivery vehicle for the product. That’s the service behind the equipment. Having a problem is not the problem. But the ability to solve problems and stay productive is what’s important. If a customer has a problem, a technician or replacement parts are dispatched

to the location within 24 hours to minimize downtime. The management believes this is the key to success for CRC-Evans. Developing new equipment helps CRC-Evans continue to meet its customers’ needs, most of whom are pipeline contractors, which account for 85 percent of the company’s clientele. The other 15 percent are primarily pipe mill owners and lay barge owners who purchase equipment for onshore and offshore pipeline work. Internationally, CRC-Evans has strong pipeline-related business where transportation lines are being built. Areas that are developing the most pipelines are Russia and China, Blekherov says. Russia is building pipelines to export assets, while China is building pipelines for distribution within the country. India and the Middle East are also strong areas for the company. The milestones for CRC-Evans have been remarkable. Since its foundation, it has made significant contributions in the pipeline industry. In 1929 CRC-Evans developed the first successful pipe cradle in and in 1932 came up with powered Pipe Cleaning Machine resulting in the construction of what was then the world’s longest pipeline. And then on, it has kept achieving milestones. In 2008, CRC-Evans developed the first automatic bending machine. As oil and gas pipelines continue to be built throughout the world, CRC-Evans is prepared to meet those challenges and supply the ever-growing demands of energy consumers. Today, CRC-Evans has approximately 129 patents. It has assisted in developing many of the pipeline construction industries’ technological achievements, which have resulted in helping increase productivity and reduce the cost of pipeline construction. This commitment continues.

October 2011

tions in one season.”

two topsides GS15-1 (new) and GS15-4 (existing). The scope also includes post trenching and back filling of pipe lines in LFP area and testing of umbilical. Offshore installation work on the project started in December 2010, was finished in March 2011, and cost $17 million to complete. ONGC is Asia’s largest oil exploration and production company and ranks 21st among the world’s top 50 publically traded companies in the oil and gas industry. The company holds the largest share of the hydrocarbon acreages in India and contributes over 79 percent of India’s oil and gas production. Waugh said that not only was Leighton Welspun able to complete the project in four months, but that it did set a few records as well. “We laid more pipeline in one day than anyone else,” he said. “We also made the most modifica-

In order to remain the best and to do top notch work like the G1-GS15 field, Leighton Welspun continuously invests in equipment and is always open to new opportunities. In oil and gas, for example, the company is a leader in construction and installation of Single Point Mooring (SPM) systems, having conRussell Waugh structed and installed more M.D. SPM systems in India than any other company. Leighton Welspun also has significant experience in laying large diameter offshore pipelines and complete shore approaches.

“In order to remain the best and to do top notch work like the G1-GS15 field, Leighton Welspun continuously invests in equipment and is always open to new opportunities. “

October 2011

October 2011

October 2011

Larger than Life

Oasis of t

Indeed a Larger Than Life E

October 2011

the Seas

- Jennifer Morgan


Oasis of the Seas: Indeed a Larger Than Life Experience After six years of efforts and cost over $1.4 billion to build, Oasis of the seas is the world’s most expensive and largest ship. Oasis of the sea is the most expensive ship in history and it is wider, taller, and longer than the largest ocean liner ever built. Over the years, there have been efforts to create wonders of the seas and the first vessel, built with the sole purpose of cruising, was Prinzessin Victoria Luise in 1900’s. It’s not just the competition that -ofRichard Merynto October 2011 the builders is driving ocean liners

October 2011

build massive vessels, but the tourism industry itself. Cruising has now become a major part of the tourism industry worldwide and people have been spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for crafting an experience. A giant step into the future Imagine an ocean liner carrying nearly 6,200 passengers. Grand, isn’t it? That is how many passengers can the Oasis of the seas carry. Oasis of the seas, owned by Royal Caribbean, is 1,180 feet long, much longer than the prior largest passenger ship and holds the capacity of carrying over 6400 passengers. The construction of Oasis of the seas involved a network of nearly 600 subcontractors and provided years of labor to 5,800 man-work. Royal Caribbean’s ships typically upscale those of the bargain Carnival Cruise Lines’ vessels, but they aren’t as traditional as those of luxury carriers such as Cunard.

“Everything will be driven by electric motors powered by the ship’s central bank of six diesel generators.” Make no blunder; Oasis of the seas will be no clumsy giant. It has three main propellers will swivel 360 degrees on independent bearings. Everything will be driven by electric motors powered by the ship’s central bank of six diesel generators. The amazing thing is that it will be steered by an integrated navigation and control system, which will make it possible for the captain to move the ship in any direction — forward, backward, sideways — with the flick of a joystick. No tugboats will be required. Now the wow thing is that, the cruising

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tourism has accounted for US $29.4 billion and carried over 19 million passengers worldwide in 2011. The swift growth has made it possible for the industry to see nine and more newly built ships catering to a North American clientele, which has kept adding every year since 2001 and others servicing European clientele. Older ships generally service smaller markets, such as the Asia-Pacific region while the new ships are a trend of the areas with higher growth in the tourism industry. That means more entertainment options and better amenities Cruise ships are a comparatively new phenomenon, born from reinventing many of the passenger liners made redundant by affordable air travel. Cruise ships quickly evolved into purposebuilt five star hotels, commencing with refitted ocean liners, and then being the biggest vessels having the most on-board amenities.

“The idea of living in the same space and changing the scenery outside, be it permanently or temporary, is liked by all.” With its goal of bringing the best of the land to sea, Oasis of the Seas presents its passengers with features such as luxury suites and two-story loft suites measuring 1,600 sq ft with balconies overlooking the sea or walkways. The ship has a casino, a zip-line, a mini-golf course, multiple nightclubs, a karaoke club, several bars and lounges, volleyball and basketball courts, comedy club, five swimming pools, theme parks and nurseries for children. The idea of living in the same space and changing the scenery outside, be it permanently or temporary, is liked by all. And who wouldn’t want to experience something that’s out of this world. Oasis of the seas aims to make the park a public gathering place like a town’s central park, with pathways, seasonal flower gardens, and a canopy of trees. Aspiring to give the ship a num-

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ber of individual districts, the Central park neighborhood has seven neighborhoods to be unveiled on Project Genesis. Each neighborhood provides vacationers with an opportunity to hunt out for relevant experiences based on their preference, personal style, or mood. There are seven themed areas called neighborhoods, which consist of onboard recreational, athletic, and entertainment activities. It’s a concept bearing resemblance to theme park planning like Central Park features boutiques, restaurants and bars, which can be raised or lowered between three decks. Oasis of the seas has the first living park at sea with over 12,000 plants and 56 trees.

“Boardwalk features a handcrafted carousel, restaurants, bars, shops, two rock-climbing walls, and a temporary tattoo parlor.” The Pool and Sports Zone features a slopedentry beach pool and two surf simulators which create an experience in itself. Liveliness at Sea Spa and Fitness Center features a spa for teens honestly brings in the advent of a relaxed atmosphere. Boardwalk features a handcrafted carousel, restaurants, bars, shops, two rock-climbing walls, and a temporary tattoo parlor. It also has an outdoor AquaTheatre amphitheater with 750-seat hosts the ship’s largest freshwater pool. As stated by the President & CEO, Royal Caribbean International, Adam Goldstein, “Our brand identity is founded in innovation and on delivering the best cruise vacation through ‘WOW’ experiences. Central Park is a true evolution of cruise ship design and allows us to provide our guests with not only a more varied selection of balcony accommodations, but also a stunning public venue that will be a central element of the ship, both during the day and at night.” October 2011

Events & Tradeshows 123 January 2012

Energy E-World Energy & Water Exhibition : 07-FEB-12 to 09-FEB-12 E- World Energy & Water Exhibition is the leading communication platform of energy and water industries in Europe. This event is organized by Messe Essen GmbH to uphold and explore the new possibilities of the energy and water industry. During EWorld Energy & Water Exhibition 18200+ visitors form 42 countries like Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria and Great Britain are expected to come. The optimistic mood of the event will turn the discussion in to the successful meet. Venue: Essen Exhibition Centre (Messe Essen), Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany World Ag Expo: 14-FEB-12 to 16-FEB-12 World Ag Expo strives to be the biggest and best cutting-edge international ag trade show, driven by volunteers to provide an opportunity for buyers and sellers. The Expo will be held between 14 to 16 Feb. 2012 at International Agri-Center. Venue: International Agri-Center, Tulare, California, United States Of America Green Manufacturing Expo-Anaheim: 14-FEB-12 to 16-FEB-12 The Green Manufacturing Expo (GMX) is the largest and most advanced show of scientific technologies and business solutions in the Western United States. The event will provide a great platform to the people engaged with the profession of manufacturing. Green Manufacturing Expo-Anaheim the ultimate three days show is attracting numerous participants and approx 1000+ exhibitors from across the world to showcase the latest up comings on clean energy system, energy management software, energy saving components etc. Venue: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, United States Of America Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America : 14-FEB-12 to 16FEB-12 Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America will be one of the prominent events dedicated to promote renewable energy. In the event, Aerotek Energy Services will be participating as exhibitor and will also get an opportunity to showcase their products and services like Solar, Biofuel, Wind, Geothermal and Hydro. Venue: Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, United States Of America 114

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Manufacturing Maintenance Repair & Overhaul Middle East : 01-FEB-12 to 02-FEB-12 Maintenance Repair & Overhaul Middle East (MRO) will be held between 01 to 02 Feb 2012 at Airport Expo Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This the largest Maintenance and Repair exhibition in Middle East which is being organized by Tarsus Exhibitions & Publishing Limited. Venue: Dubai Airport Expo, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tire Technology Expo : 14-FEB-12 to 16-FEB-12 Tire Technology Expo is the world’s most important Tire Manufacturing Technology Exhibition and Conference. It offers the visitor a technology showcase covering materials and equipment through the complete spectrum of the tire manufacturing process. Venue: Cologne Exhibition Centre, Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Green Manufacturing Expo-Anaheim : 14-FEB-12 to 16-FEB-12 The Green Manufacturing Expo (GMX) is the largest and most advanced show of scientific technologies and business solutions in the Western United States. The event will provide a great platform to the people engaged with the profession of manufacturing. It is a stage to learn about the innovative ideas and latest tools & techniques of the manufacturing industry. Venue: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, United States Of America Kyiv Textiles : 15-FEB-12 to 18-FEB-12 Kyiv Textiles is designed to be the trendsetter for the industry player to showcase new technology, state-of-the-art equipments, materials and services, as well as an excellent avenue for international suppliers and visitors to expand business to the lucrative market and accelerate Bangladeshi technological advances that will impart effective quality, high speed and competitive cost to gain that all important edge in textile & garments industry. Venue: Kiev Expo Plaza Exhibition Center, Kiev, Kiev City, Ukraine


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Events & Tradeshows 125 January 2012

Construction Bauen+Wohnen: 28-JAN-12 to 05-FEB-12 Bauen+Wohnen is the premiere event in the building and construction industry dedicated solely to the remodeling industry. It is the premier event in the building and construction industry dedicated solely to the remodeling industry. Venue: Hannover Fairgrounds, Hannover, Germany Stroisib-The First Building Week: 31-JAN-12 to 03-FEB-12 Stroisib-The First Building Week is a place for displaying the largest producers of construction materials representing their novelties & creating development trends for the whole Siberian construction industry. The event will be held between 31 Jan-03 Feb 2012. Venue: Novosibirsk World Trade Center, Novosibirsk, Russia Roof+Timber International: 31-JAN-12 to 03-FEB-12 Roof+Timber International is the largest international trade fair including congress for roofing, wall and insulation technology. It provides unrivalled opportunity for one of the most important sectors of the construction sector - the international roofing industry. Venue: Stuttgart Neue Messe, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany International Builders Show: 08-FEB-12 to 11-FEB-12 International Builders Show (IBS) is one of the largest light residential construction shows in the United States of America. The show dedicated and involved only in residential and commercial building industry. The exhibitors of the show will exhibit around 200 products like bathroom equipment-water heaters and accessories, business needsbusiness machines, computers and accounting services, Construction products-brick, concrete, and steel, heating, air conditioning, and ventilating equipment, remodeling and renovation products and so many more, which will be a magnet for more than 60,000 professionals who will be coming from around 100 countries. Venue: Orange County Convention Center (OCCC), Orlando, Florida, United States Of America


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Events & Tradeshows 126 January 2012

Food & Beverages RESTAURACION MODERNA: 15-FEB-12 to 16-FEB-12 Restauracion Moderna is an international exhibition for the urban food, catering & vending sector. The event will offer a unique meeting place for caterers, restaurant owners and hoteliers where they can meet and develop their business together. This event is being organized by EasyFairs SA/NV. Venue: IFEMA Convention & Congress Centre, Madrid, Spain Sandwich & Snacks Show : 15-FEB-12 to 16-FEB-12 European Sandwich & Snacks Show is the leading premium show related to food products. The event return to its roots at Paris Porte de Versailles in the France. The event will have on display Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Seafood, Meat, Drinks, Spice and Organic products, as well as retail and hospitality equipment and services. Venue: Paris Porte de Versailles, Paris, Ile-De-France, France ANFAS FOOD PRODUCT: 15-FEB-12 to 18-FEB-12 ANFAS FOOD PRODUCT 2012 is the annual showcase dedicated exclusively to suppliers of food and beverage products for the hospitality industry. It focuses on a cross sector and process oriented approach to bring together all aspect of productions, conveying technology, packaging and distribution, for the food and beverage industry. Venue: Antalya Expo Center, Antalya, Turkey Gulfood Exhibition : 19-FEB-12 to 22-FEB-12 Gulfood Exhibition is one of the biggest and most awaited events concerning with foodservice and hospitality Sectors in the Middle East. It will showcase number of products, latest equipments related to processing & packaging and array of services which include basic food, raw materials and baked products at reasonable prices. It will absolutely build new business contacts and exposure at international level. Gulfood Exhibition leads out to be a meeting point for producers and manufacturers as well. Venue: Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


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Events & Tradeshows 127 January 2012

Supply Chain Intermodal Asia: 09-FEB-12 to 10-FEB-12 The 5th Intermodal Asia 2012 proves to be highly effective in dealing with various issues of transport and logistics. Organized by Transport Events Management Limited at Melbourne, Australia, the event is organized along with 2 days conference for analyzing logistics and transport situation at both domestic and international level. Various exhibitors include ship brokers, ship agents, freight forwarders, ship owner etc. of all over globe. Venue: Intercontinental Melbourne The Rialto, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Taipei International Chain & Franchise Exhibition: 24-FEB-12 to 27-FEB-12 Franchising is the growth industry in Taiwan today. Growing numbers of people are looking to change their lifestyle or career and with a success rate 2 times that of a non-franchised business, franchising can offer the new investor an established and successful business environment. Venue: Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan China Maritime: 28-FEB-12 to 01-MAR-12 China Maritime is the most significant international maritime exhibition in thriving south China. It showcases the latest in maritime, shipping and port technology and services from throughout the world. Meet your target market of vessel owners and operators, ship and port managers and government personnel from Hong Kong, China and around the world. Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, China (Hong Kong S.A.R.) Logistics Trade Show: 28-FEB-12 to 02-MAR-12 Logistics Trade Show aims to provide the complete idea of the latest technologies, means of management and control in trade, accounting and control systems to specialists of distributor, trade, manufacturing enterprises, and warehouse and transport companies. This show will help them in considerably reducing the company’s expenses, optimize material, information, and financial flows. Venue: Kiev Expo Plaza Exhibition Center, Kiev, Kiev City, Ukraine 118

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October 2011

October 2011

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