CLT NovDec 2012

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In the swanky landmark district of TriBeCa, new life is brought to a 100-year-old warehouse. The renovated luxury condo has all the trappings of an upscale destination that is quintessential New York.

'Aggie' Pride

JACOBSEN CONSTRUCTION ‘Aggie’ pride surges on the campus of Utah State University with the recent completion of its state-of-the-art LEED Silver Agricultural Sciences Building.

Team Spirit


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“Go Team” takes on a whole new meaning as Team FSI captures the essence of excellence with the construction of a new car dealership for high-end luxury brand Mercedes-Benz.

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Know When To Hold 'Em


You can bet your bottom dollar that Marous Brothers will hold to its bid throughout construction. Horseshoe Casino Cleveland — Ohio's first fullservice casino — is a prime example.





Editor-in-Chief Todd Weaver Editor Diana Doyle Executive Editor Jonathan Mack Assistant Editor Joseph Orange Creative Director Maria J. Owens Art Director Kris Apodaca Contributing Designer Susan Park Lee Advertising Design Allie Allen Production Assistant Keishia Lovell Editorial Director Kate Darling Staff Writers Drew Grossman, Kevin D. Porter Copy Editor Mariya I. Bouraima Content Directors Sophia Hartwick, Michael Shields, Brandon McBride, Jill Patel, Quenshell Williams, Juan Stewart Vendor Relations Steve Peters Advertising Sales Support Yvonne Chen Advertising Sales Tim Leming, Moe Kazemi, Publisher Steve Reed Reprints/Circulation Anne Brewer

oZ WORLD MEDIA, LLC 1100 H Street NW, Suite M Washington D.C. 20005 Construction Leaders Today is an international quarterly B2B trade journal that services the construction industry in custom build, geothermal, green building, heavy, residential, commercial, civil engineering and specialty trade sectors. CLT has a readership of 200,000 C-Level executives within the construction industry. We do not accept subscription requests from the general public, however an abbreviated version is available on our website.

on the cover

Utah State University's College of Agriculture, Agricultural Science Building. This 125,000 sq. ft. building is LEED Silver and holds labs, classrooms and offices.

2 Construction Leaders Today


IN EVERY ISSUE 04 Staff Editorial 06 Guest Editorial 08 Industry News 09 Calendar 10 The Hot List 133 Advertising Index


The $7.5 million Mercedes-Benz dealership in Rochester, N.Y. was not the first dealership that Team FSI had built. This made them a prime bidder.

22 Cruz Construction

Just 10 months ago, Cruz was awarded Hunter's Point South — New York City's largest new affordable housing complex since the 70's.

80 Bogner Construction

Holmes Cheese Co. in Ohio needed a wastewater treatment facility that would not only protect water supply, but also provide an energy source.

82 Integrity Construction

After working at a construction company for 24 years, Brad Heemstra struck out on his own in 2007 and has never looked back.

83 Scheck Industries

Scheck won the contract to perform a turnaround for a ConocoPhillips oil refinery. But unforseen circumstances made it a year before work began.

84 North Twin Builders

Building custom home communities is North Twin Builder's specialty.

85 K.F. Sullivan Design/Build

Car dealers in the Madison, Wis. area call on K.F. Sullivan for design/build.

85 Williams & Associates Architects

Specializing in recreational and governmental markets, Williams Associates provides solutions that are in harmony with the surroundings.


24 Nu-Tech Energy Solutions

92 Carothers Contruction

26 New Line Structures

98 Manhattan Construction & Florida Aerial Services

32 Kaleida Health Systems

100 Rabren General Contractors

34 H.P. Cummings

102 Wright Contracting

38 Benchmark Construction

104 Mountain Builders

Serving the niche of energy efficient, affordable senior housing, Nu-Tech recently completed a duplex geared towards 55-year olds. 250 West Street was a warehouse for over 100 years before it was converted to a luxury condo building. Kaleida Health selected Turner Construction to manage their highly advanced Gates Vascular Institute — the first of its type in western New York. Grafton County jail, built in 1986, was in dire need of renovation. But with costs estimated at $38 million, community leaders delayed the project. Long Community at Highland in Lancaster, Pa. is one of the first rental senior living facilities; the concept seems to be taking off well.

42 A.R. Brouwer

Just in time for their 75th anniversary, Weber's Hotel and Restaurant received a complete renovation, thanks to A.R. Brouwer Company.

46 Feriozzi Concrete

The $2.4 billion waterfront casino in Atlantic City, Revel, needed an updated road system to handle increased traffic flow.


In the last 10 years, over 700,000 military personnel used VA health care. Carothers is helping to provide quality facilities in the Biloxi, Miss. area. What began as a childhood dream to become a park ranger turned into a unique venture in aerial photography for large-scale projects in Florida. Alabama State University is the oldest institution targeting African Americans. Rabren has completed two projects on the campus. It was an easy decision when Kerry Ford and Volkswagon hired Wright for their new dealerships after Wright had success with many other car brands. This firm prefers to refer to their sprawling log homes as "quality" instead of "high-end". They've built homes up to 14,000 sq. ft.

WEST 110 Jacobsen Construction

The new agricultural science building at Utah State University is 125,000 sq. ft. and houses labs where students work towards curing diseases and strengthening communities through conservation and biotechnology.

118 Homewise

This non-profit is making homeownership a reality for New Mexicans.

64 PDC Midwest

123 Clark & Sullivan

70 Marous Brothers

124 Nitti Graycor

76 Tropic Construction

126 The Ultimate Plumber

79 Johnson Lasky Architects

127 Robinson Construction

The Alpha Med Center handles cancer diagnosis and treatment in one facility, which is rare, especially with such a high caliber of service. Chip Marous can negotiate a job on a napkin, stick to the number and selfperform 40 percent of the work. Now that's impressive. As the for-profit arm of the non-profit developer of affordable and senior housing, Tropic has over $59 million of property under its management. Well over 3.5 million sailors have come through Building 13. With that type of usage, renovation and restoration is inevitable.

Expansion of the University of Nevada Reno earthquake engineering lab means more seismic research for a safer tomorrow The Salvation Army hired Nitti Graycor to expand and renovate their Southwest Division Headquarters. A young Mesa, Ariz. company beats deadlines and inspections to provide the best in specialized plumbing services. Robinson specializes in movie theatre construction and has worked with Regal Cinemas to bring movie buffs the ultimate experience. November December 2012 3


In Good (and Green) Company The lesson is: build your people in to your 2013 sustainability outlook. Take steps to acknowledge them, inspire them and learn from them whether it’s through mentoring programs, a professional development initiative or well-deserved holiday bonuses. Green is good, but becomes better when the green people are a part of the plan. That’s truly sustainable.

by Mahesh Ramanujam, COO USGBC first published on Oct. 31, 2012,


4 Construction Leaders Today

It’s no secret that business as usual is changing: A Deloitte study found that 90 percent of companies have set goals for their electricity and energy management practices. Two-thirds of 2. “We’ll know that we have achieved what we CFOs are involved in their company’s sustainabil- set out to do when we have put ourselves out of ity strategies. From chief sustainability officers to business.” corporate sustainability reports, consciousness With full market uptake of green building, with about environmental impact has entered the C- a universal understanding that green buildings suite. That’s pretty exciting. are healthier, better for the environment and For many of you — USGBC member companies cost-effective for our economy, there will be no and sustainability trailblazers — the concepts of need for green building councils. The phrase green business, sustainable business and respon- “green building” will be redundant. “Green buildsible business are far from new. You were there at ings” will just be “buildings.” We’ll go out of busithe beginning. You created the beginning. I think ness because it’s everybody’s business. of Ray Anderson, Paul Hawken and countless This “Rick-ism” is an especially poignant busiother sustainability-focused business minds who ness lesson. A business is nothing without conhave been living these ideals for decades. viction, a central focus to unite your staff and a Whether your company was an early adopter mission toward which to work. or a recent convert in this culture shift, we’re If that mission is sustainability, build it in to hurtling toward an apex where green business the culture of your company – don’t silo it in to a and good business are synonymous. But on this single role or report. journey, we need to think bigger than business as usual, redefining what sustainable business 3. “Stay hungry. Stay fearless.” means. I have a three insights to offer, the first Steve Jobs, a man we quote quite often around two are courtesy of USGBC’s leader and vision- the USGBC offices, coined the original phrase ary, Rick Fedrizzi. as “stay foolish.” Foolishness has its merits, but fearlessness is even better (and more difficult). 1. “Every story about a green building is a story When I think back on my career, my fearless moabout people.” ments were the ones that propelled me higher Humanity and sustainability are inextricably and farther than those that were calculated and linked. Take LEED: it doesn’t exclusively address safe. When I consider the companies I admire measures that are good for the environment, most, it’s their bold pursuit of the unknown that but also those that are healthful and optimal resonates with me. for building occupants – all of us, and for genIt’s about leaving your comfort zone – willingly, erations to come. Consider a high-performing and without apology. These are the moments school building where children can learn from and actions that define leadership, for an inditheir sustainable surroundings; in spaces de- vidual or for a company. signed to optimize their concentration and In the realm of sustainability this means going health. They’ll grow up as “sustainability natives” bigger, farther and better - with no fear. Whatbringing those ideals to their own children some ever you’re doing in sustainability now could be day. What could be more sustainable and human stronger in a month. In a year. In ten years. Keep than that? your edge, and keep scaling up your sustainabilAs the business realm shifts toward sustain- ity efforts. Do it fearlessly. Think outside the corable operations, and our existing passions grow porate sustainability box. even deeper, it’s important to remember that Otherwise, you’ll be left behind. green business and good business are nothing without people. The green building movement wouldn’t carry any relevance without the people who believe in it, who advocate for it and who carry out the mission.


BIM on Trial for Irony

In the AEC industry, irony is attempting to reduce risks and costs with technology — but spending more because of said technology. The intentions were good — to track cost, time and use of materials and space to better support your planning tasks and visualize the complex design that your clients had their hearts set on. My interviews with project leaders often lead to 3D (and 5D) laser and modeling technology across different platforms of the industry. I ask, "what do you classify as a risk when using these tools?" The consensus appears to be superficiality. by Sophia Hartwick, Apparently falling victim to unfeasible or perhaps CLT Content Director unusable expectations is common with beginning and experienced users alike. After a few moments of indulging my amusement of mankind’s historiWITH ALL THE ENERGY THAT cal ability to remain enigmatically resilient, I’m abruptly confronted with the antagonism of disGOES INTO BUILDING INFORMA- couraging notions that we as humans may simply be predisposed to certain ironic tendencies. I’m TION MODELING, IT SEEMS THAT able to find some solace in our species’ perpetual to master foreign and sometimes THE TECHNOLOGY MAY HAVE determination daunting items; even after disaster strikes, we ITS SHARE OF SHORTCOMINGS. progress; we evolve. This is a unique evolutionary quality that will always ensure the survival of our PROJECT MANAGERS AGREE THAT kind. Nevertheless, I cannot oppose the theory that perhaps I’m afforded this encouraging logic FOR BIM TO BE SUCCESSFUL, US- on account of my primitive, ironic naivete. ERS MUST 1) IDENTIFY, 2) ACCEPT, We’ve all discovered by now that fire is dangerous. On the other hand, fire can also be amazing. AND 3) SEEK TO UNDERSTAND But no matter which way you burn it, proceeding without caution, knowledge and experience, the NUANCES IN THE TECHNOLOGY. awesomeness can quickly turn into an atrocious calamity. The cavemen certainly didn’t give up on fire after the first lean-to burned down. They confronted their ignorance which ultimately expanded civilization’s knowledge of the powerful element. That’s what humans do, I suppose. We live and learn, and in essence, end up living because we’ve learned. 3D, 4D and 5D software catastrophes are no exception. It all begins when an individual attains just enough knowledge to be treacherous, which is incidentally supported by skimpy, skewed statistics that are often spoon-fed to the industry, justifying a ludicrous concoction of nonsensical objectives. The bells and whistles advertised by the software dealers are never quite as charming as they described. A design team can’t be expected to

6 Construction Leaders Today

humbly produce a flawlessly synchronized set of documents, just by using trendy sequences and software packages. Optimizing the use of any new contraption takes time, vitality and capital. I’ve witnessed this multi-natured technology applied to an array of projects from civil infrastructure to sports stadiums. According to those in commonly integrated markets, such as institutional and healthcare, it took only a short time to discover the rigid learning curve — identify, accept and seek to understand. Another behavioral trait of 3D technology handlers is negligence of the technical complexity that may jeopardize the subcontractors actually performing the hefty drudgery; ironic since the primary intention is to simulate these processes to measure how things will be done and communicate more precisely with the supply chain. This is sticky enough without the additional confusion regarding division of ownership. In a perfect BIM world, the architect would create and own the “architectural” items, as would the structural and MEP engineers. On the surface, distinguishing the exact model element ownership seems like a simple task, but the nature of certain restrictions, such as mechanical sequencing, are not always so clearly stated. That’s why the AIA manufactured the E2022008 Building Information Modeling Protocol solely for providing a structure for responsible model content, usage and accountability. Whether these documents are endorsed as official contract fundamentals or are just casually adopted, their influences could be manipulated to lucratively manage risks. Almost in unison, the jury builders and architects have declared the pivotal components that are necessary for the successful BIM use — conscious investment in processes, people, technology and policy. Since the values of these imaginative tools are derivative from software, it becomes the sole responsibility of the users to apply a certain amount of resistance against the descendent slope of reality. In conclusion, I find the defendant, not guilty. Although BIM may suffer from mechanical conscienceless, the burden of productive insight lies on the users.


Rebuilding Community

Not all residents of Heather Gardens, a senior living community located in Aurora, Colo., were in favor of the decision to update their aging community center. In fact, in years past, many had voted against efforts to raise funds for the project. But with money finally raised and the new structure completed, the naysayers couldn’t be more pleased. Heather Gardens is a 200-acre, age-restricted golf course enclave that offers residents a maintenance-free lifestyle. With over 2,400 housing units which include a mix of patio homes, townhomes and multi-story condos, the community offers something for everyone within its 24/7 secured grounds. Recently, it became apparent to residents of the upscale neighborhood that

their 1970s community center was in need of a fresh start. So, after past failed efforts, they passed a 2010 bond measure to fund a $9.8 million project to build a new facility. The firm responsible for construction: The Weitz Company – an international full-service general contractor, design/builder and construction manager. Weitz operates by five core values: honesty and integrity, respect for people, performance with absolute reliability, long-term perspective and nurturing personal growth. The firm’s respect for people is evidenced through the repeat and referral business that makes up more than 75 percent of its work. Weitz began construction in December 2011 and delivered the new 50,000 sq. ft. community center in April 2012. The new structure is complete with a fitness center, arts and crafts room, a sunroom overlooking a golf course, auditorium, indoor pool and a golf shop. The center’s existing restaurant, called Blossoms, also received a facelift. The sought after golf course community continues to garner praise and was recently recognized in “The 99 Best Residential and Recreational Communities in America for Vacation, Retirement and Investment Planning,” as well as the “50 Fabulous Planned Retirement Communities for Active Adults.”

At a young age, Don Tucker had an intrinsic desire to see things built. In his teens, he spent summers working in the construction industry and knew right away that he wanted to become a contractor. So after graduating high school, Tucker majored in Civil Engineering and Business Administration at the University of Kentucky. Throughout college and after graduation, he worked for several construction companies on various projects. But it wouldn’t be long before he took his calling for construction to the next level. In 1976, Tucker founded his first contracting firm which in 1987 became Spectrum Contracting Services, Inc., a diversified construction company that operates across 12 states. The young man from the small town of Roley, Ky. had become a CEO. “I started this business when I was way too young, and somehow it worked,” Tucker said. Today the 30-employee firm has completed more than 670 projects. While about 30 percent of those stem from senior living and nursing homes – and another 30 percent from various projects like historical renovations – the remaining portion comes from church construction. Tucker began designing and building churches in the mid ‘90s and sees it as his true calling. He takes great pleasure in helping to move a church’s vision from faith to fruition. One such institution is Bridgeway Church in Wesley Chapel, Fla. “We found out about the church through a minister at another church project,” Tucker said. Initially Bridgeway had asked Spectrum to assist with completing a due diligence report which 8 Construction Leaders Today

involved constructability and ALTA surveys. From there, Spectrum developed a multi-phase master plan for the church’s 25-acre site. The firm eventually entered into a contract for phase-one of the project which involved preliminary design, budgeting and planning, and ultimately progressed to phase-two which entailed detailed design and construction. “It’s a fairly youth-oriented church which determined a lot of its functions,” Tucker said. The completed 30,000 sq.ft. contemporary-style edifice has seven main components: a worship center, gathering space atrium which spans the width of the building and allows natural lighting to bring the outdoors in, a youth fun center, an area for junior high and high school ages, a secure kids area, and an area for church administration and offices. The facility is also equipped with a kitchen and dining area. Spaces are unified with state-of-the-art sound and video technology. “It’s loaded with good audio/ video. It’s a pretty modern, contemporary church.” Throughout the design/build process, Spectrum and its valued partner Million Architecture PLLC took time to gain a firm grasp on Bridgeway’s concept for the new facility to ensure that its vision was realized – as articulated through church liaisons Minister Joel Eason and Richard Caines, chairman

of the building committee. “The church had ideas about what they wanted to accomplish and we tried to translate that into amenities. It’s our job to take the church’s ministries and build facilities that allow them to better accommodate those ministries at an economical price.” Speaking of economy, Spectrum takes great pride in its ability to build churches at about 40 percent below most going rates. “We have this unusual marriage of the design and construction capabilities which results in those types of savings,” said Tucker. Regarding value-added results, he credits the consistent collaborative interaction between Million Architecture which represented the design leg, Pastor Joel Eason and Chairman Richard Caines who represented the owner leg, and Spectrum which represented the design/build portion. Parishioners at Bridgeway Church are thrilled with their new edifice. “They’ve gone from a 230 member congregation to about 600 to 700 with projections of 1,000 members by this time next year,” Tucker said. “They’re a magnificent, giving group of people.” The same can be said for Spectrum Contracting and its leader who constantly answers the call for construction.

Top Left Image, Hans Hansen/Getty Images/Thinkstock. Bottom Left IRendering courtesy of Spectrum Contracting. Right Image, Peter Zurek/Getty Images/Thinkstock.



Industry Events DESIGN/BUILD CONFERENCE AND EXPO Nov 7-9 New Orleans, LA This conference is a professional show to discuss all the techniques of the building. The main aim of this event is to promote the value of design/build project delivery and teach effective integration of design and construction services.

Key Builders sees green building in a whole new ‘light’ Illinois-based Key builders has added another bright spot to its green building technology portfolio. The firm recently signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Daylite Natural Lighting to represent a new natural lighting technology in 19 midwestern states. Key Builders Construction is a design/ builder and construction manager that offers cost-saving, quality design and construction solutions for its clients. The new lighting technology the firm represents uses natural daylight to illuminate indoor spaces via complex skylights, reducing the need for costly, artificial lighting. The technology, created by Daylite Natural Lighting, utilizes a specially-designed skylight that has five major components: an acrylic dome, a collimation lens, DayBrite metal panel exteriors, a light extraction panel and a daylight distribution lens. Key Builders Project Design Manager Tim Gorman said the technology helps reduce the need for artificial lighting. “This technology allows you to turn the lights down or off for as many as 10 hours each day,” he said. The lighting system is expected to provide a higher quality and distribution of light. Gorman believes this will translate into a safer work environment and increased employee productivity and morale. LEED credits are an added bonus since the technology increases energy efficiency by decreasing the use of artificial lighting and associated cooling costs. This works well with the design/build projects that Key Builders takes on. Not only is the firm able to construct quality facilities for its clients, but it can deliver energy efficient buildings that cost owners less in ownership and maintenance over the lifespan of the facility.

2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Nov 7-9th Fort Worth, TX The ICSDEC is a premier conference that focuses on the application, development and research of sustainable design, engineering and construction. The conference will feature academic papers presentations, industry papers presentations, industry panels and NSF workshop on sustainability quantification. SPORTS FACILITIES OF THE 21ST CENTURY Nov 8 New York, NY $395 - $295 This panel will discuss the economic impact of hosting a specific sporting event and all the activity surrounding the event. They will also discuss the major factors in getting the green financially with forecasted ROI. From alumni fund raising to professional teams analyzing potential public private partnerships, what are the major obstacles to “Yes,” and what are the new ROI measurements? ECOBUILD AMERICA Dec 3-7 Washington DC

ENR BEST PROJECTS OF 2012 AWARDS Nov-Dec Nationwide bestprojects/ CONSTRUCTION IMAGE ROADSHOW Nov 8 (Chicago, IL) Nov 29 (Philadelphia, PA) Dec 6 (Seattle, WA) 32ND IRMI CONSTRUCTION RISK CONFERENCE Nov 11-15 2012 Orlando, FL $1,750 AICPA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY CONFERENCE Dec 6-7 Las Vegas, NV $1220 - $920 NORTHERN GREEN EXPO Jan 9-11th Minneapolis, MN Prices vary by event WORLD OF CONCRETE Feb 5-8 Las Vegas, NV PREVENTION THROUGH DESIGN FOR CONSTRUCTION Apr 1-4 Boston, MA $1,795 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY RESEARCH CONFERENCE Apr 19 Seattle, WA

Ecobuild America provides every member of the design team with resources and education to build smarter and improve our built environment. Ecobuild covers the residential, commercial, government, infrastructure, institutional and industrial sectors.

November December 2012 9


clear intentions Translucent Concrete by Luccon


Tired of boring, traditional concrete? Spice up your next construction project with translucent concrete. But how does solid stone become see-through? Using embedded webbed fiber optic cables with a unique light pattern created by chance, LUCCON has found a way. The translucent concrete is manufactured in large volume top layer concrete blocks making the stone appear comparably massive as well as transparent. By cutting the blocks, varying sizes and thicknesses can be achieved. Create a translucent concrete block room partition or highlight an entry way. This fresh design is sure to be a conversation starter. The technology is available in special colors, dimensions or surface treatments by request. 10 Construction Leaders Today




pane-staking protection SuperLite II-XL with Starphire

This advanced fire resistive glass product provides maximum fire and impact safety and allows architects the ability to create safe, fire rated spaces with higher levels of clarity and transparency. SAFTI FIRST is a leading U.S. manufacturer of fire rated glass and framing systems. Partnered with PPG, the world’s leading coatings and specialty products company, the team has created SuperLite II-XL with StarphireŽ UltraClear Low Iron Glass. The product is listed and labeled by UL and Intertek/Warnock-Hersey and, with hose stream from 45-120 minutes, meets stringent ASTM E-119/NFPA 251/UL 263 requirements.

concrete answers Concrete Calculator

Eliminate the guesswork when it comes to calculations for concrete. The concrete calculator application allows construction professionals to determine the amount (in cubic yards or number of 60- or 80-lb. bags) of concrete required for square or rectangular slabs, circular concrete slabs, and concrete columns. The tool provides cost estimates as well. Lower costs by reducing waste on the job site with this convenient application. The app is also handy for do-it-yourself projects that require precise concrete measurements in large quantities. So forget paperwork and cumbersome calculations and let this convenient app do all the work.

3 November December 2012 11



Proximity Sensing Technology by Delta

Proximity Sensing Technology is the newest hands-free technology from the Delta Faucet Company. The unique sensing technology forms a four inch field around the body of the faucet and once the user’s hand enters the field, the faucet is turned on. When the user removes their hands from the water stream, the faucet turns off within two seconds. Installation is very user-friendly, as the product is designed to self-calibrate once it has been installed. The surface mount control box makes it easy to access the controls for installation and routine facility maintenance.


real style

At Treefrog Veneer there is no limit to their laminates. The company offers a selection of more than 50 real wood veneer laminates that represent the most beautiful wood species in the world. Treefrog veneers are ideal for both commercial and residential interiors. Treefrog Veneer features composite wood technology, an innovative process that creates the look, feel and warmth of almost any wood species. The newest products from Treefrog include Walnut, Wenge, Zebrawood, Grey Oak Lati, Black Oak and Ash Lati. All of the new products are prefinished with a groove topcoat. 12 Construction Leaders Today


no reflection on you Solarban R100


100 Block irritating sunrays with Solarban R100 glass, a neutralreflective, low-e glass that provides significant improvements in solar performance compared to competing products in the same architectural glass category. Because Solarban R100 glass balances reflectivity and color-neutrality, it can function both as a privacy glass and as a material that blends well with spandrels and other building materials. Solarban R100 glass has a reflectance of just 14 percent and transmits a pleasant blue-gray appearance that reduces glare without creating an obtrusive reflected color for building occupants. Outside, Solarban R100 glass has exterior reflectance of 32 percent which combines with the neutral aesthetic to deliver a clean, crisp exterior for any building project.

November December 2012 13

General Resoration Corporation exterior restoration specialists -BRINGING NEW HEIGHTS TO ELECTRICAL SERVICE-

Tower Electric, Inc is proud to provide our “No Worries” guarantee from start to finish; from Pre-Construction to Construction, to having that light come on when you flick the switch. With Tower Electric on the job, you can put your mind at ease. Just as the Electrical is typically the last trade on the job, we want to leave a lasting impression of a job well done.

If You Are Considering Restoration Of Your Historic Structure, Contact Us Today For A Free Building Analysis & Estimate! 6411 Nicholas Drive > Columbus OH 43235 614-734-1130 >

We strive ourselves on providing the best product possible. We will install everything with the utmost of care and in a professional manner. To deliver on these promises, we need the best - and we have the best. With over 30 years of experience in the Denver Market, you can trust that Tower Electric is the best there is.

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Million Architecture, PLLC is an award winning design/build services firm, partnering to offer complete design services to like-minded design/build construction professionals. We believe in budget-oriented efficiency, and we would be most pleased to be considered for participation in your next project.

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(309) 797-4647

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16 22 24 26 32 34 38 42 46



16 Construction Leaders Today


THIS SPREAD: Founded in 1871 by Karl Benz, Emil Jellinek, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, Mercedes-Benz is a name known for a tradition of excellence. Its current slogan, “The best or nothing” says it all. Team FSI was responsible for the ground-up construction of this new dealership in Rochester, N.Y.

November December 2012 17



eam FSI is a third-generation construction company that got its start in commercial real estate, brokerage and home construction and blossomed into a successful commercial construction operation. Its formula for success is no secret. The ‘team’ in Team FSI has made all the difference. “We started out as a drywall and metal company,” said Team FSI Chief Operating Officer Frank Imburgia. Today, the firm has broadened its scope to include commercial construction such as stores, plazas, medical facilities, restaurants, and design builds. Each member of its close-knit team of 45 employees takes a personal responsibility for the company’s success. “We call it a team because we’re all on the SAME team. If one person doesn’t do their job, then the team isn’t successful.” 18 Construction Leaders Today

One of FSI’s recent team successes was the construction of the MercedesBenz car dealership in Rochester, N.Y. “We have worked for other local car dealers in the area, so when this particular company bought the dealership, the local architects asked about us,” Imburgia said. Those architects belonged to NH Architecture, a Rochester-based firm that specializes in architecture, interior design and space planning. The client had narrowed down the competition to three bidders, one of which was FSI. “After working with the owner, and because of the time frame, we were selected.” Team FSI was responsible for the ground-up construction of the new dealership – a contract valued at $7.5 million. “Site work made up a big part of it,” said Imburgia. “The interior portion was extensive too because of the high-end finishes.” Founded in 1871 by Karl Benz, Emil Jellinek, Gottlieb

OPPOSITE, TOP: With a reputation for high-end luxury, Mercedes-Benz has exacting standards when it comes to the design and construction of its dealerships. The new dealership in Rochester was no exception. BOTTOM LEFT: The interior of the $7.5 million new construction contained many high-end finishes. Oversized floor tiles, recessed LED lighting and aerodynamically shaped ceiling clouds evoke the quality and innovation found in the luxury brand. BOTTOM RIGHT: From lighting, to details in the showroom floor, Mercedes-Benz had a vision for the dealership that Team FSI executed down to the tee. THIS PAGE, TOP: With a team philosophy, FSI completed the new dealership in 180 days. The third-generation organization has a reputation built on expertise, quality and teamwork. BOTTOM: Team FSI CEO Frank Imburgia, left, with his brother and FSI President Sal Imburgia, right. The two appear in front of a recent construction project for LA Fitness.

Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, Mercedes-Benz is a name known for its tradition of excellence. Its current slogan, “The best or nothing” says it all. Naturally, the luxury brand would have exacting standards when it came to the design and construction of its dealerships. The new construction in Rochester was no exception. “Mercedes Benz dictates to the franchise, so there were a lot of requirements.” From columns that marked the front of the building, to lighting, to showroom details, Mercedes-Benz had its own formula for success that it expected to be followed down to the tee. “They dictate and there’s no deviation,” Imburgia said. Such high expectations are familiar territory for Team FSI. “We perform well under pressure.” Good thing, because pressure would be in great supply. Leveling the

{BUILDING TEAM}  COMMERCIAL PAINTING VDR Decorating, Inc.  STEEL Ramar Steel Erectors

 CARPET Pro Carpet, Inc.  ARCHITECTURE NH Architecture

 ROOFING Murray Roofing Co.

November December 2012 19


RIGHT: A contemporary boardroom in a facility recently renovated by Team FSI for Calvary Automation — a New York-based robotics designer and manufacturer of automated production machinery and equipment for health care, automotive, solar and consumer product markets. BELOW, LEFT: The 375,000 sq.ft. facility was acquired by Calvary Automation after the firm outgrew its location in Henrietta, N.Y. The building is used for the manufacturing of automated industrial machinery. BELOW, RIGHT: The production portion of the facility. Calvary manufacturers special machines, turnkey automated systems, and specialized fixturing for fasteners and robotics products and technologies.

construction site was a tall order. Literally. “We basically cut a large hill in half. We took the dirt from the left and moved it to the right to level the plateau,” said Imburgia. To complete the process, Team FSI installed retaining walls on either side. “When we say it’s going to get done, it’s gonna get done. There’s always hurdles on every job, but we’re problem solvers.” Team FSI completed the new dealership on-schedule in 180 days. Its sleek exterior is a successful execution of the Mercedes-Benz brand. On the interior, over-sized tiled floors, recessed LED lighting, and aerodynamically shaped ceiling clouds evoke the quality and innovation found in the luxury vehicles. A glassy showroom and calming color choices add an expected level of sophistication. FSI’s thorough delivery of the facility marks just another one of its successfully completed projects for a high-end client – a client base that continues to grow as diverse as the services the firm offers. With its team philosophy, FSI is buoyed for continued success. “Our people buy into that philosophy and we get a lot done. We’re cognizant of the fact that there are a lot of eyes and ears on every job. Everybody gets into the trenches and starts digging. Everybody buys in,” Imburgia said. 20 Construction Leaders Today

TOP: By expanding its operations into the renovated facility in Webster, N.Y., Calvary Automation was able to create over 100 new jobs in mechanical engineering, project management and pipefitting. LEFT: The added space of the facility allows the firm to fulfill the needs of its growing global clientele. Calvary's service department is on-call 24 hours a day. ABOVE: The renovated facility has ample space for manufacturing and administrative functions, including this stylish meeting room outfitted with recessed and pendant lighting.

November December 2012 21




n the world’s most famous concrete jungle of New York City, the construction site for a new sustainable community in the Queens neighborhood of Long Island City bustles with activity. Thirty acres of prime real estate nestled along the East River will soon become the City’s largest new affordable housing complex since the 1970s. Hunter’s Point South is the new development being spearheaded by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC). The 30-acres that make up the forthcoming mixed-use community will include nearly 5,000 housing units, 20,000 sq.ft. of retail space, community and cultural facilities, as well as a waterfront park. At the helm of site infrastructure development is NJ-based Cruz Contractors, LLC which was awarded the contract by the NYCEDC in February 2011. Cruz Contractors is an industry expert in heavy construction and specializes in tunneling, utilities and road and bridge projects throughout the northeastern United 22 Construction Leaders Today

States. As the challenging infrastructure phase of the project progresses, that expertise is being put to the test. Dominic Pillari is the chief project manager at Cruz Contractors who is overseeing the near $17 million infrastructure portion of the project which includes: grading and the installation of water mains, sanitary sewers, curbs, sidewalks, roadways and traffic control devices. A 36-year industry veteran, Pillari manages the firm’s four Project Managers and six Project Engineers as he helps navigate through challenges presented at the construction site. Challenges such as the situation Cruz faced when it discovered that the East River had infiltrated voids within a portion of the site that had been treated with shot rock. “In that area we had to excavate and install pipes, but the water was not venting,” Pillari said. “Because of its boulders and shot rock, we couldn’t install any kind of dewatering system.” Neither could the firm drive sheeting due to the critical operations in action beneath the site

OPPOSITE PAGE: Cruz construction crews install infrastructure for the Hunter's Point South development project initiated by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC). LEFT: Situated along the East River, the forthcoming 30-acre mixed-use community will feature nearly 5,000 housing units, 20,000 sq.ft. of retail space, community and cultural facilities and a waterfront park. It will become New York City's largest new affordable housing complex since the 1970s. BELOW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Cruz's scope of work involves grading and the installation of water mains, sanitary sewers, curbs and sidewalks, along with roadways and traffic control devices. During construction, the firm had to mitigate water infiltration from the East River. Cruz shares the busy site with three other projects simultaneously in progress.

which included the Queens-Midtown Tunnel and train tunnels for Amtrak, conveyor system. The area that we’re working was filled in about 100 plus the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) and the NJ Transit. So Cruz enlisted years ago.” Although there were very few existing utilities located within the help of Moretrench – a firm that specializes in settlement control and the construction area, the firm did have to replace some utilities located on soil stabilization, dam rehabilitation and construction, earth retention and Second Street which were a couple hundred feet from the shoreline. The excavation support, and dewatering and groundwater control for construction. remaining storm, sanitary and water utilities were all new construction. Moretrench performed compaction grouting by drilling into the ground Throughout the project, Cruz has incorporated sustainable concepts and injecting cement grout mix to fill the voids. “With that we were able wherever possible. Porous sidewalks are being installed, as well as a to stabilize the area enough to install the pipe.” technology known as Silva Cell. “We installed Silva Cell which is used to One obstacle overcome, another ongoing challenge constantly forces help promote tree growth,” said Pillari. Silva Cell is a modular suspended Cruz to stay on its toes – site logistics. With multiple projects in progress pavement system that transfers above-ground loads down to a compacted at once at the busy Hunter’s Point South worksite – including new school sub-base. It uses soil volumes to enable large tree growth and, at the same construction by Skanska USA Building Inc., a 15-acre waterfront park that time, provides on-site storm water management via absorption, evapotransruns between Center Blvd and the East River, and high-rise housing units piration and interception. Each cell holds 10 cubic feet of soil but remains being erected by Phipps Houses, Related Companies and Monadnock about 92 percent empty which makes it easy to accommodate utilities. The Construction – maneuvering can become a nightmare. Such a convergence system can manage rain of up to two inches. of teams and construction efforts makes work at the site that much more By coming up with big solutions for day-to-day challenges, Cruz Concomplicated as each crew strives to meet its own construction milestones tractors is keeping a busy, expansive site under control as it continues to while trying to consider the presence of the others. “It presented chal- make progress toward a completion date projected for May 2013. With its lenges because you’re trying to accommodate a lot of people at the same straightforward philosophy, the firm can be relied upon to get the job done: time,” said Pillari. “Efficient equipment in the hands of trained, experienced personnel results Other issues Cruz handled involved uprooting relics and legacy frame- in rapid production of quality projects...within budget.” Pillari added, “We work from the site’s previous life as a power plant. “We found some of the partner with our customer. We bid a job to fulfill what they have in mind, coal plant infrastructure,” Pillari said. “It was an above and below ground and to do a job that we can be proud of.” November December 2012 23

EFFICIENCY COUNTS At Nu-Tech Energy Solutions it is all about the energy. by Drew Grossman

{BUILDING TEAM}  GENERAL CONTRACTOR / BUILDER Nu-Tech Construction  ARCHITECTURE Kyle Hollick Architects  MATERIAL SUPPLIERS Your Building Center  CABINETS / KITCHEN Lewisburg Builders Supply Company

24 Construction Leaders Today


u-Tech Energy Solutions, Co. out of Hawley, Penn. recently completed construction on an energy-efficient, senior-living duplex in Lewisburg, Penn. The multi-family residential unit was built for the Union County Housing Authority using locally-produced materials in order to lower costs and decrease wasteful practices. Sustainable construction is a pillar of the success that Nu-Tech has had. “We started with the concept to make energy-efficient and green buildings using recycled material and here we are,” said Pete Vargo of Nu-Tech Energy Solutions in an August 2010 piece from The duplex is meant to accommodate people who are 55 years or older and it is specially designed and constructed to meet the specific needs of this demographic. The duplex is filling a need for seniorliving, low-income housing for the Union County Housing Authority, so the UCHA also requires tenants to meet a certain income requirement in order to live there. “We’re not using aggressive technology, we’re not changing basic parameters of house, just doing it all better,” said Bruce Quigley of the Office for Planning and Architecture in the same piece for Nu-Tech tried to use green building techniques everywhere that they could. The firm installed LED light fixtures, triple-pane windows and unique countertops made out of super-heated and compressed paper. “The paper actually forms hard countertop where you wouldn’t know the difference,” Vargo said. “Nobody has any idea it’s made out of recycled paper.” The duplex is even heated by a small unobtrusive heat pump that is placed on the wall. The duplex does not need a more significant heat source because the building is so energy efficient. Nu-Tech plans to monitor the duplex’s energy usage over time and will use that information to help the firm construct even better energy-efficient homes in the future.


CLOCKWISE FROM OPPOSITE PAGE: Nu-Tech is known for constructing energy-efficient buildings. To do so, the firm often employs panelized building systems from the company thermaPANEL. Panelized buildings offer quicker construction and increased construction efficiency. Expanded polystyrene insulated steel fram panels, or EPS panels, from thermaPANEL offer unique builder benefits, superior insulation and lower project costs.

“We’re saying 60 to 70 to 80 percent less than the average minimum-code, new-construction home,” Vargo said. Nu-Tech is known for constructing energy-efficient buildings. To do so, the firm often employs panelized building systems from the company thermaPANEL. Panelized buildings offer quicker construction than site-built units and the panelized process increases construction efficiency and brings greater design flexibility. Panelized building systems save money on project costs, reduce waste and provide the advantage of being compatible to be installed in modular units. Expanded polystyrene insulated steel frame panels, or EPS panels, from thermaPANEL offer unique builder benefits, superior insulation and lower project costs. EPS Panel Building Systems cut framing time in half by using ready-made components like preframed door and window rough openings. To connect prefabricated construction pieces, shiplap joints and sheet metal screws make it quick, easy and convenient. Also, EPS Panel Building Systems can be fashioned in any style, as all panels can be clad with standard finishing materials. EPS Panel Building Systems offer superior insulation and are certified Energy Star compliant preinsulated steel framing. The panels minimize the conduction of heat and cold weather, by significantly reducing air infiltration. The panels also improve acoustics and protect against fire, moisture, mildew decay and termites. All of these convenient and efficient processes result in lower costs for both the customer and the builder. With EPS panels, the customer saves 50 percent or more on their utility costs, due to such features as improved insulation. The builder saves money on lower material costs and reduced labor costs associated with insulating, sheathing, installing vapor barriers, blocking, let-ins, ladder bracing and cripple studs. Also, improved efficiency and minimal construction times result in lower construction-loan interest and security costs. The use of EPS Panel Building Systems by thermaPANEL helps establish Nu-Tech Energy Solutions as a leader in the field of energy-efficient construction. And with projects like the senior-living duplex in Lewisburg, the firm is able to showcase their talent, experience and abilities when it comes to low-cost, energy-efficient construction.

EPS Building Systems cut framing time in half by using ready-made components like pre-framed door and window rough openings. To connect prefabricated construction pieces, shiplap joints and sheet metal screws make it quick, easy and convenient. EPS Building Systems offer superior insulation and are certified Energy Star compliant pre-insulated steel framing. The panels minimize the conduction of heat and cole weather, by significantly reducing air infiltration. By using EPS panel the builder saves money on lower material costs and reduced labor costs associated with insulating, sheathing, installing vapor barriers, blocking, let-ins, ladder bracing and cripple studs.

November December 2012 25


ABOVE: In order to meet New York City building codes, NLS built a light well in the middle of the building. The light well starts at a courtyard on the second floor. OPPOSITE: The private library, which is located adjacent to the lobby, is for use by residents and their guests. The library has 13foot ceilings, wood paneling and windows draped in velvet.

A LUXURY RENOVATION New Line Structures was hired to gut and renovate 250 West Street from a warehouse into the finest luxury condos. by Drew Grossman

26 Construction Leaders Today


t 250 West Street stands a 312,000-square-foot luxury residential building. The building has stood at that location for more than 100 years. Originally constructed as a warehouse, it has served a variety of functions over the years. The structure was last used as a back-ofhouse computer space by Citibank, who renovated the building in 1988. Citibank ultimately left it vacant until the developers at El Ad Group saw the potential for successful residential condos there and bought the building. El Ad Group is committed to developing architecturally significant buildings for conversion and the firm has projects located in some of the most sought-after neighborhoods in New York and nationwide. The developers hired New Line Structures out of New York City to serve as construction manager on the gut and rehab project. Martin Loy, the current president of construction at NLS, had worked with El Ad previously on a 45-story building while he was working at another firm. Pleased with his work, El Ad made the decision to hire Loy again, along with his new firm New Line Structures. “We’ll manage the construction of the project from the demolition through turning it over to the apartment managers,” said Terrence McDonagh, senior project manager at New Line Structures inc. “We’ll manage all of the trades, the structural, the architectural and the mechanical, electrical, plumbing trades. Working with the architects and the owner, we’ll develop the scopes of work for each of these trades and go through the process with the owner and award it to whatever contractor they see fit and then manage the construction from there.”


November December 2012 27


ABOVE LEFT: There are 10-foot ironwork gates at the entrance to the luxury condominiums. Inside the entrance is a grand lobby featuring woods, natural stone masonry and dramatic lighting. ABOVE RIGHT: The pool is located in a two-level amenitites area along with the children's playroom, sauna and state-of-the-art fitness center. The 61-foot pool has Travertine mosaic tiles on the deck and pool wall, as well as glass art featured on the room wall.

28 Construction Leaders Today

250 West is 11 floors, plus a mezzanine and penthouse, which New Line Structures is adding to the top of the building. In order to support the penthouse, New Line was required to either strengthen the existing structure or build additional structure to the building. The firm did both. “The columns in the building are cast iron, so you can’t weld to it and it’s very tough to bolt to it,” McDonagh said. “So you are very limited in what you can do. It’s fairly sensitive material compared to modern steel, so that made adding this penthouse very difficult.” Because the building has been standing for more than a hundred years, it is best not to add any new kind of stresses to the infrastructure without providing additional support. The building’s envelope is 20-inch-thick brick wall that New Line Structures maintained from the original building. The exterior reflects the 20th century origins of the structure and NLS worked to restore the building’s cornice molding, arched windows and grand entryways. The historic cornice replaced an aluminum band that was ringing the top of the building. New Line worked in conjunction with a preservation consultant to advise them on what materials to use and also to serve as a liaison between the firm and the landmarks commission, who ultimately has to approve the construction. “Our consultant is one of the experts in town on knowing what they’re going to be looking for so that we can make sure we get approval of it on the first pass, instead of going round and round,” McDonagh said. “They’ve been very helpful.”


Everest Scaffolding Inc. won its first project in 2005 based on Founder/President Christopher “Jimmy” Downes’ reputation for safety and quality, and has ever since strived to always ensure safety and quality from first contact. For a sidewalk bridge and/or pipe scaffolding proposal, Everest orders quality materials and hires only OSHA and 32-Hour-Card-holding employees. Everest’s safety record has earned them an A.M. Best Company rating of A-. From obtaining and renewing permits in a timely manner to signing off permits, Everest gets the job done.Ad on page 56.

There are several different types of brick on the facade of the building and the contractors went through nearly 20 different bricks trying to find the right match. The brick needed to match the color, size and texture of the original material. It needed to be as close to an exact match as possible. “A large part of it was putting in all new windows to match what was previously there,” McDonagh said. During previous renovations, the arched windows were squared off and filled in so NLS had to go in and establish the historic arched windows. “The problem is that they building had settled a lot over time, so pretty much every window opening was different,” McDonagh said. “The window contractor had to basically custom make hundreds and hundreds of windows so that was a major undertaking on its own.” There are legal light and air calculations that need to be taken into account when you are constructing a residential building in New York City. In order to receive a permit from the Department of Buildings, all bedrooms must have window area equal to ten percent of the floor area. This means that a bedroom that is 100 square feet must have a window that is at least 10 square feet. To accommodate this law, New Line Structures built a light well that goes down the middle of the residential building. This opens up the building and allows the owners to have bedrooms on the inside, completely utilizing the available space.

GHWA Goldstein Hill & West Architects (GHWA) is a full service New York Citybased architecture firm dedicated to the planning and design of the highestquality residential buildings, hospitality buildings and multi-use complexes. Principals Alan Goldstein, L. Stephen Hill and David West founded the firm in 2009 and have a legacy of excellence in design spanning 20 years. The partners are the designers of many prominent structures in the New York City metropolitan area. Clients include Extell Development, El Ad Group, Alexico Group, Forest City Ratner, Silverstein Properties and the Witkoff Group. GHWA has had the pleasure of working with New Line Structures on a number of projects. The most recent is 250 West Street in Manhattan, a 111unit, 300,000 sq. ft. warehouse-turned luxury condo in TriBeCa designed for the El Ad Group. Ad on page 59.

November December 2012 29



We install prefabricated panels that are made of lightweight stone and come in a variety of different exotic and domestic finishes. They can be used on both the interior and exterior of any project and substrate. They can also been installed over existing construction and new construction buildings. These panels are 80 percent lighter than dimensional stone. They are impact resistant, flexible, durable and stable. The thickness is consistent, they're weatherproof and are permanently bonded with high-quality epoxies. Medallions and inlays are also available. Ad on page 61.

CEM LLC CEM is a low voltage contractor with two divisions serving both commercial and residential clients. Our residential team specializes in Crestron control systems, audio, video, lighting, shade and climate control with full automation. The commercial team focuses on cabling infrastructure, VoIP phone systems, conference rooms, teleconferencing, modulated video and background music. Our capability ranges from design through final termination, testing and every step along the way. Ad on page 56.

30 Construction Leaders Today


Residents of 250 West Street, 487 Keap Street and 67 Liberty Street appreciate the extraordinary level of ingenuity from City Skyline Inc., a trailblazing waterproofing solutions company in New York City. By employing The Kemper System, which is described as the world’s premier waterproofing system, City Skyline is able to ensure low operational building costs and virtually no maintenance to their roofing systems. As costs swell due to raw materials and labor costs, at least there’s the cushion of a 30 year warranty that’ll protect even the most delicate investment. The company strategically focuses on the New York City market. “It’s very important to exercise control over our work volume in order to achieve the optimum results for your clients. We don’t spread ourselves to thin; we invest people, knowledge, and technology.” said CEO Arek Kwapinski . This strategy aligns well with the company’s branding objectives. “Our work is highly recognizable, we have a remarkable reputation”. Kwapinski and Martin Loy first teamed up in 2006, 10 years after Arek moved to New York from Poland. When Martin and Jeff formed New Line Structures Inc in 2008, the obvious strategy prevailed and the partnership flourished as City Skyline continued to supply them and other large developers with their cold-liquid applied, fully reinforced and odor-free roofing systems. Ad on page 57.

“We had to come in and basically build new structure and demolish four bays to build a light well in the middle of the building,” McDonagh said. “This meant they could put bedrooms on the interior of the building, otherwise there would be a lot of lost space in the middle of the building.” The light well goes down to a courtyard that is located on the second floor of the building. Along with the courtyard, the building features a 5,000 square foot rooftop terrace with panoramic views of the city. At 250 West Street there is a beautiful grand lobby with wood, natural stone masonry and dramatic lighting. Adjacent to the lobby, NLS constructed a private library for use by residents and guests. The library has 13-foot ceilings, wood paneling and windows draped in velvet. The lobby/ library space ends with a window that overlooks the ground-floor pool and lounge. The pool is located in a two-level amenities area along with the children’s playroom, sauna and state-of-the-art fitness center. The 61-foot pool has Travertine mosaic tiles on the deck and pool wall, as well as glass art featured on the room wall. New Line faced a series of challenges converting the building from its previous function as a warehouse into its current use as residential condominiums. “It was a warehouse where the slabs were hitched to a lot of drainage, because it was some sort of cold storage warehouse,” McDonagh said. “When the ice melted, the slab was pitched toward the drains. The high to low on the existing slab was about 11 and half to 12 inches, so we had to level all of that out, but still maintain the maximum heights in each of the apartments that we could.” It would have been easier to just level the whole floor in one shot, but in order to get the maximum floor to ceiling height, the firm leveled each individual apartment, which gives the owners the most sellable apartment. The project is still underway, but it is moving along on schedule. The pace of construction is pretty quick, compared to other residential towers in Manhattan, but New Line Structures is maintaining it and completing 250 West Street with the experience and skill that the firm is known for.

ABOVE LEFT: The building is owned by the developers at El Ad Group. El Ad is committed to developing architecturally significant buildings for conversion and the firm has projects located in some of the most sought-after neighborhoods in New York and nationwide. The developers hired New Line Structures out of New York City to serve as construction manager on the gut and rehab project. ABOVE RIGHT: 250 West Street is 11 floors, plus a mezzanine and penthouse, which New Line Structures is adding to the top of the building. In order to support the penthouse, New Line was required to either strengthen the existing structure or build additional structure to the building. The firm did both.

November December 2012 31



The Gates Vascular Institute is at the cutting edge of today’s vascular technology. by Kevin D. Porter

32 Construction Leaders Today


Pinto Construction Services, Inc. is committed to superior workmanship, with the ability to handle projects, large or small, including underground infrastructure, site work, general construction and demolition. For over 80 years, the Panepinto family has provided western New York with professional, prompt and quality service in the construction industry. Ad on page 51.

OPPOSITE: This dramatic accent wall divides the main lobby of the hospital from the pre-admissions area. The wave pattern is meant to evoke the vascular system. A similar motif is repeated in the curtain wall shell of the hospital's exterior.


ABOVE, TOP: The Gates Vascular Institute represents a partnership between Kaleida Health and the University at Buffalo who share equal space, four floors each, at the facility. Each floor of the cutting-edge institute is approximately one acre in size.

ABOVE, BOTTOM: Kaleida Health and the University at Buffalo's CTRC offer the best in clinical care, conduct groundbreaking research on vascular disease and act as an incubator for new economic opportunities in biotech.

he modern, sleek exterior of the 10-story structure located at 100 High Street in downtown Buffalo, N.Y. provides only an inkling of the innovation and ground-breaking research pulsing within its walls. The Gates Vascular Institute (GVI) is a global vascular institute and research facility that is the first of its kind in Western New York. “It is the only comprehensive center for stroke, cardiac and vascular services in the country,” said Mickey Mariacher, director of facility planning and construction for Kaleida Health – the largest health care provider in Western New York. “It combines stroke, cardiac and vascular treatment with research.” The new facility represents a partnership between Kaleida Health and the University at Buffalo, whose Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) is co-located within the new structure. The two have joined forces to offer the very best in clinical care, conduct groundbreaking research on the causes and treatment for vascular disease and to act as an incubator for new economic opportunities in biotechnology. “If you came up with a new idea for a procedure or stent, you could rent space in the facility.” The institute resulted from a 2007 decision by the Berger Commission to close the Millard Fillmore Gates Circle Hospital. Kaleida Health decided to relocate its cardiovascular and stroke-related services to a brand new facility. As the point of contact for all major construction across the entire Kaleida Health System, Mariacher was responsible for coordinating the project. “From

engaging the architect and construction manager – all the way to turnover – I oversaw the owners’ interest,” she said. “We had two years of planning before we broke ground. As many as 25 to 30 end-user groups were engaged for more than a year to make sure that what we were going to build fit their needs and the physicians’ needs.” In order to outfit the institute with the latest, most advanced equipment, Mariacher and team took a deliberate, thoughtful approach. “We waited to see who had the best possible equipment until the last minute possible. That takes a lot of juggling and a lot of people suspending their concern and angst about knowing exactly what we were going to do,” said Mariacher. Construction of the Gates Vascular Institute broke ground in August 2009. Throughout, Mariacher managed the project within a tight footprint in downtown Buffalo. The limited space made logistics a challenge. The construction manager, Turner Construction Co., scheduled materials so that they arrived exactly when needed so as not to further complicate the already restricted space with items that needed to be stored for future use. In order to better manage daily construction developments and issues, Mariacher, Peter Murphy -- director of plant operations -- and project Architect Frank Sica of Cannon Design each lived on site in trailers. It was a decision that proved beneficial. “Cannon is an internationally recognized designer located right here in Buffalo,” Mariacher said. “Frank moved onto the site and really kept it moving. There was a lot of communication. We had real-time answers every single day.” Construction was completed over a 30-month period in April 2012. Kaleida Health and the University at Buffalo share equal space within the new 475,000 sq.ft., $291 million facility. Kaleida Health occupies the first four floors, each about the size of an acre, which are comprised of a 56-bed emergency department, seven operating rooms, extended recovery patient rooms and 15 state-of-the-art stroke, cardiac and vascular labs, Mariacher explained. There is also a highly-specialized 16-bed ICU and a 62-bed short-stay suite. “Above that is inhabited by the University at Buffalo where they conduct stroke research,” said Mariacher. The University’s CRTC is dedicated to transforming research into innovative treatments and technologies that can lead to medical breakthroughs. Economic opportunities that stem from medical discoveries can be nurtured with laboratory and office space, and start-up services right within the facility. Response from the community has been positive. “It’s fantastic. The community is absolutely thrilled,” Mariacher said. “If you were to come here and get a tour, you would say, ‘there is nowhere else I would want to take my family to be taken care of.’ Everybody here wanted this facility to be the best. We didn’t want to cut corners. One day it could be one of us on that table.” Ironically, about two-and-a-half months after the institute opened, Mariacher’s own mother, Pat Mariacher, had to make use of the facility. “She had a stent procedure and was in-and-out in 48 hours. It was as though I had proof postitive that all this hard work, from planning to building, had paid off.” November December 2012 33


BUILDING THROUGH BUREAUCRACY H.P. Cummings weathered major delays and a harsh winter to deliver a facility that was both on-time and below-budget. Story by Kevin D. Porter Photos by Michael Penney

34 Construction Leaders Today

OPPOSITE: At 98,000 sq.ft. the recently constructed Grafton County Department of Corrections is four times the size of the original facility, portions of which were built in 1896. The new structure is built to house 150 inmates. LEFT: Soaring ceilings highlight portions of the building's structural steel frame as windows flood a seating area with natural light. Dark wood paneling and pendant lighting give the facility a modern feel. BELOW LEFT: Wide open thoroughfares contribute to the overall open and upbeat feel of the correctional facility, while skylights reduce the need for artificial lighting and contribute to energy savings. BELOW RIGHT: A spacious, industrial kitchen equipped with stainless steel appliances and fixtures is balanced by an earth tone polished concrete floor and an impact wall splash of color.

{BUILDING TEAM}  METAL STAIRS & FABRICATIONS PG Adams, Inc  MECHANICAL Granite State Plumbing & Heating  FIRE PROTECTION Hampshire Fire Protection  HVAC TESTING, ADJUSTING, BALANCING Air Solutions  SECURITY ELECTRONICS Tim Redden & Associates


isputes and disagreements seldom have a positive effect on a construction schedule and often present major complications. When such is the case, you need an experienced construction manager at the wheel. One with over 130 years in the industry. One whose personalized approach attracts over 70 percent repeat business. You need H.P. Cummings. H.P. Cummings is a full service construction manager that provides expertise during both the design and construction process. In 2007 the firm submitted a proposal in response to an RFP for the construction of a new correctional facility in Grafton County, N.H. After completing the interview process, the firm was awarded the contract. Little did it know, more than three years would pass before construction would be allowed to commence. Although Grafton County legislature sanctioned a $38 million bond issuance for the construction

of the correctional facility in 2009, the Hanover Board of Selectman filed suit against the project citing that county residents could not afford the tax increase during tough economic times. Once the dispute had finally been settled, H.P. Cummings officially began the new ground-up construction of the 150-bed jail in June 2010. The new structure would replace the old 75-bed facility, a portion of which dated back to 1896. H.P. Cummings Vice President and Project Manager Dan Smith oversaw the project. Progress moved at a brisk pace, however critical construction time had already been lost. When it came to the masonry portion of the structure, the altered schedule presented a major complication. “Most of that work started in the beginning and middle of one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record,” said Smith. “But we needed to maintain progress during the winter to maintain the schedule.” Nearly half of the new facility consisted of a November December 2012 35


Over the past 29 years, Granite State Plumbing and Heating has been involved in a wide range of different markets and construction projects including healthcare, educational, institutional, industrial/manufacturing, processing, lodging, data centers and more. The Grafton County Jail is the third major correctional facility they have worked on in the last decade. Ad on page 53.


P.G. Adams opened its doors in 1968 with a focus on custom steel fabrication. They have since evolved into a fabricating operation specializing in metal forming and serve multiple industries throughout the country. What hasn’t changed through the years is P.G. Adams’ steadfast commitment to quality. “What makes us truly unique in this industry is the extent to which we stand behind our product,” said Ashley Adams. “We strive for perfection, whether we’re building a decorative railing or a truck frame.” P.G. Adams retains an “old world” commitment to quality in a world of ever accelerating schedules. “I truly believe that we have the best crew in the business. We feel that with the right people on board, we can be the best at what we do,” said Bonnie Adams when asked how they do it. P.G. Adams’ new line of decorative mesh is one example of their “old world” commitment to quality. Paul Adams, the creative force behind the designs, wanted to build guardrails for his home that wouldn’t obscure the view, but would be very durable. P.G. Adams’ decorative mesh designs accomplish this, and are versatile enough for use not only in railings, but security windows, doors, partitions, fences, gates and truck headboards. Ad on page 53.

structural steel frame with masonry infill, Smith explained. “We intentionally did that assuming that we were going to have an early spring start.” But because the project had experienced such an extended delay, it pushed work on the masonry portion into the winter months – a task usually reserved for warmer temperatures. But new masonry could not tolerate such cold, damp conditions. So the firm had to build tents and temporary shelters to house and heat the masonry work so that it could dry and cure properly. Another challenge during construction was the coordination of the under-slab piping and conduit for security. “We had 140,000 feet of pipe under the slab,” said Smith. “It’s almost impossible to have that pipe in the ceiling spaces.” Throughout the construction process, work was overseen by H.P. Cummings’ on-site quality control team. 36 Construction Leaders Today

Construction unfolded over a 20-month period and was completed in March 2012. At over 98,000 sq.ft., the new correctional facility is more than four times the size of the original and is configured to accommodate 150 inmates with the infrastructure to support up to 300. Although it is not LEED certified there were many sustainable concepts incorporated into the construction which include: light colored roofing to reflect heat, a high efficiency heating envelope, as well as a geothermal heating system – to name a few. The new structure is located on the Grafton County Courthouse complex. “It’s now connected to the existing courthouse. That makes better coordination for inmates. Now they don’t have to be transported to the courthouse, they can just walk there,” Smith said. In both the short and long-term, the new configuration saves on

the county’s transportation costs. The correctional facility offers inmates new learning opportunities that were not available at the old location and includes classrooms and meeting areas intended to aide in rehabilitation and to help set inmates on a path toward becoming productive citizens. Despite delays and environmental challenges, H.P. Cummings delivered the project on-time and below budget at $29.5 million – a savings of nearly $2 million for Grafton County who has already voted to use the surplus funds for the creation of a biomass plant on the site. It all speaks to H.P. Cummings’ service-oriented philosophy. “We’re an agent of the owner. Our goal is to satisfy their needs,” said Smith. “We really take our role as a team member to heart. We’re just an old company that builds great buildings.”


OPPOSITE, TOP: A spacious visitation area allows inmates to greet family and friends. Blocks of saturated color on the wall and floor add depth and warmth to the industrial space. BOTTOM: Mood-affecting color is a theme throughout the correctional facility. At this medical station equipped to treat inmates, a purple wall and purple accent floor tiles have a calming affect.

THIS PAGE, TOP: Gathering places for inmates are bright and upbeat with the use of skylights — a theme throughout — and color choices. The new facility offers programs to help rehabilitate inmates which were not available at the old edifice.

BOTTOM RIGHT: State-of-the art equipment and technology, along with modern conveniences like air conditioning, create a stark contrast to the old jail which could reach stifling temperatures during the summer.

BOTTOM LEFT: After litigation to prevent construction of the correctional facility was settled, H.P. Cummings began work in June 2010 and completed the structure in March 2012. During winter months, the general contractor had to build tents and temporary shelters to house and heat the masonry infill.

November December 2012 37

Long Community is made up of Brightwood, Westminster Place and Kirkwood Place; totalling in 200 apartments for independent living and personal care residents.

38 Construction Leaders Today




by Drew Grossman

November December 2012 39


Durex Coverings, Inc. is a locally-owned and customer oriented company founded in Lancaster, Pa. They provide practical solutions to any surface application problem and take pride in their commitment to customers. Commitment, experienced professionals and technically advanced equipment makes customer satisfaction the standard, not the exception. Ad on page 55.

The combination of market-rate and tax credit housing has been a great success for Presbyterian Senior Living, the owners of Long Community at Highland. Presbyterian is a large provider of senior living in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and southeastern Ohio. Brightwood was the first building to break ground and was completed in November of 2011. The 143,000 sq.ft. structure is actually two buildings that are joined together, a four-story independentliving building and a three-story personal care building. The ground floor of the personal care side of Brightwood is a community center with a fitness room, barber/beauty shop, physician's office, a large meeting room, a cafe and a dining room. In total, Long Community at Highland is three buildings and 327,000 sq. ft.

40 Construction Leaders Today


here are not many senior living facilities that feature both market-rate and tax credit housing, which makes Long Community at Highland in Lancaster, Penn. all the more unique. Benchmark Construction Company provided preconstruction and construction services for the three-building; 327,000 square foot complex. “These are senior living rental units, so it is sort of a new product for the market and it has taken off really well,” said Jeff Sturla, vice president of preconstruction at Benchmark Construction Company. Long Community is made up of Brightwood, Westminster Place and Kirkwood Place; totalling in 200 apartments for independent living and personal care residents. Brightwood was the first building to break ground and was completed in November of 2011. The 143,000 square foot structure is actually two buildings that are joined together, a four-story independent living building and a three-story personal care building. The independent living facility houses 44 single-bedroom units and eight two-bedroom units. The personal care side of Brightwood has 32 units located on the second and third floors. Both floors feature pleasant social spaces with screened-in porches and a resident lounge lined with windows. The ground floor of the personal care side of the building is a community center with a fitness room, barber/beauty shop, physician’s office, a large meeting room, a cafe and a dining room with a full service commercial kitchen. The two sides of Brightwood were constructed simultaneously and joined by a shared demising wall. “There was a lot of consternation between the separation of the two of buildings and that had to be an absolute,” Sturla said. “In essence, if one building burns down, the other one has to stay.



Triangle Heating and Air Conditioning has worked with Benchmark Construction on many projects, both large and small; they respect their commitment to satisfying customers throughout the construction process and beyond. Ad on page 55.

There is a firewall in between them with the burn clips up so in each case, the firewall stands.” Westminster Place is tax credit facility that features a total of 61 rooms, with 54 one-bedroom and 7 two-bedroom units ranging in size from 600 to 850 square feet. Benchmark Construction had to account for the slope of the site and constructed Westminster with three floors exposed on the north face of the building and four floors above grade on the southern exposure. Aside from the below-grade parking garage, which is a steel framed structure, Westminster is a wood framed building. Westminster is built to incorporate many of the performance standards outlined in the Enterprise GREEN Community Criteria. The project features a geothermal HVAC system and solar hot water systems for certain apartments in the building. “The project has an extremely large underground retention facilities for stormwater and it also has two separate geothermal well fields, because two of the three buildings use geothermal heat, HVAC systems,” Sturla said. Kirkwood Place, which is currently still under construction, will offer an additional 56 independent living apartments as well as a third below grade parking garage. The combination of market-rate and tax credit housing has been a great success for Presbyterian Senior Living, the owners of Long Community at Highland. Presbyterian is a large provider of senior living in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and southeastern Ohio. After Benchmark Construction’s success constructing Long Community, this may be a formula that Presbyterian Senior Living continues in the future.

{BUILDING TEAM}  ROOFING Fisher's Construction  BITUMINOUS PAVING Martin Paving, Inc.  OVERHEAD DOOR Overhead Door Company of Lancaster  EXCAVATION H.L. Wiker, Inc.  SITE CONCRETE Stief Concrete Work, Inc.

November December 2012 41

The renovation consisted of updating the exterior of the buildings to showcase a more modern hotel and restaurant look by updating the entrance and exterior facade, which accompanied previous renovations made to the interior spaces of the hotel and restaurant.

42 Construction Leaders Today


A Hotel Classic A.R. Brouwer Company, along with JPRA Architects, renovated the exterior of the historic Weber's Hotel and Restaurant in Ann Arbor, Mich. Founded in 1937, Weber's has a wealth of history in the town. by Drew Grossman

November December 2012 43

ABOVE: The project was divided into three phases, which were constructed simultaneously and allowed the hotel and restaurant to stay open during the project. The first phase of construction was the new entrance to the hotel, which features a grand Porte Cochere, elevating the prominence of the entrance and providing a covered drop-off area for guests. OPPOSITE, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The hotel and restaurant has been family owned and operated by the Webers for three generations. Current president, Ken Weber, brought A.R. Brouwer Co. in to renovate the buildings in time for their upcoming 75th anniversary. The second phase of construction included remodeling the Habitat Lounge and Weber's Restaurant entrance. The third and final phase of construction involved replacing all of the exterior windows and applying a new facade to a majority of the building. Aside from this project, the hotel previously renovated the indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool spa, along with the outdoor patio and sundeck.

44 Construction Leaders Today


hen most people think of Ann Arbor, Mich., they think of the University of Michigan and the school's long history of Wolverine football. But the Wolverines are not the only ones with a sense of history and tradition in Ann Arbor. Weber’s Hotel and Restaurant has been operating not far from the university since its founding in 1937 by Herman Weber. The hotel and restaurant has been family owned and operated by the Webers for three generations. Recently Ken Weber, the current president of Weber’s Inn, hired A.R. Brouwer Company. based in Dexter, Mich. to do a serious renovation and remodeling of the exterior of the boutique hotel and restaurant. The project, which began in February of 2011, was completed in November of that year, just in time to prepare for the company’s upcoming 75th anniversary. The renovation comprised of updating the exterior of the buildings complement modern, interior renovations completed in recent years. The project was divided into three phases, which were constructed simultaneously and allowed the hotel and restaurant to stay open during the project. The first phase of construction was the new entrance to the hotel, which features a grand Porte Cochere, elevating the prominence of the entrance and providing a covered drop-off area for guests. The second phase included remodeling Weber’s Restaurant and Habitat Lounge entrances. The restaurant was the Weber’s original property. The family did not open the boutique hotel until the mid-sixties. The restaurant


is an upscale casual atmosphere offering the best in prime rib, steaks and seafood. The Habitat Lounge is a bar and music venue that features live bands six nights a week. The third and final phase of construction involved replacing all of the exterior windows and applying a new facade to a majority of the building. Weber's Hotel had previously renovated the indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool spa, along with the outdoor patio and sundeck. Poolside hotel rooms and suites feature balconies with chic spiral staircases and first floor rooms have walkouts to the pool and recreation area. Construction came at a difficult time for the economy in Michigan, but according to president of Weber’s Inn, Ken Weber, the project was a great benefit to everyone involved. “Major renovations can have a greater impact in difficult economic times, the public notices the improvements and the contractors appreciate the work,” Weber said in an October 2011 press release. “We were able to locate and secure the top talent which may not have otherwise been available. The new rule for hotel development is capital, capital, capital and this benefits companies that operate a well-capitalized business. This renovation will lead us in a direction that benefits the community, our company and our employees.” The renovations give the hotel and restaurant a completely new look that is sure to boost the Weber’s experience, while still maintaining its storied tradition.

{BUILDING TEAM}  HVAC Fuller Heating Company  ELECTRICAL A&N Electric  METAL CLADDING Universal Wall Systems, Inc  BUILDING FLATWORK Concrete Construction  STRUCTURAL STEEL Ann Arbor Fabrication

November December 2012 45


When it comes to on-time, on-budget construction, L. Feriozzi Concrete Company is a winning hand. Story by Kevin D. Porter Photos by Stokes Creative Group


46 Construction Leaders Today


f you re-build it, they will come. That may be the idea behind recent efforts by the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) and Revel casino to redesign and rejuvenate streets leading to the fledgling gaming resort in Atlantic City, NJ. In order to achieve that objective, the CRDA enlisted the expertise of L. Feriozzi Concrete Company. L. Feriozzi is a full-service general construction and concrete contractor that serves Atlantic City and the surrounding southern New Jersey area. The firm was the successful low-bidder on the South Inlet Transportation Improvement project which aimed to rework an outdated road system in order to create smoother traffic flow to Revel casino – a $2.4 billion oceanfront resort with a sliver-like shape that pierces the Atlantic City skyline at 700-ft. tall. When it comes to road work, L. Feriozzi has been around the block. The firm completed similar road projects for Taj Mahal and Resorts International casinos. As company Project Executive, Jim Simpkins manages the general construction arm of L. Feriozzi with a primary role in estimation and general construction. With the South Inlet project the firm brought its extensive roadway construction experience to the table. “The purpose was to create a main boulevard,” said Simpkins. A boulevard that spanned from Route 30 to Melrose Avenue and connected to a widened, six-lane Connecticut Avenue. Connecticut led straight to Revel. L. Feriozzi was also responsible for rebuilding dilapidated roads and installing new infrastructure. But there’s nothing simple about manipulating city streets within the heart of a busy transit district. “We were able to detour traffic around us,” said third-generation company President Joseph Feriozzi. “The main challenge was at the intersection. We had to keep one lane of traffic through.” However, motorists were not the only challenge. The highway project required the relocation of dense infrastructure. “It involved the installation of several underground utilities. There was a massive underground infrastructure system that had to be installed in order to facilitate the overhead infrastructure.” The firm endured several delays in the coordination of electric, water and gas utilities. Storm drains were upgraded to accommodate higher water flow and corresponding storm water pipe sizes were also increased. As a New Jersey approved Class B Recycler, L. Feriozzi has the capability to recycle concrete and


Towering above the Atlantic City skyline at 700ft.,Revel casino is an entertainment resort, hotel, casino and spa situated on 20 acres of oceanfront property. It is one of the latest entrants into the Atlantic City gaming world.

November December 2012 47


TOP LEFT: The purpose of the South Inlet Redevelopment project was to create smoother traffic flow into Revel casino via a main boulevard that connected to a widened, six-lane Connecticut Ave. leading straight to Revel. The CRDA estimated that a newly redesigned Connecticut Ave. would be equipped to handle over 10,000 motorists a day. TOP RIGHT: The South Inlet project was as much an opportunity to help beautify the city as it was a chance to improve street layout and infrastructure. L. Feriozzi installed new granite curbing, gutters, sidewalks and landscaping along the parkway which enhanced the look and feel of the boulevard. New lighting features leading to Revel completed the look. BOTTOM LEFT: On Revel's opening day, local residents in surrounding neighborhoods reported no adverse impacts from the new traffic patterns. The city reported steady traffic and police logged no traffic incidents. BOTTOM RIGHT: Granite curbing and plantings added major appeal to city streets involved in the redevelopement. As a responsible member of the community and environment, L. Feriozzi made sure that 100 percent of the existing asphalt and concrete road base were recycled and reused in the new roadway.

48 Construction Leaders Today


Form and function work together at US Concrete Precast Group’s Mid-Atlantic location in central Pennsylvania. This stateof-the-art facility boasts 32 acres dedicated to the design and production of architectural precast components. For residential high rise and apartment complexes, office buildings, warehouses, parking garages, stadiums and commercial and municipal buildings, nothing is faster or more cost-effective than precast concrete. And no one fabricates customized precast concrete components better or with more care and quality control than the MidAtlantic facility. From architectural cladding to total precast structures, US Concrete’s Mid-Atlantic location has the capacity to meet the needs and schedules of any project with innovative design and a variety of finishes and color options using a wide range of aggregates for design flexibility. Located in the middle of the busy Northeast corridor, they service eight states and some of the largest U.S. construction markets quickly and easily. Ad on page 52.

asphalt and ensured that 100 percent of the existing asphalt and concrete road base were recycled and reused in the new roadway. On the cosmetic side of things, the South Inlet project was also an opportunity to help beautify the city. New granite curbing, gutters, sidewalks and landscaping along the parkway enhanced the look and feel of the boulevard. New lighting features leading to Revel completed the look. L. Feriozzi completed the project in March 2012 and Revel casino opened in April. “Traffic flows much better now,” said Feriozzi. The CRDA had estimated that a newly redesigned Connecticut Avenue would be equipped to handle over 10,000 motorists a day. On Revel’s opening day the city reported steady traffic and police logged no traffic incidents. Local residents in surrounding neighborhoods also reported no adverse impacts from the new traffic patterns. In the months following completion of the South Inlet project, the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement reported that Revel’s monthly revenue had steadily increased since its April open. In August 2012 the casino posted its best month since its open with $20 million in earnings from slot machines and table games. With a priority to deliver its projects safely, on time and on-budget at the highest possible quality, L.Feriozzi is committed to delivering the vision of its wide-ranging clientele – a clientele that extends beyond road projects. In February 2012, the firm completed a different project for the CRDA – a dramatic 1,200-stall parking structure located at the foot of the Atlantic City Expressway. The $38 million cast-in-place concrete car garage for “The Walk” shops features 14,000 sq.ft. of tenant space. It also incorporates several sustainable concepts including car charging stations and a 400 kilowatt rooftop solar array composed of photovoltaic cells. The cells look similar to solar panels but work differently. While solar panels make use of the sun’s energy to produce hot water or steam, photovoltaics convert sunlight directly into electricity. The project won the 2012 Merritt Award from the New Jersey Chapter of The American Concrete Institute and highlights L. Feriozzi’s extensive selection of services for its clients. November December 2012 49


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November December 2012 53


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November December 2012 57


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58 Construction Leaders Today

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Goldstein Hill & West Architects (GHWA) is a full service New York City-based architecture firm dedicated to the planning and design of the highest-quality residential buildings, hospitality buildings and multi-use complexes. Principals Alan Goldstein, L. Stephen Hill and David West founded the firm in 2009 and have a legacy of excellence in design spanning 20 years. The partners are the designers of many prominent structures in the New York City metropolitan area and include as clients Extell Development, El Ad Group, Alexico Group, Forest City Ratner, Silverstein Properties and the Witkoff Group. GHWA has had the pleasure of working with New Line Structures on a number of projects. The most recent is 250 West Street in Manhattan, a 111-unit, 300,000 square foot warehouse-turned luxury condo in Tribeca designed for the El Ad Group. GHWA looks forward to many more successful collaborations with New Line Structures in the years to come.

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November December 2012 61



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by Joel Cornell

With high annual growth and a backlog of work standing at a worth of about $22 million, one would think VendRick Construction, Inc. would be a massive corporate construction firm with countless bustling employees. On the contrary, the relatively small staff that VendRick Construction, Inc. began with in 1993 has remained the stable foundation of their success to this day. “Our real specialty lies in our ability to properly manage and utilize our short list of highly trained and experienced employees and subcontractors who we rely on like family to make sure that our clients budget, scheduling and aesthetic needs are met every step of the way,” said company president Frank Vendemia. Vendemia began in the industry after receiving his degree in civil engineering. In his senior year in college, he worked with Derrick “Rick” Dickson, who managed his own construction company. Right out of high school, Dickson entered into a local carpentry apprenticeship program. He worked with a local commercial contracting company for nearly two decades before starting his own business. It was this company that Vendemia worked for before he wanted to


start his own business as well. Vendemia and Dickson decided to partner up instead, and see how that suited them and their goals. Should any problems arise, they would go their separate ways. To this day, Vendemia and Dickson have been doing what they love and have kept their business and their passion going strong. “For the most part,” Vendemia said, “we tend to handle public works projects such as large multifamily complexes, school renovations and medical facilities. We don’t always take on the most attractive or visible projects; that’s not our aim. We want to work on projects that fit our forte. Whether we’re working on a public bid project for a school renovation or a design/ build project for an apartment complex, we’re able to provide the ultimate service to our clients by keeping our management teams small and project-oriented, while relying on a family of experienced employees and specialized subcontractors and specialists who are the absolute best at what they do.” Located in Brookfield, Ohio close to the Pennsylvania border, VendRick Construction, Inc. operates locally in a 60 mile radius. Despite

the fact that VendRick’s annual revenues have grown by millions of dollars every year, they focus on building projects locally. They can utilize their knowledge of the area, its nuances and its residents to give their clients the highest quality building program. “We do as much of the work ourselves as we can manage,” Vendemia said, “but once we’re outside our internal capacity to perform efficiently, we reach out to our roster of quality subcontractors to work with people we know and trust to get the job done right and on time.” VendRick Construction, Inc.’s philosophy promises the continued involvement of at least one company principal on each and every project, as well as the commitment to quality construction by the entire building group working as a single team. Both Rick and Frank attribute the company’s success to their faith, family, and friends. By focusing on building proper relationships and teams as much as they concentrate on the buildings themselves, VendRick Construction, Inc. is able to maintain a history of quality projects done on time, every time. ALT

Vendrick.indd 1 4/28/2011 7:43:37 PM

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by Douglas Richards

ABOVE: Located in Tinley Park, Ill., the Alpha Med Center is a state-of-the-art 55,000 sq.ft. medical office complex completed by PDC Midwest, Inc. in 2011. The prairie-style facility offers cancer diagnosis, a treatment plan and actual treatment all under one roof.

64 Construction Leaders Today


November December 2012 65


ABOVE: The $20 million facility was created by a partnership of physicians who each planned to have their primary practice located at the new edifice. One of Alpha Med's missions is to provide patients with individually tailored treatment plans and to ensure the highest level of comprehensive, quality care. OPPOSITE PAGE: In November 2011, PDC received the Silver 2011 Projects of Distinction Award from the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Wisconsin.

66 Construction Leaders Today


he recently completed medical office building in Tinley Park, Ill. is named the Alpha Med Center for good reason. Its unique approach to cancer treatment has set it miles ahead of its peers. “It’s rare to find this level of cancer treatment and diagnostics in one location,” said Bob Gummer, president of PDC Midwest – the firm responsible for planning, design, and construction of the center. “The patient’s diagnosis, the treatment plan, and the treatment all occur within Alpha Med.” Much like the Alpha Med Center, PDC Midwest offers a ‘single source responsibility’ approach. The nationally recognized firm offers planning, design and construction, all under one roof. Established in 1981, the organization has developed a specialization in the senior care and health care markets. PDC is dedicated to understanding its clients’ businesses and to creating building solutions that fit their needs now and into the future. The firm has been known to build many ‘one-of-a-kind’ facilities. As President, Gummer handles business development and client service management for clients like Alpha Med Physicians Group, LLC. PDC Midwest was contracted to plan, design and build the medical office project through an existing relationship with the group – a partnership of physicians who each planned to have their primary practice located at the new facility. The main goal of the multi-specialty physician group is to provide excellence in cancer care for Chicago's southwest suburbs in a convenient, comfortable environment with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The group also aims to provide patients with individually tailored treatment plans and to ensure the highest level of comprehensive, quality care. In March 2010, PDC began the design process of the 55,000 sq.ft. structure. But designing to

November December 2012 67

incorporate the equipment needs of such a specialized facility was often a challenging task. “It took an immense amount of planning to construct this building while trying to anticipate the facility needs of equipment that wasn’t fully identified,” Gummer said. With a goal to implement the very latest technologies, occasionally delaying equipment decisions to ensure that the most up-todate diagnostic and treatment devices were available was a necessary course of action. However, moving forward with construction while equipment decisions were still being crystallized was equally necessary. “Decisions for some very high-end equipment were being made well after the construction was initiated.” Construction of the $20 million facility was phased and began with the structure’s shell. During the construction process, planners incorporated Radiation and Medical Oncology services into the facility, as well as Diagnostic Imaging. Vacant space was left to accommodate future growth. However, no construction project is completed without challenges. "The property contained wetlands under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps. of Engineers,” said Gummer. Wetlands are saturated lands that contain marshes or swamps. Comparable to rain forests and coral reefs, they are considered to be among the most productive ecosystems in the world and support both aquatic and terrestrial species. Therefore they needed to be protected. “We needed to develop a site design that avoided disruption to the wetlands and that used it as an asset.” 68 Construction Leaders Today


{BUILDING TEAM}  METAL ROOFING Metalmaster Roofmaster Inc.  CIVIL ENGINEERING Jacob & Hefner Assoc, Inc.  SOIL, CONCRETE AND STEEL TESTING Illinois Drilling and Testing Co  WINTER HEATING AmeriGas  EARTHWORK Reinke Excavating

Construction of the Alpha Med Center was completed in March 2011. As according to plan, the new cancer treatment facility was outfitted with the very latest technologies. “Diagnostic Imaging included an MRI, CT and PET modalities. Radiation Therapy included two high-energy Linear Accelerators,” Gummer said. Planners also decided to incorporate a new Women’s Health Center into the shell space of the structure. Construction on the new facility began in October 2012 and offers digital mammography, bone density, ultrasound, and stereotactic diagnostics complemented by education resources and surgical consulting. Completion of the Women's Health Center is expected in early 2013. Overall, the Alpha Med center has been a hit with the client and the community. “It’s viewed by the community as a one-of-a-kind service,” said Gummer. In 2011, PDC was awarded the Silver 2011 Projects of Distinction Award by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Wisconsin. PDC Midwest Vice President Dennis Spindler said, “We are honored again to receive such a great compliment for our work.” It all goes back to the business approach by which the firm operates. Gummer said, “Our philosophy is to first provide very comprehensive design and construction services within the company that are focused on client needs. PDC’s vision and goal is to provide innovative facility solutions that enhance patient care experiences as well as business performance.”

OPPOSITE PAGE: Wetlands located on the property fell under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps. of Engineers. Comparable to rain forests and coral reefs, wetlands support both aquatic and terrestrial species. PDC developed a site design that avoided disruption to the vital ecosystem. ABOVE: The center is outfitted with the latest medical technology and offers patients diagnostic imaging and medical oncology services. A new 7,850 sq.ft. Women’s Health Center is being built into the first floor shell space of the facility and will offer comprehensive examinations, digital mammography and ultrasound when it opens in early 2013.

November December 2012 69


THIS PAGE: Horseshoe Casino Cleveland is the first full-service casino in the state of Ohio. The gaming attaction was developed by Rock Gaming, LLC and Caesars Entertainment Corporation. OPPOSITE: During the first phase of renovation for the casino, Marous Brothers Construction acted as the interior contractor. The firm was responsible for 350,000 sq.ft. of millwork and drywall for gaming spaces, lounges and restaurants, as well as operations.

70 Construction Leaders Today



November December 2012 71

THIS PAGE: Completed in May 2012, the new gaming facility is equipped with 2,100 slot machines, 63 table games, a World Series of Poker room and a VIP lounge. OPPOSITE: The casino has many unique interiors and finishes that include custom moldings, large radius ceiling clouds and rounded corners. Throughout the renovation, Marous Bros. stayed on top of material procurement.

{BUILDING TEAM}  ARCHITECT Arel Architects  HVAC W.E. Welch & Associates, Inc.  SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Access Demolition Contracting, Inc.  CONSULTANT Bello, Bello & Associates  UNIT MASONRY Telligent Masonry Construction

72 Construction Leaders Today


ot many general contractors can say that they self-perform nearly 40 percent of their services. Marous Brothers Construction can. That hands-on approach has enabled the firm to provide accurate bids that hold true through the completion of its projects. “I’ll negotiate a job on a napkin and I’ll hold to that number. Not a lot of people can do that,” said Chip Marous, president of Marous Brothers Construction – a leading construction firm that provides integrated services through its four building divisions: general contracting, design/build, special projects and construction management. The firm has great confidence in its ability to keep projects on budget. Such assuredness stems from a unique company vision paired with a commitment to self-perform nearly half of its services. “We consider ourselves a true builder – a throwback to the 40s and 50s where contractors selfperformed a lot of the work,” said Marous, a self-proclaimed “inside guy” who oversees building divisions and finances at Marous Brothers. “We self-perform site work, carpentry and drywall. It helps us control the schedule and budget. But most importantly to control quality.” The family-owned operation started out as a carpenter contracting business and ultimately expanded its operations into commercial construction and general contracting. Today it has 130 people in the office and more than 400 out in the field. Controlling quality is the primary objective with each of the firm’s projects including the recent renovation for Cleveland’s Horseshoe Casino – the first full-service casino in the state of Ohio. The new gaming destination was built into the 81-year-old Higbee Building, a historic landmark in downtown Public Square. The project was a perfect fit for Marous, which specializes in historic renovations for multi-family, office, student and senior housing, as well as hospitality. During the project’s first phase, Marous acted as the interior contractor for the four-floor casino which comprised roughly 350,000 sq.ft. In addition to gaming spaces and lounges, the firm was responsible for areas that contained the operations side of the casino. “We did millwork and drywall. All the columns, back-house, front-house and restaurants,” Marous said.


November December 2012 73


THIS PAGE: Horseshoe Casino Cleveland was built into the 81-yearold Higbee Building, a historic landmark in downtown Public Square. The Horseshoe brand has been in existence since 1951. OPPOSITE: With more than 60 years in the gaming industry, Horseshoe Casinos have been on top of the markets in which they operate.

74 Construction Leaders Today


W.E. Welch is a client-oriented merit shop mechanical contractor providing plumbing, mechanical piping and heating and air conditioning work on a design/build and build/construct basis in the Mid-Atlantic region spanningfrom Northern Virginia to Baltimore. They worked on the Gibson Plaza project with Marous Bros. in Washington, D.C. W.E. Welch finds the Marous Bros to be fair, run a solid project and listen to the subcontractors on the job. Ad on page 87.

Throughout Marous’ $3.4 million portion of the renovation, which it began in March 2011, there were obstacles to overcome. “When it comes to casinos, the end date doesn’t move. You run into all types of issues but you can’t delay the opening,” said Marous. The fast-tracked project experienced a heavy number of change orders during construction which sometimes required completed work to be redone. “It’s day to day challenges that you have to deal with. We worked seven days a week sometimes two shifts a day.” The firm also rapidly sourced alternative materials. “After they change something, you have to get that material there in a short time period.” Staying on top of material procurement was key in that the casino had many unique interiors and finishes that included features like large radius ceiling clouds, custom moldings and rounded corners. “Because it’s a casino, it had some unusual finishes. We stayed ahead of the game in getting those materials. We’re known for getting the job done fast.” The firm also has an exemplary record when it comes to contingencies. “We’re under two percent contingency on historical renovations. When you can keep within two percent, that’s pretty good. With newer work, it’s a lot easier,” Marous said. Horseshoe Casino Cleveland was completed in May 2012. The finished gaming facility is equipped with 2,100 slot machines, 63 table games, a World Series of Poker room and a VIP lounge. Chip Marous reflected on the firm’s on-time, on-budget completion of the project. “We controlled the budget during preconstruction, so that during construction the numbers were there,” said Marous. “It creates less risk during construction. We’re builders and we understand how to manage risk. We’re problem solvers. It comes down to understanding our clients’ needs. We come to the table with solutions. We’re about getting the project done on-time and on-budget – with quality. Our clients entrust us with giving them a quick, quality project.”

Featured above from left to right: Scott, Chip and Ken Marous of Marous Brothers Construction. The company is a leading construction firm that provides integrated services through its four building divisions: general contracting, design/build, special projects and construction management.

November December 2012 75



76 Construction Leaders Today

OPPOSITE PAGE: Boulevard Court is an affordable family housing development in Humboldt Park, Chicago, Ill. The threestory masonry structure consists of 18 units containing two and three-bedroom floorplans. The $5.5 million structure was completed by Tropic Construction in 2007. THIS PAGE, TOP: Completed in 1996, the Jorge Prieto Health Clinic is an 18,000 sq.ft. preventive and outpatient health services clinic established through the Cook County neighborhood health services program. The completed facility resulted from the adaptive reuse of a vacant timber factory. BOTTOM: The final phase of the North Avenue Redevelopment project centers on the partial renovation of a former warehouse structure that will be transformed into a 27-unit apartment building. Originally four stories, an additional floor will be added by removing the existing second floor and installing two new protected steel floors.


{BUILDING TEAM}  WINDOWS Commercial Window Installers  ARCHITECTS Weese Langley Weese Architects  ROOFING Anderson Shah Roofing,Inc.  MECHANICAL COMMISSIONING Hill Mechanical  MASONRY Grace Masonry, Ltd.

eople build families, families build communities – so does Tropic Construction. In operation since 1975, Tropic Construction is the for-profit arm of the Hispanic Housing Development Corporation (HHDC) – a non-profit developer of affordable and senior housing. Under the leadership of Chief Operating Officer Lalo Edery, Tropic builds an array of projects within its construction portfolio, including rental housing, condos, single-family homes, medical facilities, and commercial and office spaces. With over $59 million of property under its management, the firm has been a successful extension of HHDC, whose vision is to help create affordable housing for Chicago’s Latino neighborhoods and for people all across the Chicago area. Through Tropic those goals are realized every day. The North Avenue Redevelopment project is a shining example. The North Avenue Redevelopment project is a phased redevelopment of the 2600 West block of North Avenue initiated by the city of Chicago in an agreement with the HHDC. As general contractor, Tropic bid all the major trades. The project focuses on the renovation of two existing structures and the new construction of a third – a labor-intensive undertaking. “That’s the nature of what we do,” Edery said. “We tend to gravitate toward complex projects.” The scope of work was broken into three phases. Phase-one of the redevelopment involved the transformation of a former shoe factory into a multi-family apartment dwelling. The second phase focused on the new construction of a 53-unit senior living facility. Phase-three involves the renovation of a retail and warehouse structure into a 27-unit apartment building. The conversion of the former shoe factory – an historic 1900s structure with ornate terra cotta fenestration – into a multi-family apart-

ment building during phase-one of the North Avenue Redevelopment project involved extensive demolition. Not simply to remove vestiges of the building’s old interior, but to create a whole new design. Tropic incorporated a courtyard into the new layout. This was not accomplished by repurposing an existing outdoor space, because there was none. The courtyard was created by cutting out portions of the structure itself. Onethird of the building was removed. It required much coordination to ensure that the structure remained safe while a large portion of it was cut away. During the process, Tropic identified steel that was rusted and had it reinforced. Once demolition was complete, the firm constructed all new partitions along with mechanical and electrical systems. The exterior of the facility was refreshed and involved the painstaking process of having all of its terra cotta components removed, properly cataloged, and re-anchored. Some portions had to be recast. “At the end of the day the façade looked brand new,” said Edery. “The character of the façade was worth doing.” The former factory was transformed into the North & Talman Family Apartments – 24 affordable “lease-to-own” one, two and three-bedroom units. Tenants can rent, and after a pre-set period, own their unit. Completed in 2008, the second phase of the redevelopment project involved the new construction of a senior living facility directly adjacent to the finished multi-family apartment structure. The poured-in-place concrete structure presented a bit of a challenge. Performing a concrete pour during winter months was no easy task given the cold conditions and the warm temperatures needed to cure the mix. Also challenging was finding available, quality subcontractors during what was then still a relatively hot housing market. Tropic had to canvass the city to find good subs, Edery said. Nevertheless, the 53-unit affordable senior living facility was successfully completed. November December 2012 77


LEFT: Tropic Construction is the for-profit arm of the Hispanic Housing Development Corporation (HHDC) — a non-profit developer of affordable and senior housing whose vision is to help create affordable housing for Chicago’s Latino neighborhoods and for people all across the Chicago area. BOTTOM: By employing nearly half its workforce from within the communities where its projects are located, Tropic Construction helps to build job skills and to cultivate a strong workforce. The firm’s relationships with Latino, AfricanAmerican and women-owned subcontractors ensures that its construction workforces are diverse.

Slated for completion in January 2013, the third and final phase of the North Avenue Redevelopment project involves the partial renovation of a former warehouse that will become a 27-unit apartment building. The four-story structure will be given an additional floor by removing the entire existing second floor and installing two new protected steel floors. The North Avenue masonry facade will be removed, as well as the Washtenaw facade below the third floor, and be replaced with block and face brick. Brick walls on the north and east elevations will remain in-tact and new window openings will be cut, as well as new stone headers and sills installed. Thus far the project has run smoothly, except for a snag when Tropic crews discovered an underground tank containing fuel that had to be remediated. “That threw a wrench in our schedule by about one-and-a-half months,” said Edery. The completed facility will be equipped with a 465 sq.ft. community fitness room, bicycle storage and resident storage spaces. The redevelopment project, which adheres to Greenhouse Classification and Affordable Housing Energy Certification standards, has helped bolster the local economy with more than 90 temporary construction jobs for local subcontractors – 70 percent of which are residents of Chicago. Forty percent of subcontractors were either Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) or Women Business Enterprises (WBEs). Thus far, the redevelopment project has been well-received by the community. “I think it’s been very positive. Before doing each phase, we had to get approval from the Alderman who always requires community input. Also North Avenue doesn’t have a lot of new buildings. There are many old, unoccupied areas. So this development, along with a couple others, is revitalizing the city and acting as an anchor in the city,” Edery said. The North Avenue Redevelopment project has great significance for Edery. Despite his vast construction experience, both domestically and abroad, and having completed construction for high-end names like Ritz-Carlton, Wyndham and Hyatt, a project like this one is just as significant as those that are more high-profile. “It’s very meaningful,” said Edery. “To see the tenants coming into their units with big smiles on their faces. We visit them regularly to answer questions. After two, three, five years we visit the units and they look like new. People take a lot of pride in their homes. So it’s a huge motivator for us. It’s very gratifying.” 78 Construction Leaders Today





hen the first group of recruits reported to Naval Station Great Lakes for training in July of 1911, Building 13 was already almost a decade old. Architect Jarvis Hunt designed the Beaux Arts style boathouse on the Naval Station campus back in 1902 and it was constructed a year later in 1903. After more than a decade of use by more than 3.5 million sailors, it was time for a renovation. In August of 2009, design-build firm Johnson Lasky Architects completed the interior and exterior renovation and restoration project on Building 13. The building envelope, brick, terra cotta windows and roof desperately needed repair. The design-build team replaced the roof with shingles over three-inch polyiso ventilated nailbase insulation panels. The shingles are rated to withstand 110 mph wind loads. The building also received new copper gutters, flashings and terminations. One of the major characteristics of Building 13 is the terra cotta ceramic detailing, which was very popular at the beginning of the 19th century when the building was originally constructed. Terra cotta was mass-produced as a more affordable alternative to carved stone. The damaged terra cotta was replaced with a matching material made from the California manufacturer Gladding McBean. Brick for the renovation was salvaged from Navy supplies of matching historic brick and mortar was replicated based on an analysis that the building team

did of the original structure. The project also included installing new exterior doors that replicated the original wood panel doors that Hunt designed in 1902. Along with the renovation, the Navy also wanted to expand the use of Building 13 to function year-round. In order for the boathouse to support marine activity during all seasons, it was important to upgrade the mechanical system to forced air with an air handler, ductwork, controls and other equipment. To house the new mechanical systems, the building team constructed a new mechanical room between two existing mezzanines on opposite sides of the building within the warehouse. The renovations had to follow guidelines set by three programs that influence the design of structures on the Naval base, the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Base Exterior Architecture Plan. Naval Station Great Lakes is the largest military base in Illinois and is the largest training station is the whole United States Navy. Each year nearly 40,000 men and women learn the skills and earn the right to become enlisted Navy Sailors. The station sits on more than 1,620 acres and uses 50 miles of roadway to provide access to the station’s facilities. There are more than 1,150 buildings on Naval Station Great Lakes and Building 13 is one of the 39 historical ones that make up the Great Lakes Historic District. The renovation of Building 13 improves the functionality and the elegant aesthetic of the iconic, turn-of-the century boathouse. November December 2012 79


Environmentally Conscious Construction Bogner Construction Company is a firm that meets the needs of its clients so that clients can meet the needs of the environment. by Douglas Richards


astewater treatment facilities serve the critical purpose of protecting water supplies and waterways from harmful runoff. They can also be used to produce alternative sources of energy which reduce energy demand and cost. In Millersburg, Oh., Holmes Cheese Co. and Bogner Construction Company were able to accomplish both. In business since 1897, Bogner Construction Company (BCC) is an Ohio-based firm that offers general construction, design/build, construction management and site work services to its clients. Currently headed by third-generation President Ted Bogner, the company has thrived during its more than 115 years in the industry. To meet the changing needs of a growing roster of clients, the firm continually adds to its long list of services which include construction for wastewater treatment. Its construction of the Holmes Cheese Wastewater Treatment Plant is one of the firm’s most recent facilities of its kind. BCC became involved in the project with Holmes through an existing relationship with the company. “We have done maintenance type work and construction work for Homes Cheese for a number of years,” said BCC President Ted Bogner. In operation since 1941, Holmes Cheese Co. is a leading manufacturer of Swiss cheese. Today, the family-run company creates about 30 tons of cheese daily from nearly 650,000 pounds of milk produced by local farmers. The wastewater generated from that daily production can’t simply be released back into the environment. It must be treated in order 80 Construction Leaders Today

to protect surrounding waterways. That treatment process yields its own energy-saving byproduct. Bogner installed the infrastructure of the wastewater plant which makes the intricate water treatment process possible. “It’s an anaerobic treatment system that treats plant wastewater before it is introduced into a stream,” Bogner said. “The EPA requires that the water that enters a stream be of a certain level of purification. So the facility takes milk byproduct and runs it through an anaerobic system.” Anaerobic systems are ones that don’t require oxygen, only a food source. Anaerobic “digester” tanks contain hungry anaerobic bacteria that act upon organic solids like milk byproducts by reducing them to soluble substances and gases – mostly carbon dioxide and methane. The treatment process happens in three stages: first wastewater passes through a pretreatment and conditioning tank. Next, it is fed through a bed of granular biomass known as a “sludge bed” where treatment takes place via interaction with the anaerobic bacteria. Finally a “settler” separates the treated water from biogas (methane) and granular biomass (sludge), and the water and biogas are removed separately. The methane produced from the digestion process is either “flared” or burned off using a flare station, or converted into usable energy by channeling it back into the plant to fuel its boilers, which in turn produce steam to run the cheese processing plant. The wastewater treatment plant is mainly comprised of a network of outdoor tanks which serve different purposes. The digester tanks are always


Dover Design and Management Group LLC (DDMG) is a well-connected engineering group which provides structural design and consultation, including analysis of existing structures. They have experience in waste water treatment plants, conventional steel, concrete and masonry structures, pre-engineered metal buildings, crane design, damage assessment and current building code language. In addition to design services, they offer a 36,000 sq. ft. full service steel fabrication shop through parent company, Dover Tank & Plate Co., in business since 1922. DDMG has worked with Bogner for nearly 40 years. Past and present projects include: plant expansions and a new water treatment facility at Holmes Cheese Co., building expansions at Alpine Cheese Co., foundation design for industrial equipment installation and structural consulting for design/build projects. Ad on page 89.

PREVIOUS: The Holmes Cheese Wastewater Treatment Plant is composed of a network of outdoor tanks that treat plant wastewater, via an anaerobic process, before it is introduced into the environment. Outdoor pipes containing liquid are insulated in a process called "heat tracing" to safeguard them against freezing temperatures. THIS PAGE: In a 24/7 process which occurs in three stages, anaerobic "digester" tanks reduce organic solids like milk byproducts into soluable substances and gasses, such as carbon dioxide and methane. The methane is burned off using a flare station or recycled into usable energy to operate the plant.

working. “The digestion process is 24/7. So you need to be able to hold a certain amount of the waste product so that you can introduce it in a way that balances production. You want to keep the flow going through the bacteria as much as possible. You need to release it at a certain rate so that you don’t overpower the bacteria. The digester has to be vented to let the methane out,” said Bogner. During the construction of the plant, BCC was responsible for site work which included storm water retention, utilities, foundations, walls, slabs on grade, and equipment pads. Also within its scope was the installation of all structural steel to include beams, columns, bar joists, deck and metal siding. Finally, the firm installed all wastewater treatment equipment and all process piping, along with heat tracing and insulation. “Heat tracing” is a critical component to the operation of the plant. Due to the fact that the plant is a process that mainly takes place outdoors, any piping that contains liquid must be safeguarded against freezing temperatures. This is accomplished through heat tracing. The process involves insulating exposed pipes with a series of wraps. First, pipes are wrapped with electric heat cable. Next, they are given an insulated “jacket.” Finally, they are covered with a plastic jacket. The three layers work together to form a thick barrier against the cold. With completion of the wastewater treatment facility, Bogner and Holmes Cheese Co. have ensured that untreated water does not runoff into streams and waterways and at the same time – through the use of

methane biogas – created an efficient cheese production that reduces energy demand and cost. With a modest office team of 30 employees and 100-150 workers out in the field, BCC is a close-knit operation that strives to ensure the success of its clients as evidenced by its philosophy: “In order to remain competitive, Bogner must continuously work to improve our clients’ competitiveness.” Clients like the College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio for which Bogner recently completed the Scot Center -- a 123,000 sq.ft. athletic and recreation facility located on the college's campus. In August 2012, the project received LEED Gold certification from the USGBC. Bogner Construction Company has lasted more than a century by delivering quality construction and abiding by a philosophy that is sure to see it through the century ahead.


 DRYWALL & FLOORING Canton Floors

 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Dover Design & Management Group

 PLUMBING Schmid Mechanical

November December 2012 81


A Leap Of Faith Integrity Construction is a client-focused firm that helps its customers realize their dreams. SMALL-TOWN BOY FOLLOWS HIS DREAMS AND MAKES GOOD. That could be the line that summarizes Brad

Heemstra’s professional life story thus far. Heemstra is owner of Integrity Construction, a successful Iowa-based commercial and residential builder. If you ever wonder about the company’s philosophy, its name truly says it all. But just for the record, the firm abides by a philosophy that centers on what Heemstra calls “servant leadership.” The concept is simple. “Serving your client well and helping them accomplish their dreams,” Heemstra said. “Not only do we need to do things right, but how you treat people and serve the client is even more important.” That philosophy is evident in each of the firm’s projects. Early on in high school, Heemstra was interested in construction and pursued construction engineering at Iowa State University. Soon he landed a part-time job at Story Construction in Ames, Iowa where he remained for 24 years and focused on projects like wastewater treatment plants and hospitals. But it wasn’t enough. The construction veteran felt a lingering desire to launch his own construction operation – a desire that would not subside. He had to make a decision. “I was going to either start a construction company or always wonder about it,” said Heemstra. In January 2007 he took the plunge and gave his four weeks notice. In February he launched Integrity Construction. “It was a leap of faith.” Heemstra’s efforts were rewarded early. For its first project the newly established firm netted a $2.1 million contract to construct a 17-unit apartment complex called Cardinal Terrace. Heemstra spent his first week running the business from his home and then rented office space directly adjacent to this first job site. The firm was well on its way. In its second year of operation the company negiotated a 100-bed nursing home project for Westhaven Community in a nearby town. Immediately after residents moved into the new facility, Integrity began phase two of the project to renovate the existing structure and add a 15-unit assisted living wing. The firm is uniquely suited to deliver senior living projects because of its commercial construction management skills and residential experience. Today, business is brisk and wide-ranging. “We do half commercial and half residential. We also do 82 Construction Leaders Today

remodels, small projects and multi-family living,” Heemstra said. One of the company’s most recent endeavors, the design/build of a car dealership for Wilson Toyota father-and-son team Denny and Danny Wilson, is a first for the firm. The project, which resulted from the client’s familiarity with Heemstra and Integrity’s good name, was supervised by Project Superintendent Matt Bockes and managed by Heemstra’s son, Project Manager Chris Heemstra. The scope of work involved the renovation and expansion of an existing facility which contained two basketball courts. Integrity removed and recycled the wooden courts and in-filled the void with concrete topping. That area was transformed into automotive service bays for the dealership. The firm also added a 60-ft. addition to the structure that serves as a reception area. “It’s a pretty fascinating process,” said Heemstra. “Every one of their stores [Toyota] has to look a certain way. They advise the dealership about what they expect. There’s criteria that you have to meet, mostly geared around aesthetics, colors and branding.” Construction was completed in October 2012.

{BUILDING TEAM}  ROOFING Central States Roofing

 PLUMBING Ames Plumbing Service  SIDING INSTALLATION Lumley Exteriors Throughout the process, Integrity was careful to incorporate as many sustainable principles as possible. The firm was able to recycle existing wooden floors, reuse light fixtures whenever possible and repurpose existing portions of the facility. The clients were pleased with the overall outcome. “They were very pleased with the process and really enjoyed working with my project team. It’s been great to work with this father-and-son owner,” said Heemstra. Much like Heemstra breathed life into his own dreams, he enjoys the daily duty of doing the same for his clients. “It’s rewarding to see them come to life.”


THE TURNAROUND TEAM With patience, perseverance and professionalism, Scheck Industries gets the job done. BUD BURNS AND HIS CONSTRUCTION TEAM ARE used to getting things done.

So when Scheck Industries won the contract to help perform a turnaround for a ConocoPhillips oil refinery in Trainer, Penn., the team was rearing to go. Little did they know, due to an unexpected turn of events, nearly a year would pass before work would actually begin. Scheck Industries is a full-service industrial piping and mechanical construction contractor headquartered in Chicago, Ill. In Sept. 2011, the firm was awarded a contract to help perform a turnaround at an oil refinery owned by ConocoPhillips. A turnaround is a planned shutdown of a refinery process in order to perform maintenance and to repair worn-out parts, as well as to inspect and test materials and equipment. However, the project was stopped before it even began. “We never had the chance to mobilize,” said Scheck Industries Vice President of East Coast Operations Bud Burns. ConocoPhillips had sold the refinery to Monroe Energy, LLC – a subsidiary of Delta Airlines. Yes, Delta Airlines. If owning an oil refinery seems a bit unusual for an airline, consider today’s ever-increasing cost of fuel. According to the International Air Transport Association, the average price of fuel in 2012 will be $129.80/ barrel – up $33 billion over last year. Delta’s move was a strategic one. With a retooled refinery in production, the airline estimates it will save about $300 million a year on fuel expenses by producing its own gasoline, jet fuel and diesel. Delta has also entered into a three-year deal with oil giant BP to supply crude oil to the refinery and plans to exchange petroleum products it produces for jet fuel from BP and other sources like Phillips 66. In June 2012, the airline closed on the purchase of the refinery. It spent a total of $180 million – $30 million of which came from the state of Pennsylvania as an incentive to support job creation. Delta said it would invest another $100 million into the refurbishment of the plant in order

to increase its jet fuel output. With the refinery securely in the hands of a new owner, it was ready to transition from a shutdown to a turnaround. Re-enter: Scheck Industries. Nearly 14 months after initially being awarded the contract, the firm was finally going to begin work. But not without one more step. “We had to rebid after it was purchased by Monroe Energy,” Burns said. “We were very happy that Monroe decided to reopen the refinery.” The firm did rebid and was awarded the contract once again. Scheck began work in July 2012. “When a turnaround or shutdown occurs, you have to drain, refurbish, and put it back,” said Burns. “They [ConocoPhillips] did take it [the refinery] down the proper way and it was a lot easier to get started on it. We had pipefitter work in eight units. We had forty heat exchangers to break apart, pull, clean and reinstall.” The firm was also responsible for tower work, drum work and several piping jobs. While completing the turnaround there were a few challenges along the way. “We had a lot of problems with materials that the new owner thought the old owner had ordered,” Burns said. But the firm kept its nose to the grind, working 10 hours a day -- even on Saturdays. “They put a second shift on towards the end to get the thing up and running by the desired date.” During the eight week project, Scheck crews performed more than 35 percent additional work which included more piping jobs and inspection reports. Still, the firm completed the turnaround on schedule in Sept. 2012. Another major accomplishment was that Scheck completed the turnaround “recordable free,” meaning without injury or major incident. "During the last week of the shutdown, as a reward for safety, hard work and professionalism, we raffled off three 42-inch TVs," said Burns. He recalled that Monroe Energy was pleased with the end result. “If you have a safe job, you have a productive job. They were extremely, extremely happy.” November December 2012 83




by Kevin D. Porter


hen North Twin Builders erects a home people take notice. Such was the case when it began construction on one of its recent timber frame lake houses in the Eagle River vacation community of Wisconsin – the rumors began to fly. Buzz surrounding the size of the house swirled about the community. “Usually the house is double or triple the size that it actually is,” said John Volkmann, president of North Twin Builders, regarding speculation from an intrigued Eagle River community. North Twin Builders is a family-owned construction business founded by John Volkmann Sr. in 1971 who took the operation over from his father after working his way up through the ranks. “I like building custom homes. Pricing is a challenge because no two homes are alike,” thanks to clients who bring their own sense of personal style to the table, along with photos of what they envision their custom home to be. In every case, North Twin Builders has been able to deliver. The client of the Eagle River timber frame home chose to work with North Twin Builders after they grew frustrated with another builder. “They ended up coming over to work with us,” Volkmann said. “It worked out really well and they are great people to work with.” 84 Construction Leaders Today

During construction, North Twin laid the foundation, installed floor decking and worked closely with Idaho-based PrecisionCraft who supplied the timber frame skeleton of the home. North Twin framed and finished around the timber frame skeleton and timber frame walls 11 inches thick and installed energy saving windows. The firm also constructed the roof. Throughout the process, Volkmann always looks for ways to make the absolute best use of space and to further improve upon the home’s design and efficiency. “Beneath the breezeway between the house and garage, they didn’t have a basement there – just a crawl space in the original plans,” said Volkmann. The section was easily converted into added basement space which gave the homeowners an additional 280 sq.ft. The area became a mechanical room which freed-up more livable space. Volkmann also identified wasted attic space over a bedroom’s walk-in closet area. By making use of that area the firm was able to double the bathroom size to make it more functional. “We spent 13 months finishing up the house.” One of the goals of the firm was to have zero callbacks once work was completed. The finished 7,200 sq.ft. home is a lodge-style getaway. Its timber exterior is given a rugged accent with grey-colored stone native to southern Wisconsin. The home is complete with five bedrooms and five baths, two kitchens: one on the main floor equipped with an open hearth pizza oven imported from Italy, and one in the basement. Three fireplaces: one situated in the home’s Great Room, a gas fireplace in the recreational room and a third out on the deck. There is also plenty of storage with a 1,247 sq.ft. garage. The construction process went smoothly except for typical weather challenges. Due to a minor scheduling issue, framing on the home extended into the winter months which, in Wisconsin, can sometimes be brutal. “With Wisconsin winters you never know,” Volkmann said. “It forced our framing process through a pretty nasty winter. But you work your way through it.” Volkmann always finds a silver lining. “I like winter-built homes because as you’re framing it’s drying-out the home.” Although the timber frame home is not Energy Star rated, it was built, tested and passed according to all but one of those standards. The pizza oven in the kitchen prevented an energy star stamp of approval. Volkmann’s clients, who visited the construction site periodically to check on progress, are so pleased with the final outcome that they allow him to showcase their home from time to time. “They’re one of my best references. I get to show their home to potential new clients. Every one of our houses are so different. We have 30 plus homes available to show potential clients.” Such satisfied customers speak to the philosophy which drives North Twin Builders. “Our quality makes the difference,” said Volkmann. “That’s reflected in very low callback. Our standards, and how we relate with the homeowner, make for a high success rate. I try to give them as many options as necessary so that they can make educated decisions. I think that makes for a very satisfied homeowner because throughout the building process they are kept in the loop.”



Nothing ‘MINI’ about K.F. Sullivan’s big design/build expertise FOR TWO YEARS IN A ROW, THE MINI BRAND has been ranked “Highest in Sales Satisfaction Among Mass Market Brands.” Launched in 1959, amidst the throes of a European fuel crisis, the car brand was born out of the need for a more fuel efficient vehicle. Engineer Alec Issigonis came up with the design for a small car capable of carrying four adults that was affordable for the masses. By moving the vehicle's wheels to the very outside of the car and turning its engine sideways, Issigonis had accomplished his goal. Today, the MINI brand has sold millions worldwide. Recently, one of the sporty brand’s local dealerships in Madison, Wis. got a boost from top design/builder, K.F. Sullivan Company. In business for nearly 75 years, K.F. Sullivan is a Wisconsin-based design/builder that has provided design and construction services for over 1,000 projects. From its early beginnings remodeling storefronts in downtown Madison, the firm established itself as a solid construction company. Since the addition of Bob Wiley to the business in 1968, the company has become a leading design/builder. It has accomplished this by merging the skills of its resident architects, engineers and construction staff. The firm creates construction ideas and concepts which are both functional and

{BUILDING TEAM}  STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MP-Squared  EXTERIOR STUCCO SYSTEM Valda Plastering  OVERHEAD DOORS Overhead Door of Madison within budget. Drawing from the broad range of expertise of its team, K.F. Sullivan offers its clients guidance in the planning and construction of a variety of commercial, medical, educational and industrial facilities. One of its recent design/builds, Zimbric MINI of Madison, was no small feat. K.F. Sullivan was tasked with the partial demo and remodel of the existing building, formerly owned by Saturn. The design/build expert completed its work on the 23,600 sq.ft. facility in 2010, creating a modern, sleek new facility that is the perfect showcase for the MINI brand. New offices and a glassy showroom create the ideal car dealership. With yet another successful design/build to its credit, K.F. Sullivan has poised its client for continued success.

about public outdoor recreational venues or similar services, chances are you’d refer to the website of the Lake County Forest Preserves. But, if you wanted, you could pay a visit to the county’s recently completed Operations and Public Safety Facility in Lindhurst, Ill. When the Lake County Forest Preserve District planned to build the new facility, Williams Architects, Ltd. was the natural choice. Williams Architects, Ltd. is an Illinois-based, full-service architecture firm that offers design solutions for recreational, governmental, religious and commercial markets. With extensive experience in municipal and recreational projects, the firm aims to provide design solutions that are in visual harmony with the environmental context of each project. Such was the case with the public safety facility. As the general contractor, the scope of work for Williams Architects included the construction of a 105,000 sq.ft. building, asphalt paving, site utilities, site concrete, precast walls and floor planks along with landscaping. Also included was the interior build-out for mechanical, electrical and plumbing as well as the completion of interior finishes. Work began in August 2008 and was completed in February 2010. The completed facility houses 45 Forest Preserve staff who are at the ready to serve the community and to manage maintenance, construction operations, natural resources and public safety. With over 30 years in the industry, and headed by President Mark S. Bushhouse and his team of veteran senior staff, Williams Architects Ltd. has garnered high praise for its outstanding facilities. The firm’s success and longevity are a direct reflection of its mission to “seek achievement, as measured by our satisfied clients, professional staff, innovative projects, and success as a business.” November December 2012 85


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92 Construction Leaders Today


Completed in July 2011, the blind rehabilitation center is located on the recently expanded campus of the Biloxi VA Medical Center. Over the years, the VA has established more than 10 state-of-the-art blind rehabilitation centers around the country.

November December 2012 93


ccording to the non-profit organization Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), between 2002 and 2011 some 711,986 American military personnel utilized VA health care. As wars and conflicts abroad come to a head or draw to a close, America’s men and women in uniform – as well as those who have previously served – deserve the very best in medical care. With its recent construction of the Community Living Center at the VA Medical Center, Biloxi, Miss., Carothers Construction is helping to provide just that. Founded in 1956 by Earl Carothers, Carothers Construction is a respected general contractor serving Mississippi and surrounding states and offers services that include design/build, construction management and private markets. Through the years the firm was passed to Earl’s son, Arnold, and

94 Construction Leaders Today

later to third-generation President Sean Carothers in 1981 – who furthered the company’s success throughout the continental United States. In 2007, Ben Logan assumed leadership of the firm. Today, Carothers’ current market focus includes healthcare, commercial, correctional, educational and military opportunities. Over the years, the firm has established itself as a reliable federal contractor and provides a number of services for various branches of government. In January 2009, Carothers won a $35 million contract to build a community living center on the campus of the Biloxi VA Medical Center. The Community Living Center was part of a larger development plan that later had to be fasttracked. In June 2004 the VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System (GCVHCS), which includes the Biloxi VA Medical Center and the Gulfport

VA Medical center, planned to combine the two locations as well as make expansions and improvements which included the Community Living Center. However, following the 2005 devastation and destruction to the Gulf Coast region wrought by hurricane Katrina – which caused over $80 billion in total property damage – those plans had to be accelerated. The Gulfport VA Medical Center had been destroyed and all of its services were assumed by the medical center in Biloxi. Expansion and improvements to the Biloxi location were badly needed in order to accommodate the influx of residents. In 2009, the GCVHCS initiated a $310 million project to carry out replacement and improvement plans. The project included a four-story, 150,000 sq.ft. clinical addition to the existing hospital building. The addition included an ambulatory outpatient surgery area, primary


OPPOSITE PAGE: Exterior of the mental health unit of the Biloxi VA Medical Center. The unit was part of a larger $310 million development plan that was later fast-tracked following the 2005 devastation to the Gulf Coast region wrought by hurricane Katrina which destroyed the Gulfport VA Medical Center. The Biloxi VA Medical Center absorbed residents displaced from the Gulfport facility. THIS PAGE, TOP: A spacious main entrance welcomes residents and visitors to the community living center completed by Carothers Construction in September 2011. As general contractor, Carothers met objectives set forth by the federal government to subcontract Small Business (SB), Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB). LEFT: The 96 residents of the community living center reside in eight 12-bed “houses.� Originally designed to be a traditional extended care facility with residents living in a hospital-like structure, the concept was later changed in order to create small residential "households" within neighborhoods.

November December 2012 95


ABOVE: A courtyard directly off the community living center. The new concrete-framed structure on auger cast piling has an exterior brick facade with three cast stone friezes surrounding the building, as well as cast stone window sills and lintels. Carothers Construction received the Merit Award for excellence in construction from the Mississippi Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors (MABC).

96 Construction Leaders Today

care, specialty care, women’s health, oncology, urology, pulmonary, dermatology, eye, audiology/ speech pathology and patient education classrooms. The improvement project also included a blind rehab clinic and training program as well as the Community Living Center. The project would more than double the size of the existing 1930s veterans hospital. The construction scope of work for the Community Living Center involved the erection of a two-story, 105,000 sq.ft. structure that would provide 96 inpatient beds. Site work also included surface parking, the relocation of underground utilities and the construction of new utility systems, the construction of roadways and parking lots, along with landscaping and irrigation.

As general contractor, Carothers Construction met objectives set forth by the federal government to subcontract Small Business (SB), Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), WomenOwned Small Business (WOSB), and VeteranOwned Small Business (VOSB). Carothers completed construction of the Community Living Center in September 2011. The new concrete-framed structure on auger cast piling has an exterior brick facade with three cast stone friezes surrounding the building, as well as cast stone window sills and lintels. The 96 residents of the facility live in eight 12-bed “houses.” Each house is equipped with dining and kitchen facilities, food preparation and service, and living

areas outfitted with bookshelves and a fireplace. There are also spaces for recreation. Each house is decorated using its own color and theme to make it more easily identifiable to residents. Houses are connected by community spaces such as beauty and barbershops, a chapel, exam rooms and a multipurpose room. Regarding services, the facility provides nursing home care, along with home and community care, hospice care, dementia care, homemaker/home health aides, and adult day care. Today, the VA Gulf Coast Health Care System serves 56,000 veterans. In addition to the main facility in Biloxi, the VA offers services at community-based outpatient clinics in Mobile, Eglin, Fla., Pensacola and Panama City, Fla.

In November 2012, for its delivery of the Community Living Center, Carothers Construction received the Merit Award for excellence in construction from the Mississippi Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors (MABC). Such awards are not surprising given the philosophy by which the firm operates: “Carothers embraces and mandates its principles on all projects. A united team of Owner, Architect, Contractor and Engineer, all dedicated to the common purpose of a successful project, is essential in today’s construction environment. Carothers’ management personnel have evolved within a business development program that stresses both teamwork and unity, and emphasizes client satisfaction as our primary goal.”

TOP: Houses are connected by community spaces such as beauty and barbershops, a chapel, exam rooms and a multipurpose room. The facility includes services for nursing home care, hospice care, dementia care and adult day care. BOTTOM: A dining and living room at the community living center. Each house is equipped with dining and kitchen facilities, food preparation and service and living areas outfitted with bookshelves and a fireplace. Houses are decorated using their own color and theme to make each more easily identifiable to residents.

November December 2012 97


Ready For Her Close-Up Flight may be the bread-and-butter of this aerial photography operation, but being DRIVEN has carried it to new heights. Story by Kevin D. Porter Photos by Florida Aerial Services

98 Construction Leaders Today

OPPOSITE PAGE, TOP: Founded in 1986 by Mary Whitworth, Florida Aerial Services Team (F.A.S.T.) provides aerial photography services throughout the state of Florida and southern Georgia. Highrise condos with a costal backdrop, like this one in Marco Island, make up a large portion of the firm's portfolio. BOTTOM, LEFT TO RIGHT: During the course of a typical day, Whitworth may photograph between 30 and 80 sites. Pictured below are Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU); JetBluePark at Fenway South (during a game); JetBlue Park at Fenway South (empty). THIS PAGE: This picturesque shot of Longboat Key is typical of the aerial photography performed by Florida Aerial Services Team.


 EXCAVATION South Florida Excavation, Inc.  UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Jensen Underground Utilities, Inc.  LANDSCAPING O'Donnell Landscapes, Inc.  CONTRACTOR C.W. Roberts Contracting


s a child, Mary Whitworth aspired to become a Park Ranger. But her understanding of the profession was a bit misguided. “When I went camping they [Park Rangers] always had great photos, so I practiced photography,” Whitworth said. “I thought that I had to become a great photographer in order to become a great Park Ranger.” Nevertheless, that confusion could not have set her on a more direct path toward her destiny. Whitworth wasn’t able to find work as a Park Ranger and, in 1986, ventured into piloting private planes. The following year she bought her own Cessna 172. “I got the air plane and I had all this photography equipment,” said Whitworth. It seemed that aerial photography was the natural progression. So Whitworth founded Florida Aerial Services Team (FAST), a company that provides aerial photography services throughout Florida and southern Georgia. Since then, she has parlayed an unexpected career into a steady business that has experienced great success within the construction industry. The firm has its own lab and produces prints within the hour. Whitworth always flies equipped with two cameras, three lenses and two batteries. During a typical flight she may photograph 30 different sites -- sometimes even upwards of 80 a day. So she has to be efficient about her time in the air with fuel costs running at about $75 per hour. Whitworth also likes to stick to a flight path that doesn’t cause her to dot in-and-out of an air traffic controller’s airspace. “Once you’re out of an airspace they want you to stay out,” she said.

For a typical project, she will capture about four different aerial shots. Initially, Whitworth marketed her services to non-construction clients and photographed venues like marinas, hotels and RV parks. After a few years, she realized that she needed the steadiness of the construction industry. For a company like FAST, construction progress photos can provide a more frequent stream of work than other industries -especially in a state like Florida where moderate temperatures allow for year-round development. Today, construction photography makes up about 90 percent of the firm’s business. However winning contracts to photograph construction projects is often a very competitive process as Whitworth recently experienced when she submitted a bid to photograph construction of the now completed JetBlue Park at Fenway South in Ft. Myers. The 106-acre Spring Training and Player Development Complex for the Boston Red Sox and Major League and Minor League players was completed by construction manager Manhattan Construction in February 2012. The new facility, which can accommodate up to 12,000, was LEED certified in October 2012. Despite its low prices, FAST was beat-out by a competitor for construction progress photography, but did win the contract to take completion photos. Whitworth recently secured a contract to photograph construction of the forthcoming Four Seasons Resort Orlando. The resort is one of only a few Four Seasons currently under construction in the country. The $360 million project will be the marquis property of Walt Disney Co.’s planned

Golden Oak luxury resort community, which will boast multi-million dollar homes, and is being delivered in a partnership with Four Seasons and real estate developers Silverstein Properties and Dune Real Estate Partners. However, aerial photography of the construction of the new hotel and 980-acre community came with a caveat. “It’s very difficult because of flight restrictions. You can’t go below 3,100 ft.,” Whitworth said. The restriction prevents interference with Disney attractions. In 27 years of piloting, Whitworth hasn’t had many incidents in the air. But there is one that left a lasting impression. In 2001 a long-held flight principle suddenly became very real for Whitworth when she flew too closely to the vortices of a large plane – a definite no-no. A vortices acts like a tornado that sinks and drifts with the direction of the wind. That day Whitworth wasn’t aware of the descent of a plane in her vicinity. She flew though its descent line and got sucked into its vortices. The force nearly flipped her airplane. Fortunately a co-pilot on board helped grab the controls to overcome the air pressure. It was something Whitworth had never before experienced. “I wasn’t a believer. Always be above their vortices.” Another lesson Whitworth has taken to heart: “I never, ever hover. It’s too dangerous. Never stop moving.” It’s a principle that she’s applied to her business which continues to win contracts with major players in the construction industry. Whitworth’s work is efficient, thorough and FAST. “By the time you hear me, I’m already done.” November December 2012 99



Rabren General Contractors constructed a new building for ASU's successful College of Education. by Drew Grossman

Alabama State University was founded in 1867 in Marion, Ala., making it one of the nation's oldest institutions of higher education founded for black Americans. Today ASU is located in Montgomery, Ala. The College of Education is named Ralph David Abernathy Hall after the late American civil rights leader, who was a close associate of Martin Luther King, Jr. and an alumnus of ASU. The school was originally called the Lincoln Normal School. It was started with $500 that was raised by nine freed slaves that are now known as the Marion Nine. The new building is a three-story mixture of concrete and structural steel, which is used on most of the buildings throughout the campus. It was important to have this building fit into the campus's over-arching design theme. During construction, Rabren had to work around a series of existing houses. Although the university had acquired the houses, they could not be torn down until the tenants had been vacated.

100 Construction Leaders Today


labama State University was founded in 1867 in Marion, Ala., making it one of the nation’s oldest institutions of higher education founded for black Americans. Originally called the Lincoln Normal School, it was started with $500 that was raised by nine freed slaves that are now known as the Marion Nine. Today ASU located in Montgomery, Ala. and has become a world-class institution, welcoming students from all races. Of the school’s 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, ASU is well-known for its historic teacher education program at the College of Education. In May of 2009, Rabren General Contractors Inc. completed a brand new three-story building for the College of Education, helping to cement its place as one of the school’s flagship programs. Rabren General Contractors is a commercial general contractor that does both hard-bid and negotiated market projects. As a firm, Rabren covers a wide variety of different types of commercial construction, but a majority of their work is institutional buildings on college campuses. “The college of education building at Alabama State was our second project at Alabama State,” said Matt Rabren of Rabren General Contractors. “It was a design-build bid project and we were on campus at the time working on the Life Sciences building and this project is across the street.”

The College of Education is named Ralph David Abernathy Hall after the late American civil rights leader, who was a close associate of Martin Luther King, Jr. and an alumnus of Alabama State University. The new building is a three-story mixture of concrete structure and structural steel, which is used on most of the buildings throughout the campus. During construction, Rabren had to work around a series of existing houses that were on the College of Education site. Although the university had acquired the houses, they could not be torn down down until the tenants had been vacated. “It was an existing neighborhood and the owner acquired some of those houses, but some of that was not timely so we had to work around them and then come back and tear those down at a later time,” Rabren said. The feedback that the company has received on the College of Education has been very positive and RGC is continuing its working relationship with ASU. “We’ve done numerous projects at Alabama State and we’re completing their on-campus football stadium at the end of the year,” Rabren said. ASU has a 145-year history with a legacy of perseverance, progress and promise and Rabren General Contractors are adding to that culture with each new project on the campus.

{BUILDING TEAM}  FIRE PROTECTION Brendle Sprinkler Co., Inc.  MASONRY C&C Masonry  SPECIALTY SERVICES Birmingham Restaurant Supply

November December 2012 101

102 Construction Leaders Today

LEFT: Ford trusts its brand in the capable hands of Wright Contracting Services, Inc. The construction firm recently transformed the Kerry Ford dealership in Springdale, Ohio into a more streamlined operation with increased customer appeal.

BOTTOM LEFT: At Kerry Volkswagon in Florence, Ky., Wright Contracting completed the total gut renovation of a 20-year-old structure. Despite challenges presented by inclement winter weather, Wright met the customer's grand opening deadline.

ABOVE: A new and improved dealership vehicle maintenance garage is complete with service bays and polished concrete floors. Wright Contracting has experience in the construction of dealerships with nearly every major vehicle brand in the industry. The firm's creativity and attention to detail take projects to the next level.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Owners of Wright Contracting Services, Inc., Randy Reno, left, and Don Martin, right. Founded in 1995, the firm is a general contractor, painting contractor, grounds care/maintenance company and commercial cabinet maker which serves Kentucky, southwest Ohio and southeast Indiana.


Going The Extra Mile Wright Contracting Services Inc.’s delivery of stunning car dealership renovations helps its clients to seal the deal. by Kevin D. Porter


ith a brisk business generated from the construction of car dealerships, Wright Contracting Services, Inc. knows a thing or two about customizing a showroom floor. With its recent completion of the Kerry Ford and Volkswagen dealerships, the firm has proven that when it comes to meeting customers’ expectations it is willing to go the extra mile. Wright Contracting Sevices, Inc. is a general contractor, painting contractor, grounds care/maintenance company and commercial cabinet maker which serves Kentucky, southwest Ohio and southeast Indiana. Having completed work for Hyundai, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Buick, Toyota, Nissan and Ford, Wright Contracting has just about every car brand within its Rolodex. The firm recently added two newly completed projects for Kerry Volkswagon in Florence, Ky., and Kerry Ford in Springdale, Oh. to its long list of accomplishments. So, how do they do it? “We strive to be the best at what we do. Our company pays a lot of attention to detail to make sure that the customer is getting the best value for their dollar,” said Randy Reno, co-owner of Wright Contracting Services, Inc. Reno got a taste for construction early on when he took carpentry in high school and has never looked back. After completing school, he began his career by working for several construction companies. In 1995, Reno co-founded Wright Contracting Services, Inc. with business partner Don Martin. The firm offers “one-stop-shop” service to its clients and self-performs much of its carpentry work which can include commercial cabinetry and mill work/ case work. But its offerings don’t stop there. “Not only do we build the buildings, but we help design the interior as well. We then maintain them with our maintenance division which includes our grounds care, snow removal, painting and cabinet divisions.” For Kerry Volkswagen, Wright Contracting transformed a 20-year-old building that had previously been a rival car brand. “We went in and completely gutted it,” Reno said. The $1.5 million renovation which began in September 2010 included a large addition to the front and sides of the building, a newly resurfaced parking lot, stained epoxy floors and stained concrete in the service drive through area. Enlarging the service bays completed the redesign. Facing the harsh winter weather was one of the more challenging issues during the project as Wright had to tent and heat the building block during cold months. The entire renovation was completed in May 2011 which met the customer's grand opening deadline, much to their satisfaction. The firm’s work on the Kerry Ford dealership demonstrated its ability to combine construction with creativity. In every way, Wright Contracting enhanced the functionality of the structure and created a fresh new look. Wright transformed the facility with a new entry, an acoustic ceiling and a glassy showcase. A portion of the building was demolished to create a mezzanine

and service park area with a customer service lounge wired for the Internet. However, the Service Writer area experienced the greatest transformation. While Bruce Krone of Kerry Ford masterminded the overall look and feel of the facility, there was still room to interpret that vision through design and finish. “We designed all the Service Writer’s desks,” said Reno. “We recessed monitors in the desks for a cleaner look.” Electronic equipment like monitors can sometimes suffer in such a rough-and-tumble environment – from greasy finger smudges to the general collection of dust. A simple solution like recessing them helps to preserve those devices and creates a more streamlined, modern look. All the desks and furniture were made by Wright's cabinet division and provided a custom look. Reno had another idea. “I made a suggestion to install TVs in the service area to show the customers current specials that the dealership was offering," he said. So the firm mounted flat screen monitors that were inserted with flash drives containing programming that advertised specials and sales. As customers waited to receive their service documentation they could add any advertised items that they wanted. Kerry Automotive Group, which owns 11 franchises with 20 major buildings, was thoroughly pleased with the new Service Writer area and the entire project. “It was clean, timely and tidy,” said 20-year industry veteran Bruce Krone. “It is a marvelous addition to the facility. It really needed it. The old area was out on the shop floor. A lot of times clients couldn’t hear and it was sometimes cold and dirty. We designed the project, got it approved, and Randy executed it without having to close the Service Department.” Adam Hendrixon is a service manager at Kerry Ford who was also involved in the design process. “We worked hand-in-hand with Wright Contracting. They do phenomenal work,” he said. “Ford had me take pictures to share during the regional meetings as an example for other dealerships. Customers love it. They love the look.” Not only has the Kerry Ford renovation set a standard for future construction, it’s had a positive impact on business. “We’ve increased business because it’s a better traffic flow. Customers trust you more when it’s a more professional looking building. It’s a huge transformation for us.” Wright Contracting is a modestly sized company of 30 employees that knows that working together is the only way to go. “We’re very team-oriented,” Reno said. “You have to remain positive and help each other out. We couldn’t do it without our sub-contractors. They are critical to the success of each project. They understand and know what we expect. This is why we very seldom have a punch list. We critique our work every day. Also, without our office staff, we wouldn’t be a very good company. Our goal is to give the customer 100 percent. To do every job to the best of our ability. It has to be the best, we don’t accept less.”

November December 2012 103



Established in 1976 by Barry Georges, Garage Door Specialists’ goal has always been to provide a quality product, affordable pricing and professionally trained installers. They live by the mantra “Quality before Quantity” and specialize in all residential and commercial doors and gates with a focus on custom wood doors, gate operators and dock equipment. Their showroom is open to view products in greater detail. Ad on page 105.


Mountain Construction Enterprises is a leader in custom log and timber frame homes.


lthough the largest log home that Mountain Construction {BUILDING TEAM} Enterprises once built sat  SHOWER DOORS at a whopping 14,000 sq.ft. Miller Industries and was equipped with an elevator, its President, Mark Kirkpatrick, prefers  GARAGE DOORS not to refer to his custom homes as Garage Door Specialists “high-end.” For Kirkpatrick “high-end” is a buzzword that tends to be more exclusive rather than inclusive. “I’d rather use the word ‘quality’ than ‘high-end’ because high-end steers people away,” said Kirkpatrick. “We build what people want. Well thought-out, well-crafted homes.” However you word it, there’s no denying the high level of quality and attention to detail that goes into each of the firm’s custom builds. With nearly 30 years in construction, the company has established a reputation that is as solid as its homes. Mountain Construction Enterprises is an east Tennessee and western North Carolina-based commercial and residential contractor that specializes in new home construction, remodeling, historic renovation and commercial construction. The firm builds custom homes in an array of styles and sizes. The Copeland/McDaniels hybrid home, nestled in the mountains of western North Carolina, is one of its latest timber frame structures. “They were a walk-in client,” Kirkpatrick said of his hybrid home patrons. The home is considered a “hybrid” because it is part log, part timber frame and part conventional frame. Kirkpatrick approaches construction in much the same way as early American pioneers once had. It’s something he feels sets his firm apart from other builders. “The pioneers struck out in the wilderness. They came to a place that they would call home and took materials from the site.” Although Kirkpatrick doesn’t gather timber on site like the early settlers, he sources materials from Hearthstone – a leading manufacturer of log and timber native to the North Carolina region. Mountain Construction’s timber frame homes are typically constructed of white pine, a wood indigenous to northeastern North America. “It’s fast-growing, easily procured and reasonably priced.” 104 Construction Leaders Today

Construction of the hybrid home took place over a 14-month period and was completed in 2008. Portions of the 2,800 sq.ft. residence have the classic log home look with the often greyish-white substance between each log – which gives it a striped appearance – called chinking. Chinking helps fill gaps between logs to prevent air exchange. Perma-Chink is one of the most popular products used for chinking. “It’s a polymer-based masonry product,” said Kirkpatrick. “Because of the polymer base it has the capacity to stretch. So if the logs shrink it has the capacity to stretch to prevent air gaps. Behind that chinking is insulation which increases the R-value of the house.” The corners of the Appalachian, hand-hewn logs are joined in a style known as “dovetailing.” The residence is comfortable and accommodating with three bedrooms, three-and-a-half baths and a Great Room complete with a cozy gas stove. Even its outdoor space is maximized with a screened-in back porch equipped with a wood-burning stove. The construction process went smoothly except for a snafu surrounding the installation of a septic tank. “We went to put in a septic tank according to the specs of the health department. The place where it was supposed to go was solid rock. So we had to jackhammer the rock out to get the tank in. It took a week to chisel the rock out and to install the tank,” Kirkpatrick said. The home has several features for sustainability including its fast-growing white pine composition – all of which was FSC certified. Kirkpatrick even repurposed an old barn located on the property and gave it new life in the form of kitchen cabinets, a dining room table and coffee table. With the Copeland/McDaniels home, Mountain Construction achieved a rustic, lodge-like retreat which was exactly the look and feel the homeowners had envisioned. “The clients were wonderful,” said Kirkpatrick. “They wanted a rustic house that was well built.” They got just that. It all speaks to the philosophy by which Mountain Construction operates: building art that you can live in. “We seek to build quality and we’re fair with our clients. We want them to be able to take pride in what they’ve created.” Such pride could not have been better expressed when one of the homeowners said to Kirkpatrick, “You built my soul into this house.”


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106 Construction Leaders Today



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C&C Masonry, Inc. has been providing High Quality Turnkey Masonry Solutions in the Southeast for 17 years. We serve as a cooperative partner with owners, architects, general contractors, and construction managers. C&C Masonry offers the furnishing of materials as well as the installation of CMU, Brick, Stone Veneer, and Precast on commercial projects such as: College & University Buildings, Public Schools, Parking Decks, Court Houses, Medical Centers, etc. Website: Office: 770-854-7000


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110 118 123 124 126 127



PREVIOUS: Jacobsen Construction delivered a 125,000 sq. ft. building that provides new state-of-the-art classrooms, labs and offices for the four departments that will now be housed in the building.

110 Construction Leaders Today


by Drew Grossman

November December 2012 111



112 Construction Leaders Today

VAN BOERUM & FRANK ASSOCIATES VBFA is an MEP engineering firm with offices in Utah and Arizona and 40 years of experience in healthcare, laboratories, hotels, sports, education and religious facilities worldwide. VBFA's LEED accredited engineers are leaders in energy conservation. VBFA and Jacobsen Construction recently collaborated on the Kem C. Gardner Supply Chain Center and the initial world-class Huntsman Cancer Institute. Ad on page 130.


tah State University was originally founded in 1888 as the Agricultural College of Utah. A land-grant college, the school was established to promote higher education and practical learning to people of all classes and walks of life, especially rural life. Over the years the university has broadened its curriculum to include many areas of study, but the study of agriculture has always remained a flagship program. Agriculture involves the daily production, processing and distribution of products that sustain lives, but the College of Agriculture at USU has a much more far-reaching goal. The College of Ag is focused on the science of life as it relates to earth conservation, biotechnology, curing diseases and strengthening communities. Students in the program are taught advanced concepts that require upto-date research and learning facilities that can keep up with the progressive coursework. However, the agriculture program’s former facility was struggling to keep up with student’s rapid pace of learning. To remedy this problem, Jacobsen Construction was hired to build the new Agricultural Sciences Building, the replacement for the 60-year-old E.G. Peterson Agricultural Science Building.


Dunn Associates, Inc. is a team that values and respects competition and the joy of success. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, the firm has been providing noteworthy structural engineering services to various types of clients for numerous project types since 1995. The staff feels a strong sense of pride in the continued effort to maintain the lead in innovative and sustainable design. Average solutions breed average engineers. At Dunn Associates, Inc. they constantly strive to improve their own solutions as well as stay ahead of the accepted industry standards. They are passionate and experienced in developing sound and effective solutions for their clients' varied needs. The staff is firmly committed to the goal of technical excellence and minimized cost to the client. They attain this goal by acting as a close liaison with the client, facilitating good coordination and constantly evaluating cost design concepts. They’re in business to make their clients successful. Serving clients is not simply a market opportunity; it is a personal and professional privilege. Since its founding, Dunn Associates, Inc. has always put an emphasis on the importance of high quality services and client relationships. Jacobsen Construction has been one of those valued client relationships. As one of the major design firms in the state of Utah, Dunn Associates, Inc. has served as Jacobsen’s structural engineering consultant on dozens of major projects throughout the state. Most recent projects include DSC Holland Centennial Commons, U of U Skaggs Pharmacy and USU Agricultural Science Building. Ad on page 108.

ABOVE: Students are learning the skills necessary to clone animals, create new snack foods, deal with future markets, understand the technology that ensures a safe and productive food supply and learn how to become leaders in the political process. ABOVE: The building is constructed to obtain LEED Silver certification. Sustainability is a pillar of life on the USU campus.

November December 2012 113

SME STEEL Among many intangible factors embedded within the foundation of Jacobsen’s success is the acumen of SME Steel — strong and silent, like the sharp, stoic slopes of the Utah mountaintops. Whether bearing the brutal lashes of a harsh winter whip, or bucking about in the tricky terrain, SME will comprehensively deepen the integrity of any steel-frame design. Any venture that absorbs the mixture of SME’s masterful BIM capabilities and their own ingenious CoreBrace™, a bucklingrestrained brace, now coined the “sliced bread of framing systems,” will be capable of harnessing an acute propensity for sustainability that ensures dimensional accuracy on a myriad of robust structural angles, slicing operational costs by 15 percent. Also, CoreBrace is quite versatile, allowing for smaller gusset plates with no messy yield line matter. Most CoreBrace jobs feature shop-installed gussets, significantly dropping erection time and field-welding costs. SME Industries established CoreBrace, LLC as a subsidiary in July 2002, after testing had been conducted at The University of Utah on two series of CoreBrace Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs). Ten years later, Jacobsen enlisted SME on U of U’s L.S. Skaggs Pharmaceutical Research Building, a scientifically brilliant facility with a visually distinctive artistic display of naked cantilevers on each of the building’s four sides. Salt Lake City is bursting with manifestations of SME’s imagination, like the SkyBridge featured at the City Creek Center. It’s a unique 320,000 lb. structure placed between two high-rises and fastened with a single anchor pin. Another forceful element to appreciate is that true visionaries must be fortified with ingenuity. SME and Jacobsen are often able to achieve what many cannot, by uniquely harboring these merits; which propels by a humble yet compelling, desire to simply create. Ad on page 130.

ABOVE: The new building is featured in a central location on the USU campus at the campus Quad. Kiosks in the building sell university-grown produce and plants, and the cafe on the first floor of the building sells Aggie ice cream, an old USU tradition. ABOVE: Jacobsen was also responsible for the demolition of the old E.G. Peterson Agricultural Science Building, which is being replaced with a newly landscaped area.

114 Construction Leaders Today


“The construction pace was really strengthened by Jacobsen Construction,” said Noelle Cockett, dean and vice president of Agriculture and Extension. “Their heart was just totally in the project and I felt like they were full partners through the whole thing.” The E.G. Peterson agriculture building, was one of the oldest buildings on campus and was suffering from a number of structural problems, causing many USU officials to call for its replacement. Jacobsen Construction delivered a 125,000 square foot building that provides new state-of-the-art classrooms, labs and offices for the four departments that will now be housed in the building. At the college of agriculture, students are learning the skills necessary to clone animals, create new snack foods, deal with future markets, understand the technology that ensures a safe and productive food supply and learn how to become leaders in the political process. And now they have the facilities to support them as they delve into these complex subjects. “It is a wonderful tribute to the legacy of agriculture in the state and a recognition of the great things that will be accomplished by our faculty, staff and students in the future,” Cockett said in a prepared statement

about the building. Departments from the College of Agriculture and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences now reside in the new building. The large facility also offers additional office space for agriculture-related endeavors like Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, the Western Rural Development Center, the International Research Program and 4-H. The new building is featured in a central location on the USU campus at the campus Quad. Kiosks in the building sell univeristy-grown produce and plants, and with the cafe on the first floor of the building, the old USU tradition of Aggie ice cream has now alive again on the Quad. “It’s really appropriate that it anchors the east end of the Quad, showing how important agriculture is at Utah State University,” said Teryl Roper, the department head for plants, soil and climate. The ribbon cutting for the new building took place in February of 2012 after a year and a half of construction. “This was a low impact as you could imagine a construction site being,” said Sean Michael, department head for landscape architecture and environmental planning. November December 2012 115


ABOVE: The building also has space for programs like Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, the Western Rural Development Center, the International Research Program and 4-H. ABOVE: USU has been named a "green" college three years in a row by The Princeton Review and the USGBC. ABOVE: Departments from the College of Agriculture and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences now reside in the new building. The large facility also offers additional office space for agriculture-related endeavors.

WAGSTAFF CRANE Wagstaff Crane Service has been in business for over 50 years serving communities in the intermountain west area. With over 50 mobile hydraulic cranes in fleet ranging from 8.5 to 550 tons, we can supply cranes and operators for a wide range of projects. They work on many critical projects both governmental and private. Ad on page 129. 116 Construction Leaders Today



Atkinson Electronics, Inc. applied Phoenix Controls critical airflow systems in the chemical and biological containment and environmental control for wet chemistry, life science and pharmaceutical research in the University of Utah Skaggs Pharmacy building. This project marks the seventh of eight laboratory facilities Atkinson Electronics has completed on the university’s campus. Ad on page 128.

Utah-Yamas Controls provides smart, comfortable, secure and energy efficient solutions for buildings, campuses, school districts and industrial facilities. As a licensed electrical, mechanical and security contractor with over 20 years of experience, you could not choose a more experienced or knowledgeable controls contractor for your construction project. Ad on page 129.

The Agriculture Sciences Building is designed and constructed to obtain LEED Silver certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. Appropriately so because sustainability is a pillar of life on the USU campus. “The cost of operating this building is probably going to be less than the smaller building we’re moving from and I think that is forward looking that we are concerned about the world in which we live,” Roper said. USU has been named a “green” college three years in a row by The Princeton Review and the USGBC. The designation honors the university’s commitment to sustainability and recognizes the wide-range of “green” initiatives the school undertake to minimize its carbon footprint. Including the Agriculture Sciences Building, USU has a total of seven LEED-certified buildings. Jacobsen Construction was also responsible for the demolition of the old E.G. Peterson Agricultural Science Building, which is being replaced with a newly landscaped area featuring improved parking and emergency

access. Explosives were not used for the demolition, after contractors handled asbestos abatement for the building, the crew at Jacobsen Construction worked through the site from north to south and then moved to demolish the east wing of the old building. According to a June 2012 article by Kevin Opsahl for, construction crews sorted through the demolition and salvaged certain materials like steel, aluminum and copper; all pieces that were part of the original building and could be resold. The crew then hauled the waste off of the site by the truckload. The new agriculture building has been a great success on the campus of USU. For a university that prides itself on innovative thought and a commitment to sustainability, the Agricultural Sciences Building by Jacobsen Construction is the ideal kind of project.

November December 2012 117


118 Construction Leaders Today


November December 2012 119


{BUILDING TEAM}  FLOORING Coronado Paint and Decorating  GENERAL CONTRACTOR Platinum Sky Construction  BANKING PARTNER Los Alamos National Bank  EXCAVATION & UTILITY Blueline Construction  PLUMBING & HEATING Rich Duran Plumbing 120 Construction Leaders Today


ccording to the National Association of Realtors, sales of previously occupied homes jumped 7.8 percent in August 2012 from the same time last year. Also up from August 2011 were applications from builders to construct new homes – an increase of nearly 25 percent. The bottom line: housing may be on the rebound; however many Americans aren’t confident in their ability to qualify for homeownership. Amid the ups and downs in the housing market, one man in Santa Fe, N. M. tracks housing with a singular purpose. He’s a self-proclaimed “Worrier-InChief” by the name of Mike Loftin. Loftin is executive director of Homewise, a non-profit organization geared toward helping Santa Fe’s moderate income residents – those with an income below $82,000 a year, which includes most of the community’s workforce – to become homeowners through financial counseling and educational classes. “Santa Fe is an expensive housing market, so a lot of the workforce struggles,” Loftin said. “Through financial education and home buyer counseling, we give folks the tools they need to become successful homeowners. We build

PREVIOUS SPREAD: This adobe style home located in Santa Fe, N.M. is part of the recently completed Pinion Ridge community. The 33.34-acre development was constructed by Homewise, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Santa Fe's moderate income residents become homeowners. OPPOSITE PAGE: An open concept floorplan gives this living space a light and airy feel, while exposed ceiling beams add to its sense of height and volume. Homewise employed the "whole house" fan concept to efficiently exchange air throughout its homes. THIS PAGE, TOP: Drought-resistant plantings cover front and backyards of the community. Some homes feature a "casita" or "little house" in the backyard which can function as a mother-in-law suite or home office. BOTTOM: Monochromatic wall and floor color choices create a seamless transition between spaces and highlight architectural elements like this structural support beam and column.

affordable, energy efficient homes and provide good financing. Our focus is more on the potential homebuyer than the bricks and mortar.” Loftin has been helping individuals and families for over 20 years and has never seen a dull day – especially since the recent economic downturn and the recovering, but still shaky, economy – one of his main concerns. Changes in the economy have a direct effect upon the services Homewise provides its clients. “There’s a lot of adapting, which in a way is good,” said Loftin. Since Homewise actually builds homes, Loftin keeps a watchful eye for new opportunities within the housing market. Ones like Pinion Ridge, a community within the 550-acre master-planned community Las Estrellas located in Santa Fe. “It was a partially built subdivision. The bank had foreclosed on the project,” Loftin said. Loftin inquired and learned that the property was still available. Homewise purchased the parcel from the bank, identified what infrastructure needed to be completed, and hired the construction team to bring it to completion. “That’s the difficulty with those types of things.

Not everything you can see,” he said regarding the unfinished community. That’s why Loftin makes sure that he surrounds himself with the best team possible. “I spend a lot of time hiring and developing good people. I think we have a very talented staff that does a great job,” he said. The firm’s main builder is Platinum Sky. Blue Line Construction is responsible for site development. The completed 39-home community offers one and two-story homes that range from 1,049 sq.ft. up to 2,061 sq.ft. The most popular sellers tend to be three-bed/two-bath units, Loftin said. Pinion Ridge’s Sunrise model offers a “casita” or “little house” that serves as a mother-in-law suite or home office. The new community has embraced several sustainable concepts. “You really have to put your dollars where you can get a lot of bang for your buck,” said Loftin. “New Mexico has a green program. We’re hitting the Build Green New Mexico Gold standard. The conventional wisdom was that we couldn’t achieve that.” But with features like radiant floor heating and the use of the “whole house” fan concept – which uses efficient rooftop fans to exchange air in the house by drawing cooler air from the outside and expelling it though November December 2012 121



Andersen® 100 Series - Whether replacing, remodeling or building, now you can bring Andersen beauty, craftsmanship and time-tested performance into a project for less than you may expect. Andersen® 100 Series windows and patio doors are made with patented, revolutionary Fibrex® composite material, which allows us to offer an uncommon value others can’t. It’s environmentally responsible and energy efficient, and it comes in durable, deep, rich colors you can’t get with vinyl. Ad on page 131.

ABOVE: The 39-home planned community offers buyers one and two-story homes ranging from 1000-2000 sq. ft. The most popular sellers are the three-bed/two-bath units.

122 Construction Leaders Today

the attic – Build Green New Mexico Gold was a worthy objective. In 2011, Homewise Homes won the Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association’s Parade of Homes “Most Energy Efficient Home” award, followed by “Best Outdoor Space” in 2012. Despite such success, Loftin still faces a major challenge: insecure prospective homebuyers. “The biggest issue today is that people are nervous,” he said. “They’re worried about the economy and if they can get a mortgage.” Nevertheless, Loftin believes that there’s no better time to own a home, but that homeownership needs to come with a financial education and discipline. “We believe that if people develop better financial habits, they’ll be better off over time. No one’s born with bad credit. If you have bad credit, you can work to achieve good credit. Generally speaking, people are better off buying than renting.” Case in point, Homewise recently helped one renter who was paying $1,250 a month to qualify for a $900 mortgage – a savings of over $300/ month, not to mention the gratification of being a homeowner. “There are many advantages to owning a home that are not always obvious sometimes -- being able to garden, to paint rooms, to have pets. The psychological and emotional rewards are huge. It’s really exciting work because you see people getting ahead and fulfilling a dream.”

TOP: The structural steel frame for the expansion of the Earthquake Engineering Lab is erected as workers use a crane to position one of the structure's steel trusses. BELOW, LEFT: The lab expansion is funded in part by a $12.2 million grant from the NIST Construction Grants program. When completed in 2013, the laboratory will encompass a total of over 30,000 sq. ft. BELOW, RIGHT: Workers manipulate wooden framing typically used for concrete pours. The lab expansion created short-term construction jobs and is expected to have meaningful long-term economic impact.




{BUILDING TEAM}  CASEWORK & MILLWORK B&C Cabinets & Millwork, Inc.  REBAR Northern Nevada Rebar  STRUCTURAL STEEL Martin Ironworks

 CONCRETE AND BRICK arthquakes are a fascinating but often deadly phenomenon that have concrete elevated deck. Pipe sleeves Pavers Plus captured the attention of humankind – not simply due to their sheer were installed for every 2-ft. of deck destructive nature, but for basic reasons of survival. With more fre- so that 14-by-14-ft. devices called  ELECTRICAL quent earthquake and tsunami disasters occurring around the world, “shake tables” could be attached. Shake Jensen Electric nations are striving to become more prepared. Building earthquake-resistant tables are used to replicate earthquakes structures and bridges is one of the most effective means of survival. through the use of computer software  MECHANICAL Gardner Engineering At the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) great strides are being made and hydraulic actuators. to further the study and development of earthquake-resistant structures. In When completed in 2013, the fully  EARTHWORK September 2010, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) expanded 30,000 sq.ft. facility will Quilici Construction awarded the University a $12.2 million grant from the NIST Construction be the largest earthquake simulation Grants Program. The school is using the funds to help expand its 25-year-old laboratory in the U.S. and will house four shake tables. The new research Earthquake Engineering Lab – an $18 million project. To oversee the expan- space will allow UNR to conduct a wider range of experiments on large-scale sion, UNR selected Nevada-based Clark & Sullivan Construction. building models than currently possible, as well as share those experiments Clark & Sullivan Construction is a general contractor that specializes in with other researchers around the world in real-time through a state-of-the-art preconstruction, construction and construction management services for the telepresence auditorium. western U.S. Established in 1981, the 75-employee firm has earned a reputation "Clark & Sullivan is doing a fantastic job with the construction of this for completing quality projects on-time and within budget. state-of-the-art facility," said Ian Buckle, director of the UNR Center for Civil Phase-one of construction began in October 2010. As general contrac- Engineering Earthquake Research. "This world-class building will enable us tor, the scope of work for Clark & Sullivan included a 4,800 sq.ft. expan- to perform ground-breaking research and improve earthquake safety not just sion of the lab. That involved the pouring of concrete basement floors and here in Nevada, but around the world." November December 2012 123



THIS PAGE: The project included demolition of the existing headquarters and the new construction of a 40,000 sq. ft. office facility for the Salvation Army. There is also a 30,000 sq. ft. socialservices building and a family shelter. OPPOSITE: The construction benefits the Salvation Army and the many people in the communities they serve. Construction and redevelopment of the land allows the movement to operate more efficiently and at a lower cost.

124 Construction Leaders Today


{BUILDING TEAM}  PLUMBING The Ultimate Plumber, LLC  DATA/CABLING ABcom (Applied Business Communications)  DOORS, FRAMES & HARDWARE Access & Egress, LLC  FIRE PROTECTION Aero Automatic Sprinkler Company  FINAL CLEAN UP American Cleaning Systems, Inc.


ounded in 1865 in London’s East End, the Salvation Army has grown into an international movement, providing basic human needs for people all over the world. The objectives of the Salvation Army include advancing education and bringing people relief from poverty. Recently, it became clear that the Southwest Salvation Army Divisional Headquarters in Phoenix would require some renovations to its facilities in order to maintain the high level of charitable service that is associated with the Salvation Army. The divisional headquarters is located on Herberger Campus, which serves two primary functions for the people of Arizona, New Mexico and parts of Nevada. The campus is the social-services center for the Phoenixbased operation, featuring a homeless shelter, domestic abuse facility, senior housing, Christmas Angel Program and Church. The Phoenix location serves approximately 150,000 people each year through a variety of community outreach programs and services. The second function is that Herberger is the home of the Southwest Divisional Headquarters of the Salvation Army and its corporate staff. The Salvation Army hired Nitti-Graycor, a division of Graycor Construction, to expand and renovate the Southwest Division. The project included demolition of the existing headquarters and the new construction of a 40,000 square foot office facility for the Salvation Army. There is also a 30,000 square foot social-services building and a family shelter that has the capacity to accommodate about 50 families with short-term housing. The project was divided into two phases with this being the first phase, completed in the first quarter of 2012, and an additional six-acre build-out coming during the second phase of the project. The new construction will benefit the Salvation Army and the many people in the community that they serve. New construction and redevelopment of the land will allow the movement to operate more efficiently and at a lower cost per year. Nitti-Graycor removed aging buildings, improved usage of space and installed updated utilities that will help promote efficiency. The upgrades are estimated to save the Southwest Division as much as $1 million per year out of their operating and maintenance budgets. Nitti-Graycor worked with the Southwest Division, and their 90 employees, to keep the campus operational while construction was underway. Jones Lang LaSalle was the project manager and Deutsch Architecture Group was the designer and created the master plan for the project. Deutsch designed a state-of-the-art 40,000 square foot facility for the Southwest Division as a part of the two-year campus master plan that the firm was working on for Herberger Campus. “You don’t have to look far to find someone whose life has been touched by The Salvation Army,” says the Southwest Division’s website. “The family who got help with their rent, preventing them from becoming homeless. The firefighter who enjoyed a hot meal while on duty at a disaster. The child who woke up on Christmas morning to find presents under the tree for the first time.” Now with their new updated facilities, the Southwest Division can continue to help and serve their community. November December 2012 125





n September 2011 The Ultimate Plumber was awarded a plumbing contract with Nitti Graycor for the Salvation Army in Phoenix, Ariz. The multi-structure project consisted of the Divisional Headquarters and accompanying office building, as well as two housing buildings, a dining building and the warehouse remodel. “As a team, we really enjoyed working on the Salvation Army project. It gave us a sense of accomplishment to provide services to an organization that is relentless in their mission to help others in times of great need. We understand what an invaluable service the Salvation Army provides as first responders for people affected by disaster or tragedy. It was an honor to be selected to work for such an admirable and caring organization,� said Owner and Vice President Kaylon Walker. The work performed by The Ultimate Plumber team was especially gratifying because of the many areas of specialization required. The project included nine 80-gallon water heaters requiring thousands of feet of copper piping. The professional crew installed multiple ADA showers with trench drains, 52 water closets, 48 lavatories and 23 bath tubs. In addition, the crew installed over 291 plumbing fixtures including 23 roof drains ranging from 4 to10 inches. The team also installed a complete natural gas system for the commercial-grade kitchen and two grease interceptors, one of which had a 1500 gallon capacity. The Ultimate Plumber demanded such high-quality work on the entire plumbing system that when the project was completed, very few items remained on the punch list. One unique challenge presented to the Ultimate Plumber crew was the fast-paced schedule required to meet mandatory project deadlines. The Ultimate Plumber team performed all work for the project using a four to eight man crew working 10 hour days, including Saturdays when needed. In the end, the expert management team was able to complete all work ahead of deadline while passing every plumbing inspection the first time. The Ultimate Plumber was founded in 2006 and is located in Mesa, Ariz. The Ultimate Plumber specializes in new construction plumbing and are experts in many specialized types of commercial plumbing. The company has been awarded and completed jobs in diverse commercial areas including healthcare systems, warehousing sites and churches. The company has experience with restaurants, apartments and government parks. The company accepts bids statewide and strives to complete the job right the first time on time. The Ultimate Plumber is dedicated to always performing quality workmanship while adhering to the highest standards of workplace safety. The company only hires professional journeyman plumbers and has been completely free of workplace injuries since its inception. See ad on page inside front cover. 126 Construction Leaders Today

PICTURED, FROM TOP: The Ultimate Plumber installed Elkay hydration stations and Kohler touchless geomtric faucets throughout the facility. Co-owners Kaylon Walker and Travis Trimberger outside the recently completed Salvation Army headquarters. The Ultimate Plumber is well suited to tackle even the most complicated commercial projects.


BEHIND THE SILVER SCREEN Robinson Construction Co. is a major player in today’s movie theatre construction.


ho doesn’t love the movies? The enticing aroma of freshly popped corn. Your favorite stars, literally larger than life, dazzling on a gargantuan screen. The joyful escape into an engrossing storyline. While many may be familiar with the stars and directors that make movies possible, few, if any, ever notice the mechanics behind the magic – what makes the movie-going experience possible. Well, there’s a firm that does exactly that. When it comes to the construction of today’s movie theatres, Robinson Construction Co. has earned a leading role. Robinson Construction Co. is an Oregon-based, family-owned construction management and general contracting firm that aims to exceed the expectations of its clients – a clientele that includes nationallyrecognized movie theatre giant, Regal Entertainment Group (REG). With more than 500 theatres across 37 states, REG operates one of the largest theatre circuits in the U.S. The group develops, acquires and operates multi-screen theatres mainly in mid-sized metropolitan markets and in suburban growth areas of larger metropolitan markets. Over the years, Robinson has completed several theatre projects – including many for REG. One of its most recent Regal theatre builds is part of a larger mixed-use development known as Barkley Village located in Bellingham, Wash. Barkley Village is a 200-acre tract of land designed to become a “live, work, play” community. The theatre is part of phase-one of the development which includes the construction of three other buildings designated for restaurant and retail spaces. Ryan Weehunt, a project manager with 12 years of experience at Robinson, is managing the build. Weehunt ensures that the project stays on schedule and on budget while balancing his other day-to-day duties which include bidding on projects, contracting subs and budgeting for owners. The forthcoming 68,000 sq.ft. movie theatre is divided into 16-plexes, each containing 390 stadium seats. The facility will feature Regal’s recently unveiled big-screen theatre technology called RPX – Regal Premium Experience. The concept offers moviegoers an immersive screen lit by high-quality digital projectors, as well as state-of-the-art uncompressed surround sound and plush seating with high-back headrests. The theatre will also employ IMAX technology. Robinson began work in mid-March 2012 and completion is slated for December 2012. Weehunt recounted a few challenges thus far in the process. “Where these get difficult is at the mezzanine level,” he said. “There’s a lot of coordination to get that

mezzanine ready.” The mezzanine level of movie theatres contains all the electrical and mechanical operations that make a Cineplex functional, and is an area that goes largely unnoticed by movie patrons. "The mezzanine is a space that most moviegoers wouldn’t know is there. It runs along the spine of the building on the second floor and is the nerve center of the entire building." For the construction of stadium riser seating, Weehunt explained the complicated process. "First you construct your foundation slabs which consist of two separate levels -- one is your main level and the other is the pit about 8 ft. below which is where the screen sits," he said. "You then build the building structure, and all the overhead finishes, complete to where all ceiling grid is in. The juggling act is accessing the ceiling space with the different slab elevations. Lastly, you pour all the concrete risers." On the day of our conversation, Regal was

scheduled to install its projectors – so all the mezzanine work had to be completed. Routinely meeting such deadlines is a welcome challenge for Robinson. Weehunt says it “makes it more interesting.” Regarding sustainability, Robinson implemented a clever “heat recover” system. “The heat off the projectors is pulled through return air ducts and recycled to heat the mezzanine and facility offices,” said Weehunt. The facility also has a heat-reflective white roof in order to help reduce energy consumption in hot, sunny weather. “They try to be as efficient as possible with heating and cooling.” Robinson Construction Co. attributes its continued success to its quality construction and client-focused philosophy. “We’re a service-based company and we try to keep clients happy,” Weehunt said. “Clients always come first. We’re delivering a building they want, on the budget they want, on the schedule they want.” November December 2012 127



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DAW Construction Group is proud to partner with Jacobsen Construction on this immense project. We congratulate Jacobsen on their achievements and wish them continued success in the future.

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130 Construction Leaders Today

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Consolidated Painting congratulates Robinson Construction Inc. in their award of contract with Costco to construct a new warehouse on the Island of Maui. This will be the forth Costco warehouse Consolidated Painting LLC will have successfully completed. Consolidated Painting LLC is a full service painting, coating, and decorating company with 13 years in business. We are proud to say that we are a female/veteran/service disabled veteran owned company and active members of ABC and PDCA. Kapolei, Hawaii 96709

Specializing in commercial Framing, Drywall, Plaster, Acoustics & Insulation Acousitcal Drywall Systems, Inc offers superior and quality craftmanship in commerical contracting throughout the Hawaiian Islands. We specialize in integrated services which provides for greater efficiency than piece-meal subcontracting with the attention and personal service you should come to expect. Visit our website at for more information about our company. We are proud to have worked alongside Robinson Construction and their professional management team in helping build the well needed Costco addition on Maui.






385 E Kuiaha Road, Haiku, HI 96708 132 Construction Leaders Today



Architecture Leaders Today and oZ World Media are not responsible for errors or omissions in this courtesy index. Vision Home Builders LLC 3820 Columbia Blvd Bloomsburg, PA 17815 5708025548

Tower Electric, Inc. 6212 Southpark Dr # 1500 Littleton, CO 80120 3035900235

Pinto Construction 1 Babcock St Buffalo, NY 14210 7168256666

Nu-Tech Services, Inc. 881 Warrior Run Blvd Turbotville, PA 17754 5706495080

PDC Midwest 1130 James Dr Ste 106 Hartland, WI 53029 2623677770

Kaleida Health 100 High St Buffalo, NY 14203 7166561900

Metalmaster Roofmaster Inc. 4800 Metalmaster Way McHenry, IL 60050 8154596415

Hoekstra Roofing 1963 Olmstead Rd Kalamazoo, MI 49048 2693435536

Key Builders Construction Inc 118 W Progress Dr Princeton, IL 61356 8158756114

Overhead Door 240 N. 28th St Battle Creek, MI 49037 2699623350

Nu-Trend Accessibility Systems 1808 34th St , IL 61265 3097974647

CSM Group 444 West Michigan Ave # 100 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 2697465600

W-T Engineering 2675 Pratum Ave Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 2242936301 Williams Associates Architects, Ltd. 450 Gundersen Dr Carol Stream, IL 60188 6302211212 Alta Engineering, Ltd. 470 Bennett Rd Elk Grove, IL 60007 8473571007 Vennen Company 3464 Old Mill Rd Highland Park, IL 60035 8479268258

Mountain Construction Co 1345 Poplar Grove Rd Boone, NC 28607 8289638090

Johnson Lasky Architects 8550 W Bryn Mawr Ave #900 Chicago, IL 60631 7738677208

Garage Door Specialists 111 Benview Lane Morganton, NC 28655 8285842297

Commercial Window Installers 4N240 Cavalry Dr # G Bloomingdale, IL 60108 6303518915

Miller Industries 1134 W King St Boone, NC 28607 8282648824

Tropic Construction Corp. 325 North Wells St #8 Chicago, IL 60654 3126026500

Fuller Heating Company 777 S Wagner Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48103 7346658651

Anderson & Assoc. of Virginia 100 Ardmore St Blacksburg, VA 24060 5405525592

A.R. Brouwer Co 744 4 Dexter-Ann Arbor Rd #F Dexter, MI 48130 7344269980

Tractel, Ltd. Swingstage Division 1615 Warden Ave Scarborough, ON 0 4162988822 Meyer Consulting Engineers, PC 451 Hungerford Dr # 600 Rockville, MD 20850 3017385690 Rugo Stone LLC 7953 Angleton Ct Lorton, VA 22079 5716422674

Guldmann Inc. 5525 Johns Rd, # 905 Tampa, FL 33634 8138800619 Carothers Construction P.O. Box 189 Taylor, MS 38673 6625138840 Custom Glass and Fabricators 507 E. 14th st #1 Lynn Haven, FL 32444 8502652148

EarthCam, Inc. 84 Kennedy St Hackensack, NJ 7601 2014881111

W.E. Welch & Associates, Inc. 2502 Urbana Pike Ijamsville, MD 21754 3018318942

Turner Construction Co., VA Office 1110 Vermont Ave NW #500 Washington, DC 20005 7038415200

ThyssenKrupp Elevator 513 Progress Dr. Linthicum, MD 21090 3013456400

The Weitz Company 4725 S Monaco St # 100 Aurora, CO 50321 3038606600

Marous Brothers Construction 1702 Joseph Lloyd Pkwy Willoughby, OH 44094 4409513904

SA Morman 4510 Commercial Ave. Portage, MI 49002 2693830500 Tilcon New York Inc. 162 Old Mill Rd West Nyack, NY 10994 8008727762 Cruz Contractors LLC 952 Holmdel Rd Holmdel, NJ 7733 7329468400 Nobel Equipment and Supplies 1920 East Edgar Rd Linden, NJ 7036 9089251211 Moore Trosper Construction, Inc 4224 Keller d Holt, MI 48842 5176946310 Hubinger Landscaping 210 E 113th Ave Crown Point, IN 46307 2196629911 Skillman Corporation 3834 S Emerson Ave Bldg A , IN 46203 3177836151 NH Architecture 2099 West Ridge Rd Rochester, NY 14626 5852254310 VDR Decorating, Inc. 427 Latta Rd Rochester, NY 14612 5856479280 Ramar Steel Erectors 448 Portland Ave Rochester, NY 14605 5852327777 Pro Carpet, Inc. 5580 Ridge Rd West Spencerport, NY 14559 5853525905

Murray Roofing Co., Inc. 600 Cayuga Creek Rd. Cheektowaga, NY 14227 7168965555 FSI General Contracting (Team FSI) 90 Goodway Dr Rochester, NY 14623 5852921580 MulvannyG2 Architecture 1110 112th Ave NE, # 500 Bellevue, WA 98004 4254631314 HTI Polymer, Inc. 18732 142nd Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98072 4254878911 Acoustical Drywall Systems, Inc. 385 E Kuiaha Rd Haiku, HI 96708 8085752602 Consolidated Painting LLC PO Box 700598 Kapolei, HI 96709 8086825216 Robinson Construction Co. 21360 NW Amberwood Dr Hillsboro, OR 97124 5036458531 Jensen Underground Utilities Inc 5585 Taylor Rd Naples, FL 34109 2395970060 C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. 13350 Rickenbacker Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33913 2392250565 South Florida Excavation, Inc 1455 Rail Head Blvd # 3 Naples, FL 34110 2395968111 Florida Aerial Services and Manhattan Construction 1628 Dale Mabry Ste 105 Lutz, FL 33548 O’Donnell Landscapes Inc. 4301 Williams Rd Estero, FL 33928 2399928842 Valda Plastering 3625 Elvehjem Rd McFarland, WI 53558 6088383995 MP-Squared 583 D’Onofrio Dr # 201 Madison, WI 53719 6088214770 Overhead Door Co. of Madison Inc. 917 Watson Ave Madison, WI 53713 6082714288 Sullivan Design/Build 1314 Emil St Madison, WI 53713 6082572289

GHWA 11 Brdway # 1700 New York, NY 10004 2122138007 Everest Scaffolding Inc. 1150 Longwood Ave Bronx, NY 10474 7183281004 CEM LLC 12 Route 17 N #120 Paramus, NJ 7652 2014836555 NYC Door 1420-44 St. Brooklyn, NY 11219 7188880009 Alubon 20 Melville Park Rd #200 Melville, NY 11747 7186407340 Newman Design 210 West Rogues Path Cold Spring Hills, NY 11743 6316733111 Frank Seta and Associates 224 W 30th St # 206 New York, NY 10001 2124651600 Wego Floors 239 Great Neck Rd Great Neck, NY 11021 5164873510 Garden State Surveying, Engineering & Planning NY 25 East Spring Valley Ave Maywood, NJ 7607 2015871755 Country Fire Extinguisher 261 Mother Gaston Brooklyn, NY 11212 5162475551 Lira Stone Works 31 Bowne St Brooklyn, NY 11231 3477285278 Security USA 336 W 37th St # 450 New York, NY 10018 2125944475 Consolidated Scaffold & Bridge Corp 3969 Merritt Ave Bronx, NY 10466 3472450779 Horsepower Electric 4109 Fort Hamilton Pkwy Brooklyn, NY 11219 7184376937 Supreme Flooring 42 Engleberg Terr Lakewood, NJ 8701 7329428021 Design AIDD Architects 508 West 26th St, # 5C New York, NY 10001 2122555056


City Skyline 56-47 59th St Maspeth, NY 11378 5168583666

Integrity Construction 623 E. Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50010 5152683346

Bogner Construction PO Box 887 Wooster, OH 44691 3302626730

Durex Coverings, Inc. PO Box 639 53 Industrial Rd Brownstown, PA 17508 7176268566

Elite Insulation 1465700 W. Salt Lake City, UT 84104 8013051047

US Chutes 607 Bantam Rd Barton, CT 6750 8605674000

PG Adams, Inc 1215 Airport Pkwy S Burlington, VT 5403 8028628664

Sierra Seamless Inc 111 Frea Rd Iron River, MI 49935 9062652378

Stief Concrete Work, Inc. 541 Hollander Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 7173540955

Palmer Christiansen Inc. 2510 S W Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84115 8014661679

GGL Enterprises 8225 5th Ave PO Box 226 Brooklyn, NY 110209 7189861358

Granite State Plumbing & Heating 10 North Riverdale Rd Weare, NH 3281 6035293322

Benchmark Construction Company, Inc PO Box 806 4121 Oregon Pike Brownstown, PA 17508 7176269559

Dunn and Associates 300 W 800 S Ste 100 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 8015758877

Europa Construction 9722 Liverpool St Jamaica, NY 11435 7182620073

Hampshire Fire Protection 8 North Wentworth Ave. Londonderry, NH 3053 6034328221

B&C Cabinets 5241 Metric Way Carson City, NV 89706 7753220000

Jacobsen Construction 3131 West 2210 S Salt Lake City, UT 84119 8019835104

Northern Nevada Rebar 7955 Sugar Pine Ct Reno, NV 89523 7753311824

Van Boerum & Frank Associates 330 South 300 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 8015303148

Clark & Sullivan Construction 905 Industrial Way Sparks, NV 89431 7753558500

Western Sheet Metal 3919 W 1820 S Salt Lake City, UT 84104 8019737072

Brendle Sprinkler Co., Inc 3635 McChord St. Montgomery, AL 36109 3342708571

SME Steel 5801 W.Wells Park Rd West Jordan, UT 84081 8012804956

Birmingham Restaurant Supply, Inc. 2428 6th Ave S Birmingham, AL 35233 8003442455

Cache Valley Electric 204 East 900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 8019086666

C & C Masonry P.O. Box 1906 Carrollton, GA 30112 7708547000

Wagstaff Crane 847 W Jensen Lane Murray, UT 84117 8012773820

New Line Structures Inc. 512 7th Ave, #15 New York, NY 10018 2122803019 P & H Painting Inc 229 Harrison Ave Harrison, NY 10528 9149809898 E.C. Schmidt Plumbing Contractor 1599 Grandview Rd Alexandria, KY 41001 8596354308 Quinn Electric 28 Kenton Lands Rd Erlanger, KY 41018 8593414321 Quast Paving and Sealing 67 Cummings Dr Walton, KY 41094 8594930555 Wright Contracting Services, Inc 7655 Foundation Dr. Florence, KY 41042 8593440117 Million Architecture, PLLC. 109 Woodside Way Nicholasville, KY 40356 8592237532 General Restoration Corp. 6411 Nicliolas Dr Columbus, OH 43235 6147341130 Spectrum 108 Wind Haven Dr # B Nicholasville, KY 40356 8775614957 Ames Plumbing Service, Inc. 1033 Florida Ave AMES, IA 50014 5152030851 Central States Roofing 1811 East Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50010 5152329133 Lumley Exteriors 900 College St Boone, IA 50036 6413734326

134 Construction Leaders Today

H P Cummings Construction Co PO Box 29 Ware, MA 1082 6037473303 Feriozzi Concrete Co 3010 Sunset Ave Atlantic City, NJ 8401 6093453399 US Concrete Precast Group Mid-Atlantic 3369 Paxtonville Rd Middleburg, PA 17842 7175099381 Coronado Paint and Decorating 2929 Cerrillos Rd Santa Fe, NM 87507 5054735333 Platinum Sky Construction 1210 Luisa St #7 Santa Fe, NM 87505 7035601068 Homewise 1301 Siler Rd # D Santa Fe, NM 87507 5059557023 Sunwest Inc Construction Specialties/Andersen 8407 Avenue P Lubbock, TX 79423 5054387199 Schmid Mechanical Inc. 207 N Hillcrest Dr # B Wooster, OH 44691 3302643633 Barto Decorating 224 Heartwood Dr Mogadore, OH 44260 3302632992 Canton Floors, Inc. 3944 Fulton Dr NW Canton, OH 44718 3302531124 Dover Design and Mgmt Group 5725 Crown Rd NW Dover, OH 44622 3303434443

Eagle River Cabinets Inc 5234 Highway 70 West Eagle River, WI 54521 7154797479 Hedberg Well Drilling PO box 1206 Eagle River, WI 54521 7154796996 North Twin Builders PO Box 4 Phelps, WI 54554 7155452510 Scheck Industries 1079 Driessen Dr Kaukauna, WI 54130 7084828100 AmQuip 1150 Northbrook Dr #100 Trevose, PA 19053 2156399200 Nitti Graycor 2330 West University Dr # 8 Tempe, AZ 85281 6023157195 The Ultimate Plumber, LLC 713 N 96th Pl Mesa, AZ 85207 4809867586 Overhead Door Company of Lancaster 115 Independence Ct. Lancaster, PA 17601 7177350014 Pagoda Electrical, Inc. 2003 Friedensburg Rd Reading, PA 19606 6107793216 Fisher’s Construction 2584CA Old Philadelphia Pk. Bird in Hand, PA 17505 7173923180 Martin Paving, Inc. 531 E. 28th Division Hwy. Lititz, PA 17543 7177337915 Myers Bros Drilling Contractors, Inc. 54 Holland St Salunga, PA 17538 7178982321 H.L. Wiker, Inc. 709 Hartman Station Rd PO Box 11055 Lancaster, PA 17605 7175095110 Triangle Refrigeration Co. PO box 487 Leola, PA 17540 7176562711

Rabren General Contractors Inc. 129 Lee Rd 15 Auburn, AL 36830 3348266143 DAW Construction Group, LLC 12552 S 125 W Draper, UT 84020 8015539111 ICRSS PO Box 2187 Hawthorne, NV 89415 7759452779 Utah Controls, Inc. 13526 S 110 W # A Draper, UT 8402 8019901950 V.O. Brothers Mechanical LLC 3320 h 132 W Ogden, UT 84401 8013926461 Atkinson Electronics 4 W Vinet S Salt Lake City, UT 84107 8013277920

MulvannyG2 Architecture’s partnership with Costco spans more than 25 years. Costco has used us to develop more than 600 new warehouses worldwide, remodel existing locations, design corporate headquarters, develop prototypes, and roll-out different retail formats. We are also Costco’s sole provider of construction documents and administration related services.

From the moment your jobs start coming together.

MulvannyG2’s dedicated team has created a sophisticated delivery program to meet Costco’s schedule for opening warehouses. Once construction begins it is 90 days to stocking of the warehouse and 110 days to the store opening. Our approach is defined by consistency, efficiency, and the simple elegance of our design. We are experts in delivery. Our five offices are strategically positioned to deliver retail anywhere in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Asia.

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Founded in 1971 and headquartered in Bellevue, WA, MulvannyG2 designs retail, mixed-use, and corporate offices and interiors for clients and brands of global significance. MulvannyG2 is among the world’s 40 largest architecture firms and consistently ranks as one of the world’s top three retail designers.

1110 112TH AVE N U E N E | SU ITE 500 | B E LLEVU E, WA 98004 T: 425.463.2000 | WWW.M U LVAN NYG2.COM

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