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Last week, our intern Rebecca

Schneid wrote about Durham’s new Community Safety

Department, which aims to reimagine policing so that social workers and mental health professionals, rather than armed officers, can respond to nonviolent 911 calls, among other initiatives. We think the department sounds like a good idea, but others have some concerns. DAVID SMITH, the secretary of Friends of Durham, sent us the following letter:

“We at the Friends of Durham have some concerns about the new Durham Community Safety Department. While the concept may be good, we are skeptical about how practical it will be. This is an academic experiment and may have unintended consequences.

Firstly, how will the 911 dispatcher know who to send to a situation? Police officers will tell you that some of the most hazardous situations they see are domestic disputes. These can rapidly escalate to a violent armed confrontation. If the conflict cannot be resolved can these new people arrest someone if the situation becomes violent? Will they have that authority? We may be sending unarmed personnel into dangerous situations.

What about traffic incidents? Frequently this involves some sort of violation. Will these safety personnel be able to write citations?

Presumably these safety personnel will have some sort of uniform so citizens will understand they have some sort of official position? Isn’t part of the reasoning to calm problem situations by not having uniformed police called? The community will likely not understand the difference. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?

The Community Safety Department may be a good idea but we should start small and see how effective it is before we transfer more funding from the police department. Close monitoring with a clear, stated goal is essential.”

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Yvette Holmes, 56

New CEO of Southeast Raleigh Promise

BY ELLIE HEFFERNAN backtalk@indyweek.com

What drew you to housing-related and racial equity nonprofit work, and why has accessing affordable housing in Raleigh become so challenging?

It is challenging for people to access quality, safe, affordable housing. People are feeling the pressure because incomes are not keeping pace with the cost of living. They still work 40 to 60 hours weekly just to make ends meet. It’s not acceptable. When do you spend time with your family if you’re working all the time? Imagine what it’s like for a single parent who has to manage home, go to work every day and pursue their own personal careers, and put themselves in a better position to earn higher income. It’s impossible. Everybody wants to come to Raleigh and Wake County. It’s great to live in a city that is so attractive, but that creates upward pressures on the cost of living here.

You led community engagement efforts as DHIC’s co-project manager for the Washington Terrace redevelopment project. Why is community engagement important?

When the property was being sold, it had all the makings of a market-rate development opportunity—not affordable. The preexisting housing was affordable for people living there at the time. The neighborhood had such a rich history, dating back to 1950, when it was the only place that upwardly mobile African American professionals could live outside of public housing. Before we turned one morsel of dirt, we needed to introduce ourselves as the owners. People didn’t know us, and they thought, ‘They’re gonna come in, and everybody’s going to be displaced.’ And we said, ‘We’re here to do this process together. We’re here to be of service to you.’ It took time to build a relationship. Our word at the time didn’t mean anything. We had to back that up with actions. We had a series of resident meetings around the redevelopment master planning process and did everything we could to ensure the barriers to accessing those meetings were removed. We had meetings at the Tarboro Road Community Center, only a few blocks away. They could’ve walked there, but we did a shuttle. We did design charrettes in one of the vacant units . People could drop in and provide feedback.


You’ve lived and raised your sons in Southeast Raleigh. What does the community mean to you?

One of the women from Washington Terrace talked about how a unit had been converted, back in the ‘50s, to a library where a resident was teaching the youth how to read. You could walk to the store safely, and there were community gardens grown in the backyards. You could go and get your fresh vegetables and fruits from a neighbor. They talked about the parade of bikes with little tassels on the end that would be streaming down the street each Christmas when every kid got a bike. That inspired me. We have to recreate that somehow. That sense of ownership, place of belonging, and a place of community. We long for that today, quite frankly. We live in a society where we don’t know each other, and everybody’s on technology. Everybody’s blinds are drawn, and nobody sits on their front porches. We took all that feedback and tried to create a more contemporary community that had features like that. This is why there are porches and balconies where people can sit out and decorate. These are things the residents said they wanted.W


Here Comes the Sun(flowers)

A few facts about the annual bloom at Dorothea Dix Park

BY LEIGH TAUSS ltauss@indyweek.com

The city’s annual Sunflower Field at Dorotehea Dix Park bloomed last week, drawing in crowds of flora aficionados and families seeking cute photo ops. The sunflowers stay in bloom for only two weeks, so catch them while you can. The best way to see the sunflowers is to park off of Hunt Drive near the former soccer fields. We definitely recommend stocking up on sunscreen because it is, of course, an open field. And don’t be a jerk and pick the flowers.

World records

Tallest sunflower ever: 25 feet, 5.4 inches

Biggest sunflower head: 32 inches

What happens after the bloom?

After the flowers die, the plants are harvested by Raleigh Water and converted to biodiesel, which is used to operate city farm equipment and for educational purposes.

By the numbers


seeds planted across five acres

Cost: $1,300

to plant the seeds $1,900

for field irrigation

How long does the bloom last? 2 weeks

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