Report The Second Buddhist Retreat Date: 27th – 29th Nov. 2011 Arranged by-Shakyamuni Kapilvastu Buddha Vihar Place: Panchayti Dharamshala.Sri Ganganagar,Rajasthan, India
Introduction In during the whole retreat was going on how can understand reality and generate happiness for own self and other. Second thing how we make World view and take responsibility for make better life and community. If we are Buddhist practitioner than how can understand our personal, social and universal responsibility gives the result to make sustain future. How can we apply Buddhist practice in daily life and how can become relevant it? Participants came from under the Youth Buddhist Society of India (YBS) Rajasthan,in India. They were interested to learn dharma Theravada and Mahayana traditions.
Background Youth Buddhist Society of India (YBS) is a volunteer, non-governmental, non-sectarian, nonprofit, non-political people's development movement based on engaged Buddhism established on 1986 in Sankisa, Uttar Pradesh - India.
YBS has brought about grass root initiative, involvement and development of mind among thousand of villagers and human race in India. If we see the previous Buddhist Retreat,they gave spiritual support and inspired YBS’s mission in another state. Many people try to Dhamma practice in our daily life where they are live and not they concerned only about spiritual site but they concerned about Environmental issues. YBS also promote awareness to reduce plastic in community, and to become familiar with environment by Buddhist practice.
Purpose Buddhist Retreat’s main purpose is how Buddha’s teaching becomes relevant for human life & nature harmony can. Buddha’s teachings have so much strength to protect community and environment problems when people try to Buddhist practice in daily life. Or we can say that “Buddha’s teaching can give us sustain future. It’s not enough here with out Buddha’s teaching we can’t live our life. The Buddha’s word give togetherness, harmony, loving kindness, compassion, deep understanding, listening capacity, ideal leadership, confidence, tolerance, full freedom and personal and universal responsibility in life. These are regions of retreat. That’s why YBS organizes Buddhist Retreat in Hindi every year.
Issues discussed in small groups Participants were discussion in small group every day in the retreat. Each day different topic Geshe la and other teacher teach us. Small groups were discussing on same topic which one our teachers teach us. First day “seven preliminary practice (Saptang pooja)” And second day topic Bodhicariyavtara’s 5th chapter. Third day’s topic was “The Precious Garland of Path by Je Gampopa, translated in to Hindi by Kailash Chandra Bauddha”.
Day 1: 27 Nov. 2011 Most of participants arrived at Panchayti dharamshala, Rajasthan after lunch from different districts of Rajasthan.
In the beginning Geshe la and participants together chanted Pali mantra (The Buddha Pooja). This is Buddhist culture before any activities starting they have own believe it. First they remember own ideal the lord Buddha and take refuse about Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha after start work. Here also like to same they were flown. Geshe la was teaching Indian youth about how can we see the Buddhism become relevant in the modern world. He mentioned if we really want to achieve happiness and peace than need to become a good person/ a Buddhist from inside. Another thing which kind we need to become person in 21st century. He suggested most of people see the happiness in consumerism, capitalism and physical material but there no really happiness and peace. That happiness for very short time such as likes to dream. He was tried to teach them about each happiness behind has suffering and each suffering behind happiness. We can see here that “any happiness or suffering coming up by our previous karma”. He said that, “we can change our suffering into happiness in the future by present attitude or practice”. We have this opportunity but there need to identify own suffering. If we the see the example of Buddha. He saw suffering in this world. We also have a lot suffering in our daily life, if we see, understand, and recognize it. Than can find the cause of suffering. When we are identify cause of suffering than easy to transform our suffering into happiness. Which things you don’t have please don’t think about that to much and which things you have try to think about that? How can become better and more happiness it, try to that. In there thinking and thought role very-very important. With out it we can’t achieve real happiness and peace. This sentence Buddha asked 2500 years ago.
Day 2: 28 Nov. 2011
Geshe la’s Second day topic was about “Bodhicariyavtara’s 5th chapter”. He started teaching from awareness in daily life. Which problem or suffering we are facing in our daily life so how we can know it and understand cause of suffering and find the way to transform suffering or problems if we are aware about it. The Buddha gave first and last teachings on impermanent than four noble truth. Than Buddha was gave four kinds of teachings.
First suffering second cause of suffering, third one the way of reduces suffering and last one the follow way (the eight fold path). We are see happiness in physical things, consumerism, capitalism but there no real pleasure and happiness because what we see permanent that thing not permanent those are impermanent. That region what we see in things the happiness their lot of suffering. There we need to know our suffering first. We believed only just my suffering is happiness. We can not change it. That cause which things impermanent we believing that things permanents. It cause become big suffering in our daily life.
Review Classes
After Geshe La’s class, Kailash Chandra Bauddha took review class every day for an hour. It was very good for participants. By this it was easy to understand what Geshe La taught in his sessions.
Group Discussion
Organizers divided then into four groups. Each discussion session was for one hour.It is very good way to rethink and debate on the topic what teacher taught during his session. The discussion was based on what they learned from teacher. Many of them were very good in putting their views what they things regarding the talk which Geshe la gave them. This year women and young girls also much interested then last year as we found with their interest in Dhamma practice.
Day 3: 29 Nov. 2011
Today Geshe la gave commentary on Je Gampopa’s The Precious Garland of Path, translated into Hindi by Kailash Chandra Bauddha”. He taught first 3 chapters of this book. These topics focused the things what should we do and what we should not. He explained, what is responsibility between father and son? If parent or children are not understood their own responsibility each other than not good. Where brotherhood there is is no chance to create problems each other than harmony and responsibility will be possible. If we are know own relationship and responsibility than easy to become responsible for nature. We all depend on nature. Which kind of our responsibility we understand than we don’t need to make limitation. We have very small knowledge because of relationship attachment. We first need to create positive thinking that “remove suffering and in its place cultivate happiness. It’s like to every one.
Final Moments
The organizers of this event arranged certificates for all 135 participants who completed it. Geshe La and Kailash Chandra Bauddha gave them one by one. YBS provided Buddha’s photo to every representatives who were come from different district of centers or institutions. YBS gave a blanket and a memento to Geshe La and Kailash Chandra Bauddha as a token of thanks to come and giving Dhamma teaching for 3 days. Ganganagar YBS branch donated 11 Dhamma books for a library, this library is in Rai Sigh Nagar,Rajasthan. The main organizer of this event Mr. Raghuvir Singh Shakya gave thanks to all at last.
BHAVTU SABB MANGLANG................!