Portfolio 2019

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InĂŞs Gomes Architecture Portfolio

Index About me




ESTAR arquitectos

Ancien Manège

Bastion Saint Antoine

6 12

Chris Snow architects


Trindade Documentation Center


About me

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Maria Inês Gomes holds a MA from the school of Oporto - FAUP since November 2015. She also studied at AHK, Academie van Bouwkunst in Amsterdam, where she did an internship at ANA architecten in 2013. In 2016 Inês worked at Chris Snow architects, in London. While there, she mainly developed 3D visualizations and renders. In August 2017, she joined ESTAR arquitectos in Santiago de Compostela. She was part of the two main projects of the studio and competitions. Her tasks included CAD drawing, model making, tender detailing, coordination with material suppliers, design and delivery of planning aplications and building permissions.

Photo by João Garcia

Presently, Inês is developing her own design for a small refurbishment in Oporto, while she is looking for a position in a practice or other projects that can fulfill her passion for architecture.



Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio


Professional Experience


FAUP Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto Master of Architecture, classification: 14/20


AHK Academie van Bouwkunst of Amsterdam Erasmus exchange (one semester)


OBS Oporto British Council, First Certificate in English (FCE) Completion of the 1st year on Advanced English (CAE)


FBAUP Faculdade de Belas Artes da Univerisdade do Porto BA Communication Design (1st year)


CNSR Colégio Nossa Senhora do Rosário, Porto Secondary and Highschool education


ESTAR arquitectos, Santiago de Compostela www.estar.archi August 2017 - December 2018 General and detailing AutoCAD drawings Contacting material suppliers Drafting, model making and team coordination Project design for planning applications, building license and tender


Chris Snow architects, London www.chrissnowarchitects.com August 2016 - Mid. January 2017 3D modelling on Sketchup and rendering on V-Ray. Draft dawings on Vectorworks Survey of an existing house Project design for two planning applications


ANA architecten, Amsterdam www.ana.nl September 2013 – December 2013 Drawings developed on Vectorworks, 3D modelling on Skectchup Handmade models



Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Technical Skills / Competences


AutoCAD / Vectorworks Google SketchUp / V-Ray Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Indesign / Adobe Illustrator

2011, 2012

Free hand drawing Model making

“Práticas de Arquitectura” Lacaton et Vassal conference Luís Santa Maria conference Annual Selection Exhibition at FAUP – “The Palladio’s façades in Venice”, research project made within the subject “History of Modern Architecture”

Language Skills Portuguese – native English – proficient level Spanish – intermediate level French - basic level Italian – basic level

– “José Carlos Loureiro’s Parnaso building”, handmade drawings made within the subject “Construction II”

Complementary Education

Other Professional Experiences



“Considerations on Social matters and the Architects’ autonomy – Siza’s projects for SAAL” Master thesis supervised by Manuel Montenegro and Sergio Fernandez


“International Coloquium 74-14 | SAAL and the Architecture” Serralves, Docomomo, CD25A “The SAAL process as a participation project. Theory and practice on Bouça project (1973, 1974-77, 1999-2006)”

Porto Spot Hostel www.spot-oportohostel.com May 2014 – December 2015 Part-time job as a receptionist and bar tender. Developed her spoken English, social interaction and management.


Shane’s on Chatsworth / Shane’s on Canalside www.shanesonchatsworth.com June 2016 - August 2016 Experience on hospitality Customers’ service.


ESTAR arquitectos

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Ancien Manège Geneva, Switzerland

The Ancien Manège of Saint-Léger was a XIX century horse riding hall, in the centre of Geneva. Later on, in the 50’s, it became a parking for vehicles. Nowadays, it was set a new public programme for the building, which includes a kindergarden, toy museum, school, restaurant and offices for the local neighbourhood. The intention of the proposal was to preserve the idea of this building as an ongoing transformation that answers to the needs of different times and users. And simultaneously to transform it into an inhabitable civic building by optimising the thermal envelope, intervening with punctual changes, very precise demolitions and additions. The use of wood in the additions allows future alterations and it also emphasizes one further stage of transformation. My role in this project was to study the interior elevations, to detail the joinery, suspended ceilings, floors and insulation strategy. To develop package drawings for services and kitchens and later on, the demolitions.

Model of the dinning/gathering room


ESTAR arquitectos - Ancien Manège

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Refurbishment, Alteration, Demolition

1/50 cross section of Entrace and Rotonde

Model of the Rotonde - foldable door and internal window


Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

ESTAR arquitectos - Ancien Manège

Refurbishment of existing partition

Applied framework

Translucent glass

Metallic sheet

Section 1/20 detail

Front, back elevations and plan 1/20 of foldable partition


Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

ESTAR arquitectos - Ancien Manège

Alteration of existing window

MDF pannel

Massive wood


Section 1/20 detail

Section 1/5 detail

Model, elevation and plan 1/20 of interior window


Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

ESTAR arquitectos - Ancien Manège


Demolition of voids

+ 8.59

+ 8.59


+ 8.59

+ 8.40

vm 210

173.7 24



+ 8.59

+ 6.30





Porte à 2 vantaux, cadre bois pose en applique, panneau afleuré, avec vitrage. Contrôle d'accès


Exigence acoustique: Rw + C ≥ 35 dB v.p. - 90 cm -143 cm / 207 cm v.m. - 160 cm / 210 cm

Encadrement Cadre en applique, bois dur, fixé sur maçonnerie, à peindre RAL 9016 1 joint néoprène GOLL SF 1018 en blanc

Panneau Panneau de porte à deux vantaux pour cadre affleuré à peindre RAL 9016 Bandes d'expansion INTUMEX LPSK en blanc Vitrage Verre transparent feuilleté Ferrements Poignée en acier inox brossé mat GLUTZ 5070 / 5620C Paumelles en acier inox mat GLUTZ STN 16 146 Rosace à clipser en acier inox brossé mat GLUTZ 5380C Butoirs de porte au sol acier inox brossé mat 24mm Verrous en acier inoxydable mat à entailler avec levier Ferme-porte Ferme-porte à glissière invisible DORMA ITS 96

Toutes les dimensions seront vérifiées sur le site n° de plan:

146-4-535 appel d'offres


Réhabilitation d'un Ancien Manège Ville de Genève


Détail porte en applique XI

P 201 niveau:

1/20 Plan, sections and elevation of void’s demolotion

Model, demolition of void and door design

± 6.30 = 394.70


Rua Teo 48 V16 15704 Santiago de Compostela +34 981 566 389 échelle: format: fichier: dessiné le: revisé le: revision:

1:20 297 x 420 146-4-535 27.04.2018 -

1/20 Plan, Section and elevation of proposed door

ATELIERTRACES route des Acacias 43 1227 Les Acacias Gen +41 22 329 27 00

par : MEB/INS par : -

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

ESTAR arquitectos - Ancien Manège

Thermal envelope

Mineral coating 10mm


Cement screed 70mm

Laminated wood 27mm

Barrier layer

Blinding concrete


Natural ground

Acoustic ceiling 75mm

Wood beam 100/350mm

Wood panel 35 mm

Insulation 120mm


Rock wool Monoacoustic 40 mm

Insulating panel Existing rafter Multipor 120mm

ESTAR arquitectos

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Bastion Saint Antoine Geneva, Switzerland

Bastion Saint-Antoine is a fundamental connection in the urban tissue of Geneva. Also the recent archeological excavations brought out to light the remains of the I, IV and XVI centuries, pointing out the importance of this place through time. As such, the competition brief demanded a museum that would expose the rests in an optimal condition of preservation and a quality public space. One of the main ideas was to preserve the Bastion Saint-Antoine as an open public space, conceived by a one large surface where objects and trees would be placed on, in order to organize and dinamize the circulation. Therefore, two geometric groups of trees redefine the entrance to the historic city and the resulting space becomes a corridor towards the end of the esplanade and to the museum. This one appears in the form of three lanterns that define the public space and devices that provide controlled natural light. I’ve followed and collaborated on this project since the planning design phase till the building license. I’ve developed CAD drawings, conducted and organized the team, the deadlines and was responsible for the coordination with the swiss team.

View of the square and the trees corridor

Vue de l’esplanade Saint-Antoine - césure


ESTAR arquitectos - Bastion Saint Antoine

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio


Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

ESTAR arquitectos - Bastion Saint Antoine


The lower level of the museum is a large space where all the rests can be seen together, on a prefabricated concrete path, under a single horizontal slab perforated by the three lanterns. +400.00 m

Rue Théodore-De-BÉZE

+390.00 m

Elevation seen from the nearby street

n° de plan:

152-3-091 projet de l'ouvrage


Bastion Saint-Antoine Ville de Genève


Élévation Théodore-De Béze 2

Transformations niveau:

Exterior view of the lanterns and its openings

View of the ruins and the lightwells


Rúa do Cardeal Payá 18 1º 15703 Santiago de Compostela +34 981 190 104 échelle: format: fichier: dessiné le: revisé le: revision:

1:200 594 x 841 152-3-091 10.12.2018 -

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

ESTAR arquitectos - Bastion Saint Antoine


The lanters besides dynamizing the public space, they also have a very close relation with the lower level, as they are placed according to the different types of rests such as: the ancient wall, the ceramics and in this case, the tombs. Cross section showing the relation between the ruins and the lanterns











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ESTAR arquitectos - Bastion Saint Antoine

Construction Details

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Water drain Sandblasted Concrete 180mm Insulation 100mm

Casted concrete 220mm Prefabricated Sandblasted Concrete 180mm

Stabilized gravel 100mm Perimetral Gutter Waterproofing

Concrete slab 300-600mm

Prefabricated concrete Blinding concrete


Chris Snow architects

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Ingram Avenue Hampstead Heath, London

The project aims to refurbish a family house in Hampstead Heath and to design new common areas on the basement and ground floor levels, by adding two new volumes on the sides. Due to its location, the design has been very much proscribed from the beginning, so its outside appearance and classical style had to be preserved according to its original look. Despite this, the interiors have been designed with a more contemporary style and visually connected to the exterior, since the house is surrounded by a wide green area. The project went through different design approaches, such as having wider courtyards in the basement, flat roofs on the side extensions and other ways of designing the light in the interior. On its latest review, the design had pitched roofs on the side extensions, rooflights, lightwells and a smaller courtyard at the back of the house. Through this process, my role was to assist the different design purposals by making CAD drawings, propose solutions and make diverse 3D models, both interiors and exteriors, as well as rendering views for clients and for the planning application.

View of the garden and site extension


Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Chris Snow architects

Bedroom 8

Bedroom 7

Bathroom 3


Raised Bed Passage


Utility Room






Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Chris Snow architects



Ground floor Courtyard


View TV Room

TV Room Kitchen

Study Room


Library Study Room

Maid’s apartment





Dinning room

Dinning room Hallway Entrance


Trindade Documentation Center Project IV FAUP, Porto

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Tutor: Francisco Vieira de Campos, “Menos é Mais” architects The project was located in Porto’s city centre, between “Trindade”, one of the busiest metro stations and the main square, “Aliados” After analysing the sight, it was understood that people’s flow would occur essentially between these two points. Therefore, it was decided to place the volume perpendicularly to people’s flow and to keep the ground floor as free as possible. This way, many people could cross it and interect with it on a daily basis. As this was mainly a documentation centre, the façade shouldn’t let much light to get in, but its privileged location at downtown, forced more interior and exterior connection, through day and night. Then, it was designed a metallic lath that would allow a continuous view of the exterior and would spread the interior’s light on the outside, at night. On its construction, the project looks similar to a bridge, since it only stands on two points; in this case, two vertical boxes and a complex framework. The construction had imposed a lot of restrictions, so it was essential to combine the program with the trusses’ metric and the façade.


Trindade Documentation Center

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio


Trindade Documentation Center

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio

Project’s overall design

Underground floor plan

Ground floor plan

Section of the overall program and structure


Trindade Documentation Center

Construction and details Framework’s axonometry and its interior appearance.

Section showing the building covering the public space

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio


Trindade Documentation Center

Inês Gomes – Architecture Portfolio


Zinc Composite slab Alluminium lattice Metallic beam (1,20m x 0,40m)

Self-levelling floor Floor screed Pipe


Self-levelling floor Floor screed Steel corner (10cm x 10cm) Composite slab Air gap Glass with heat insulation

Concrete paving flags

Heat insulation

Contact inesgomes0@gmail.com Estudio Plata +351 912565973

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