Deputy Governor Meeting Minutes 08 October

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Minutes Deputy Governor and Chief Officers’ Meeting 8th October 2012

Attendees:-Deputy Governor; Mr. Eric Bush; Dr. Dax Basdeo; Mrs. Sonia McLaughlin; Mrs. Gloria McField-Nixon; Mr. Orrett Connor; Ms. Jennifer Ahearn; Mr. Stran Bodden; Mr. Leonard Dilbert Apologies: - Mr. Kenneth Jefferson; Ms. Jacqueline Wilson; Ms. Cheryl Richards; Mr. Alan Jones; Mr. Kevin McCormac; Ms. Dorine Whittaker; Mrs. Mary Rodrigues 1. Welcome The Deputy Governor welcomed everyone and prayer was offered. 2. Formal Approval of Minutes The October 1 meeting minutes were approved by all attendees for circulation. 3. Presentation on the HR Performance Management Dashboard CO McField-Nixon and Mr. Andy Bonner of the Portfolio of the Civil Service, gave a brief presentation on the HR Performance Management Dashboard. The Dashboard will allow the Deputy Governor, PoCS, Chief Officers, Managers and HoD’s (for their respective entities) the ability to easily view the status of Performance Agreements, which will promote accountability. 4. Matters Arising from Minutes There were no matters arising. 5. National Disability Initiative The Policy Coordination Unit of the Cabinet Office will be coordinating the development of:  

A National Disability Action Plan A National Disabilities Policy and Law

To take this work forward requires inter-ministry collaboration. CO’s will be required to identify participants for a taskforce and to submit information to the Policy Unit of current provisions and practice in the area of Disabilities. This work will be supported by work already completed, including the Ministry of ET&E’s July 2012 proposals to support the development of a National Action Plan, as well as work previously completed, including a Report of the Legal Committee for Persons with Disability, which provides a foundation to draw on for the development of Drafting Instructions.


6. Any Other Business  CO McLaughlin shared with Chief Officer’s, Public Finances internal criteria as it relates to the Deputy Governor’s Award scheme The criteria is in accordance with the guidelines set out in the award scheme. CO McLaughlin will circulate an electronic copy of the document to all CO’s. The Deputy Governor thanked CO McLaughlin for sharing this information, and suggested that CO’s have a look at the document and possibly consider implementing something within their Departments.  The Deputy Governor informed CO’s of the upcoming Future of Cayman Press Conference, which would be held on Wednesday, 10th October. Additional information is available on their website,  The Deputy Governor advised that he will be commencing departmental visits in November. A schedule will be circulated to all CO’s.  In an effort to promote healthy lifestyles within the Civil Service, the Deputy Governor mentioned that he would be promoting participation in sporting activities, including marathons, 5K runs/walks.  There will be a press release issued in regards to the formation of the Budget Delivery Committee  Wednesday is the last day to nominate a hero in Youth Services  The ability to offer flu shots in the GAB is being looked into  Healthcare 20/20 conference will be held next week from the 18-20 October. The conference is free of charge. Those wishing to attend should register as soon as possible  CO Dilbert updated the Deputy Governor and CO’s on his attendance at the OCTA meetings in Greenland and the Joint Ministerial Council meetings held in London  The Chamber of Commerce will be launching a mentoring programme. Further information to be circulated The meeting adjourned at 3:30pm.


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