Hello, I am an urban planning graduate interested in learning about topics surrounding smart city and urban sensors. In the past years, my experiences have been about environmental design and research but I am eager to learn about other development issues, especially on a more advanced technology usage in cities.
2014 - 2018 S1 Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (3.52 GPA) Engineering Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada Thesis: The Stages of Intelligent Transport System: A Surabaya Case Study 2011 - 2014 SMA Negeri 3 Batam
I am skilled in various softwares and have done several projects where I was a member and leader of the team, mostly on campus’ academic and extracurricular activities. Recently, I am actively write and produce videos on ‘Nekropolis’, a platform focuses on urban studies. If you want to know more, kindly check our instagram, medium, and youtube where you will find videos and articles I write. Always fascinated in how communities evolve through inspiring local figures. Do not hesitate to contact me if a neighborhood planning is available. Warmest Regards, Inez Darmalia
Experiences Work +62 812 2714 6836 Medium Inez Darmalia Twitter inezdarml Instagram inezdarl Linkedin Inez Darmalia Skills GIS & Mapping ArcGIS for Desktop Statistic Microsoft Excel, SPSS 2D Graphic Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, AutoCAD 3D Modelling SketchUp Others Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop
2018 Event Organizing Assistant Seminar Nasional 40 Tahun Pusat Studi Perencanaan Pembangunan Regional (PSPPR) UGM, Yogyakarta 2018 Assistant of Marketing & Procurement Manager Intaka Internasional, Batam 2017 Intern PT. Pandega Desain Weharima, South Jakarta
2018 Content Writer & Event Organizer Nekropolis 2018 Head of Financing FESTAGAMA 2018, Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota UGM 2016 Head of Public Relation Kuliah Kerja Perencanaan Jogja - Bangkok, Urban and Regional Planning UGM
Contents Curriculum Vitae Academic Projects Creative Works
2015 - 2017 Head of Planning Studio Studio Kota dan Wilayah, Urban and Regional Planning UGM 2016 Executive Chief Career Talk, Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota UGM 2016 Executive Chief 36 Tahun Marching Band UGM
academic projects Thesis Stages of Intelligent Transport System: A Surabaya Case Study Research Assistant Urban Farming in a Rapid Urban Transformation of Indonesian Cities Through Community Initiatives and Policy Challenges: The Case of Bandung and Yogyakarta Kali Belik River Restoration: Area Identification Planning Studio City Planning: District of Kartasura Regional Planning: Sukoharjo Regency
Thesis Stages of Intelligent Transport System: A Surabaya Case Study Location: Surabaya, Indonesia Type: Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Ir. Achmad Djunaedi, MURP., Ph.D. Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is a new system in Indonesia which crosses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with transportation. In this research, I try to formulate a timeline consists of periodical events of Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS)--a part of ITS, development and usage in Surabaya.
Periodical Development
CAS - SITS Tingkatan peran ICT dalam
Indikasi pencapaian SITS
implementasi e-Governance
menggunakan ICT
ICT membantu proses
Penyampaian kondisi lalu lintas
diseminasi transportasi
hasil dari pemantauan SITS melalui berbagai media
ICT membantu proses
Masyarakat menyampaikan
pertukaran informasi
keluhan mengenai lalu lintas melalui radio yang bekerja sama dengan SITS
Over time through Surabaya Intelligent Transport System (SITS), slowly but sure Surabaya’s city government starts to incorporate other technologies in other area of transportation and surprisingly changed the way of its citizens see city’s laws and rules.
ICT membantu proses
Fitur gelombang hijau umumnya
penyediaan layanan
digunakan saat ada keadaan darurat atau tamu VIP
ICT membantu pemeriksaan
layanan ICT membantu proses
Inisiatif koordinasi tidak berasal
produksi bersama dan
dari SITS, namun SITS termasuk ke
partisipasi stakeholders
dalam sistem dinas pemerintah yang terintegrasi di command center Siola
A 25 year-long incremental approach to smart city from 1992 to 2017.
ICT membantu proses evolusi
Kesadaran pengendara akan tata
tertib lalu lintas akibat dari adanya e-tilang
SITS Diagram
Complex Adaptive System (CAS) Diagram
Research Assistant Urban Farming in a Rapid Urban Transformation of Indonesian Cities Through Community Initiatives and Policy Challenges: The Case of Bandung and Yogyakarta Location: Jogjakarta and Bandung Supervisor: Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D. and Sri Tuntung Pandangwati S.T., MUP. This paper argues that it is crucially important to reform the Indonesian urban policy and planning guidelines and practices to accommodate the new paradigm of cities and urban areas as productive sources for sustaining food security for the whole nation.
Kauman Jogja A group of domestic wives planting fresh organic vegetables for direct consumption and market distribution.
In this research, I have the opportunity to gather the informations needed through in-depth interview with the total of 7 agencies: - 1 non profit organization (Yayasan Pengembangan Biosains dan Bioteknologi Bandung) - 1 government agency (Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari D.I Yogyakarta) - 6 communities (1000 Kebun Bandung, Agritektur Bandung, Maleer Bandung, Permablitz Jogja, Jogja Berkebun, Kauman Jogja)
Jogja Berkebun A true believer of urban farming, Jogja Berkebun is a diverse group consists of students and non-students who spend their free time planting vegetables in the narrow fields around Yogyakarta.
Maleer Bandung
1000 Kebun
One local community (Rukun Tetangga) in a district called Maleer started the trend on planting their own vegetables and spices which finally got their district government attention and is now an ideal exmple for other communities in Bandung.
A more established community who even has some of Bandung’s agriculture experts as members. They usually hold an annual organic market which has succesfully created strong links to numerous suburban farmers around Bandung and Lembang.
Permablitz Jogja Originated from Melbourne, permaculture trend is now in Jogja. Forming its own community trying to implement the concept in D.I Yogyakarta. One of its pioneer is Bumi Langit Institute.
Yayasan Pengembangan Biosains dan Bioteknologi Bandung The main goal of YPBB Bandung is to empower underwage communities to become more productive and yielding. They have succesfully incorporate some of the small community’s land into thematic parks (Ridwan Kamil) focuses on herbal plants and education centers.
Kali Belik River Restoration: Area Identification
Land Use
Building Properness
Building Orderliness
Road Quality
Road Coverage
Location: Kali Belik, Yogyakarta Type: Joint Academic Project May - September 2018
Kali Belik is part of Gadjah Wong’s creek and losing some of its flow area due to the informal settlement’s growth surrounding it. UGM’s vocational school hidrology lab is trying to identify the problems caused by the lost of a river flow area. This study covers the area identification which will further processed regarding its drainage system and flood issues.
City Planning: District of Kartasura Location: Kartasura, Sukoharjo Type: Academic Team Work Area: 11.22 km2 Agustus - Desember 2015
Sub-planning: Inner City’s Accessibility Plan
Kartasura is a district in Central Java which acts as a satellite area of the nearby city, Surakarta. Furthermore, Kartasura also located in the crossing point of Semarang, Jogjakarta, and Solo resulted a linear growth area with the characteristic of a transit city.
Site Analysis
In this project, we are assigned to do a city profiling based on spatial, potential, and problem mapping. Potency: - One of three CBDs in Sukoharjo Regency - Crossing point of Semarang, Jogjakarta, and Solo - The location of Keraton Kartasura heritage site
Central Java
Problem: - Does not have a city center - Does not have any form of formal public space - Has a numerous amount of congestion points, especially near the center market and Jogja - Solo highway.
Region Structure Analysis
Land Use Analysis Sukoharjo
Concept Hub-City Fully provide passerby to commute faster into and through the city. Indicators: - Less congestion - Improved road infrastructures
Livable City Generating more public spaces to achieve a vibrant and livable city. Indicators: - Green-public spaces enhancement - Increasing number of pedestrians and bikers - Public transportation quaity enhancement
Sub-project: Artery Road Revitalization and Underpass Adiningrat
Activity Centers Plan
A livable hub city should be able to accomodate both commuters and its original residence. Aware of some critical congestion points in the city, we propose a development plan in the market and artery road area. An underpass is needed to separate the high-speed commuter with the low-speed inner city transport. Alternating the commuter’s route will result a vacant area which can be utilized for an advance bus stop infrastructure for the city’s resident.
Cagar Budaya
Keterjangkauan Ruang Publik
Community Garden
Ruang Terbuka Hijau
Batas Amatan
Plaza Taman
Accessibility Plan Bus Stop
Underpass Site Plan
Car Lanes
Artery and Inner City’s Road Revitalization Plan
Bike Lanes
Regional Planning: Sukoharjo Regency Location: Sukoharjo, Central Java Type: Academic Team Work Area: 466.66 km2 Agustus - Desember 2016 BAB 2 Mengenal Sukoharjo
A regency next to Solo, the north part of Sukoharjo is exposed to an intense city life, especially in several districts such as Grogol and Kartasura. Further to the south, life gets calmer in the regency’s capital Kabupaten yang tepat sasaran Sukoharjo, then greener nearing the south part to Bulu. In the south, the terrain is more complex and mountainous, mostly composed offakta mengenai Setelah satu persatu Kabupaten Sukoharjo dianalisis dan ditarik rubber plantation and protected forest. kesimpulan, maka proses selanjutnya
BAB 2 Mengenal Sukoharjo
2.2 Potensi dan Masalah
Land Use Analysis
Adanya TPA Mojorejo
Dekat dengan Surakarta
Pembangunan kawasan
Pembangunan jalan lingkar
Pembangunan jalan tol (Klaten - Nguter; Mojolaban - Nguter)
Pusat pembangkit listrik energi terbaharukan
Pembangunan kawasan ǁŝƐĂƚĂ ƵůƵ
Pengembangan kawasan industri Nguter
Pengembangan UMKM
Pengembangan TOD
Disparitas Ekonomi
Ketahanan Pangan
Aksesibilitas Rendah
Kerusakan Lingkungan
Pusat pengolahan limbah
/ŶƚĞŐƌĂƚĞĚ ĨĂƌŵŝŶŐ system
Region Structure Analysis
ĂĚĂůĂŚ ĚĞŶŐĂŶ ŵĞŶŐĂŶĂůŝƐŝƐ ƐĞďĞŶĂƌŶLJĂ ŝŶƟ permasalahan yang ada dan potensi-potensi LJĂŶŐ ĚĂƉĂƚ ĚŝŽƉƟŵĂůŬĂŶ͘ ĞƌŝŬƵƚ ŵĞƌƵƉĂŬĂŶ ŝůƵƐƚƌĂƐŝ keterhubungan antara permasalahan yang ditemukan dan potensi-potensi yang kemudian dimanfaatkan dengan penyusunan ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵͲƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ ƉƌŝŽƌŝƚĂƐ͘
Problem - Potency Diagram
Pencemaran oleh Limbah Pabrik Kecil dan Menengah
Rencana Wilayah Kabupaten Sukoharjo 2036
Kurangnya kesiapan pangan untuk 20 tahun ke depan
Alih fungsi lahan yang ƟŶŐŐŝ
<ĞƟŵƉĂŶŐĂŶ pemasukan per kecamatan
Arus masuk investasi per ƐĞŬƚŽƌ ďĞůƵŵ ŽƉƟŵĂů
:ĂƌŝŶŐĂŶ ũĂůĂŶ ďĞůƵŵ maksimal
Adanya kawasan LJĂŶŐ ƟĚĂŬ ƉƌŽĚƵŬƟĨ pertanian
Sebaran sarana prasarana belum merata
Rencana Wilayah Kabupaten Sukoharjo 2036
ĞƌŬƵƌĂŶŐŶLJĂ ůƵĂƐ kawasan lindung
Sub-project: Reforestation and Eco-tourism Development With the extending agglomeration in the north from Solo, there should be an effort to balance the growth between residential and green or protected areas.
Reforestation Location
Destination Management Organization
BAB 6 Program Prioritas
Pariwisata berbasis lingkungan
Gatak Baki
1. Menciptakan kondisi yang menguntungkan
Mojolaban Grogol
Tipologi Klassen
Eco-tourism is one of the ways to fairly enhance green areas productivity while raising awareness on the importance of protected areas.
B<b Sukoharjo
Apart from the spatial analysis, a strategic planning and organization scheme are also designed to help make sure the planning is implemented as envisioned.
B>b Bendosari
Unggulan: Bulu, A>a Baki Tawangsari Nguter
Berkembang: Bendosari, Mojolaban
2. Mendorong adanya pasar a. Meningkatkan citra merek Sukoharjo b. Mengembangkan produk strategis c. Mempromosikan penggunaan
a. Mengusahakan penerimaan penduduk asli b. Mempromosikan inovasi c. Meningkatkan kondisi hubungan BAB 6 Program Prioritas kerja regional maupun nasional Detail F. Rencana
a. Meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia b. Menciptakan buruh yang sesuai dengan nilai asli kawasan setempat c. Mengubah struktural bisnis akomodasi d. Meningkatkan Skema Kelembagaan kualitas infrastruktur dalam program ini adalah untuk menjelaskan Skema kelembagaan disini menjadi e. Penataan kawasan teknis dari konsep yang sudah dikemukakan pedesaan sekitar mengatur sistem pariwisata Kabupaten Sukopada poin konsep rencana, dengan output harjo dan mempromosikan serta â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;menjualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; program yang diharapkan adalah: Lingkunganpariwisata Alami tersebut kepada pihak luar, namun (1) Skema kelembagaan dengan menggunakan tetap menjaga kewenangan pemerintah Sukoharjo serta menjaga perkembangan kawasan Bagan diatas gambaran daridan proses percepatan menuju pariwisata berbasis lingkungan tetap berada di dalam koridor ekowisata. Sehbeserta peranmerupakan serta wewenangnya ingga, lembaga ini memiliki keleluasaan dalam pengambilan keputusan serta kebebasan kan menjadi indikator acuan permbentukolaborasi dengan pihakdan manapun. strategi manajemen peningkatan kualitas pariwisata. Swiss, strategi manajemen pariwisata dibagi
Terbelakang: Weru Potensial: Weru, Grogol, Kartasura, A<a Gatak Nguter, Polokarto, Sukoharjo Organization Scheme Bulu
Possible Reforestation Area: 19.53 km2
Elemen Manajemen Pariwisata Atraksi; Amenitas; Aksesibilitas; Sumber Daya Manusia; Citra; Harga
Science, Technology and Industry, 2000). Mengacu pada penjelasan sebelumLembaga
Unggulan Berkembang Potensial Terbelakang
Dinas pariwisata + pemerintah lintas sektor skema kelembagaan yang bersifat partnership
Mojolaban Grogol
Alat Kebijakan, Regulasi, Legislasi, Pajak dan Retribusi
Lembaga Unit Manajemen Bersama
Tipologi Klassen
Unggulan: Bulu, A>a Baki
Alat Rencana Wilayah Kabupaten Sukoharjo 2036
Berkembang: Bendosari, Mojolaban
Plan Strategi Mendorong adanya pasar
Strategi Meningkatkan ketertarikan terhadap tempat wisata
Terbelakang: Potensial: Weru, Grogol, Kartasura, A<a Gatak Nguter, Polokarto, Sukoharjo Unggulan
Gatak Baki
Strategi ment unit Menciptakan lingkungan yang menguntungkan
3. Meningkatkan ketertarikan terhadap tujuan wisata
Lembaga Swasta Alat Investasi Biaya dan Jasa Skema usulan lembaga yang berbentuk Unit Pelaksana Teknis untuk mendorong pertumbuhan pariwisata berbasis lingkungan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Berkembang 66
Rencana Wilayah Kabupaten Sukoharjo 2036
creative works Nekropolis Videos Posters and 2D Graphics
There are a lot of interesting cases around us waiting to be explored and discussed. Nekropolis is a platform to discuss and write topics around urban issues. It was started by three urban planning students, and now I am part of a small team of ten (not regular members) consisted of urban planning, international relation, and politic government students.
Seluk Beluk Perjalanan “Smart City” The years of 2010 and up are the years of Indonesia’s recognition to smart city. Initiated by three major cities, now every cities and regencies throughout the five big islands in this country start to build command centers and fiber optic cables in order to catch up with the on-going trend. Substantively, how did the concept first arise and started to gain followers in Indonesia? This video tells a story of how and when Indonesia set foot on the world of comprehensive digital management of a city.
From writing articles in Nekropolis’ Medium and conducting discussions, I am now starting to explore Youtube by making educational videos through Nekropolis. Here are the ones uploaded: Asam Garam Kota Pesisir Though cities have been thriving for thousands of years in the harbor areas due to its convinience and proximity to other places, they have also suffered many losses because of natural disasters. Wrapped in a beautiful facade and vibrant communities, we often forget that coastal areas are the ones most likely to dissapear. In this video, we try to look at the bright side and explore a number of mitigation effort to manage nature and its unpredictable behavior into our own advantage.
Kindly check on our other social media, you will find more interesting topics! Youtube: Nekropolis Medium: Nekropolis Instagram: nekropolis_
Musrenbang: Berpartisipasi dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan di Berbagai Lapisan Pemerintahan We often complain about how the government is unapproachable and just, never, do things right. But essentially, it is caused by the lack of communication and a lot of misunderstanding. Instead of waiting to be approached, why don’t we take initiative to know our Government a little better? The video explains about the layers of government in Indonesia and ways for common citizens to participate in the process of planning their city.
Marching Band UGM
PT. Intaka Internasional
Poster, Booklet, Shirt
Company Profile
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Magazine Layout
Contact me if you are interested in collaborating! +62 812 2714 6836 Medium Inez Darmalia Twitter inezdarml Instagram inezdarl Linkedin Inez Darmalia