2015-2016 Membership Plan & Rewards Program • Plan Initiatives • Execute Programming • Grow Membership • Be Recognized For additional copies or questions: Kathryn Rogers Program Assistant
krogers@infb.org • 317-692-7815
Ideas for Building Membership • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ask someone! Bring a guest to meetings. Place customized bookmarks in area libraries. Have a booth at malls, fairs, festivals, etc. Place pamphlets in doctors offices, hospitals, restaurants, etc. Host an open house or “coffee break” during a board meeting. Give the membership chair one minute at every county meeting to report goal achievement. Create member information packets. Make prospective members feel important. Make some board meetings social events. Build a county website or Facebook page. Put INFB & benefit posters in public areas. Have members give talks at other organizations. Advertise at sports events. Participate in community events. Hold recruiting events with two or more counties. Ask every member to submit three prospects to the membership chair. Contact all members who have dropped their membership in the past three years. Sponsor relevant community events.
• ______________________________________________ (your ideas) • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________
My 2015-2016 Membership Reward Program goal is: to recruit __________ new voting members and to retain __________ voting members I recruited last year.
Voting (Yes or No)
Date Submitted
Dear Volunteer, Thank you for your commitment to Indiana Farm Bureau. Membership is the backbone of our great organization, and without your help recruiting new voting members and continuing to keep our current members engaged, the strength of our organization would fade. With your support we will continue to be one of the most respected agricultural organizations in the state. To encourage participation and thank you for your hard work, we are proud to once again offer the volunteer membership reward program for 2016. This year, you will have an opportunity to earn a reward based on the number of new members you write by Sept. 30, 2016. The more you sign, the greater the value of your gift selection. Counties may also earn team awards based on membership growth, engagement and retention as they relate to the organization’s 2016 membership campaign goal. Membership chairs are urged to develop a simple yet achievable plan for reaching those targets. We’ve included helpful information and tips to assist you in your membership recruitment efforts. The following pages outline the 2015-2016 Membership Reward Program. Take a few minutes to review the reward choices and start planning your strategy for signing new members in your county. You are our greatest asset and we couldn’t succeed without you. Thank you for being part of the Indiana Farm Bureau family. Sincerely, Indiana Farm Bureau Membership Team
Membership Outreach & Engagement Campaign Action Plan 2016 Goal Indiana Farm Bureau’s 2016 goal is to exceed 100 percent total statewide membership with emphasis on assisting county volunteer leaders to recruit and retain voting members. The desired result will be a voting membership gain in every Indiana county by the end of the membership year. This goal is achievable with dedicated volunteers, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance agency personnel and INFB staff working as one. The membership action plan assists county Farm Bureau membership chairpersons and committees with developing plans for conducting successful membership campaigns. A well-organized and effective campaign leads to recruiting new members, retaining current members and ultimately, membership growth. A comprehensive plan is much more than inviting others to join Farm Bureau; it must also include an intentional effort to involve members as volunteers in county programs and activities throughout the year. The following action plan provides recommendations and establishes guidelines for scheduling membership activities, provides resource material and includes incentives for county Farm Bureaus and campaign workers. This year’s campaign emphasizes the following: • Volunteers recruiting and retaining voting members. • Campaign workers and county Farm Bureaus being rewarded based upon the level of success achieved. INFB Insurance personnel will also be rewarded for their individual and collective membership efforts. • The partnership with INFB Insurance agency personnel in retaining and recruiting members through cross promotion of financial and insurance products and member benefits.
Counties may earn a Superior Teams Achieve Results Award. The STAR award requirements include member engagement, retention and growth components as they relate to the organization’s yearly membership campaign goal. For 2016, to achieve a STAR Award, counties must meet all of the following requirements: • Component 1 - Member engagement: Achieve Hawk level in Membership Outreach in the 2015-2016 County Recognition Program. • Component 2 - Member retention: Attain a 95 percent member retention rate during the program year. Membership retention will be calculated on the current program year, Oct. 1, 2015 - Sept. 30, 2016, as compared to the 2014-2015 annual results. • Component 3 - Member growth: Each county board member recruits and signs one new member during the program year. To be eligible, new member application(s) must be completed and paid by Sept. 30, 2016, and received in the home office by 4:30 p.m. EDT on Oct. 3, 2016. STAR counties will receive an exclusive award package and be recognized during the annual state convention.
County Achievement Awards
Suggested Membership Campaign Timeline New member campaigns should be conducted between Oct. 1 - Sept. 30 annually. Member retention campaigns should occur quarterly and be finalized by Sept. 30. The following calendar lists important dates and recommended activities that can be used to achieve county membership goals.
Ideas to keep in mind every month District Defender awards will be presented to counties with the highest overall retention percentage of voting members from the previous program year. One county from each district will receive an award. District Defender counties will each receive 100 Farm Bureau bucks and be recognized during the annual state convention. Membership retention will be calculated on the current program year, Oct. 1, 2015 - Sept. 30, 2016, as compared to the 2014-2015 annual results.
• Sign new members when the opportunity presents itself. • Conduct a “Welcome to Farm Bureau” event for new members. • Participate in an outreach activity along with INFB staff to connect with a targeted production agriculture interest for the purpose of sharing membership value and gaining new members. • Any county Farm Bureau event should include an opportunity to promote membership and invite non-members to join. • Activities to consider: calling nights, direct mail, farm visits, etc. • Review unpaid lists monthly to retain members.
October - November
Of the 10 District Defender winners, the county with the highest overall retention percentage of voting members from the previous program year will be named the Superior Defender. The Superior Defender will receive 150 Farm Bureau bucks and be recognized during the annual state convention. Membership retention will be calculated on the current program year, Oct. 1, 2015 - Sept. 30, 2016, as compared to the 2014-2015 annual results.
• Oct. 1 – Membership year begins. All county Farm Bureau membership chairpersons should be appointed, with names and addresses submitted to regional managers by Nov. 15. • County membership committees should identify all new voting members from the previous year. A contact program should be conducted with new members from the previous program year to ensure communication of the value of his/her membership ahead of receipt of the annual dues renewals. Enlisting a new member’s involvement in county programs and activities could also be pursued and included during this contact.
December • Membership year dues renewals begin mailing on INFB Insurance monthly billing statements along with policy premiums, when applicable. • County Farm Bureau membership chairperson meets with INFB regional manager to review previous activity and prepare a checklist of current program year plans. • County membership committee begins building lists to identify local voting member prospects. • County membership committee finalizes a county membership action plan that includes recruitment, retention and member engagement components. Submit to county Farm Bureau board for approval.
January • Conduct a recruitment campaign to sign up locally identified prospects as new members of your county Farm Bureau. All county Farm Bureau events should incorporate membership promotion. • Upon receipt of dues payment members begin receiving new membership identification card and benefit materials. • Young Farmer Leadership Conference Membership Prize Drawing – Conference attendees can bring proof (photocopy of application and check or receipt) of each new member recruited by him/her beginning Oct. 1 through Jan. 31. He/she will receive a gift and one chance per new member signed to win a larger prize. • County membership committees will be provided with a list of the previous year’s final county membership. This information can be used to begin developing a local list of member prospects. INFB staff can provide ideas for additional list sources.
February • Conduct a recruitment campaign to sign up prospects as new members of your county Farm Bureau. Any county Farm Bureau event should incorporate membership promotion and invite non-members to join. • INFB Insurance monthly billing statements continue to include membership dues if they remain unpaid or if the current term has expired. • Personally invite new members to attend the county annual meeting.
Individual Achievement Awards
The Top 10 Performer awards will be presented to the 10 volunteers who recruit the most new voting members during the current program year. The Top 10 Performers will each receive a $75 gift card and be recognized on stage during the annual state convention. To be eligible, new voting member application(s) must be completed and paid by Sept. 30, 2016, and received in the home office by 4:30 p.m. EDT on Oct. 3, 2016.
One volunteer will be named as the Premier Performer based on writing the most new voting members during the current program year. The Premier Performer will receive an award package and be recognized on stage during the annual state convention. To be eligible, new voting member application(s) must be completed and paid by Sept. 30, 2016, and received in the home office by 4:30 p.m. EDT on Oct. 3, 2016.
March • Quarterly retention review of unpaid member lists to retain prior and current year unpaid members. • Spring Conference Membership Prize Drawing – Conference attendees can bring proof (photocopy of application and check or receipt) of each new member signed by him/her beginning Oct. 1 - Mar. 7. He/ she will receive a gift and one chance per new member signed to win a larger prize.
Write 6+ New Voting Members Membership Builder features a reward choice from items in a gift catalog. To be eligible, new voting member application(s) must be completed and paid by Sept. 30, 2016, and received in the home office by 4:30 p.m. EDT on Oct. 3, 2016. Your choice of volunteer reward will be ordered following the conclusion of the membership program year. Dozens of gifts available including the following brands*:
April • Plan membership promotions for summer events: county fairs, community festivals, picnics, farmers markets, etc. • Contact local county officials to discuss programs and membership.
May - August • Conduct a recruitment campaign to sign up identified prospects as new members of your county Farm Bureau. • Personally invite new members to attend the county annual meeting. • Membership Field Day - Conduct a county membership field day that showcases how Farm Bureau helps the industry grow and how new members can be involved. • June - Quarterly retention review of unpaid member lists to retain prior and current year unpaid members. • Conduct a membership appreciation event for current members (eligible for up to $50 INFB cost share funds). • Identify and correct the misclassification of any members and update no later than Aug. 1. Review Rural Guardian list for reclassification no later than Aug. 1.
*Gift brands subject to change based on availability. Prize value up to $28.
• Last month to recruit and retain members for current program year. • Final review of unpaid member lists to retain members. PLEASE NOTE: All end of year membership classification changes and new member applications should be sent to Indiana Farm Bureau home office, Attention: Organizational Development by Sept. 25 to ensure timely recording. Normal system processes can encounter delays of two to three days to register payments. • Sept. 30 - End of membership year. (Note: Any current term dues renewal invoiced with a September due date will be included if paid by the end of the membership year).
Membership Reward Program Eligibility Requirements & Rules The 2016 Volunteer Membership Rewards Program (“Reward Program”) is open to Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. volunteers who have signed new members during the membership year. Eligibility requirements In order to be eligible for the Reward Program: • A volunteer must have a paid membership for Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. (“INFB”) on the date the member wrote the new voting member(s) and by Sept. 30, 2016. • A volunteer must write the required number and class of new members to receive the reward. • New member application(s) and renewals must be completed and paid by Sept. 30, 2016, and received at 225 S. East Street, Indianapolis, Indiana (the “Home Office”) by 4:30 p.m. EDT on Oct. 3, 2016. • To be considered a new voting member for the Reward Program, a person must not already be a paid member of Farm Bureau and must be categorized as a voting member by the county Farm Bureau to which the new member belongs. A new member must meet all of the above-mentioned requirements to count for the Reward Program. • Employees of INFB, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and their immediate families are not eligible to participate. Each eligible volunteer who signs an eligible new member as outlined above will receive a reward of INFB’s choice. INFB reserves the right to change any of the award items with an item of similar value. Membership Club The Membership Club is for those volunteers who meet the above eligibility requirements and write at least one new member. Membership Builder The Membership Builder designation is for those volunteers who meet the above eligibility requirements and write the required number of new voting members. Volunteers may quality for both the Membership Club and the Membership Builder. Questions may be directed to Kathryn Rogers, membership program assistant, at krogers@infb.org or 317-692-7815.
Write 1-5 New Members (Voting or Associate) Membership Club features a reward for volunteers who write one to five new members during the program year. To be eligible, new member application(s) must be completed and paid by Sept. 30, 2016, and received in the home office by 4:30 p.m. EDT on Oct. 3, 2016. High Sierra Bright Zoom Flashlight