1 minute read
6 7 Standard Infection Control Precautions
from Mental Health
by Karen Foulis
Infection Prevention Solutions
• Ensure thorough and frequent washing of hands with soap and water
between all care activities and after contact with service users immediate environment
• Wear gloves and aprons for service user contact and environmental /
equipment cleaning
• Change gloves and aprons between service users / tasks • Clean up and disinfect spillages of vomit and faeces immediately • Pay particular attention to the cleaning of toilets/commodes, moving
and handling equipment, seat raisers etc.
• Increase the frequency of routine bathroom and toilet cleaning and also
cleaning of frequently touched areas (door handles, phones etc.) This also includes the dirty utility area
• Disinfect surfaces and equipment using freshly prepared 0.1%
(1000ppm) chlorine-releasing agent after cleaning with neutral detergent
• Alternatively use a combined detergent/chlorine-based disinfectant e.g.
Chlor- Clean or Actichlor Plus for surfaces and equipment
• Ensure waste and contaminated laundry are handled with care wearing
protective clothing and removed promptly. Red alginate bags to be used for fouled laundry; orange/yellow bags for infectious waste
• Keep outbreak record sheet up-to-date on a daily basis • Isolate symptomatic service users or cohort nurse groups of affected
service users in the same bay / area
• Avoid movement of staff between affected and unaffected areas • Exclude affected staff immediately and until asymptomatic for 48 hours • Exclude non-essential personnel from the facility including visitors • Avoid transfer to other facilities i.e. day centres, rehabilitation units
unless medically indicated and only after consultation
• Do not re-open facility to admissions until agreed with local HPU -
usually 48 hours after last symptomatic service user or staff member
• Communicate effectively and regularly to all who need to know
including visitors. Provide notices at entrances indicating restrictions
• If in doubt, contact local Infection Control Advisor or local HPU for