Infinity astrological magazine (i#12

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INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April issue INF#12 2017

Smiljana Gavrančić (Serbia) - Editor, Founder & Owner

Victor Olliver (UK) – Associate from The Astrological Journal AA GB Sharon Knight (UK) – Associate from APAI Frank C. Clifford (UK) - Associate from The London School of Astrology Wendy Stacey (UK) - Associate from Mayo School of Astrology and AA GB Jadranka Coic (UK) – Associate from The Astrological Lodge of London Mandi Lockley (UK) – Associate from Academy of Astrology UK

Athan J. Zervas (Greece) – Associate for Art & Design


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Editor’s letter "Bring Love To A World Of Suffering"... Venus entered 0° Pisces (January 3rd, 2017 GMT-7:46:28am). On January 30th (which is the day of my birthday) Venus started her shadow period at 26° Pisces, (because during her retrograde motion she will "travel" from 13° Aries to 26° Pisces).This is the place of her exaltation (27° Pisces). She is the happiest at 27 Pisces!!! Venus starts retrograde motion soon, on March 4th (at 13° Aries, as I have said already), and she will be retrograde until April 14th (she will go retro to 26° Pisces). On May 19th, she will leave her shadow, crossing over 13° Aries again. So, we can say that from 30th January until 19th May we may have important events in relationships. It will be Venus shadow period, which could be good for a secret affair, it could be good to "keep" your love life from public, but also for relationships from past lives, but also for healing time... I must add that during her retrograde motion the most important event is her meeting with the Sun (so called "lower conjunction"). This meeting will be around 4° Aries 59' i.e. 5° Aries (25th March, 2017). In Draconic chart, this conjunction will be around 1° -2° Scorpio (Via Combusta). This time will ask from us to Bring Love to a World of Suffering, because Via Combusta speaks about it-here only Love could bring Light… On 11th Feb 2017, when we had the lunar eclipse at 22° Leo, Venus was at 5° Aries! At the same degree, she will make her "lower conjunction" with the Sun on 25th March! So, this eclipse already speaks about a meeting of two lovers! On 26th Feb 2017, when there was the solar eclipse at 8° Pisces, Venus was at 12° Aries30'. She will start her retro motion from 13° Aries on 4th March 2017! In the meantime, progressed Sun of INFINITY Astrological Magazine (I.A.M.) will touch 0° Gemini and tears (29 ° Taurus - Pleiades) will be our past… Take a look in your chart.... With Love, Smiljana.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Contents: 1. ―Roman Holiday‖Retrograde Venus in Aries 2017 & Me - Smiljana Gavrančić (6) 2. INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Athan J. Zervas - INFINITY, ETERNITY, IMMORTALITY AND OTHER STORIES… - Smiljana Gavrančić (12) 3. INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH LeAnn Lacy - HEALING SOUL, MIND & BODY – Smiljana Gavrančić (18) 4. Why are astrologers so GHASTLY* to each other? – Victor Olliver (23) 5. INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Melanie Reinhart – Smiljana Gavrančić (28) 6. Burning down the house: Annual events using Profections – Athan J. Zervas (36) 7. Disasters & Mercury Retrograde – Alan Annand (44) 8. INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Hakan Kırkoğlu – ASTROSUMMER CAMP 2017 Crete, (Greece) – Smiljana Gavrančić (50) 9. Erostasia: the Scales of Venus – Stavroula Konstantopoulou (54) 10. Is Pallas Athena the Astrologer‘s Asteroid? – Christina Rodenbeck (58) 11. Opening windows and connecting times: An astrological view on a past life regression – Tania Daniels (60) 12. THE GREEK DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: (AND THE TRUE NATIONAL HOROSCOPE OF MODERN GREECE) – Thomas Gazis (70) 13. Venus Retro Spread – Kim Buckley (74) 14. La La Land ~ This is the Dream – Mandi Lockley (79) 15. Venus Retrograde and Redemption – LeAnn Lacy (83) 16. The Immortal Horoscope: Can transits still affect our natal chart after we have died? – Wendy Stacey (85) 17. The Difference between Transits and Progressions in Relationship Astrology- Part 2 – Margaret Gray & Armand Diaz (95) 18. INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Victor Olliver: How Madame Arcati Taught Me How To Cross Dress – Smiljana Gavrančić (99) 19. A short article looking at the likely chances of Le Pen winning the next French Elections in April 2017 – Sharon Knight (105) 20. Moon Days in Hawai‘I – Linea Van Horn with Liz Dacus (117) 21. A SCENARIO OF EVENTS FOR 2018-2020 – Marguerite dar Boggia (127) 22. The Chariot – Major Arcana – Tara Aal (132) 23. 2017: the year‘s Moondark – Anne Whitaker (134) 24. Venus - Eric Meyers (138) 25. Will we stay in Equador until the end of the mission in 2014? – Tania Daniels (141) 26. The Twilight – Smiljana Gavrančić (143) 27. 2017 February Eclipses report – Rod Chang (148) 28. INFINITY HOROSCOPE - Natalie Delahaye (155) 29. March & April 2017 Infinity Horoscopes – Cassandra Tyndall (161)


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

IX Astrological Conference, Perugia, Italy 1st - 2nd July 2017 - ISAR Italy SPEAKERS: Wade Caves, Milla Basso, Lucia Bellizia, David Cochrane, Meskalila Nunzia Coppola, Franceska Furino, Smiljana GavranÄ?ić, Chiara Gelmetti, Maria Magi Fillipo, Philip Graves, Oddi Gioia


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

“Roman Holiday” Retrograde Venus in Aries 2017 & Me Smiljana Gavrančić

When I was born (January 30th, 1980) progressed Moon of Ancient Rome was at 9° Aquarius 11‟. My natal Sun is at 9° Aquarius 16‟. At the same time, secondary progressed 8th house of Ancient Rome was at 15° Cancer 39‟. My natal Moon is at 15° Cancer 43‟. If you decide to spend the time of retrograde Venus in Aries in 2017 in Rome (Italy) or to enjoy one of the prettiest realizations of worlds‘ cinematography — ―Roman Holiday‖ — do it, by all means. In this movie one of the most loved and most charismatic actresses in the world – Audrey Hepburn appeared in a movie for the first time. Her partner was the great Gregory Peck. The whole movie was filmed on authentic locations in Rome, and it brought an immense popularity to both actors and the city. If you are one of those who love this movie, do a reminiscence of all the beautiful places of this story. Audrey won the Academy Award Oscar for the best actress. Audrey Hepburn has in her chart Venus retrograde at 22° Aries 47‘, in close conjunction with fixed star Baten Kaitos (constellation Cetus), so in this movie she is the ―chained princess‖, just like the myth says. She feels ―bad‖ in the role of the princess of some undetermined country and wished to leave that role. This star represents the intestines of the sea monster, the whale, and here we have the story of Andromeda, who is saved by Perseus from the role of the princess. In her adventures through the eternal Rome, Audrey suddenly meets Gregory Peck, who plays an American journalist who falls in love with her. The movie was realized on August 27, 1953, and secondary Ascendant of Audrey was at 22° Aries 14‘ in conjunction with her natal retrograde Venus.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 “I feel you”

In order to be complete, for our soul to feel whole, we all unconsciously search that other half that is the opposite of us, but still so needed for us to be in harmony with ourselves. So I give priority here to oppositions, for they confirm what I have just said. This text speaks of the importance of the axis 15° Cancer/15° Capricorn, the axis related to Jupiter‘s exaltation and fall within the zodiac! Draconic horoscopes always speak of the memory our soul carries from the previous incarnation, and it is a lunar horoscope. In Draconic horoscope Audrey has Moon at 15° Capricorn, while the draconic Moon of Gregory Peck is across the way, at 15° Cancer. This is exactly MC/IC axis in their Composite Chart – 15° Cancer/15° Capricorn, but also in their Davison horoscope. On the other hand, in Dwadasamsa chart (which also speaks of the previous life), Audrey has the axis of lunar nodes across 15° Capricorn (the North Node)/15° Cancer (the South Node), while Gregory has in Dwadasamsa chart the Pluto at 15° Cancer! These are very strong signs that these two people need each other, and exactly in the eternal Rome, to fill their souls with memories of the previous incarnation and to achieve internal completeness. The axis 15° Cancer/15° Capricorn is powerful and I relate it to the 4th energy center, the Anahata Heart center, the place we learn to be close with ourselves, the place we touch the love within, the place we connect all our opposites. But, I find 15° Cancer at yet another spot. It is the Venus return of Gregory Peck for 1953. In that chart there is conjunction of Sun and Mars exactly at 15° Cancer. Even the secondary axis of lunar nodes of the Old Rome was at 15° Capricorn (the North Node)/15° Cancer (the South Node) in that 1953. For that same year, in the horoscope of the Venus return of the Old Rome, Uranus was at 15° Cancer, while in the chart of Old Rome Venus is at 29° Pisces retrograde, and it symbolizes the ―lost princess‖ in Rome played by Audrey Hepburn in ―Roman Holiday―. In her Draconic chart, at 29° Pisces there is Jupiter, the ruler of her Moon at 6° Pisces 27‘ and natal Moon carries all memories of the soul…


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 “I see you” When we talk about Jupiter, there is another important spot in Zodiac — the axis 29° Cancer/29° Capricorn. Why? At 29° Cancer we have the shift from dark to light, two eyes are being connected there (Moon and Sun are related to our eyes), between eyebrows, so we call this place our Third Eye or 6th energy center (chakra). From this place the Zodiac sends the message ―I See You‖. This is extremely strong axis, here we change our beliefs and then the circumstances also change. At the time of realization of the movie ―Roman Holiday‖, in August 1953, secondary Moon of Audrey Hepburn was at 29° Capricorn, while across from it, at 29° Cancer was the secondary Venus of Italy. Also at 29° Cancer, Audrey has in antiscia chart (the mirror) the Mercury, the ruler of her intercepted Virgo in 7th house (relations), while at the same degree, 29° Cancer, is the Venus degree of Gregory Peck in antiscia chart, but also his natal Neptune – all this is depiction of the ―lost princess‖, and the very shift from 29° Cancer to 0° Leo is depiction of her great change, for she changes her beliefs (gives up the role of the princess), in order to change the circumstances. Secondary Moon of Italy was at 0° Aquarius (just finished crossing 29° Capricorn), while the secondary Mercury of Italy was at 14° Cancer 45‘- in allowed orb of ±30‘ with 15° Cancer! Mercury is in the chart of Italy the ruler of 10th house and speaks of the country‘s reputation, while Venus rules 7th house (diplomatic relations), but it is also essential signifier for a girl, so in this case it clearly represents Audrey as the ―lost princess‖ in Rome in 1953. If we look at Venus return of Audrey Hepburn for 1953, we find the Venus elevated in 10th house, which is certainly promising and brings her success, while the Moon in that chart is at 7° Virgo. The interesting thing here is the following: Audrey has in her natal chart the Moon at 6° Pisces 27‘, while in her antiscia chart retrograde Venus is at 7° Virgo. And so, we came to another axis, axis 7° Virgo/7° Pisces, yet another opposition… I must add that at 6° Virgo 59‘ there is Antiscia Sun of the Old Rome (natal Sun is at 23° Aries 01‘, very close to retrograde Venus of Audrey at 22° Aries 47‘).


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Me... Interesting... I have the Moon at 15° Cancer. Further on, my natal axis IC/MC is across 7° Pisces/7° Virgo, while my natal axis 3/9 goes across 29° Capricorn/29° Cancer. In antiscia chart, my Fortuna is at 15° Cancer, while in draconic chart it is across the road, at 15° Capricorn, at the same spot as the midpoint of my Sun and Neptune (which might depict of some actor from the past). I also must add that at 7° Virgo there is the midpoint of my Mars and the North Node (future). Mars rules my Ascendant, my 5th, but also my 12th house. Both 5th and 12th houses are related to the previous life, while the present 12th house is actually our death, our end in the past life (as 8th house - death, from 5th house), so from 7° Virgo I create in this life the future, but also from that spot the ―past speaks‖…


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Finally, in my Dwadasamsa chart (the horoscope of the past life) the Sun is at 21° Taurus where my natal Descendant is. At the same spot, at 21° Taurus, Gregory Peck has natal Moon (soul), but also the progressive Sun in August 1953, when the movie ―Roman Holiday‖ saw the light of the day. This 21° Taurus protects us all, for it is the place of the North Node (future) of Audrey Hepburn... Of course, now it is not difficult to conclude that the South Node of Audrey is at 21° Scorpio, the spot of my Ascendant, so this actress is simply ―eating‖ me… It is very deep karmic relation between the two of us that changes me a lot, for the South Node ―swallows‖ like the hook and I have the strong need to be ―swallowed‖ because I feel it brings me the change. On the other hand, my South Node is at her Ascendant, only confirming how much connected we are…

Retrograde Venus on March 4, 2017 Venus starts its retrograde motion on March 4, 2017 (09.09 am GMT), and in that moment, Uranus will be at 22° Aries, in conjunction with retrograde Venus of Audrey Hepburn. If we look at the Antiscia chart for that moment, we see the Moon at 0° Leo just have crossed 29° Cancer, and Uranus at 7° Virgo. But, in Dwadasamsa chart for that moment we see the Venus at 7° Virgo as well. Isn‘t this more than beautiful? So many analogies… and February eclipses at 22° Leo and 8° Pisces are just initiators… Audrey, Gregory, Rome and me… Chart sources: The Book of World Horoscopes; Nicholas Campion


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Smiljana is the editor, founder and owner of INFINITY Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education ―Johannes Kepler‖ in Belgrade, where she graduated in October 2010, defending her thesis in Mundane Astrology ―European Union – In Varietate Concordia‖ (united in diversity) and obtained the status of a graduated Astrologer Researcher. In February 2011, she met requirements to work as an Astrologer Consultant and in March of the same year, she became an International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.). Smiljana is a member of ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. During the academic 2010/11 within the post-graduate level, she studied Hermetic Astrology. In addition to consultations with the clients, Smiljana finds great inspiration in research work, which she presents in her astrological texts. A special emphasis input on finding significant degrees in the Zodiac for a specific country in the area of Mundane Astrology or a significant degree for relations between two persons in the Astrology of Relations. In her search for responses to the question as to why something (or someone) is happening to us, Smiljana also practices Karmic Astrology, as well as the Astrology of Archetype (fixed stars, mythology). Smiljana studied International law and Law of International Organizations at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade. She interrupted her studies at the last year (in 2006) and since then, she exclusively dedicated her life to self-study of astrology. Her writings have appeared in The Astrological Journal, and on The Mountain Astrologer blog and ISAR‘s International Astrologer. Smiljana was a speaker at two KAPA conferences in Serbia (―REGULUS IN VIRGO‖, November 2011 and ―CHIRON‘S MESSAGES‖, November 2013). INTERNATIONAL LECTURES: In September 2015 she was a speaker at online international astrological conference CINASTRO 2015, Brazil. Her topic was ―Russia and 19° Libra‖. Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Kolkata, India, was published Smiljana‘s article about Russia and 19° Libra during its conference in January 2016. Smiljana was a speaker at The AA‘s 48th Annual Conference. The AA‘s 48th Annual Conference ‖Building Bridges and Expanding Our Horizons‖ took place 9th – 11th September 2016 at Wyboston Lakes near Cambridge, UK. Her lecture was: URANUS IN TAURUS 2018. During her visit to UK, Smiljana gave a talk in the Astrological Lodge of London, too (19th September, 2016). 9th Astrological Conference in Perugia, Italy, 1st-2nd July, 2017

Meet Angela Loenning – an artist in INFINITY Astrological Magazine Angela Loenning is an artist born in Athens, Greece. She studied graphic design at WAES in London, England. She took oil painting and life drawing lessons in Kensington and Chelsea College in London, England. She has participated in various exhibitions and is delighted to contribute to INFINITY.

You can find her art at:

In our interview with Melanie Reinhart we used Angela‘s painting – dress (page 28)


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017


Smiljana Gavrančić

INFINITY: Hello, Athan! We are so happy for this interview. Athan is a Greek male given name, which means "eternal life" or "immortal". I was so impressed when I found this because my name, Smiljana, means the same. We are both Scorpio rising with the Moon in Cancer. How do you think this connects with INFINITY? ATHAN: Hi Smiljana, I am happy too. Both Scorpio rising and Cancer Moon but let us not forget the intriguing connection of our Suns through contra-antiscia too. Athan is a short for Athanasios (that is the given name actually) and it means immortal indeed. He who does not die. The feminine form translates as immortality. Needless to say of course that you are stuck with me for an awfully long spell of time. Usually the short forms of the name in Greek omit the initial A and as I was growing older, that made me sad because every time I was called it felt like a decapitation. No Medusa active in my chart but I guess the feeling had to imply my Sun-Saturn-Uranus stressful game that plays out in my natal chart. At a certain point, I insisted that I was called by my given name in its entirety, but it was too long for people or I guess it sounded too formal. I became obnoxious by insisting and I am certainly not known for my diplomacy but my Saturn on my MC was pleased. A lazy friend of mine came up with Athan, because she was bored to utter all five syllables of the given name and so Athan was born. Letter A in Greek is a prefix meaning a) the negation of


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 something or the lack of it and b) the common origin of something, something of the same group. Prefix a- in this case gives a copulative meaning to the word. You can notice the first use in English too. Words like atypical, asymptomatic, apolitical and the like make use of prefix a- as a negation or as a lack of the base-word‘s meaning. I do not know whether the second use has passed in the English language, but when I scream aaaaargh, I always think of myself invoking something rather than expelling energy. That‘s me of course. Ok, back to the question now! Infinity is a word used in mathematics for a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (I can taste the copulative meaning of a- in the word). We can analyze and break down in pieces a birth chart in order to bring forth both assumptions and valid conclusions by the isolated planetary elements. But all elements must be synthesized back to the natal chart because the natal chart is a greater unit than the elements it consists of. A natal chart is a planetary picture of Infinity. Being immortal and eternal, means that we both are parts stuck together and that Infinity will be the death of us. INFINITY: Your middle name is Jason. Jason was a hero in Greek mythology, the leader of the Argonautic Expedition in the quest of retrieving the Golden Fleece. Jason‘s wife was Medea (a witch). They met when Jason and the Argonauts arrived in Colchis to claim the famous Golden Fleece from the king. She fell in love with him and told him she would help him to take hold of the Golden Fleece, under the condition that he would take her along with him on the Argonautic Expedition. I took a look in progressions of Greece Democracy chart for your birthday (25th April, 1977) and I found secondary progressed Asc of Greece Democracy at 15 Cancer (Jupiter exaltation), secondary progressed MC at 27° Pisces (Venus exaltation) close to your natal Mars at 28° Pisces (the ruler of your Asc) and secondary progressed Moon at 11° Scorpio (Uranus exaltation degree). I am sure you know that around 14° -15° Cancer we have constellation Canopus-the second brightest star in the night-time sky after Sirius. Also, I would link 15 Cancer to the goddess Diana. In ―Discovery of Witches„ by Deborah Harkness (a book that I know both of us loved) Diana is a character portraying a famous, powerful witch. How do you feel this myth in your life? ATHAN: It is funny how Colchis, the birth town of Medea, sounds similar to Khalkis, my birth town. I live in Athens for the past twelve years but I guess at some point I will have to return back home for my own quest. I am sure that this is true for all of us. At some point we go back to our roots in order to find meaning or to make amends or even to reclaim what rightfully belongs to us. It is the cyclical merry-go-round theme of the profections and of life itself, you could say. Jason and Medea has always been one of my favourite stories in the Greek mythology timeline and I have seen a handful of films portraying Medea in many different colours. I do not think of the myth as a love story gone bad though (the douche bag of a husband leaves wife, wife seeks revenge). I think of it as the eternal Anima/Shadow conflict and the integration of the female element in the male environment and viceversa. Jason is a hero and all heroes have a solar affinity. Medea was a sorceress having a lunar affinity. But Medea‘s lineage goes back to Helios, the Sun, as he was her grandfather. So, she really is a solar person that has been in touch with the female aspect. Of course, she had to do that since she was a woman. However, if she really wanted to flee out of her town, I am sure she could have found numerous ways to do so; she was a witch after all. She wanted to be on a solar quest herself and she made a straightforward deal with Jason.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 That is a straightforward manly thing to do. I give you this and I want that in return. I mean she could have made Jason fall in love with her (she was a witch, right?) and she would have him drooling all over the Golden Fleece, right? But, no! She kept to her Anima and she tried to get in touch with her Animus in a positive way. She did not negate her lunar aspect/womanhood; she used it to reach to her solar aspect/manhood bringing integration and incorporation of opposites. She stayed true to her nature of a woman. She could have been the kind of woman that thinks she can do it all by herself, like modern women do because of the current social training and programming. I think she did the right thing to do. She lived as a woman and tied to get closer to her inner Helios‘ calling. She never forgot her female nature. When Jason who chose to marry Glauce dumped her, she of course acted on her negative side of her lunar aspect. She went to Corinth, where the other woman lived and poisoned her and her father king. Then she killed her own children. It is as if she was trying to stop her solar side from taking over. It strikes me as an odd thing that she did not kill Jason himself though. By killing his children, she is putting a halt to the solar aspect of herself of procreation and she definitely stops the integrational process. After the lunar massacre in Corinth though, she goes back to her hometown. There she finds that the king‘s brother and her uncle has usurped the throne and what does she do? She kills her uncle in order to help her father back to the throne again. She still tries to incorporate the male aspects of her psyche, now in another way. Going back home to become one. The eternal return. Jason is a code word for me. It reminds me that I should try to incorporate all the female aspects of my personality in a proactive way that does not harm or degenerate my male aspects. I have Moon in Cancer in partile square to the Nodes. Her first aspect is with Mars in Pisces, a male planet in a female sign. My Sun is in a female sign too ruled by Venus in Aries, a female planet in a male sign and in detriment. My solar degree is in the terms of Venus, which is also the triplicity ruler. I am in touch with my intuition, I can be helpful, I don‘t strive for recognition and I am better of when I work collectively. But there is still a lot of work to be done. There is still a long way to Colchis and my golden fleece. As you guessed, I am not going to say anything about the Greek Republic chart progressions. What I am going to say though, is that I cannot wait to find the time to read the second book of the trilogy by Deborah Harkness. INFINITY: You speak Italian, among other languages and you told me you were in Rome recently. When I checked the progressions of Ancient Rome for the moment you were born, I found secondary progressed axis MC/IC over very special degrees, 29°Virgo/29° Pisces. In the chart of Ancient Rome we can see retrograde Venus at 29° Pisces, ruler of the 4th (fortune in Ancient Rome). Secondary progressed Venus of Ancient Rome was at 11° Scorpio (the same degree we found for your birthday in progressed chart of Greece Democracy). I have read about Janus in Roman mythology, the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, doorways, passages and endings. You may be a ―gate keeper„. This axis 29° Virgo/29° Pisces makes me think of transitions, passages and bridges because after 29° Virgo we have 0° Libra (West - Endings) and after 29° Pisces we have 0° Aries (East – Beginnings).


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 ATHAN: So, from the secret research you did on me, I get that 11o of Scorpio could be important in my storyline, because when I was born the progressed Moon of Greek Democracy and the progressed Venus of Rome activated that degree. OK. My natal Uranus is at 10o Scorpio, so that should be a hint. I am drawn to Italy in a way that does not really makes any sense to me. My first trip was in Florence about fifteen years ago and I can still recall the feeling I had. I felt like I was in a dreamy state, everything was surreal and I thought I was in a theatrical play. After that, I have visited other cities in Italy and if you asked me which country I want to go next, I would say Italy again. My first time in Rome was not a pleasant experience I might say, but I would visit Rome again. Ancient Rome now, is a different story all together. Venus in 29o Pisces is on my natal Mars. The 29th degree is an anaretic degree; it has to do with tension, endings, necessary and unavoidable change. Maybe that is the reason why Rome was not a pleasant experience for me. I do not know whether I am a gatekeeper or not or what a gatekeeper actually does. Our common friend coined this title recently and it is still under consideration and thought. It resonates with something in me, but I need more time to come up with an answer. I must say though that I always hold the door for people. Not only for ladies or for elders, I mean it is not a polite thing I do. I like doors... INFINITY: And what about your family name, Zervas? I tried to find something about it, but I think that the Universe wants you to tell us. Will you? ATHAN: So if a whole Universe did not supply you with an answer, then some things about my family name must remain a mystery. I guess when Jason returns home from his quest, Athan will have to die just in order to find out all the secrets in the family and the final answer to the primordial question. It could be a Modern Greek tragedy by my reckoning... INFINITY: From this issue on you start writing for INFINITY (I.A.M) and doing the art & design work for our magazine. How do you perceive I.A.M? Do you have a good synastry with our magazine?


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 ATHAN: I am very excited being a part of Infinity. Your magazine had made a very good impression to me from issue #1 and I can actually remember thinking to myself that this thing here has a big potential for the future. I do not know there was some kind of energy. I was also interested in the unique thing you do, finding special degrees in mundane charts through your research and so I sent you a friend request. Sometime later and on the day my progressed Sun conjoined my progressed Jupiter, you popped the question and I accepted. Our personal synastry is interesting, mainly because your Sun turns my T-square to a Grand Cross. So, let us see about my synastry with Infinity itself. There is definitely an intense connection. My Venus is spot on the South Node of Infinity and we share the same nodal axis. That should explain my first attraction to your magazine. Mars is conjunct my Jupiter in Gemini in the 9th house of the magazine and I think that is a good thing for publication ventures. The magazine places a lot of stuff in my eight house, some kind of a big change happening there for me and the transformational process the magazine is in. I‘ll give it some time to play out itself. It has already begun when I thought of the I.A.M. pun. The MC is in a partile trine to my Pluto after all… I can easily transform the magazine‘s status. Do not worry; I will not make a black goth cover, unless the readers ask for it. INFINITY: You study Hebrew. How did you fall in love with this language? Is there some myth too, regarding your name? ATHAN: I love Hebrew! An ancient language still alive just like Greek is. I am not a religious person but I am drown to religion, the philosophy of it and the magic of it. Astrology is magic; religion has always used rituals and magic. Hebrew language reflects Judaism, a ritualistic religion, but I was drown to Hebrew because of the accent really, just as I am drown to German. In addition, Hebrew letters are just like ancient pictograms. Every letter is holy and it has a meaning of its own, this is fascinating. Hebrew of course has grammatical and syntactical rules that are strange to the west linguistic mind. It is bizarre for instance that the verb to be is not used in the present tense. In Hebrew, you cannot have the Infinity Astrological Magazine-I.A.M. pun. My 9th house Moon in Cancer is a sucker for foreign languages and foreign schools of thought and tradition. Judaism is tradition more than a religion in my book. It is considered a saturnian religion, full of rules an observing person has to follow on a daily basis. There are specific do‘s and dont‘s for every aspect of life, the day of Saturn is holy, the food must be kosher and so on. My MC Saturn likes all that. Even the letters have a strict rectangular form. I think everything is holy, not only the Hebrew language. Greek language has a history also and there are special connotations to Greek letters too. I probably find Hebrew more mystical, because I already speak Greek as my mother tongue, I guess. My name in Hebrew is Aytan and the word means strong, firm, solid, but I do not think there is some kind of myth around my name. It is certainly not a biblical name, so chances are slim! INFINITY: You have been an editor for the Greek astrological journal ―12 Magazine„ and I can see a sign in this number because you join I.A.M. in its 12th issue. You are doing also numerology, so what might this number mean for Infinity?


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 ATHAN: ―12 Magazine„ is the official magazine of the Hellenic Friends of Astrology, a non-profit organization for the spread of Astrology in Greece. It is printed quarterly and there is a theme in every issue. The running issue is about Astrology and Art. I thought about the number too, when I realized that I am in issue #12 and it made sense. Twelve is a number that has to do with a full circle, a unit of things of the same nature. Twelve signs in the zodiac, twelve months in a year. A dozen of things is a unit. Dozen comes from the French word for twelve. There are twelve hours around the clock; twelve has to do with order and time. Hebrew esoteric teachings claim that everything can have up to twelve aspects, functions or attributes but no more, because then it would not be one thing, a unit. In my case, I think that the transition from 12 Magazine to Infinity Magazine #12 is timely and orderly. The twelfth issue is also a two-year cycle for the magazine ending. Number thirteen is up next and the transformation that goes with it has already begun showing, me thinks. INFINITY: If this interview were a Tarot card, which one would it be? ATHAN: I do not know. Many cards come to my mind right now… OK, let us pick one from the deck and let the moment tell. Here you are. The Tower! Go figure now… Thank you a bunch for the interview, I am looking forward to seeing creative, interesting and mind-blowing things in the pages of Infinity.

Athan is an idiosyncratically sanguine astrologer currently living in Athens, Greece. He studied translation and interpretation but did not wish to go professional since his interest in Astrology gave way to much more insightful translations of the human predicament. He speaks Greek, English, Italian, French, Spanish, just a tad of German and he studies Hebrew. He is lazy. A self-taught astrologer, he defines himself as eclectic, using both traditional techniques and modern concepts in his work. He is a founding board member of the Hellenic Friends of Astrology, a non-profit organization for the dissemination of educated Astrology in Greece through seminars, lectures, publications and symposia. He has been acting vice president in 2016 and editor of ―12 Magazine‖, the quarterly print edition of the organization. A lecturer and a consultant with 10+ years of client-work experience, he is also a radio producer with his own show running weekly since 2013. He has an online presence in Greek astrology sites with monthly columns and he is an active blogger with his blog being of course all Greek to you. He is willing to move to Antarctic just to put on Infinity front cover the tag ―Astrology not from six but from all seven continents‖.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017


INFINITY: Hello Dear LeAnn! We got an information from one beautiful bird that you can heal our souls. As a clinical hypnotherapist, can you tell us how astrology fits with your profession? In addition, I am curious about Uranus, Pluto and Neptune – you have told me you use those three planets in your readings. In our past issue, we hosted Sharon Knight (a traditional astrologer) and she shared with us why she does not use Uranus, Pluto and Neptune, it would be interesting now to hear from you how those three planets could heal our Soul. LEANN: Oh, I wish I could heal souls! Ha ha - but I really just help people heal themselves, like a guide or midwife might help people navigate life‘s challenges. As a depth psychologist, I use a variety of tools with clients to assist them with their quest to find deeper meaning in their lives. Clinical hypnotherapy is one tool I use to help my clients retrieve parts of themselves that have been split off or buried, usually due to trauma. These fragments are often seen in the birth chart as well, so I also use


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 different astrological techniques when working with clients who would like to release old traumas that still haunt them. Sometimes the outer planets are configured with personal planets, angles, or sensitive areas in the client‘s chart indicating that the client may face serious challenges in navigating circumstances in their lives that are linked to these outer planet placements in their charts. Sometimes trauma stories are linked to these outer planet configurations, which often result in clients struggling to see reality through a clear perspective (Neptune), or to liberate from old patterns (Uranus). In the case of Pluto, for example, the client may come to a reading while experiencing a Pluto transit to their Sun, so by including that in the work with the client I feel I would be able to significantly help them navigate the trials and tribulations they would be facing at that time. INFINITY: You have learned from Steven Forrest and from Mark Jones. Can you tell us what kind of teachers they are? Who would be Uranus, Pluto or Neptune?  LEANN: Ha ha, I have not thought of them in quite that way before! Very clever question! I would say as teachers they definitely carry the energy of all three! They are both Uranian in the sense that they are not only master astrologers, but they have carved their own unique paths in the field of astrology. They are both Neptunian in the sense that they recognize we are souls having a human experience, which extends the work of astrology into transpersonal dimensions of life. And they are both trailblazers (Uranus) who navigate the depths of soul (Pluto) in every facet of their astrological work. Aside from these outer planets, they are also very Mercurial in the sense that their workshops are tons of fun! INFINITY: Right now, you are on doctoral studies. You are studying Depth Psychology and psychotherapeutic techniques at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California and your main areas of astrological interest at the moment are family dynamics, ancestral patterns and soul centered astrology. Can you tell us something about this, your plans after finishing studies? LEANN: I am so excited to be studying at Pacifica. This school has a long-standing connection with astrologers from all kinds of backgrounds and philosophies, which is unique for an accredited doctoral program in the States. I could focus on astrology for my dissertation, and conduct qualitative or quantitative research on the intersection between the therapeutic process and astrology. I could also focus on astrological counseling and the healing potential of ongoing astrological therapy. I am excited to discover where this avenue of study might take me after I graduate with my PhD. I would love to continue my client-based practice of therapeutic astrology, and expand my work into teaching counselors and therapeutic practitioners who want to integrate their work with astrology. INFINITY: During 2016, you were part of my editorial team in several issues and I am using this as an opportunity to thank you for all of your work and help and moral support! Can you tell us, how do you feel about INFINITY and your synastry with our magazine? LEANN: Oh, it was such a joy being a part of your editorial team! What a great opportunity. Now I get to write about myth and astrology, which makes my soul sing! The synastry between my chart and INF feels like family to me! INF‘s Venus is at 12 Cancer, which squares my Aries Moon – which feels very enthusiastic (Aries) about building (square) and nurturing (Moon) INF as it grows, much like a sister (Cancer) would feel. INF‘s Saturn is conjunct my Vertex, so I feel a sense of loyalty and commitment to INF and feel a sense of respect for what INF offers to the astrology community. And I just noticed that INF‘s nodes square my nodes! So maybe INF and I are drawn to each other to support each other‘s growth! Ha! Love that!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 INFINITY: This year you are writing mythology columns for our magazine. Is there a specific myth which you like most of all? LEANN: Lately I cannot get enough of Psyche and Eros! The idea that Soul needs Love and Love needs Soul really rings true for me. And the way Soul goes through many challenges as she quests for Love, reminds me of how we too, regardless of our backgrounds, go through many challenges as we quest for Love – love with our family, friends, lovers, and even with ourselves – it seems the quest for Love is one of the major experiences we all hope to experience during our life time. Love is all we need, in a way. INFINITY: What would you say, what is the myth of INFNITY? LEANN: I think many myths live within INFINITY, which makes it a dynamic magazine. But the one that comes to my mind right now is connected to INF‘s Moon at 15th degree Gemini. There resides Rigel, the star also referred to as the ‗great one‘s foot,‘ of course belonging to Orion, the triumphant hunter. So, INF will enjoy what Rigel‘s story brings: lasting riches, honors and favor. INF will host astrologers with great teaching abilities who put forth great effort in their profession. Rigel also brings INF a joy for hard work, and after knowing you all this time I know the amount of dedication, commitment and hard work you and your team put into INF, making it clear that the beneficial placement of INF‘s moon with Rigel is a great combination. INFINITY: I have cast the composite chart for you and me, because you were my closest associate in the magazine during 2016. What impressed me was the Moon at 29° Taurus, in that place right now there is the progressed Sun of my magazine, what would you say about our composite and why do you think we two have sister feelings for each other, even we have not yet met in person? Can you see some myth for our composite chart?

LEANN: That is fascinating with the Moon at 29 degrees, where INF‘s Sun now meets! Seems we were meant to work together through INF! And Uranus just transited our composite Sun, which seems to have given us the gift of astrology to deepen our connection! As I glance over our composite, I cannot help but notice Chiron so close to the Sun – makes me think of the myth of Chiron playing out in our connection. He was a gifted astrologer and teacher, which seems to fit our connection – maybe we will get to teach together someday! Also, his healing effect is fitting for us, as I feel we have healing influence on each other – and with Jupiter and Neptune in the 3rd house, our sisterly connection is quite spiritual and transcendent! Love that! INFINITY: What you would say for your composite with the magazine? Which myth would you choose if you had to describe this interview? LEANN: What a fun interview! When I look at this composite, I feel drawn to the Vertex-UranusNeptune conjunction in Capricorn. Feels like INF and I have an exciting, spiritual astrological relationship that was ‗meant to be‘ (Vertex)! Ha ha, the Capricorn energy is very grounding and potentially long lasting. I feel we will stay connected for many years to come! And my favorite part is that Venus of this chart is exactly conjunct my natal Ascendant – what a lovely connection! Seems like that is a strong sign that I love INF!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

LeAnn is an astrologer and clinical hypnotherapist in California, USA. In addition to an astrological counseling practice, she is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), and an apprentice in Steven Forrest‘s Apprenticeship Program. She has also studied at Kepler College, and at Mark Jones‘ Pluto School integrating an evolutionary and therapeutic approach to astrological counseling. LeAnn has a BA in literature and liberal studies, a Masters degree in Teaching and Educational Administration, and is currently a doctoral candidate studying Depth Psychology and psychotherapeutic techniques at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. Her main areas of astrological interest at the moment are family dynamics, ancestral patterns, and soul centered astrology.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Why are astrologers so GHASTLY* to each other? Victor Olliver (*Tatler magazine has banned the use of ‗ghastly‘ because it is a ―mean little word‖. So I am using it a lot more, à la the adorable Prince Charles. Tatler is a ghastly snob magazine.)

The world of astrology can be perilous, as the editor of The Astrological Journal has discovered


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 “Frightening!” This was the first and last word uttered to my face by a total stranger at my first astrology conference. We were alone passing each other in a hotel corridor one early evening – I was making my way to the hotel bar before dinner. His gnomic ejaculation (―Frightening!‖) seemed to come from nowhere. The stranger was a fellow astrologer, well-seasoned and highly decorated with assorted academic baubles. In the nano-seconds that followed this gnomic ejaculation (―Frightening!‖), I glanced back at him to see if this was a jest, some larky if primordial reach-out to the new editor of The Astrological Journal. Seemingly not. He did not turn to reassure or check out the response. He had dropped his little bomb and was now keen to make his getaway, like a spiteful pussy that scampers from your lap the moment it has clawed you. Was it my expensive crumpled velvet suit he took against? My gorgeous collar? Or my serious countenance? I can look a bit GHASTLY in repose. Perhaps the warm, woolly leatheriness of my cologne triggered nasal shock and an involuntary vocal, like a hiccup, burp or an orgasm. I could have asked him. I could have just shouted out, ―Got a problem, Socrates poppet?‖ However, it occurred to me that this might not be becoming of my new role at the Astrological Association. My Madame Arcati days were and are behind me/moi. I must be good. No, I must be seen to be good. It could just be me but this was not the first intimation that the world of astrology is no less perilous than any other realm of unreconstructed ego. One first imagines that astrologers are of a high calling, eager to apply cosmic wisdom and insight to daily life, their own in addition to that of others. Not in order to be saints but just to be a little more civilised and ethical (or kind) than many or most. How naïve am I! But then I was always naïve. Naïve? In my early days of freelance feature writing, I deluded myself with the notion that writers were a breed apart and therefore angels. I assumed that the wonderful dreamscapes of fiction, or the lyrical narratives of artists (or just the edgy reportage of the sharp-witted), must be the work of ‗good‘, decent people. Why? How wrong was I? In the lovely country house of the late novelist Penelope Mortimer I encountered a thin-skinned, unforgiving, self-pitying neurotic who missed not the slightest slip. And in Gore Vidal, a mean-spirited grouch-boozer from the sexual Cretaceous period. The late horror fiction writer James Herbert was OK: he gave me a lift home once after an interview, and on another occasion sent a car to collect me from work, but he had a mighty high opinion of himself. He did have cause for self-congratulation but we do not like to observe the sheer nakedness of amour-propre, do we? It is faintly, well, Donald Trump. In a generalist way (i.e. crass, prejudiced, intellectually slovenly…) I had not a high opinion of lawyers or journalists - whose worlds I also now know only too well - and I was not disappointed once immersed. In any case, great literature had prepared the way for me in my teens. I already knew from the likes of Dickens‘ Bleak House and Waugh‘s Vile Bodies that these worlds could be base arenas of horribleness, rendered only a little fragrant by the odd (rare!) fresh good egg.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Infamy! They’ve all got it in-for-me! And, alas, to these biospheres of professional fart gas we must add astrology. If I told you that in the past year I have had my private email letters posted on Facebook in an attempt to damage my reputation, been subjected to a written physical threat requiring a complaint to the police, received highly offensive letters fed by lies, had to block all my phones from a nuisance caller, suffered a defamation on a blog and had various of my confidences betrayed (as well as enduring the excusemaking fence-sitters anxious not to back the wrong side or ―get involved‖) you might think me merely unfortunate. Or you might think that, through some personality disorder, I am prone to falling out with peers. On this I cannot comment - I leave others to assess. But the fact is, long before these tragi-comic events, I had heard of other unedifying episodes in the annals of astrology. For reasons of law or protocol or mere survival I cannot go into details. Nonetheless I am still astonished every time I think of them - of epic lawsuits, lengthy internecine warfare (in various groups, by the way), silent treatments administered at conferences by group bullies and vicious vendettas; of wholesale plagiarism, feuds and sour love triangles and sundry insults tossed out of casual chats over lemon drizzle cake slices. How right was the rightly estimable Wise One who once told me in a Skype convo, ―Astrologers can be terrible people. Just don‘t get dragged into things‖. Of course they (we) cannot be all terrible. The Wise One exaggerated in order to make a point. I have some wonderful friendships with generous givers in astrology, some true exponents of kindness and of preached practice. I shall always appreciate the time given me in my early editorship days when I felt at a loss. Almost pathetically, I still cherish the inquiries after my well-being and the sharing of intimacies that reassure that we are all in this life together.

But why should astrologers have wings? There is of course another way to look at this topic - of how astrologers deal with each other. We could simply ask: Why should astrologers be different from anyone else? My observation is that a great many of them are highly motivated, highly educated (indeed, some never stop studying), highly principled (in the sense of taking with great seriousness their work and learning and seeking to enlighten themselves and others), and highly competitive. Before I took up the horoscope, I could never have imagined a more driven group of people than I have found in astrology. But in the negative expression of this energy, we encounter the terrier ‗keepers of the flame‘-types who champion this or that technique (or ‗guru‘ or Facebook notice-moi merchant), or a particular school or academy or nation - or even scientific or ‗psychic‘ approaches. Astro-tribes lock horns, often on the interpretation of world events or outcomes. At the level of impersonal scholarship these debates can prove most useful to all; much can be gained from the exchange of information. Too often, however, vitriol flows. Sadly, one too many astrologers (am I excluding myself here?) parade their astrology as a systemic adjunct to their personal opinions, as if the subjective interpretation of the disinterested chart produces the triumph of objectivity. As if!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Epic tit-for-tat screeds are poured out on social media between warring astrologers, each a peacock, no one a hen. And if one stands back and simply spectates at all this piffle, hoping to remain unsullied by the unseemly engagement, the corruption of scorn soon poisons the soul. There is no mercy to be shown here: we‘re all as bad as each other, it seems.

Tsk! Did one astrologer murder another? Was it always this GHASTLY? Have astrologers always basically gone for each other‘s jugular in their rivalries and pettiness? One might think so. A relatively benign form of this is recounted by the anthropologist Michael Bloch in his essay ‗Astrology and writing in Madagascar‘. Of debates he witnessed between astrologers in that country he writes: “When I went to one man of importance and then went to another for information, the second would immediately ask what the first had told me, and would then go on to elaborate further, to the admiration of all present.” In other words, showing off is the point of the exercise. Tamysn Barton in her book Ancient Astrology relates Bloch‘s attendance at a wedding where he witnessed two astrologers in debate. They were actually there to make forecasts about the marriage yet, as Barton writes, ―neither of the rival astrologers was much concerned about the answers to the question [of the marriage]. Instead, the competition was about proving one‘s knowledge of the most elaborate version.‖ The drawing of the subtlest of distinctions is all part of a fencing sport in which the nimblest mind is victor. Who has not seen something similar at certain astrology conferences and seminars where great value is placed on preening Professor X‘s learned treatise on recently discovered Lost Atlantean asteroid aspects (supported by fifty tables, charts and graphs and a photo of Madonna) or droning Doctor Y‘s astro-algebra guide to Doomsday via sexy, friends-of-Dorotheus of Sidon? It all seems civilised but the atmosphere is pure United World Wrestling via St Trinian‘s. And all this before we get to the William Lilly/John Gadbury feud of the 17th century. The men had once been friends yet soon enough the bitching started up. ―Gadbury was attacking Lilly in print at every opportunity, accusing him of plagiarism, incompetence and fraud and gleefully drawing attention to any of his predictions that went wrong.‖ [David Plant at] It comes as some relief to learn that Lilly at least went to the trouble of helping to save the life of his rival and fellow astrologer George Wharton who in 1648 faced execution for sedition - the two men had opposed each other during the English Civil War and traded ripe insults.

There’s hope yet! In modern times, famous astrologers continue to routinely slag each other off, privately and publicly. The most ludicrous story I ever got old was of how the late British media astrologer Patric Walker murdered his mentor, the American stargazer Helene Hoskins (by tossing her down a staircase) in order to grab her ‗Celeste‘ horoscope column in Harpers & Queen magazine (now Harper‘s Bazaar). Well, he did succeed Hoskins and become Celeste. I shouldn‘t be surprised if mischievous Walker himself dreamt up this tale, but the fact that it got told over and over again - especially among the Soho bohemians he drank with - tells us a little something of how astrologers are perceived and what they might be capable of for money and spotlight.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 And before female astrologers start to imagine that their sex bestows a kindlier, more accommodating spirit than the GHASTLY male, I would think again. My experience is that women and men share equal billing as potential backstabbers and snipes. Women are just as likely to attach their ego to ideas (hence dogmatism) as men and stir up a load of trouble in their drive to impose their will, or just unsettle the ‗enemy‘. I can recall being quite shocked at the reaction of one friendly, ‗spiritual‘, honey-voiced female stargazer; the sort who probably signs off emails with a ―love and light‖. I had simply foolishly suggested that a bit of scientific testing of a ‗magical‘ technique might not go amiss. Oh dear. Her eyes batted furiously, lips thinned, her curled hair seemed to jump out like springs from a torn mattress, teeth were bared before her high pitched whinny put me in my place. Never in her days had she heard such a thing. To which the proper response might be: get over yourself! No, this is not a man-woman, whatever-whatever, thing. This is I think an astrology (and the rest) thing. No one ever said that astrology in itself ‗improves‘ the practitioner. If the Vatican is a seething stew of wingless plotters, there is absolutely no reason to expect astrology to turn us into angels. The peril, as with so many other disciplines, is adding mental furniture to the acquired arrogance. As knowledge and reputation thicken, the skin grows thinner. Frightening!

And would I have it any other way? Probably not. The Astrological Journal is available to members of the Astrological Association - here‘s the details: . Or you can buy individual copies - email

Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the Astrological Association. He is also media officer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Based in the UK, he trained to be a barrister before becoming a magazine feature writer, and then an editor on a number of publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic media. He has two awards from the Periodical Publishers‘ Association for his celebrity and travel journalism. He graduated with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. Victor is also the author of the annual Lifesurfing series of astrological forecasting books.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Melanie Reinhart Smiljana Gavrančić

INFINITY: Dear Melanie, you were born in Zimbabwe, and the night skies there inspired your vocation of astrology at an early age; you began studying the ancient Wisdom Traditions at the age of ten. Can you tell us something about that? MELANIE: Yes. I have vivid child-hood memories of ‘constellation watching‘ at night with my father, who would point out the stars and the pictures they made. I was awe-struck, feeling a strong sense of connection to the sky. Interestingly, the main one I would look for every time was the ‘Southern Cross‘ (Crux) which lies under the belly of ‗Centaurus‘. In the Greek mythology, we are told that this was the very constellation in which Chiron was immortalized. Later in my life, after publishing my book about Chiron, I found it eerie, magical and somehow ‗logical‘ that I had spent so many evening hours looking at the very star pattern associated with Chiron.

Picture credit: Starry Night Education

Just before my 10th birthday, I fell and broke my arm. The bone would not heal (just like the story of Chiron!) and I eventually needed surgery, so I missed a lot of school, spending time in the small local


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 library instead. There I found an astrology book. Just one. I do not recall the author and title, but my curiosity was engaged, and with no astrological ‗milieu‘, and no resources like classes, I studied on my own. I was always asking people about their birthday, trying to see how they resembled what I had read in this little book. (Later, this ‗human observation‘ approach became central to my research about Chiron.) I also began doing Yoga and reading about Buddhism, Hinduism, Theosophy, Jung, Freud, the I Ching, and so on. All this new learning came just before my first Chiron square to itself, in Sagittarius! Later, at university in Cape Town, I connected with the work of Dane Rudhyar. I still have my original copy of ―The Pulse of Life‖, which so inspired me and brought a feeling of wanting to deepen my astrological journey. So for me, many years of immersion in astrology came before taking up formal study with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in England. INFINITY: I am also sending you the horoscope of Zimbabwe from 1980 (the current state chart), maybe you can see there something important for you and share with our readers. MELANIE: I‘ll be honest, Smiljana. It‘s difficult for me to look at this chart. Sometimes I feel so sad about what has happened to this beautiful country since 1980. The early years after independence were full of such hope, optimism and goodwill, with people aspiring to make the new-born Zimbabwe into a model of peaceful transition away from colonial rule. But instead – brutality, tyranny, betrayal, suffering, poverty, drought and destruction has occurred on a massive scale. And still now, on-going. For many years, President Mugabe enforced a media blackout, and journalists risked their lives trying to inform the world of what was going on. They were banned or imprisoned. Radios were jammed, newspapers closed or censored. This is well symbolized by Pluto in the 9th house, opposite Sun in in Aries in the 3rd. Even now, most people have little knowledge of the Zimbabwe situation, unless they have personal connections there./1/ This year (2017), Uranus in Aries will transit that Sun, followed by the Pluto-Pluto square (2018), which seem to herald ‗radical change‘.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

To my mind, Mugabe‘s manner bears resemblance to a certain newly-elected President on another continent. Both demonize the media and seem quite delusional at times. Both play the ‗race card‘ in disturbing ways. Both are capable of evoking a trance-like adulation and are seen as ‗saviours‘, but also create strong polarization and hatred. Incredibly, just this morning (18.2.2017), the BBC reported Mugabe‟s wife Grace claiming that he is so beloved by „his people‟ that they „would vote for him even if he was dead‟. Mugabe is 92 years old on 21.2.2017! This macabre statement stayed with me, generating these associations as I began to write this piece. Because of the synchronicity of this timing, I became curious and looked up Mugabe‟s horoscope, below …/2/ The Solar Eclipse on February 26th 2017 highlights a significant axis. We see this: a transiting Nodal Return, South Node in Pisces conjunct Mugabe‘s Sun, and the eclipse falls at his direct Sun/Uranus midpoint. The next Solar Eclipse, on August 21st 2017, 18.30 GMT, falls near his Neptune. This eclipse has Sun and Moon at 28°53‘ of Leo, near the fixed star Regulus, accompanied by North Node at 23°51‘ and Mars at 20°41‘ – a Leo stellium. Regulus, ‗Heart of the Lion‘, brings prosperity, glory and success, but also violence, destruction and a possible downfall through vengeful motivation./3/


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Many ‗wannabe Lion Kings‘ roam and roar on the world stage at the moment, fighting over ‗territory‘. Yes, the ‗pride‘ is on the prowl – various tyrants and Narcissists who are more like ‗Uncle Scarface‘ in the movie. Leo is the opposite sign to Aquarius, and we see this shadow polarity arising as we enter the ‗Age of Aquarius‘. The ‗storyline‘ is about ‗We, The People‘ against ‗The Tyrants‘. This is also an inner dynamic, about getting lost in „group-think‟, opinion and propaganda. We may need to „call our souls back‟ from this Aquarian hazard, perhaps by periodically seeking personal „solo retreat‟ (Leo). This supports us returning „home‟ to ourselves in quiet contemplation, to help our inner vision become clearer. Would we dare to see the „Tyrant‟ within ourselves, which may be exerting negative control over others or ourselves? This definitely takes some „Lion-Hearted‟ courage … Back in ‗the outer world‘. I was intrigued to find that many of the ‗political‘ charts, which currently interest me, have planets within the degree area of this eclipse and stellium in Leo: Zimbabwe (1979, Muzorewa elected. Transition. Same eclipse cycle as 2017! ) – Moon 17°51‘ Zimbabwe (1980, independence) – Mars 26°39‘, North Node 26°10‘ Robert Mugabe – Neptune 18°39 Donald Trump – Mars 26°45‘ USA – Moon 27°10‘ (in Aquarius, opposite) Theresa May – Pluto 29°33‘, Venus 24°38‘ Iraq – Sun 29°25‘


Syria – Jupiter 26°32‘

UK – Saturn 23°22‘

INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 In today‘s world, those experiencing the ‗death and rebirth‘ of their own culture or country are not alone. There are millions of us who know ‗Homeland Pain‘./4/ Sometimes, this ‗rebirth‘ takes many lifetimes. And sometimes, it doesn‘t happen until archaeologists dig it up centuries later. However, a friend who recently visited Zimbabwe remarked that, ―My soul really does come to rest in Zimbabwe. Despite the monumental problems, I found that people still remain kind and infinitely resilient”. /5/ These words resonated in my heart, almost like a ‗message‘ for our times. May we all remain ―kind and infinitely resilient‖. INFINITY: We met at the last AA GB conference (September 2016) in a very strange way, do you remember? I had a problem with my dress and you helped me! Do you think that there was some Chiron on the sky for our meeting? As we know, Venus is about dresses. MELANIE: Yes, what a delightful and unexpected first meeting that was! On that evening, Venus was in Libra and Mercury in Virgo, both ‗dignified‘ (in their party clothes)! At 19.29 BST, Chiron was exactly rising; Mercury was applying to an opposition with Chiron, here perhaps symbolizing a successful ‗fix‘ for the dress of Madame Venus (you)! INFINITY: You are best known for your book 'Chiron and the Healing Journey' and also the Centaurs Nessus and Pholus. In my work I used to look for the 1st Chiron square to natal Chiron, the opposition, 2nd square and the 1st Chiron Return at about age 50. I found it works so much, usually those years are very important in spiritual sense. What would you say about this? MELANIE: Like you, I find that the major hard aspects of Chiron to its natal place do speak to our journey of spiritual awakening, often linking themes together to form a ‗story-line‘. The Chiron Return section in my book ―Chiron and Healing Journey‖ describes the consultation, which taught me about an amazing process, very obvious once you see it in real life. /5/ Namely, after the Chiron Return, every Chiron aspect to follow will be ‗2nd time around‘. This ‗echo‘ may bring healing to traumas, contractions, memories and familial or ancestral patterns which are stored in our very cells, or energy body. These begin releasing, sometimes in a very literal way, and with precise timing. Try matching your post-Chiron-Return transits with the same ones, from about 50 years before. (If you are not old enough to do this , study the life-process of others. The more in tune someone is with their inner soul process, the clearer this will usually show.) INFINITY: You are a prize-winning diploma holder of the Faculty of Astrological Studies in the UK (Margaret Hone Award 1979), and a patron too. How do you feel as a patron? You were also awarded the prestigious Charles Harvey Award in 2004, given by the Astrological Association of Great Britain for 'exceptional service to astrology'. How did you feel when you got this award? Can you share with us, now, after almost 13 years?


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 MELANIE: Well, in both cases, I felt a little overwhelmed. In addition, surprised and humbled. At first I could not quite ‗see myself‘ deserving this recognition, as I associated such honours with ‗other astrologers‘ whose work I had admired and studied. I felt worried about ‗how I was now supposed to be‘! However, the warmth and support of colleagues, friends and students in the astrological community made me feel reassured that nothing had changed, and I simply returned to ‗work as usual‘! However, one thing that did change was that now I seem to get many invitations to do ‗mainstream-ish‘ media work. In response, I feel an almost physical sense of caution, and usually refuse. This is not a ‗policy‘, but I do try to ‗feel out‘ what is appropriate at the time. Patron or not, I have never felt called to evangelize astrology, or to enter into discussion with those who have no real aptitude or interest apart from disparagement or mockery. Astrology is a Wisdom Tradition that should not be ‗dumbed down‘ to collude with motivations of profit, cynicism or voyeurism. In 1975, when I first began to work professionally, I made a spontaneous vow, a pledge to astrology … that I would never allow myself to be put in a position where I was required to prove anything, to anyone. I have kept to that vow. However, astrology can be so incredibly useful in these troubled times that I also feel that it‘s good to take opportunities to make ourselves available where there is sincere curiosity or expressed need. Our work is much needed in the world and astrology holds deep mysteries, which can be transformative, both for others and ourselves. But, as we know, these mysteries sometimes require us to be silent …/7/ INFINITY: You hold a B.A. Degree in English, Music and Drama. Are you using all this branches in your astrology work, and if you do, does it help you and your clients? I have read that you studied Horary astrology with Geoffrey Cornelius in 1989-90, and with Deborah Houlding in 2012. I have the impression that you are learning without a break. Where do you find the spirit for that? Can you give us a recipe?

MELANIE: Maybe the ‗recipe‘ is that I‘m curious by nature, and I also tend to study only things that fully engage me – heart and mind, body and spirit – so the learning process gives energy rather than taking it. And yes, many of the courses I did at university have been useful in surprising ways. For example, my voice was trained in singing and speaking, so it usually copes with the many hours of talking that my work sometimes requires. And the background in drama proved useful for experiential workshops I‘ve done. The English course included grammar, etymology and phonetics in addition to literature, so was definitely supportive for writing. By far the most important resource for client work, however, has been the extensive experience I‘ve had in different psychological therapies and spiritual disciplines. I am deeply interested in ‗heart and soul work‘, which needs a lot of quiet listening, and learning to accompany someone‘s life process while engaging astrology to facilitate this. This is not quite the same as ‗interpreting a chart‘ and certainly in the past, this could not be learned in a university setting. Life is the teacher.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 INFINITY: How do you feel about INFINITY Astrological Magazine? We have Chiron at Desc, what would you say about that? MELANIE: Chiron in Pisces in the 7th, squaring MC, Mercury and Moon in Gemini, speaks to me of the magic of words, conversation, communication, dialogue and the exchange of ideas… All very personal, and subtly infused with the need, possibility, wish or intention for healing. It is something very beautiful that you have created.

ENDNOTES 1.See the work of Zimbabwean Peter Godwin for personal accounts – gruelling, beautifully written. 2 Time unknown. 3 Bernadette Brady, Brady‘s Book of Fixed Stars (1998). Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME, pp. 261-5. 4This evocative phrase comes from astrologer Branka Stamenkovic, personal communication 2002. 5 Jo Thobeka Wreford PhD, Working with Spirit: Experiencing Izangoma Healing in Contemporary South Africa (2008), Berghahn Books, NY/Oxford.. 6 Melanie Reinhart, Chiron and the Healing Journey (2011). 3rd Edition, Starwalker Press, London, pp. 292-301. 7 Picture credit: Achille Bocchi, Hermetic Silence. In Symbolicarum quaestionem de universo genere (1574), Bk III, Plate LXIII. Public domain. . [accessed 20.2.2017].

Astrology has been central to Melanie Reinhart‘s life since 1959. She is a graduate and patron of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, and received the 2004 Charles Harvey award for ‗exceptional service to astrology‘. She has taught for leading astrology schools in the UK and abroad, and also runs her own programme of workshops; her busy consulting practise has an international clientele and is the heart of her work. Her astrology books are published by Starwalker Press and include: ‗Chiron and the Healing Journey‘ , ‗Chiron, Saturn and the Centaurs‘ and ‗Incarnation‘.

******************************************************************************************** Jo Thobeka Wreford lived in Zimbabwe from 1992 to 1997. Whilst there, she began to work with a Shona traditional healer, and was introduced to the South African isangoma with whom she would go on to study until her graduation in 2001. In 2005, Jo received a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Cape Town. In 2008 she published the book Working with Spirit: Experiencing Izangoma Healing in Contemporary South Africa, which describes her experience of training in izangoma, and introduces the work she went on to develop over the following ten years in South Africa trying to instill more mutually respectful relationships between western medicine and traditional African healers in the context of HIV/AIDS. She is now returned to the UK and works as a bereavement counsellor with a particular interest in grief and loss in the carer‟s experience of dementia.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Bem vindos a Portugal! Welcome to Portugal! 15th October- 1st November 2017 Melanie Reinhart & Alan Oken


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Burning down the house Annual events using Profections Athan J. Zervas

"He has lived in desolate cities, in houses no one would inhabit which are destined to become ruins". (Job 15:28)


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 I am chaos. The primordial one. I live in chaos. The modern one. Many a time, I look at a chart and I go blank. It is certainly not because of my old age. I just stare and nothing makes sense. My eyes just drift away mesmerized by all the glyphs, the lines, the shapes and the colours of the chart in front of me. I reset my astrology software to black and white, thinking that the essence should appear soon in all black and white. I am still distracted by something though. I observe the planetary glyphs as if they are new, unknown, never-seen-before-in-my-life pictograms. Where I am getting to is that predicting sometimes can be confusing. The modern mind is dazzled, overtired and confused. All possibilities have the same share of generating an event. All things in the chart get to be activated by all sort of things. So what do I do? What is the main theme of the year for my client? My session with the client will not last to infinity and we both live in a chaotic modern world with a tight schedule. What I do is to leave this modern world for a while and go back to a more traditional world. A world where profection is a valid word.

It has been a while now that I have incorporated profections in my predictive sessions. I find them to be the quick shortcut to the essence of the basic themes that are to unfold in my clients‘ life. It is fascinating how accurate this method can be and I think that every modern astrologer should make room for this traditional technique in their kit of predictive tools. The basic idea is simple: you move the planets and the points of the natal chart in time using the ratio of 30 degrees (a whole sign) for every year of life. The system works better with equal houses and you can use it in order to get the primary theme of the year in a native‘s life and to pinpoint the active planetary forces. Of course, the method is not useful per se but it produces important hints that are handy for the solar return chart delineation or for important transits. According to Lilly (CA 716f), profections are threefold: annual, monthly and diurnal. For the annual profection, you give 30 degrees or a whole sign for every year of life. Profections begin at the time the Sun has reached the natal degree and minute of its natal position i.e. the time of the annual solar return and the degree of the profected ASC should be the natal ASC degree. To calculate the monthly profections you take the annual profected sign as the indicator of the first month of the native‘s solar year and then you consider the second sign as the sign of the second month, the third sign as the indicator for the third month and so on. As for diurnal profections, you give one sign to every 2d 3h 54min but the procedure is more scrupulous than necessary according to Lilly and I agree. I plan this article to be the first of a short series introducing the reader to this wonderful and above all practical and useful predictive tool.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The merry-go-round theme

The diagram above shows the years of age in the inner circle and the corresponding profected houses in the outer circle. Let us put profections to the test and use an actual person as a paradigm. The native is male, born in 1977. We want to see what the main theme in his life was in 2012. Subtracting the year of birth from the year we are interested in we get the number 35. In the diagram above, we can see that number 35 corresponds to the 12th house. So the first thing about what 2012 had in store for the querent is a year of isolation, self-undoing, incarceration, hospitalization, a year of many secret enemies and confinement. All themes of a twelfth house become prominent. Interesting start! Is it true? Indeed, the year was a difficult one for the native. He had restricted social interactions to a minimum and had used his home as a retreat. His daily routine consisted solely in going to work and returning back home. While at home he was not doing anything meaningful or positive for himself, he was just resting. He actually slept a dreadful amount of his life away that year, not paying attention even to basic things such as the condition of his apartment, which grew grim. In fact, it was the year that he quit his job. Not having found another job in advance and not having a steady income was practically equivalent to suicide. He was most certainly seriously depressed and he just wanted to be alone. It was a cycle of completion with all the signs and attributes of an activated 12th house in display.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 However, is it all because of a 12th house activation? If, according to the technique, every twelve years the cycle repeats itself, are we to expect the same story in 2024? Did the native experience the same story twelve years back, in 2000? The universe does not produce the same identical story every twelve years but the same pattern is in action. In 2000, the native quit his job, left the apartment he was sharing with important people in his life back then and made a fresh new start in his life. Back then, he was living in a kind of an artificial prison, feeling trapped and taken advantage of, and he escaped. The pattern is the same with 2012: Confinement, home as a prison, feelings of powerlessness, letting go of something vital. However, there is more to it, so let us get into the matter by examining the natal and the profected charts.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The profected chart per se is not the most important thing. We need to compare it to the natal chart. The profected ASC though is of great interest, since every year the profected first house brings to light the affairs of the corresponding natal house and it activates all the planets therein, giving the basic tone for the whole of the following year. We take note that the chart‘s ruler is Venus. Venus becomes an important planet and tradition gives her the offices of the time lord of the year. Consequently, the planet‘s position either natally or in the solar return or progressed chart becomes prominent, meaningful and factual in that it signifies the time for the planet to give birth to the events that are promised in the radix chart. According to Lilly, every other way to direct or progress the chart is less powerful when contradicted by profections (CA 719). In 2012, Venus sneezes and it is news! This sounds like good news of course given the fact that Venus is a benefic and associated with love and money. However, if we happen to take a quick glance at Venus in the natal chart we notice that she is out of sect, in detriment and retrograde. Not really a promising situation one would say. She is also opposing Pluto in the natal theme. Profected Venus is in Pisces, in exaltation and in her own triplicity. She is mutually receiving profected Jupiter but she is also in square to debilitated natal Jupiter and in trine to exalted natal Uranus. We gather that Venus has massive plans for the year, things could get out of hand and normality could change. If we also take into account the fact that Venus is the ruler of the natal 7th house and the profected 8th, we should imagine that these massive plans have to do with partners, money and an extreme make over due to a fatality of sorts or even some kind of legal action. It sounds important!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Did it happen? Indeed, it was in 2012 that for the very first time in his life the native was in need of a lawyer because the apartment he was renting caught fire and burned to the ground. The native lost absolutely everything he owned and he had to make a new start from scratch. Talking about extreme make over, huh? Is it all because of a bad Venus? Not really. Where does this power of Venus stem from? Venus as the time lord only presides over the affairs of the year. She acts by the power invested in her by the dwellers of the 12th natal house. Pluto and the North Node hand over their natal power and Venus takes over crown and sceptre. Both Pluto and the North Node talk about a harsh and regenerative process, a new beginning and an opening up to a new world.

Let us go back again to the profected chart for a moment. Profected MC and Saturn are in square to natal Venus, the time lord of the year. They are also in square to natal Pluto. Profected Mercury activates natal Pluto and profected Moon activates the natal North Node. Calculating the monthly profections (for the first month is the profected ascendant, for the second month is the second sign, for the third month the third sign and so on), we find that Venus is strong in November of that year and during that month, the eighth house of the profected chart is activated: a house of transformation, loss, destruction and death. The fire broke up in November.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

If we now direct the profected chart to the date of the fire, November 19, 2012 we can clearly see that it is the day that Pluto is activated to the exact degree by the profected Moon and by the profected Nodes and North Node is activated to the exact degree by the profected MC. Also profected Mars activates natal Neptune and natal Mars is activated by profected Pluto. Mars and Pluto are the traditional and modern rulers of the natal chart. Finally, the profected ASC activating the natal PL/NN midpoint comes as the cherry in our martini. Cheers!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Athan is an idiosyncratically sanguine astrologer currently living in Athens, Greece. He studied translation and interpretation but did not wish to go professional since his interest in Astrology gave way to much more insightful translations of the human predicament. He speaks Greek, English, Italian, French, Spanish, just a tad of German and he studies Hebrew. He is lazy. A self-taught astrologer, he defines himself as eclectic, using both traditional techniques and modern concepts in his work. He is a founding board member of the Hellenic Friends of Astrology, a non-profit organization for the dissemination of educated Astrology in Greece through seminars, lectures, publications and symposia. He has been acting vice president in 2016 and editor of ―12 Magazine‖, the quarterly print edition of the organization. A lecturer and a consultant with 10+ years of client-work experience, he is also a radio producer with his own show running weekly since 2013. He has an online presence in Greek astrology sites with monthly columns and he is an active blogger with his blog being of course all Greek to you. He is willing to move to the Antarctic just to put on Infinity front cover the tag ―Astrology not from six but from all seven continents‖. www:


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Disasters & Mercury Retrograde Alan Annand There is a commonly accepted notion in Western astrology that when Mercury goes retrograde, as happens three times a year for roughly three weeks at a time, things go terribly wrong for people. But if that‘s really true, shouldn‘t it be reflected in events when hundreds – perhaps thousands, or even hundreds of thousands – of people had a really bad day, so bad they died? Not knowing what I would find, I examined the worst disasters of the last 100 years to see if there were any common astrological factors, especially whether Mercury was retrograde at the time of the event. And by ―worst‖ I mean those with significant death tolls within each category of disaster.

Disasters and their data Concerning disasters, there are four major types: 1. Natural disasters, involving earthquakes, typhoons, floods and tsunamis. These are the most deadly natural phenomena, and in the top ten disasters of the last century, they have claimed 138,000 to 3.7 million victims per event. 2. Maritime disasters, involving loss of passenger ships and ferries. The Titanic is only the most famous, not the most deadly, of such tragedies. The top ten maritime disasters have drowned 1,000 to 4,386 people per sinking. 3. Rail disasters, typically involving the derailment of passenger trains, or their head-on collision with another train. In the last 100 years, these major mishaps have killed anywhere from 375 to 1,700 people per train wreck. 4. Air disasters, typically involving the downing of commercial airliners. These have all occurred within the past 45 years during which the size of aircraft has placed larger numbers of passengers at risk. These have killed anywhere from 270 to 583 travelers per crash.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 For more information on disasters, including dates and times, see: •

Methodology & analysis After preparing charts for the top ten (ranked by death toll) disasters within each of these four categories, I compared the common astrological features for each event (n=40). I used sidereal positions, but my analysis involved only aspects and retrogression, which are independent of zodiacal sign. Following is a graph that illustrates the most salient features found among these 40 disasters – natural, maritime, rail and air.

This graph shows the frequency of occurrence for 16 different astrological factors across these 40 disasters. Mercury retrograde is just one of those factors. The others are the ―hard‖ aspects between the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the nodes. Hard aspects involve conjunctions, squares or oppositions. Most astrologers agree that ―soft‖ aspects – sextiles and trines – correlate with benign conditions and circumstances, whereas hard aspects typically accompany difficulties of some kind, e.g. disasters. Why didn‘t I include Mercury and Venus in this catalog of aspects? It is because Mercury and Venus are both ―inferior‖ planets whose orbits are closest to the Sun. From our perspective on Earth, they are always in the vicinity of the Sun, therefore not the best candidates to reflect ―independent‖ aspects. In this study, I did not look for exact aspects within orbs, but general sign-to-sign aspects as used in both Hellenistic and Vedic astrology. So if the Sun and Moon are both in Aries, no matter their respective degrees, they are considered to be associated, i.e., ―conjunct.‖ Or if the Sun is in any degree of Aries while the Moon is in any degree of Libra, they‘re considered ―opposed.‖ And so on.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Observations The first thing we should note from this graph is that Mercury retrograde is one of the least-frequentlyoccurring of the 16 astrological factors present at the time of a disaster. But how ―infrequent‖ is that? As it turns out, Mercury was retrograde during 10 of these 40 disasters. This is a small sample, but is it more or less what we‘d expect due to chance alone? We can apply simple math to figure that out. On average, Mercury goes retrograde three times a year. Each period runs about 21 days. That means Mercury is retrograde about 63 days of the year. That is just over one-sixth (63/365) of a year, or roughly 17% of the time. Therefore, in 40 disasters, we would expect to see Mercury retrograde in about seven of them (40 @ 17% = 6.8). But here we have ten accidents, or 25% of the total. That is certainly more than expected, but with such a small sample, we cannot attribute statistical significance to it. What we can do, however, is attribute some relative significance to it. For instance, consider how less frequent is Mercury retrograde when compared to other astrological factors. In the graph above, we see the most common (n=22) feature in disasters is a hard aspect – conjunction, square or opposition – between the Moon and Jupiter. In other words, this pattern was present in 55% of these disasters. However, we should note that the Moon forms hard aspects with Jupiter (or any other planet) from four signs out of 12, or 33% of its lunar cycle. Needless to say, it‘s not realistic to avoid traveling just because the Moon forms a hard aspect with Jupiter. But if we look a little further along that graph, we see that the next most common (n=21) feature in disasters is a hard aspect between the Sun and Saturn, a pattern that was present in 52.5% of these disasters. Again, we should note that, in the course of a year, the Sun would form hard aspects with Saturn (or any other relatively stationary point) 33% of the time. Nonetheless, the Sun/Saturn aspect ranks high in the frequency of aspects, and occurs a month at a time. And if any planet be associated with disaster, it must be Saturn – prime malefic, significator of loss in general and death in particular. The Bangladesh cyclone A classic example of configurations occurred in the Bangladesh cyclone of 1991. Although one of the lowest death tolls (only 138,866) in the Top Ten of natural disasters, it packed a mighty punch. After forming in the Bay of Bengal, the cyclone made landfall on Monday evening, 29 April 1991, in the Chittagong district in southeastern Bangladesh. Winds of 155 mph forced a 20-foot storm surge over a wide inland area that killed 139,000 people and left as many as 10 million homeless.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

A full moon was rising, the Sun and Jupiter were exalted, and Saturn was in its own sign – all four of them in mutual hard aspects across the angles. Mars lay on the nodal axis. The sinking of the Doña Paz On 20 December 1987, the Philippine passenger ferry Doña Paz collided with an oil tanker carrying a cargo of gasoline. Seriously overcrowded, the ferry had no radio, and its life jackets were all locked up. Upon collision, the tanker‘s cargo ignited and spread to the ferry, which sank within two hours. Passengers were forced to leap into shark-infested waters, struggling to stay afloat in a sea of dead bodies and burning gasoline. With an estimated death toll of 4,386 people and only 24 survivors, it was the deadliest peacetime maritime disaster in history.

The Sun, Moon, and Saturn were in the same sign, all square to Jupiter (in its own sign) and the nodes.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The Ciurea rail disaster On 13 January 1917, during World War I, ―The Courier‖ was transporting Romanian troops on leave, and evacuating civilians from areas recently bombed by German airplanes. The train was dangerously overcrowded, and some passengers rode on the roofs of converted boxcars in harsh winter weather. While descending a steep slope into Ciurea, the brakes failed and the train derailed in the station at 60 mph, colliding with several fuel tanks and a parked train carrying tar. This triggered an explosion and fire, with the entire train burning like a torch within two hours. It is estimated that 800 passengers died.

The Sun, exalted Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were all in hard aspect by sign. Mercury was retrograde, but sharing all those hard aspects.

Japan Airlines Flight 123 On 12 August 1985, on a domestic flight from Tokyo to Osaka, an explosive decompression on a Boeing 747 ripped off a large portion of its tail. The plane lost its hydraulic controls and crashed, killing 520 people on board. The accident was attributed to a faulty repair performed by Boeing after a tail-strike incident during a landing seven years earlier. It is the deadliest single-aircraft incident in history, and the second-deadliest aviation accident, behind the 1977 Tenerife disaster when PanAm and KLM airliners collided on the airport runway.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The crash chart features a full moon, a debilitated Mars and Jupiter, and an exalted Saturn, all in mutual hard aspect with the Sun and the nodes. Mercury is also retrograde.

Conclusions Although Mercury retrograde appears 25% of the time in disasters, hard aspects between certain planets are twice (50-55%) as evident. To judge by the graph, disasters tend to occur more during hard aspects between the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. This allows us to imagine a ―disaster clock‖ in which there are four hands – Saturn, Jupiter, Sun and Moon. When the hands align, oppose or square each other, shit happens. Jupiter and Saturn are in hard aspect for a year at a time. Within that year, the Sun will be in hard aspect with both Jupiter and Saturn every three months – for a month at a time. Within any of those months, the Moon will be in hard aspect with all three – Sun, Jupiter and Saturn – for a couple of days each week. You have been warned. Alan Annand is a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology and a former tutor for the British Faculty of Astrological Studies. His book Stellar Astrology offers a compilation of techniques, in-depth celebrity profiles, and analysis of world events through the perspective of Vedic astrology. Parivartana Yoga is a reference text for one of the most common yet powerful planetary combinations in jyotish. Mutual Reception is an expanded companion volume for western practitioners, covering the same subject of planetary exchange through the lens of traditional western astrology. He also writes fiction. His New Age Noir mystery series (Scorpio Rising, Felonious Monk, Soma County) feature astrologer and palmist Axel Crowe, whom one reviewer has dubbed ―Sherlock Holmes with a horoscope.‖ You can find his books on Amazon, Apple, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and Smashwords. Websites: ,


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Hakan Kırkoğlu ASTROSUMMER CAMP 2017, Crete (Greece) Smiljana Gavrančić


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 INFINITY: Hello Hakan! We are happy to host you! Astrosummer Camp 2017 (Crete, Greece) is a great reason for this interview. The transits for the day of your event make some interesting conjunctions with INFINITY‘s chart. We have Venus at 12° Cancer (as ruler of 9th – abroad) and transit Mars will be at 12° Cancer too! In addition, the Moon will be in Gemini, where INFINITY has its Moon too! What would you say about this? Is it written in the stars? HAKAN: Hi Smiljana, thank you for having us in the Infinity and bring attention to our summer camp in Crete this year. Our school Wisdom of Sky in Istanbul has been organizing summer schools for many years, but this year we dared to make it outside the usual framework inviting erudite and inspiring fellow astrologer friends. I think this seems to resonate more with current Jupiter-Uranus combination in the sky. Actually, astro summer camp will start on June 24, just a few hours after the new moon at 2 degrees of Cancer with Gemini rising, it aims for insightful lectures as well as journey in beautiful Crete island where mythology and history intertwined, and yes I think Cancer reminds our theme of History. There is a fine partile trine from Jupiter to Infinity Journal‘s Mercury/MC, which is excellent for communication and learning. Addition to that, Greece has Cancer rising and that new moon conjuncts closely with Venus there. INFINITY: At 00:00 on the day of your event I have found the Moon at 14° Gemini (INFINTY has the Moon at 15° Gemini and retrograde Mercury, ruler of Asc and MC, at 13° Gemini). The midpoint of retrograde Mercury/Moon is at 14° Gemini. Would you say that Orion constellation wants to tell us something? With Orion we get all „Big―, right? HAKAN: The position of one of the bright stars in Orion, Betelgeuse will be highlighted by Moon while transiting late degrees of Gemini during our welcome evening party just before our summer school begins so I guess the talents and strong abilities represented by this famous star is a good sign to come together for learning purposes. INFINITY: And, if we take for Greece Asc 13° Cancer (Greece Democracy chart 1974), we can see close conjunction with INFINITY‘s Venus and Astrosummer Camp‘s Mars (12° Cancer) – Does Sirus support this, too? The biggest star... Interesting, I have found that in secondary progressions INFINITY will have the Moon at 13° Cancer, when Astrosummer Camp starts (23 June 2017). So, we don‘t know your chart, but maybe you have to add something here? And, it seems that IFINITY will be there too, in a way. HAKAN: We would be very happy if you join us at Astrosummer camp in Crete dear Smiljana no matter what of the stars saying. Indeed, I believe that stars follow our wants, our actions and us; they are not the causes but the reflection of ourselves. When I cast the composite chart of the new moon and Infinity, there is the partile conjunction of Sun and Venus at the 15 degree of Gemini, which is also close to Orion constellation you mentioned! INFINITY: There will be four speakers: Demetra George, Lynn Bell, Wendy Stacey and you. Can you tell us what will your lectures be about? I wonder whether you find yourself in some of the degrees I mentioned. HAKAN: Yes, our lecturers, Demetra, Lynn and Wendy, while they cover different areas of astrological study they also represent richness and vastness of our Art. In the meantime, along with our key note speakers there will be Greek archeologists and historians as we are very keen on History, Mythology and civilizations. Myself, I paid attention to have a balanced emphasis in our program. I am both sharing my experience from my own consultation work as well as my favourite subjects in


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 interpreting and integrating prenatal eclipses and lunations with natal chart. Moreover, I am going to give two brand new lectures, one is related with my recent MA study in history and I am going to illustrate rich personal library and household items of an Ottoman court-astrologer from the 18th century. I have also one another topic; it is a little bit beyond astrology as it deals with meanings of numbers and Tarot cards and their possible connection with our natal charts! INFINITY: You know I love to play with degrees. I am sure you will be surprise when I tell you this – I looked at the progressions of Greece Revolution chart (25 March, 1821) for the moment when Knossos was discovered in 1878 by Minos Kalokairinos and I found the progressed MC at 0° Gemini (where INFINITY will have its progressed Sun this spring) and Sun-Venus conjunction at 29° Taurus (I took as date 1st January, 1878). Right now, INFINITY has its progressed Sun at 29° Taurus and we are preparing for a big change this spring. So, during 1878 progressed Sun/Venus conjunction came at 0° Gemini too! I would say this is a big sign. How do you feel this part of Zodiac, from 29° Taurus to 0° Gemini and how would you link this with Knossos? HAKAN: Interestingly, the bull, Minotaur is one of the well-known symbols of ancient Minoan civilization and it was subject of veneration and worship. Some years ago when I was interested in geodetic charts, I noticed that geodetic MC strides over late Aries and early degrees of Taurus around this region of the world, mainly Aegean Sea and Anatolia. Doubtless to say, I also wonder about the connection between given name of Taurus mountains in southern Anatolia and corresponding geodetic MC in 0 degrees Taurus. Apart from this, surely we might derive amazing relations about certain zodiacal points and certain geographies. Again as you mention, important mundane events could vibrate over these degrees in a magical way. Astrology has been also a little bit like finding such celestial correspondences in our lives and shared stories. I hope big changes about Infinity you mention will be echoed during our Astrosummer Camp in Crete. INFINITY: I have found that the biggest city of Crete, Heraklion, may be also sensitive at 12° Cancer (close with fixed star Sirus), because I did progressions for 1913, when Crete became part of Greece, and I saw progressed Venus (ruler of 4th house of Greece Revolution chart 25 March 1821) was at 12° Cancer! That degree I have already mentioned at the beginning of our talk. So…? HAKAN: Well I am inclined to study Greece chart especially when current regime was established in 1974 which has 13 degree Cancer rising. Strikingly, Turkey has also Cancer rising and both countries suffered a lot during the World War I, Greece chart shows Moon in Libra in the 4th house conjunct with Pluto whereas Turkey has Pluto on the ascendant, so much trauma inflicted by western powers. Surprisingly, my own Venus is at 12 degrees of Pisces closely trine to the Asc of Greece chart, well I have been practicing mainly Hellenistic methods for many years now. INFINITY: What is your synastry with INFINITY Astrological Magazine? Can you share whit us what you have found? Anything interesting?


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 HAKAN: Normally I am not very keen on displaying my chart publicly but I‘m going to reveal some of the interesting synastry relations: Firstly again its partile Venus-Venus trine between watery signs, I guess this could be a mutual understanding and friendship. Whereas Mars-Saturn opposition in Infinity seems to closely square my Mercury in Pisces, this might be related to your very elaborate questions, hahaha! There is also a fair trine from Infinity Moon to my own lights in Aquarius, which shows mutual interests and support, I guess. INFINITY: If you have to choose a myth, how would you describe this interview? HAKAN: I think the mythic story of labyrinth and the bull seems to be most fitting. Astrology can be likened to a vast labyrinth with so many rooms and corridors and we are able to find a way out creating a meaning and purpose in our lives. Thank you Smiljana for your grace and friendship.

Hakan Kırkoğlu set an example of astrology education in Turkey providing systematical courses and has a leading role in developing astrological community since late 90‘s. He has completed two M.A. degrees, in History (2016) and Economics (1991) at Boğaziçi University. He graduated from Management Engineering Department with B.Sc. (ITU) in 1988. He is a consultant astrologer with long years of experience and contributes to astrology through lecturing, writing and organizing events. Began studying astrology in 1983, he recevied the Diploma of Faculty of Astrological Studies with a Veritas Award in 1997. He has been lecturing in various international conferences in UK, USA, Poland, Australia, Serbia, Greece since 1999. He participated in UAC 2008 as a mundane astrology track coordinator and core speaker in 2012. His first astrology book ―Astroloji Zamanları‖ was published in 1991 and later wrote ―Göklerin Bilgeliği‖ introducing traditional aspects of astrology in Turkey in 2005. His book on prenatal solar eclipses ―Ruhun Yolculuğu‖ has been widely received as a novel contribution. Recently his M.A. thesis on astrology and its role in 18th century Ottoman court has been underway as a book in 2017. Kirkoglu is the founder and principal of Göklerin Bilgeliği School and ISAR VP for Turkey.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Erostasia: the Scales of Venus Stavroula Konstantopoulou

Planet Venus has been traditionally associated with the need of man to seek out and establish harmonious personal relationships. These Venusian qualities associated with the need to feel close to one another, to feel the comfort and harmony inside and out have been depicted in ancient Greek art through a rare scene known as erostasia or erotostasia literally meaning weighing of the loves (eros). Let us examine first what the scene of erostasia is all about and then I will discuss the ways we can relate it to the astrological properties of the planet Venus. The first image /1/ shows the Greek goddess Aphrodite (Venus) standing before a young man. In her right hand she holds a pair of scales where in each pan sits a figure of Eros, a winged smaller figure. One of them is identified as Eros, love proffered and the other one as Anteros, love returned or counter love. Even though the meaning of the scene has troubled art historians, we are looking at an erostasia, that is the ―weighing of love.‖ Open to a variety of interpretations it is possibly that erostasia is very close to our own game "he loves me, he loves me not" when one seeks to know whether the object of their affection returns that affection or not.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 According to Greek mythology Anteros was the brother of Eros and the son of the god Mars and goddess Aphrodite; yet the Roman author Claudius Aelianus offers an alternative genealogy saying that Anteros was the outcome of the mutual love between the god Poseidon and Nerites [De Natura Animalium, 14.28]. Anteros in iconography bears many similarities to his brother Eros armed with either a golden club or a set of a bow and arrow, though Anteros is usually depicted with longer hair and two pairs of overlapping wings, like the ones of a butterfly. Even though Anteros has been an enigma in art and literature most of the time is set against his brother Eros, where the latter causes people to fall in love and in contrast, the former punishes those who refuse the love of others or fail to reciprocate love. In his book Anteros: a forgotten myth, author Craig E. Stephenson presents all myths about Anteros from ancient to early modern times, summarizing his traits as a god who ―appears to represent a dark deity, an avenger of offences against the god of love, but he is also imagined as a counterforce without Eros cannot mature. (p. 12)‖ Consequently, in most cases Anteros complements, rather opposes Eros. This year beginning early March, planet Venus will be retrograde, opening a cycle where we will be given the opportunity to rethink our personal relationships, to re-evaluate what we seek in the companionship of others and whether we feel satisfied and fulfilled by them. It is a period where we may take in our hands our personal scales and like Aphrodite to weigh the worth and value of those around us, to weigh ―our loves.‖ In this astrological context the scene of Erostasia can be perceived as a constructive image for self-reflection where the scales of Venus are used to remind us the flaws and shortcomings in our need to bond with, to love and be loved by other people. Likewise through this period, retrograde Venus will look in the face of Anteros/others for love and harmony, that is all reciprocal things needed in order for Eros/ love to blossom. As in the scene of erostasia where Venus weighs Eros and Anteros, Venus in astrology represents both the unhindered flow of love (Eros) and the influx of love (Anteros). It is a reciprocal action of loving, caring and sensuality for the persons involved. The scene of Erostasia bears one of the basic attributes associated with Venus the harmonious and balanced act of giving and receiving. The need for equilibrium in this Venusian arrangement is also attested in the etymology of the word Anteros: the preposition Anti and the noun Eros, where anti- in ancient Greek signifies something ―in return for, in exchange for,‖ or ―as a substitute for.‖ Therefore one may suggest that the scene of erostasia captures perfectly in an image this dynamic principle related to the astrological Venus as an exchange of energy with others through giving of self and receiving from others.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The second image /2/ is another interesting iconographical example of erostasia where Aphrodite is accompanied this time by the god Hermes. By the same token we can also read in this scene the planetary principles of Venus and Mercury combined. Mercury is associated with the need for communication which is also part of a process involving the flow and influx of information. Looking through the erostasia, if Mercury finds difficulty to communicate his perceptions and ideas to the person which Venus wants to feel close in order to offer her love (Eros/flow), then there‘s both an intellectual and emotional difficulty to reciprocate love (Anteros/influx). Finally, taking advantage of Venus starting her seemingly retrograde motion let us weigh our urges and desires when we express and receive affection. Is this about a two-way movement of energy that leads to balanced relationships? In other words, where does our scale attunes to, in harmony or discord? There is no better way to express this other than the myth that describes the birth and growth of Eros as recorded by the fourth-century CE philosopher Themistius : ―When Aphrodite bore Eros, the lad was fair and like his mother in every way, save that he did not grow to a stature befitting his beauty not did he put on flesh; but he long remained at the size which he had at birth. This matter perplexed his mother and the Muses who nursed him, and presenting themselves before Themis they begged for a cure to this strange and wondrous mischance. So Themis spoke. ―Why,‖ said she, ―I will solve your difficulty, for you have not yet learned the nature of the child. Your true Eros, Aphrodite, might indeed be born by himself, but could not possibly grow by himself; if you wish Eros to grow, you need Anteros. These two brothers will be the one of the same nature, and each will be the cause of the other‘s growth; for as they see each other they will alike grow, but if either is left alone they will both waste away.‖ [Themistius, Orations 24]. As a final thought, while the outcome of picking one petal off a flower to determine whether ―he/she loves me … loves me not‖ may lie outside our control, we can always borrow the Venusian scales and hold the balance in our hands. If the outcome is not to your satisfaction, you can alternatively start picking the feathers of Eros and Anteros wings. Have a wonderfully balanced Venus retrograde time! Bibliography: • Stephen Arroyo, Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements (CRCS Publications, 1978) • Craig E. Stephenson, Anteros: A Forgotten Myth (Routledge, 2011) /1/ Apulian Red Figure amphora, British Museum, London (ca. 350 BCE) /2/ Attic Red Figure Krater, National Archaeological Museum, Athens (ca. 400 - 300 BCE)


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Stavroula Konstantopoulou is an archaeologist living currently in Athens, Greece. She received her B.A. in Archaeology and History of Art from the University of Crete, Greece, and her M.A. in History from The Ohio State University, USA. For more than a decade, she has been working for the Packard Humanities Institute on the Greek Epigraphy Project. She is interested in astrology as an integral part of the History of Ideas in antiquity and contemporary culture. For the last couple of years, she has written articles in Greek, including for her own blog and given talks on the use of astrological language and mythological symbolisms as the keys to understand man‘s relationship with the universe and the cosmic cycles. She is currently pursuing her MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Is Pallas Athena the Astrologer’s Asteroid? Christina Rodenbeck

Pallas Athena by Gustav Klimt Detail from Arachne or Dialectics by Paolo Veronese

One of the most important talents an astrologer needs to cultivate is the ability to spot patterns — through both space and time. We need to be able to see how planets aspect each other across the chart, and also how aspects and points repeat and evolve through history. So theoretically, this should be evident in the charts of astrologers. Indeed, there is an asteroid associated with pattern recognition — Pallas Athena. For the Greeks, Athena was the goddess of wisdom, a wise advisor when it came to strategic battle plans, and also the goddess of weaving. One of the most well-known stories about Athena is about how she turned Arachne, who dared to compete with her weaving skills, into a spider. Pallas Athena is a lump of rock that whizzes through space between Jupiter and Mars. A lot of other lumps of rock whizz in that particular part of the solar system, but she is one of the big ones. Along with her sisters – Ceres, Vesta and Juno – she was discovered and named in the 19th century, but largely ignored by astrologers until quite recently. Theoretically then, astrologers, should have her well-aspected and prominent in the chart. We should have an instinctive understanding of warp and weft. So I picked a random selection of astrologers whose birth data is readily available on the internet. I chose some dead ones (because they cannot complain) and some live ones (because they can). I looked for close aspects – between one and three degrees – and especially for contacts with the Sun or Moon


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 (essentially character), Ascendant (outlook), Uranus and Aquarius (astrology) and Saturn (systems of thought). Well, I laughed out loud when I pulled up the first chart: Charles Carter (1887-1968), the head of the British astrological association for many years. Pallas conjunct Sun in Aquarius (orb 2°). Carter, of course, names 11° in Virgo-Pisces, and 27° Leo-Aquarius as the degrees to look for in astrologers' charts. This does stand up — but perhaps not quite as well as Pallas aspects, as you will see from the following list. Master of midpoints Reinhold Ebertin: Pallas conjunct Sun in Aquarius. How about the ―Father of Modern Astrology‖ Alan Leo? Pallas in the 9th (wisdom, systems of knowledge) trine Saturn on the Ascendant (orb 2°). The doyenne of psychological astrology, Liz Greene: Pallas conjunct Moon in the 1st trine Mercury in the 9th (publishing and knowledge). The romantic populariser, Linda Goodman, author of Sun Signs and Love Signs: Pallas conjunct Venus in the 9th (orb °). Zany and brainy, Rick Levine: Pallas conjunct Uranus in the 1st (orb 1°). And his pal the late-lamented Jeff Jawer has Pallas at the top of his chart in the 10th house of career opposite Saturn and exactly quincunx Uranus. The queen of horary, Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson: Pallas conjunct North Node and Jupiter in the 10th opposite Uranus. Deaconess of dissemination, Donna Cunningham: Pallas in Aquarius (again) trine Mercury in Gemini (orb 3°). I extracted all the chart information from Astrodatabank, the wonderful resource founded by Lois Rodden – Pallas rising in Aquarius (orb 3°). Case rested. Check your own chart.

Christina Rodenbeck runs a busy astrological practice from her parlour, writes one of the web‘s most widely read astrology sites The Oxford Astrologer, keeps two cats, two daughters and a long-cherished partner amused — and when it all becomes too much, she retires to paint in her garden shed.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Opening windows and connecting times An astrological view on a past life regression Tania Daniels I would like to thank Joseph Crane for his friendship and support with this article and his invitation, together with Enid Newberg, to present my experience during his seminar on The recurring and Evolving Souls in Astrology at the Kepler College./1/

There are events in life, which make a deep impact and even can change a person completely. One such major event happened to me back in 2010. Since my early twenties, I had been deeply interested in past life regressions, but never had the courage to ask somebody to assist me. I was afraid of what I would have seen and of pains or trouble coming up again or re-living them during the session. Nevertheless, I had absolutely no doubt that ―past lives‖ existed or that I would be able to remember them in some way. In 2009, I started self-inducing hypnosis and began to see things. The first ―views‖ were merely spots, I was aware of my gender (which changed), approximate age, time period and country. The images were vivid, but short. In the very first, for example, I just saw myself with certain linen clothes under a tall stone portal, which lead to a fish market, where I was directed in order to buy some fish. It was not for me, but for the mistress I was working for, in the Netherlands of the 16th Century. There was not much more information. But that experience led me to do more of these regressions, of which I took notice. As a muscle strengthens with exercise, so does the brain with memory. My records became longer and longer. But the most impacting regression was spontaneous. Without any meditation or autohypnosis, it was more like dreaming while awake. I was breastfeeding my baby while lying on the bed one afternoon. I had just come out of my latest pneumonia episode, which repeated every year, around the same time, since 12 years. This year, I had the worst episode ever, with one week of 40°C fever (104° Fahrenheit). I was asking myself why this happened to me every year. I was sure that there was a deeper reason for this. While reflecting on this question, I saw (like dreaming with open eyes) many people walking on a street, over a long distance in a village that looked familiar to me but I was not immediately able to make out what the place was. There were women, men, kids of all ages, walking on the streets, passing close to houses, cottage gardens and orchards, but this was not a walk for pleasure. The people did not lift their eyes from the street and were visibly weak and exhausted. There were guards forcing them to walk more quickly and not to pause even if they were too ill or tired to put one feed after the other. The inhabitants of the place were used to see similar scenes. This vision was somewhat softened, I did not understand the details, I just saw it like packed in cotton, as if I saw everything from a too far distance. I realized after a while that the village was that of Oranienburg, close to Berlin. I immediately understood who all these people were. I then wondered how the people of Oranienburg could bear seeing all these innocent people, all that desperation. And how could they say, later, that they didn‘t know or understood what was going on, in the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen /2/, close to there.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 People kept living in these places for decades defending themselves. Probably many (not all) were convinced Nazis, others just ―did not want problems‖, still others closed their eyes. The vision changed. I started to see a tile. A dirty blue or greenish colored tile. I became aware of literally fixing that tile and wondered why. In that same instance, my field of view opened up and I noticed a window. The glass was of that used in bathrooms, eventually of that type with metal threads in it in order to avoid easy ruptures. Anyway, the window was closed. I felt panic. Then I knew.

At that point, I realized to be a young woman, approximately 12 years younger than I was at that moment. She was me, but at the meantime, I was perfectly aware of myself, lying on the bed, in perfect safety. I knew she also saw me, and this must have given her/me a big relief in that moment, looking at that peaceful situation of a mum with her baby. She was aware of me and me of her. In some instances, our consciousness merged and I ―got‖ some information about her. A kind of window between the dimensions of time and space opened up. My/her name was Gudrun Thaler and I was 26. (This was the only time I remembered clearly my own name in a regression)/3/. Some kind of mute communication took place, difficult to describe, it was some kind of blend. When I realized that stunning communication between us, it broke up, and I just became an observer, but, strange enough, the vision continued. There were men and women, many children, all jammed together in that place. All naked, all saw the others but tried to look away desperately trying to keep some privacy; nevertheless, everybody felt the bodies of the others, their fear. In particular, I noticed a man, emaciated, who looked at me without really seeing me. He seemed to consist just of a pair of horrified eyes. Screams, crying, everything was mixed while I (Gudrun) continued to fix that tile. I did not look at them. I did not see them. I looked at the tile dreaming to be a bird, flying out of that window, looping in the blue sky. They opened the shower head, but no water came out. I heard the voice of somebody (me?) suggesting to breathe deeply, this would make things go more quickly.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Painting from Artist Eliz Cura /4/

I then saw myself (Gudrun) lying on the floor on the left side and an incredible exploding pain in my left breast. (Actually, this was not a ―physical‖ pain for me as an observer; I felt it more on an emotional level. I should add that in no moment the vision really anguished me or created panic. During the hold time, I felt safely lying on my bed, while I was, contemporaneously, re-living theses scenes. The shock came later, when the mental process of what I had actually seen, initiated). Then the vision changed. Now the room was nearly empty, only in the center all bodies were amassed one over the other. I saw the legs of a girl, some of her muscles were still fluttering, and I recognized my (Gudrun‘s) younger sister in her. I observed that scene but did not feel to be ―in a body‖ anymore and I could not make out my physical body in that place, probably it was among the other corpses, but it did not matter. The next thing I saw is how the corpses were pushed into the ovens, I saw how the men doing this, apparently having lost all of their emotions. They were Jewish, too. This is what I experienced. I was in shock for almost 2 weeks after this and only then I was able to write down a full report. I was not only shocked because of the vision, which was already strong, but also because of things that happened in the following days. While washing dishes, somewhat dissociated and loosely thinking about what I had seen, I wondered when I had pneumonia for the first time. This was very easy to remember, as I had just finished my degree in business administration and had been employed for one month in my first job. It was like a slap in my face when I realized that I was 26 when I fell ill for the first time, in 1998, the same age at which Gudrun Thaler died in the concentration camp. The next thing that came into my mind was that I felt ill at every end of the winter, between February and March. It became clear to me that this must have been the period of her death. The last time I had pneumonia I also suffered from pleuritis on the left side. My left lung has always been more afflicted than the right one, which did not wonder me anymore since I had clearly seen myself lying on the left side on the floor.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Let us now switch to astrology and see what the charts show. All charts are cast with whole sign houses. I will start with my birth chart in order to make out the lung problem. The ruler of the 6th house (illness) is Mars, who describes inflammations or infections. His position in an earth sign describes a mixture of choler and melancholy, while Taurus suggests the neck and throat, suggesting infections taken from the throat. Venus is the strongest planet in this chart and the benefic in sect. However, she is in her detriment and in the 6th whole sign house, conjunct the Moon. Venus rules the 12th house. This house is generally associated with ―hidden enemies‖. In my case, these hidden things cause illnesses (Venus in the 6th). The planet is typically associated with women, and (5th century astrologer) Rhetorius refers the 12th house to things ―which happened prior to birth‖. From this point of view, a woman from ―prior to my birth‖ was the hidden source of my pneumonia. Venus is square Jupiter that generally rules the lungs. The square represents difficulties. Jupiter is strongly afflicted by being in its detriment and from its position in a cadent house, so something about the lungs/6/ does not work out well. Jupiter is below the horizon, which indicates generally the feminine or left side, which is also shown by being in a feminine sign (Capricorn) /7/. From that we can suppose, that the major problem is on the left side of the lungs.

Venus rules ―closed places‖ (12th house). The planet describes things associated with beauty, cleanliness and the cure of the body, but she is also in her detriment and thus describes some kind of deviation or place where the promise (cleanliness) is not maintained (showers without water). Venus also casts an opposition to Pluto in the 12th house. That planet describes anguish, fear, violence. Pluto is sextile Neptune, which, among other things describes gas. Put together we can say that in a closed place (12th house) happens some kind of violence (Pluto), associated with gas, which causes illness (Venus in the 6th) linked to the lungs (square Jupiter). Saturn, the malefic out of sect and thus more difficult, rules the 12th house by exaltation and is positioned right on the 8th house cusp: the closed place brings death. Mercury in Aquarius, an air sign (death by inhalation gas), governs the 8th, in nearly exact square Saturn.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 In my diary, I had noted the first time that I did not get to work because I had fallen ill of pneumonia: it was the 17th of February 1998.

Transit Saturn was in my natal 6th house, showing restrictions due to illness. Transiting Jupiter had just entered Pisces and thus my natal 5th house; Mars was exactly on my IC. The IC affliction and highlighted 5th /8/ house will be also relevant in the following charts. Here Mars (ruler of illness, but also my ASC ruler, expression of ―self‖) afflicts my roots (IC). Interestingly, the IC happens to fall in my 5th house, which, according to Sixteenth Century English astrologer William Lilly, is associated with the liver/9/. Today we know that the liver is responsible for the immune system. For me pneumonia came along with or was preceded by a strong pollen allergy (that I had never suffered from until that day). In later years, I found from Ayurvedic medicine that the lungs and liver are associated: when the liver does not work well during a change of seasons, the immune system is afflicted and that can reflect upon the lungs. This association is known in astrology since, from the earliest times, Jupiter represents both lungs and liver. Let us now have a look at my transits for the regression. Unfortunately, I was so overwhelmed with all these memories coming up that I did not take the time or even annotated the day. It was only on April 2nd that I put down notes, referring to an episode happened 2 weeks earlier. For that reason, I cannot be sure about the Moon position, but the event must have happened during the first half of March 2010. /10/. Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Uranus are all relatively close to my natal IC (18°Pisces). The IC is associated with one‘s roots or family. If we live multiple lives, then we must have profound roots, which connect, so to say, on this point. Jupiter is the ruler of my natal second house and my IC, so my conception of my ―past‖ is enriched, but still on a more subconscious level (under the horizon). All this happens in my 5th house, as it was some kind of play (an inner theatre?). In addition, my daughter played a certain role in it, because my


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 attention was focused on her while I had this experience. All this happened around the New Moon, when a new phase of my life is initiated or a seed planted. /11/ Mercury and Uranus were both combust. The combustion makes things ―hidden‖ by the brilliance of the Sun (something is in front of you but you cannot see it). Mercury rules my natal 8th and the MC. At that time, I still did not know which huge impact this episode would have on me. All this would unfold in the next several years.

Saturn was exactly conjunct my natal Pluto. Saturn rules both my 3rd house and my 4th. The third house describes in Hellenistic astrology the ―place of the goddess‖ or, what Chris Brennan calls ―private religion‖ /12/ /13/, : how one personally worships that what he/she calls ―God‖. I interpret this as the ―personal belief system‖, which is now confronted with Pluto in the 12th. ―Can you stand the consequences of what you believe in?‖ might be a Saturn/Pluto question. This describes some kind of deep memory process (12th house) in which old barriers (Saturn) are smashed down (Pluto). Interestingly enough, Saturn also describes siblings (ruler 3rd house). In that vision, I saw my (Gudrun‘s) little sister in the midst of the corpses. Later I was thinking a lot about that younger sister, but I did not see her face, nor do I have any more information about her. I am only certain that I (Gudrun) felt guilty for her death. Saturn is associated with guilt. /14/ Transiting Mars (my ASC ruler) is conjunct the 10th from the Ascendant. This represents some kind of ―coming out‖. As Mars rules my natal 6th house, this refers to my illness coming out. The question I was asking myself just before the vision was ―why do I suffer every year from that pneumonia?‖ The question had been answered. Sometime after the regression, a question came up in my mind. Why did I see these things? I did not see anything about the life of that young woman. So why these images and not others?


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Could it be possible that there was precise purpose? I decided to try something, which I felt, at the beginning, uncomfortable with. I was not sure what to think of it and if that technique would ever show to be reliable. I put two pillows on the floor and sat down on one of them, paper and pen in my hands. I concentrated on Gudrun and imagined her sitting in front of me on that empty pillow. I asked her silently: - Which kind of connection do you have with my life and my pneumonia? Can I, to some extent, redeem you? What do I have to learn from your experience? And you, what would you like to learn from my existence? Can I encourage you? You suffered so much. I stood up and sat on the other pillow. I concentrated and listened from inside me. I waited for a while and these words came to me: - While I had been gazing at that tile, full of fear and panic, suddenly I was looking into your life, in that precise moment in which all of us understood what would happen to us. I saw you lying on the bed close to your child, so silently and quiet. You had been searching for contact with me. I did not know anything of you. I am not there anymore. I have moved on. Death is just a transition, but you can learn from this. -Gudrun, what can I learn from this? -To live in the here and now, for example, to love the moment, not “tomorrow”. You cannot know whether “tomorrow” will ever arrive. However, you can shape the “now” as you want to. You can realize something. Do not make just plans for “the day I shall be able to...” for tomorrow or for one year away. NOW you can do something. Once you die you realize how many “nows” you have lost. This is what matters. Start now. This was the lesson I got from Gudrun. And yes, it made much sense to me. I had been projected into the ―future‖ all my live. ―One day‖ was one of my standard thoughts. I tried to change this, after this experience and to become more aware of the uniqueness of each moment and its (often hidden) qualities. Six years now have passed since this spontaneous regression and I never suffered from lung problems again. Postscript I thought this article was finished at this point. However, more things continued to come up. I searched on the web for information on prisoners in concentration camps. On April 13th, 2016, I send a request to the official archive of Sachsenhausen, the Memorial and Museum of Sachenshausen /15/, asking if they had any information about a female prisoner with the name Gudrun Thaler. I asked a horary if I would get a positive reply. Have a look at it: I am signified by the strong Moon in Cancer, which applies mutually/16/ to the ruler of the 6th (archive, record of prisoners) in the 3rd house of information and messages. The application will be exact in a few seconds; indeed, the archive answered me immediately via email that the reply would require some four weeks. Mercury rules both the 12th (prisoners) and the 3rd (messages) and is going to trine Jupiter. But Jupiter is retrograde and weak, showing that the archive has not ―the strength‖ to help, in other words, has no relevant information. Mercury represents Gudrun (Mercury represents young persons and


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 is in the female sign of Taurus)/17/. The planet is in the 11th house of help and assistance and in his own terms. The application perfects after 1°50, so I guessed, it would take around two weeks in order to get an answer.

On May 5th, 2016 at 1.23 p.m, (roughly 3 weeks later, as Mercury went retrograde), I received an email from Sachensenhausen. The answer was negative. They had no information about Gudrun Thaler. But they also wrote me that nearly all information on prisoners had been destroyed by the Nazis prior to the arrival of the allied forces. We should remember that the Nazis destroyed most of the documents they created and that a list with the names of all victims does not exist./18/ Many thousands of names are missing and most of them will probably never be known. In order to gloss over their crimes, the SS did not compile records of their victims or they destroyed their documents afterwards, prior to the arrival of the allied forces. /1a/ But let us have a look at the chart. The most impressive contact in both charts (inner wheel horary, outer wheel answer email) is the Moon Venus conjunction. In all of the earlier analysed charts I had been using Venus to describe ―Gudrun‖, as she is also the ruler of my 12th house. In the horary, Venus is EXACTLY conjunct my natal Moon/Venus conjunction. In this event chart the Moon (bringer of news) contacts this very sensible point. Transit Venus is combust. This is the ―correct‖ position for a person, of whom nobody has got information. Gudrun will stay hidden...


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

1 2 I remember that, while ―‖receiving‖‖ this name, I was complaining about it being old fashioned and I was not sure if its sound was more as ―Gertrud‖ or rather ―Gudrun‖. But the second name sounded more ―correct‖. Both were typical names in the first half of the 20th Century in Germany. Today they are rarely given. 4This painting was done by Elizabeth Cura following my instructions of what I saw during the regression. It is precise in every detail with the only difference that there were many more people in the room, which she left beside in order to get the details more clearly. Please find her at 5 Rhetorius the Egyptian, translation by James H. Holden, Association of American Astrologers, 2009 6 William Lilly, Christian Astrology (CA), p. 246 7 CA, p. 264 8 In the whole sign house system, the IC can fall either in the 3rd, 4th or 5th house. In this case, it is in the 5th house. 9 CA, p. 245 10 The chart is cast for March 15th 2010. The inner planets will not be considered. With the exeption of the Moon, the other planets do not change their position very significatively in the next few days. 11 As I write this report (April 15th 2016), Jupiter is transiting my MC, so the result of this process is coming out, the Moon is waxing and in Gemini, trine to my natal Moon and transiting my 8th house, which not only rules ―death‖ but also all kinds of metamorphosis and anguishing/shocking/trasforming situations. 12 The 9th house, on the contrary, represents the ―official‖ church and its doctrine. 13 See also Joseph Crane, Astrological Roots: An Hellenistic Legacy, The Wessex Astrologer 2007


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 14 In a later regression I saw that girl in the bardo. She had long blond hair, somewhat curled, as if she normally carried a braid. Her name sounded like ―Ilaria‖ but I am not sure of this. In that experience I just understood that there was no reason to feel guilty. She told me that her death had been decided by her, as well as mine by myself. Nobody leaves their body without their consent. That experience was pretty short. 15 16 This is a mutual application because the Moon applies to Jupiter by direct motion, while Jupiter applies to Mercury by retrograde motion. 17 It will be interesting to see what will happen when transiting Mercury crosses my natal Saturn square Sun/natal Mercury on June 12th (after having gone retrograde). Interestingly, he stops his retrogradation just on 14° Taurus, exactly trine Jupiter‘s position in the horary. 18 1a

Tania Daniels, born in 1972 became interested in Astrology in 1998 and finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the Berlin school of the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009, Tania started studying a master‘s course in Horary at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA) with Deborah Houlding. In 2015, she became involved in Hellenistic Astrology and is currently completing her studies with Chris Brennan. She has also enrolled in Robert Zoeller‘s Medieval Astrology Course. Tania‘s articles are published in German, English and Italian in the main astrological journals. She gives readings in Italian, German, English and Spanish. Her other interests are Ayurveda, naturopathy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Tania has three children and lives in Italy near Perugia.



Thomas Gazis

―If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don‘t deal in lies, Or being hated, don‘t give way to hating ………………………………………………. Yours is the Earth and everything that‘s in it, And – which is more -you‘ll be a Man, my son!‖

This Rudyard Kipling‘s ―If‖ poem was one of my favourites during my early adolescence. I could not understand entirely back then the melodramatic tone of the poem but still I was sensing that life - and the poet's talent - had distilled in this particular poem some omnipotent truth! Thus, something was telling me to keep it inside me as some precious resource that would prove its ultimate value in the distant future of my eventual adulthood. And that exactly turned to be the case, because as the years were passing by I was ever more encountering situations were I had to make a stand against many individuals supporting a totally different point of view. I was thus resorting often to this poem, as I was struggling to maintain my inner balance. Because difficult as it might be (and excruciatingly painful at times), to stand all alone against many it ultimately is (when positively aiming) one of the holier tasks a human being is up to undertake… This premise was rather necessary for you to understand the gist of this article. You see, I am probably the only person in Greece claiming that the national horoscope of Greece is not the one every other Greek astrologer (or citizen for that matter) believes it is! And I am not claiming this out of some whimsical extravagance of my character but because there is ample evidence of it, as you read in this article.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Before proceeding further, I should stress first the fact that commercial astrology is running high in modern Greece while what we call ―cultured astrology‖ and the astrological research in general are almost nonexistent! Greece is a small country and the opinions of certain astrological ―companies‖ and ―environments‖ tend to prevail easily (no matter how subjective, outdated or even biased they are). So, almost all the Greek astrologers are claiming that modern Greece was born with the London Protocol on February 3rd, 1830 - and thus it is an Aquarian country. But if you ask them how can they be so sure that Greece was ―born‖ on that particular date they will most probably answer you: ―Well, everybody says so‖! The painting you see depicts a monumental event in modern Greek history, an event which is – oddly – largely unknown to the Greek astrologers! It is a painting hung in a hall of the Greek Parliament and it depicts the historical moment the Greeks are declaring their independence from the Turks (who had militarily occupied Greece for four whole centuries) in the year 1822! The painting is entitled ―the Declaration of the Political existence and independence of the Greek Nation‖! Essentially this Declaration marks the founding act of contemporary Greece. This monumental Declaration (which is an astrological milestone as well, as we will see later on) took place in Epidaurus, on January 1, 1822 (old – Julian – calendar). You may see below the original text of that Declaration (the papyrus that the Greek patriot with the blue vest is showing at – in the above painting) as it has survived from that period. Being a Greek, reading this declaration of the Greek ―founding fathers‖ is a rather emotional experience. Every single word contained in it is carefully tailored so that it captures the spirit and the intentions of the ―founding fathers‖ of modern Greece, as they were about to declare their Independence: «In the name of the Holy and Indivisible Trinity, the Greek Nation that in the last four centuries has been under the horrible Turkish rule, unable to bear any more the heavy and unprecedented tyranny, which with huge sacrifices we have finally thrown off, is proclaiming today – through its legitimate delegates here assembled – in front of God and humanity, its political existence and Independence! Epidaurus January 1st 1822».


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Note that the ―founding fathers‖ of modern Greece are explicitly stating the year 1822 as the ―First Year of the Independence of Greece!‖ Thus, they are somehow telling us that in 1822 the modern Greek nation-state was born. Today most of the scholars in political sciences are in full agreement with them! See for example what the Greek branch of ―Wikipedia‖ is reporting in its article on the First Greek National Assembly of Epidaurus: “The (1822) National Assembly of Epidaurus constitutes the first legislative body of the newly founded Greek state.” See also, what the Greek professor of Law Pierrina Koriatopoulou is stating regarding the matter: “The Epidaurus Declaration of the Greek Independence is a major achievement of the First Greek National Assembly. It introduces modernity in Greek society, which is called forth to establish – through some very innovative political institutions – the state rule of the first in the Greek history independent nation-state.” I personally consider crucial an assessment made by the professor of the Athens University of Political Sciences George Dimakopoulos: “The Declaration of the Political Existence and Independence of the Greek Nation is the constitutive act of the Greek State, whose foundation, legally and historically has to be regarded as from January 1st, 1822 (old calendar, meaning January 13 on the Gregorian calendar). Certain points of view that appoint it to a different day – ultimately connecting it to the diplomatic recognition of the Greek State by foreign powers – not only are contrary to the applied Greek national law, but to the international law too. For the diplomatic recognition of a State by a foreign power cannot be turned into a constituent part of that State!” Obviously the majority of today‘s Greek astrologers are rather ignoring these findings of the political sciences because they are assuming that modern Greece was born on February 3, 1830, when the foreign powers recognised – for the sake of their own interests – the Greek independence (with the London Protocol)! Therefore the Greek astrologers are sustaining that modern Greece is an Aquarian country! But it doesn‘t look like one at all! Whoever has lived in Greece s/he knows that the modern Greek society not only does not encompass but it actually lacks some major Aquarian attributes like the creative collectivism, the progressive attitude, the idealism, the radical innovations etc.). So, Greece is the only country in the entire world that is not defining its national horoscope from the date when the Greeks themselves declared their Independence (as the Americans do, who have a far more advanced astrology). Instead, the Greek astrologers are determining the national horoscope of their country based on the date the foreign powers recognised Greece as an independent nation – state! This is somehow an insult to the memory of the Greek ―founding fathers,‖ whom we are seeing on the above painting enthusiastically proclaiming the political existence and independence of Greece! It is like telling them that the foreign powers and not themselves are to be considered the founding fathers of modern Greece! Obviously, there are some loose ends here. There is something wrong not only astrologically but historically too. You see, when the Greek astrologers are claiming that modern Greece was born with the London Protocol (in 1830) they are automatically committing an injustice to their own ―founding fathers‖! It is as if their founding fathers never proclaimed the Greek Independence from the Ottoman Turks, as if they never won battles against the Turks, as if they never shed their blood and sacrificed their lives for Greece!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 What you see below is the copy of an old Greek chronicle reporting on a very critical national assembly that took place in 1843, immediately after the massive revolt of the Greek people who were protesting against the totalitarianism of of the German King of Greece Otto and were demanding a proper ―Constitution‖! One can easily deduce from chronicles like this that Greece was a fully-fledged state long before 1830 (for example John Capodistria – the most eminent politician in modern Greece – was appointed prime minister in 1827). Moreover, the ―Otto monarchy‖ was imposed onto the Greek people by the foreign powers and was never accepted in the souls and in the hearts of the everyday people. In the above chronicle, I am underlying an expression in Greek that goes: ―King Otto and the Bavarians skillfully and deliberately silenced the fact that Greece had a fully-fledged government long BEFORE the London Protocol (February 3, 1830)!‖ So, the Germans were ―hushing‖ back then the fact that the Greeks had established a government of their own long before King Otto arrived in Greece. Why would they do such a thing? Well, just think about it… They were hushing it because their own ―agenda‖ was completely different from the one of the Greek people! Ultimately, the horoscope based on the date February 3, 1830 is the horoscope of the foreign plans for Greece (the horoscope of the ―Kingdom of Greece‖, a kingdom that was actually abolished in 1974 by a national referendum). And definitely it‘s not the national horoscope of Greece, which should stem out of the historical date January 1st, 1822, Old Style). Greece is a Capricornian country and you may read my relative article on my blog here: Therefore, those Greek astrologers who are insisting that the national horoscope of Greece is resulting from the February 3, 1830 date are somehow allying themselves with king Otto (with the Bavarians and with the foreign powers in general) and not with the spirit and the will of the Greek people!

Thomas Gazis has authored two Greek astrology books and written articles for ―American Astrology‖ (―The Living Zodiac‖, July 2003 issue), for ―Horoscope Guide‖ (―The Zodiac Banquet‖, April 2004), for ―The Astrological Journal‖ (―The first English astrologers were Greek – Byzantines‖, May 2009) and for the ISAR‘s ―International Astrologer‖ bulletin (―Alexander‘s the Great horoscope‖). He has extensively lectured in Europe and has been invited as a lecturer at the UAC 2012 in New Orleans. He has organised two international astrological conferences in Greece, featuring Robert Hand and Noel Tyl.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Venus Retro Spread Kim Buckley


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Venus the planet of femininity is currently transiting through the masculine sign of Aries. How does this affect us here on planet earth? The combination of Sensuality, love, sexuality, animal instincts and impulsiveness will have an impact on how you love, what you value where you like to take action. This energy can be extremely sexual and needs an outlet or it can soon turn into frustration and anger. Venus goes retrograde on the 4th March at 13 degrees Aries and this is when the energy will take on a different form. During a retrograde, it is recommended that you focus on your inner world rather than what is occurring in your outer environment, use the time wisely to reflect, review, rethink, release and reevaluate. As Venus rules, love, money and self-worth I thought it would be a good idea to create a Tarot Spread that can give you a deeper insight of what is going on in your inner world helping you to release any blockages, resolve problems with ex-lovers and check on your relationship with money. Astrology and Tarot have a deep connection combining the knowledge and wisdom that they offer will help you gain clarity on any situations that hold you back. I hope that the Venus Retrograde Tarot Spread will benefit you in some way. You should be able to use the advice from Tarot to reevaluate your role in relationships with love, money and self-worth, and rather than making impulsive decisions that you will later regret you can make informed choices that benefit you.

Love Relationships Card 1: How can you release Past / Buried Hurt caused by previous relationships? The Queen of Wands is the element of fire and associated with Aries, she oozes vibrant fiery energy and is not afraid to express her creativity. The Queen of Wands is in control of her emotions and expresses them in a passionate manor; she is always up for a challenge and looks at life as an adventure. The Queen of Wands in this position is asking you to get back in control of your heart she is asking you to reignite the fire that once fueled your mind, body and soul. Accepting responsibility for the challenging and frustrating times you have experienced with previous partners will help you to release any festering feelings of anger, the negative dark energy that you harbour can be magically turned into positive useful energy that will allow you to open up your heart once again to give and receive love. Card 2: If you can release hurt and blockages how will this help your current love relationships? Justice is number 11 of the Major Arcana and is associated with Libra. If you follow the previous guidance, you will have the opportunity to restore balance and harmony back into your love relationships. Justice is also known as a karmic card and reminds you that every action has a reaction so if you can work on releasing your blockages and hurt that have been caused by previous love relationships during this Venus Retrograde then you will be rewarded for the efforts that you invest in yourself. You may also be looking for some justice and truth about previous relationships. You may have unanswered questions that are making it impossible for you to fully move on, do not be afraid to reach out to an ex-lover, this could bring you inner peace and help you to cut away feelings that are weighing you down. Releasing any blockages will help you gain clarity and give you the ability to weigh up the pros and cons of your relationships.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Card 3: If you take action and heal yourself how will this influence your future love life? Temperance is number 14 of the Major Arcana and is associated with Sagittarius. Temperance normally appears when we are ready to heal and restore balance back into our lives. You will become aware of your strengths and weakness and what you bring into a relationship understanding how to blend your energy with another to create a long term loving relationship. You should be able to attract the right person into your life and expect to have a long-term rewarding relationship where you appreciate each other. The journey you share with another will be one of peace and moderation a soul mate connection that will bring you much happiness and fulfilment.

Relationship with Money Card 4: What past influences and issues have caused blockages with money? The Five of Pentacles is the element of earth and is associated with Mercury and Taurus. In the past you could have experienced poverty, which has left you feeling isolated and shut out from the rest of the world. This can have a long lasting effect the mere thought of having nothing will fill you with fear because you understand what it feels like not to eat, not to be able to buy the necessities you need to survive. This can fuel you to succeed but it can also have the opposite effect and leave you feeling unworthy with a negative attitude towards money. Often people are taught by their parents ―money is the root of all evil‖, ―money doesn‘t bring you happiness‖. This becomes your blueprint and long-term belief that you do not deserve or you are not worthy of having money. There is movement in the five of pentacles you are being asked to shift something in order to find a balanced relationship with money there are currently conflicting and challenging issues surrounding money that will prevent you from having a healthy relationship with your finances. Card 5: How can you re-evaluate your relationship with money? The Six of Swords is the element of air and associated with the planet Mercury and Aquarius. The six of Swords is letting you know that you can change your mindset about money and move on from having a turbulent relationship with your finances. Understanding that you have the ability to change how you think and feel about money will give you the opportunity to have a healthier relationship. Things will become a lot calmer and although you will have memories of how the lack of money can have a negative impact on your life, you will understand that respecting and accepting you deserve to have money will bring you much freedom. Detaching any emotions you have with money will allow it to flow into your life, you will not have the need to hang onto it or fear losing it.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Card 6: What actions can you take in order to encourage beneficial changes with your relationship to money? The Ace of Wands is the element of fire and is often referred to as a Seed/ Root card. It normally appears when you are given an opportunity to try something new. If you can change your mindset about money there is potential for you to grow an exciting relationship with money that has the potential to bring you success and abundance. You will have to be courageous and take calculated risks, and do not fear losing all your money it would benefit you to swap any pessimistic thoughts about money with positive optimistic thoughts. Have self-belief that you can attract wealth and growth into your life. I highly recommend reading Rich Dad Poor Dad this will give you a different perspective of how to view money.

Self Worth Card 7: What past actions have limited your self-worth? The Page of Pentacles is the element of earth. This card is often associated with children and learning. Limited self-worth often stems back to childhood. If you experience failure at a young age, it can leave you lacking confidence and unworthy of achieving success. It is likely to bring on long-term insecurities and doubts about what you are actually capable of. Many people will avoid challenges because the memories of failure are so vivid. The page is like the Novice in the Court Cards of Tarot each card moves up a rank and gains more knowledge, wisdom and power. Experiences may have left you at the Page stage in life, you may lack the courage, power and capability to push forward and become a King.

Card 8: How can you heal how you feel about yourself? The Two of Cups is associated with Venus and Cancer. Sometimes when we have self-worth issues, it can be incredibly hard to share how you truly feel about yourself. Finding another person to discuss your inner most feelings would be extremely beneficial. It is important that you get a different perspective and stop the internal script that you keep repeating to yourself. You are worthy and deserve to be loved and treasured for just being you. If you love yourself, first you are more likely to attract people who will offer you unconditional love. People that enter your life will always mirror you, so if you have high self-esteem and understand what you are worth the people whom you surround yourself with will also see this in you.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Card 9: By acknowledging and accepting my self-worth how will this have a positive influence in my life? The eight of Swords is the element of air and associated with the planet Jupiter and Gemini. By acknowledging and accepting your self-worth you will start to see just how amazing you are and break down the self-imposed walls that you have built in your mind. You will longer be trapped and in a dark place any anxieties, worries or disbelief will start to be replaced with positivity, optimism and faith that you are capable of making the right choices that will benefit your life. As Jupiter is currently retrograde it is a great time for personal development, look at methods that can give you a confidence boost and raise your self-esteem such as Mediation, Spiritual healing or some form of therapy. Many practices can improve the way you feel about yourself and help you raise your vibration. Card 10: What will be the likely benefits concerning my love life, money situation and self-worth if I follow the advice and guidance from Tarot. The Chariot is number seven of the major Arcana and is associated with Cancer. The Chariot can appear when you are at a crossroads in life. You can choose to carry on the way you are and not much will change, or you can choose to take full responsibility for any experiences that have left you feeling hurt and blocked. Leaving the past behind you and showing forgiveness for yourself and others will benefit you emotionally .The time has come to take back the reigns of your life and focus on moving forward. You are in control of your own destiny you can be victorious and succeed there will be challenges and it will be tough but you are strong, through sheer determination you can alter your relationships with love, money and your own self-worth and start to make your life journey a happy one that fills you with happiness and inner peace.

I studied two Tarot courses several years ago with the wonderful Sue Merlyn Farebrother who teaches at both Treadwells and the LSA check them out if you are interested in learning Tarot. Sue has over 30 years of Tarot knowledge and lectures all over the country. I will always be grateful to Sue for introducing and teaching me all about Tarot. I then went on to study Astrology at the London School of Astrology with the fabulous Frank C Clifford. I passed the Foundation course and I am still to tackle the diploma, but I am determined to go back and at least give it a go. Frank and Sue have been great mentors, they have inspired and motivated me to set up my own online business where I can combine my knowledge of Tarot and Astrology to empower and help others. I have recently completed the TF2 course with Tarot Foundations run by Biddy from Biddy Tarot; this has enhanced my intuition skills and was able to get a different perspective of the cards and their meanings. Further to completing TF2 I applied to be a Certified Biddy Tarot Reader, I managed to pass the required tests needed in order to become a Biddy Tarot Reader. I have also recently become a member of the International Tarot Foundation.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

La La Land ~ This is the Dream Mandi Lockley

Mia: Maybe I‟m not good enough! Sebastian: Yes, you are. Mia: Maybe I‟m not! It‟s like a pipe dream. Sebastian: This is the dream! It‟s conflict and it‟s compromise and it‟s very, very exciting!

At this point in La La Land - the movie that is sweeping the boards this awards season – aspiring actress Mia is losing faith and ready to give up on her dream of stardom. However, according to Sebastian – Mia‘s love interest and an ambitious jazz musician - the striving to make it happen is the dream. Let us see if we can find the character‘s differing points of view in the birth charts of the actors who play them - Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

―It‘s like a pipe dream‖, Mia says, her hopes dashed after a string of humiliating audition rejections. A pipe dream is an unattainable or fanciful hope, a delusion, a daydream. This statement can be found in Emma Stone‘s chart. Neptune in Capricorn is widely Conjunct Saturn in the last degree of Sagittarius. This Conjunction speaks of where glamour and illusion meets hard reality. It‘s where Mia‘s Hollywood dreams (Neptune) are overshadowed by lack of confidence and fear of failure (Saturn). When the closest Mia gets to the stars is serving them coffee, her faith and optimism is tested (Saturn in Sagittarius). Saturn in the very last degree of Sagittarius suggests a sense of urgency – she must succeed before she runs out of time (Saturn) and faith (Sagittarius) and is forced to give up her ambitions under the weight of disappointment (Saturn Conjunct Neptune). The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction – a generational aspect - is thrown into personal focus in Stone‘s chart as the axis of a T-Square to Venus in Libra and Mars in Aries. Venus and Mars, both planets in signs they rule, describe the romantic frisson of boy meets girl. And in La La Land, the storyline revolves around Mia‘s relationship with Sebastian. However, later on in the movie, as her patience begins to pay off and her dream promises to come true (Saturn-Neptune), it seems she may have to sacrifice her relationship in exchange for success (Venus Opposite Mars Square Saturn-Neptune). The T-Square also describes how Mia‘s relationship with Sebastian both spurs her on (he encourages her to have faith in her dreams) but also brings her to her lowest point, when he fails to show up to the solo show she writes, stages and performs. And when she overhears negative feedback from her meagre audience, it‘s the final straw. Feeling like a failure, her ambition down the drain (Saturn-Neptune) she gives up on her dream (Neptune), returns home to her parents (Saturn) effectively breaking up with Sebastian, who has by now found success with a band, which Mia regards as selling out (reflecting Stone‘s uncompromising Sun Conjunct Pluto in Scorpio).


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 However, the solo show does eventually lead to her becoming a major star, but only after a good amount of time has passed and after she has totally lost faith (Saturn in the last degree of Sagittarius). Her success is a direct result of her relationship with Sebastian (the Opposition of Venus and Mars which TSquares Saturn-Neptune) as it was he who originally encouraged her to write and perform the solo piece and in this he is signified by Mars in Aries. But she also embraces Mars in Aries. Rather than waiting to be ‗picked‘ to act, she just does it anyway, alone. It‘s a risk and it takes courage, but it is this act that finally leads to stardom (Mars is at the Aries point - zero degrees of a cardinal sign - signifying public recognition) because it turns out that in the audience at her show was a casting director who was impressed enough to give her, her big break. But this comes after she‘s given up and it is Sebastian who tracks her down at her parent‘s house to convince her to take a chance and go for it. What about Sebastian‘s words, ―this is the dream! It's conflict and it's compromise, and it's very, very exciting!‖ Where can we find these sentiments in Ryan Gosling‘s chart? Gosling‘s chart is strong in Libra, with Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all in the sign known for its skill in the art of compromise. Venus is widely Conjunct Pluto and Jupiter is Conjunct Saturn. This suggests that compromise, collaboration and seeking balance comes naturally, but that difficult situations enter his life, possibly through relationships, to test his ability to do so. Sebastian tells Mia that she is good enough and with Jupiter conjunct Saturn, the urge to grow, to have faith and feel optimism meets pragmatism, experience, obstacles and doubts. In Libra, the lesson is that when faith is tested, compromise is required (although this can be an uncompromising combination if it is not worked out). This describes how Sebastian, Gosling‘s La La Land character, has to compromise his dream of opening his own traditional jazz club by joining a band that plays a commercial version of jazz he hates rather than the traditional sound he loves. This compromise leads to a huge fight with Mia who accuses him of selling out - she takes on the uncompromising part for him. The row occurs after Sebastian misses her solo show because he is stuck doing publicity shots for the band. This is the beginning of the end for the couple. Mars is Conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius in Gosling‘s chart, adding faith, idealism and charisma, including sexual charisma - as Gosling‘s fans will no doubt agree. The Conjunction is Sextile to Venus and Pluto in Libra, an aspect that most aptly describes his Sebastian‘s line, ―this is the dream! (MarNeptune in Sag) It's conflict (Mars) and it's compromise (Libra), and it's very, very exciting!‖ (Mars). Gosling‘s Sun Conjunct Uranus in Scorpio also describes being turned on by excitement. This combination further adds Scorpionic control and staying power, whatever his life journey throws at him. After Sebastian has helped Mia get her big break, they learn that she will have to move to Paris. He decides to stay in LA, to pursue his own dream (more compromise for both of them - they cannot have it all). Five years later Mia is a Hollywood star and Sebastian has fulfilled his dream of owning a trad-jazz club - using money earned from playing in the commercial band - his compromise paid off in the end.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The fantasy epilogue shows us that if Sebastian had gone to Paris with Mia, they would have made it as a couple, but he would have had to sacrifice his dream for hers. In the end, he has lived out his Sun Conjunct Uranus in Scorpio and has followed his own unique path, regaining his integrity along the way. Breaking up with Mia was hard to do - the ending suggests they still love each other - but him following her would have been even harder. Data Ryan Gosling: 12th November 1980, London, Ontario, Canada Birth time probably not accurate so Moon degree, angles and house cusps not considered.,_Ryan Emma Stone: Birth data not verified - Moon degree, angles and house cusps not considered. 6th November 1988, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA,_Emma

Mandi is a London based astrologer and author and former student of the London School of Astrology. She has written for the Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain as well as for numerous websites, including her own Astroair blog. She published the e-book Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark in 2012 and has also recently been published as a fiction author. She is committed to self development – emotionally, spiritually and intellectually – and believes in doing her best to live life purposefully, in service to others and in harmony with the cycles of the universe. These values are also the focus of her client work.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Venus Retrograde and Redemption LeAnn Lacy

From March 4th to April 15th, Venus journeys back to 27 Pisces, where she joins with Chiron before turning forward once again. What will the Goddess of Love possibly gain by going back to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, before she moves forward on her journey through 2017? The joining of these two at a crucial moment in Venus‘ retrograde journey tells us that this may be a time to facilitate a deep healing within, both individually and on collective levels – especially in those of us who have active points between 13 degrees Aries (or cardinal) and 27 Pisces (or mutable). Of course, in order to be healed one must be wounded, so we might benefit from pondering how Venus and Chiron in their various myths express themselves in the healing and wounding cycle to see how this might be mirrored in our own lived experiences the Spring. If we start with Chiron, who was born from either an affair or a rape (depending on the version), we should recall how he was abandoned by his father upon conception and by his mother immediately after birth. She thought he was deformed and chose to become a linden tree rather than be his mother. Therefore, when Venus retrogrades to Chiron this Spring we may observe themes of suffering, abandonment, and rejection emerging in our lives. Feelings of being unloved and unlovable may surface once Chiron is activated by Venus return, and we may find these feelings returning from the past in order to be healed or reconciled in some way.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Redemption is a key part of Chiron‘s story, as he became an esteemed teacher, astrologer, healer, and figure of civility despite his wounds. He was able to find an inner treasure within a life of suffering, so to speak. Chiron represents where we may find profound meaning in our pain allowing us to move forward in our lives, indicating that we may experience a sense of renewal and redemption once this Venus retrograde is complete. Venus herself is also concerned with loss and redemption, as told in the myth of Cupid and Psyche where she is not lover or consort, but is mother in law to Soul (Psyche). In this myth, Venus shows her proclivity to test Soul‘s limits and challenge our emotional capacity to withstand all the challenges that come with Love. This myth reveals Venus‘ capacity for loss and rejection when she tests Psyche‘s (Soul‘s) quest for Love. By forcing Soul to sort thousands of seeds, retrieve the Golden Fleece, and secure sacred water from the River of Death, all before going to the Underworld to retrieve a ‗box‘ from Persephone herself, we see Soul‘s capacity to not only yearn for Love, but to go through the Gates of Hell when love is on the line. Soul takes Love more seriously than life and death, which speaks to our soul‘s desire to love and be loved, no matter what challenges may befall us along the way. Remembering this dynamic between Venus and Soul during this retrograde phase helps us see how Venus and Chiron‘s union indicates a time when we wrestle with our own limits in Love, and may be challenged to redeem an aspect of Love that we thought was once hopelessly lost. Whether the love we seek to redeem is romantic or familial, it is a soulful yearning that lies at the core of Venus‘ trials. The convergence of these Venus and Chiron this April indicates that it is time for Soul, Love and redemption to take center stage this Spring. By acknowledging the taskmaster side of Venus, we may fare well if we take this retrograde time to deeply reflect, go within and sort out how we can facilitate a Chirotic healing for the wounds that lay buried deep in our hearts. Where can we support our own healing in love, and how can we reach out to those we may have hurt, abandoned, or rejected in the past? As we navigate our way through this Venus retrograde, embracing the Chirotic impulse to heal and redeem may bring us more deeply into the numinous place where Soul and Love unite.

LeAnn is an astrologer and clinical hypnotherapist in California, USA. In addition to an astrological counseling practice, she is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), and an apprentice in Steven Forrest‘s Apprenticeship Program. She has also studied at Kepler College, and at Mark Jones‘ Pluto School integrating an evolutionary and therapeutic approach to astrological counseling. LeAnn has a BA in literature and liberal studies, a Masters degree in Teaching and Educational Administration, and is currently a doctoral candidate studying Depth Psychology and psychotherapeutic techniques at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. Her main areas of astrological interest at the moment are family dynamics, ancestral patterns, and soul centered astrology.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The Immortal Horoscope Can transits still affect our natal chart after we have died? Wendy Stacey This article was originally published in The Astrological Journal AA GB


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Why is it that Elvis had a number one hit around the world decades after he had died? Why at that point in time, and why that particular song? Is there something about Harvey Milk that inspired producers to make a movie forty years after his death and which went on to become an academy award winner? It is fascinating to discover how often, long after someone has died, that transits to their chart can bring them back into the spotlight for one reason or another. This phenomenon is not exclusive to famous people or to people who become famous after death, but can happen to all of us. However, what we do find with these transits to the charts of famous individuals is the influence they can have on the public and their impact on the collective. They are often representative, or actually invoke, a shared collective awareness, understanding or emotion. The nature of the transits themselves, the planets involved and how they interplay with the individual‘s chart, provides some insight into why the collective is drawn towards it (whatever it may be) at a particular point in time. Several of the charts explored in this article have transits to their angles. It is important to remember, when working with angles, that the exact birth time of public figures is often not known and only four minutes discrepancy in the time of the birth will move the Ascendant by as much as one degree. Also, the question of how wide the orbs should be is often controversial. For the purposes of this article, up to four degree orbs have been used for transits. However, any event will usually have some build up to it, examples being that a film is already in production before its release, a book is being written before it is published, and so on. Below are some examples of how transits can trigger an individual‘s chart on which have had an impact on others or the collective at some point in time. The 2008 X-Factor winner, Alexandra Burke, released a cover version of the song ‗Hallelujah‘ just before Christmas 2008, which flew to Number 1 in the UK charts. The song, originally written by Leonard Cohen and released in 1984, has since been recorded by over 200 artists, possibly the most notable being Jeff Buckley‘s version. At the same time that Alexandra Burke‘s X-Factor version held number one place, Jeff Buckley‘s version reached number two in the charts, eleven years after his death (it had reached a high point in the charts earlier in 2008 as well, with American Idol using the same song for their winner). At the time that Buckley held the position of Number 2 on the charts in the UK, he had transiting Chiron and Neptune straddling his Descendant (although his birth time and exact position of his angles is not definite). Also, interestingly, there was a transiting Saturn (21º Virgo) opposition Uranus (18º Pisces) occurring at this moment which made a conjunction to Buckley‘s natal stellium of Pluto, Mars and Uranus (20-23º Virgo) and Buckley‘s natal Saturn and Chiron (21º and 22º Pisces). This transiting opposition falling in the 2nd and 8th houses made an aspect to every planet in Buckley‘s natal chart. It was a major financial success and it is not surprising – with Uranus involved natally and by transit – that Buckley‘s Number 2 spot was reached primarily through electronic sales. Cohen re-wrote the song in 1994 with stronger sexual overtones, and Buckley‘s version embraced and made reference to the sexuality of the song, which can also be seen to be reflected by these transits to the 2nd and 8th houses. The song – which many consider to be one of the greatest of all times – has stirred discussion and debate in several forums due to its powerful lyrics which contain several Biblical references. (Interestingly, Cohen also had transiting Pluto just passing his IC, opposing his Gemini MC, and transiting Jupiter exactly opposing his natal Pluto in the 10th house – perhaps signifying a revival for Cohen too).


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Harvey Milk – activist, politician and first openly gay person to be elected as a government official in the US – had an award winning movie released forty years after his death, as the Saturn-Uranus opposition across 20º Virgo and 18º Pisces in November 2008 picked up his Pisces Moon (17º), which also trined his Pluto, sextiled his Chiron and squared his Jupiter. Transiting Neptune (22º Aquarius) was about to journey over his Ascendant (at 23º) and was trining his Jupiter. Transiting Pluto was approaching a trine with his natal Neptune. Although controversial at the time, it is only now that his ground-breaking reform and challenging of the status quo (Saturn/Uranus) has gained global attention. His Pisces Moon is sensitive and here it represents not only his personal victimisation but also his selfless calling to ensure the overthrow of discriminatory policy for the benefit of wider society, which ultimately affected the lives of millions. In addition, both the natal and transiting Neptune/Pluto aspects describe the impact of his actions, which helped to forever alter society‘s perceptions.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

By the late 1960s, Elvis Presley’s recording career had declined. A new album, called the 1968 Comeback Special, which was released in December of that year, revived Presley‘s career and soared several of his hits back to Number 1, leading to tours being booked out across the US. When Presley first sang one of the songs from the album in October 1968 – ‗If I can dream‘ – Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct at 23º Virgo, approaching Presley‘s MC at 26º and opposing his Pisces IC. Transiting Uranus had also just passed Presley‘s natal MC. At the time the album was released in December, Pluto was two degrees from his MC.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 In August and November 2001 and May 2002, thirty-three years after the release of this album and twenty-four years after Presley‘s death, transiting Pluto and Saturn opposed in the sky at 12º, 13º and then 16º of Sagittarius and Gemini – the first and second of these oppositions made conjunctions to Presley‘s Ascendant-Descendant axis. Uranus was also making a series of conjunctions throughout this time to his natal Saturn in the third house. The song ‗A Little Less Conversation‘, which was included in the 1968-comeback album at the last minute, was not the most popular song on the album at the time, but after being remixed and re-released in May of 2002 for the football World Cup it became a Number 1 hit single in over twenty countries! Interestingly, the song ‗A Little Less Conversation‘ became a huge success for Presley when Saturn transited his Descendant in Gemini – and perhaps the transiting Pluto in Sagittarius could be seen to represent the football World Cup. When Saturn in Gemini had previously crossed Presley‘s Descendant in 1972, he had just released the gold-selling single ‗Always on My Mind‘!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Johnny Cash died at the age of 71 in 2003. The Academy Award-winning movie Walk the Line was released on the 18th November 2005, when transiting Pluto was approaching his MC by two degrees, transiting Jupiter was conjunct his Moon, transiting Uranus was exactly on his Sun and Mercury (only a 5 minute separation from the Sun) and the transiting Saturn-Neptune opposition in the sky picked up his Jupiter. Similar to Presley, the Pluto on the MC revived a career in music that captured something on a deeper collective level. The large-scale response to the film revived Cash‘s popularity two years after his death and around 40 years after his career was at its peak. The title of both song and movie, Walk the Line is about Cash‘s journey through the underworld and back. The transiting Uranus on his Sun, and Jupiter on his Moon (both in water signs and houses), allowed a glimpse into the real and private life of the man, who was deeply compassionate but suffered greatly from addictions and other problems in his lifetime, and who had a deep yearning for a partner he couldn‘t have for a long time. Also, with transiting Uranus on his Mercury, we were enlightened on the genius of his song writing. The transiting Saturn-Uranus opposition on his natal Jupiter brought some insight into the outlaw and rule-breaker sides of his personality. Interestingly, the day that the Walk the Line DVD and collector‘s edition was released (28 February 2006), Pluto was only 15 minutes from his MC. The DVD sold three million copies on that day alone.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Vincent Van Gogh sold only one painting in his lifetime. It was not until over a decade after his death that his work started to be recognised. Perhaps this was due to a transiting Uranus-Pluto opposition in Sagittarius-Gemini that closely picked up his Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 6th house by one degree, while transiting Saturn crossed his Descendant. Don McLean‘s legendary song Vincent (Starry Starry Night) was released in October 1971 and went to Number 1 in the charts around the world. In the song, McLean empathises with Van Gogh‘s mental health and suffering and expresses huge admiration for his work. McLean makes several references in the song about not being understood or accepted by others. Van Gogh had died 118 years previously and at the time the song was released there was a transiting Uranus in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries, and Chiron was making a series of conjunctions to Van Gogh‘s Sun, describing the pain and suffering Van Gogh endured mostly through his relationships with others (physically, emotionally and psychologically) as well as his unparalleled fame for his talent. Emily Dickinson only published about ten of her eighteen hundred poems while she was alive. She is renowned for living and working reclusively. Although her birth time is not definite, the birth time was noted by the physician who delivered Dickinson to be 5:00 am on the 10 December 1830. She died in 1886. Using this chart, we see that when her book of Complete Poems was published in 1955, and her lifetime‘s work was made available to the public, Pluto came within 3º of her natal MC which yet again signifies not just a revival but also reveals the totality of Dickinson‘s work from her darkest secrets to her most hidden treasures. Transiting Saturn was also crossing her Ascendant, which raised her profile and social standing. Neptune, in the two years previous, had made a series of conjunctions (and exact stations) to her Libran Moon (which natally sextiles her Mercury and squares her Jupiter-Neptune), and perhaps reflects her insight and magic of writing and a renewed personal appeal to a new audience.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The whereabouts of composer Johann Sebastian Bach’s grave was not known after his death in 1750, due to a war at the time. It was found 144 years later, and he was reburied in 1894, as a transiting stellium of Jupiter (discovery), Neptune (suffering and mourning) and Pluto (excavation) in Gemini (his coffin was found under another coffin) exactly opposed his natal Mars (war) in Sagittarius (he was buried in a church yard) and formed a T-Square with his natal Saturn (grave) in Virgo (earth) at the apex. Six years later, in 1900, the full edition of Bach‘s works were released as transiting Jupiter and Uranus exactly conjoined his natal Mars and squared his natal Saturn, which point to the recognition (Saturn) of a long-awaited release of his true genius and talents (Jupiter-Uranus), which were ahead of his time. Additionally, transiting Pluto squared his natal Mercury and trined his natal Jupiter, a wonderful transit for having a lifetime‘s works brought to the public eye, even though it was 150 years after his death. Joan of Arc’s birth date and time is not definite, but Lois Rodden believed she was born on 6 January 1413 at 17:00 LMT in Domaxmy la Pucelle, France. She was a devout Catholic from a peasant family who claimed to be guided by God to help lead the French army during the Hundred Years War. She is said to have had divine visions and heard voices. She was captured and executed by the English and was burnt at the stake at the age of nineteen. She is one of the most studied people of the middle ages. Twenty-four years after her death, on the 7th July 1456, Pope Callixtus found her innocent and declared her a martyr. On this day of redemption for her, the transiting stellium of Chiron, Pluto and Uranus in Leo opposed her natal Mars and Uranus (in the 7th house) and created a T-Square as they both squared her natal Chiron/Jupiter in Scorpio in her 4th house. This represents a powerful battle for truth and recognition of intense suffering and wrongdoing, but also shows that she was a heroine and a fighter who willingly fought and sacrificed her life for her country. Transiting Jupiter had conjunct her natal Neptune exactly one month earlier and transiting Saturn was making a series of oppositions to her natal Saturn. She also had Neptune approaching her IC. As the public revered her innocence and divinity, they were also reminded of the weight placed upon Joan of Arc, and the guilt surrounding her execution. Joan of Arc was beatified (meaning ‗blessed‘ and acceded to heaven) in 1909 – the year when a series of transiting Uranus-Neptune oppositions were occurring in Cancer and Capricorn – and when transiting Saturn went over Joan of Arc‘s MC. Joan of Arc was beatified directly after a new law in 1905 separating the Church from the State in France – which occurred at the time of her chart‘s second Pluto return. At this time, her achievements were acknowledged again throughout France and this was the third of the four steps towards canonisation. On the 16th May 1920, over 400 years after her birth, and during a transiting Saturn-Uranus opposition, Joan of Arc was canonised by the Vatican and declared a Saint. At the time, Chiron, the wounded healer, was just over 1º from her natal MC, emphasising the personal wound but also one felt by a nation. Also, transiting Pluto was conjunct her natal Neptune in Cancer in the 12th house (and opposed her Mercury in the 6th), as her transformation to sainthood had arrived.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Each of these charts has had transits trigger their natal chart, often long after they have died. These examples demonstrate how influential the continuous orbits of the planets can affect and bring awareness into our lives.

Birth data sources: Astrodatabank Jeff Buckley: 17 November 1966, 22:49 PST, Los Angeles California, USA. Harvey Milk: 22 May 1930, 01:30 EDT, Woodmere, New York, USA. Elvis Presley: 8 January 1935, 04:35 CST, Tupelo, Mississippi, USA. Johnny Cash: 26 February 1932, 07:30 CST, Kingsland AR, USA. Vincent Van Gogh: 30 March 1853, 11:00 LMT, Zundert, Netherlands. Emily Dickinson: 10 December 1830, 04:40 LMT, Amherst MA, USA. Johann Sebastian Bach: 31 March 1685, 05:45 LMT, Eisenach, Germany. Joan of Arc: 6 January 1413 (NS), 17:00 LMT, Dom Axmy las Pucelle, France.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Wendy Stacey, B.A, M.A, Dip LSA is the principal of the international Mayo School of Astrology and tutor for the London School of Astrology. She is the Chairperson for the Astrological Association (since 2002), has written over 50 articles for students in the Astrological Journal and lectures globally on psychological, mundane, research and financial astrology. She is the author of books Consulting with Astrology (2012), Uranus Square Pluto (2012, The Houses by Element (2016), Astrology and Relationships (2016) and contributed to The New Generation (2012) and The Professional Astrologer (2016). In 2014 Wendy was the recipient of the UK‘s Charles Harvey award for ‗Exception Service to Astrology‘.

The Importance of Astrology The 49th Annual Conference of the Astrological Association The AA's 49th annual conference ―The Importance of Astrology‖ takes place 8th - 10th September 2017 at Wyboston Lakes near Cambridge


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The Difference between Transits and Progressions in Relationship Astrology- Part 2 Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz (Part 1 of this article was in the previous edition of Infinity Magazine)

M: It may be interesting to look at a couple of things in the charts of Jackie Kennedy and JFK on their wedding day in terms of progressions and transits. There are some interesting aspects going on that day for her. The key one is Progressed Venus conjunct natal Pluto in her 8th house. She also had Transiting Mars conjunct her Progressed Sun, which is a few degrees away from her natal Neptune – all at her MC! Plus Tr Jupiter conjunct her Natal Venus! There was quite a lot going on for her!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 A: Progressed Venus conjunct Pluto is very significant! There are not many relationships that are so incredibly characterized by death and that is what happened in reality for this couple. No one could have imagined at that point in time what this relationship was going to be known for, and that the defining characteristic was going to be death! In addition, this was a point in time for her that was going to define her. Pluto takes us beyond what we have control over, and the relationship was taking her beyond what she was as an individual, to her greater role. Progressed Venus describes her love life taking her to Pluto – her soul destiny, as it were. She could not have known this in 1952/3 when JFK was a congressman. M: This configuration could equally have described as incredibly transformative – the great passion. We never know how these things are going to play out. If a couple presented you with this Armand: this is our wedding day and we can‘t change it, what would you say to them with this aspect? A: Well! I would probably hem and haw and tell them that it‘s a very intense passionate relationship and one that is going to have a very transformative effect probably above and beyond what they were thinking! M: Nice! A: It is interesting to also note the emphasis on her 10th house. They would not have known that either in terms of where they were heading! M: This became her career in that she was a journalist but after her marriage, her career changed completely and she became ‗the wife‘ in terms of her whole identity. With Tr Mars on her Progressed Sun it feels as if something locked into place in a very fated way. Tr Chiron opposing the Pluto/Venus conjunction by progression in the 8th may have given an inkling that this could feel somewhat challenging! A: It is not something we would necessarily be totally explicit about with a client, more something to keep in the vault for ourselves. We could talk about transformation and how this is going to be a profound relationship, and very likely quite long-term with Progressed Venus on Pluto. Ironically, despite the fact they were only together for 11 years before he was killed, this was her long-term relationship. She was known as Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. I read recently that she really loved him and that there seemed to be a degree of soul connection despite her apparent awareness of his affairs. After he died she continued his legacy with the eternal flame and ‗Camelot.‘ M: I remember reading how on the day JFK was assassinated Jackie kept the dress on which had his blood. It feels like a strong statement. Usually we all have a natural revulsion if we have blood on unless it‘s all that‘s left of someone we love. So it feels like there had to be a very strong love as it‘s likely that otherwise she would have changed her clothes very quickly that day. M: Looking at JFK‘s natal progressed and transits for that day it does not feel as if there is as much going on. In fact, it has a whole different feel about it! Chiron had just gone over his Progressed Moon so I imagine that emotionally there was something stirring for him. His Progressed Sun was in the 9th which has a much lighter feel. Transiting Neptune on his ascendant is the only aspect that has some power behind it that I could really see at a glance.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 A: I do not know their deep history of when they met. When they got married, he was in a public figure type of situation and about to become a legendary tragic figure, so many things were going on for him externally. It is likely that this personal event – his marriage - was not the defining thing for him as it was for her. If it had not been for this marriage, we are unlikely to have known her name although the Boston society would have known! M: It is amazing how much information about their relationship is contained in just the transits and progressions of the day, without even looking at their composite chart! That will have to wait for another day!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 If you are interested in Relationships and Astrology, feel free to look at our Website: Facebook Page:

Margaret works as a professional Psychological Astrologer offering consultations, courses and workshops in her native Dublin, Ireland as well as in Hawaii and the US mainland. Her main area of astrological interest is in Relationships, as well as Vocation/Soul Purpose and working with the charts of Children. Margaret currently writes a regular feature on Psychological Astrology for Network Ireland Magazine and has published astrology articles in the AA Journal UK, the NCGR journal, Positive Life Magazine Ireland, the Wellness Journal and Inspiration Magazine as well as Psychotherapy publications in Ireland and the UK. She wrote a chapter on the New Paradigm of Spiritual Relationships in the book ‗Transpersonal Astrology‘. Margaret has been a speaker at several astrology conferences including ISAR, the UK Astrological Association, The San Francisco Astrological Society and NORWAC. She set up and runs the monthly Astrology Ireland Meetup Group as well as the Hawaiian Islands Astrological Association. Margaret is a member of the ISAR board of directors. She is also a certified workplace and family mediator and a Reiki Master practitioner. Contact: Website:

Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is a consulting astrologer, with a practice based in New York City and an international clientele. In addition to consulting, he speaks on astrology nationally and internationally. His book, Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World, was published in 2012. In 2013, he co-produced and co-edited Transpersonal Astrology. His most recent book, Separating Aspects, is on relationship astrology. He is Books and Articles Editor for the Astrology News Service, and is Agent 17 for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency. Armand can be reached via his website.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Victor Olliver How Madame Arcati Taught Me How To Cross Dress Smiljana Gavrančić

INFNITY: Dear Victor, hello! When I asked you what title you would like for our interview, you told me - How Madame Arcati taught me how to cross dress! Can you explain to our readers what inspired you for this title? Moreover, who is Madame Arcati? And what about the dress? 


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 VO: It is a great pleasure to join you here, Smiljana. Madame Arcati is the name of a blog I used to write daily - and still update from season to season, when the Moon is in the correct phase, lunar eclipses are particularly potent, I find. Mme Arcati was once a somewhat notorious website, which ran many media and celebrity stories. If I am not universally popular among certain print hacks these days, blame Arcati! She also was renowned for publishing photo-shopped celebrity nude pics - Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has Madame to thank for his unlikely global sex appeal. For it was she who took the image of his naked person from the stage play Equus and attached it to part of the anatomy of a porn star. Hey presto! Arcati‘s visitor figures rocketed. Over 2.3 million people have come to the site over the years. Madame‘s other focus was bullies in the media, there being quite a few. But she also celebrated the people she admires, such as Molly Parkin and Duncan Fallowell - whose actual nude form was frequently used after a lesbian in Lisbon sent me the revealing snap. The photo is a bit blurry: at first, I thought it might be of a slim-line elephant in a nature documentary. Duncan seemed delighted by his newfound celebrity, already forged by a number of wonderful books, profiles and essays. Not many literary authors could survive naked exposure, I can assure you. As for myself, there are no nude pictures (that I know of), nor of me in cross-dressed mode. My transvestitism is imagined not literal. However, to get into Madame Arcati‘s ‘skin‘, I have to think of myself as a slightly cranky old clairvoyant female given to potty-mouthed rages and riding a bike. So for the purposes of writing the blog, I have come to think of myself as a sit-down trans-woman - rather like an actor subsuming in a role. It is an instantaneous process; I do not have to imagine first that I am wearing Brazilian briefs or a lacy basque or that I am biologically unmanned. I morph into ‘dream mode‘. I came up with the idea of the blog while in Barcelona. I like to think the city‘s Gaudí architecture got to me; all that neo-gothic and anarchic geometry; it inspired me to think irregularly. I needed an alter ego, preferably female and faintly baroque and maverick. I was bored stiff with the day job, well paid as it was; but there was little in the way of creative or personal expression. Madame Arcati launched on 4 July 2006, a ‘liberation‘ day. I have since cast my chart for then, and guess what? Tr Uranus was conjunct natal Moon, trine natal Mars in the 5th which was partile tr Sun. All these planets formed a Minor Triangle with 3rd-house natal Mercury. That sums up the blog really: a wacky (Uranus) media outlet (Mercury) with a disruptive female (Uranus-Moon) capable of some lifeenhancing ferocity (Cancer Mars in 5th) who is probably a cross-dresser (Moon to Mars). And people say astrology doesn‘t work! I should explain that Mme Arcati was first the work of Noel Coward who created her for his stage play Blithe Spirit. I recommend you see David Lean‘s 1945 movie of the play, with Margaret Rutherford playing Arcati (it‘s on YouTube). Coward‘s Arcati is a batty medium whose inept spirit conjurings cause havoc; she‘s certainly very much more benign than my reinvention. My Madame is a ferocious beast whose sublime word-smithery caused fear throughout the world of liars, bullies, cheats and fakes. Remember, I am Gemini with Aquarius rising and Moon in Pisces: so swimming perversely in two directions at once is easy-peasy.

INFINITY: You are right now the editor of the Astrological Journal (AA GB). Can you share with us how did it feel when you started and how do you feel now, after some years in the role. What is the best moment for you as the editor in this period? Is there something that may become a legend?


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 VO: At first, I wondered how I could do it. The workload is heavy and demanding - a 74-page textheavy bi-monthly magazine with a need to check charts, graphs etc. Past editors include Charles Carter, Nick Campion, Roger Elliot, John Green and many other names in astrology - and here was me, relatively new to astrology, only recently qualified. The Astrological Journal has led the way since 1959 in the realm of astrology. I wanted to open up the magazine and try to move it a little away from dry, earnest scholarship, which has an important place, but puts off a lot of people. It is odd how at the ‘top‘ of astrology all you find are teachers and academics. Yet in my view, astrology is a divinatory tool rooted in mystery if not mysticism: no amount of scholarship unveils astrology‘s essential mystery. But of course there is much in the way of history, ideas, dates and names to remember, if that‘s what you want to do. The mortar board is not my favourite look. As for what I think of my role as editor now, every last issue is my best; that‘s my attitude. My very first issue (Jan-Feb 2015) was explosive: I interviewed the British Tory MP David Tredinnick who supports astrology and sits on powerful parliamentary committees to do with health. We published the interview in the run-up to the 2015 General Election, so when the mainstream media spotted AJ‘s interview (in which Tredinnick expressed his view that astrology had some part to play in the NHS, not to be available on the NHS but as a complementary approach), they went wild. There were front-page newspaper splashes all over the place, mainly misrepresenting what the MP said - mocking him generally. Frank Clifford told me that when he flew back from the US at that time, all he could see at the airport were headlines about Tredinnick and the Astrological Journal! I think he thought some madness had been unleashed by my editorship. So that was an unplanned make-or-break debut, and I‘m pleased some impact was made. But you can‘t over-do this sort of thing. Mainstream media have a basic ignorance about astrology and will stoop to any trick to damage something outside their worldview. The Huffington Post was especially dishonest I believe in its coverage - which is odd, because they supply horoscopes to the news page. This kind of nonsense drives me mad. INFINITY: Before astrology, you studied law, and I found that you graduated with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. So, does this mean you put your ―love‖ for law in mundane astrology? Have you ever worked as lawyer? VO: No, I am afraid not. I was called to the English Bar but never practised. Part of the reason was financial. In the UK, to become a practising barrister you have to do an unpaid pupillage and I do not come from money. But in any case I was more interested in writing than being a lawyer. So I started freelancing for fashion magazines and interviewed many celebrities. Over the years, I have worked on the staff of newspapers, magazines and electronic media; as an editor and a writer. In mid-life, I grew more interested in learning astrology, which had always intrigued me. When I was made redundant and got a large pay-off, I set aside time to study astrology with Wendy Stacey at the Mayo School. I never imagined I would actually work as an astrologer, or land a job editing the Astrological Association‘s flagship magazine. There has been no ‘plan‘, just one thing following another - that has been the theme of my life these past few years. In the Gemini solar chart, Neptune sits in the 10th house: as we know, Neptune and planning do not really go together.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 On mundane astrology, I am not sure it is essentially much different from natal except in how charts and planets have altered terrain. Oddly, astrology is a bit like the law: unanimous agreement on what the rules are or mean is impossible; and past precedent is relied on in the absence of science. Perhaps I should dress up as a barrister when I give a reading. INFINITY: You are also media officer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), is that your Gemini Sun? Can you describe your duties for the APAI? VO: Well, I guess you may be right about my Gemini Sun - the sign of media, writing etc. The APAI represents astrologers who have obtained an academic qualification from certain named recognised schools. It‘s part of an attempt to raise our game as astrologers, and bring to the public a ‘profession‘ with ethics and rules of practice. It‘s also a form of quality control, though there are many good astrologers out there with no diploma. My job is to field media inquiries and to offer advice to the APAI on how to best deal with newspapers and other media. A magazine may be looking for a specialist astrologer (let‘s say, in astrocartography for holiday astrology) so I‘ll root around to see who‘s up to do it among the membership. Often, our Chair Sharon Knight knows whom to contact. My background in law enables me to guide on advertising and things to avoid when promoting a service - in the UK, astrologers are on dodgy ground if they claim to be able to foresee: it is advisable to ‘sell‘ astrology as a form of counselling which offers a perspective that‘s not testable by science. If you cannot ‘prove‘ a claim to a scientific standard then it is best to avoid any use of language that looks like a proven claim. INFINITY: Recently you became OPA satellite for UK. What did inspire you to apply for this position? VO: I guess I love to be a volunteer! The very sight of money makes me sick! But, OPA is a great organisation which in some ways is a bit like the APAI and the AA rolled into one, US-style. I like OPA‘s proactive approach to social media especially, constantly seeking engagement with old and new astrologers and students. I also love the book they brought out about the business of astrology - I highly recommend. There is far too much poverty thinking in astrology, and OPA is making positive strides to change all that. Helping to bring some of their energy to the UK I think builds bridges, and we can all learn from each other. INFINITY: You have written a lot of interesting and provocative columns for INFINIY Astrological Magazine. Readers love your style and humour. Can you tell us what is the source of your inspiration for the columns you do for INFINITY? VO: Why, thank you. It‘s always nice to be appreciated - we all want to be loved and desired so I guess writing is a form of soliciting to me. The fact that you like my stuff is a help - I‘m sure some other astrologers might be staggered to learn that it‘s possible to write about astrology without whipping out yet another horoscope chart. By nature I am quite combative and critical, so perhaps I am using INFINITY to get a few things off my chest - some stuff I would not get away with in the Astrological Journal. But you never know. This is a risky thing to say, but first off, I am a writer, then an astrologer. I still think outside the constructs of astrology (I am sure many people do), and to me astrology is a work-in-progress of learning, not some ‘religion‘ or article of faith. It is a bit like the afterlife question: to me it‘s not really a


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 religious question, but one for scientific inquiry (which depends on testing). Altars make nice tables, very practical for afternoon tea. INFINITY (maybe because an Aquarian edits it!) allows much scope to think outside astro-boxes as well as showcasing some wonderful scholarly material from different traditions. The more astrology magazines the better! Astrology ought not to be treated as obscure esoterica fit only for the library. The challenge is to think about public engagement and to use the media tools available - and remember that astrology is very much part of many different national cultures, still potent and part of our need for non-linear exploration. Madame Arcati taught me how to write more freely and spontaneously, which is how I approach writing for INFINITY. If you want to read the stale, faux-lively prose of the enslaved spirit, read a newspaper. INFINITY: How do you feel about INFINITY‘s chart? Feel free to share with us which planet you like the most. Do you see some synastry with your natal chart - and what do you think indicates the main challenge between you and INFINITY? All I know about you is that you have the Moon at 16 Pisces and the Sun in Gemini, and Aquarius rising, right? VO: Did an electional astrologer draw up this chart? It is very good for a publishing medium. Chart ruler Mercury on MC with Virgo on the AC - what more do you want? Mercury sextile Jupiter in the 11th - yummy for a medium that is reliant on like-minds and networking. Also as a business enterprise. Mercury is also around the midpoint of the Jupiter-Uranus trine, which links the modern planet of astrology with growth through writing and publishing - I think Smiljana we should marry. I am not a gold-digger but I know a good deal when I see one. INFINITY could be your pension plan. As your partner, I can assure you a lifetime of stimulating woe. I know a good psychotherapist. Now as to the synastry with my chart. Let‘s see. My Sun on 1° Gemini is directly opposite INFINITY‘s Saturn, drawing the 4th and 10th houses - which is kind of interesting. If I were INFINITY‘s love partner, I might say: ―INFINITY, you are drawn to Victor‘s maturity if not crumbling elderliness, but in time you may discover that this is a hindrance you can do without!‖ It‘s certainly a ‗weighty‘ aspect: I guess the challenge is compromise with the maintenance of a healthy distance! Or learning from the wise old fart‘s experience. What do you think? I like the fact that INFINITY‘S Mars conjoins my Sun in Gemini - this probably explains the easy working relationship - and how formidable a team we can be when challenged by swine. This is a real mutual energy-booster. The Suns are out-of-sign conjunct which suggests a loose identification together, something that may not be entirely harmonious; but then again, my Mercury is in Taurus not far from INFINITY‘s Sun (but out of orb) which may encourage a meeting of interests and minds, encouraged by the semi-sextile between my and the mag‘s Mercury. My Moon is on 16° Pisces which places it bang on the magazine‘s DC which I think links to the sense of greater expressiveness on my part in the pages of INFINITY. From the magazine‘s point of view this brings a degree of volatility that I suppose must be watched. The Moon-square-Moon is another indication of the need for care. This loosely links DC and MC in INFINITY‘s chart so the day may come when you say, ―Victor, you have charmed us long enough!‖ Another curious aspect is that the mag‘s Venus sits on my Mars in Cancer, which might explain the mutual allure!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 One final thing - my Uranus (which is indeed my chart ruler) on 3° Leo is favourably positioned in the mag‘s 11th house to its Mars-Saturn opposition (sextile-trine respectively): so, despite some differences of ‗temperament‘ perhaps this suggests I serve a useful purpose in building bridges and/or advancing out-of-the-ordinary perspectives. INFINITY: What did you mean in your last column for INFINTIY when you said – Why Astrologers can‘t stand each other? Is Melania Trump the reason? Or...? VO: Melania Trump?! What do you mean? Are you talking in code? I wrote that column partly because I have been struck by the high incidence of conflict in the world of astrology, and because 2016 was made difficult by one or two individuals who frankly should be kicked up the arse and out the door. Of course, another factor in this is my own character: I am quite naive in many ways and like to think the world is a nice place, so I am in a state of permanent disappointment and bitterness. The world is basically a stink pot of egotism and notice-moi-ing. My Pisces Moon is idealistic, hyper-sensitive - and relentless when crossed, urged by my sidling Cancerian Mars. Smiljana, it is so difficult being me. Boo hoo!

Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the Astrological Association. He is also media officer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Based in the UK, he trained to be a barrister before becoming a magazine feature writer, and then an editor on a number of publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic media. He has two awards from the Periodical Publishers‘ Association for his celebrity and travel journalism. He graduated with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. Victor is also the author of the annual Lifesurfing series of astrological forecasting books.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

A short article looking at the likely chances of Le Pen winning the next French Elections in April 2017 Sharon Knight

Unlike elections in either the UK or America, there are more than two candidates and parties, so it is not a straightforward contest of strength. Unless there is a candidate with a clear margin, the two parties or candidates polling the most votes then enter a further contest held in May. Currently, there are four main contenders for the Crown: Benoit Hamon for the Socialist Party, Francois Fillon for the Republicans, Marine Le Pen for the National Front and Emmanuel Macron for En Marche. The favourites currently are Le Penn and Macron, so we will look at their chances to win the coveted crown. Marine Le Pen was born on the 5th August 1968 in Paris at 11.20am (Rodden AA Rating). This gives Marine Le Pen Libra rising with her Leo sun, strong in its own sign in the 11th house of Good Fortune. Venus is Lady of the chart and is also in Leo, but visible in the evening sky, so this is a strong Venus. Her Moon is in the 4th sign of Capricorn, properly below the earth. This is a chart with the fire element emphasised. Mercury is also in Leo, but cannot be seen as it is so close to the Sun. Mars is in the last degree of Cancer, very close to the MC degree in the 10th sign. Although Mars is in his Fall, he is participating triplicity ruler and angular. This signifies that while it promises some authority and power neither are something the native gains any enjoyment from and most likely finds tiring, a burden, and something for which they receive criticism, conflict and hate. Jupiter is in the 12th sign of Virgo. As a natural benefic planet in sect, in a mediocre cosmic state and in a bad house it does not impede the ailments or afflictions of the 12th but moderates their duration.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The final planet to consider is Saturn. Saturn is in the fiery cardinal sign of Aries that falls on the 7th cusp. Saturn has a partile sextile to Venus. Although Saturn is in fall in Aries, he is very strong, by virtue of being participating triplicity ruler and in his own terms; oriental of and trine the Sun in the 11th from the Sun which is the diurnal ruler of Fire and exalted ruler of Aries; He is both angular and in sect (Hayz). He is however stationary and will go retrograde in two days on the 7th of August. Saturn has exaltation in the Ascendant and rules the 4th and 5th signs. The Moon is in his sign so he is her dispositor. I don‘t feel there is need in this short article to further examine her natal chart. But how to see if she has a chance this time round, of winning the French Presidential Election. We can compare her birth chart with that of the current French Chart, known as the Fifth Republic. The data for this chart is 5th October 1958 at 00.00 hours Paris.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Immediately we see several connections between Marie Le Pen‘s chart and this of the 5th Republic.

Her Ascendant degree is very close the Sun‘s degree of the 5th republic, her South Node is conjunct the Sun of the 5th. Her Mars and MC degree are close to the Ascending degree of the 5th Republic. Her Moon falls in the 7th sign of the 5th Republic and so on. But this doesn‘t tell us if she will win the Presidency. Let‘s look back to what was going on in her chart at the time of the previous election where she came third.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

We will look at her Profections and Solar Returns for 2012 and for 2017. In 2012 she was in her 43rd year. That equates to her 8th house. So the planet that was Lord of the year was Venus. Back to the condition of the natal Venus: It is in the 11th house of good fortune with a very strong dispositor. It is the terms of Mars and the face of Mars. This Venus is peregrine and has very little control over matters connected with the Ascendant or the 8th sign. However, Venus does have a sextile to the Ascendant and a square to the 8th, so can see to manage the affairs of both these houses. Now to her Solar Return that was in effect for the 2012 elections. Here Aquarius rises, so Saturn is LOY. Saturn is in Exaltation, sextile the dignified Sun and Venus, his dispositor. He can also see to manage the affairs of the 1st house. This looks very encouraging.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

When you look at the houses emphasised with the Profected chart, Taurus is the 4th sign. So the fixed signs will be prominent. The MC degree is conjunct the fixed star Antares. Of this placement, Robson says ―Honour, preferment and good fortune. This all looks good, but she didn‘t win through to the run off. Let‘s look at the profected signs in play during the election. It is in the 9th month or sign from the Ascendant of the profected signs. It is not worth looking at the profected month for May, as she did not reach the run off. The elections were held on the 22nd April 2012. As her profected year started from Taurus; the 22nd April falls in her natal 4th sign of Capricorn. The Moon is here, in detriment but angular, in the earthy triplicity of which she is a ruler. Taking the month from her Solar Return, Taurus was in the 4th house, so the ninth from Taurus was Capricorn. In her Solar Return, Capricorn is the 12th sign. Not an advantageous house. Let‘s look at this year‘s current Solar Return (2016) and her profected sign.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Her Solar Return for 2016 has Gemini rising and she is in her 48th year (Libra profected year so LOY Venus), therefore her natal 9th house is prominent. Analysing her Solar Return chart, Mercury is the ruler, angular, strong in his own sign, in exaltation, in the terms of the greater benefic Jupiter, and the face of Jupiter. However, Jupiter is in his detriement, but under the dispositorship of Mercury. Jupiter is peregrine, being in the terms of Mars and the face of Venus. Mercury applies to Saturn. The triplicity rulers of air signs at night are Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn is retrograde but, in an angular sign and has triplicity dignity. He is in the terms of Jupiter and the face of Mercury. He is also conjunct the fixed star Antares. (This echoes the placement of the MC in the 2011 solar return). The Sun and Venus are in the third house. The Sun we know is strong, but what of Venus? She is with her dispositor, free of combustion, and conjunct Regulus. But, she is peregrine being in the terms and face of Mars, so is not very helpful. (Note that all the sect planets, Moon, Mars, Venus (lady of the year) and Mercury (Lord of the Ascendant) are applying to the lord of the Midheaven, Saturn!! The midheaven falls in Aquarius!) Let us now assess the degree of her MC in the Solar Return. This falls at 25Aquarius 44, in the terms of Saturn and face of the Moon. This doesn‘t have any outstanding features. The two strongest planets in her Solar Return chart for 2016 are the Sun (that‘s a given) and Mercury.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 In Profections, it seems the years when we return to our 1st house (12, 24, 36 etc.) are always extra important. By profecting the months using her natal chart (the sign of Libra), we know the elections are in April, nine months after her birthday. This equates to the sign of Gemini, her 9th sign (and the first house of her current Solar Return chart). Again we have an emphasis on Gemini/Mercury. We have seen Mercury is strong and disposits all planets except Sun and Venus. There is nothing really outstanding to suggest she will win this year. What about the Aries Ingress chart? This chart will have similar Angles for many countries in Europe.

As Cancer rises, this chart is only valid for three months. We would need to erect charts for each cardinal ingress of 2017. The Moon is in the 6th sign of Sagittarius, conjunct Saturn. It indicates all the common people are not in a strong position and are bound to all that Saturn can represent. It is just worth checking the angles to see anything echoes her natal and current Solar return chart. The Paris Ascendant falls in her 10th house, close to opposite her natal Moon. Mercury in the Aries Ingress chart is fairly close to her Descendant degree and Jupiter of the Ingress chart is fairly close to her rising degree.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Comparing it to her Solar Return, The Ascendant/Descendant is conjunct her Saturn Moon and her SR Mercury is very close to the IC of the Paris Aries Ingress. Is this enough for her to win? Currently it seems the rival to Le Pen is the relative newcomer, Emmanuel Macron. He was born the 21st December 1977 (age 39), in Amiens France. The time of birth from Astrodienst is AA Rated, 10.40am.

His rising sign is 28 Capricorn, Sun at 29 Sag, Moon 14 Taurus, Saturn 0VirgoR and Jupiter 1 Cancer R. His Mars is 11 Leo, Venus is 21 Sag and Mercury 29 Sag R. His Solar Return for 2016/17 has 29 Leo rising. Naturally this puts the Sun in the 5th in partile trine to the rising degree. The MC degree (19Taurus) is close to the position of his natal Moon in Taurus. He is in his 4th house profected year of Aries. Mars is LOY. Natally Mars is located in the 8th, retrograde, but with sign aspects to all planets except Jupiter and Saturn who are in aversion to him. Neither can Mars influence the Natal Ascendant. The Profected Ascendant falls in his SR 9th house. Here in the SR, Mars is in aversion to the 9th house, but it does echo by house placement the position of his natal Mars.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Natally, the profected Month would be the 8th sign (Leo) taking the start of his profected year from Aries. In his SR chart, the profected sign/house would be Leo/first house. This is a strong testimony that he could do well, as in both cases the Kingly sign is indicated. But, he does have the retrograde, hot headed Mars natally in Leo. He could allow his passion and temper to get the better of him.

As with Le Pen, let‘s check his affiliation to the National Chart and the Aries Ingress. There are not as many connections with the 5th Republic Chart as with Le Pen. He only has Venus conjunct the 5th Rep. Saturn and his Asc/Descendant angles are close to the 24Cancer/Capricorn Asc/Desc of the 5th Rep.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

What about the Aries Ingress? (See chart earlier). Here there is a little more connection, with Moon and Saturn of the Ingress chart close to his natal Sun and Mercury and the Ascendant of the Aries ingress, close to his Natal Jupiter. I think the fact this 8th house is in play in his Solar Return and profected chart, suggests he will not win as this the Idle house, and even though it is the sign of Kings, I think with retrograde Mars there natally, it will ―spoil‖ his chances. I think Le Pen will win through default, as much as just having the slightly stronger significators in her various charts. Steven Birchfield looked at the Chart for the Opening of Polls on the 23rd April 2017 and suggested I do the same. It is really hard trying to work out which house/planet should stand for each candidate or party. In fact it is almost impossible to sort out significators for the main four contestants, let alone trying to find planets for the other minority parties.

Looking at this chart for the Opening of Polls with Steven, the first thing that strikes one, is the presence of the two feminine planets in the 10th sign.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Venus who is oriental of the Sun (that is rises before the Sun), is so strong and prominent in her sign of exaltation and is accompanied by the Moon, significator of the common people and women. Jupiter who could be taken to symbolise the current ruling party owing to his ―owning‖ the 10th sign, is in Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, so there is mutual reception. However, Jupiter is not only retrograde, he is in aversion or turned away from the 10th house. He cannot see to manage the affairs of the 10th house or Magistery. The fact that both feminine planets are in the 10th and in various levels of dignity, suggests a woman will triumph.

Feb 2017. Sharon Knight with comments from Steven Birchfield


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Sharon Knight is a qualified, practising professional astrologer with over 25 years experience. She hold the Certificate and Intermediate Diploma from the Faculty of Astrology and the Horary Practitioners Diploma (QHP). She is Chair of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), having been Secretary for the previous four years. She is a Fellow of the Association (FAPAI) and has written and edited their quarterly newsletter for the past ten years. The APAI is the only professional body in Europe that represents qualified Astrologers. Members have to hold a Diploma from a recognised educational establishment to be accepted. She has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University (2004) and a Diploma in Phytotherapy or, Herbalism (SAC Dip) as it is more popularly known. She is also a certified Life Coach. Sharon is a member of the Board of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. In January 2016 she was awarded the title ―Astrologer of the Year, 2016‖ at the 26th International Astrological Conference 2016, Organised by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology. Sharon is a featured speaker at numerous international conferences over the years.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Moon Days in Hawai’i Linea Van Horn, Astrologer at Large, with Liz Dacus

This article was originally published in the ISAR International Astrologer in August 2011. It came as a result of a Shamanic Astrology Mystery School intensive on the Big Island of Hawaii in August 2009, sponsored by Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell. Giamario is the founder and main teacher of the School, whose mission "is to provide transformational education in astrology and astronomy that celebrates the magical link between the Earth and the Sky." For many years, he has sought and found traditional systems that are visually based, and which incorporate both naked-eye astronomy and earthsky based philosophy. The Hawaiian Moon Calendar is a perfect example of such a system, and leads us to connect directly with the Moon we see in our night sky.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 From the earliest dawn of human ancestry, the cycles of the Moon, Sun and stars have been used to mark and keep time. Our very survival depended upon observing and coordinating our activities with these natural cycles, and therefore they were the backbone not only of culture and religion, but also of daily life. Sadly, much of the intimate, utilitarian, day-to-day knowledge of these celestial patterns so familiar to our ancestors has been lost, eroded or corrupted. Such forms of knowledge can vanish with alarming swiftness -- within a generation –- if no written record exists, or if there is no one alive to understand it. This has been the fate of most ancient civilizations; but not all. In some locations, these ancient ways are being resurrected and revived. In Hawai'i, quite a wonderful renewal is possible, because a great deal of Hawaiian sacred tradition and lore was recorded in the late 1800s, a marvelously recent date by archaeological standards. Author Paul Wood states, "Fortunately we have excellent information about (the Hawaiian) system preserved in the old chants, in some early histories (such as David Malo‘s Hawaiian Antiquities), and above all in millions of pages of nineteenthcentury Hawaiian-language newspapers, most of which are still not translated into English." A Swedish university-trained whaler named Abraham Fornander relocated to Hawaii in the 1840's and later wrote a 3-volume series recording the quickly vanishing native Hawaiian culture. Many of these documented practices have not yet been translated from the original Hawaiian, but they still exist in archives, accessible by anyone who can read them. One such person is Kalei Tsuha, whose love and knowledge of the Hawaiian Moon calendar blossomed after she saw school children learning a chant about the phases of the Moon. This was a regular component of a child's education. In fact, Tsuha relates that there is an old Hawaiian insult inferring great ignorance which roughly translated means "You're such a child you don't even know the Moon phases." In the past two decades Tsuha has become a master of the calendric system of the ancient Hawaiians, earning her Master's degree in the subject while recovering and testing the ancient methods. In the traditional Hawaiian system, the culture is so entwined with the sky that every day in the month has a specific name, which is based on the visible appearance of the Moon. Each cycle was divided into three segments, roughly comparable to our weeks, except that each segment has its own significance. The day names themselves suggested the most beneficial use of that day. Was it a good time to fish or not, and if so, what kind of fish to should one look for, where should one look, and which were the best tools to use? When was a good time to plant or harvest a certain crop? And when to honor the ancestors, a time that required special activities and behavior? Day names could even provide insight into temperaments of people born on that day. Of course, Mahina, the Moon, wasn't the only timekeeper. The Sun, the Day-Maker, whose cycle dominates and regulates the seasons, must be honored. The 'turnaround' points' or solstices, and the equinoxes, when the Sun rises and sets due east and west, are the primary features of this cycle. The kahuna (priests) also kept careful track of the rising Sun against the regular, comforting backdrop of the stars. In this way it was ensured that their entire year stayed in synch with the sky. In Polynesia, the Pleiades, Altair, and the Belt of Orion were variously used as markers for the Sun's annual path. One account records the following; " Makali‗i (December-January)….. is considered the first month of the Hawaiian new year, as our year begins when the constellation Makali‗i (Pleiades) is on the horizon at Sunset. It is certain that Polynesian navigators mastered the night sky in ways that are unimaginable to the modern, gadget-driven Western mind and used it as a tool to keep track of themselves in time and space. For many thousands of years, they successfully navigated from one remote island to another, using a


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 variety of techniques. Yet "the most accurate direction indicators for Pacific Islanders … are stars low in the sky that have either just risen or are about to set; that is, horizon or guiding stars. You steer toward whichever star rises or sets in the direction of the island you wish to visit." Other stars near the zenith were used to indicate specific islands. This is simply an application of the principles of declination: for a star's declination will make it a zenith star for any island at the same latitude. Arcturus, or Hoku'le'a in Hawaiian, at 19N11 declination, is the zenith star for the Big Island of Hawaii, latitude 19N43 (see my article Tale of Two Voyages in Infinity Astrological Magazine Issue #10, p. 60 for more information on using stars for navigation). Clearly we are looking at the unified, coherent system of a sky/earth-based culture, of which timekeeping is only one component. And while all hands of this celestial clock are crucial, let us look more closely at the Moon cycle, which provides the basis for naming each basic day unit, and organizes those days into convenient 29-or-30-day packets. The Moon From childhood, a Hawaiian iki (child) is taught the following chant: Two-four-four Two-four-one-three Three-three-three, and sometimes four! What looks like an arbitrary combination of numbers is actually the key to unlocking the secret of the Hawaiian Moon. This little rhyme outlines the three "weeks" of the Hawaiian month. The new month begins when the first crescent Moon appears in the western sky, and from there the days unfold in a never-ending cycle based on the appearance of the Moon. Each day has a specific name based on its exact visual phase. Certain activities were favored under certain Moons. It was the kahunas' (elders') task to watch for the new Moon and determine when the month began, as well to make certain adjustments in order to keep everything coordinated. In this system, the most important of all things is that each phase is observed directly from its appearance in the night sky. Hawaiian knowledge of the Moon names, functions and rhythms was a common knowledge, shared with all, because the Moon was considered a benevolent provider of proven, life giving resources and knowledge. As such, great reverence was given to the Moon, and chants were offered in her honor. From one new Moon to the next, slightly more than 29 days elapse, and this is called a lunar or synodic month. The Hawaiians divide this month into three periods of ten days called Anahulu. Each Anahulu breaks down into smaller units, as described in the chant. The three phases or Anahulu are: Ho‘onui (or Mua): increasing, waxing, getting bigger (Two-four-four) PoePoe: full or rounded (Two-four-one-three) Emi (or Hope): decreasing, waning, diminishing (Three-three-three, and sometimes four!) Let‘s take a closer look!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The Ho’onui Series The Ho‘onui series is ruled by the West, which is a masculine energy and where Hawaiian ceremony begins. It is in the west that this Moon is seen right after Sundown, and this series always begins with the first tiny crescent Moon, called the Hilo Moon. Since the Moon must be observable, the Hawaiians look for the first tiny light of the New Moon. Hilo means a small streak of light. Another meaning of Hilo is navigator, and this Moon phase can be seen as a navigator for the Moon cycle that follows, much in the same way western astrologers use the new Moon chart of the exact conjunction to forecast for the coming month. Many of us have been trained to think of the East as the direction of ―new beginnings‖ since that is where the Sun (and everything else actually!) rises, creating the new day. In Hawai‘i, however, it‘s the West that is considered ―new‖ since that‘s always where the New Moon appears and therefore when the new month begins. A fascinating change of perspective! Next is Hoaka, when the first real crescent Moon is visible. The name Hoaka is a contraction of the word Ho‘o Aka which means to make shadow. ―Fish may be frightened away by the spirit of this Moon.‖

The Four Ku Phases

The four Ku phases come next. This is the first in two series of four nights, all having the same lunar energy. These four Ku Moons are ruled by the North. It is helpful to know that the words for one, two and three are Kahi, Lua and Kolu. The fourth night in the series is Pau, or finished. The Ku Moons, then, are: Ku Kahi, Ku Lua, Ku Kolu, and Ku Pau. Ku is ruled by the element of Air and all things ruled by the birth of spirit in the cycle. The first night, Ku Kahi, is a kapu period (kapu is forbidden and dedicated to worship and prayer). Another of the meanings of Ku is strong and erect, to grow upright. Plants grow in this fashion when planted on the Ku phases. It could be said that the Ku shows us to stand tall and strong with spirit and the masculine. The shape of the Ku Moon resembles ―the horns of a cow.‖


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The Four Ole Moons

Four Ole Moons follow: ‗Ole Ku Kahi, ‗Ole Ku Lua, ‗Ole Ku Kolu, and ‗Ole Pau. (One, two, three and ―finished‖.) ‗Ole means nothing, or unproductive. Fishing is poor due to high tides and rough seas. ‗Ole Pau marks the end of the rough weather. Someone born under the ‗Ole Moons could possibly have a priest or priestess lineage, as these are the days for introspection and rest. ‗Ole‗s mark the first quarter Moon, which appearance suggests occurs between ‗Ole Ku Kahi and ‗Ole Ku Lua.

PoePoe Series On the eleventh day of the Moon cycle the next Anahulu (or ―week‖) begins with the rounded appearing Moons, or Poepoe. These phases are ruled by the East. Their element is Water, specifically fresh water. It is ruled by the feminine, and has a life giving birthing energy. Huna is the first of these, and Huna means hidden or horned. The shape of this Moon is said to have ―hidden horns.‖ The ―sharp edges of the Moon are now hidden." It is a good time to plant crops known to ―hide‖ such as root crops. This could be another of the Moons representing the priest/priestess lineage. Hawaiian practitioners are called Kahu, or the Kahuna, the ones who know the hidden knowledge. Mohalu Moon The next phase is Mohalu, ―a sacred night to the God Kane, the creator. Fish and fruits were forbidden to be eaten.‖ This is another Kapu day of prayer and worship.

The Four Full Moon phases The next four days are the four full Moon phases. They are the woman‘s kapu, dedicated to Mahina, the goddess. The first is Hua, which means egg, and this is the easily seen shape of this night's Moon in the night sky. It is also a night sacred to Lono, the life giver, and ruler of the rains. The calendar in the Bishop Museum notes that this is ―a night known to be fertile for many things.‖ A procreative energy abounds.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The second full Hawaiian Moon night is Akua, and is near the full round shape. The spirit of Akua, of God, is present with this Moon. Offerings were made to the God‘s on this night. It is a meditative day of reflection of the soul, of the ―self,‖ and a day for prayers.

The Hoku is the fullest of all the phases. The great round Moon brings blessings to the farmer. ―Seeds become animated by the full Moon.‖

After the Full Hoku Moon, Mahealani is next and is known as the Spirit Walkers Moon, ―the movement of souls upon this night.‖ There is the slightest touch of shadow on the edge of the Mahealani Moon and it rises just after Sunset. These Moon phases up to the Kulu Moon are also dedicated to spirit and the death or rebirth energy. It is a time for closure, endings and even funerals.

Kulu Kulu stands alone and means to fall. It is the first Moon following the four full Moons and is a time to give offerings from the harvests to the Gods and Goddesses. This Moon is another introspective night.

The La’au Moons

This set of three La‘au Moons begins as the Moon starts to wane. The La‘au Moons are associated with any type of vegetation and plants. It is a time for gathering of healing herbs and shrubs to make medicines. These are the harvest Moons and are ruled by the element of Earth and the feminine. The three phases are: La‘au Ku Kahi, La‘au Ku Lua, and La‘au Pau.

Emi Series


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The Three Ole Moons

The last Anahulu begins with the next set of Ole Moons. This is the phase of Emi, or the decreasing waning Moons. Just as with the La‘au Moons, there are three Ole Moons this time: ‗Ole Ku Kahi, ‗Ole Ku Lua, the last quarter Moon, and ‗Ole Pau. This series is ruled by the South. These are unproductive days for fishing or farming, and good days to weed. They are also days for introspection and doing inner work. ‗Ole Pau is dedicated to the sea God Ka‘loa, otherwise known as Kanaloa. The Three Ka’loa Moons

Three Ka‘loa Moons are the last set of the cycle: Ka‘loa Ku Kahi, Ka‘loa Kulua, and Ka‘loa Ku Pau. Their element is water, specifically salt water, and is associated with a life giving energy ruled by the sea god. Not surprisingly, fishing is encouraged during the Ka‘loa Moons. The Last Three OR Four Moon Phases

The last "three and sometimes four" Moons stand-alone. They are ruled by the element of Fire, and again are associated with death and rebirth. The first is Kane, which marks a two day Kapu of sacred worship, first to the God Kane, and then to Lono, the life giver and the ruler of rains. Lono is also the next day‘s Moon phase after Kane. Mauli is the phase that does not occur every month. The only way to tell if there is a Mauli Moon is when it is upon us. The kapuna must go out early and look for it. If a very small crescent Moon is visible just before Sunrise, there is a Mauli Moon. This occurs approximately four times a year. It is followed by the dark Moon of Muku falling on the twenty-ninth or thirtieth day, which is the final phase of the Moon. Again this is determined by what is visually seen or not seen and so Mauli must be visible


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 rising just before the Sun rises. The Muku Moon finds the Moon rising with the Sun behind it, so it is invisible from the Earth.

Location, Location, Location There is an interesting phenomenon about using the Hawaiian Moon Calendar in Hawaii: there is chronic disagreement about which Moon phase it is on any given day! Various sources will list different phases, which can vary as much as three different Moons. It's documented that the Moon appears different to the eye from one island to another, because the appearance of the sky changes depending upon the viewer's latitude. Over three degrees of latitude separate the northernmost island, Kaua‘i from the southernmost point of the Big Island. This may not seem like much, but it is enough to produce a difference from one island to another. The beauty of this system is that it requires us to directly experience the night sky as often as possible. The land based indigenous culture of Hawaii is looking at what ―is.‖ Learning More about the Hawaiian Moon Calendar

Although there are several lovely printed Hawaiian Moon wall calendars, the one I prefer is from Kamehameha publishing, pictured here. They also have a free application for looking up the Moon phases available at; Another great resource is M. Kalani Souza, a cultural practitioner and Kahu, who presented at the Shamanic Astrology workshop and has been an invaluable resource for much of this knowledge. He is currently at work writing a book on this material entitled: ―Under a Native Moon.‖ Visit his website at:


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Conclusion Since time out of mind, humans have used the cycles of the Moon, Sun and stars to mark and keep time. Everything from daily activities to religious ceremony to ultimate survival depended upon knowing and understanding these natural cycles. The beauty of the Hawaiian Moon calendar is that it provides an easy route to a different way of moving through the world, one that effortlessly connects heaven and earth. In developed countries today, such a connection with the sky has been obliterated. Even we astrologers, with our 2-dimensional horoscope, are not familiar with the sky upon which it is based. Our myths are full of astronomical allusion we do not even recognize. Still, we look to the Sun and Moon to order our own lives as much as possible, using the ancient axiom "As above, so below." We can learn to apply this principle much more literally, and a good place to begin is to learn more about how our ancestors understood and applied this idea. All over the word, it was the sky, filled with story, through which our ancestors carefully conveyed vital celestial information from one generation to the next, assuring their continuity and survival. Astrologers hold a key role in the current-day iteration of this process, and we do a much better job of it when we put down the charts and books, pull away from our computer screens and i-phones, and go outside to connect directly and intimately with the planets and stars on a regular basis. The experience is profound. It deepens one's understanding of astrology, and uplifts the soul. We can be immeasurably enriched by the sky, if we will but learn its language directly and consciously. ~ Hostetter, Clyde, "Star Trek to Hawaii," Diamond Press, San Luis Obispo, 1991, p. 170. To see a charming and informative video presented by Kalei Tsuha on the Hawaiian timekeeping system, go to . Lewis, David, "We The Navigators: The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific," University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 2nd edition published 1994, p. 383. Lewis, ibid, p. 82 From the website "Cycles and Hawaiian Traditions" produced by Hui Malama o Mo'omomi and The Pacific American Foundation, Part I - The Moon in Hawaiian Culture: Teacher Background Information available at The images in this article are from From the website Ainaaloha Ioane, Big Island Weekly, Ainaaloha Ioane, Big Island Weekly The ancient Hawaiian Moon Calendar related to fishing and farming from the Prince Kuhio Civic Club.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Linea Van Horn, C.A., NCGR, is the Astrologer at Large. Linea is Founder and President Emerita of the San Francisco Astrological Society (1992-2014) and has served on three NCGR boards, including the Board of Examiners. Formerly employed in the astrology Internet industry, Linea is a respected teacher, published author, and popular, lively presenter. She now devotes herself to client work, teaching, writing, and community building in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit her at Member of AFAN, ISAR and OPA. Visit Linea's website:

Liz Dacus has studied astrology for over twenty years and was certified by the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School in August of 2009. She does readings as well as leads workshops on the Sacred Marriage. Contact her at or

The Moon Phases information in this article was submitted as the senior project by Liz Dacus as final graduation requirement from the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. Liz thanks Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell of SAMS for their invaluable assistance, and to Kalani Souza, who willingly shared his knowledge with seekers.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

A SCENARIO OF EVENTS FOR 2018-2020 Marguerite dar Boggia


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 This is the chart1 of President Donald Trump, which has been progressed by secondary progression to July 27, 2018. That is the date of the lunar eclipse at 4:45 Aquarius.

That lunar eclipse opposes progressed Saturn (2:51 Leo) which is in a semi-square aspect with natal Uranus (17:53 Gemini). The eclipse activates this semi-square aspect. We know that Uranus in the 10th house can mean a change relating to his office, which change, can possibly be through sudden violence. (Uranus). I had been researching eclipses on the natal and progressed MC/IC axis prior to one's death. The time of death varies from around the time of the eclipse to even four years prior to the eclipse. Trump has his progressed MC at 3:21 Leo. That Midheaven also is in a semi-square aspect with Uranus. The eclipse at 4:45 Aquarius opposes his progressed Midheaven. This can signify more power and authority or his demise; but exactly when, it is difficult to say. Uranus rules the 6th house of health. Today science has developed the art of disposing of people through undetected means such as viruses, biology and chemistry. A handshake is enough to cause eventual cancer. His death might occur in 2018 or in 2019 when transiting Uranus is within orb of his progressed descendant, 28-29 Aries. In addition, his progressed Sun (1:54 Virgo) is in a semi-square aspect with Jupiter (17:27 Libra). Jupiter is co-ruler of the 4th house (end of life). Progressed Uranus (21:19 Gemini) is in opposition to natal Moon (21:12 Sag.) in the 4th house, which rules end of life. Then on 1/31/18 the lunar eclipse (11:38 Leo) conjoins his natal and progressed Pluto (10 & 12 Leo). Pluto rules death. In addition, the solar eclipse of 2/15/18 (27:07 Aquarius) is in opposition to natal Mars (26:46 Leo). Mars is co-ruler of the 8th house of death.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 I had also been researching the finger of god aspect called a YOD, which always seems to be present at the time of death. It is an aspect that relates to DESTINY and death certainly is a destiny. The yod aspect is formed by two sextile planets with both planets in a quincunx aspect to a third planet. He has a yod aspect! Progressed ascendant (28:11 Libra) is in a sextile aspect to the midpoint (28:05 Leo) of natal Mars (26:46 Leo) and the ascendant (29:59 Leo). Both quincunx declination equivalent antiscia Neptune (27:37 Pisces)2. If President Trump tries to fire members of the CIA or establishes a favorable relationship with Vladimir Putin, it is most likely that the CIA and/or the 'Global Elite'3 aka the 'Cabal' will have him assassinated. The plan of the Global Elite is to have one world government wherein they control all governments, all people through their rigged economic system4, where the rich become richer, the corporations prosper through wars, and the people are the sheep to be led to the slaughterhouse. They require ALL heads of State to be puppets and vassals. Putin refuses to subject Russia to their global empire. The new smear propaganda is that Putin must be removed. "He took over Crimea". The Democratic Party will definitely be victorious in 2020. The Global Elite through the Democratic Party will then be able to decimate Russia and possibly Iran through a disastrous war. Nuclear warheads have already been placed in Ukraine directed at Russia. (Israel and Saudi Arabia detest Iran) What the major Media refuses to report, is that in 2014 President Obama gave $5 billion to the neo-Nazi party and other extreme right wing parties in Ukraine to create a coup, with the help of U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland.5 In 2014 President Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine rejected the EU membership package deal, as it would result in a loss of billions of dollars for Ukraine. When, instead he accepted a favorable financial deal with Putin that was when the organized street violence began. The neo-Nazis with their guns stormed the Rada (the parliament) and threatened the people's representatives, forcing them to resign. They replaced themselves in positions of power. The coup was successful. President Yanukovych fled to Russia.5a The neo-Nazi party (now called the Svoboda Party) in Odessa BURNED ALIVE5b forty-three people in the Trades Union building. All of this was viewed on TV in Ukraine and in Russia. The people in Crimea were frightened. They asked Putin for help. He sent the Russian soldiers to the borders of Ukraine. The Crimeans VOTED to be part of Russia. (The percentage of the pension was higher than in the Ukraine). The newly elected President Poroshenko of Ukraine could not control the neo-Nazis in his cabinet and in his government. In June 2015, he petitioned the Ukraine Supreme Court to declare his Administration a COUP and that the legal Administration was that of Viktor Yanukovych6... The major Media remains silent on this news. They require an UNINFORMED PUBLIC for the next war against Russia. What the media refuses to report is that the Global Elite, using taxpayers' money has had the U.S. government create TUNNELS all over the world7. Each tunnel can hold 65,000 people. The Global Elite intend to stay there with their family and friends during the period of their intended nuclear fallout. The Global Elite are being used by the FORCES of EVIL who worked through Hitler. Their goal is to enslave humanity by controlling all governments. What will happen? The spiritual Hierarchy and the Space Brothers, (called E.T. by David Wilcock) will diffuse the nuclear warheads. No nuclear weapons will be employed. The fall-out disturbs other planets. After the world stock market crash in 2020 (prior to the elections in November, 2020) and the devastating war, which might start in April, 2023, the younger generation will be wiser and will demand changes in the political, social and economic systems.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Whenever a negative polarity, i.e. wars, corruption, greed, etc. is predominant, as it is today, it attracts a positive polarity to balance it. That positive polarity is the Head of the spiritual hierarchy of our planet. He is the World Teacher, the Avatar and the Messiah, whom all religions have been awaiting for over 2,000 years. The Forces of Evil fear Him. On page 211 of the book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, by Alice A. Bailey, (written in 1925) under footnote,…the World Teacher…is the following: ―. . . . The Buddha held office prior to the present World Teacher and upon His illumination His place was taken by the Lord MAITREYA . The Occidentals call him the Christ.‖8 Edgar Cayce said that the Christ would return in 1998.9 Because of the suffering of the "Little Ones", the Lord Maitreya came earlier. HE IS HERE NOW. On June 11, 1988 the Lord Maitreya suddenly appeared at a healing gathering of thousands of people in Nairobi, Kenya. The editor of the newspaper was present and took pictures of Maitreya. This is one of the pictures. Maitreya spoke in Swahili to the people for 18 minutes. For more information on Maitreya and on miracles happening all over the world, see: The major Media conceals this information. The Global Elite does not want change in the political, social and economic systems, which the Lord Maitreya will bring for the benefit and welfare of all of humanity. We are destined to have a Golden Age. It will just take longer to manifest. Humanity has so many blessings in store for it as soon as the Lord Maitreya can make His presence known through the major Media. Then, all 49 Ashrams of the Masters which includes their Initiates and disciples, will externalize on the material plane. They will again live with us on earth. Their vibrations are so potent. It means that the spiritual Kingdom will now be on earth. In addition great Devas (angels) will teach men how to heal with color and sound, how to nourish the body and to draw from the surrounding ether the necessary food.10 For more information on the Golden Age, see my article "The Forthcoming Golden Age" under Articles on my website:


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 References: 1 President Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 AM (AST) Jamaica, N.Y.; 73W47'30"; 40N41'48". (Time is from the birth certificate). Rodden rating AA. 2A declination equivalent planet is the degree of the planet above or below the celestial horizon converted into degrees of longitude. The antiscia, also called solstice points, are the reflections or shadows of the normal planet point relative to the 0° Cancer 0° Capricorn tropical solstice axis. 3 World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How The Global Elite 4 www.thethrivemovement (it can be downloaded) 5 American Conquest by Subversion: Victoria Nuland's Admits Feb 7, 2014 ... ―After three visits to Ukraine in five weeks, Victoria Nuland explains that in ... has spent five Billion dollars ($5,000,000,000) to subvert Ukraine, ... 5a Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Declare that Power Comes Out of the ... 5b Odessa Slaughter: How A Vicious Neo-Nazi Mob Burnt Anti .. 6 Ukraine's President Poroshenko Says Overthrow of ... 7 Wilcock, David, Ascension Mysteries, Penguin Random House LLC, pg.329 8 Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Co. 1925, pg. 211 9 Edgar Cayce on the Future - Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife 10+ Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Psychology I, Lucis Publishing Co. 1936, pp. 123, 124.

∆∆∆ Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Membership Secretary for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and Director of ISAR and Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She was a co-founder of UAC and its past Secretary and Director. Her goal is to serve humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. To that end, she offers free, online, three pages weekly of the Esoteric Teachings as was known by Pythagoras. It prepares us for discipleship. To receive these studies, she can be contacted at her website which she created at the age of 90:


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The Chariot – Major Arcana Tara Aal A chariot is an ancient vehicle pulled by two horses with a person/charioteer driving in the standing position. A chariot is made for movement and victory, traditionally used for war, racing or pleasure. The Chariot tarot card is associated with the astrological sign Cancer. In our human experience, what is it that allows us to move forward as a separate being in the world? Through the journey of the signs, it is in Cancer where we form our identity or ego. In the tarot, VII/The Chariot marks the end of the first third of the major arcana. The tarot cards follow the order of the astrological signs (IV Emperor/Aries, V Hierophant/Taurus, VI Lovers/Gemini, etc.). The seventh major arcana is linked with the fourth astrological sign and the root, home and foundation formed of/in oneself. This formation of self, a separately identifiable self, is the prerequisite to starting real relationship with life/other. Cancer doesn‘t represent the objective realm of relationship (Libra kicks this off), but it does begin our awareness of others in the context of how they affect us, especially how they ‗make‘ us feel. And for all of this to happen; to express oneself (Leo); to adjust and refine, gaining a more accurate sense of self (Virgo); to relate to/with others (Libra); to continue in the development and mysteries represented by the rest of the signs…We need a defined self. The Chariot card is often depicted drawn by one black and one white horse. The horses represent uniting opposite forces, such as our dueling desires to separate as a self and to return to the unity of connectedness. Cancer initiates action inward to experience our own emotional environment. It is us reacting (emotion) to our feelings, thoughts, memories and history. The Cancer part of us longs to feel where it comes from, what it is made of and where it belongs. We are always teaching what we need to learn. Cancer teaches us to be at home in all the stages of our humanity. It teaches us to nurture ourselves and others by supporting a healthy ego and its needs and conditioned behaviors every bit as much as selfless and unconditional love. The Chariot asks us to take responsibility for our emotional security so that we are not dependent on the external environment to meet our needs or tell us who we are. When we define ourselves from our internal sense of self, we are empowered. A self-image formed from within is strong, able to withstand the storm, stable as it constantly moves and changes. Building our inner home is a labor of love. It is the mothering/nurturing instinct turned inward for ourselves. It is building the foundation that will support everything to come. It is our Center and our


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 refuge, strength, surrender and oneness. It is drawing from source itself; the water of life. The Chariot promises positive movement in life when we operate from inner security. This home is like a ballast within, providing the capacity to go anywhere while staying fully present in oneself. Victory comes in integrating our life force, body, mind and feelings into a being that feels and self- defines its own edges, even as they change, and is ready to stand and takes the reins. In a reading, the Chariot represents someone who realizes they are the chariot and charioteer at the same time. We are our own ride in life. When home ceases to be defined as a place or destination, the entire concept of movement changes. We experience the direct relationship between within and without. We aren‘t really going somewhere, but it feels like it. And we need to feel movement, leaving and staying, to appreciate any sense of being. Cancer and the Chariot are the parts of us that make this possible.

Tara has been practicing and 2011. She completed Laura Astrology program and is a certified Gainsburg‘s Immersion program.

teaching astrology and tarot since Nalbandian‘s three-year Evolutionary Soulsign Astrologer through Adam

In her hometown, the Seattle area, Tara practiced astrology and tarot privately, at Stargazers Bookstore and Higher Wellness Health Care Practice. She was a co-host and repeating guest on local radio shows. Relocating to New York City January 2016 and Los Angeles February 2017, Tara offers private sessions and continues writing and speaking. She lectured at NORWAC 2014 and 2016 and will lecture at UAC 2018. She is a regular contributing author for Infinity Astrological Magazine. Tara is passionate about supporting people in their choice to be more natural, authentic and honest. Her commitment to feeling and embodiment is radically changing her life and use of astrology and tarot. With the compassion and understanding that comes from diverse, intense and transformative personal relationship and career history, Tara is especially available for people making life changes. Services and Fees: Tara offers Intuitive astrology and/or tarot sessions for individuals or couples using a variety of techniques such as solar returns, transits, progressions, relationship charts, an assortment of card decks and spreads. Tara also uses pendulums and art therapy. Sessions/readings are $120 per hour Links: More publications/broadcasts on her website at Tara is exploring a technique called Planets on the 1st. With this technique, you choose a specific planet as a focalizing crystal or lens through which you experience yourself. Find more info on her website at


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

2017: The Year’s Moondark Anne Whitaker

From the depths of antiquity right through until the general advent of elec-tric light in the early part of the twentieth century, humans have been pow-erfully influenced by the 29.5 day cycle of the Sun and Moon.

The power of the Sun/Moon cycle They hunted in daylight, made long journeys by the light offered by the Moon as it moved to full illumination of the night sky 14-15 days into the cycle. They timed their most powerful magical/religious rituals to coincide with the Full Moon. Ancient peoples gradually came to understand, as the age of agriculture took root and developed, that the time to plant their crops was when the Moon was waxing in the early part of the 29.5 day cycle, and in the Spring, or waxing, part of the year. Out of those practical observations of the heavenly bodies, so fundamental to survival in humanity‘s early days, came the realisation so beautifully put in the Bible: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” {Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 King James Version (KJV)} The planetary cycles, from the tiny 29.5 day Sun/Moon cycle to that powerful regulator of human affairs, the 20 year Jupiter/Saturn cycle, were recognised in antiquity as weaving all life including that of human beings into an observable rhythm which brought a context of order, structure, and some comforting predictability to the patterns of life on Earth. But whether the cycle is huge, like the Neptune/Pluto 500 year one which was not known in antiquity, or small, like the monthly Sun/Moon one, the same basic stages apply: seeding, germinating, sprouting, flowering, ripening, harvesting, dying back in preparation for the new.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 All cycles’ 12th House phase Moondark describes the end of any cycle – the 12th House phase – whether we are contemplating the monthly Sun/Moon one or the epoch-defining Neptune/Pluto cycle. It is the time of withdrawal and dissolution of energy – think of wintertime, the stripped trees, and the cold, barren earth – a time of dark power in which the old order dies at a number of different levels, so that fertile energy can emerge from the womb of the night: indeed, a time of ―dying back in preparation for the new.‖ Thus, every year, the time from the New Moon in Pisces to the New Moon in Aries can be seen as the 12th House phase, the Moondark time, of the entire zodiacal year. Moondark has fascinated me for a long time. I may first have encountered the concept in my twenties, through the agency of Marion Bradley‘s magnificent novel ―The Mists of Avalon", set in the time of druidical Britain in the era when Christianity was sweeping through the Roman Empire and the Old Religion of the Druids was being violently challenged as a result. The legendary King Arthur, disregarding the advice of his Druid priests, married Guinevere in a Christian ceremony – at Moondark, the very end of the Sun/Moon monthly cycle. Since Arthur was a king, getting the symbol-ism of his marriage right was much more important than it would be for ordinary mortals! ―Woe, woe, no good will come of this!‖ was the view taken by the Druids. They were right. The marriage was childless; moreo-ver, Guinevere spent much of it in love with Lancelot, one of the knights of King Arthur‘s fabled Round Table. Each year’s Moondark We tend to think of the annual 20th March equinox, the day that the Sun enters the sign of Aries, as the symbolic beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. But you could argue that the true beginning of spring is when a New Moon takes place in the sign of Aries. In 2016, that celestial event occurred on 7th April, both Sun and Moon meeting at 18 degrees of Aries, the fiery first sign of the zodiac. The degree of their meeting varies from year to year: in 2015, it was 28 degrees Aries; in 2014, 10 degrees; in 2013, 21 degrees; in 2012, 2 degrees– on that occasion very close to the 20/3/12 spring equinox. I find it illuminating and helpful to think of each year in those terms. Thus whilst we wait for the fresh energy upsurge of the 2017 Aries New Moon – on 28 March at 7 degrees 37 minutes Aries (2.58 GMT), we are symbolically waiting in Moondark. The uses of Moondark Moondark is at its best a contemplative time: a time to take stock both collectively and personally. We live in an increasingly frenetic 24/7 society where ‗time out‘ is increasingly hard to find, and is not supported by the culture as a whole. Those of us who wish and need to retreat regularly to preserve our balance and well-being tend to be regarded as odd by main-stream society. But humans have always benefited from times of quiet contemplation, in whatever way suits us best: listening to music, doing yoga/meditation, praying to whatever Higher Power sustains us, making or contemplating art, walking in Nature –especially by the sea, that great universal symbol of dissolution and emergence.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Even half an hour a day of retreat time on a regular basis is nourishing for the spirit. In ancient times, women used to retreat together monthly during menstruation time, which was seen as a period of potency, and hidden power – a liminal time to link through dreams and ritual to worlds unseen. It would be good if individually we could get into the habit of using the time from the Pisces New Moon each year – this year, from the powerful 8 degrees Pisces solar eclipse of 26.2.17 – to find some retreat space in whatever way suited us: to take stock of the year that was coming to an end, ponder our successes and our failures, and set some realistic intentions to pursue for the zodiacal year ahead. Will you be taking stock during this time? I certainly shall… Happy Aries New Year when it comes! Aries New Moon 28.3.17


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Endnotes This article was first posted on on April 03 2016, and has been slightly updated.

Anne Whitaker lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland. She has a long background in adult education, generic and psychiatric social work, and private practice as a counsellor, counselling supervisor, and mentor. She has been an astrologer, teacher, and writer since 1983. Anne studied with Dr Liz Greene and the late Charles Harvey at the Centre for Psychological Astrology during the 1990s, obtaining their Diploma in 1998. Her first print book, ―Jupiter Meets Uranus‖ was published by the AFA in 2009. Anne writes at , where her two free research studies can be downloaded and other ebooks purchased. She has bimonthly columns in the UK‘s Astrological Journal, and in USA‘s Dell Horoscope magazine, as well as writing and reviewing for The Mountain Astrologer Magazine. She is available for astrological con-sultations, mentoring and tuition both in person (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) and via skype. Contact: email: info@ and via Face-book and Twitter


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Venus Eric Meyers Venus is sometimes referred to as Earth‘s ―twin‖ or ―sister‖ planet as it orbits close by and has a similar size. Venus gives us reflection, the encouragement to move beyond egoic identification and learn to spot the self externally. Venus is concerned with concepts like justice, aesthetics, and the qualities of the sensate world. We often don‘t realize how charged we become by Venus, but that stems from us, not Venus.

―Sisters‖: Venus‘s diameter is 12103 km; the Earth‘s is 12756 km.

Conventional astrology designates Venus as a ―benefic,‖ as it provides comfort, pleasure, and company. Venus can be very benefic to the ego—a situation also responsible for the amplification of its darker and more devious side. The realms associated with Venus have become some of the main areas in which the ego plays out its dramas. From our perspective on Earth, Venus (like Mercury) is always located near the Sun, never wandering more than two zodiac signs away from its radiant manager. The inner planets connect awareness with the immediate environment, the consensus reality around us. With Mercury, our identification with the mind often leads to the negation of Spirit. The ―egoic takeover‖ found with Venus positions us as users of both the natural world (earth Venus) and other people (air Venus). Venus concerns beauty, and most consider this planet to be visually stunning. When we are seduced, we give our power away. We can admire Venus from afar, but if we get close, it would incinerate us in its steaming hotbed of noxious gases. Venus is famous for its volcanoes, which number around 170. There is also sulfuric acid raining in the upper atmosphere. This is not a hospitable planet! It is wise to maintain perspective and not to be pulled into Venus. From the Earth, we can appreciate Venus for its magnificent illumination as it takes turns sparkling the morning or evening sky. After the Moon, it is the brightest object the Sun illuminates for us. Since Venus is always near the Sun, we only get to see it for a little while in the sky, alternating from morning to evening. It can leave us wanting more, as we just get brief tastes and must go months at times without seeing it at all—good practice at not becoming too attached.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 The Egoic Venus Getting seduced by Venus has created a host of global problems. We have become addicted to this energy, which might lead to our collective ruin. We do not live in a world of unending resources. Sooner or later we must relax our attachment to more and live in cooperation with nature. The earth side of Venus (Taurus) involves physical beauty and self-worth. We require physical materials to survive (clothes, shelter, food), and these have become injected with egoic urgency. We generally want comfort instead of pain, but the ego turns this ―want‖ into a ―need,‖ and we use Venus only for self-interests. We may organize our entire life around securing enough money and possessions: ―Whoever dies with the most toys wins!‖ We might choose a career based solely on potential financial gain instead of considering its contribution to others or the planet. We may equate having ma¬terial possessions with happiness. Culture becomes materialistic and people are organized into financial classes (upper, middle, lower). The size of the bank account becomes a measure of a person‘s value. Slavery has even framed people as commodities to be bought and sold. The air side of Venus (Libra) concerns social and conceptual realms. This is the energy of attraction, connection, and relation to the external environment. We learn to fit in with life and adapt to the norms of society. Libra is depicted as the Scales, the principle of balance. However, the egoic takeover creates havoc here. We might use the law to unnecessarily sue others. Many become preoccupied by their social standing and are continually evaluating their popularity. Style trumps substance, and we are caught up in appearances. Having delightful touches of beauty is endearing, but the egoic Venus transforms selfimprovement into obsession, as seen with the booming cosmetic surgery industry. Nothing and nobody is ―good‖ enough, which results in a wide array of psychological maladies including chronic anxiety, eating disorders, and depression. In separation consciousness, the world is our potential Garden of Eden, full of abundance and delight. In the throes of unconsciousness, humans have exploited the Earth‘s resources and devalued the self as well. When we become more awake, we realize that an insatiable appetite is self-devouring. We may fall in love with our reflection in Venus‘s mirror, a beloved object, or something beautiful and hold on to it. It‘s quite easy for ego to latch onto Venus for security and connection in an uncertain world. We can realize that objects in the mirror are much closer than they appear. The Awakened Venus While it is Saturn that organizes the macro-structure of the physical world, Venus can be considered the designer who is responsible for aesthetics. In the movie Inception, the dream space requires an ―architect‖ who creates the setting that a dreamer then fills with subjective processes. (Note: The name of ―the architect‖ in Inception is Ariadne, which is also the name of a crater on Venus.) The movie explains that a dreamer is simultaneously perceiving and creating the dream. Venus filters how our surrounding reality is perceived, and therefore also created, in terms of individual meaning. This is how we‘re in contact with ourselves in the external


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 world. As the movie illustrates, our minds populate the surrounding world so readily and continuously that most of us never have any idea that it is occurring. In mythology, Venus emerges from the severed genitals of Uranus, symbolic of how beauty is connected to Spirit‘s intelligence (Uranus). In a sense, Venus, due to this connection with Uranus, is able to bring Uranian intelligence through the Saturnian boundary and into the manifest world. All color and aesthetics can be thought of as the ―paintbrush‖ of Spirit. This is quite different from analyzing a ―lifeless‖ world for its properties. We can appreciate the beauty of nature even more because we recognize how fleeting and precious it is. If we become attached, we are bound to suffer. Nature is a startling reflection of Spirit, and the greatest part of it is how amazingly intelligent it is. Venus is associated with the absolute perfection of nature, which has miraculous aesthetic precision. There are patterns in nature which are anything but coincidental; chief among them is the ―golden ratio.‖ This mathematical ratio per¬meates nature, including sea shells, fruits, plants, a developing fetus, crystals, musical patterns, numerical sequences, and brain waves. Venus forms a conjunction with the Sun roughly every 1.6 years and completes a series of five conjunctions every eight years. A fivepointed star (or pentagram) is drawn in the sky, which has been called, ―The Venus Star.‖ The mathematical relationships of the star‘s segments reveal the golden ratio. The conceptual side of an awakened Venus may bring a more mindful and conscious form of civility and interdependence into our customs and laws. How can we live together in greater harmony? With Venus, we are able to understand the perspectives of others. The ego looks at others and thinks, ―What can you do for me?‖ In contrast, the soul learns of itself through others. Just as Venus reflects the Earth as its sister or twin planet, other people teach us who we are by being ―sacred mirrors.‖ Another spiritual purpose of Venus (its Taurean earth side) is about becoming poised, peaceful, and natural, more adept at using physicality (Moon) as a vehicle for spiritual evolution. We have the potential to give Spirit the arms and legs necessary to mold our surroundings according to its impulses. For many, the identification with the body becomes so strong that it seems ridiculous and implausible to suggest that it‘s not really ours. The transpersonal reality is that it‘s borrowed from Spirit. It is only through this understanding that we can use it to bridge heaven and Earth. Eric Meyers is a full-time professional counseling astrologer, teacher and author of 5 original books (including The Astrology of Awakening, Elements & Evolution, and Uranus). He has a M.A. in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University and studied with astrologer Steven Forrest. Eric‘s focus is on how astrology relates to the process of spiritual awakening and the evolution of consciousness. He has pioneered a new approach weaving threads of modern psychology, universal spiritual principles and a contemporary understanding of science and nature. Eric has emerged as a progressive voice in renewing astrology for the 21st Century.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Will we stay in Equador until the end of the mission in 2014? Tania Daniels The querent‘s husband had left Italy on September 9th, 2009 for a scheduled 5 years permanence in Ecuador as an Italian teacher at the University of Quito. His family had followed him on July 10th, 2010, after their younger son had finished the elementary school in Italy. The husband went on that mission for two reasons: foreign missions are very well paid, nevertheless, the main reason was, that teaching adults in a foreign University was much more challenging for this passionate linguist than teaching bored teenagers in Italian High Schools. They had already been on several foreign missions, but this time, things were not working out as they had hoped. The school level for their kids was low and they realized their children would have serious problems on their return. During their holidays at home in Italy, the querent wanted to know if they would stay for the entire mission in Equador until July 2014, or come back earlier. Here is the chart: The querent is represented by the AC and its ruler Jupiter, positioned just on the 2nd house cusp. Jupiter also rules the 9th house of foreign countries, in this case, Equador. The planet is peregrine: The country is not that attractive anymore, it has lost its appeal. Jupiter‘s position in the second house points to the economic advantages of this mission. Jupiter is fast, but approaching his station at 10°21‘ Virgo, from which he will start his retrograde motion, which describes a quick change in the status of Equador. Since Jupiter will then move towards the querent‘s first house by retrograde movement, it describes a coming home. The distance to the station is only 2°21‘. The most likely time frame for Jupiter is months, as he is in a succedent house. This would mean, that the querent might decide to come back to Italy in 2 months. The querent‘s husband is described by peregrine Mercury in the 6th house. He is not at his best in the place he is and might feel isolated, as he is in the 12th house counting from the 7th. It is noticeable,


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 though, that Mercury will enter his own domicile after only 11°35‘. He is in a cadent house, which is generally associated with the longest time period (years) but he is also the fastest moving planet after the Moon, so the correct timeframe in this context should be months. We also have to consider a maximal timeframe of 3 years for this question, as it reads ―Will we stay until 2014‖. So 11,5 years makes no sense. 11,5 months from the moment of the question indicate the beginning of July 2012. Let‘s now have a look at the Moon: she is going to oppose the Sun. Sun and Moon are the two luminaries, the archetypes of male and female. The opposition points to a separation of the couple, but the Sun is in the Moon‘s domicile, so that separation might occur with the acceptance of the Moon, in this case, the querent. (The Moon is always the co-significator of the querent/the quesited). The distance for their opposition is 4°37°. She is in a succedant sign, describing weeks. This points to a separation of the couple after nearly 5 weeks. Let‘s now put the information together: •

Querent: Jupiter turns retrograde after 2°21 (2 months)

Husband: Mercury enters domicile after 11°35‘ (1 Year)

Sun Moon opposition: in 5° (5 weeks)

Conclusion: They will not conclude their mission, but return to Italy before. Outcome: The querent decided not to go back to Equador after their holidays Italy, which ended 2 months after her question. The husband had to go back in September (5 weeks after this question) and they lived separated for one year. He then finished his mission one year in advance and came back to Italy on July 10th, 2012, exactly one year after the querent had asked this horary.

Tania Daniels, born in 1972 became interested in Astrology in 1998 and finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the Berlin school of the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009 Tania started studying a master‘s course in Horary at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA) with Deborah Houlding. In 2015 she became involved in Hellenistic Astrology and is currently completing her studies with Chris Brennan. She has also enrolled in Robert Zoeller‘s Medieval Astrology Course. Tania‘s articles are published in German, English and Italian in the main astrological journals. She gives readings in Italian, German, English and Spanish. Her other interests are Ayurveda, naturopathy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Tania has three children and lives in Italy near Perugia.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

The Twilight Smiljana Gavrančić Heavens always take care of everything, including things we will write, read, dream about… So one should never worry, and only leave everything to unfold according to the laws of the Universe… Everything that we produce is somewhere, at some level — our own story, our internal need, and everything ―lives‖ in our horoscope, the circle that is highly intelligent, full of astrological symbols the knowledge of which makes it possible to create pictures… Everything started on June 2, 2003… Young writer Stephenie Meyer (who was born during the Solar eclipse — Sun/Moon conjunction, i.e. new moon close to North Lunar Node at 28º Sagittarius, very close to the Center of the Galaxy — the degree that brings her popularity in the world, which will reflect in titles of her books, as you would soon see…) started to write ―Twilight‖ on that day, the novel with three subsequent ones, many awards and unbelievable number of young fans.

First, in 2005, ―Twilight‖ appeared, then in 2006 came ―New Moon‖, 2007 was in the sign of ―Eclipse‖, and 2008 brought ―Breaking Dawn‖. The inspiration came to her in a dream — she dreamt about the unusual love between vampire Edward and mortal human Bella. It is interesting that only few days before she started the novel (i.e. before she had the dream), on May 31, 2003, there was Solar eclipse exactly at 9º Gemini (in her 12th house – dreams), which ―woke up‖ her natal Venus (love) through the trine, and Venus rules her 12th house (dream) from 9º Aquarius, and at the same time it is positioned at the beginning of the constellation Delphinus (romantic love story), so this must have been the crucial moment for her. Since the dispositor of her eclipse is her Mercury at 23º Sagittarius, conjunct with North Node and in sextile with Uranus (suddenly, changes),it was certain that her life was about to suddenly change from the moment she started the novel, and that it would bring success in the whole world (North Node close to Galactic Center). It was how it really happened… By the way, she dreamt the scene happening in the meadow – cusp of 12th house (dream) in Taurus (meadow).


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Since the hour of Stephenie Meyer‘s birth hour is unknown, I put her Ascendant at 29º Gemini, for she writes a story (Gemini) she dreamt about (29º – degree associated with the sign of Pisces, Neptune – dream). Further on, Stephenie cannot write (Gemini) without music (Neptune), and her greatest inspiration is the group ―Muse― – which is again in symbolism of series 12, Neptune and 29º! She writes (Gemini) about secret (29º) that is being kept by Edward‘s vampire family for a long time (29º)... Since she has not written anything before those 4 books that made her famous, then Ascendant at 29º (waiting) Gemini (books, writing) makes sense. Another important fact that speaks for Ascendant at 29º Gemini is that at 28º Gemini 55‘ there is the star Betelgeuse which directly describes New York, and the novel ―Twilight‖ was on the New York Times‘ bestseller list for 130 weeks! Since the books belong to Twilight Saga, it is then quite symbolic to have Sun in that exact phase, and since the Sun has to be in 7th house, close to Descendant for that to be true, I believe that this fact completes the symbolism in which the Sun is in twilight in eclipse at the cusp of 7th house (partners), so it all results in the strong inspiration for a very unusual love story… The Sun is also the ruler of 3rd house (what we write), and in conjunction with the Moon — the title of the second novel is therefore ―New Moon‖, and conjunction of this New Moon from her chart with North Lunar Node is depiction of the third novel ―Eclipse‖. By disposition, the Sun (the ruler of 3rd — what we write) comes to the Ascendant (dawn, the break of a new day) , so the fourth novel is titled ―Breaking Dawn‖. The very


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 square of ruler of 3rd house (Sun) with Pluto (vampires) at the cusp of 5th house (love) that ―carries‖ the trine with Venus (ruler of 12th — dream) and sextile with Neptune (dream, magic) is depiction of the deep and magic love with a vampire that Stephenie wrote about and dreamt about…

Mystic Venus Since the dream was the inspiration, then the Venus (love) as the ruler of 12th house (dream) at 9º Aquarius, at the beginning of constellation Delphinus (romantic love story) at the cusp of 9th house (publication) is depiction of that dream in her horoscope, containing unusual (Venus) romantic story that will be published. What is interesting here is that the Venus is colored by series 12 from many angles! First, it is the ruler of 12th house, it is in the sign of Aquarius, the sign of Neptune‘s exaltation, it has sextile with Neptune and only several days after her birth (December 24, 1973), on January 4, 1974 Venus became retrograde at 11º of the 11th sign, implying some sudden changes! Venus is the universal signifier of a young woman, and it surely represents Bella, the main heroine of the Twilight Saga, who is being torn between two types of love at the beginning of the story.

The storyline from the author‟s chart One love is for her friend, werewolf Jacob, who loves her very much (Mars – wolf, in 11, in Taurus, In the sign of Venus‘ domicile). In its retrograde motion, the Venus (Bella) will first square Mars in 11th house in Taurus (the werewolf friend) across 8º (the degree of transformation) Aquarius / Taurus, so Bella will first have to solve this relationship that is a kind of a problem (square)… When she does that, her true love awaits, the vampire Edward, who also loves her. Retrograde Venus (Bella) will make a trine (lightness of connecting) with Pluto (vampire) at the cusp of 5th house (love) in Libra (the sign of Venus‘ domicile), so this is depiction of a truly deep love, love in a danger, but here the danger (Pluto) aids to this love (Pluto is in Libra, the Venus‘ domicile). If you have read novels of


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 watched movies, you have witnessed that in dangerous situations Edward and Bella connect even more, and their love gets stronger… One thing is certain — both Jacob (Mars in Taurus loves Venus) and Edward (Pluto in Libra loves Venus) love Bella, but since the Venus (Bella) is in the sign of Saturn‘s domicile (Aquarius), and Pluto (Edward) in the sign of Saturn‘s exaltation (Libra), it is more certain that Bella loves Edward, and she moves towards him… Since Venus is at the cusp of 9th house (abroad), this is also depiction of Bella who goes to Italy for love, to prevent Edward from committing suicide, and they connect again abroad (Venus is at first in separation trine with Pluto, which depicts their separation, but as Venus starts its retrograde motion, things change and they are together again…). Vampires shine during the day, and when they expose themselves to sun they risk being uncovered, bringing into question the survival of the whole vampire community that may punish them for that by taking away their powers and making them mortal again. That was Edward‘s plan — to come to the sun light at noon (Pluto in Libra in square with the Sun) and end himself in that way, because he thought Bella was dead.

Vampire and werewolf

And what about the relationship of werewolf Jacob and vampire Edward? Since they both love the same girl there should be indicators of some kind of mutual animosity. Edward is represented by Pluto in Libra, where Mars (wolf) is in exile, and Jacob is represented by Mars in Taurus, where Pluto (vampire) is in fall! It is very possible that the author herself was somehow ―between‖ two men in her life, one that was her friend, and the other that she loved. Saturn at her Ascendant (herself) is in sextile with Mars in 11th house (friend) that is in fall in Cancer, and in square with Pluto at the cusp of 5th house (love, high school), but since Pluto is at the cusp of 5th house (love), it is clear that Plutonian connection is stronger… Beside, dispositor of her Ascendant‘s ruler (Jupiter) is in trine with Pluto in 5th house… In the beginning, Bella is shy, scared, she loves her solitude — everything corresponding to the Venus at the beginning of Delphinus constellation (remember Amphitrite who was shy and hid away…). But, since Venus comes through disposition to the sign of Libra, the sign of her domicile, to 5th house (love, high school), and in the part of the horoscope we call via combusta (the burning way — from 15º Libra to 15º Scorpio), that is related to Egypt and magic powers of the goddess Isis, who was sorceress — then this is depiction of Bella who, in time and beside Edward, becomes a vampire and a sorceress — gets magic powers, can help herself and others. Bella fitted very good in this new vampire world, she enjoyed her body and her capabilities…


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Personal myth awaken in a dream Since the 12th house describes dreams, but the personal myth and the inner need as well, it may be concluded that the dream of Bella and Edward, the dream of eternal love, is the strong inner need of the author, her personal myth, her story that becomes ―alive‖ in the moment it was written… No doubt that all of us read and write stories that are, above all and only — ours. Horoscope of Stephenie Meyer is in the sign of the cardinal T-square. Saturn at the Ascendant that ―contains‖ Venus (love) from the beginning of Delphinus constellation (romantic story) is in opposition with Sun/Moon conjunction at Descendant (twilight), and Pluto at the cusp of 5th house (love with the vampire in high school) is the central planet of T-square, the one squaring the opposition. Since the main accent is always on the central planet of T-square, then the solution here is in Pluto‘s dispositor, i.e. the Venus at the beginning of Delphinus constellation, at the cusp of 9th house, so publishing of this unusual romantic story with the vampire is the right channel for Stephenie to make her dream come to life… Smiljana is the editor, founder and owner of INFINITY Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education ―Johannes Kepler‖ in Belgrade, where she graduated in October 2010, defending her thesis in Mundane Astrology ―European Union – In Varietate Concordia‖ (united in diversity) and obtained the status of a graduated Astrologer Researcher. In February 2011, she met requirements to work as an Astrologer Consultant and in March of the same year, she became an International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.). Smiljana is a member of ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. During the academic 2010/11 within the postgraduate level, she studied Hermetic Astrology. In addition to consultations with the clients, Smiljana finds great inspiration in research work, which she presents in her astrological texts. A special emphasis input on finding significant degrees in the Zodiac for a specific country in the area of Mundane Astrology or a significant degree for relations between two persons in the Astrology of Relations. In her search for responses to the question as to why something (or someone) is happening to us, Smiljana also practices Karmic Astrology, as well as the Astrology of Archetype (fixed stars, mythology). Smiljana studied International law and Law of International Organizations at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade. She interrupted her studies at the last year (in 2006) and since then, she exclusively dedicated her life to self-study of astrology. Her writings have appeared in The Astrological Journal, and on The Mountain Astrologer blog and ISAR‘s International Astrologer. Smiljana was a speaker at two KAPA conferences in Serbia (―REGULUS IN VIRGO‖, November 2011 and ―CHIRON‘S MESSAGES‖, November 2013). INTERNATIONAL LECTURES: In September 2015 she was a speaker at online international astrological conference CINASTRO 2015, Brazil . Her topic was – Russia and 19° Libra. Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Kolkata, India, was published Smiljana‘s article about Russia and 19° Libra during it‘s conference in January 2016. Smiljana was a speaker at The AA‘s 48th Annual Conference. The AA‘s 48th Annual Conference ‖Building Bridges and Expanding Our Horizons‖ took place 9th – 11th September 2016 at Wyboston Lakes near Cambridge, UK. Her lecture was: URANUS IN TAURUS 2018. During her visit to UK, Smiljana gave a talk in the Astrological Lodge of London, too (19th September, 2016). 9th Astrological Conference in Perugia, Italy, 1st-2nd July, 2017


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

2017 February Eclipses report Rod Chang

Eclipse date: Lunar Eclipse: 11 Feb 2017 00:32 GMT Solar Eclipse: 26 Feb 2107 14:58 GMT Lunar Eclipse degree: Moon in 22˚ Leo, Sun in 22˚ Aquarius Solar Eclipse degree: 8˚ Pisces Nodal Axis: Pisces-Virgo


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse will happen at 14:58 (GMT) 26th Feb 2107. Sun Moon conjunct at 8Ëš Pisces. Pisces as a water sign suggest that we should focus on water resource, ocean, fishing, seafaring, shipping, rainfall and flooding, in the psychological level water element related to feeling, fantasy, imagination and those intangible subject in our life. As a mutable sing, suggest the exchange of feeling between people, Pisces particular connect with sharing feeling and sharing emotion, compassion and empathy, these could be the fundamental key of this year. The mutable sing also suggest our society and people trying adopt new situation, adjust ourselves to new condition, learning new skill are very useful during this period. We also have to take Nodal axis Virgo-Pisces, Earth-Water elements combination into account. Although Nodal axis will move into Leo-Aquarius after May 2017, but let us focus on Virgo-Pisces first as Solar Eclipse occurred at Pisces. The Virgo Pisces are usually link with Health, Medicine, Chemical issues, as water earth sings combination, the focus area are those disasters link with water and land. Water pollution, Ocean pollution, flooding, avalanche, and landslide cause by rainfall, tsunami cause by earthquake. As February, Solar Eclipse happens at Pisces, the Rulers of Eclipse are Neptune and Jupiter. Let us look at Neptune first, in the Solar Eclipse chart Neptune is not only ruler of Solar Eclipse, it also conjunct with Sun and Moon this is a double whammy and we should not under estimate the Neptune issues in 2017, which again are related to water, ocean, shipping, pollutions, virus mutation and epidemic, medical, chemical issues. Especially those areas has Neptune on the angles in Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Transiting Neptune on the angles of country chart and Aries Ingress chart.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Neptune as generation planet, it has more effect on Mundane level, however we should not ignore the personal influence as Neptune play an important role in 2017 February Solar Eclipse. Especially if you have personal planets and Ascendant-Descendant axis, M.C-I.C axis around 6-16˚ Mutable signs. Neptune is related to dreams, fantasy, illusion, it encourage us to fulfil our dream, to be greater than we are now, however Neptune does not promise you anything, it is up on you to understand what is fantasy and what is possible future. Neptune also repeat Pisces themes of share feeling, compassion and empathy. Jupiter is another thing we should focus, as it is traditional ruler of Pisces. Jupiter represent higher foreigner, travel, international relationship, education, religions, what we believe and philosophy. As Jupiter in Libra and retrograde, it is not in it most powerful state, this suggest the background of Mundane events have somehow a tone of stagnate, people are frustrated about things are not move forward, more people feel they don't have time and energy for take care of other. However Jupiter in Libra where Saturn is exaltation and Saturn in Sagittarius where Jupiter is ruler. This is a mutual reception in traditional astrology view and this suggest those who have no power in the main stream, and those who live in the difficult situation should help each other to bring better future. Jupiter in Libra like last year we should focus on Justice, cooperation and relationship, Libra as cardinal air sign, this suggest, we can improve our situation if we can put more effort on communication, education, make sure thing are going fair and well balance different view, different voice has been heard. Libra also is a human sign and sanguine type in the traditional astrology view, we can expect the political, communities affairs, humanitarian issues and charity works will become our focus of the year. Aspects: In February Solar Eclipse chart, Jupiter opposite Uranus and Mars, square Pluto, this form a T square, this is a strong signature in Eclipse chart. This also remind us that we are not done with Uranus-Pluto square. Between 2012-2015 Uranus and Pluto formed 7 exact squares. This was what astrologers focus during last few years. This year Uranus-Pluto square still form a tight square although it is not going to be exact aspect. More over Jupiter and Mars are being involve in the Solar eclipse chart. Mars bring out survival issue, military, attack and bloody violence. Jupiter suggest religion, believe, philosophy, foreigner are involve. It is hard to ignore this configuration suggest more upheaval in the political and economic areas, protest, attack, and violence events. Fixed Stars The new Moon of Solar Eclipse are align with two fixed stars of Aquarius, Skat and SITULA. Skat is on the waterman‘s shin, and Situla is on the water barrel he hold. I see this as an emphasis of Jupiter-Saturn mutual reception as Skat has Jupiter Saturn nature according Ptolemy. Also Robson suggest Skat are related to friend when Son and Moon receive it‘s influence. Saros cycles According Dr.Bernadette Brady‘s Saros cycles study, Eclipse occurred in 2016 February belong to S.S 19 eclipse family. it has a positive and happiness flower. Venus/Jupiter combination and Jupiter/Uranus combination has strong influence. I suggest that we take this information and use it to give us strength. We should believe that what we are doing will have positive out come, life might surprise you.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Affected Countries: 8˚ Pisces and Virgo Moon: Haiti, Hungary, Lebanon, Switzerland, Thailand Sun: Azerbaijan, Coaata Rica, Libya, Mongolia, Nepal, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Vietnam Ascendent: Algeria,Dominican Republic, Jordan Kenya, Lithuania, Scotland, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vatican, Zimbabwe M.C: Bahrain, Indonesia, North Korea, Malaysia, Senegal Astromap

Asia-Pacific: New Zealand, East Part of Australia, Indonesia, Japan, West China (West) , Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen Europ-Africa: Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Ethiopia, Somalia, Madagascar, North West coast of Africa, Spain, France , UK North & South America: Brazil, Mexico, 86˚ W-103˚ W , West Coast of North America.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Related events Lunar Eclipse

The Lunar Eclipse will happen on 11 February 2017 at 00:32 (GMT), Moon in 22˚ Leo opposite Sun in 22˚ Aquarius. The influence of Lunar Eclipse are usually last 6 month until next Lunar Eclipse happen. Both Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse represent shocking events, usually unpleased and scary. It could be disasters or upheaval in the social political domains but I believe there are profound meaning behind those unpleasant. Solar Eclipse, as a New Moon, use those unpleasant as awakening call, and bring an opportunity to start new system. Lunar Eclipse as Full Moon, it shows us the out come of those decision we made, those event are usually linking with Nodal axis position, Eclipse Saror cycles, New Moon Full Moon by their position on the zodiac. Which mean when the shocking event are linking with Lunar Eclipse, we have to ask, How come this happen? What cause this tragedy ? If we go track relative event when those decision are made, when those order or law are made, we can find they are somehow share similar zodiac point by Moon, Node, or Saror Cycles. The Sun Moon opposition of Lunar Eclipse occurred at Leo and Aquarius, this axis are personal glory and collective goal, action verse thinking, now or future. Fire sign of Leo indicate Drought, Warfare, fight, riot, fire and blast. Aquarius as Air sing suggest protest, political dispute, communication, media, flight and space. Especial those country have Sun, Moon, Asc,Mc, Chart ruler near 22˚ Leo- Aquarius.

We also have to take Pisces-Virgo Nodal axis, Water, Earth elements into account, these we already covered in Solar Eclipse.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Aspects : Eclipse Full Moon will trine and sextile Jupiter Uranus opposition, it bring harmony action and smooth the agitation and anxiety of Jupiter Uranus opposition, we can fight for better future with wisdom, with deep consideration of pros and cons. Jupiter Uranus and Pluto form a T square on the Lunar Eclipse day, it suggest we have more idea of social reform, political and Economical reform. We know what our future look like. As Sun and Moon intervene this T square with harmonic aspect, we maybe realise those decision we made before are challenging us or in another way that we are benefit from it when we face the sudden change of Uranus Jupiter Pluto T square. Fixed Stars Sun will be align with 2 fixed stars on this day, Sadalsuud : the measurement stick of water man, which has nature of Mercury Saturn according Ptolemy, this suggest the deep consideration before we take action, also suggest those event we are facing now are the measurement of water level. Is flood coming soon ? How far and how hard it will be ? Deneb Algedi: This is the tail of Capricorn, Ptolemy gave it Jupiter and Saturn nature although Robson told us It is said to cause beneficence and destructiveness, sorrow and happiness, and life and death, however we should know the Capricorn is the goat god Ea or Pan, Ea the god of civilisation and Pan is god of wilderness and nature. If we understand that we need destroy old building before we build up new home. The resistance and sorrow for keeping old memory could be the echo of Pluto in Capricorn, and excitement of new hope are more likely the Jupiter Uranus influence on the Lunar Eclipse chart. Lunar Eclipse of Personal level are usually aware about something that indicate by which houses axis Lunar Eclipse falling too. The Aquarius and Leo axis suggest the issue maybe around rational mind and passional action, Spontaneous v.s. Think before leap, focus on personal goal or care about whole society. Especially if you have personal planets and Asc- Des axis and M.C - I.C Axis between 17-27 Ëš Leo-Aquarius. Affected Countries: 22Ëš Leo-Aquarius Astromap: Asia-Pacific: New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, China (Beijing, Central, West) , Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, around Persian Gulf, North&South America: MI, WI, OH, GA, KY, SC, NC,FL Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Rep, Venezuela,Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina Europe Africa: Iceland, Italy Germany, Austria, Czech, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Turkey,South East Coast of Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and through the LSA and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. His favourite aspects are mundane astrology and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around ten years. He is cofounder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers . Rod is also working closely with other Asian astrologers in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong in order to establish an Asian astrology network.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017



INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Virgo Full Moon March 12th It is the last full moon of the astrological year, prior to the spring equinox, when the Sun leaps into Aries. Fruition, culmination and peak moments are hallmarks of full moons. As the door of winter closes, the door of spring opens. The Themes illuminated by Virgo full moon are the importance of work and health routines; the efficiency and organisation of how we craft these into our lives. This is a moon for fine tuning our lives and readdressing any imbalance that are preventing us from living more holistically. Mercurial Virgo can get lost in detail; it is the polarity of the opposite sign Pisces that helps to get a broader perspective, to see the whole picture rather than fragments of it. This is the moon to perfect whatever craft we have. Virgo delivers the physical tools to ground spirituality and pull the inspiration of Piscean dreams into mundane tasks, without which life would be monotonous. Wherever Virgo 22 degrees is in chart is where the blossoming is taking place. Look back on what you were initiating 6 months ago at the Virgo new moon and see how far you‘ve come. What manifested, what was left behind and what has come full circle? Aries New Moon March 28th The Aries new moon marks the start of a new 12 month journey of the new moon cycle, this is a powerful time to set intentions for the coming months. With Aries‘ ruling planet Mars in Taurus, our actions and desires have an extremely promising chance of taking root and achieving staying power. We all have Aries in our charts and don‘t have to have an emphasis of Aries energy to resonate with the sense of wonder, boldness and newness that that there is in large supply in the cosmos right now. While spring has already begun with the Sun moving into Aries on 20th March on the Vernal equinox, it is not until this potent, dynamic new moon in on March 28th that things really begin to get moving. New beginnings and directions driven by boldness and decisiveness are favoured, as the spark of new creation and the manifestation of desires fills the void of procrastination, indecision and lethargy. The new moon is conjunct Venus, daring us to make courageous acts for love, aligned to our desires. The moon‘s dispositor Mars in Taurus, sextile enchanted Neptune in Pisces believes, dreams can become a reality, when desire is merged with vision and imagination. . Make a Wish! March Horoscopes Aries The new moon in your sign on 28th, blasts you with a new cycle of dynamism, courage, leadership and drive. Your values, your loves and desires are in review phase with Venus retrograde in your sign. On 26th, be attentive to an original, innovative idea as Uranus, the awakener planet and Mercury, the messenger work their magic. Taurus Circumstances have caused you to take a step back to review and revise some of your plans and reassess some of your goals this month. You‘re re-affirming your values as Venus your ruling planet, stations retrograde on March 4th. ; The creative energy flowing through you right now is finding its expression in grounding and containing ways, through being in touch with your senses and finding ways of contacting terra firma.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Gemini . You‘re re-evaluating your hopes, dreams and goals. It‘s a time for reaching out to those who share and appreciate your visions. For creative Geminis, your muse is returning and creative juices flowing once again. Networking, group activities and new contacts are featured for you and at the same time, you‘re reviving a blast from the past Cancer. Your ambitions and, goals are under review during the next 40 day, while Venus goddess of love retraces her steps though your house of career house. The new moon is an initiating time for career plans, though, with Venus retrograde and Mercury following suit next month, launch time could well wait a few months. Leo After an emotionally heightened time, what with the lunar eclipse in your sign and then the intense new moon eclipse, there are warm flames to re- vitalise you and lightens things up. It‘s a forward looking month. There is a wonder lust about you right now, maybe you‘re planning a dream trip away. Virgo This is a fruitful month for Virgos; with the full moon in your sign on 12th, it‘s a flowering time for a seed that was planted 6 months ago. It‘s also a weeding out time; something is leaving your life too. There are transformations and re-births, following last month‘s eclipses that have played a catalytic part in moving you onwards and upwards. Libra There is an ending of some kind around the full moon on 12th, a re-visitation to something from your past that requires meditation and reflection. Venus retrograde makes you fickle and indecisive, so it‘s not the time for making firm commitments professionally, with new business connections or with partners. Rather, it is time for weighing up all sides, which is what you do best. Scorpio You‘re very much in demand this month, emotionally, physically and psychically. Everyone around you seems to be going through some kind of crisis and needs a piece of you. One door closes as another opens; there is a graceful goodbye to one person and a heartfelt hello to someone else. Sagittarius Creativity, romance, fun and pleasure are all on the menu for you this month. It‘s best to be adaptable to plans carried out right now as there may be last minute alterations. It‘s a time in your life to enjoy being in the moment, enjoying the journey rather than concerning yourself with the destination. As a Sagittarian you are skilled at this but every now and again we all need to be reminded of what we know so well.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Capricorn It is the karma of unfinished business that you‘re dealing with this month as you‘re magnetised back to completing and deepening something that is coming full circle. Balance is the magic word for you, as you are pulled between your private and public life. It‘s family commitments and the need for your own space versus the pull of career demands. Aquarius With the stellium in Aries this month, highlighting learning and communicating, you need not fear that you are in danger of mentally stagnating. You may be rooted in one place but your mind is free, breezy and branching out high into the air. Get ready for a brainwave and a breakthrough between when Mercury collides with Uranus on 26th. Pisces The focus is on your finances and the innovative, entrepreneurial ways in which you can increase them. Attitudes towards money and possessions undergo an alteration, it‘s not the best time for big investments or big spending as you could be over valuing these things only to regret investing in them once Venus moves forward. Libra full moon 11th April The full moon in Libra, the sign of relating, on April 11th is a relationship themed one, which is about bringing to light the balance of dependence and independence, self and other in our connectedness with others. The moon is on the heels of a Venus square Saturn transit: we could end up sabotaging the very thing that we are desiring through our lack of self- worth and fear of losing our independence. However, the Sun conjunct Uranus does offer us a dose of boldness and leadership to initiate new beginning in relationships and to be real about what we want. Taurus New Moon 26th April The new moon in Taurus, exalted in this position, with Venus in Pisces where it is in dignity, ruling the chart, speaks of that ultimate, idyllic love, the stuff of fairy tales and movies. Can we make it real, manifest the romantic vision and bring it down to terra firma? Do we actually believe in love? Do we have faith in love and are we ready to surrender to it? Venus is direct after 40 days of retrograding and is at 29 degrees. Rewind back to the beginning of April, where it was at the same degree. Some of the issues of that time re-emerge to be moved on with at a deeper level, and understanding. Fill in the gaps now as missing information emerges.29 degrees is the fated, crisis point, so close yet so far from the necessary courage and life force of Aries. Upstream or downstream, that is the question. Chiron is conjunct Venus; we have to firstly address some core wounding that has been sieved up from the bottom of the ocean. Taurus is associated with stability, manifestation and desire. It is an earthy, Venusian new moon; one in which self-worth, self-love, values and comfort are illuminated and need to be in alignment with our core truth and purpose. The seeds planted at this time are in fertile soil and can potentially grow into something solid and long lasting. This Venusian New Moon in the element of earth provides the potential of stillness and grounding of terra firma, bringing us to the wisdom of our bodies, of the earth and our senses. It‘s the time of breaking old patterns and creating new ones. Relationships with others and with ourselves is illuminated at this time.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 April Horoscopes Aries The full moon on 11th illuminates the area of one to one relationships in your solar chart. Your energies are required by an important other. After stepping back and doing some soul searching, over the past month, you‘re now even more sure of who you love and what you love. You‘re on the road to fulfilling your heart‘s desire when Venus leaps back into your sign on the 29th April for a return 1 month stay. Taurus This is your birthday month, your solar return, a time to set intentions of hopes and dreams for the coming year. On 26th the new moon joins your sun and signifies a fresh new start. After 40 days of travelling backwards, your ruler Venus is back on track and you have clearer perceptions of where you‘re at with regard to love, money and relationships. With Mercury retrograding in your sign, your intuition is amped up. Go with it. Gemini Romance, fun and creativity will be a source of nourishment for you this april. Your ruling planet Mercury is turning retrograde this month, a time when you are more able to feel your way through things, as opposed to over analysing your way through. Tapping into the guidance of your inner wisdom helps you in making choices more aligned to your core nature. Cancer What may seem like a setback that leads you to review your professional image and status is actually a golden opportunity to a need to temporarily step back and tweak and re -define an important goal so that you are well versed. You are in the public limelight this month, your leadership abilities and your enthusiasm don‘t go un- noticed by others. New business plans are carried out and progress with projects is made. Leo You have more impact on your surroundings than you realise and you will find a new joy or love that will help you to express yourself more, in new ways. Important messages and new connections are made within your day to day life, through those you meet going from a to b. The new moon on the 26th occurs in your house of ambitions. It is a seeding, energising time when new goals professionally are to be focussed on. Virgo Mercury your ruling planet is turning backwards for a few weeks, in which time he is mischievous but not malicious, he just wants to make sure that you are mentally on form. When dealing with accounts, contracts or taxes, ensure that your Virgoan eye for detail is at its usual level of sharpness to be sure that you don‘t have to re-do. Sharing and intimacy on all levels will be a focal point this month. Be sure to attend to your own needs too.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Libra There is a full moon in your sign as well and Venus, your ruling planet is retrograde until 15th April. This is review time for your values. Your peace- making, harmonising talents will be required this month when it comes to dealing with those volatile people orbiting around you. As Venus goes direct so do you. There is an important decision that you‘ve finally made. Scorpio Pluto, your ruling planet is turning retrograde on 21s. Whilst every zodiac sign will feel the effects of this movement, you are especially affected. During this time you have the chance to recover a hidden resource that has been overlooked. Keep a careful eye on what goes on around you throughout your day to day life and you may well discover an archaeological gem, (metaphorically speaking). Sagittarius Creativity, romance, fun and pleasure are all on the menu for you this month. Saturn in your sign is retrograding on 6th, for the next 4 and a half months. It‘s a reality check time that tests you, to make sure that you are fully living out our ideals and philosophies and walking your talk to the best of your abilities. It‘s a karmic time for you, either reaping or sowing, or a bit of both. Capricorn Pluto in your sign moves backwards this month for the next 5 months offering you time to absorb and examine recent transformations in your life. Life lightens up from 26th, when you‘re able to put your needs first and find well-earned time for fun and pleasure. Saturn begins his travels backwards on 6th and you can take time to redefine your recent commitments and responsibilities to ensure greater future success. Aquarius Home is where the action is happening this month. This is a month for deepening your roots and foundations and reaffirming your truth and values before the branching out that will be happening for you from May full moon. The support and security that your clan provide enable you to embark on exciting, innovative times. Pisces Since the eclipse in your sign last month, circumstances have made you take a step back to review and revise some of your plans. Perhaps the way you have been going about a new responsibility or project needs adjusting. It‘s time to reassess some of your goals this month.

Natalie is based in Surrey, UK and has been a consulting astrologer since 2007. Natalie studied Astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London and is a member of the Astrological Association, UK. She has written for the Astrological Journal and Natalie has been interviewed live on CNN world news, on the birth chart of baby Prince George and held a regular slot on local radio. She read English and American Literature at Kent university, UK and her background is in Complementary Therapies.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

March & April 2017 Infinity Horoscopes Cassandra Tyndall

MARCH: Aries There is a lot to look forward to this month as planets pile up in your sign. With such a strong element of fire in the sky now, your natural tendency to rush into situations is supported. In a cosmic twist, Venus, the planet of love, dating and relating turns backward in your sign from the 3rd. Whether it‘s a current love interest or a long- term relationship, you‘ll find yourself questioning if the amount of energy you‘re investing is worth it. A link from your ruler Mars to Neptune may help slow you down and see things from a more inspired perspective. Taurus Venus, your patron planet takes a once every 8- year retrograde cycle in your most private sector this March. Rest and retreat are the name of the game now as you only have energy for working behind the scenes. This period of slowing down will help you get in touch with your deepest needs and devise a plan of action for the future. In the sign of Aries, you may have to go it alone, showing both your solidarity and independence. The behind the scenes progress you make now, will begin to take shape in June, when Venus finally tours Taurus. Gemini Your career and networking sectors are jam packed with planets this month, showing real progress in all the effort you‘ve been making to get ahead. Serious conversations you may have been avoiding, especially with a significant someone is highlighted when Mercury and Saturn link on the 12th. There is a potential to have to revisit the conversation once Mercury and Venus meet on the 18th. You may have a change of heart or a change of mind then. Either way, you‘ll be better able to voice your opinion and not be so concerned with what anyone thinks about it!


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Cancer The New Moon on the 28th not only kick-starts the astrological New Year, but also gives you a career re-boot! Although a New Moon heralds the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings, Venus is currently taking a backward tour through your 10th house. You may be reassessing your career direction, your job and your value. You are very independent when it comes to your work, if you‘re not feeling valued, or that you‘re being paid enough, headstrong Venus in Aries may not put up with it. Explore your options for a possible upgrade but keep your cards close to your chest until mid-April. Leo The annual Full Moon in Virgo brings attention to your income and cash flow. Going back to the drawing board and devising a new budget is highlighted. Declutter your wallet or purse. Consider downsizing from a traditional wallet to a phone case that only carries a few cards. Focus on minimalism and you may find you spend less. The ruler of this Full Moon is Mercury, who is forming an adjustment inducing square to Saturn. If you‘ve been leaking extra cash through entertainment and having fun, this is where you‘ll need to show discipline if you want to reach your financial objectives. Virgo There have been a lot of planets in Pisces so far, this year, meaning, that the focus has been on everyone else, but you. The Full Moon on the 13th brings the celestial spotlight back onto you. Getting in touch with your own feelings, or doing what helps bring you back into balance is encouraged now. Your ruler Mercury is forming a tricky link to Saturn. Conversations may cause some friction, but openness will keep the wheels turning, especially at home. You may find you‘ll need to make some deals or negotiate the terms, but Saturn demands you keep your promise. Libra March heralds a period of deep contemplation as your ruler Venus begins a retrograde tour through your 7th house of relationships. Whether single or partnered, the cosmos invites you re-assess your values, your priorities as well as your worth. Are you being taken for granted? Perhaps you‘re the one who‘s been stretching the limits of what your relationship can handle. Either way, this period of withdrawal and refocussing can only create win/win situations in the end. Jupiter is in your sign after all, healthy selfishness is what it‘s all about for you now. Independence within partnership is a key theme until June. Scorpio Mars, your ruling planet tours your 7th house of relationships from March 10. It‘s been 2 years since Mars energised your love sector. You‘ll be encouraged to embrace new challenges and add passion into an existing relationship. If you‘re single, your approach to partnership may take on a more bold or confident expression. Either way, you‘ll be ready to face any relating issues head on. March 27 is highlighted for romance as Mars connects with dreamy Neptune. Under Neptune‘s touch, you‘ll be inspired to put on your rose- coloured glasses and enjoy all the goodness love has to offer.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Sagittarius This month highlights work/life balance as the Full Moon in Virgo illuminates your career sector. Getting organised at work, streamlining your schedule and delegating non-essential tasks will help you get focussed. Organising your files, your emails and your to-do list on the 13th will help you feel less stressed and ready to tackle any challenges that lie ahead. A tricky combination of Mercury in Pisces and Saturn in your own sign, may leave you feeling stretched in all directions now. Your key to navigating the tension is organisation and prioritisation. Be upfront and honest about what you are prepared to give. Capricorn Your home sector is under the celestial spotlight this month as both Venus and Mars tour this area of your solar chart. Plans and projects to beautify or improve your living space may come to a grinding halt as Venus does from the 3rd. This provides the opportunity to revise your plans and work out what you really want. This may take shape from which cushions to buy from whom you choose to share your living space with. Mercury also adds a level of confusion as he back tracks through your 4th sector. Avoid pushing ahead with plans until June. Aquarius The Sun and the Moon shine their light upon what you own and owe, known as the 2nd and 8th houses, under the Full Moon on the 13th. Getting organised about your loans, taxes, investments and superannuation is highlighted. Streamlining or consolidating your finances will reduce stress and help you focus on building for your financial future. If you need to bring in an industry expert, then the 27th is ideal for serious conversations as Mercury, the Full Moon ruler, and Saturn make a link. Under Saturn‘s touch, a mature outlook will be needed to address any issues. Pisces Your financial houses both contain retrograde planets this month. Venus in Aries, and your second house of income and cash flow, turns backward from the 3rd. Her influence will encourage you to revaluate what you‘re worth. You may come to the realisation that you‘re not being paid enough in your job, or that you are going above and beyond the call of duty for no extra recognition or cold, hard cash. Jupiter, your ruler in your sector of debts and investments is also asking you to take stock of what you need to do to secure your financial future. The answers are likely in June.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 APRIL: Aries Your attention is focused on your income this April, as both your ruler Mars, as well as Mercury tour through your sign. Your bold and confident attitude is directed toward moving forward with financial plans, however, Mercury puts the proverbial spanner in the works. From the 9th, the swift planet moves backwards, suggesting you need more information before making financially based decisions. Avoid signing contracts if possible or if your impulsive nature gets the better of you, be sure to triple check the fine print. An email, phone call or meeting around the 22nd may offer the additional information you need. Taurus Rest and retreat this month will help you refocus on your innermost desires as Venus, your ruler takes a backward tour through the signs of Aries and Pisces. The 9th-14th see Venus make a tricky connection with Saturn. You may discover that you are not on the same page with a friend. This may be about a joint venture, differing financial values or even be about your fears and anxieties. Take your cues from your ruler, and while she‘s treading water, it may be best for you to do the same. Embracing a confident attitude will help you connect with what‘s most important to you now. Gemini A boost of energy and confidence, not seen in two years is welcomed as Mars enters your sign on the 21st. A new health and fitness regime may inspire you to get fit and focussed. A sense of what you want out of life and how to go about getting it may also give you a spring in your step that you can enjoy until early June. Either way, Mars will help you embrace a sense of healthy selfishness and bring back the balance of power, especially if relationships have felt limiting or restrictive. Cancer The Full Moon of April will illuminate both your home and family sectors. With Jupiter and Uranus facing off throughout 2017, no doubt balancing your career and home life is the source of most challenges right now. Perhaps you do a job that you don‘t believe in, or doesn‘t feel authentic to you? Maybe you‘d like to create some new traditions or rituals into family unit. Perhaps you really just need to break free? Your ruler, the Moon will highlight your innermost feelings. Your challenge is to act upon those in the most authentic way. Leo The Sun, your ruler connects to both Jupiter and Saturn on the 8th and 17th respectively. In the dynamic elements of air and fire, you can make long lasting and sustainable progress on an ultimate dream or goal. Going outside of your comfort zone and saying yes where you may be inclined to say no will highlight new and sudden opportunities, especially on the 14th when the Sun makes his once a year


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 connection to Uranus. Technology may be a part of the picture, as well as travel or the internet. April is book marked to be a very exciting and progressive month for you. Virgo Feisty Mars heats up your 9th sector for the first time in 2 years. Increased motivation and focus may be experienced in life topics such as study, overseas travel, technologies or philosophy. There is a lot of retrograde action this month, including your ruler, also in the 9th sector. Mercury‘s backward passage encourages you to explore your options. If you‘re planning an overseas trip or wanting to take a course of study, then make sure you take your time and get as much information as you can. Mid-May is a better time to make any commitments. Libra Relationship tensions take a brief reprieve this month as your ruler retrogrades back into Pisces and your 6th sector from the 4th – 28th. You‘d gain an increased sense of empowerment by taking a step back and diving head first into your work schedule. Not only will you feel so much more productive, it will help take your mind off any issues you may be having difficulty in finding balance with. Jupiter in your own sign until October is also retrograde, suggesting that a deep dive into what interests you is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. Scorpio Your confidence in the world of dating is boosted as your ruler, Mars, tours your relationship sector until the 21st. This once in every 2-year cycle will gift you with a proactive and bold attitude toward love. If you‘re partnered, you can expect extra oomph to power through and obstacles or challenges you and your significant other may be facing. Mars adds extra heat and energy to whatever he touches in the birth chart. An increase of passion and/or lust can be expected. Spicing things up between you can help you both grow closer together in a deep and profound way. Sagittarius The wheels of progress are turning a little slower than you‘d prefer this April. Serious Saturn in your own sign, your ruler Jupiter as well as Mercury and Venus all undergo their respective retrograde cycles during this month. Delays, setbacks and crossed wires are all possible, especially due to Mercury‘s reverse tour in your 5th house from the 21st. The 24th, 27th and the 28th are all powerfully charged days as Mercury works with Saturn and Uranus. Sudden ideas or ‗ah-ha‘ moments may inspire you to move forward with a creative project. Take your cues from the cosmos and take your time before committing to anything serious. Capricorn April is set to be a supercharged month as Mars tours your 5th house of fun! This is like cosmic permission to loosen the reigns a bit and enjoy the good things that life has to offer. Focus energy and effort on a creative project or a pastime that brings you joy. Children are also a part of the 5th house experience. Love and laughter can be shared by spending more time with your children, or if you are child-free, it may be about exploring and releasing your own inner child. From the 22nd, Mars dips into your 6th house, where fun and frivolity may come to a swift close.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017 Aquarius Any money woes, including delays or setbacks will start to sort themselves out from the 15th. Venus will return to direct movement in the sign of Pisces. Known as ‗stationing direct,‘ this is likened to a person who was ill, but is over the worst and is no longer bed-ridden. Your bank balance may begin to feel the same way as you can look forward to more coming in that going out. This may also be due to your new and improved attitudes to spending. Mercury enters a retrograde phase from the 9th, highlighting your home and family environment. Mars on the move indicates you may consider a renovation or relocation. Pisces The 22nd sees Mars enter your domestic domain for the first time in 2 years. You‘ll be energised with all things to do with your home, or the people you share it with. In the sign of Gemini, you‘ll be driven to improve communications with family members. An IT update or upgrade is also a possibility under Gemini‘s influence. Mars will also eventually oppose serious Saturn, during his longer-term phase in your career sector. Travel or a work-related move may eventuate. While Mercury is still retrograde, feel free to explore all possibilities, but best to avoid committing until he‘s direct again in early May.

Cassandra is an avid professional astrologer, writer and teacher, based in Brisbane, Australia. Her interest in Astrology started when she was a child reading horoscopes in her mother‘s magazines. Known for her honesty, passion and insight, Cassandra offers consultations to people all over the globe.With over 10 years experience, Cassandra combines ancient and traditional methods with a modern day spin to enhance specific predictions and offers practical and inspired guidance. Cassandra is known and respected for bringing the symbolism of the signs and planets and using this as a tool for helping you discover inner knowledge, clarity, wisdom and benefit. Cassandra‘s work has featured in Wellbeing magazine, Women‘s Health and Fitness as well as numerous websites. She is the former president of the Young Astrologers Association (NSW) and was on the board of the Federation of Australian Astrologer‘s. When Cassandra doesn‘t have her head in the stars, you‘ll find her in the gym or at home with her beloved baby son.


INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April 2017

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