Homefinder june24 2018

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Liz’ Tips






Tired of a messy bathroom?

Learn how to eliminate clutter in cabinets and get tips for organizing your bathroom. Liz’ Tips Let's get started! By: Liz Quinn

As with any de-cluttering job, the de-clutterer assembles the tools needed for the job. Three boxes and a black plastic garbage bag help make decisions about each de-cluttered item.

Remember the Four Box Rule: close your fingers around each out-of-place item, and open them only to deposit it in the appropriate container. Put Away Box, Storage Box, Garage Sale/Donate Box and a black plastic garbage bag (known as the Grim Reaper) await the spoils.

It's not enough just to stuff it all in there somewhere. Has anyone, anywhere, ever had enough storage in a master bathroom? No! So put stuff away according to the ABCs to make best use of that scarce domestic real estate:


"A" storage areas are active, accessible, and meant for daily use. In a bathroom, the "A" areas get

the toothbrush and the blow dryer, the shampoo bottle and the razor. "A" storage areas should be user-friendly. They should welcome the groping hand with no hidden hazards.The vanity countertop, the top drawer, as well as the chrome mesh bucket in the shower area are all "A" storage areas.

"B" storage areas hold items used weekly to monthly. The box of nifty pore-unclogging strips, the

collection of colourful scrunchies for exercise-class ponytails, nail care equipment and the batteryoperated beard trimmer are all consigned to "B" areas. "B" areas aren't so easy to reach. You'll stretch or bend to reach the middle drawer, the under-sink spaces, or in the toilet-top storage cupboard. "C" storage areas require excessive bending, stretching or standing on tip-toe. They're where you stash the gold-flecked makeup for fancy nights out, the foot-massage machine, and the upper-lip wax cooker. If you use an item less than once a month but more than twice a year, it's a lowly "C". Put it where the sun doesn't shine. First step: sort what stays on this "A"-level surface, decide where to consign the rest.

His side first. [Interesting how it's always easier to declutter someone else's stuff] Sets of shaving brushes? One is a keeper, the others are demoted to "C" box. - Tooth care items are segregated for incarceration in a less-obvious "A" site, the top drawer. Pretty bottles of stinky aftershave stay…if used often…are consigned to "C" land and storage if they sport a coat of dust. Her side? Crumpled tissues go to garbage bag. Her tooth care items will join her spouse's in the top drawer (separated by a modest divider), so they're put aside.

Did you find a chorus line of never-used, expensive skin care bottles (the ones that caused such a lovely rash)? The bottles are nearly four years old. Who knows how contaminated their contents have become? Put them into the garbage sack. – Many of us will buy anything after a wonderful scalp massage, so hang onto your wallet next time you're in the hairdresser's chair. Behind the Door Bar Trio

Few bathrooms have enough places to hang towels. Stacking towel bars behind closed doors is a great way to remedy the shortage and use space efficiently. Towel Cabinet

A wooden flea-market cupboard makes a great towel cabinet. Use the top of the cabinet for extra storage. Keep your regular supply in the glass-fronted cabinet. Having all towels visible makes it easy to keep track of your inventory. Open shelves on the sides hold glass jars full of cotton balls and soaps. Vertical Towel Rack

Rolling Towel

Walls in bathrooms are often underutilized. To make towels and washcloths handy for bathers, install a hotelstyle multi-tiered rack on the wall next to the tub.

Few of us want our own bathrooms to resemble a public restroom in any way, but the rolling hand towel loop is an excellent invention equally useful in the home for providing an always-ready drying surface. Color-Coded Towel Tags

Your family and guests won't confuse their white towels if you color-code them with hanging loops. Suspended from pegs, the towels will dry quickly and stay neat. Towel Ladder at the Cottage

Keep the bathroom tidy by hanging towels from the rungs of a progressive or apple-picking ladder propped against a wall. Or use a towel ladder on a porch for beach towels, so sand isn't brought indoors. To prevent the ladder from slipping, attach rubber tips made for chair legs to the ladder's feet. You can also secure the top of the ladder to the wall with hooks and eyes. Bathroom Organizer

Combs, brushes, and toothpaste take up considerable space when laid horizontally on a shelf. Flat-backed, self-adhesive cups on the inside of the cabinet door hold them more efficiently. Before pressing the cups in place, line them up between the shelves. To ensure the door can close, put thin items on the shelves in the spots where the cups will take up some space. Drawer Dividers

Bathroom drawers are second only to junk drawers in their potential for messiness. It's too easy to toss grooming products in there pell-mell. Wooden boxes and trays help categorize the items and are available in various sizes and materials, so they can be mixed and matched to fit any sort of drawer. Terry-Cloth Caddy

Clear off bathroom countertops by storing toiletries in a hanging organizer. To make one, just stitch a few seams in a hand towel.

Bathroom Cubbyholes

Keep bathroom items neat and accessible with cubbyhole shelves for large items and surgical jars for small toiletries and accessories. Uniform Bottles

Uniform plastic bottles not only look better than the usual shampoo and soap containers, but they also fit more neatly in storage devices, such as the hanging wire basket installed in this shower stall. It's always helpful to identify bottles with laminated labels, adding either the names of family members who prefer their own products or else listing the contents of the containers. Organizing Toiletries

If you can, choose cabinets that offer separate spaces -- preferably one for each person who uses the bathroom. On this refurbished antique, the bottom drawer contains the kids' bath toys, while the top one holds mom's hair-care essentials, plus a first-aid kit. Lazy Susans make accessing toiletries, stored in pretty clear containers, a snap. Magnet Organizers

Sometimes you have to think behind the box. This medicine cabinet became more efficient after it was affixed with a sheet of precut galvanized steel to its interior with construction adhesive. Magnetic hooks now hold scissors and a mirror, and small plastic cups with magnetic bottoms corral small necessities, such as rubber bands and hair clips. Sliding Trays

Central bathroom cabinets can be fitted with roll-out wire trays, the kind used in kitchens. One contains a first-aid kit and miscellaneous toiletries. A pair of hooks fastened to the inside of the doors hold a hair dryer and a flat iron. In the adjacent cabinet, a second sliding track holds the bathroom's trash can. Handy Hair Dryer

For a guest bath, mount a streamlined hair-dryer unit to the wall beside the sink. You can find them online through suppliers of hotel accessories. Soap in a Sponge

Put soap shards and leftover hotel soap bars to good use. Use a utility knife to slice into the center of a natural sea sponge. Then insert soap and lather up. Every last bubble will be surrendered. The soap will stay in place as it shrinks, adhering to the fibers of the sponge. Recycling Vintage Planters

Vintage planters are a playful spin on more traditional bathroom accessories. Displayed on a metal-andglass table, they hold bottles of shampoo and liquid soap, sponges, bar soap, and hand towels. Tuck a new toothbrush, soap, and a washcloth into a planter and put it in the bathroom cupboard -- you'll have the perfect guest package ready at a moment's notice. Roll Holder

Stow spare rolls of toilet paper in a clear glass vase or umbrella stand; it's a sleek way of stacking them, and you'll know at a glance when you need to refill the supply. Toiletry Shelf

Make space for supplies over the bathroom door so that they'll be accessible when they need to be replenished. Use wood screws to secure a pair of wooden shelf brackets to either side of the door frame; screw shelf to brackets. The shelf should rest on top of the door molding, which will help support the weight. Keep small bottled items and toilet paper in handled boxes. Bars of soap can be stored, unwrapped, in an airtight glass container. Storing Bulk Supplies

Bathrooms require frequent cleanings, so keep a plastic bin with all the necessary supplies in the largest cabinet. You should store a season's worth of toilet paper in there, so guests never have to make an awkward request for more. Washcloth Mitt

For a generous source of lather and to put an end to searching for the soap on the bottom of the tub, slip a soap bar into a pocket made from a luxurious terry washcloth. Trim Curtains

Short shower curtains look tidy and tailored, and they don't trap dust and moisture. To create the look in your bathroom, cut a fabric curtain 2 inches longer than the desired length, then fold and sew a 2-inch hem. Leave the plastic liner hanging full-length in the tub to contain water from the shower. Buy toothbrushes and toss old ones.

Yes, although it isn’t written on the label, toothbrushes do have a best before date!






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