2 minute read
The Great Divide
by Angels of Seven as Given to Rev. Marcia Cantrell
Your world appears divided from the view and perspective of those of us who can see and hear from above. Not only are we above, we are also among you. The great chaos that has spread from and to all corners of the earth has created a great divide amongst God’s children. The divide we are speaking of has nothing to do with political parties or the left and right. Our brothers and sisters we are speaking of the divide between those who are awake and those who we call sleeping.
Let us explain: God’s children who are awake are aware of the evil that is struggling to keep a strong hand on earth’s population through various ways. Be made known evil has a plan, a plan that has worked for them since the beginning of time. Those who are awake realize this plan and are fighting back to stop this evil. Those who are awake and have joined in the fight are called Patriots. They have joined together in various ways through their love of as you say, through the love of God and country. This is much greater than just the love of country. Those Patriots have experienced that love of God also includes the love of our fellow man and the importance of service, coming together to unite and stand for our Creator.
My brothers and sisters, those who are not awake, who are sleeping have not realized or accepted this righteous movement to save America and the world. These brothers and sisters have made the choice to remain in the plan of the evil ones, accepting whatever they are told by false prophets who come in various forms. They do not question and continue to follow blindly.
Brothers and sisters we ask that you pray for those who are not awake and do not realize that their sleep is preventing them from the release of the illusion you all, peoples of the Earth have been under since the beginning of time. The illusion is all you have believed in, is not true and will no longer continue. Those who are awake can see through the illusion and see what the New World will be. We tell you ascension is going to happen. In order to ascend to this New World YOU MUST BE AWAKE. Brothers and sisters we are here to say our wish is for all Earth peoples to be all knowing and ready for this wondrous event. However we know there will still remain those who will not be prepared.
We call upon the Creator’s children to open your eyes and ears, see and learn what is occurring and know why. The evil ones are losing. Light will always be victorious over darkness. Evaluate your ascension path. This path is your road to the New World. Are you ready?
Angels of Seven
About the Author: Marcia is an ordained minister of the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking founded by James Twyman. She has a Masters of Social Work degree and with the assistance of her Angels and Guides, provides spiritual counseling for those seeking healing. She offers other healing modalities including Seichim energy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Marcia is humbled and honored to channel other Light Beings including Yeshua and her Guardian Angel Angela.
Nikki Luna Williams
Writer/ Producer/ Director
Theo Van Dort
Executive Producer/ Social Media Marketing