7 minute read
AIRCRAFTFORSALE American Aircraft Sales,Livermore Airport, CA, americanaircraft.net, cell (510) 783-2711, (925) 449-5151. 3/13 From Trade-ins to Aircra™ft Management, financing and appraisals. T.J. Aircraft Sales, Novato, CA, (415) 8985151, tjair.com. 3/13 J.T. Evans Aircraft Sales. Specializing in landing gear & control surfaces. Also recovery & storage for singles & light twins. (800) 421-1729, Orlando, FL.11/14 AirplanesUSA Aircraft Sales,newofficeatSanCarlos, CA, Airport, (650) 394-7610, airplanesusa.com. 1/16 Full-size historic replicas, designed and precision-crafted to suit your needs. Digital Design, Scottsdale, AZ, (602) 9715646, digitaldesignllc.com. 6/20 Dan Howard Aircraft Sales, Tulsa, OK. howardaircraft.com, (918) 498-7073.7/20 Singles, Twins & Jets for sale. Andrew Wignot, (760) 717-0640, wignot@hotmail. com. 20800:10
1979 Twin Piper Navajo Chieftain PA31-350. Abandoned. Entire aircraft for sale, $50,000 or parts sold separately. Located at Oceanside Airport, CA. Contact Andrew Wignot, (760) 717-0640, wignot@hotmail.com. 201000:11 1979 PA 32-R Turbo-Charged T-Tail.Ivan Air, 5963 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95822, (916) 428-2310. 201001:11 WARBIRDS World leader in T-34 Mentor & Turbo Mentor Restoration. Weaver Aircraft, Carson City, NV, (775) 887-1234.9/20 HOMEBUILTS RV12i5. Total performance perfected. Easytobuild,flyandown.Van's Aircraft www.vansaircraft.com. 11/18 SPORT/ULTRALIGHTS Factory built LSA,com, GPS, TXP, ADSB, $119,900. LSA for Flight School dealers wanted. Lou, (516) 658-1847.9/20 HELICOPTORS 5Bell212s 1996-1991,current maintenance,one owner. Bell412,33017SN, 0engineOH.HudsonFlightLimited, (806)662-5823,or(971)241-8473.6/20 AIRCRAFTFORRENT Fly right, fly better & fly with Attitude. Large selection of rental aircraft. Attitude Aviation, Livermore, CA, (925) 456-2276, attitudeaviation.com. 11/16 MAINTENANCE/INSPECTIONS XL Aviation - Aircraft Maintenance. Custom-tailored programs for all aircraft. Livermore, CA, (925) 961-6135, xlaviationtailwheel.com. 8/20 FBOs Serving the General Aviation Community since 1981. Wisconsin Aviation, Watertown Municipal Airport, WI, (920) 261-4567, WisconsinAviat2ion.com. 3/13 Corona Air Ventures.Lowfuelprices, amenities,tie-downs&hangars.Corona Municipal Airport, (951) 737-1300, CoronaAirVentures.com. 8/14
FLIGHTINSTRUCTION Arizona Type Ratings CE-500/CE-525 type ratings or recurrent. Insurance approved, staff examiner. arizonatyperatings.com, (602) 6147994. 9309:TFN Earn WINGS credit from home. Safetyseminars&latestGAtopics. Only $9.99/mo. San Carlos Flight Center, (650) 946-1700. 8/19 SunshineFlyers.Flight&tailwheelinstruction, rentals, mountain flying, and aerobatics., Auburn, CA, (530) 820-3442, sunshineflyersaviation@gmail.com.3/20 CFI Bootcamp Flight Instructor Training. Accelerated course to earn your initial flight certificate in three weeks. Online, ground school, or flight. Palo Alto, CA, or Mami, FL, (650) 600-1021, cfibootcamp.com. 6/20 Complete aviation development program for middle/high school and college students. Build and fly Van's RV-12iS. AviationUSA.Aero, aviationusa.org.7/20 Aviation Seminars 2-Day FAA Test Prep & Flight Instructor Renewal. Live or online. Airline quality ground schools for 45+ years. Visit AviationSeminars.com for dates & locations. (800) 257-9444. 8/20 Fly the Marchetti S-211! FAA-approved program. Victory Flight Training, Denton, TX, S-211training.com, (817) 676-4403. 8/20
PILOTPOSITIONWANTED SoCal pilot desires Turbine/Jet SIC time. Comm/Instru/Multi-Eng with SIC for Gulfstream G-IV and scores of hours in the Citation V560. Experienced in aircraft design/flight test/aerospace industry. Willi travel as needed (and for repositioning). Contact Paul at (562) 714-6686 or ptglessner@aol.com. 17400:TFN DRONES Counter-UAS Drone Detections and DefenseSystemsforairports. Protect critical infrastructures from sUAS incursions. Provide early warning and point oforiginof drone user. Liteye Systems, Centennial,CO, liteye.com, (720) 9741766. 3/20 AVIONICS Avionics for Every Mission. Installation, bench repair, a/p specialist, all major brands.Airtronics, Calaveras County Airport, CA, airtronicsavionics.com, (209) 736-9400. 11/14 Basic installs to complete panel and glass retrofits. Great service and value pricing. Pacific Coast Avionics, (800) 353-0370, PCA.aero. 7/15 Full-service avionics installations and upgrades. Aero Performance Speciaties, Chino, CA, (909) 927-4600, aeroperformance.com. 10/19 FAA-certified avionics repair. Cannon Avionics, Arlington Municipal Airport, WA, (360) 435-0900, cannonavionics. com. 9/20 OXYGENSUPPLIES

FUEL FuelCells. Repair, overhaul or new. New tanks with 10-year warranty. Hartwig Aircraft Fuel Cell Repair, hartwigfuelcell.com. 2/09 AIRCRAFTPARTS 3D scanning services forAircraft repair& restorations. Airmotive Specialties,Salinas, CA, airmotves.com, (831) 757-7154. 8/20
Get Top Retail for Your Aircraft Aircraft sales, jet sales, management, financing.USA Aircraft Brokers, (877) 417-3069. 51218:TFN INSURANCE Specializing in personal, business and charter aircraft.Bestprice,coverage&customerservice. Zanette AircraftInsurance Center, (650) 593-3030, (888) 723-3358. 10/06
Aircraft Insurance WARNING! Need insurance? Call us first for access tothe entire market. Best rates. Broadest coverage. All markets. Aviation Insurance Resources, (877) 247-7767, airpros.com. 1716:TFN Provider of insurance solutions for all aviation-related services. Business Aviation Insurance Services, bizavins.com, (925) 825-1900. 7/20 Consider Long-Term Care Insurance. Barbara Sabol Rosasco, financial advisor, Waddell & Reed, San Mateo, CA, (650) 389-1030. 8/20
Aircraft Sales & Corporate Aircraft Management NAAA-certified appraisals & sales, FDIC & RTC approved. Sterling Air, Carson City, NV, (800) 770-5908, (775) 885-6800, sterling-air.net. 11601:TFN Informed, intelligent, accurate aircraft appraisals. jetvaluesjeremy.com, (636) 751-3987, 7/20
PILOTSUPPLIES NocheapimitationwatchesatHME! Specialpricingon ATP series multifunctional watches with Altimeter. To order or for information, (323) 464-6660 or hmewatch.com. 11/16 Aircraft Spruce & Specialty. Free 700page catalog, Corona, CA, & Peachtree City, GA, aircraftspruce.com. 10/06 Lightweight bike, international certification for mountain bike reliability. FLATBIKE, flatbike.com. 10/18 Great deals at online aircraft store. Wicks Aircraft Supply, Highland, IL, wicksaircraft.com, (618) 654-7447, (800) 221-9425. 2/17 Protective covers for every make, and model,plus insulated engine covers. Bruce's Custom Covers, Morgan Hill, CA,(800)777-6405,(408)738-3959, aircraftcovers.com. 10/19 Seewhatyou are missing with new models from Rosen Sunvisor Systems. rosenvisor.com, (800) 284-7677.7/20 Every need to make your dog feel safe inthe air. 4 Paws Aviation, (574) 2696300, 4pawsaviation.com. 9/20 Fly By Wire Air,aone-stopsite for aviators. flybywireair.com. 10/20
PILOTATTIRE Apparel as unique as your journey.10% discount for members. AOPA Pilot Gear, aopapilotgear.com. 3/20 Limited Edition 2020 Airshow T-Shirts, $10 to $14. Annual airshow canceled but help us "Keep ’m Flying." To order, Visit planesoffame.org. 5/20 HANGARS/TIEDOWNS One-piece doors. Hydraulic or bifold. Schweissdoors.com, (800) 746-8273.1/15 Aviation Building Systems, custom designed hangars for 44 years. R&M Steel Co., Caldwell, ID, (208) 454-1800, aviationbuildingsystem.com, (866) 4541800. 51217:TFN HOMES/AIRPARKS The Valley Airport, Cotter, Ark. Homes & lots for sale in scenic airport community on the White River. Unique location for outdoor adventures. Glennis Sharp, thevalleyairport.com, (870) 3210937. 18100:TFN Carolina Airparks.Selling airpark & airstrip properties. carolinaairparks.com, (704) 7985214, (877) 279-9623. 5/20 Increase the market value of your home with Concierge improvement services. Compass Concierge, Steven Droz, (650) 255-3651, facebook.com/ Steve.Droz.Realtor. 9/20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES #1Largest Network of Aircraft Brokers in the United States Become an Aircraft Broker — Available in Your Area
Start today with USA’s proved system for listing and selling everything from high-performance single-engine airplanes, cabin class through jets, and helicopters & jet fractional shares. Includes multi-million-dollar inventory from which to start selling. Complete turn-key proved system.
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Call today (504) 723-5566 or visit Business Opportunity Section at usaaircraft.com. 4208:TFN SERVICES Aero & Marine Tax Pros Legally avoid sales tax on your aircraft purchase. In El Grove, CA, (916) 691-9192, aeromarinetaxpros.com. 18500:TFN Divorce-Paternity Cases. Contact Lawyers for Men's Rights, (213) 3848886, www.mensrightslawyers.com. Offices of Stuart J. Faber. 4/10 Laura Ferris Biché,mortgage advisor, General Mortgage Capital Corp., laura@ bishe.com, (650) 922-0824. 5/20 Relieve aches and stress with Dr. Meg Spicer, doctor of chiropractic, San Mateo,CA, (650) 513-0797. 7/20
AVIATION RESOURCES Fly into the future with Wings Over Kansas. Voted one of the 500 Best McGraw-Hill Aviation Web Sites. Visitwingsoverkansas.com. 17100:TFN Rick Cascelli, chief pilot, Hayward Flight, a premier provider of aviation services in the Bay Area at the Hayward Airport, CA, info@haywardflight.com, (510) 372-6693. 5/20 Emergency services, group trips, consulting services. BizAvJets, Inc., Business Aviation Services, bizavjets.com, (702) 465-2027. 10/20 Make the most out of your business aircraft ownership experience with our Management Services. Thoroughbred Aviation, thoroughbredaviation.com. 10/20 FLYING CLUBS Coming soon! The Banyan Club! Seeking veterans and warbird enthusiasts to share their stories. Call (415) 548-3167, or Annamarie Buonocore, (650) 5048549. 3/20 Cessna Support Delivered. Become a Cessna Flyer Member now. Join or renew atcessnaflyer.org. 9/20 Membership available in Stearman Club based in KCVH. 60 hours since full restoration. Excellent condition. Qualified pilots only. Contact Markstar@garlic.com for details. 20900:10 ART/VIDEOS/GIFTS Specializing in aviation photography. horizontalrain.com. 1/15 Victory Girl Custom painted flight jackets & aircraft nose art. (909) 297-6688, victorygirl.com. 2/19 Need a gift? Give a ride in an open cockpit biplane. WACO Air Museum, Troy, Ohio, wacoairmuseum.org, (937) 335-9226. 20601:TFN PUBLICATIONS Avionics Checklists & Quick Reference gudes. Available in book, card & new iPad editions. qref.com or from your favorite supply shop. 8/14 Things My Flight Instructor Never Told Me & other lessons for aviators of all levels. (561) 752-3261, tmfintm.com. 11/07 Sea Stories of a U.S. Marine,a 5-book series. Available on Amazon.com. 12/19 HELP WANTED IN FLIGHT USA, the leading source of general aviation news, seeks writers and photographers to cover all aspects of aviation. Send an SASE for writer’s guidelines to: In Flight USA, P.O. Box 5402, San Mateo, CA 94402. TFN
List your non-profit club or organization FREE on a space available basis. Send information to: 3rdavenue@embarqmail.com
Gen Z STEM Your support will inspire the next generation of aerospace professionals. Visit WorldRecordJet.com to learn how to participate. 8/20 Nat'l. Business Aviation Assoc. Washington, DC, (202) 783-9000 nbaa.org
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Please donate to support TEAM in Training. teamintraining.org
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