15 minute read





Copyrighted by Mikey Adam Cohen

Great motivators take action before others do, leading from out front, where the risk is often dire and their own future least absolute. Everyone has something to lose, and many on our list risk possessions that most people value highly: reputation, career, fortune, self-esteem. This group of The World’s Greatest Motivators initially didn't know for sure if their plans will work, but they pave the way anyway. This article recognizes their dedication to their craft.

Lynn Kitchen and Julie Hamilton of Kitchen Hamilton Productions, along with David Meltzer of Meltzer Enterprises, are the executive producers of "The World's Greatest Motivators," which is a 13-week television series with a distribution of over 370 million household viewers shown across the globe. The television premiered on WGN TV in January of 2020 as well as online and other such as Fox Sports West, BNC, Biz Television, as well as Family Channel, DOVE, as well as on their World’s Greatest Motivators Podcast on iTunes, Google, iHeart Radio, Stitcher and more.

The first filming took place in Newport Beach, CA, on July 30th, which featured Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, David Meltzer, and special guest Sugar Ray Leonard. The second filming, held at the Balboa Bay Resort on November 13th and 14th, 2019, had nine stats. They were Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith, Blaine Bartlett, Sharon Lechter, Cynthia Kersey, Shanda Sumpter, Spars Shah and Brian Tracy who was introduced and interviewed by Erik Swanson at a taping at the Habitude Warriors Conference.

I asked my cousin Psychologist, Dr. Michael Mantel, what skill set I needed to win the competition to be The Next Global Impactor. He said, "You need persistence and flexibility to calm your conscious & unconscious mind as this is where motivation comes from." He went on to say that persistence beckons you with eternal hope, while flexibility enables you to get through the obstacles that stand between you and your dreams. If you can understand and apply the positive psychology of persistence and flexibility, then nothing can prevent you from achieving success.

The but it is impressive how the psychology of persistence and flexibility of one's inner strength, determination, perseverance, and failing is not an option for this group of motivators in any aspect of their different lives. Be it in business, government, education, sports, spirituality… these Motivators take action before others do, leading from out front, where the risk is often dire and their own future least specific. We all have something to lose, and many have to take their passion to that extreme. They have put their reputation, career, fortune, and esteem on the line. They never know for sure if their plan will work, but they pursue no matter what!

These motivators have helped their audiences reach new levels of success and much more. They focus on achieving personal and professional goals, breaking through barriers, and stepping into greatness. They have motivated me to take action and reprioritize my goals. So I am now creating social good, global change, paradigm disruption movement.

I had the privilege to talk to the World’s Greatest Motivators separate about their life, hopes, dreams, how they got started, what makes them tick and everything about the life they’ve experienced. You’ll find them inspirational, spiritual, heart-warming, with a raw authenticity that’s not found in most people as these are spoken words from a place of gratitude. All of them expressed the gratitude they have for everything in life, that can-do spirit, the get-up and go attitude - the motivation that makes you wake up and want to live each day as if it’s your last. Please enjoy these as we go through all of the motivators featured on The World’s Greatest Motivators!

INTERVIEW WITH JACK CANFIELD Jack has personally taught millions of individuals his unique and modernized formula for success and is an internationally recognized leader in personal development and peak performance strategies. Jack holds the Guinness World Record for having seven books on the New York Times best-seller list at the same time. I sat down with Jack briefly to ask him a few questions, he had to catch a flight early flight out of LAX but honored me with a few important questions. Mikey Adam Cohen: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to ask you a few questions today, can you tell me about, Chicken Soup For The Soul, Congratulations on your success with it, that’s pretty incredible. Jack Canfield: I was a high school teacher way back when in Chicago, teaching in an all-black inner-city high school and I quickly learned that my students mostly paid attention when I was telling a story rather than just teaching some intellectual concept. So, I started doing that. I also noticed that they weren’t very motivated, so I started collecting stories of successful African Americans who would motivate them to believe that it is possible for them to get out of the ghetto and have a successful life. Then I started training teachers. I just kept using stories to illustrate the points that I want to teach what I was teaching, which was self-esteem. Eventually, I moved over into doing a lot of public seminars and corporate training as well, and I just always was telling stories. Then, there was this period of about a month where after almost every talk I gave, someone would come up and say, “That story about the puppy you told us, the story about the girl scout who sold all the girl scout cookies, is that in a book anywhere? My daughter needs to read it, my son needs to read it, my sales team needs to read it.” I’d say, “No, it’s not.”

About after about a month, I was coming home on a plane from Boston to LA where I was living at the time, and I just felt like someone was knocking on my head saying, “Put these stories in a book.” I made a list of all the stories I knew, about 70 stories, and that’s how it kind of came into being. I made a commitment that I would write 2 stories a week. Every two-and-a-half days, I would complete a story. My wife would go to bed around 10 pm, I would go to bed around midnight because I’d stay up writing, and that’s how the first book came into being.

And then, what happened also is right toward the end of that, when I had about 70 stories, I went to a health conference where I was a speaker. One of the other speakers was Mark Victor Hanson, the co-author of the series, and he said, “You want to have lunch?” And I said, “Sure,” and we start talking and he asked me what I was up to. I told him that I was doing this book and he said that he wanted to do it with me. I said that he’s coming in a little late, you know. He said, “You have to have 101 stories…101 is a spiritual number.” He’d been a student ambassador way back when in the 60’s I think. In the end, I said, “Okay, if you can find 31 stories, I’ll let you do it,” ‘cause he’s a really good marketer and sales guy and so we did it and ended up at about 140 stories, which we thought was too many.

Apparently, we tripped on to something that became the lifeblood and the success of the series; we asked about 15 people to read all 140 stories and grade them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being goosebumps, made me cry, beautiful story and 5 beings are you kidding me. However, we took in all those stories and their feedback and I wrote down the names of the stories along with the average of their scores. Only the top-scoring stories went into the book. And then, we took the book to New York. INTERVIEW WITH BRIAN TRACY

“If you love to do something, you’re very good at it, it will follow your purpose, then you are paid well, why would you not do it? Why would you stop? I can’t imagine sitting at home.” - Brian Tracy said this when I asked him a question during Erik Swansons, Habitude Warrior Conference in San Diego. I decided to create a movement based on his answer. Several things he told me that day impacted my life & for the first time have eliminated my Abundance Blocks. Mikey Adam Cohen: Brian thanks for being my mentor, what motivates you? Brian Tracy: I’m here to help you step into Greatness it’s my pleasure Mikey, thanks for the soup today it was delicious. Back to your question, it is very much the same as being a good singer. If you are a good singer, you spend your whole life developing your singing ability. I read an article about Petula Clark. You may not remember her, but she is a singer from the 60s and 70s. She was equal with the Beatles and with the Rolling Stones. I liked her, and since then I have bought her “Best of Petula Clark.” She is 81 years old now, and she is back in studios in Hollywood recording her new album. The experts are saying that it is as good as anything she has ever done. At the age of 81! And they asked her the same question. She says she just loves to sing. And she has a great voice, she is a perfectionist, and so … why would you stop? And I love to speak — I am very good at it. And if you love to do something, you’re very good at it, and also you are paid well, why would you not do it? Why would you stop? I can’t imagine sitting at home. Mikey Adam Cohen: Brian, how important is it to do what you love regardless of how successful you are? Brian: First of all, you have to love what you do. You have to love your result and you have to work hard to be successful. Anybody who tells you that you can have lots of fun at work and have balance and have your personal life is a mediocre person. They will never accomplish very much. What they will do is surround themselves with the other people and tell this to them: “You know, you should be able to have your life, and what you love and those you love in balance, you should have lots of fun.” This way, you will never make more than enough to survive. To be successful, you need to work hard. And every study in the last 50 years says that successful people say, “I am not smarter than anybody else. I just want to work harder and longer.”

Let’s take a tightrope walker. How often does the tightrope walker balance when walking across the tightrope? All the time! It is the same thing if you want to have a successful career, and you want to have a happy home life. It is a matter of balance.


Mikey: What are you most afraid of? Les: One of my biggest fears stems from not understanding when I am living in an ego-based consciousness because when I don’t realize that my ego is getting in the way, I can’t get back to center quickly. Mikey: Getting your way or not getting your way? Or get in your way from creating the life you want? Les: Getting in your way, for sure! So many people are consistently getting in their way without realizing it, and I think part of my job is to help them understand the ways that they are limiting their success and strategies to avoid getting in their way in the future.

Les: Bob Proctor is someone that I’ve always looked up to and getting to work with him in recent years has been a very rewarding experience. Wayne Dyer is another mentor that I looked up to, but my biggest hero is certainly my mother.

Mikey: What do you spend most of your time doing? Les: I categorize my time in two ways: activity I get paid for and activity I don’t get paid for. I work to make the most of the activity I get paid for so that I can enjoy the activity I don’t get paid for even more thoroughly. Mikey: When are you most fully yourself? What and where are yours? Les: I would say that I am most fully myself when I am being of service to others, giving myself, my knowledge, and my resources to help them pursue their potential. INTERVIEW WITH DAVID MELTZER Mikey: How has the motivational industry changed in the past 5 years? What do you predict will happen in the next 5 to 10 years?

David: The ever-increasing popularity of social media has changed the ways that motivators interact with their fans and followers. I expect the mediums of communication to continue to change and shift over the next decade, which is why we need to continually evaluate how to most effectively communicate our message. Mikey: What is the biggest challenge in the motivational world at the moment? David: The biggest challenge is simply having a message that stands out and makes an impact, as there is more “noise” than ever before to contend with. Mikey: What are the most critical changes that we must make to transform our lives effectively? David: I think consistency is one of the most critical components of change. When we are consistent and persistent, meaning that we do things every day without quitting, we can build positive habits. Those positive habits are what empower us to transform. INTERVIEW WITH LYNN KITCHEN Mikey: What motivates you to do what you do? Lynn: I recognize I have an innate "drive" that impels me toward my dreams, my visions, my futuristic achievements and my "best yet to be" self. I love the feeling of being motivated toward something that gives me more life, that feels good and results in an expanded feeling of accomplishment, well-being, and meaning. I desire to "love" my life, as well as I can, WHILE I'm living it! Mikey: Where does your passion for motivation come from? Lynn: My passion for motivation comes from my desire to be better and make my life better in every way as my life unfolds and help others do the same. The truth is all humans everywhere aspire to a better life. Life itself is seeking a fuller, more expanded expression utilizing each of us. That pull to the greater is an innate motivation, shared by us all. It feels good to grow! It's energizing. It's Life.

My passion is to grow and help others grow and create more awareness for the Power of Positivity and the Can-Do Attitude to create and live our true potential. There is so much more we can all be, do, have, and give. It takes a greater awareness. It takes motivation and "the will to do it". It takes mentorship.

I believe in the Power of Mentorship to change lives and accelerate growth. That is the basis of the World's Greatest Motivators Series - a broadcast of finely crafted motivational messages from the finest master mentors of our time, designed to help spark a greater desire in the hearts of audiences worldwide. Mikey: What and whom do you love best? Lynn: I love MY LIFE best. I love the people I love best. I am at the center of my own life's circumference, and I generate from within outward and experience my life, hopefully with increased awareness and spiritual maturity year after year. To appreciate and be IN a state of awareness of gratitude and positive energy is the source of my strength. The core of my tribe, the glue that holds this grand constellation of people in my life is "appreciation".....appreciation of what is and of the wonder and grandeur of the gift of each day to wake up again and live out our dreams. INTERVIEW WITH JULIE HAMILTON JONES

Mikey: What motivates you to do what you do? Julie: I love people. I love learning from others. I love being in service to others. I’m curious and inquisitive and love to hear more. Mikey: Where does your passion for motivation come from? Julie: It comes from looking for the best in others and situations, knowing it’s there if I look for it, no exceptions. Mikey: What and whom do you love best? Julie: I love feeling the overwhelming warmth of a like-minded community doing good things in the world that supports all of humanity. I believe this is an abundant universe with enough love, provisions, and supply for all. Those of us who believe in this, it becomes our responsibility to share this with others. Mikey: What are you most afraid of? Julie: I’m more curious than afraid. Mikey: Getting your way or not getting your way? Julie: Being the cause of my effects, I’ve learned it’s my thinking that shows me the way to create what I desire to experience in life and in being patient, it will unfold perfectly. Knowing this, for me, I’m less afraid. Mikey: Or getting in your way from creating the life you want? Julie: Being in the now and more curious pretty much supports me in the life I love.

We will continue our discussion with more World’s Greatest Motivators in our continuing series. Stay tuned!


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