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How To Find Clarity That Can Change Your Life



How To Find Clarity That Can Change Your Life

Copyright by Melissa Hull

Clarity is a very honest and truthful connection to our inner selves. It’s that feeling we get when we’re no longer focused on the opinions and beliefs of others – but instead find peace and confidence in our intuition. It’s knowing what we want and how to create it in our lives.

Living with clarity means our actions are in alignment with the future we say we desire for ourselves.

Are You Living In Clarity?

You’ll know you’re living and acting from a place of clarity when your vision leads to creation. Clarity is vital in ensuring that our plans, beliefs, and greater purpose create the results we intend. Why? It promotes transparency within ourselves that flows into our relationships with others. When we know what we want, others are much more likely to get on board and help us get there.

Why Is Clarity So Important?

Why is clarity so important? For me, the list is endless. But here’s a few powerful reasons to get you started:

The more we trust ourselves and know ourselves – the more we get clear on our values and beliefs – the more consistently we make choices to live in that clarified truth.

Clarity strips away our need to seek confirmation and acceptance from other people.

When we can truly see ourselves, we can truly accept ourselves for who we are without the opinions of others. We find the freedom to finally become vulnerable, creative, and transformative.

With clarity, we can finally see the value in experiences where we hadn’t yet found it. The meaningless becomes meaningful.

We can finally see the wisdom, learnings, insight, gratitude, and meaning we’ve gained from every misstep and every struggle. We can be grateful for the times we felt lost because they created the pathway to the clarity we feel right now.

Sometimes we have to get it wrong for a while before we get it right. But once we find that deep clarity, that connection to our wisdom, then it’s all worth it – and everything begins to change. You realize you should be embarrassed and ashamed of nothing because it got you here.

Our visions, actions, and results begin to align. Our doubts begin to dissipate. And we become truly unstoppable in our God-given purpose.

3 Key Components of Finding Clarity

So how do you invite deep clarity into your life? How do you lead from this empowered, enlightened space? For me, there are three key components to inviting divine clarity into your life:

1 Environment Your environment is the foundation of your results.

If you want to operate from a place of clarity, first you must design an environment that allows you to focus, connect inward and find your inner voice.

Start by examining the quality of the environments you surround yourself with. Look at the quality of the relationships you immerse yourself in every day.

The quality of your environments – and everything in them – are the first determinants of your results. Not getting the quality of results you hoped for? First sort out your environments, even if it means making big changes.

A shift in your environment not only sets you up for success in finding clarity but also protects you from getting distracted and off track.

2. Connection

Once your environment is designed to coax out clarity, the core component comes down to connection. If you’re not taking dedicated time to reflect and connect with your inner self, clarity will remain a dream.

You have all the answers you need already inside you, but in order to access them, you need to connect with that deep, all-knowing part of you.

For me, I take time to ask myself powerful, revealing questions. I don’t shy away from the tough stuff. I ask myself the hard questions – in the gentlest way. I might ask:

reinforcing it in your mind, heart, and soul. You have space where youcan now return to that wisdom, whenever you need it.

Additionally, the process of journaling can help you access clarity whenit feels most far away or most stubborn. For me, journaling has alwayscontained this magical connection between the mind and the soul. Itbrings to light the things we cannot speak, and it solidifies the things wediscover along the way.

Journaling allows our bodies and minds to move forward in a way that’scompletely aligned with our purpose and vision for the future. It’s sopowerful.

The Bottom Line

None of my achievements, breakthroughs, or moments of emotionalfreedom would have been possible without first finding the clarity tolead me there.

For me, all good things start and end with clarity.

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In fact, I believe in it so much that we’ll walk you through this formula for a $1 trial.

What is it I’m missing that will help me see things more clearly? What is it that I don’t know but I need to know? What is it that I know but I’m not willing to see?

You can also ask yourself director questions about the situation you need clarity on. Ask yourself the way you would ask a trusted friend. Then simply sit and be open to receiving the answer. Trust that it will come. Listen and feel the truth as it arrives in your body.

I also turn to prayer quite often. I ask God to guide me. Then I listen to my soul to hear the response. Faith may or may not be one of your values. Your God may look different than my God. But whenever I need that extra push toward clarity, I find that prayer is the differencemaker.

3. Journaling

Not only is journaling a powerful practice for finding clarity when it’s being fickle, but it also helps solidify the wisdom once clarity arrives.

Those questions from Step 2 – and their answers – should be documented. Why? It’s too easy to forget the wisdom you’ve found. It’s too easy to get distracted, off-track, and discouraged. By writing it down, you’re

Melissa Hull is E360tv's Creative Content Producer, an inspirational speaker, author, entrepreneur, business strategist consultant, and award-winning artist. She has shared the stage with Mitch Carson, Bill Walsh, James Dentley, Kevin Harrington, Joel Bauer, Forbes Riley and several other notable speakers. She is the author of “Lessons From Neverland” and is regularly sought out as a business consultant and mentor to several small businesses.

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