7 minute read

What We Focus on, GROWS.

Copyright Lori A McNeil


What We Focus On, Grows

There is a fundamental truth that if you want your garden to grow and to flourish it must be watered, irrigated, aerated, and seeds must be strategically planted. Then there is the waiting time. When we focus on these elements in a garden, it produces a finished product, mainly vegetables, perhaps flowers, and that finished product will continue to grow so long as it is tended to.

The same goes for our lives, businesses, relationships. When we focus on them, they have no other path to go than the path of growth. If we were to look across the entirety of life and pull just one concept to focus on that would reach every area, I would submit that concept be in the sphere of gratitude. There are many privileges, protections, and productions that we, especially here in America have in which this concept of gratitude and implementing the means of gratitude can, and will make all the difference, both internally (to ourselves) and externally (to others). A Focus on Gratitude Is A Focus Across Life

9 Characteristics Of Gratitude That Will Change Your Life

We all come from different walks of life, encounter varying circumstances that can leave us living in scarcity or abundance, or seasons of either. This concept of scarcity and abundance is not merely a financial discussion, it is a lifestyle discussion. Regardless though of where we are or who we meet in life, the single thread that ties us all together is the thread of gratitude. Let’s look at nine characteristics of gratitude that shape the way you think, speak, and act in the world.

Giving is the first characteristic. It always feels better to give than to receive. Our hearts and souls are warmed when we see someone’s face light up no matter where we are at, like a birthday, holiday, or anyone in need that we give something to. Generosity is one of the greatest gifts we can give to the world. So much has been written around the concept of generosity that anyone on the receiving end of a humble, thoughtful gift will most likely feel gratitude, and will regard the reception of a gift…

Receiving is the second characteristic. We know how it feels to receive a gift or a needed item in our life. When the gift is unexpected, we have no preconceived notion (think six years old during Christmas) of what it is or should be, or even that we are receiving something, and behold, the humble beauty of life shines pure. Gratitude grows when we least expect something that comes our way. Oftentimes the acceptance of someone’s gift or something that comes our way creates an internal unpretentious recognition which leads to the third characteristic…

Appreciation is that emotion that levels the playing field of our mind. When a person is grateful, they are appreciative. Appreciation is a real, raw, relevant emotion that works like a stabilizer for whatever situation or season we find ourselves in. Having an appreciation towards a person allows our mind to see and feel the good in them. In a world that tells us to see the ill in people and to focus on that, appreciation is a breath of fresh air that again, reminds us of the human spirit. This recognition of the current time or place… this presence leads to being…

Thankful in (or for) the moment. Life changes all the time and once it happens, it is gone. Time is the only commodity we cannot reuse or recycle. The only way to maintain a connection we have to time that has passed is to remember it. Memories develop into subconscious patterns of behavior and belief. The greater our thankfulness, the greater our thoughtfulness. Being thankful allows us to maintain humility and solidifies appreciation, which inspires us forward.

Inspiration is what happens both to us, and through us. Gratitude inspires us to do more and when we are receivers of someone else’s gratitude, our hope in humanity continues to strengthen. All it takes is one person to start a movement of change. Changes that benefit others often become movements that inspire growth. The more things change, the more they change. Change is the only constant in the world we can count on. Change also keeps us aligned with awareness. Awareness of change allows for growth. Growth produces motion. Motion allocates space for gratitude. Gratitude is contagious.

Talking. Experiencing gratitude can only happen when we connected. Communication is a bridge that connects two or more people or places together. Talking produces windows of opportunity to see the need to be grateful, to show gratitude, and to have the capacity to receive in humility from others. Talking also concedes to clarity. From an abstract point of view, everything ‘talks’ to us in some fashion. The natural byproduct of talking is listening. Listening, conversing, talking all create clarity. Understanding a person, place, or circumstance develops fully through that exchange of communication. Therefore…

Understanding becomes the “a-ha” moment where gratitude gets its genesis. Understanding where someone is or what their needs are permits us to move into being open and available to demonstrate gratitude. When we do not understand and when we do not work towards understanding, we can build up impermeable walls that should never be built. Understanding leads to seeing value and identity. Understanding produces empathy. It becomes like a sponge where we can absorb what is going on around us. That absorption lets us recognize the present. Recognition brings us to the point of deciding how or whether we react or respond.

Deciding is the absolute one characteristic over which we have 100% control over. When faced with a decision, we contain within us the power to create something different, special, and unique. Choosing to not decide in certain situations is also a choice. The decisions we make are completely within our control, however, the choices we have may not be. The choice to choose is in our control and this makes all the difference. For example, when navigating conflict, giving a person two or three options that work for us yet giving them the ability to chose which option, produces a form of subconscious control. The ability to make a choice can be the one point in our life that makes all the difference. It is our choice. When we chose gratitude, we are choosing to show up and be…

Engaged. Connecting, communicating, collaborating, and choosing to show up are instrumental in allowing gratitude to fully exist. Engagement is the tie that binds. When we think of engagement, the first thing that comes to mind quite often is a couple wanting to marry. Engagement congeals something together. Relationships become stronger when the parties are engaged, whether, in conversation, circumstance, or ceremony, engagement is the glue. Engagement produces presence. Presence leads to action. No better action can be taken in any situation that the action of gratitude.

The more aware we are of these nine characteristics, the more we practice them, the more they become a part of our daily life, and because we are practiced up, they will weave into a habit of gratitude. Habitual gratitude is like a circle, once it begins, it has no end. Now is the perfect time to ask where gratitude is flourishing, fickle, or fleeting inside each of us. Where it is flourishing continues. Where it is fickle, ask why. Where it is fleeting, it’s time to change. ~ Lori A McNeil

Lori McNeil is an Author, International Speaker, Media Strategist, International Business Coach. She is a strong passionate, influencer who leads people in building a Legacy for themselves and their business.

Lori is a advocate for worthwhile causes, such as literacy, supporting troops abroad, entrepreneurs, and other individuals and organizations to find and get on their path to success.

https://lorimcneil.com/ Lori A. McNeil Lori A. McNeil coachlorimcneil Lori McNeil


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