7 minute read
Exclusive Interview with Sharon Moore a Deaf Motivational Bodybuilder



In the month of September, we celebrate Deaf Awareness, and national deaf awareness, many hearing people see being deaf as a disability, something that makes it near impossible to accomplish any goals. That misconception is far from the truth. There are thousands of successful Deaf people and Sharon Moore is one of them. Sharon Moore is a Bodybuilder, fitness coach, nutrition consultant, and motivational speaker. She strives to help others feel great about themselves. Sharon didn’t have it easy though, she worked hard to gain her own motivation. Being a nursing assistant for many years Sharon’s body couldn’t take it anymore. She had developed extremely back pain, hip pain, joint pain, shoulder pain, the list goes on. She decided enough was enough after having multiple surgeries and having to take several medications. She just turned 40 and was feeling like a 90-year-old. Sharon decided to take matters into her own hands. Once her eldest son moved out, she decided to make his bedroom into a gym. She tried to fuel her motivation by working out at home, but it wasn’t quite enough. Sharon decided she needed to cut out fast food and make more healthy meals at home. After several months of eating better and barely using her home gym, she had only lost 5 pounds. Sharon was disappointed and had to take a better look at why she had failed. Sharon decided to develop goals to keep her on track and to join a gym that had a personal trainer. She needed to hold herself accountable. After years of research and dedication to her, health SharonnMoore is now a proud owner of her own business DEAFIT. Sharon loves helping people obtain their goals. No matter the physical, or mental shape that her clients are in she dedicates everything to help them feel better and become healthier versions of themselves.

IFFM: What made you decide to get started on the fitness journey?
Sharon: I developed depression, had no motivation, I was a single mom with a baby. After several years of lack of stability, increased amount of debt, I had several health problems due to smoking and working as a nurse’s assistant. I turned to drinking to help my depression, but nothing helped. After my son moved out, I hit rock bottom. I decided to focus on my son and grandson and start working out. I wanted to be as healthy as possible for them and myself. After failing with my home gym and cutting out bad foods I decided to hire an interpreter for the first time and hit the gym. I got a personal trainer who showed me the ropes and gave me inspiration to continue this journey.
IFFM: You mentioned that you struggled with suicidal thoughts, how did you overcome it?
Sharon: I used to think about suicide when I was young. I was about 14 to 17 years old when it started. Suicide was always stuck in my head; the thoughts were on and off. If you ask me if I am cured, no I am not. I still sometimes have suicidal thoughts. However, when I exercise, I think positive thoughts, eat right and look for support and help when I am down. I also find someone to share my feelings with.

Lifting Iron has saved my life, as well as eating healthy daily. Eating the right kind of foods is important. There are so many unhealthy choices, they have bad chemicals that can cause turmoil with your mental, emotional and physical state!
The companies lie and tell you that the bad foods are healthy foods. They say you can lose weight. It gives you false hope, to the point where you believe in it.
It had happened to me; l believed in it and ate it. The food caused turmoil mentally and emotionally, it also caused me to have fluctuating weight issues.
Throughout my struggles and conflicts, especially in the deaf community, I delt with too many negativities such as bullying, oppression, criticism, crab theory, manipulations, demoralizing, and gossiping. This is dangerous and sad for our community to do that to their own people. The deaf community is small. I wished that the deaf would realize that. I wished we could make it bigger and better than the hearing world of oppression. However, I can’t change other people but only myself.
I have changed a lot because I want best for myself, family and friends. I make sure to support anyone including, family, friends, even strangers and people on the internet who are thinking of suicide, by showing support and encouragement. Be there for them every day, showing your support and making sure your family or friends are getting enough support as well. Because suicidal thoughts do happen often, it does not mean they are craving attention, they could be unaware of it.
Some people do use suicide threats for wrong purposes. Some signs are to pay attention to their feelings and actions. Just because the person who does it often may need to get help, give the person your phone number to contact them for professional help. At first the person will be mad at you, but later they will thank you for the help, that saved their lives.
It is really important to help support your own people. Stop oppressing, demoralizing, judging, gossiping, and backstabbing, start LIFTING, LOVING, and LIVING.

IFFM: How did working out help you with on a personal level?
Sharon: Working out helped me develop motivation, helped me create my business, I now love to play sports, and my health has improved substantially. Since I quit smoking years ago, now when I work out, I don’t feel groggy. Before when I attempted to work out while smoking it was near impossible since I had asthma. I also suffered from PTSD, and depression. I saw a counsellor for help but unfortunately the meds prescribed did not help. Exercise helped me in all aspects of my life.

IFFM: How do you feel when people approach you with negative comments due to being deaf?
Sharon: I don’t let people approach me with their negativity. I brush it off and focus on what is most important and that is my health and exercise.
IFFM: What do you believe are the four most important things for your health?
Sharon: The four most important things are: 1. Eat Healthy 2. Sleep 3. Exercise 4. Mindset

IFFM: What competitions have you been in? What place did you take?
Sharon: I have done three divisions. I started off as a bikini 7 years ago, then built my way up to figure 4 years ago then physique last year and will continue doing physique int he future. In 2014 I won 4th place twice in Bikini contest and I won first place two times in Figure bodybuilder, then last December 2019 won second place in Physique bodybuilder. At the same time I also won inspirational award last 2019 from NPC. National Physique Committee .
IFFM: What challenges have you faced being a deaf woman in a fitness world?
Sharon: Lack of communication.
IFFM: Being a CNA for years caused you to have aches and pains all over, what exercises helped target the pain and reduce it?
Sharon: It caused by lack of strength, core and poor diet & sleep.
IFFM: Any advice for people wanting to lose weight but don't feel confident enough to start?
Sharon: My advice for people who want to start their weight loss journey is to focus on diet and walk 2 miles every day and start off with building strength and core.
IFFM: Do you have an important message that you would like to share with our readers?
Sharon: Don’t be product of a product, Be your own product.

Sharon Moore is a deaf bodybuilder, fitness coach, nutrition consultant, entrepreneur, and a motivational speaker.
Sharon owns her own fitness company that caters to the hearing and deaf online. She has won several different titles in the bodybuilding field.

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