13 minute read

Dr. John Williams, "The Elite Man"





Dr. John Williams leaves no one behind, when he achieves his goals, he ensures others rise to success with him. John is titled Top Martial Arts Expert to look out for, he is also an Entrepreneur, Founder, Executive Director of Come on In, Inc. Pageant, Author, TV Show Host, and Humanitarian. He is the youngest of 14 children, John comes from a broken home in which his father had a third-grade education, and his mother had an eighth-grade education. Dr. Williams grew up in a house with alcoholism, constant fighting, molestation, and the belittling of constantly being told that he would never be anything. Dr. Williams failed the seventh grade three times, always having D’s and F’s and having difficulty reading and writing. But one day, Mrs. Etter Mae Robinson told John that he was smart, and he could be anything in life that he wanted to be. That was when Dr. Williams made a tremendous change in his life. With the improvement of his self-confidence and self-worth, Dr. Williams graduated with the Class of 1986. Upon graduation, he received two scholarships. Dr. Williams was the first of his 14 siblings to finish high school and attend college.

He joined the United States Army in December of 1988, later he med and married his wife Brenda Williams, who is also an Army Veteran with 21 years of service, she was deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait. He then received many awards over the ten years in which he served—and still furthering his education after the military His awards list is too long to list. He is the epitome of success. The list of awards, educational certifications, and degrees are very distinguished. Dr. John Williams was a featured speaker and awarded Person of the Year at the Encounter Africa Conference on May 25th, 2018, in Ife, Nigeria at Obafemi University. As seen on TV, John also graced the CNN Anthony Bourdain Lagos Tour. Dr. John added to his titles an Executive Producer of his Elite TV Show and a new book release along with his wife Brenda who also released a book called “The Cabin” a steamy romantic thriller book that brings the readers on an unforgettable adventure to the lost world of Atlantis. He was recently featured in Influential People Magazine last year as one of the top Influential People who are making an impact on people's lives around the world.

John is an incredibly talented successful man, all those that have met him enjoy being in his presence. Take the time to read our interview with Dr. John Williams where we delve into his personal and professional life, you will soon be inspired to take on anything, just like John.

IPM: We are curious to know how you met your wife?

JOHN: I met my Beautiful wife in Los Angels Ca. I asked her to marry me on the 3rd day it will be 34 yrs. this September 18th. The first date was the Hollywood Mountain Top looking at the Hollywood Letters on the mountain...The first restaurant was Wendy since I didn't have much money we shared a frosty.

IPM: As an entrepreneur, you are involved in numerous advocacy projects, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got to where you are today?

JOHN: As an Entrepreneur, I take much pride in the work that I do, I love helping where help is needed. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty nor am I afraid to be the last man. In a nutshell, HARD work has gotten me to where I am today. Yet, there is still much work to do. God had bigger plans for my life. It was through him that I made it through, and I can honestly say that I am a testimony.

IPM: How did your education in martial art set the stage for your expertise in martial arts teaching?

JOHN: I started martial arts over 35 years ago. It was something I need to control my built-up anger. I never visioned that I would be teaching it. I found out I was rather good at it and so I took classes and many different styles to better myself. I became a champion about 8 years ago and remained that way until I retired in February 2021.

I am so very blessed to have been a member of the Fighting TigersKarate School under my brother Grandmaster Jesse Mack Williams and Grandmaster Roy Brown. Anthony’s Martial Arts School under GrandMaster Anthony. MMASC under SGM Richard Osborn. As well as TigerRock Master Arron Tuck.

In each school, I learned so much and begin to apply it in each of my fights which in turn made me a better fighter. I had some of the best instructors that made me and prepped me for my success. Special thanks to our team at tiger rock Tae Kwon Do in FountainColorado. The best team of instructors… Mr. Edward Gunderson, Mrs. Chantel Crocker, Mrs. Sarah Stejskal, Mr. Shawn Schaff I believe we made a great team. I had great friends like Brandi Johnson, Charlotte Jeromin, Jennifer Boyd, Maria Lobdell, the Garcia Family, the Digby Family, and many more. We had a blast, and it is much more fun when you train with people that love to have fun while feeling the pain…lol. In Martial Arts, you will at some point become incredibly angry rather you are having a bad day, or you will have someone in the class that is just being a huge distraction. This is when you must learn the art of focus of your anger and put your focus on what is at hand. You will or I did to control your anger without losing your temper so fast.

I believe that you must want something bad enough to have it when you go for it. I had a love for what I do and did inside and outside the ring. God Blessed me to have been able to continue competing at a championship level for the time that I did. At 55 I walked away without feeling like I should have done more. I know in my heart that I overachieved in what I did.

IPM: Was it difficult to get started?

JOHN: Yes, because I started young and not focused, I was doing it because my friends were doing it. When I started doing it because I really wanted to learn that’s when I became better and better and really wanted to learn everything about the art.

Martial Arts to me was something that I always wanted to do. I watched my brother as he was a champion in boxing and Martial Arts. I wanted to be like him, and I tried to emulate his style, but soon found that I had to pave my own path. Once you get pasted the fact that you are going to get hit and sometimes hit hard you will then you will be well on your way. The only difficulty I had was having the money to afford classes. The rest I loved and some I learned from Kung Fu Theater on Saturday afternoon as a youngster.

IPM: What is your vision goal for your martial arts teaching in 2021?

JOHN: I have since retired from the sport and now my focus is to give back to my community in teaching and helping those that really want to learn. My vision for my team is to stay focused and train hard and aim to be the best YOU they can be. Everyone wants to be a Champion but not too many want to put the work in.

IPM: Was there any difficulties you had while producing a pageant?

JOHN: The difficulties were getting the right people in place. In the beginning, we had people who wanted to come help, however, not to help the children but to make a dime off what they could sell and get out of the pageant. Once you realize and understand that no pageant will go off without its challenges then you will be will on your way.

IPM: What inspired you to start your career as a pageant director?

JOHN: Come On In, Inc. is a very unique program, our motto is Come On In, “Where The Door Is Always Open.” I watched many children with a dream of being in a pageant but could not or did not have the funding to compete. We ended up holding our pageants at the Holiday Inn. Charged $5.00 and believe it or not many couldn’t afford that, so we allowed them to compete free. We had over 25 children and we told them to wear their Sunday best. THIS is when I knew we were on to a great thing. That was 1998 and we are yet to this day still having pageants. Our goal is to continue to go into the nursing homes and

IPM: As a director of a Pageant, what is the important takeaway (your goal) for the pageantry that you want people to know about?

JOHN: When you come to our pageants, I want you to walk away WIN, LOSE or DRAW feeling like a winner. I want you to know that you are and were highly respected. It is NOT about the CROWN! We believe that EVERYBODY is SOME- BODY and the DEVIL is NOBODY we also want the person to know that the CROWN DID NOT, DOES NOT and WILL NOT make YOU!

IPM: We notice you have a new perfume line; can you share with us what made you to create it?

JOHN: Yes, ‘ELITE MAN’ is very popular and I can’t seem to keep it on hand. I created it because I love to smell good and really didn’t feel I needed to keep buying someone else cologne when I had the opportunity to have my own brand.

IPM: You recently became an author of book; can you tell share with us about it and what made you decide to write the book?

JOHN: Yes, my book is “Dr. John Williams More Than A Martial Artist”, I wanted people to know that I do more outside of the ring and within my community as well as in the ring. I needed to let them know that all I do and have is BECAUSE GOD BLESSED ME to be and do what I do and have done! My new book will be released in July called AM I WORTH IT!

YouTube, iHeart Radio and many other online radio stations. This show will showcase everyday people with everyday problems and others that are willing to share their story and with this show we can give others a voice and a platform to get their positive message out.

IPM: You are actively involved and engaged in sponsoring a fundraiser to help provide toys, socks, and meals to the local homeless children for Christmas, can you share with us a little about it?

JOHN: Yes, Come On In, Inc. has many programs under our umbrella, Elite Sock It To Me Program, Elite Hug A Bear and Come On In Unity In The Community bringing communities together for the good. As a person that believes in the rule of NO PERSON left behind, I have emerged myself in helping those that many have forgotten. I understand that everyone and every situation is different. My goal is to leave a positive legacy for my Grandchildren and beyond. I know as well as everyone else that you cannot save or help everyone, but as much as we can do our part we understand that every little bit helps. With the Sock drive and the Meals on wheels for the elderly as well as the Literacy program and now with the C.O.I.N Community Academy we can reach more and help more. With the C.O.I.N Community Academy, we are focusing on the adults that are 45 years and above who wish to receive their HIGH SCHOOL Diploma. We will continue to collect Toys for children at Christmas time as well as our Teddy Bears for our nursing homes Hug -A -Bear campaign.

IPM: As we heard that you are starting your own TV show, can you share with our readers a little bit about the show?

JOHN: Yes, God has blessed me to have my own tv show, it is a Podcast is called, Elite Motivational Moments With Dr. John Williams, We can be seen on the NOW network as well as heard on Spotify,

IPM: What obstacles have you faced in the pursuit of being an entrepreneur, martial arts instructor, pageant director, author, TV show host, selling your own perfume line, and sponsoring a fundraiser, how did you overcome them?

JOHN: Finding People That Truly believe in what you do and who you are. Some doors are only open for a little while so we must learn to walk through them before God chooses to close them.

The trust of the HEART of people that we assigned to DO the work of GOD! Many are Called but, few are chosen. Many are in for what THEY can get out of it and when we find them, we dismiss them ASAP!

IPM: What motivates you to keep going in all that you do?

JOHN: The Will of God! And knowing that we are making a difference in others' lives! And the desire to see others smile and ease someone else’s struggle.

IPM: Do you have an important message you would like to share with our readers and entrepreneurs?

JOHN: Please if GOD has placed something in your heart to do for others just do it. Stop looking at the color or the situation just be led by GOD! IF you are truly wanting to do the will of GOD DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL!


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