Happiness need money or healthy life Add15years.com Add15years.in Author: (Prof.) Dr. S. Om Goel, MD/DM From family of doctors from AIIMS, MAMC & Delhi University MD Medicine, USA DM/Fellowship, USA
Happiness Happiness as a recollection of past emotional experiences; Happiness as an aggregation of multiple emotional reactions across time. Being satisfied with life, in a good mood, feeling positive emotions, feeling enjoyment. www.add15years.com www.add15years.in
How can be happy 1. Choose happiness: The most important thing is to realize about happiness that it is not an outcome of current circumstances.
2. Focus on the good:
There is good in your life
that you can focus on.
3. Stop comparing: Appreciate who you are, work hard every day to live your best life.
4. Develop healthy habits: Pursue healthy habits that add value to your hours, days, and lifetime.
5. Be present in your relationships www.add15years.com www.add15years.in
Happiness need money ❖ Happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states, including positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. ❖ Happiness is a state of mind and we can be happy irrespective of being poor, rich, middle class, or rich class. ❖ If our health is good and we are not suffering from any type of chronic disease, then we can say that we only need doctors and hospitals in the last year of our life. www.add15years.com www.add15years.in
Happiness need healthy life ❖ Being happy promotes a range of lifestyle habits that are important for overall health. Happy people tend to eat healthier diets, ❖ Being happy may help reduce stress levels ❖ Happiness may protect the heart by reducing blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease
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Happiness need healthy life
❖ Being happy may help you live longer. ❖ Happiness may also help reduce pain in other conditions. ❖ Being happy may have some other potential benefits, including reducing the risk of frailty and stroke. www.add15years.com www.add15years.in
Happiness is a Medical Concept
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