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LETTER FROM EDITOR We have entered a new season. Seasons guarantee hope. The past season has been nothing but a storm for nations and organisations; full of turmoil and pressure. A new season has emerged with leaders that seemingly press the right buttons.


They have their heads in the clouds but their feet are firmly planted on the ground. Business Digest had the privilege to interview a humble and a decisive leader, Akthar Hussain. His leadership acumen is simply inspiring and adaptive.


Business Digest 2




igital Marketing applies to virtually every business model there is.. Learn and get ideas for your marketing efforts as Jamie Henfrey shares his insights on how digital marketing is applied in the Tailoring industry.



radition vs innovation. It’s not the most nuanced way of drawing the line between how businesses are driven, but there’s enough truth in it to make do with for now. Some businesses -- tech companies and social media organisations to name but two, are driven more by innovation, while other, much longer established professions are driven more by tradition. I think that is a fair distinction, and I also think it is fair to say that the tailoring business falls largely into the latter camp. But that does not mean we should not be embracing modern ways of doing business. Let us rephrase that: That does not mean we should not embrace modern ways of getting business. That’s an important difference. Through digital marketing, we have a whole new raft of ways of communicating with people, of advertising our goods, and of making sure that potential customers can find us. But in my view, doing business is much the same as it always has been. Tailoring is still a very personal business -- it still takes the same hands-on skill it always has, and it still demands

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the same face to face, human service. Digital marketing might let the world know you are there, but ultimately, you still have to dress them. So, am I sceptical about the power of digital marketing in the tailoring business? Not for a second. In times gone by, a prime high street location, an advertisement in the Yellow Pages, and most importantly, word of mouth, would have been enough to thrive in this business, but the world is changing. The Yellow Pages has largely made way for Google, where pay-per-click ads and keyword-rich, SEO content help dictate the league table. Word of mouth is still a great help, but even that has changed; tagging a friend on Facebook

MOVE WITH THE TIMES or Instagram is just one new way of spreading the word. The old ways still exist though -the age profile of a lot of today’s clientele predates the social media and hyper-internet era after all, but a whole new generation of internet-savvy, tailored suit wearers is coming through. And so, we, the service providers, would do well to roll with the times. This is not something we Tailors should see as a burden either, rather it is an opportunity. We should never get too stuck in our ways.


’ve been working as a luxury tailor for over 20 years. My education in the craft, like most tailors, was founded heavily in traditions -- there are certain, unyielding ways of doing things. But over the years, as precociousness headed more in the direction of mastery, I have become less afraid to veer from tradition and dabble more heavily in innovation. Never so much to disrespect the craft, mind you, but just enough to propel it

point are changing, and they are mostly digital. It is crucial to have an online presence, if for no other reason than letting potential customers know you are there. If they cannot learn about you online, via your website or social media profiles, they are likely to take their business to a competitor after all. Unfortunately, though, it is not quite enough to simply have a website and a few social media profiles -- you also must be active with them. Tailoring your website according to SEO best practices and building a regular blog or newsletter with engaging, useful, on-brand content will boost your company’s online visibility in the long run, as well as reinforcing public trust in your brand. But it is got to be done in the right way -- in a considered way. Loading a website with keywords and badly written blogs might just get people on your site, but it will just as quickly drive them away. It’s still a case of quality over quantity. Equally, if not even more powerful is social media. Not only can people find you, but you can

forward. You do not need me to tell you that where there is no change, there is stagnation.

While the tailoring industry talks a big game about tradition, heritage, prestige, and so forth, take a moment to notice that the cut of a suit today differs greatly from the 1990s, not to mention the 1890s. That is change. That is innovation. The core skills remain by and large the same, but the application is subject to change. The same logic applies to how we Tailors market ourselves. We are still aiming to provide a face to face, personal service, but the lines of communication up to that

find them too. Targeted advertising might be the biggest advantage of digital marketing. Rather than marketing yourself en masse, to a host of people who would have no interest in your service, you can find the highest-potential customers. Building up the right following through targeted advertising, as well as a strategic approach to hashtags and public comments is a great way to extend your reach, but it is important to use this reach wisely. Post regularly, engage with your followers, perhaps even partner up with other like-minded brands for events & competitions. In short, give people a reason to engage with you. Do this, and your organic growth will blossom over time. The digital marketing world can seem daunting at first and can seem like yet another burden to carry in the business world, but it can be an incredible tool if used wisely. To call it simple would do it a disservice, as it’s an everchanging, increasingly complex, and super competitive game. But I maintain that the same principles of both getting business and doing business ring true: A considered and genuine approach, rather than a careless and contrived one, will always stand to you in the long run.

Author: Jamie Henfrey Jamie Henfrey founder of Marc Oliver Bespoke Tailoring since 2008 and since then the label has quickly established a reputation for combining Savile Row craftmanship with renowned Italian design to produce hand tailored luxury Suits of unsurpassable quality and comfort. Business Digest 4


Business Digest 5

THE BASICS OF SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION You recently published your first website, and congratulations are in order. But why do you get frustrated? No people are flocking to your website. Perhaps you are wondering how you can ooze the traffic, increase its visibility for relevant searches, and drive the right audience to your website in droves. Search engine optimization is the charm that will transform your website into the most popular on Google search list. SEO involves both creative and technical components essential to improve, ranking, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. A little bit of knowledge of how search engines work and how to grow the quality and quantity of traffic to your website will be helpful. Links Links are one of Google’s vital ranking factors. For example, internal links will direct website visitors to other relevant content or pages on your website. Internal links help in determining the values of each page and piece of content. On the other hand, External links on other websites will link back to your site. The external links point out that your

website has a relationship with highly ranked websites across the internet. External links do not magically appear; you must make a point of obtaining them. Publishing and original or case study is one way that will get people to link back to your site. You can start by publishing fascinating set of data from an original study carried out by your company, and when the right audience comes across, they will want to mention your study or results in their blogs and link to you as the source. Writing testimonials for companies you have worked with before will also help in gaining links.

Content Useful and valuable content will drive your target audience to your website. Do some extensive research and figure out the most popular and engaging topics in your field. Producing fresh content consistently is key tool in content marketing. Let Google and your audience know that you are still active. It is also important to know the highest quality key-

words used by your audience. In this way, you will be able to create engaging and optimized website content. Keywords can be implemented throughout your website and content in strategic places such as headers and title tags. Headlines and Meta Descriptions The headline is probably the first thing a person sees when your post or page is displayed in the search results. Headlines serve as the first impression, and as they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So you may want to make a good one because it helps people decide on whether or not to click on your results. Optimizing your headline and meta description will improve the click-through rate (CTR). CTR is an important ranking factor because if people are not clicking on your link, Google will take note and drop your ranking. Make sure you are loud and clear by placing keywords closer to the beginning. A catchy and clickable headline will be appropriate. It is crucial that your heading represents the content you have created on your website so that when people click on your link, they don’t go back and click on the next results. Business Digest 6




ach new day is an opportunity to learn something. For a long time, learning has been associated with the field of education. Many people are not very explicit about what they mean by the term ‘ knowledge.’ Is this just any simple game that can be taken for granted and measured by tests and assessments? Learning is the primary function of the brain that involves strengthening correct responses and weakening incorrect responses by adding new information to your memory.


Learning entails; n increase in knowledge and acquiring information Storing information that can be reproduced

cquiring skills and methods that can be used when necessary in life, and most importantly, it involves interpreting and understating reality differently. his brings us to the big question, is learning a chance event? Do people learn without a cause, is learning an event controlled by fate? Think of learning as a social activity involving people, their culture, and the actions they engage in. The complex social environment in which a learner is in allows him/her to to manipulate objects, experiences, and conversations to build knowledge as they explore the world around them. Learning is a process, and human beings start the learning process right from when they are born to the very last day of their

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existence. Learning does not just happen by accident; almost every action you take in life is a result of past learning events. Knowledge is built as you explore the world and environment around you. The learning process results in experiences that will change your knowledge and behaviour. Knowledge, attitude, and skills have been an integral part of both formal and informal education. You must be able to internalize and apply the knowledge, skills, and methods you learn so that it plays a role in guiding your actions.

what you do not understand. Learning is not coincidental; it requires considerable mental effort and persistence. Learners ought to be motivated to learn some complex ideas. Although the school uses academic assessments or exams to test how much a person has learned, the actual learning process in one’s life cannot be measured. Depending on a person’s perception of importance, and relevance of gained knowledge, what has been learned can either be permanent or temporary

Life experiences provide us with learning opportunities. However, to learn, you have to be willing. We have a choice of whether or not to learn. Learning is something that we can only do for ourselves since it involves one’s personality right from senses, feelings, intuition, beliefs, values, and will.

Although the school uses academic assessments or exams to test how much a person has learned, the actual learning process in one’s life cannot be measured. Depending on a person’s perception of importance, and relevance of gained knowledge, what has been learned can either be permanent or Despite the many theories that temporary attempt to explain and demonstrate the way people learn, it must make a difference and change us in some way. When learning meets personal needs, recognizing and identifying such needs will help evaluate whether the learning has been a success and worth the effort. Understanding is crucial in the learning process. Sometimes you might not understand all that you learn. In this way, you can take control of your learning experience by recognizing what you understand and

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THE ACADEMY OF BUSINESS DIGEST “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” Advance your career from home! Consider the gaps between where you are today and where you want to be. The Academy of Business Digest offers over 100 accredited online training courses. These courses are video based and hence you can study at your own pace and at a time that is convenient for you. What does future success look like for you? The future will certainly be influenced by automation and digital skills like data processing and artificial intelligence will play key roles. Sales and marketing will also be up there with the rest because they cannot be automated. They still need the human decision makers. We offer business digital skills and health and safety courses that can get you the hybrid jobs that are trending. These are traditional jobs that have a bias towards digital skills. Some of our popular courses are listed below; Facebook for Business, Introducing GDPR, Introduction to Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Skills, Business Digest 9


Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Social Media for Business, Stress Management, The Principles of Performance Management, Customer Service, Developing Good Employee Relations, Developing Teamwork, LinkedIn for Business, Managing Meetings, Managing Sickness and Absence, Negotiation, Objective Setting, Presentation Skills, Project Management, Sales Skills, Search Engine Optimisation Procedures.

Business Digest 10


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Alfie Best welcomes you to the launch of his residential, commercial property and park home training academy. Alfie has created Alfie Best Property Growth Academy to help inspired, motivated and driven individuals and business owners to teach them how they can grow and accelerate their property portfolios. With over 25 years UK and International property experience, Alfie and his property training team will help you to understand the key elements required to achieve outstanding property asset growth. Alfie’s new property academy has a number of key property growth training and coaching events planned for 2020. All training events are be held at Wyldecrest HQ in Grays, Essex. With live weekly training conference calls with his training academy members.

Alfie Best has grown a park home, leisure park, residential property and commercial portfolio consisting of over 80 park home estates as well as operating properties in the UK, USA and Barbados. He is listed in the Sunday Times Rich List as The 382nd Richest person in the UK

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Business Digest 12


INTERVIEW WITH AKTHAR HUSSAIN Who is Akthar Hussain? Akthar Hussain is MD at London’s most prestigious private mental Hospital, the Nightingale Hopital which is Groupé Sinoué flagship Hosptial. Akthar is an expwrienced director with multi-site leadership experience. Akthar is a leader with a an extremely strong work ethic and leads by example. He is a champion of quality governance with technical, management, operational and strategic experience.


: What major challenges have you had to overcome?

A: I lost my father when I was 23 years old to illness. He was my mentor and taught me many of life’s lessons. Key things I learnt from him were the value of a good hard work ethic and also the value of consistently challenging oneself to improve. I had to find a way to pick myself up and motivate myself in both my personal and professional career. Q: What is the secret of your success? Do you have daily habits that have contributed to your success? A: Being organised and drawing up a daily “To do” list has always helped me structure my day. The list can and should include personal tasks as well as professional tasks. Other daily habits include ensuring a good sleep routine and meditation.

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Q: What advice would you give to someone desiring to be a top MD? A: It is crucial you have a vision for your business and be very clear what the outcome is. How you get there is the challenge. I think one of the most important attributes one can have is the ability and willingness to learn. As a manager sometimes, you always feel pressured to have all the answers. It is important to remember that you will not always have the answer and it is ok to go away and come back with solutions. A good leader and manager is able to accept they will always learn from others as well as being decisive when required to do so. Another essential skill which links with this is utilising the specialist skills of others and accepting you will not have knowledge in some areas. Q: For the interest of our readership, can you tell us a brief about Nightingale Hospital. What its values are and the direction it is heading?

A: Nightingale Hospital is central London’s only private psychiatric hospital providing the highest level of care for various mental health disorders. The hospital has been providing services for well over 30 years and has a roster of world leading specialists providing treatment for Addictions, Eating Disorders and various mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. Our values all link to patient centred treatment. We are looking to further enhance the patient experience to go beyond just a place of treatment for mental health disorders but one that provides a foundation for ongoing wellbeing. More information can be found at Q: What impact has the pandemic had on your organisation and how have you adjusted? A: The pandemic has changed the world and every organisation has had to adapt in some

HOW NIGHTINGALE HOSPITAL HAS ADAPTED TO THE PANDEMIC way. We have adapted our Outpatient services by ; Sending a health questionnaire/declaration before each appointment, temperature checks on arrival in addition to a remote policy we have put in place and updated. All facilities have enhanced cleaning schedules. We also have modified the waiting area and all patients have been asked to wear face coverings or provided with masks if they do not have any. Inpatient services. All inpatients are tested for COVID on admission and a separate isolation ward for positive tests. A brief summary below: Outpatient services: We send a health questionnaire/declaration before each appointment. Temperature checks on arrival in addition. Remote policy in place and updated. All facilities with enhanced

cleaning schedules. Additional sanitisation facilities. Modified waiting area. All patients asked to wear face coverings or provided with masks if they do not have any. All rooms with social distancing Inpatient services: All inpatients tested for COVID on admission Separate Isolation ward for positive tests and/or COVID symptoms Mixture of remote and face-toface group therapy Access to PPE Issued Face visors as part of admission pack Staff are temperature tested and have access to all PPE. Some staff departments are working from home/or on a rota basis. Work places have been modif ied in line with government policies following risk assessments of each area such as work desks, perspex screens,

mandatory PPE required etc. Our policies also in line with all government guidelines and in some areas exceed this. Our PPE policies align with NHS policies in addition. Q: Does your team have a social media strategy? A: Yes we are very active on all social media platforms. It is crucial to ensure a regular flow of fresh content and information is posted on our platforms. However, one should not just send useful information, it is also an opportunity to share some of the good work our team is doing. We also upload patient testimonials, the most powerful and useful feedback to other patients directly from other patients. Q: Which social channels are way more than a broadcast media to your organisation? A: Our main platforms are Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Please click on the links below: NightingaleHospitalUK/ nightingalehospital/ Q: What is the next chapter for Akhtar Hussain’s life A: We have recently been acquired by new health care providers Orpea group, I look forward to working with them to further improve our services and share best learning. They are a truly global organisation and we are all very excited. Interview by Fanele Moyo Director at Business Digest Magazine

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Business Digest 14


Entrepreneur To Franchisor


his entrepreneurial mountain climb began like many others…

I always knew I wanted to build a meaningful business with real impact. After deeply exploring all my options, the franchise route was the one that best aligned to both my business growth aspirations as well as my own personal values and company ethos. I started Alchemy Virtual Assistance because I was seeking what many entrepreneurs seek - flexibility, freedom, and fulfilment. I view starting my Virtual Assistant business a bit like a warmup hike, although, it very rarely felt like a warmup. At times, it felt like I’d set out straight on the mountain in my flip flops with very little protection or gear! In the early days, I was seeking flexibility, freedom, and fulfilment for myself but, an underlying desire to help inspire and facilitate them for others too ran deep. As my business grew and evolved, so did my goal. Most entrepreneurs I have had the pleasure of meeting share this deep-rooted purpose. Success is so subjective, so personal and, in my experience, isn’t always just about making money. We were already running a profitable business. Our turnover and client base had been steadily increasing and our profit started to take a planned and considered drop as we continued to invest more back into our franchise model. Our first franchisee became profitable within a few months, recouping her initial investment in the Alchemy VA franchise. An incredible achievement considering that she started her Alchemy VA business three months before the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the globe went into lockdown.

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In these strange and uncertain times, I have learned a lot. Most significantly, I have seen the robust and scalable nature of the Alchemy VA model. The resilience, drive, and ambition of our enterprising and entrepreneurial clients and franchisees has been incredibly empowering and inspiring. And as the illusion of the traditional ‘safe, secure job’ has started to crumble for many, more and more people are seeking out ways to create their own self-employed path in innovative and rebellious ways. I do not mean to belittle or diminish the sheer devastation and heartbreak of recent months when I say this but, it is an exciting time to be in business. Through the chaos and uncertainty, I wholeheartedly believe that there is a lot of opportunity and it is the smaller, leaner, more innovative business models that they will accelerate and thrive. Not having the constraints of a large employed workforce, the onerous task of mass shifting corporate cultures, or the heavy expense required to innovate at scale and adapt at breakneck speed. Beyond the wider economic challenges, from the many challenges I have overcome franchising Alchemy VA, three key areas stand out: 1. Research and development 2. Attraction and recruitment 3. Navigating the whole transition in a healthy, productive, and profitable way By both defining clear, strategic goals and allocating as much time and resource as practically possible where the first ob-


vious steps. I have found striking the balance between ready, good enough. Being prepared and thorough yet still being fluid enough to allow for growth, change and evolution has been a difficult one to master. It has been a steep, turbulent climb. The view from here is beautiful and humbling, but I know there is still a long way to go to the summit and then, there’s the decent - often the most dangerous and perilous part. Isn’t it funny how it’s also the part that we often don’t plan for quite as much? The ascent has been worthwhile on so many levels. Personally, being in a able position to be able to inspire, empower, and support others is what makes it all worthwhile. It is a place of great responsibility yes, but also a great privilege. Commercially, we have grown our geographic reach and presence. We have expanded our skills and capacity in a sustainable yet impactful way. This would not have been as swift or meaningful if we had not chosen to franchise. This growth also in turn means we have been able to make an impact on more people, both franchisees and our clients. This was always my ambition. As a team, and we very much are a team. Yes, we are all selfemployed, running our own businesses but we are in it together. Success is personal yet collective, we are all stronger together. At Alchemy we all can have the opportunity to make the most of our talents. For franchisees, it’s the support and confidence gained from having an established brand and business that allows them to really focus on what they what to do. Knowing that there is an overarching force driving continual development and strategy. There’s real power in the collective knowledge, insights, experience, and opportunities. And of course, all of this is channelled to our clients. After all, they are the ones that make all of this possible and purposeful. But and there is always a but, at what cost? The risks of franchising my business have always been clear, real, and potentially devastating both personally and professionally. My three main concerns when I started my franchise journey were: 1. Protecting the brand and business 2. Recruiting the right people 3. Maintaining our exceptionally high standards and quality of service I have poured the very essence of my being into Alchemy VA. It is my baby and I feel a primal fierceness to protect it. Leaving myself or the business vulnerable in any way was simply not an option. I am certainly not at the end of my journey; in many ways this is just the beginning. Besides, I do not think you ever really ‘arrive’. As an entrepreneur, you always keep moving. But I certainly would not have got this far without my trusted support network. My husband (and Business Partner) Paul in particular, but also the Alchemy VA team. Their courage, unwavering belief, infectious positivity, pas-

REFLECTING BACK sion, and resilience is what keeps me clearly focused on driving us all forward. If I could travel back in time and give myself some advice before I started this particular part of my entrepreneurial journey, it would be this... 1. Be courageous 2. Follow your instincts being sure to validate them 3. Recruit franchisees who you think would be better than you 4. Do not worry about the people who don’t understand or celebrate your achievements, they won’t stick around long and if they do, they’ll probably sling mud at you. Lastly, I will always remember that when people say that it cannot be done - it’s an expression of their limitations, not yours.

Author: Suzy Sanders Founder of Alchemy VA Alchemy VA is a leading virtual assistant service that provides flexible business support. If you are interested in pursueing this path for your own business then contact Suzy to find out more. email:

Business Digest 16




re you trying to run a successful email campaign but end up in frustration? Email marketing aims at reaching a target audience while keeping it interested. Is your email marketing strategy working? What steps do you need to follow to run a successful email marketing campaign that creates more attention, engagement, leads, and increase sales? Study reveals that approximately 90% adults and 74% teenagers use their emails regularly. This is a significant advantage of email marketing.

Targeted Email List Build an email list of leads that might be interested in what you offer. Ensure that you market your-self to the right audience. For starters, your website visitors can be turned into subscrib-ers. However, chances are most of your website visitors will leave your site without signing up. Using exit-intent popups will convert visitors into customers and subscribers.

Know Your Goals? Email marketing is no different from other marketing campaigns. You have to outline what you hope to achieve and stay focused on the goal. Whether you are aiming at welcoming new subscribers or boosting engagement with existing customers, your email

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KNOW YOUR GOALS? cam-paigns should be relevant to your goals.

Choose the right audience and create personalised content! With stiff competition in the market, your customers and leads may get overwhelmed with emails every single day. It is crucial that you market yourself to the right audience and also get to know their interests and challenges. After establishing a relationship with your audience, you can be able to understand how to reach them and the type of content they would consider helpful. Any customer would want special treatment, and there is an increased chance of them preferring your brand and being long term customers. Most successful email cam-paigns are automating to help them in; analysing their email campaign performances, segmenting their audience, and creating engagement.

New Technology Most successful email campaigns are making use of technology to help them in; Analysing their email campaign performances, segmenting their audience, and creating straightforward campaigns and automation.

AUTOMATION IS KEY Mail chimp’s automation, for example, will help you respond quickly to customers, schedule emails and blog-driven updates, and also deliver relational and promotional emails.

Use Catchy Words The first impression is vital. The subject line should be attractive enough to motivate the audience to click and open the emails.

Keep It Brief. No one has the time to read an email more than a page long. Ensure that your content is short and to the point. After all, the goal of email marketing is to get your recipient to open your email. The content should be explicit in a way that the recipient can take action. Bullets points can help make recipients want to click through to your website.

A/B Testing There is a lot to learn when you are new to email marketing. Testing will help improve your campaign strategy. Your results can be very meaningful and helpful at the same time. A/B subject tests will help you know what works for your audience and how to increase your engagement with your recipients. Email marketing tips places you in a position to design and run to increase your engagement with your recipients. Email marketing tips places you in a position to design and run a successful email campaign. ‘’Just do it’’ slogan does not work for an email marketing campaign; you must have strategies that will lead you towards achieving your goals.

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Scarlett Allen-Horten, more reknown for being runner up on the BBC show The Apprentice with Lord Alan Sugar in 2019, Scarlett considers herself a high achiever in both her personal and her business life. A senior partner at Fox Harper Partners a company that is paving the way as a pioneer in executive search in the engineering and energy sectors, Scarlett is at the fore-front of the leadership and executive search with her business acumen, tenacity and zest for achieving in everything she does. - Has your upbringing Harper Fox Partners specialise played any part in your in placing exceptional leadership talent across the global success? engineering and energy sectors, with a passion for placing senior Yes certainly. I was raised in inner female and ethnic minority talent city Birmingham by a very hardwithin these sectors. We are passionworking mom, I watched my mom work tirelessly and raise us single- ate about contributing to renewable technologies and energies to lower handedly, she was a superb role global emissions as well as making model and my motivation to sucthese industries more attractive to ceed. I started working at 14 as the milkman’s assistant and by the diverse talent, propelling the industry forward for future generations, time I was 16 I had left school and promoting inclusivity of all. moved out into youth supported



There, I learnt very quickly that I was going to have to work really hard to change my circumstances. I started work within a big corporate organisation that taught me the basis of leadership, authenticity, and corporate life. I went on to have my first daughter at 20 and my second by 24. I was a young career woman with two very young children, this motivated me even further to want to succeed. After 8 years working very successfully within large recruitment corporations and smaller exec search firms as a top performer, I finally felt it was the right time to take the risk and start my own executive search business, I founded Harper Fox Partners in April 2017, with true quality partnership and inclusive senior talent delivery being the main business ethos.

Q - Can you tell us about what you do at Harper Fox Partners, what your goals are and what you see in the future for Scarlett Allen-Horton. Business Digest 19

We are proud to work with Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, UK Energy Skills as well as UK based young people initiatives to encourage female and ethnic minority talent to succeed within the engineering and energy sectors. We support our clients with quality search and diverse talent attraction and retainment. The passion around ethnic minority and senior female talent specialisation, came mostly from my own experiences. I noticed very quickly that within my own career, I was often the only (or one of few) women at my level of seniority, I was generally the only woman that was bi-racial and the only woman that was a young mother with very limited support. This meant there were a lack of role-models that looked like me or understood my own circumstances or that I could look up to. This further spurred my determination normally as one of the only women in the room to succeed. I could also hear the industry echo the need for more diverse talent, so for us it is a passion to support diverse talent attraction and delivery for our clients and really be part of the change.

Q - What did you take away from appearing on The Apprentice? It was truly an exceptional experience to be on the Apprentice. My main takeaway was to take calculated risks, to try things you have never vvvdone before and be passionate about what you do! I also had not realised just calm I am under pressure, which was a really positive learn about myself.

Q - Do you still see any of the others who appeared on The Apprentice and who are your besties? Yes, we all stay in touch and try to support each other. I mostly speak with Marianne, Lewis, Tommy, Jemlin and Ryan, Karina and Dean. They were all a great bunch of people and it was a once in lifetime experience we encountered together!

Q - You consider yourself as a top achiever, what traits do you possess that you believe people need in order to achieve more in life and business? Believe that you can do it! If you can’t do something at that moment, learn by watching others, read up, ask for support to be the best you can be. You are in charge of your own growth and development, no one else is so take responsibility! I knew I had huge personal pressures, family and my children relying on me so I knew early on I had to try my best to be the best at everything I did. Sometimes I was and sometimes I wasn’t, but I was resilient and kept going on until I achieved the objectives I had set for myself. The traits are; resilience, sheer determination, hunger and belief. Some people have these traits naturally in them and others develop them through life circumstances. I think mine come from a combination of both.

Q - If you could eat dinner with 3 people living or deceased who would it be and why? Maya Angelou- American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. Her mind and deep creativity are intriguing to me. Richard Branson- Business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group in the 1970s, which controls more than 400 companies in various fields. Branson expressed his desire to become an entrepreneur at a young age. Hugely successful, also his innovation and boldness to do things differently is interesting to me. Beyonce Knowles- American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, actress and filmmaker. Highly successful and innovative, intrigued by her life and thirst for success.

Q - What advice can you give to small business owners on a budget, regarding how to take their business to the next level? Ensure you have clear USP’s. What is your brand identify? What value do you bring over your competitors? If you have the answers to these factors, these with a clear business growth strategy will ensure you take the business to the next level. Surround yourself with people that are better than you at what they do and are bought into the vision for the business!

Q - Which business person and company do you look up to and aspire to emulate the same level of success? Tere are many people that I look up, clearly Lord Sugar is an obvious source of true inspiration, along with the wonderful Karen Brady. However, I would have to say for me Lisa Nichols (Motivating The Masses) is a true source of aspiration. Lisa started her business within a broom cupboard out of desperation and with very challenging life circumstances, a young baby and husband in prison. She went on to build a multi-million-dollar organisation as the first millionaire entrepreneur, is a best-selling author, a humanitarian, and a motivational speaker. Her story and talks are very relatable to me and highly inspirational.

Q - Would you be available to speak about this at any events, media opportunities or radio discussions? Yes I would be happy to. Via my social media channels or Interview by Russ Turner Director at Business Digest Magazine

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Keeping Your Customers Happy Brand pirates and the risk they pose to society. Customer satisfaction is key to any successful business. The more unique or distinctive your products or services are, the more power you will have over customers. But, what happens when counterfeits sets in, and what damage does it cause on your business? Have you stopped to think for a minute the impact this will cause on your loyal and trusted customer? In today’s digital world, the lines between real and fake are less clear. Counterfeiting and piracy have steadily been growing in recent years. Brand pirates who make, distribute, and sell knock-offs continue to pose a great risk to the global economy. Unlike earlier days, where customers would easily identify fake items, counterfeit goods can operate very effectively on the internet. By stealing a company’s designs and branding, counterfeiters can use the brand owner’s real photos images, leaving the customer unable to distinguish between real and fake. Counterfeits completely ruin a company’s reputation. In many instances, customers are unaware that they have purchased fake products, and when they fail to meet their expectations, the customer will blame the authentic company. It is at this point that you will start seeing negative reviews online. Loss of sales. Counterfeiters offer customers a copy of your product at a lower price. Counterfeits have become real competitors, and they can draw away a company’s cash flow. Legitimate business activities have been displaced by competitors that steal their intellectual property (IP) without payment of taxes or complying with the set standards and regulations. Where does this leave the economy? The economy is left crippled. What happens to your loyal and trustworthy customer? Chances are knock-off goods are not subject to the regulatory standards, and their use can pose a huge health risk. Some counterfeit goods may contain hazardous ingredients that may be harmful to the consumer. The end game is that the customer will lose faith in your brand. Business Digest 21

What can be done? It is clear that counterfeiting undermines legitimate businesses, poses a massive risk to consumer health and safety, above all knock- offs drains the global economy. Prevention and early detection are crucial to fighting counterfeiting and protecting your brand. Trademarking your products and brand, and registering your trademarks in all countries in which you do business will help to stop the flow of counterfeit goods across country borders. Listen to customer feedback by creating a mechanism for customers to alert you about knock-off products. It would help if you were keen to watch out for fluctuating sales or customers complaining about the quality of a product. You can also train your employees or intermediaries to be able to recognize if the quality of your brand is being compromised due to counterfeiting. The new technology can be helpful in tracing and distinguishing genuine products from fakes throughout the supply chain. DNA markings can be used to identify products in ways that the counterfeiters cannot copy. Your brand and your value chain participants ought to be keenly aware of counterfeiting and help lessen its impact. Strict enforcement of IP law is essential to reduce the growing threat that counterfeiting and piracy pose to society.


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Business Digest 22



Digital marketing is the new norm in the technological era. Every company is looking for ways to make more profits. Most businesses are wrapped around how they can identify their target market, attract interest, gain new customers, and retain them for future sales. Creating a successful marketing plan can be extremely helpful in promoting and marketing your business more effectively. For your business to stand out from the crowd, you will need the best digital marketing strategies on your fingertips. What are the blueprints for a successful digital marketing strategy? Demand generation The first and most important thing is creating awareness of your existence. It Business Digest 23

is logic; people can only buy from you when they know you exist- right? A Person must familiarize themself with your company and business alike if they are to become a customer. There are several ways people can become aware of your business, products, or services. Your business values and purposes must stand out from competitors. Demand generation accounts remarkably in a buyer’s journey right from being an anonymous visitor to a delighted customer. Engage your prospects. Building a relationship with your audience will not happen over-

night. Now that they know who you are, you will be required to make them trust and like you. Building this relationship will take time. Engaging in a conversation with your prospects through some content that is both informative and entertaining can be an excellent place to start. Get to know the people you are trying to reach. Identifying your prospects’ personalities will help in reaching potential customers. Building and maintaining a strong social media

presence is the easiest way to engage your prospects and communicate your brand. Encouraging interactions on your website or social media will increase sales from existing customers. Customer retention “Retention is the new growth” research has shown that it costs five times more to attract a new customer than to retain an existing one. As much as digital marketing may seem so focused on customer acquisition, trust, and loy-

alty that customers develop through their relationship with your brand will make them stick around. Getting to know your customer’s actual needs and desired experiences should be an opportunity to enhance the value of your products or services. You should be ready to respond to your customer’s demands and innovating in real-time. Providing excellent customer services is a critical method of customer retention. Brand building A brand purpose defines your values. What is your business going to change, and why should people care?

Prospect customers should be able to develop a meaningful relationship with your brand. The key features and benefits of your products/ services should be clearly defined and consistently communicated to your audience. You should also carefully decide on how your brand will come through in your online campaigns by outlining your brand guidelines. With digital marketing strategies, your business has a map for achieving its goals. Digital marketing is the new way to skyrocket the success of your business.

Business Digest 24

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Business Digest 26


HOW SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS MAKE MONEY Making money online is the new norm, especially for the dot com generation. Influencer marketing is the latest trend used by different brands to advertise. Social media influencers are slowly building a new class of celebrities. Most of the influencers do not necessarily come from entertainment industries like most traditional celebrities. Social media influencers transform the micro and macro communities around their life and personality into millions of dollars. How do they do it, though? At the comfort of their home office or couch, social media influencers can make a living for themselves. Sponsored content Sponsorships remain the top way in which bloggers make money. An influencer is paid to write a publication or branded content from a brand or agency. Influencers will partner with various brands to promote brand awareness, products and services through the internet. A blogger is basically a content creator who can create stories related to the product or brand they are paid to advertise. Affiliate links Where is the traffic coming from? Marketers and brands tend to use links to identify and reward traffic drivers. A social media influencer is paid a certain percentage of the revenues made from sales generated from the affiliate links ADS Share of ad revenue is also another spot of income for social media influencers. For a long time, ADS have been the foundation of internet advertising. An influencer can host banner ads their social media platforms, and earn either from direct sales or through ad networks. Gifting Some influencers have just amazing content. Business Digest 27

Most blogs have a tipping option that allows the fans and users to give their donations in support of the content creators. This type of revenue generation requires an influencer to have supportive, engaged, and loyal followers. Guest speaking and appearances Due to their popularity, and their impact, especially when it comes to communicating with a young audience, Social media influencers get paid to attend conferences or speak as guests to relevant audience. Television and radio shows Some influencers can be hired to host television and radio shows. With their content, some Social media influencers have become highly sought after for appearances on the screen, and also on air. Freelancing and consultation Outside their massive social followings, influencers area valuable asset to brands and businesses. They are often paid to write original blogs posts and providing blogging and content advice to brands. Business Ventures Renowned influencers make money by being entrepreneurs. They can form their own companies, merchandise, or apps. Powerful influencers leverage their influence on the internet to create a successful business for themselves. Influencers do not become influential overnight. It is a journey that requires a lot of effort and hard work. Rising the pyramid of influence requires some level of dedication. But, most importantly, social media influencers are looking for the best ways to monetize their fans and followers. Authenticity, realness, and ability to relate to your audience will keep you on the top list of social media influencers, and this increases your potential of generating more money.


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