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The U.K. Brand Element for Cyber Security and Intelligence is Number One in the World!

The U.K. brand element for Cyber Security and Intelligence is Number One in the world.


When viewed with our history in mind I believe this is true. Of course, some would dispute this but let them do so. Let them disprove it. Whilst we have work to do and many improvements to make we can consolidate and confirm this lead.

If we view the U.K. from the perspective of a High Tech. or Cyber Security company from, say, the U.S.A. or Israel wanting a base in Europe they typically only think of basing themselves in Southern Ireland, London, and Holland. There are many reasons for this – geographical knowledge and incentives amongst them.

To redirect eyes, thinking, investment, and jobs to locations other than this we have to work hard and we have to work together.

In the Midlands, where I live, they formed the “ Midlands Engine “ brand realising that Birmingham and “ the Midlands “ names were better known internationally than any other. I was always a fan of this single, better known, and stronger brand.

This is no disrespect to other lesserknown areas, towns and cities.

It is to their advantage that the Midlands and Midlands Engine brand becomes known. Once attracted people and companies will look at the detail of their desired locations.

They must find a fully prepared, complete and functioning ecosystem that supports – in this case – Cyber Security.

Midlands Engine and others have alluded to the name “ Cyber Valley “ for some time. Referring to the M5 area from, say, Wolverhampton down to Cheltenham. Cheltenham being, of course, the home of the pretty well-undisputed epicentre of Intelligence and Cyber Security – GCHQ and NCSC.

The area needs to be bigger in my view and that of others like Nick Sturge for example who is helping build the £400 million Golden Valley development alongside GCHQ/NCSC and who co-founded the Engine Shed in Bristol and advised Tramshed in Wales.

How big? Well, we have tended to talk in triangles .. for example, Cheltenham, Cardiff and Bristol. My triangle started out as Birmingham,( a line through Cheltenham ) Bristol and Cardiff. I am half Welsh and Wales has a leading Cyber Security community and a strong Inward Investment strategy.

My big “ triangle “ ( actually quadrilateral ) for Cyber Security Valley UK is now Derby, Swindon, Exeter, Swansea. Interestingly, to me anyway, the a38 ( formerly the Roman Road Rycknield/Icknield Street ) runs from Derby to Exeter and beyond.

Of course this, therefore, includes some of the Midlands Engine original area and Nick’s area which is the Western Powerhouse triangle ( Salisbury, Swansea, Cheltenham ).

Having defined the approximate area to brand and market we have to detail the strength of that area in Cyber Security terms.

To do that we are building Directories on our website. These Directories are many and varied but include key locations like Cyber Hubs and Property Developments, and Universities and Colleges focused on Cyber Security ( some 18 or so ), Cyber companies, Cyber people ( Movers and Shakers as I term them ) and many other Cyber related entities.

The Valley is very very strong and the connections with GCHQ/NCSC are also very apparent.

The Covid19 pandemic has added another dimension to the appeal of Cyber Security Valley.

Although vested interests will argue against it it is now pretty clear that companies will allow their staff to work from home for some time to come. This and


flexible working ( sometimes office and sometimes home ) are almost certainly the dominant models from now on.

People are betting on this model and already moving from the major cities to the coast and country and other countries.

Living in the Areas of Natural Beauty surrounding Cyber Security Valley e.g. the Cotswolds, Malverns, Exmoor and the Black Mountains and working from there and in Regional Hubs sometimes is a very attractive proposition and a great combination.

To me, this is the perfect proposition for people, business and the planet. Commuting is a waste of time and money and damages the planet.

We did an amazing job coping with the Pandemic. As if by magic we locked down and worked from home. But it was not magic it was the perfect time. technology-wise, to have one. Most people have great Broadband, most applications are cloud-based and 4G coverage is now being enhanced with 5G.

Technically it was relatively easy to work from home and maintain or even improve productivity. If it had happened even 10 years earlier it would have been much more challenging.

The fact of the main issue that has yet to be addressed is the cyber security of people working from home. In my role at LuJam Cyber, while in the GCHQ/NCSC Cyber Accelerator and working with the Police in the Cyber Resilience Centres we talked pre Pandemic about Cyber Securing 6 million SMB’s but now we talk about Cyber Securing around 25 Million people working from home.

I do think we should improve high-speed broadband/5G coverage even further. Improving infrastructure and cyber security will generate jobs and income and also allow additional opportunities on top of this. HS2 is controversial but it will add another fibre optic backbone between London and Birmingham and later extend to the North West and East. This will improve resilience and adjacent properties will benefit.

In Cyber Security we say that it is not just about Technology. It is also about People ( Training ) and Processes ( and Leadership ). In terms of working from home having the right high-speed infrastructure and being cyber secure is vital but we also need to further address the human side of working from home. Some people need more support and communication when working from home.

We now see the introduction ( by Facebook ) of the “ Director of Remote Working “ which is a combination of a technical and human role. Some people and companies are suffering and the move from city based working to remote and home working is a massive change but I see a unique opportunity for us to continue to be a world leader in Cyber Security and become one in the new structure of working. Cyber Security Valley UK is my vehicle for achieving that.

About Chris Windley:

Chris is Founder and CEO of Cyber Security Valley UK and is a recognized cyber security expert and advisor, as Member of the board of Advisors for both the East and West midlands cyber resilience centres. Chris also has a background in investing and buying and selling companies and as well is a motivational speaker for Founders For Schools


Technology has become a global trend that is difficult to ignore. Across the world, technology has touched every aspect of human lives from education, health, security and the transport industry. The business sector has not been left behind.

Technology has proven to be more of a commodity that makes work easier but also saves on money. Cutting costs as to increase the profit margin is every business desire. Below are some of the ways in which technology saves on money.


Unlike in the past where renting of an office space was essential before starting a company, nowadays it’s a thing of the past. Technology has made it possible for employees to work in the comfort of their homes. Through gadgets such as smartphones and laptops employees can work from their homes and still deliver quality work. Employers are also able to evaluate their employees without physical presence involved. Technology has also made it possible for employees to communicate with clients and fellow co-workers.


Traditional methods such as mails, use of fliers and newspapers does not only reach limited people but also expensive to the business owner. Technology has brought about digital advertising. These form has proven to be a better way of advertising compared to the past ways since it reaches a larger audience of people. Digital advertising is made possible through platforms such as social media. Business a while ago before the emergence of technology was used in the filing system to store documents. This becomes a major expense since the proper filing of documents is required for efficiency in the business. However, technology has made the paperless office a reality since documents can now be stored in the cloud and mails. This has made the use of papers no longer necessary and that’s a big save to the business.


Companies have been known to employ employees to run the business operations. The emergence of technology has brought a light at the end of the tunnel to employers since they can save on labour cost. For example, you can find out that the work done by five employees can now be conducted by a single machine.


Before technology, one ventured into a business blindly without knowing the risks and losses likely to incur. This made companies and business lose a lot of money as they carry out their operations. However nowadays technology provides a vast range of information concerning different fields. Through technology as a business person, you will find ways to cut on operational costs due to the information therein. This becomes an advantage since one will find out more about a venture before going in it. Technology as seen is a major blessing to the business world as it helps cuts on cost increasing profit margin and therefore help save businesses billions.

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