Birds Walk, Runners Fly, Hiller Sets the Pace The a couple of days after the talented parrots of "Happy Birds" entertained kids at the Hiller Aviation Museum on August 11, a crowd of some 700 runners gathered for a 5k, 4k and 2k run, using the San Carlos Airport runway as part of the course. "Airports of any size are part of a nation wide network of transportation," says Hiller CEO Jeffrey Bass. "They can't open and close at will." So, taking just two hours on a early Sunday morning takes weeks of obtaining premissions, including the FAA. This, the fourth annual run, went off without a hitch.
Summer Music Makes a Return It felt like summer again as the crowds of music lovers gathered at Couthouse Square and on the lawn of Stafford Park to dine, listen and dance to the tunes of Mustache Harbor and Sinister Dexter.
14 · CLIMATE · September 2021