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As we settle into the 21st century it becomes

number of popular labels are looking to use

clear that the global priority for this new mil-

bamboo as a cheaper, more energy efficient

lennium is to try to undo the damage done

and cleaner alternative to cotton.

by centuries of excess burning of fossil fuels,

looking to China when it comes to other uses

ever growing population that demand an ever

of bamboo – specifically architecture – and

increasing quality of life the pressure put on

about time too. China has been using this

the depleting natural resources only grows,

natural building material for centuries and

so as the world looks towards renewable

many buildings in southern China are con-

energy, sustainable produce and environmen-

structed entirely of bamboo. The hard thick

tally sounds materials they look to China – as

bamboo poles can still be seen being on con-

there is one product that ticks all of these

struction sites across the metropolitan capi-

boxes and a lot more, and China has been

tals of Shanghai and Guangzhou being used

using it for thousands of years. Bamboo.

as scaffolding – and with a tensile strength of

Bamboo is actually a grass that grows

BAMBOO As the world looks for answers to climate change, an ancient material offers a new road ahead for the 21st century. Long revered in Asia for its beauty and symbolic values of relief and healing, innovators worldwide are now putting bamboo to the test within construction and design. By Tom Pattinson

28,000 pounds per square inch compared to

at up to 1.5 meters per day and unlike trees,

the 23,000 pounds per square inch of steel,

they can be repeatedly harvested. Bamboo

it’s much safer than it looks.

produces 30 percent more oxygen than most

Whilst China has been creating buildings

trees yet take only five years to grow to matu-

with bamboo for centuries it was at the

rity rather than the 50 it takes for hardwoods

Hannover World Fair of 2000 that brought

to grow. Also because they don’t die when

bamboo into the conscience of the internatio-

harvested, there are none of the soil erosion

nal design community. Columbian architect

problems associated with tree farming – and

Simón Vélez constructed one of the largest

bamboo actively removes toxins from the soil.

buildings ever made entirely of bamboo at

Some scientists have gone so far as to argue

the fair (pictured) and he, along with friend

that if bamboo was planted globally en-masse

and fellow architect Darrel DeBoer, have

then the effects of global warming would be

gone on to be become some of the foremost

reversed in just six years. As well as being the

experts in bamboo construction. DeBoer who

fastest growing, highest oxygen producing

is currently writing a book “Bamboo Building

natural material in the world, the 1,500 types

Essentials: The 12 Basic Principles” has wor-

of bamboo are unparalleled in their versati-

ked with bamboo for decades and with other

lity.Pandas aren’t the only ones whose diet

experts such as Velez and Marcelo Villegas

is made up of bamboo shoots. In China, and

continues to discover new treatments and

many other areas of Asia, almost every part

innovative methods to make building with

of the grass is used either in the cooking pro-

bamboo easier and more cost effective.

cess or for actually eating. The crunchy white

“[Bamboo is] something that grows four

roots are thrown into many stir fried dishes,

feet in a day, has more strength than steel

the large leaves are used when making the

(pound for pound) and can grow in a small

traditional festival treats the zongzi and the

enough area that a local builder can essen-

large hollow tubes are filled with rice and

tially own a hardware store in his back yard,”

steamed in many areas of south west China.

says DeBoer. “No other material can compete

As well as on the plate, bamboo has for

with its ability to benefit local people by pro-

centuries been used for clothing. The silky

viding a livelihood not beholden to anyone,”

fibers are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, mois-

says DeBoer.

ture wicking and highly absorbent as well

DeBoer goes on to say that the world’s

as being powerfully insulating and naturally

most common bamboo (bambusa vulagaris

UV protecting – the perfect material for use

vittata) is terrible to build with. “It has bad

in warm subtropical environments. But what

fiber structure and high sugar content but all

was once the preserve of rural farm workers

the local people built with it when they were

or Western Earth Mothers has, in recent years

kids and had bad experiences, so they think

hit the high streets. JUZD is one of the first

all bamboo is bad.” However the correct type

designer fashion labels to exclusively use

of bamboo, used properly and treated in the

bamboo fibers in its clothing. Founded in

correct way, by any criteria, DeBoer argues,

2007 by Guangzhou-born Jing Liu the Cana-

“there is no better structural building mate-

dian brand is now worn by celebrities such as


Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas. An increasingly


However the 21st century planet is also

over farming and forest depletion. With an

After China’s most devastating eart

Bamboosk8 skateboard deck developed using a patent-­protected process of intense pressure to create responsive, resilient, splinterfree skateboards.


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