Digital Global Innovation

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Remote teams generate brilliant new ideas for products of the future, and pitch them in this fun, engaging team development activity.




Energize on-line meetings Improve communication skills Stimulate creative thinking Foster a culture of collaboration


Global Innovation Game fosters ideation and creative thinking in remote teams. The intelligent yet straightforward game matrix instantly engages participants and cements an inclusive atmosphere. The importance of clear communication and active listening is reinforced as participants are challenged to see how open, fluid ideation can lead to innovation. Choosing and developing a pitch draws on collaborative decision making and team dynamics. With the added ability to customise the Global Innovation Game content, this highly relevant virtual team building session is a great way to engage your employees, and inspire creative thinking throughout your team.


Learning outcomes

Teams connect using a digital conferencing tool and log onto our Global Innovation Game website. The website deals each player a hand of interactive playing cards, with each player receiving the same mix of Object, Tech & Data cards. The teams are then tasked to come up with a revolutionary Smart Object, Service or Tool, using the website to ‘click and drag’ their colour coded cards into combinations that assist their idea creation. Then, in breakout groups, teams brainstorm and share concepts, ultimately deciding on the final idea that they will present to the group. They collaborate to create a short, persuasive presentation and then showcase it to the other teams in a Dragon’s Den style pitch.


How it works

6 - unlimited

1-2 hours

Competitive/ Collaborative

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.