2017 Proposed development at the corner of South Richmond Street, Dublin 2 and Lennox Street, Dublin 8 Planning Report Planning Report to accompany Planning Application lodged with Dublin City Council for a development at the corner of South Richmond Street and Lennox Street, Dublin 8.
Manahan Planners 38 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 12/12/2017
Introduction This Planning Report has been prepared to accompany a planning application by Canal Basin Holdings Limited seeking permission for a development at the corner of South Richmond Street, Dublin 2 and Lennox Street, Dublin 8.
Figure 1: Site Location Plan
The site has an extant planning approval (Reg. Ref. 3015/15) which was recently varied by Planning Permission Reg. Ref. 3958/17. The planning application, to which this report pertains, seeks to retain the relocation of the ESB substation to a position required by the ESB and to change the use of the ground floor unit, approved for retail use, to restaurant use. It is submitted that this development is consistent with the land-use zoning in the Development Plan. The buildings formerly on site were demolished some years ago in anticipation of constructing the previous permission. The site has remained vacant ever since.
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Figure 2: Aerial photo of the surrounding area with an indicative outline of the subject site
Site Context The site of this application is located on the corner of Lennox Street and South Richmond Street and is zoned Z4 (District Centre) which seeks ‘to provide for and improve mixed service facilities’ and as can be seen by the Zoning Map below, forms part of a designated Conservation Area in the Dublin City Development Plan 20162022.
Figure 3: Zoning Plan from Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 identifying the site for Z4 use
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Restaurant use is considered to be a "Permitted in Principle" use under a Z4 zoning.
Planning History The site had a number of previous planning approvals. A planning application (Reg. Ref. 3015/15) was lodged with Dublin City Council in November 2015 for a mixed use 4 storey over basement development of 4,252 sq. m with one retail unit (876 sq. m NFA) and office (1,998 sq. m NFA). The development also provided initially for 14 car parking spaces and 28 bicycle parking spaces at basement level. This was eventually approved by DCC for a reduced Floor area and the car parking was moved from the basement to the rear yard accessed from Harrington Court. The number of spaces was reduced to 8. Permission was recently granted (Reg. Ref. 3958/17) to vary aspects of the above Planning Permission. These were as follows: 1. Redesigned external elevations to upper floors and to include more appropriate retail frontage at ground floor level; 2. Moving of bicycle parking from Basement to the rear yard and to provide a revised layout to the previously approved 8 no. car parking spaces. 3. A rationalisation of internal spaces including cores & circulation space. A planning application (Reg. Ref. 2242/99) allowed for the demolition of and replacement of 3 storey educational building together with 2 separate office developments (1155.6 sq. m and 1092.2 sq. m respectively) together with part ground floor retail (226.8sq.m) in a 2-4 storey building over 1 floor basement car-parking. This was granted permission by DCC. A planning application (Reg. Ref. 3008/05) was granted permission by DCC for the same proposed development in November 2005. A later application (Reg. Ref. 4203/08) was granted permission by DCC to amend the previous permission with the following changes: a. Access to basement car parking to be changed from a car ramp to a car lift with provision for bicycle parking at ground level, new pedestrian pathway and exit gate. b. Modifications to elevations and fenestration, including the omission of small terrace at level 2 and omission of recess at level 3 along Richmond Street South. Previously permitted total gross floor area of 2529sqm to increase to 2,553 sq. m.
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The Proposed Development The Statutory Notices read as follows: Dublin City Council – Permission is sought by Canal Basin Holdings Limited to vary a previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 3015/15) on an existing vacant site at the Corner of Richmond Street South, Dublin 2 and Lennox Street, Dublin 8. The Permission granted involved a mixed use development of a 4 storey-over basement building comprising 1 retail unit at Ground Floor level with retail storage and gym at Basement level and office accommodation at Levels 1-3. The development also provided for 8 car parking spaces in the rear yard and 28 bicycle parking spaces in the basement. Permission is now sought to relocate the ESB Substation from the rear yard to the Lennox Street frontage in line with ESB requirements and to alter the Lennox Street ground floor elevation accordingly. Permission is also sought for a change of use of part of the ground floor previously approved as retail (557sq.m) to licensed restaurant use.
Planning Assessment The Development Plan contains guidance for the delivery of District Centres and the roles which are envisaged for them. It identifies that District Centres "will provide a comprehensive range of commercial and community services". This vision includes restaurants, which as mentioned previously, is permitted under Z4 zoning. The proposal seeks to change the use of the ground floor of the building from approved retail to restaurant use. It is submitted that this is a more appropriate use of this building. Moreover in the original application the ESB substation was proposed to be located in the rear yard. The ESB have indicated that they would prefer to have the sub station on the Lennox Street frontage. In view of this we are applying in this application to move the substation to the location shown on the drawings. The PressUp group have taken the lease and they propose to operate a very high quality restaurant similar to their other venues such as Angelinas, Sophies and Robertas. The Applicant/proposed operator is aware of residential properties to the rear and so proposes to carry out servicing in the following manner: The applicant operates more than 35 food businesses in Dublin which receive deliveries from approximately 12 companies each week. For operational reasons he asks that his suppliers deliver on Wednesdays, an arrangement with which 80% have already complied. The main suppliers are listed below. All waste will be stored in wheeled bins in the enclosed storage area which will be effectively soundproof. The Manahan Planners
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bins are collected by waste and recycling contractors three times per week. The applicant will undertake to ensure deliveries and collections will be made between 8.00 am and 6.00pm on weekdays. There are no complaints to the Environmental Health office with regards to nuisance noise with any of the applicant’s businesses in Dublin City. Deliveries will be received from: Heineken, Diagio, Richmond Marketing, Kish fish, La Rouse Foods, Musgraves, Irish Distillers, Chemex, FX Buckley’s, Keelings, Rich Sauces and Pallas foods. All waste collections will be done in the mid-day and there will be no noise or disturbance from this. It is submitted that the servicing requirements will be no greater than that of the large retail use already approved for this unit. We provide letters which confirm and clarify the proposed servicing arrangements. In relation to the change of use to restaurant the shop front to serve this restaurant premises was amended on foot of planning approval 3958/17. As amended it will contribute positively to the streetscape. It is submitted that this variation to the permission is a necessary change to accord with ESB requirements. The change of use is consistent with the pattern of development in the area, the Dublin City Development Plan, the design principles and policies espoused therein, accords with Development Management criteria and with the emerging built form character in this part of the city.
Conclusion It is submitted that the change of use proposed in this variation to a restaurant will provide a useful amenity to the residents of this area, will integrate with the proposed building, will further improve the visual amenity of the adjoining streetscape as well as contributing vibrancy and activity by day and night to this part of Dublin City. In conclusion it is submitted that the proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Dublin City Development Plan, and is consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. It is requested that the Dublin City Council proceed to grant permission for this worthy and appropriate development.
Manahan Planners 20th December 2017
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