Residential Development at the ESB Depot site at Parnell Avenue, Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6. Town Planning Report Planning Report to accompany planning application lodged on behalf of Garvagh Homes Ltd. with Dublin City Council. This application seeks permission for a residential development.
Manahan Planners 38 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 6/6/2019
Introduction This planning report has been prepared in connection with a planning application to Dublin City Council by Garvagh Homes Ltd. for a residential development on the ESB Depot site at Parnell Avenue, Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6.
Figure 1: Site Location Map
In summary the proposal provides a 55 apartment housing development. It consists of 2 building blocks consisting of four-storeys, a naturally ventilated underground car park, an external courtyard, bicycle parking stores and separate waste management facilities. This report seeks to explain the proposed development and then assess the proposal against the relevant planning criteria.
Site Context The subject site is located at the end of Parnell Avenue accessed off Parnell Road. The site is less than 3 km from Grafton Street/city centre. The surrounding area is largely characterised by a suburban mix form of development with principally residential and commercial uses. The site is bounded by residential to the north and west followed by Our Lady's Hospice and care services to the south and commercial warehouse units to the east. The predominant residential style is two-storey red brick terraces with front and rear gardens and on-street parking. The surrounding building heights range from single storey to three-storey. The site consists of two large warehouse structures for commercial and office use with sheds to the south and tarmac surface car parking. There is a masonry wall encompassing the site which is 3.3m high and lined with foliage. The site has an area of approximately 0.44 ha. Manahan Planners
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Figure 2: Map Aerial image of the subject site from the southwest.
The site is well served by public transport in the form of a bus service. The site is also located in between Clogher Road and Harold’s Cross Road which are both Quality Bus corridors with the latter serving as a major arterial route into the city centre. It forms part of the N81 national secondary route from Tallaght, extending south from the Grand Canal to Terenure Road North.
Policy Context The subject site is zoned Z1 in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, which seeks to “protect, provide and improve residential amenities”.
Figure 3: Extract of zoning map from Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 identifying the Z1 zoning of the subject site outlined in red
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Residential is Permitted in Principle land use under the Z1 zoning. One of the strategic approaches behind the Z1 zoning is to provide an appropriate quantity and quality of residential accommodation that incorporates sustainable densities and design to create sustainable neighbourhoods in particular along public transport corridors.
Planning History A Planning application (1166/95) was lodged in June 1995 for the retention of identification sign and change of use from electrical warehouse to kitchen showroom in part of existing building. Dublin City Council granted Permission in August 1995. Similarly, a planning application (Reg. Ref. 2360/97) was submitted in November 2005 on the subject site for the Permanent retention of an identification sign and change of use from electrical warehouse to a kitchen showroom in part of existing building. Permission was granted in November 1997.
The Proposal The Statutory Notices lodged with the application states the proposal involves the following. Dublin City Council-Planning permission is sought by Garvagh Homes Ltd to carry out a development at the ESB depot site at Parnell Avenue, Harold's Cross, Dublin 6. The development consists of the demolition of the remaining buildings on site, the construction of a 55 unit residential development (6 studios, 8 one-bed units and 41 two-bed units,) over an underground car parking area for 57 cars. The basement includes plantrooms, bike spaces (82) and waste storage facilities. The form of development consists of two blocks of development, both 4-storeys with a step down to 3-storeys. Block A contains 33 units and Block B with 22 units, a landscaped communal open space (400 sq.m) between the blocks and visitor car and bike spaces at surface level. The existing entrance will be modified to facilitate the extending of the footpath on Parnell Avenue to give access to the site. An ESB substation and switch room will be located on the ground floor of Block B. The proposal seeks to create high-quality living environment for residents and to enhance the social, environmental and visual quality of the area as a whole. The scheme has been designed to maximise amenity and energy efficient through climate sensitive design that takes account of orientation and typography and retention of existing site features wherever possible. The proposal consists of two blocks with four storeys providing a maximum of 9 apartments or less per floor. These include a combination of studios, 1,and 2 bedroom apartments, each with an external private amenity space in form of a balcony. Manahan Planners
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Block A is longer than Block B with an east/west orientation while Block B is oriented north/south.
Figure 4: Proposed Site layout
Figure 5: Proposed landscaped courtyard
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The site layout has been designed to discourage anti-social behaviour and increase passive surveillance, ensuring that all access ways and public areas are overlooked by dwellings. At the same time, through the proposed architecture, privacy is promoted through different measures that clearly separate the public and private realm to achieve high quality living environments. Equally important to this proposal is the provision of a substantial basement area to underpin the objective to reduce the presence of the vehicle from the ground level of the site and create a primarily pedestrian landscaped environment within the open space of the site.
Planning Assessment Land Use/Zoning As mentioned earlier, the subject site is zoned Z1 in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, which seeks to “protect, provide and improve residential amenities”. In order to uphold this objective, residential accommodation must provide sustainable densities and design for the purpose of creating sustainable neighbourhoods. In May 2018, the National Planning Framework 2040 was adopted and seeks compact urban growth, with the associated objective that at least half of the future housing growth of the main cities will be delivered within their existing built-up areas through infill and brownfield development and 40% in other key towns. The National Planning Framework has a number of policy objectives that articulate delivering on a compact urban growth programme. These include:
NPO 2(a) relating to growth in our cities; NPO 3(a)/(b)/(c) relating to brownfield redevelopment targets; NPO 4 relating to attractive, well-designed liveable neighbourhoods; NPO 5 relating to sufficient scale and quality of urban development; and NPO 6 relating to increased residential population and employment in urban areas; NPO13 relating to a move away from blanket standards for building height and car parking etc. and instead basing it on performance criteria.
Having regard to the Z1 zoning within the current Development Plan, we note that its objectives reflect the aims of the National Panning Framework 2040, is one where a wide range of accommodation is available within sustainable communities where residents are within easy reach of services, open space and facilities such as shops, education, leisure, community facilities and amenities, on foot and by public transport and where adequate public transport provides good access to employment, the city centre and the key district centres. Equally, Section 12.5 of the Development Plan 2016-2022, explains the requirements necessary for good urban neighbourhoods, additionally this includes ensuring that the optimum use of community facilities is achieved throughout the city. Therefore, in both new and established residential areas, there will be a range of uses that have the potential to foster the development of new residential communities. These are uses that benefit from a close relationship with the immediate community and have high standards of amenity.
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In this case, Harold’s Cross as a district centre can be considered an urban village in close proximity to Rathmines which is a Key District Centre. The surrounding area is characterised by low-medium density development, mostly containing mixed land-uses located in the Dublin 6 area. The role of Harold’s Cross is to continue to promote an important economic, social and physical focal point for its neighbourhood and communities. In light of this, the proposed residential development accords with the above policy by incorporating quality living spaces, amenity areas and green infrastructure and supports the sustainable consolidation of the city. The additional footfall will help strengthen the role of Harold’s Cross within the hierarchy of suburban centres. As a result it will fulfil an extremely valuable function in the creation of a vibrant mixed-use area.
Building Height The now adopted new height guidelines, The Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines 2018 set a clear direction for developing our cities and towns upwards, rather than ever outwards. In addition to these Guidelines, Section 16.7.2 of the current Development Plan includes an assessment criterion for higher buildings. All proposals for mid-rise and taller buildings must have regard to this assessment as set out below:
Relationship to context, including topography, built form, and skyline having regard to the need to protect important views, landmarks, prospects and vistas Effect on the historic environment at a city-wide and local level Relationship to transport infrastructure, particularly public transport provision Architectural excellence of a building which is of slender proportions, whereby a slenderness ratio of 3:1 or more should be aimed for Contribution to public spaces and facilities, including the mix of uses
In light of this, the proposed development will be in the form of two separate blocks that are four storeys in height. It is submitted that the height of proposal accords with the current Development Plan and recent policy on building height, in particular Section 3.2 of The Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines 2018.
Design Standards The Design Standards for New Apartments - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (Dec. 2015) document establishes a number of criteria under which applications for new apartments will be assessed. The principle ones are as follows and assessed below:
Apartment Floor Area; Dual Aspect Ratios; Floor to Ceiling Height; Lift and Stair Cores; Internal Storage; and Private Amenity Space.
All apartments accord with the development standards. Manahan Planners
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In terms of apartment mix, the Development Plan requires a maximum of 25-30% onebedroom units. With respect to apartment orientation, national standards state "in urban locations, it is a specific planning policy requirement that the minimum number of dual aspect apartments that may be provided in any single apartment scheme shall be 50%.” 62% of the proposed units are dual aspect. A large amount of those apartments with single aspect have a south westerly aspect and thus benefit from adequate solar gain. The floor to ceiling heights of the proposed units are 2.7m on all floors. With regard to stair/life cores, the national guidance states that "subject to compliance with the dual aspect ratios specified in these guidelines and building regulations particularly in relation to fire safety, it is a specific planning policy requirement that up to 12 apartments per floor per individual stair/lift core may be provided in apartment schemes". Both buildings do not exceed the recommended 12 units per floor. Each floor contains less than 8 units. Both buildings have its stairs/lift core in the centre of the building with Block A containing two stair cores to accommodate more units. All units are served with lift and stair cores at each floor.
Internal Storage and Private Open Space All the apartments exceed the standards with respect to apartment storage space and private open space. The Minimum Storage Requirements for apartment units as per the Development Plan are:
Studio unit: 3 sq.m 1-bedroom unit: 3 sq.m 2-bedroom unit: 6 sq.m
The Development Plan states that that the minimum Private Open Space requirement for apartments is 4 sq.m for a studio, 5 sq. m for a 1 bed and 7 sq. m for a 2 bed apartment. The proposed apartments accord with the national standards.
Communal Amenity Space The central communal garden area provides 400 sq. m for the residents. This space is landscaped with trees and low level planting and includes a playground with garden furniture. The area within the site boundary seeks to reinforce a green setting that incorporates trees. The Development Plan requires a minimum area of communal open space for the apartment residents of 357sq. m. As indicated above, the proposed area of communal open space is vastly in excess of this. In addition the site is located close to city parks and Harold’s Cross Park which is within walking distance.
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Parking and Access The policies of the Development Plan seek 1.5 car parking space and one bicycle parking space per residential unit are required in this location. Vehicular access to the site is via Parnell Avenue off Parnell Road. The entrance laneway and footpath extends inside the northern boundary of the site to provide access to both blocks for residents and visitors, waste collection and emergency services. There is a basement linking the entire development providing 57 car parking spaces which includes three disabled car parking spaces. Also there are two bike stores with 82 secure bicycle spaces for residents. There is a further 36 visitor bike spaces located close to each Block entrance. It is considered that this is an appropriate supply of car parking spaces given the central location of the site between QBC’s and the close proximity of bus stops from where residents can avail of easy access to the city centre. The proposed development exceeds all of these parking requirements.
Public Realm This residential design provides occupants and visitors with a sense of safety and security, by maximising natural surveillance of the communal open spaces, play areas and surface bicycle and car parking. Accordingly, the buildings overlook the public realm. With this in mind, each of the building’s pedestrian entrance is located along the northeastern elevation which will experience the optimal level of natural surveillance due to the aggregate of windows and balconies and the elevation at the upper levels thus increasing the sense of security to pedestrians. Similarly, the provision of an area of communal open space situated in between each of the buildings optimises passive surveillance while creating an enclosed effect which will also serve as a very comfortable place for people to sit and rest. The orientation of this communal space is south-east, thus capitalising on the degree of sunlight. This application is accompanied by report and drawings from Park Wood Landscape Architects who provide comprehensive design for the scheme.
Visual Impact The proposal is a context-appropriate architectural response to the site’s conditions with the aim to support and enhance its surroundings. Harold’s Cross has experienced much change in the years and decades gone by. The buildings have differing materials and colours with varying heights exhibiting different architectural typologies and styles. It is submitted that the emerging character is extremely varied and inconsistent.
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Figure 6: A view from Our Lady’s Hospice
In response to this, the proposed scheme presents as two 4-storey buildings with a step down to 3- storeys due to its proximity to residential areas surrounding the site. The overall proposed ridge height of the blocks align with the parapet of Our Lady’s Hospice thereby creating uniformity via a continuous ridge height.
Figure 7: View on approach
The proposed facade is highly articulated light coloured brick with a series of dark and light grey cement panelling with dark grey framed windows while the projecting balcony compromises of dark grey painted railings with recessed doorway. It is noted that these features and colours are subject to approval. The brick facade incorporates individual windows in an arrangement that is staggered between floors. Manahan Planners
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Figure 8: View on approach from Parnell Court
Its horizontal articulation serves to break down the apparent height of the building.
Overlooking Both blocks step down to three storeys and feature windowless gable walls at the ends closest to Parnell Avenue and Parnell Court. The balconies and windows are orientated in a manner to avoid overlooking and are sufficiently set back from the site boundary. In addition to these measures, the boundary area includes soft landscaping such as trees which will provide and additional screening in this regard. Similarly, with regard to the internal orientation of the buildings, the position of the windows will provide informal social supervision of the communal open space. In all cases the separate distances between opposing windows is greater than the 22m standard. It is submitted that this design mitigates any issues of overlooking, overshadowing and privacy and that the development will not have an adverse impact on the existing residential amenity.
Construction Management AWN Consulting have prepared a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan and an Operational Waste Management Plan which are submitted as part of this application.
Traffic Impact Assessment A traffic impact assessment report has been prepared by NRB consulting engineers and is included with this application. It concluded that: The Transportation Assessment Report confirms that there is an absolutely negligible traffic impact associated with the opening of the proposed subject development and that it can be accommodated without any noticeable or adverse traffic impact arising.
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Based on our study, we believe that there are no traffic/transportation capacities, traffic safety or operational issues associated with the proposed development that would prevent a positive determination of the planning application by Dublin City Council.
Part V Compliance It is recognised that since 1st September 2015 there is now a requirement to provide 10% social housing in developments with 10 or more residential units in them. This would relate to 5 apartments in this proposal. The Applicant has entered into discussions with the Housing Authority prior to the lodgement of this application. A Validation Certificate, to this end, dated 15 April 2019, has been submitted as part of this application. Should permission be granted, the Applicant will enter into further detailed discussions to implement, subject to costs, any such condition in this Permission. This application includes a range of dwelling types and this should make agreement with the Housing Authority easier to be achieved.
Scanning for Appropriate Assessment Planning applications are required to undertake a “scanning” as to whether the project proposed could have significant effects on a Natura site, such that a Natura Impact Study (NIS) is required to be lodged with the application. This section addresses this issue. In relation to “Appropriate Assessment”, this procedure was introduced by the European Union Habitats Directive as a way of determining if a planned project is likely to have significant effect on any of the Natura 2000 sites designated as either candidate SAC’s and SPAs or any of their conservation objectives. It requires a broader overview of the project than an environmental impact statement would have as it necessitates an examination of the secondary effects at some distance from the project location. Natura 2000 sites are areas of established environmental merit as described under the European Union Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Birds Directive (Council Directive 79/409/EEC). There are four Natura 2000 sites that could potentially be affected by this development. These are the Dalkey Islands, the North Dublin Bay SAC, North Bull Island SPA or the South Dublin Bay and River Tolka Estuary SPA. However, the site of this application is in the Harold’s Cross/Kimmage area of Dublin. The site is not located within or directly adjacent to any Natura 2000 area (SAC or SPA). This part of Harold’s Cross is a built-up business and residential zone and is predominantly composed of surfaces that are sealed with tar macadam and concrete. Inert construction and demolition waste will be removed by a licenced contractor and disposed of in accordance with the Waste Management Act. Also, foul and surface drainage infrastructure will be separated up to the final point of entry to the municipal sewer. Combined effluent and storm water from the proposed development will be sent to the wastewater treatment plant at Ringsend in Dublin.
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Therefore due to the distance involved and the modest nature of the development, the proposal of itself or taken together with other developments, is not likely to have any adverse impacts on a Natura site. In relation to screening for this proposal therefore, the design, nature, limited scale as one house, the mitigating measures proposed and location of the development, will ensure that the proposal will not have any significant effects on a Natura site either individually or collectively. Because there is no likelihood of significant ecological effects on the qualifying interests of the Natura sites downstream, it is reasonable to conclude that the screening carried out shows that the further more detailed stages of the Appropriate Assessment procedure are not required.
Conclusion In conclusion it is submitted that the proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Dublin City Development Plan, is an appropriate design response to such a well located site and it is consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. In the current circumstances of a shortage of housing supply in the Dublin region, it is requested that the Dublin City Council proceed to grant permission for this worthy and much needed development. We look forward to a Decision in due course.
Manahan Planners June 2019
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