Permission granted for change of use from retail to coffee shop in Rathmines for Butlers Chocolates

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2019 Proposed development at 268 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6. Planning Report Planning Report to accompany Planning Application lodged with Dublin City Council on behalf of Carnahan Investments Ltd for a change of use of a premises originally approved as retail, but latterly in use as a café, to use as a café for Butlers Chocolates Café. The proposal also provides for a new shop front.

Manahan Planners 38 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 5/15/2019

Introduction This Planning Report has been prepared to accompany a planning application by Carnahan Investments Limited seeking permission for a development at premises they own at 268 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6.

Figure 1: Site Location Plan

The unit is part of a parade of shops/commercial units in Rathmines. The ground floor unit was originally approved as a shop, but has latterly been used as a cafĂŠ. Permission is now sought to use the unit as a Butlers Chocolates CafĂŠ and to erect a redesigned shopfront. While the unit has recently been in use as an ice cream take out premises, the approved planning use remained as a retail unit. Permission is now sought for a use specific to Butlers, that of retail purchase of chocolates, consumption on the premises of coffee and chocolates or pastries and the take out of coffee. It is submitted that these alterations are consistent with the land-use zoning in the Development Plan and the broader policies espoused therein.

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Figure 2: Street view of the premises outlined in red

Site Context The site of this application is located on the corner of Castlewood Ave and Rathmines Rd Lower. It is zoned Z4 Employment/Enterprise zoning “to provide for and improve mixed-service facilities�.

Figure 3: Zoning Plan from Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 identifying the site in blue for Z4 use

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Under Z4 zoning, retailing and a cafe/restaurant use is a “Permitted in Principle” land use designation. The new unit will provide a different type of offer in this location. The Butlers unit will provide a) a retail element for the sale of chocolates and associated products, b) a take-away coffee element catering to passers-by and c) a sit down facility for those who wish to consume coffee on the premises. The Planning Authority will be aware that in some of their units, Butlers provide a retail use only, but in this case, the unit is sufficiently large to accommodate a degree of consumption on the premises. It is anticipated there will be, in addition, an appreciable degree of take-out for the adjoining commercial premises. Permission is also sought to amend the shop front to one more in tune with the Butlers offer.

Planning History No recent history of planning applications exists for the subject site.

The Proposed Development The Statutory Notices read as follows: Dublin City Council - Planning permission is sought by Carnahan Investments Limited for a development at 268 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6.The development involves a change of use of the ground floor (80 sq. m. in floor area) from retail use, last used as a café, to use as a café for on-site consumption, takeout beverages and retail sales for Butlers Chocolates and the replacement of the existing shopfront with a new shop front, erection of signage and a canopy.

Planning Assessment Butlers Chocolates outlets offer a high quality retail product that is ancillary and complementary to the retailers that will be operating in the wider development. In the present case, (See layout overleaf), the Butlers unit proposed includes: a) The retail sale of chocolate and associated products, b) The consumption of coffee and hot beverages on the premises and c) The sale of take away coffee, hot chocolate etc. to passers-by.

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Figure 4: Proposed arrangement of cafe

Policy RE10 recognises the importance of the locally traded service sector and seeks to "promote and facilitate the economic and employment generating potential of the locally traded services sector, making the city more attractive/vibrant for residents, shoppers, visitors and workers, and to recognise the clustering benefits of, for example, cafes and restaurants". There has been comment recently concerning the loss of retail premises within Dublin with an increased demand for cafe and restaurant uses. In the past this may have been associated with the urban decline and the decline of suburban shopping streets. However, rather than a sign of the decline in commercial streets, the increase in demand for cafe and restaurant premises is part of an international trend that is associated with urban areas that experience increased liveability and improved pedestrian environments. Cities today strive to be places that people stay in and spend time in, rather than as purely locations to carry out functional tasks such as offices and shopping, which close at 6.00 and are empty at night. It is also the case that the retail sector has undergone radical transformations, with the emergence of online retailing. There is now more retail floor space in the city than is required. This has led to some retailers reducing their requirement for floor space in commercial areas. To leave their premises empty and vacant would create a sense of decay and dereliction rather than vibrancy associated with cafes which make streets attractive places to visit. As the Development Plan's Retail Strategy outlines, cafes create a valuable contribution to the "integrated shopping and leisure experience" in Dublin City. The proposed cafe will continue to support the vibrancy to this part of Rathmines. The cafe itself will be occupied by Butlers Chocolate CafĂŠ, which is recognised as a high grade cafe and its layout is shown on the accompanying drawings. A city and its commercial areas, is primarily a meeting place for its citizens to transact its work and leisure activities. Increasingly the quality and quantity of its coffee shops in a District Centre is a service to office workers in the vicinity and a draw for residents in the surrounding residential area. This unit will also be Manahan Planners

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supportive of the existing retail offer such as is available in the adjoining Swan Centre. Finally a city is ever evolving. Changes of use to coffee shops or restaurants are easily reversible. If in the future the demand for retail floor space picks up again and if retail generates a greater return than a coffee shop, owners and occupiers of buildings will migrate back to retail. In the meantime, buildings should continue in uses that are desirable and sought after at the time. It is submitted therefore that the change from retail to cafĂŠ is appropriate in the context of this premises and this location. Shopfront The cafes and shops occupied by Butlers have a distinctive high quality aesthetic which has been widely recognised, including by planners in previous decisions to grant permission. It is intended to continue that approach in this development. The proposal involves not only a change of use, but includes the addition of a new shopfront using the usual elements of the Butlers brand. In this case the shop front is designed to line up with the proportions of the shopfront on each side of the development. It is submitted that the proposed shopfront is of an appropriate design, achieves a subtle and modest aesthetic, and comprises of good quality materials and would therefore be a suitable addition to the proposed cafe unit. It will contribute to the visual upgrading of the street. See image below.

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Conclusion In conclusion it is submitted that the proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Dublin City Development Plan, is an appropriate design response to a site within an established existing commercial street and is consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. It is submitted that the changes proposed in this application are all improvements to the development as approved, will improve the visual amenity of the adjoining streetscape as well as contributing an attractive cafe offering in this part of Rathmines. It is requested that the Dublin City Council proceed to grant permission for this worthy and appropriate development. We trust this is to your satisfaction and we look forward to a Decision in due course.

Manahan Planners 15thMay 2019

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