2019 C0-Living Shared Accomodation Development at Rathmines House, 143-149 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6. Town Planning Report Planning Report to accompany planning application lodged on behalf of Blondie Issuer DAC with Dublin City Council. This application seeks permission for a proposed co-living shared accommodation development.
Manahan Planners 38 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 11/11/2019
Introduction This planning report has been prepared in connection with a planning application to Dublin City Council by Blondie Issuer DAC for a co-living shared accommodation development at Rathmines House, 143-149 Rathmines Road Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Figure 1: Site Location Map In summary, the proposal provides 110 units spread over the 7-storeys including the top two floors. Each floor has a communal living and kitchen area while the ground floor provides a large communal area consisting of co-working spaces, a lounge, gym, reception area and management offices. The scheme provides 160 bicycle spaces to the rear of the building, previously used for car parking for the office use. This report seeks to explain the proposed development and then assess the proposal against the relevant planning criteria.
Site Context The subject site is located on the western side of Lower Rathmines Road on the corner of the intersection of Williams Park within Rathmines, a Key District Centre. The site is less than 2 km from Stephen’s Green /city centre. The surrounding area is largely characterised by a suburban mix form of development, principally residential and commercial uses presented with varying heights from 2-8 storeys. It is bounded by commercial uses to the north. To the west of the site are residential two-storey red brick terraces with front and rear gardens and on-street parking. To the south stands a mixed-use leisure centre and residential building.
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The site contains a vacant office building, on a corner with a narrow roadway to the rear to provide access to onsite car parking. The site consists of a standard red brick 4-storey office building with 11 car parking spaces to the rear. It presents as 3-storeys in height facing the Rathmines Road Lower with the fourth floor set back. The site has an area of 1,110 sq.m.
Figure 2: Map Aerial image of the subject site from the northeast
The building is well served by a high frequency public transport corridor via bus services that operate along Rathmines Road Upper and Lower. This transport corridor supports 10 bus services that travel cross city. There are also bicycle lanes along this route. The subject site is zoned Z4 in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, which seeks to provide for and improve mixed services facilities.�
Figure 3: Extract of zoning map from Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 identifying the Z4 zoning of the subject site outlined in red
One of the principal objectives behind this zoning is the intensification of mixed-use development along public transport corridors to underpin a compact and sustainable city. Manahan Planners
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Residential Use (which would include Co-Living/shared accomodation) is a “Permitted in Principle� land use under the Z4 zoning subject to compliance with the provisions of the City Development Plan.
Planning History The following is a previously planning application related to the subject site. A Planning application (3736/07) was lodged in June 2007 for erection of a double-sided sign at 1st floor level along the Lower Rathmines Road fixed perpendicular to the existing building. The Planning Authority refused Permission in August 2007.
Pre-Planning Consultation A Pre Planning Consultation meeting was held with the Planning Authority on 16th September 2019 in which the details of the proposal were set out. The Planning Officer recommended that the application should show how the proposal complies with the mixed use zoning of the site. We responded that the present office use does not support a mixed use approach nor would a standard apartment scheme. In contrast a shared accommodation scheme would provide foot fall in the District centre. Moreover removing the vegetation in front of the glazing to Rathmines Road would make the ground floor have more of a presence on the street. The applicants undertook to examine this issue further. It was pointed out that room sizes would tend toward the larger size because each room would have, by necessity, two windows within the existing building. It was however intended that each of the rooms would have a single occupancy. There was much discussion on ensuring that the support communal areas and the services therein provided an appropriate ratio for the units proposed. In addition, increasing the amount of communal open space was to be examined. The additional floors were considered to be acceptable in principle subject to overlooking of neighbouring properties being considered. In addition, there were comments on the architectural treatment of the setback upper floors and the applicants undertook to examine this further.
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The Proposal The Statutory Notices lodged with the application states the proposal involves the following. Dublin City Council-Planning permission is sought by Blondie Issuer Designated Activity Company to carry out a development at “Rathmines House�, 143-149 Rathmines Road Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6 to involve a change of use from office use to Co-Living Shared Accommodation use and to construct an additional 3 setback floors to be part of the overall shared accommodation development so as to create a 7 storey building with roof top plant. The existing floor area is 2,640 sq. m. and this will be increased by 1,908 sq.m to provide a total development. of 4,548 sq m. There will be 110 individual units varying in size with shared kitchen, dining and living communal facilities on each floor level. In addition on the ground floor there will be reception, gymnasium, residences lounge, laundrette and accessible WC. The rear yard presently used for car parking, will contain parking for 160 bicycles, bin storage and will provide continued access to the existing ESB substation. There will be a coffee serving kiosk facing onto the adjoining footpath for coffee consumption off the premises.
The proposal is to create a co-living shared accommodation development within this building and its extension. Specific details on this concept and how it is to operate and be managed is contained within the accompanying document prepared by Grayling Properties. In addition the accompanying drawings show the layout of each floor and how each unit has ready access to community and amenity services. The breakdown between unit sizes is shown in the Schedule of Accommodation table below.
The table below sets out floor area per floor split between bedrooms, circulation, internal communal areas and external communal areas. It provides a division per floor for the floor area allocated to each floor and each use.
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The image below shows the layout for the ground floor between bedrooms, service areas, communal amenities and bicycle parking areas. A similar distribution of units and communal facilities operates on all the upper floors and is shown on the accompanying plans.
There are three different room layouts proposed, A, B and C and they are shown below. Their distribution within the building is shown in the tables above.
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The proposal involves the change of use of the existing building and the addition of three floors above that. The first two floors are set back and match the brick of the existing building. The top floor is set back further again and all floors allow for the provision of outdoor communal space. The following images show the completed building.
Finally communal areas will include kitchen areas, shared lounges, laundry room and work stations and a gym. There will also be access to outdoor amenity spaces. The ground floor area will contain a coffee kiosk which can serve coffee to residents but also to people passing by on the footpath.
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Planning Assessment – Policy and Guidelines Land Use/Zoning The subject site is zoned Z4 in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, which seeks to provide for and improve mixed services facilities”. The proposed development seeks a change of use from office to residential use. The existing use as a large scale office does not contribute to the achievement of the zoning objective to provide for mixed services facilities. In contrast the proposal is more consistent with the zoning objective. Firstly by removing the landscaping to the front of the building, and making the glazed front visible it creates a more active frontage, visible to passing pedestrians. In creating a take away coffee facility, it enables the building to engage better with pedestrians. In introducing a residential component into the people, it will increase the residential footfall on the adjpoining footpath and will deliver a ready market of people to use the myriad of social and communal facilities in the immediate area. This increase will support and improve the usage of mixed services facilities in the area. This increased residential footfall will support the Key District function in the area. In addition to the provision of wider recreation and leisure amenities, the proposal includes a café open to the public at ground floor fronting Rathmines Road Lower. In comparison to the existing use, this proposal will enhance the attractiveness and safety for pedestrians by promoting a diversity of uses on all levels and will maintain vitality throughout the day and evening. It is submitted that this proposal is more appropriate to the Z4 zoning than the existing singular office use and assists in realising the Z4 objectives outlined in Section 14.8.4 of the current Development Plan 2016-2022. It does this by incorporating quality living spaces, amenity areas and green infrastructure thereby supporting the sustainable consolidation of the city. The additional footfall will help strengthen the role of Rathmines within the hierarchy of suburban centres. As a result it will fulfil an extremely valuable function in the creation of a vibrant mixeduse area. In this case, Rathmines is a Key district centre .The surrounding area is characterised by lowmedium density development, mostly containing mixed land-uses located in the Dublin 6 area. The role of Rathmines is to continue to promote an important economic, social and physical focal point for its neighbourhood and communities. National Policy In May 2018, the National Planning Framework 2040 was adopted and seeks compact urban growth, with the associated objective that at least half of the future housing growth of the main cities will be delivered within their existing built-up areas through infill and brownfield development and 40% in other key towns. The National Planning Framework has a number of policy objectives that articulate delivering on a compact urban growth programme. These include:
NPO 2(a) relating to growth in our cities; NPO 3(a)/(b)/ relating to existing built-up footprints;; NPO 4 relating to attractive, well-designed liveable neighbourhoods; NPO 5 relating to sufficient scale and quality of urban development; and NPO 6 relating to increased residential population and employment in urban areas; NPO13 relating to a move away from blanket standards for building height and car parking etc. and instead basing it on performance criteria.
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Apartments Design Standards Specific for New Apartments - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (March 2018) Section 5.0 of the Apartments Design Standards (March 2018) relates to Build-to-Rent (BTR) and Shared Accommodation Sectors. Shared accommodation is considered as a subset of BTR accommodation. Within the document, ‘shared accommodation’ is described as a new format of residential accommodation that has the potential to emerge as a distinct segment within the overall urban accommodation sector. This format is also known as ‘Co–living’ and comprises of professionally managed rental accommodation, where individual rooms are rented within an overall development that includes access to shared or communal facilities and amenities. In assessing proposals for Shared Accommodation, the Guidelines state that the Planning Authority shall therefore have regard to: Specific Planning Policy Requirement (SPPR) 7 - BTR [Co-Living] development must be: (a) Described in the public notices associated with a planning application specifically as a ‘Build-To-Rent’ housing development that unambiguously categorises the project (or part of thereof) as a long-term rental housing scheme, to be accompanied by a proposed covenant or legal agreement further to which appropriate planning conditions may be attached to any grant of permission to ensure that the development remains as such. Such conditions include a requirement that the development remains owned and operated by an institutional entity and that this status will continue to apply for a minimum period of not less than 15 years and that similarly no individual residential units are sold or rented separately for that period; (b) Accompanied by detailed proposals for supporting communal and recreational amenities to be provided as part of the BTR development. These facilities to be categorised as: (i) (ii)
Resident Support Facilities - comprising of facilities related to the operation of the development for residents such as laundry facilities, concierge and management facilities, maintenance/repair services, waste management facilities, etc. Resident Services and Amenities – comprising of facilities for communal recreational and other activities by residents including sports facilities, shared TV/lounge areas, work/study spaces, function rooms for use as private dining and kitchen facilities, etc.
Planning Policy Requirement 9 - Shared Accommodation may be provided and shall be subject to the requirements of SPPRs 7 (as per BTR). In addition, (i) (ii) (iii)
No restrictions on dwelling mix shall apply; The overall unit, floor area and bedroom floorspace requirements of Appendix 1 of these Guidelines shall not apply and are replaced by Tables 5a and 5b; Flexibility shall be applied in relation to the provision of all storage and amenity space as set out in Appendix 1, on the basis of the provision of alternative, compensatory communal support facilities and amenities. The obligation will be on the project proposer to demonstrate the overall quality of the facilities provided and that residents will enjoy an enhanced overall standard of amenity; A default policy of minimal car parking provision shall apply on the basis of shared accommodation development being more suitable for central locations and/or proximity to public transport services. The requirement for shared accommodation to have a strong
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central management regime is intended to contribute to the capacity to establish and operate shared mobility measures; In order to uphold these objectives and comply with national and local policy, residential accommodation must provide sustainable densities and design for the purpose of contributing to sustainable neighbourhoods. It is submitted that this proposal complies fully with these requirements. Local Policy - Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 Section 5.5 outlines the Council’s approach to achieving quality compact housing that is sustainable. The following are the relevant policies of the Council. QH1: To have regard to the DoEHLG Guidelines on ‘Quality Housing for Sustainable Communities – Best Practice Guidelines for Delivering Homes Sustaining Communities’ (2007); ‘Delivering Homes Sustaining Communities – Statement on Housing Policy’ (2007), ‘Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments’ (2018) and ‘Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas’ and the accompanying Urban Design Manual: A Best Practice Guide (2009). QH5: To promote residential development addressing any shortfall in housing provision through active land management and a co-ordinated planned approach to developing appropriately zoned lands at key locations including regeneration areas, vacant sites and under-utilised sites. QH6: To encourage and foster the creation of attractive mixed-use sustainable neighbourhoods which contain a variety of housing types and tenures with supporting community facilities, public realm and residential amenities, and which are socially mixed in order to achieve a socially inclusive city. QH7: To promote residential development at sustainable urban densities throughout the city in accordance with the core strategy, having regard to the need for high standards of urban design and architecture and to successfully integrate with the character of the surrounding area. QH8: To promote the sustainable development of vacant or under-utilised infill sites and to favourably consider higher density proposals which respect the design of the surrounding development and the character of the area. QH11: To ensure new developments and refurbishments are designed to promote safety and security and avoid anti-social behaviour in accordance with the Safety and Security Design Guidelines contained in Appendix 14. It is submitted that the proposal accords with national and local policy. The following sections elaborate on the proposal in relation to its accordance with policy.
Design Standards Section 5.16 of Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments Guidelines for Planning Authorities (March 2018) states that: Each of the provided bedrooms is required to be en-suite and to be of floorspace size per Table 5a of the Guidelines. The minimum floorspace extent of the common shared area for living and kitchen facilities will be calculated on a per bedroom basis per Table 5a below: Manahan Planners
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Single* 12m2 Double/twin* 18m2
Table 5b: Shared Accommodation – minimum common living and kitchen facilities floor area:
Bedrooms 1-3 8m2 per person Bedrooms 4-6 Additional 4m2 per person
Overall, Shared Accommodation units would have a maximum occupancy of 8 persons calculated on the single or double occupancy of the bedrooms provided (e.g. 2 x double bedrooms [4 persons] + 4 x single bedrooms [4 persons] = 8 person total occupancy). The floor to ceiling heights of the proposed units are 2.7m at ground floor level and 2.4 on the upper levels.
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Planning Assessment – Impacts of Proposed Development Resident Facilities SPPR 7 Part B distinguishes between (i) resident support facilities and (ii) resident services and amenities. In this case, the proposal satisfies (i) by providing a reception area, laundry facilities, management facilities & offices, and maintenance and repairs services, waste management facilities and security. Each floor has shared kitchens and dining and living areas. Similarly, the proposal provides facilities for communal recreational activities by providing a gym, cafe, lounge areas with TVs, work/study zones, roof and floor terraces (208 sq.m). Full details in relation to the facilities available and how they are to operate and be managed are in the accompanying report from Grayling Properties. Parking The previous use as an office block provided 11 car parking spaces to the rear of the building. Rather than retain these spaces, it was decided to utilise the space in a more environmentallyfriendly and sustainable manner given the characteristics and location of the site, the availability of high-quality public transport services in the immediate vicinity and the proximity of the site to Dublin City Centre and to high-intensity employment zones. The rear area now provides 160 sheltered bicycles spaces. In accordance with SPPR 9(iv) of the Design Guidelines for New Apartments (2018), the proposal embodies a strong central management regime that will establish and operate shared mobility measures. While there is no car parking spaces proposed, there are 4 Go Car locations within the vicinity to provide direct access to renting an electric car as an additional amenity for residents. In order to support/operate this amenity, the proposal provides a temporary car parking space with an electrical charge point. Traffic Impact Assessment A traffic impact assessment report has been prepared by Waterman Moylan Consulting Engineers and is included with this application. It concluded that: “Local and National Policy support this development and a car free development. It is ideally suited to facilitate a co-living development with emphasis on green modes of transport. The proposed development is well located in proximity to high quality public transport. There is excellent cycle infrastructure in the area and an over provision of cycle stands provided as part of the proposed development. Nearby census data suggests that green modes of transit are more popular for commuting among local apartment residents than private cars, which highlights the accessibility to good quality Public Transport. The proposed development can easily access 4 no. Go Car parking areas in the vicinity which will provide residents with access to a car when they need one. The development will be managed by a management company who will make it clear to potential tenants that three is no car-parking associated with the development however ample bike parking will be provided.”
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Social Infrastructure Audit Section 5.17 of the Apartments Standards (March 2018) explains that ‘a key feature of successful Shared Accommodation schemes internationally is the provision of wider recreation and leisure amenities as part of the overall development. Residents enjoy access to sports and recreation facilities that are dedicated for use by the residents only and have the opportunity to experience a shared community environment among residents of the scheme’. Similarly, Section 5.18 points out that ‘due to the distinct nature and features of Shared Accommodation type development, it is only appropriate where responding to an identified urban housing need at particular locations. It is not envisaged as an alternative or replacement to the more conventional apartment developments which are provided for elsewhere in these Guidelines. It is important that planning authorities strike a balance between the need to provide a particular format of accommodation to respond to a specific housing need in an urban location and the overall requirement to provide quality urban apartment development as a viable long term housing option’. An audit of the social infrastructure within Rathmines Road Upper and Lower was carried out to investigate the provision of wider recreation and leisure amenities in close proximity to the development. It is evident from the audit that Rathmines as a Key District Centre has ample amenities available for its current and future residents and is an appropriate location for this format of accommodation to function as a viable long-term housing option. Moreover, it is submitted that this proposal will contribute positively to the existing residential population by supporting the local retail and commercial core of the KDC so that Rathmines can sustain its role as district centre. The results of this audit are set out in appendix 1. Building Height The now adopted new height guidelines, The Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines 2018 set a clear direction for developing our cities and towns upwards, rather than ever outwards. In addition to these Guidelines, Section 16.7.2 of the current Development Plan includes an assessment criterion for higher buildings. All proposals for mid-rise and taller buildings must have regard to this assessment as set out below:
Relationship to context, including topography, built form, and skyline having regard to the need to protect important views, landmarks, prospects and vistas Effect on the historic environment at a city-wide and local level Relationship to transport infrastructure, particularly public transport provision Architectural excellence of a building which is of slender proportions, whereby a slenderness ratio of 3:1 or more should be aimed for Contribution to public spaces and facilities, including the mix of uses
The proposed development as constructed will present as seven- storeys in height. It is submitted that the height of proposal will successfully integrate and enhance the character and public realm of the area accords with the current Development Plan and recent policy on building height, in particular Section SPPR 3 of the Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines 2018. Public Realm The proposed development involves removing dense vegetation from the ground floor front facade thereby exposing the large glazed areas at ground level. This will ensure the building contributes to an activated and vibrant public realm and a more interesting pedestrian experience to passersby.
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The presence of windows and terraces at upper levels also provides passive surveillance of the public realm thus increasing the sense of security to pedestrians below. In addition the creation of a coffee kiosk opening onto the public footpath will improve the public realm significantly in this location. Visual Impact The proposal is a context-appropriate architectural response to the site’s conditions with the aim to support and enhance its surroundings. Rathmines has experienced much change in the years and decades gone by. The buildings have differing materials and colours with varying heights exhibiting different architectural typologies and styles. It is submitted that the existing and emerging character is extremely varied and capable of accommodating a wide range of variation.
Figure 6: A view facing southwards. The proposed scheme presents as a 7-storey building with the top three floors setback. proposed ridge height of the block align comfortably with the parapet.
The overall
Figure 7: View on approach from the south.
The proposed facade comprises of different shades of red coloured brick with a series of dark grey cement panelling and dark grey framed windows. It is noted that these features and colours are subject to approval. The brick facade incorporates individual windows in an arrangement that is horizontal and reflects similar fenestration in the vicinity. Manahan Planners
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It is submitted that the proposed building will have an appropriate and acceptable visual impact in this location. Overlooking The lower floor windows are existing and do not introduce any new overlooking. Moreover they are to be occupied by generally night time occupants and so should have less overlooking impact than all day office workers. The south facing windows overlook the adjoining roadway and will provide informal social supervision while the north facing windows are set back from the site boundary. It is submitted that there should be no adverse impacts due to overlooking. Overshadowing and Daylight 3D Design Bureau (3DDB) were commissioned to carry out a daylight and sunlight analysis and shadow study to assess the impact the proposed development of Rathmines House would have on the daylight and sunlight of the neighboring surrounding properties. The methodology used was as follows, “In order to obtain the results of this analysis, 3DDB constructed a series of 3D digital models.The existing Rathmines House and the proposed expansion was modelled using Auto CAD drawings that were issued by C+W O’Brien Architects. A combination of survey information, planning applications, photogrammetry, available on-line photography & ordnance survey information were used to model the surrounding context and assessed buildings. The shadow study renderings were carried out in order to give a visual representation to the results set out in the daylight analysis report. Please see pages 11 - 19.Hourly renderings have been shown from sunrise to sunset on the following dates:• Spring Equinox: March 21st. Sunrise 6:25 | Sunset 18:40.• Summer Solstice: June 21st. Sunrise 4:57 | Sunset 21:57.• Winter Solstice: December 21st. Sunrise 8:38 | Sunset 16:08.• Note: The Spring and Autumn Equinox yield similar results.” The report concluded, “Should the proposed development be built as per the current proposal, the level of daylight and sunlight received by10 - 18A Ardee Road will be unaffected. The majority of the assessed windows on Rathmines Square will experience an imperceptible level of impact. The sunlight in the raised courtyard of 121 - 125 Rathmines Road Lower will be unaffected.” In summary, no significant adverse impacts were identified as likely to occur. Operational Waste Management Plan AWN Consulting has prepared an Operational Waste Management Plan which are submitted as part of this application. It concluded, In summary, this OWMP presents a waste strategy that addresses all legal requirements, waste policies and best practice guidelines and demonstrates that the required storage areas have been incorporated into the design of the development. Implementation of this OWMP will ensure a high level of recycling, reuse and recovery at the development. All recyclable materials will be segregated at source to reduce waste contractor costs and ensure maximum diversion of materials from landfill, thus achieving the targets set out in the EMR Waste Management Plan 2015 – 2021. Adherence to this plan will also ensure that waste management at the development is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the DCC Waste Bye-Laws. Manahan Planners
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The waste strategy presented in this document will provide sufficient storage capacity for the estimated quantity of segregated waste. The designated area for waste storage will provide sufficient room for the required receptacles in accordance with the details of this strategy Scanning for Appropriate Assessment Planning applications are required to undertake a “scanning” as to whether the project proposed could have significant effects on a Natura site, such that a Natura Impact Study (NIS) is required to be lodged with the application. This section addresses this issue. In relation to “Appropriate Assessment”, this procedure was introduced by the European Union Habitats Directive as a way of determining if a planned project is likely to have significant effect on any of the Natura 2000 sites designated as either candidate SAC’s and SPAs or any of their conservation objectives. It requires a broader overview of the project than an environmental impact statement would have as it necessitates an examination of the secondary effects at some distance from the project location. Natura 2000 sites are areas of established environmental merit as described under the European Union Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Birds Directive (Council Directive 79/409/EEC). There are four Natura 2000 sites that could potentially be affected by this development. These are the Dalkey Islands, the North Dublin Bay SAC, North Bull Island SPA or the South Dublin Bay and River Tolka Estuary SPA. However, the site of this application is in the Rathmines area of Dublin. The site is not located within or directly adjacent to any Natura 2000 area (SAC or SPA). This part of Rathmines is a built-up business and residential zone and is predominantly composed of surfaces that are sealed with tar macadam and concrete. Any inert construction and demolition waste will be removed by a licenced contractor and disposed of in accordance with the Waste Management Act. Also, foul and surface drainage infrastructure will be separated up to the final point of entry to the municipal sewer. Effluent from the proposed development will be sent to the wastewater treatment plant at Ringsend in Dublin. Therefore due to the distance involved and the nature of the development as a change of use, with additional floors of construction, the proposal of itself or taken together with other developments, is not likely to have any adverse impacts on a Natura site. In relation to screening for this proposal therefore, the design, nature, limited scale as a largely change of use, the normal measures undertaken during construction and location of the development, will ensure that the proposal will not have any significant effects on a Natura site either individually or collectively. Because there is no likelihood of significant ecological effects on the qualifying interests of the Natura sites downstream, it is reasonable to conclude that the screening carried out shows that the further more detailed stages of the Appropriate Assessment procedure are not required.
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Conclusion One of the challenges facing the city is to successfully accommodate the growing population at different stages in their life-cycle, having regard to emerging demographic trends. This challenge indicates that there is an increasing need for different types of residential accommodation that can be integrated as part of a key district centre. It is submitted that the conversion and expansion of this disused office building for a shared accommodation development will create a high quality residential development that is consistent with the zoning objective, and will contribute positively to the development of the Rathmines area. In conclusion it is submitted that the proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Dublin City Development Plan, is an appropriate design response to such a well located site and it is consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. In the current circumstances of a shortage of housing supply in the Dublin region, it is requested that the Dublin City Council proceed to grant permission for this worthy and much needed development. We look forward to a Decision in due course. Manahan Planners November 2019
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Appendix One
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Appendix 1 Category Sports/ Recreation
Casino Sports Complex Cinema Cinema Pilates Massage GAA Club Sports Complex
Gold Rush Casino Swan Leisure Omniplex The Stella Platinum Pilates Massage Therapy at Home Portobello Leinster Cricket Club
111 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 K5F6 Rathmines Square, 161 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines 210 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 N1F1 207, 209 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, D06 W403 302 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Lower Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Grosvenor Lane, Leinster Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 PP29 Observatory Ln, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 WF96
Park Park Park
Harold’s Cross Park Iveagh Gardens Belgrave Square
Cafe Cafe Cafe Cafe Cafe Cafe Cafe Takeaway Takeaway Takeaway Takeaway Takeaway Restaurant/Takeaway Restaurant/Takeaway Restaurant/Takeaway Restaurant/Takeaway Restaurant/Takeaway Restaurant/Takeaway Restaurant/Takeaway
Grove Road Cafe Net house Internet cafe Baked Art of Coffee Starbucks Alan Hannas Bookshop Insomnia Tadka House New Empire Domino’s Pizza Leo Burdock Ho Ho Hillbilly’s family Restaurant Uno Pizza Farmer Browns Umi Falafel McDonalds Tolteca The Stella Diner
Open Space
Retail Services 1 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 X4Y2 113 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 K6C2 142 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin Unit 2A Swan Shopping Centre, Rathmines, Dublin 6 224 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Rathmines Road Lower Rathmines Rd Lower, D06 C8Y8 312 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 146 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 KR96 72 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 DH21 88-90 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 H7X3 Unit 20 Swan Centre, Rathmines Rd Lower, 13 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6 109 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 R5C3 103, 105 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 X8C6 170 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 180 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 XK73 Swan Shopping Centre, Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines 15, Swan Centre, Rathmines, Dublin 6 211 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 Y277
Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Bar/restaurant Bar/restaurant Pub Cocktail bar Pub Pub Convenience shop Asian grocery Convenience shop Asian Grocery Store Polish Grocery Store Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket Opticians Retail Barbers Dry Cleaners Cobblers Bike shop Laundromat Hat shop Auction Rooms Hairdresser Barbers Beauty Salon
Manahan Planners
Lil Portie The Carrot’s Tail Manifesto Kafka Tippenyaki Copan Voici Crêperie & Wine Bar Pot Bellied Pig Blackbird The Bowery Rathmines Inn The Stella Club M.B. Slattery Grace’s Bar & Lounge Spar Rathmines Oriental Emporium Centra Lower Kwality Foods Polonez Lidl ALDI Dunnes Stores Tesco Metro Fallon & Byrne Rathmines Eye Centre Tanning Hub Greene's Barber Shop Laundry & Dry Cleaning Shop Cleggs Shoe Repair & Keys Cut Think Bike Shirley’s Laundrette Mark Garvie Millinery Herman White/Wilkinson Peter Mark Barbers Inc Heaven
250 Square coffee, Williams Park, D06 KX90 192 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 Y3E8 208 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 K466 236 Rathmines Rd Lower 39-40 Castlewood Ave, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 W8C4 304 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 1A Rathgar Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 C5H0 15 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 P718 82-84 Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin 82-84 Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin Rathmines Road Lower Rathmines Rd Lower, D06 W403 217 Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 E8N1 2 Rathgar Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 E021 23 Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin 6 Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin 280 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 PY19 306-308 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 3-9 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 N5K3 127-139 Lower Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 VK57 Swan Shopping Centre, Rathmines Rd Lower, D06 TD73 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 8 Rathgar Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 H363 133 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 96 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 VH32 112 Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin 6 118 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 W660 124 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 DW24 1, Rathmines Town Centre, Rathmines Rd Lower Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin Parker Hill, Rathmines, Dublin 161 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 198 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 CC82 169 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 189 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Co. Dublin, DO6 XN28
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Hairdressers Hairdressers Fabric Store Butchers Phone Repair
Daniel & Andrew Vanilla Sew Dublin Dowlings Murray Mobile
199 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Co. Dublin 5 Wynnefield Rd, Dublin Southside, Dublin, D06 T4C6 2 Wynnefield Rd, Rathmines, Dublin Unit 4, Swan Shopping Centre, Rathmines, Dublin 2 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 CC99
Community Centre Library
Gateway Mental health Project Rathmines Library
Banking Banking Banking Post Office Garda Recycling Centre Church
EBS Rathmines Bank of Ireland Permanent TSB Rathmines Garda Station Bring Centre Church Of Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners
Unit 1, 2 Parker Hill, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 W7T3 Lower Rathmines Road Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 K2K6 Unit 19, Swan Shopping Centre Rathmines, Lower Rd, 75 Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 TR76 300 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 AD72 4/6 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6 196 Rathgar Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 YW20 Rathmines, Dublin Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Pharmacy Dental Pharmacy Doctor Pharmacy Educational Psychologists Medical centre Physiotherapy Counselling Acupuncture clinic Doctors Medical centre
Bourkes Allcare Rathmines dental LLoyds Rathmines Clinic Boots RK Bishop & Co
220 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 183 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 E3E5 282 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 RC98 24 Upper Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, D06 W2R4 302 Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin 6 1 Swanville Pl, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 X3T1
Rafter’s Rathmines Pain & Injury Clinic MyMind The Source Holistic centre The Medical Independent Walk-In doctors clinic
183 Rathmines Road Lower Rathmines,D06 E3E5 Swan Leisure, Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 137 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin, D06 V3Y8 118 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 111 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 104 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin
Part-time Courses DIT College
New Acropolis Ireland Conservatory of Music and Drama Rathmines College of Further Education
43 Rathmines Rd Lower, Dublin Southside, Dublin 163 Rathmines Rd Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Townhall, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Community Facilities
Healthcare/Social Services
Educational Services
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