Blaming it on Eve - More Histories Vol.II

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Blaming Eve it on


Blaming Eve it on


First published by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti and Kite Group Ltd, 2024

Editorial Copyright © Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, 2024

Literary Copyright © Giovanni Bonello, 2024

Photographic Copyright © Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, photographers, and institutions, 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without prior conditions, including this condition, being imposed on any subsequent publisher.

This new series is being generously supported by the Francis Miller Memorial Fund.

Creative Director

Michael Lowell

Design and Layout

Lisa Attard

Editor Giulia Privitelli


Rebecca Bonaci

Produced by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti

ISBN 978-9918-23-161-4

Printed in Malta Progress Press Co. Ltd in partnership with


Blaming Eve it on



The title page illustration, by Rebecca Bonaci, features uniquely designed interrelated motifs that refect the themes of each volume of this new series, More Histories.


Just over ten years ago, in 2013, Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti published the last volume of Histories of Malta, a twelve-part series which overfows from the narrowest and darkest corners into the most iconic and unforgettable aspects of the Maltese Islands’ history and heritage. Archival and visual records, literature, artefacts and artworks, hearsay, and local knowledge, passed from generation to generation to the perked ears and readied pen of the author, Giovanni Bonello. They fed and shaped that microcosmic narrative, inviting the reader down foreboding corridors and exciting and unexpected turns into, not quite the heart, but the outskirts of Malta’s labyrinthine history. There are many leading actors, both heroes and villians, in these stories, but ultimately it is the one holding the pen who also wields the sword that will deliver the fnal blow. With this new series, it is as though Bonello feels that time has not yet come; there is still more to discover about the monster lurking within before we even dare face it. Some steps ought to be retraced, stories revisited, and others viewed from diferent angles.

To help us, as if equipping us with Ariadne’s thread, stories previously published and scattered among several issues of local newspapers and periodicals have been collected, many widely reworked, and presented here thematically. Though this new series will not be as extensive as its forerunner, its content is nonetheless a potent mix of humanity, crime and creativity, and illustrates some of the most haunting (and hopeful?) questions concerning the human condition: Why do humans err? Who or what can be blamed for such error? How can it be dealt with, transformed, or even, remembered? None of these questions are addressed in a direct way, but read closely and you might catch them watching you, perhaps quietly gesticulating the way onwards. Remember where you are in this labyrinth: the periphery. But, even if against all reason, it is the heart, the centre of all things, that we desire most to reach. And so, we are compelled to thread on, guided by the author’s hand, and with uncertainty accompanied hand in hand with our curiosity.


Let not us Women glory in Men’s fall, Who had power given to over-rule us all.

Till now your indiscretion sets us free, And makes our former fault much less appear; Our Mother Eve, who tasted of the Tree, Giving to Adam what she held most dear, Was simply good, and had no power to see, The after-coming harm did not appear: The subtle Serpent that our Sex betrayed, Before our fall so sure a plot had laid.

History-writing has not been kind to women. Or rather it has been unkinder, which is ironic if we had to stick to the generative meaning of this word. Women— the rib that causes the wound—have been treated as both the womb and tomb of men, the scabbard of the sword, the wench, nymph, crone—chronicling that thorny and stigmatic view of women as a reproductive organ with legs. From ‘wif’ (Old English for ‘woman’) to the (un)possessable ‘wife’, many were (and are) the words used to articulate and defne a woman’s journey through life and across the ages—words determined by attitudes towards women which, perhaps not so surprisingly, still echo loudly in the vocabulary and gendered language used today. But though much is revealed through language, a woman’s say on history amounts to much, much more than that. And so strong is her say that despite the crippled and voiceless state to which she is often reduced, volumes have been written, are being written, and could still be written about her resilience,

her pursuit of change, her determining presence that made and makes history, that is history.

Once considered almost ubiquitously the undoer of man, she now provokes another undoing: that of written history. As in other publications revolving around the place of women in history, this second volume of More Histories strives to collect and present revaluations of history with her as protagonist, or at least as an equal player of history, in this case, in the socio-political, legal, and cultural timeline of Malta. Penned by a former judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Giovanni Bonello admits to the overbearing superiority and elevation of the male chromosome and, through a series of anecdotes—at times fctional and enigmatic—rescales it to its proper size, revealing how devastatingly lacking it often is. With his distinctive witty touch, he introduces an ingredient that is far too often absent from retellings of stories about women, however violent and upsetting: humour, turned around to face ‘man’ head on.

To you, reader, of whatever sex, gender, and standing, may these retellings prove to be a rewarding venture, full of double-takes, discoveries, and revelations. And may it add another step to your Magdalene experience in which you rush forth to share with all, all that you have discovered: not a tomb full of rot and shame, but an empty one—a cave of mystery that signals not death but life, hope, and possibility where, perhaps, you least expected it.

Quadruple Murder in Malta in 1672

Temptations of a Young Knight: Agostino Grimaldi (1639–1660)

When the Inquisitor and the Grand Master Clashed over a Young Lady

Gio Domenico Ottonelli on Lechery in Malta

When All Paris Laughed at the Balì De Mesmes

Abortion in Malta at the Time of the Knights

The Love Children of Grand Master de Valette

Christian Warriors, Mortal Sinners

Memories of Caterina Scappi

Maltese Women in the Books of the Knights: The First Fifty Years

Laura Battiferra: A Poetess for the Great Siege

On the Trail of the First Maltese Woman Translator

Mixed Marriages in the Early British Period

Enigmas of the Maltese Għonnella


Giovanni Bonello served as a Judge at the European Court of Human Rights for twelve years, after a career as a constitutional and human rights lawyer, in the course of which he defended 170 human rights lawsuits in domestic and international courts. He is a founding member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (The Venice Commission); drafted the European Convention Act in 1987; chaired the National Commission for the Reform of the Administration of Justice and the Drugs Ofenders Rehabilitation Board, and the University Board for Discipline and Ethics, the Notarial Archives Foundation, and the Bank of Valletta Art Committee. He also served as President of the Malta Historical Society.

Presently, Bonello is General Editor of Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, and chairs the Strickland Foundation. He is Cavaliere della Republica of Italy and was a member knight of the Sovereign Military Order of St John. He was awarded gold medals by the Malta Society of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce, and by the Judiciary of Moldova, and the insignia of merit by the Russian Federation. He was made Companion of the National Order of Merit and, most recently in 2023, he was awarded a Doctorate of Literature Honoris Causa by the University of Malta. His interests include archival research, non-fgurative photography, African art, and Baroque music, and has written extensively on these topics and on human rights and constitutional law, publishing no less than thirty-six volumes, fve of which were awarded ‘Best Book of the Year’ award by the Malta National Book Council. Five books about his career and achievements have been published independently.


The chapters included in this volume, many revised and augmented, were frst published as shown in brackets:

STOM – The Sunday Times of Malta

TOM – Times of Malta

Quadruple Murder in Malta in 1672 (STOM, 17 and 24 November 2013)

Temptations of A Young Knight (STOM, 27 November and 13 December 2015)

When the Inquisitor and the Grand Master Clashed over a Young Lady (STOM, 2 July 2017)

Gio Domenico Ottonelli on Lechery in Malta (STOM, 31 March 2019)

When All Paris Laughed at the Balì De Mesmes (STOM, 23 February and 2 March 2014)

Abortion in Malta at the Time of the Knights (STOM, 3 and 10 December 2017)

The Love Children of Grand Master Jean de Valette (STOM, 26 May and 2 June 2013)

Christian Warriors, Mortal Sinners (TOM, 14 April 2019)

Memories of Caterina Scappi (STOM, 23 and 30 August 2015)

Maltese Women in the Books of the Knights: The First Fifty Years (STOM, 4 October 2020)

Laura Battiferra: A Poetess for the Great Siege (TOM; 28 July and 4 August 2012)

On the Trail of the First Maltese Woman Translator (STOM, 21 May 2023; Reproduced in Gabriel Farrugia and Theresa Vella, eds, Scientiae et Patriae: Festschrift in honour of Maroma Camilleri [Malta: Malta Libraries, 2024], pages 55-66)

Mixed Marriages in the Early British Period (STOM, 9 and 23 September 2012)

Enigmas of the Maltese Għonnella (Treasures of Malta, Vol. 25 No.2, Easter 2019)


AAbela, Joan 137

Abela, Gian Francesco 232

Abela, Gio Batta 92

Abela, Leonardo, Bishop of Sidon 47

Accademia Senese degli Innocenti 164

Accarigi, Fra' Giocondo 137

Fra' Giulio Cesare 137

Adalbert of Hamburg-Bremen 118

Adam vi, 32, 56

Adelaide, Queen 216, 217

Aeneid 161

Agrippina 7

Aix-en-Provence (France) 26

Akhmatova, Anna 88

Albertini 22n4


Caterina 145

Gabriello 145

Alcides (Hercules) 178

Alexander VI, Pope 187

Alexander VII, Pope 32

Alexander Street (Valletta) 192, 211


Alexandre 111

Emanuel 112

Allori, Alessandro 164, 166

Aloisia 156

Alte Pinakothek, Munich 99

Amazon 31

Ammannati, Bartolomeo 161, 164-165, 167, 168, 178, 183

Claudio 165

Ancien régime 74

Angelica 80, 85

Annuccia 154

Antoinette 111

Aquilina, Mario 92

Archbishop Street (Valletta) 144

Archdiocese of Malta 193-194, 194

Argenta 147

Ariosto, Ludovico 80, 161

Arrigucci, Andrea 119

Astell, Mary 56

Astier, Régine 72, 80, 83, 86


Euphemia 50, 54

Giovanni Paolo 50

Auberge d’Italie 156

Auguste 81-82, 84

Ave Maria 36

Avogadro, Fra' Filiberto 156


Bac, Fra' Domenic 154

Bacchantes 81

Baldacchino, Giacomo, Notary 119, 124n16

Bailif of Eagle 137

Bandinelli, Fra' Ottavio 137

Barbary Coast 8, 17, 29

Barbazza, Francesco 115

Baroque 26, 127-128, 135, 244

Battiferra, Antonia 162

Ascanio 163

Giovan’ Antonio 162

Giulio 163

Jacobo 162

Battiferra Ammannati, Laura 159, 160-165, 167-169, 171, 173, 175, 177-178, 180-184

‘Bedoja’, Catherina 157

Bell, John 220

Bembo, Fra' Pietro 179, 187

Benczur, Gyula 125 Benson,

Dr Edward 224

Robert Hugh 224

Berain, Jean 73

Bertu u Rosi 21

Biblioteca Norberto Bobbio (Turin) 3, 22

Bibliothèque nationale de France 131

Birgu (see Vittoriosa)

Birkirkara (Malta) 91, 190, 192

Blankaart, Steven 143

Boccaccio, Giovanni 64, 129, 185, 187, 188, 194, 196

Bologna (Italy) 3, 21, 22n3-6

Bonaci, Rebecca iv

Bonaventura, Perina 157

Bonavita, Ignazio Gavino, Judge 215

Bonnici, Grazia 92

Borg, Maria Carmela, née Mamo 217-219, 221, 226-227

Natalizia 92

Borgia, Cesare 21

Lucrezia 179, 187

Bormla (Cospicua) 90-91

Bosio, Giacomo 116, 118-119

Bourbon 195

Bouverie, Sir Henry Frederick, Governor 192, 210-211

Bracciolini, Niccolò 174

Bravin, Modesta 90

Brescia (Italy) 169

Briggs, Rev. Elias 192

Brindisi (Italy) 148

Britannicus 7

Britain (see Great Britain)

Bronzino, Agnolo 159, 163-164, 167

Buhagiar, Salvu 149

Buonaccorsi (Bonaccorso), Antonio 119

Family 119, 120

Giovanni 119

Giulio 119

Niccolò 119

Stefano 119-123

Buonamici, Francesco 54

Busavia, Nicola 119

Buttigieg, Domenico 150n20

Calabria (Italy) 21

Calleja, Giasmina 157

Callette, Agostino 155

Calli (Calì)

Giovanni 155

Isabella 155

Calorio (Coleiro), Prudenzia 156

Caltabiano, Salvatore 195

Calvi, Pasquale 195

Calzolari, Pietro 168

Camenzuli, Ferdinando 150n20

Camerata 183

Candia (Heraklion) 38, 39-40

Caniso, Francesco 145

Sperenza 145

Canton Ticino 189

Capello, Giacomo 128

Carasi 51, 237

Cardinale, Antonia 155

Carmelite Order 91

Carnival 62, 63, 65

Caro, Annibale 168-169

Carreri, Gemelli 238

Carroz, Fra' Vincenzo 35-36

Cars, J. F. 70

Caruana Dingli, Edward 229, 241

Casa Rocca Piccola House Museum 240

Casa Scappi 138

Casanova, Giacomo 74

Casetta 93, 95, 141, 141-142, 144

Cassar, Girolamo 146

Vittorio 146

Cassia, Giacomo, SJ 62

Castellano d’Amposta 35

Catania (Sicily) 47-48, 50, 62, 232

Catherine ‘Grecque’ 107-108, 110, 114, 118

Catholic Curia 213

Cavendish Ponsonby, Fredrick, Governor 222

Ceci, Salvatore, Magisrate 227

Celano (Italy) 231

Cellini, Benvenuto 167


Beatrice 1, 9, 10 Francesco 10

Lucrezia 9

Certaldo (Italy) 189

Chapel of N[ostra] Donna Dioria 148 of Our Lady of Philermos 54 of St Magdalene 148 of St Theresa 85 of St Nicholas of Tolentino 148

Chapelle, Francesco, Judge 215

Charles V, King 34

Charles IX, King 105, 106, 111, 113

Charlotte 111


della Madonna delle Grazie 29 di San Giovannino degli Scolopi 164, 166, 183

Chigi, Fabio, Inquisitor 32

China 80

Chirazza di Malta 55, 233

Christ 33-34, 38, 105, 130, 173

Christ and the Canaanite Woman (painting) 164, 166

Ciantar, Giovann’ Antonio, Count 232

Ciappara, Frans 90

Cibo, Eleonora (also Cybo) 175, 176, 177 Cicero 33

Città del Castello (Umbria) 173

Città Vittoriosa (see Vittoriosa)

Civil Establishment of Dependents 191

Clarini, Pietro 155

Claudio 156

Coccapane, Maddalena 162-163

Codice de Rohan 201, 203, 207-209, 211

Codice Municipale 201

Coelemans, Jacob 27

Coleiro (Calorio), Prudenzia 156

Colonial Library of Valletta 241 Colonna, Vittoria 179-180

Commanderie de Vaulx 111

Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 133, 135, 148-149, 150 of Santa Caterina d’Italia 192, 194 of St Catherine 51 of St Lawrence 119 of St Ursula 51 of the Discalced Carmelites 85

Congregation of the Nobles 29 Conservatorio Gesù e Maria (Cospicua) 91 Constant, Fra' Claude 155

Conti, Fra' Ascanio 137


Murate 175 of Santa Scolastica 91 of St Catherine 51 of St Ursula 48, 50-51, 90 of the Augustinians 141, 148-149 of the Magdalene Nuns (Repentite) 138, 139, 140, 204

Corfu 37

Corogna, Luigi 90

Correa Montenegro, Fra' Antonio 38 Corsica 189

Cospicua 91

Cotoner, Nicolás, Grand Master 3, 47, 130

Council of Elvira 96

of the Order 122, 138, 153-157 of Trent 188, 222, 224

Counter Reformation 167-168

Court of Special Commission 191

Crete (Candia) 38, 39-40, 40, 42

Cumbo Navarra

Baron Ugolino 90

Gertrude 90


Don Mario, Count 47-48

Ferrante 50

Fra' Francesco 47, 50-51, 54

Giuseppe 47

Cybo, Eleonora (see Cibo)

Cyprus 189

Ċilqana / Ċulqana 231

DD’Andria, Paola 156

D’Homedes, Fra' Hieronimo 157

Da Cortona, Pietro 58

Da Varignana, Lucia 21

Da Vinci, Leonardo 87

Dal Pozzo, Bartolomeo 10

Dalzel, Archibald 191

Andrew 191

Charles Shaw 192

Edward 191

George 191-192, 205, 208, 211

Martha Jane 192

Dalzel & Gingell 191, 206

Dalzel Onofrio, Jane 189, 194, 196, 197

Dante 164

De Añaia 157

De Ballestreros, Fra' Domingo Lopez 156

De Beauvoir, Simone 200

De Boissat de Licieu, Pierre 45

De Bonetiis, Vincenzo Bonaventura 157

De Gand, Alexandre Maximilien Balthazar Villain, Count of Middleburg 80

De Gremonville, Fra' Francois Bretel 40

De la Porta, Fra' Giovanni 155

De L’Isle-Adam, Philippe Villiers, Grand Master 117-118

De L’Isle-Bouchart 111

De la Cruz, Sor Juana Inés 68

De Leu, Thomas 106

De Loudun, Caterina 145

De Lugny, Fra' Adrien 155

De Medici, Cosimo 170-171, 173, 180, 182 Eleonora 180

De Mesmes, Balì Jean-Jacques 68-69, 70, 7172, 74-78, 80-81, 83-85

De Molino, Speranza 156

De Mondion, François 69

De Morlina, Petrizia 145

De Nava, Giuseppe 157

De Nicolai, Nicolo 233

De Paule, Antoine, Grand Master 130, 145

De Pizan, Christine 46

De Redin, Martin, Grand Master 28, 36-37, 44

De Rhodes (Rodes), Fra' Antoine 111

De Rohan-Polduc, Emmanuel, Grand Master 93, 130, 201, 208

De Saint-Simon, Duc 69

De Toledo, Don Garcia 169, 173, 178, 181

De Valette, Alexandrine 114

Barthélemy 107-108, 110-114, 116, 123

Family 110

Gio Battista (possibly) 124

Jean Parisot, Grand Master 103, 104105, 107-108, 110, 113-114, 115, 116119, 121-123, 124n3

Matteo (possibly) 124

De Valois, Charles, Grand Prior of France 111

De Vertot, L’Abbé 53, 69

De Vilhena, António Manoel, Grand Master 92, 144

Decameron 187, 188

Deguevara, Giuseppe, Notary 119

Del Rosso, Fra' Paolo 182

Della Corgna, Ascanio 175

Della Descrittione di Malta 232

Dell’ Epifania (or della Santa Epifania), Gian Paolo (Giovanni Paolo) 25

Della Strafa, Gentilina 174

Department of Health (Valletta) 137

Depasquale, Antonio 194

Litteria 194

Depiro, Marchesino Adriano 192

Des Chesnes, Fra' Eme 111

Despautere, Jean 120

Despuig, Ramón, Grand Master 71, 130

Di Correggio, Francesco Balbi 177

Di San Francesco, Padre Enrico 26

Dingli, Adriano, Sir 101-102

Anna 92

Paolo, Judge 215 Marius 92 Salvo 92

Dionis, Fra' Petrus 156

Discalced Carmelites 25, 85

Dolivar, Juan 73


Caterina 146

Francesco 138, 146

Giovanni 146 Marietta 145

Donna dell’Isola di Malta 233

Doria, Fra' Agostino 155

Drake, Judith 126

Du Mont, Sieur 233

Dubarry, Madame 125

Dupré, François-Xavier 103

Durini, Angelo Maria, Inquisitor 92

EEast 177

Egypt 178, 190, 213

El Escorial (Madrid) 113

Elissa 189

Elizabeth I, Queen 80, 173-174, 231

Epiphany 50

Europe 3, 10, 21, 32, 95, 122, 127, 130, 142, 161, 179, 180

European Court of Human Rights vii Evans Laboratories 144

Eve vi, 20, 32, 56

FFaddighia 232

Fadedda 232

Faldetta 145, 219, 221, 231-232, 235, 237, 240-241

Falsone, Marietta 157

Fanano (Italy) 58


Alessandro (see also Paul III) 163

Fra' Ranuccio 163

Favray, Antoine 233, 237

Fenarolo, Girolamo 169

Fenech, Domenica 145

Ferdinando 5-6, 8, 11, 18

Filippo, Signor 51

First World War 161

Fiteni, Paolo 154

Fiume 189

Flanders 173, 175, 190

Fleming, William 106

Fleury, Fra' Charles / Carogue 155

Florence (Italy) 58, 60, 119, 123, 159, 164165, 166-167, 170, 173, 175, 177, 182183, 187, 188, 189

Floriana (Malta) 141, 204, 208, 209, 225

Fluvian 117

Fondazione Nibbia 141

Foret, Jean (see also Gianforet) 90

Fortuin, Fra' Raimondo 157

France 11, 26-27, 37, 39, 69, 71, 75, 81, 83, 85, 106, 107, 110-114, 116, 118, 132, 145

Francesco (see Scappi)

Freller, Thomas 125, 127, 129

Fremantle, Arthur James Lyon, Governor 225

Furini, Francesco 99


G. X. 22

Galea, Canon Paolo 101

Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica (Rome) 1

Garibaldi 195

Gascony (France) 118, 189

Gatt, Maria 92

Genesis 230

Genoa 25

Għonnella 145, 230-233, 234, 236-237, 239, 240-242, 241

Gianforet (or Jean Foret) 90

Gibbons, Joseph 212

Gingell, Charles 191

Gio Battista (possibly de Valette) 124

Gioanne 92

Giuliana (see Scappi)

Goddard, Lord Rayner, Chief Justice 212

Goggi, Antonietta 41

Gold Coast 191

Gonnella 231-232

Gori (family) 148

Gori Pannilini, Giovanni Battista 148

Gorizia 189

Government Printing Press 95, 102n15, 196

Government Street Naming Committee 191

Gozo 92-93, 154, 191, 226, 229, 241

Gozo Cathedral 92

Grand Harbour 20

Grand Master’s Palace 69

Grand Studio 239

Grandi, Don Leonardo 48

Grassi, Francesco, Admiral 40

Gratia 92

Grazzini ‘Il Lasca’ 167

Great Siege (1565) 105, 110-111, 114, 119, 153, 157-158, 160, 162, 168-169, 171, 174, 177-178, 180, 182-183


Family 25

Fra' Agostino 23, 24-26, 27, 28-33, 35, 37-39, 41, 43, 44

Giovanni 28

Girolamo, Cardinal 26, 27

Gristi, Pietro 54

Grotto of St Paul 146

Grungo, Pasquale, Judge 214

Guasconi, Isabella 116, 118-119

Guerra, Cristoforo 109

Guidacci, Francesco 119

Guidotti, Fra' Opizio 55, 64, 233

Guiducci, Madalena 165

Guy of Lusignan 189


ilekku / ġilekk 231

Ġnien is-Sultan 17


Habat 119

Haxiach, Joanna 92

Heraklion 39-40

Heritage Malta 15, 52, 179

High Renaissance 161

Hiroshima 82

Holy Innocents 101

Holy Land 189

Holy Scriptures 162

Hompesch, Ferdinand, Grand Master 130

Hospitaller Order of Malta (see Order of St

John of Jerusalem)

Houël, Jean 233

Huppeau, Jacques 114

Ħal Għargħur 231

Ħal Kirkop 91

IIl Mediterraneo 228n9

‘Il Moretto’ 233, 235

Il Portafoglio Maltese 101, 207, 210, 219, 227

Ilif, Mary 196

Illustrated Guide of Malta and Gozo 229, 241

Illustrated London News 216

Index of Prohibited Books 187

Inguanez, Francesca 157

Innocent VIII, Pope 175

Innocent XII, Pope 90

Inquisition 18, 47, 54, 146, 187

Inquisitor’s Palace 52, 52, 54

International Eucharistic Congress (1913) 224

Inverness (Scotland) 212

Isabella 4-11, 14, 17-18, 21

Italy 10, 13-14, 58, 64, 141, 170, 175, 187, 189, 195, 244

JJackson Henry, Lord 217

Jameson, Andrew 210

Janssonius, Johannes 39-40

Jesuit College 61, 65

Jesuits (or Society of Jesus, SJ) 29, 57-58, 65, 164-165, 183

Jesus (see Christ)

KKantina Café (Valletta) 191 Kingdom of Italy 195

Kirkham, Victoria 168, 177, 180-181, 184

Knights of St John (see Order of St John of Jerusalem)

Kramer, Heinrich 95

LL’Idea del Cavaliere Gerosolimitano 26, 42-43

L’Ordine 101, 219, 227, 228n9

La Canea 40

La Cassière, Jean L’Evasque, Grand Master 130, 156

Labini, Vincenzo, Bishop 95-96, 97, 98, 100

Lagnosco, Fra' Marc’ Antonio 138, 150n8

Landolina (family) 28

Language Question 196

Langue of Germany (de Bavière) 105

Lanyer, Aemilia vi

Lascaris Castellar, Giovanni Paolo, Grand

Master 28, 58-59, 65, 89

Le triomphe de l’amour 79

Leggi e Costituzioni 92

Leo XIII, Pope 224

Library of Congress 136

Libyan Sea 34

Lija 91

Lintorn Simmons, Sir John, Governor 224

Liotard, Jean Etienne 233

Liverpool 213

Livorno 187, 189

London 53, 97, 195, 201, 205, 216, 225-226

Lonicer, Adam 94

Loreto 164

Louis XIV, King 26, 71

Louis XV, King 77, 125

Luigina 59

Lully 80


Madonna di Oria 148

Magdalene nuns (see also Repentite) 237

Maggi, Claudio 41

Veronica 41

Maiano 165

Main Guard Square (Valletta) 233

Maitland, Sir Thomas, Governor 131, 196

Malatesta, Antonio 3, 11, 13

Malleus Malefcarum 18, 19, 95

Mallia, Margherita 92

Malta Steam Flour Mill 217

Malta University (see University of Malta)

Manderaggio 147

Manfredonia (Italy) 61

Mannesson-Mallet, Allain 132

Manuele (slave) 91

Marais, Mathieu 84

Marian Congregation of Artists 58

Mariettina 90

Marina (see Porta di Marina / Monte)


Agatha 157

Antonio 157

Marmont, Marshal Auguste 213

Marot, Daniel 79

Marquis of Letni 26

Marriage Act (1975) 223-224

Mars 34, 118

Marseilles (France) 11, 12, 13

Marsigli Rossi, Silvio Antonio 149

Massingberd, Sir Oswald 154

Mattei, Giacomo 26, 43

Matteo (possibly de Valette) 124

Maxfeld, Thomas 207-208

Mazarin, Cardinal 26

Medici, Giovanni Angelo (see Pius IV)

Mediterranean Sea 30

Mediterraneo 218

Medor 80-82

Mellazza, Girolama Lavinia 111

Merchants Street (Valletta) 204

Mercieca, Simon 123-124

Messina (Sicily) 26, 43, 62, 193, 194-195, 228n2

Michelangelo 164

Michigan (USA) 211


Antonio 41

Giobatta 213

Rosa 91

Mignanelli, Fra' Bartolomeo 148

Milanesi, Luigi 195

Militia Ofce 190

Miloro, Anton 195

Minighi, Fra' Giacomo Filippo 154

Mitrovich, Giorgio 201

Modena (Italy) 58

Modica (Sicily) 23, 25-26, 28, 41

Monaco 25

Monastero delle Murate 175

Monastery of St Ursula (see Convent of St Ursula)

Mondovi 156

Monroy 231


Aloisetta 147

Lucrezia 146

Palermino 146

Monti, Giacomo 3, 11, 13, 22n1

Montmorency, Duke 111


Andreotta 90

Lorenza 90

Mount Etna (Sicily) 71

Msida (Malta) 141

Msida Bastions Cemetry 215

Mugwort 93, 94


Beatrice, Sr 91

Christine 237

Leonora, Sr 91-92

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tours 67

M.U.S.E.U.M 242

Muslims 29, 175


Anna Maria Pelagia, Sr 50

Arcangelo, Padre 50

Domenico Ignatio 50

Eufemia, Sr 50

Fabritio 47, 50

Giacobino 50, 54

Maria 47, 50-52

Theresa 50-51

Myres, Sir Christopher 154

NNaples (Italy) 10, 111, 180

Napoleon 95, 231 Naselli, Carmelina 232

National Archives of Malta 195

National Archives of Paris 83

National Library of the Netherlands 39-40

National Library of Valletta 3, 42-43, 53, 55, 141, 153, 184, 184n4, 198n1, 199, 228

National Portrait Gallery 106

Navarra, Gertrude (see also Cumbo Navarra) Navarra-Bivona, Giacomo 195

Nazju 21

Neefs, Jacob 172

Neptune 178

Neptune Fountain (Florence) 164, 167, 178

Nero 7

Nero d’Avola 36

Newcastle-upon-Lyme (England) 212

Nibbia, Fra' Giorgio 144

Nice (France) 13, 22n5, 189

Notarial Archives (Valletta) 54, 137, 147

Notarial Archives Foundation 244

Nottinghamshire (England) 196

OOakes, Major General Hildebrand 228n2

Old Bakery Street (Valletta) 138

Olivier, Geronima 155


Argentina 190 Ferdinando 190 Giovanna 191

Giuseppe, Notary 190

Luigi 190-191

Paolo 190

Rosario 192, 193-194, 194-195

Opera (Paris) 75-76, 78, 85


Anna 51

Stefano 51

Order of St Stephen 170, 173

Order of Malta (see Order of St John of Jerusalem)

Order of St John of Jerusalem 10, 17, 25, 28, 30, 34, 36-37, 69, 71-72, 89, 97, 105, 107, 111, 117, 119, 122, 127-128, 138, 140, 148, 151, 153, 162, 170, 201, 204, 240, 244

Orion 171, 173

Orlando Furioso 80

Ortolano, Giovanni 41

Ospizio (Floriana) 208, 209

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 45

Ottoman Turks 39, 171, 182

Ottonelli, Gio Domenico 56-59, 60, 61-62, 64-65

Otto-Peters, Louise 186


Pace, Pietro, Bishop of Malta 225 Padova 12, 22n4

Padre Arcangelo di Malta (see Muxi)

Pajas, Teresa 190

Palace Square (Valletta) 36

Palais Royal (Paris) 76, 81

Palazzo Barberini (Rome) 1

Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum 176, 177, 203

Palazzo Vecchio (Florence) 159

Palermo (Sicily) 10, 54n2

Pallavicini, Raniero, Inquisitor 10

Pannelini (family) 148

Pantin 81, 84

Panzavecchia, Fortunato 213

Papanti, Giovanni 187, 189

Paris (France) 45, 68, 71, 75, 81-84, 70, 86n6, 107, 110, 114, 120, 131, 150n13

Parish of St Domenic (Valletta; see also Porto Salvo) 190, 192, 212


Antonino 25, 30

Padre 29, 32, 35

Passalaqua, Cesare 41

Paul III, Pope 163

Pavia (Italy) 150n8

Pelagio, Padre 20

Pellegrino, Luigi 195

Perellós y Roccafull, Ramón, Grand Master 51, 53, 71, 130-131, 142

Perez d’Aleccio, Matteo 179

Pertrucci, Fra' Marc’ Antonio 137

Petrarch 164, 182

Philip II, King 173, 180

Piazza della Signoria (Florence) 164, 167, 178

Piccolomini, Fra' Celio 137

Piedmont (Italy) 26

Pietà 141, 146, 211

Pietraviva, Fra' Paolo 156

Pignatelli, Antonio, Inquisitor (see also Innocent XII) 90

Pinto da Fonseca, Manuel, Grand Master 1516, 17, 130

Pisarri, Antonio 22n3

Pius IV, Pope 113

Pius V, Pope 135

Platamone, Donna Aloisia 190

Pope, Alexander 18

Porta di Marina / Monte 6, 8, 17, 52

Porto Salvo / St Domenic (Valletta) 147, 190

Positano, Francesco 146-147

Powell, Jim 160

Preti, Mattia 35


Françoise 67, 72, 75, 77, 80, 83-85

Jeanne 85

Protestant 165, 192, 201, 205, 211, 213, 215, 218, 223-224, 226, 242

Provincia di Santo Albetto (Sicily) 26

Prozac 165


Angelica 92

Michele 21

QQuinault, Philippe 79


Rabat (Malta) 146, 195, 238

Raoux, Jean 67, 70

Regnauld, Fra' Geofroy 111

Reims 118

Renaissance 127, 161

Reni, Guido 1

Repentite 138, 139, 140, 204

Republic Street (Valletta; also Kingsway)

Reynaldos, Francesco 41

Rhodes 39, 107-108, 111, 162

Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam) 27, 172, 185

Rimini (Italy) 12, 22n4

Risorgimento 187

Rivera, Giovanni 155

Rogers, Daniel 18

Roman Curia 169

Rome (Italy) 1, 9, 10, 26, 32, 96, 113, 130, 151, 168, 178, 182, 225

Romegas, Fra' Mathurin d’Aux de Lescout


Romoli, Domenico 135

Rose, Jane 212, 214-215

Simon 212-214

Rosetta 119

Rosi 21

Rossetti, Christina 104

Rosso (family) 28

Rosso-Landolina, Donna Girolama 28

Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo (see El Escorial)

Rufo, Fra' Fabrizio, Prior della Bagnara 40

SSacra Infermeria (Valletta) 38, 95, 140-141, 144

Saliba Maria 91

Grazia 91

Salvu 91


Clive 192 Giovanni Angelo 90


Anna 48

Don Giacomo 48

Sant, Giuseppe 41

Santa Maria della Pietà 141, 149

Santa Maria della Scala (Siena) 141

Santa Veneranda 40

Santo, Marietta 145

Sappho 160, 168

Sarabande 80


Carlo Alberto 22n5

Clemente Maria 22n5

Satan 5, 30-31, 90-91, 145, 165

Satariano, Caterina Camilla 190

Savoy 189

Scaglia, Asconio 150n10-11;20


Bartolomeo 135, 136

Caterina / ‘La Senese’ 133, 134-135, 136, 137-138, 140-141, 144-149

Francesco (servant) 144

Giuliana (servant) 145

Maria 140

Maria Maddalena, Marchesa 148

Schellinks, Willem 233, 234


Giovanni Battista 99

Ignatio 213

School of Music 138

Sciman 91

Sciortino, Dr Paolo 213

Second World War 241

Segond, Abbé 221


Antonio 205

George 212

Giovanna 205

Joseph A. 211

Margaret 192, 195, 205, 207


Fabrizio, Inquisitor 91

Gabrio 170

Sereni, Vittorio 164-165

Sicily 25-26, 29-30, 35, 50, 65, 113, 169, 175, 179-180, 189, 194-195, 232

Siena (Italy) 61, 134-135, 137, 140-141, 147-148

Siġġiewi (Malta) 92

Simmons-Rampolla Agreement 224-225

Society of Jesus (SJ; see Jesuits)

Spain 113, 174, 180

Spedale 141

Sprenger, Jacob 95

St Andrews’ Scots Church (Valletta) 212

St Augustine 40, 64

St Bartholomew (Bartolomeo) 164-165

St Catherine of Siena 134-135

St Christopher Street (Valletta) 137

St George’s Square (Valletta) 235

St Gregory 33

St John of God 18

St John’s Conventual Church (also CoCathedral) 40, 54

St Martin 33

St Paul 34

St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral (also ProCathedral) 216, 217

St Paul’s Bay (Malta) 123

St Peter 163

St Ursula Street (Valletta) 49

Stafordshire (England) 212

Stamigna 231

Stato Libero 193-194, 194

Statuta Hospitalis Hierusalem 151

Stevens, William John Jr 214

Stopford, Mary Elizabeth 106

Strada Alessandro (or Alexander Street) 192, 211

Strada Reale (or Republic Street or Kingsway) 51, 191

Strada San Giovanni (or St John Street) 191

Strada San Paolo (or St Paul Street) 217

Strada Stretta (or Strait Street) 192, 212

Stuart, General Sir John 228n2

Sud Tyrol 189

Suda 40

Suor Anna Maria Pelagia (see Muxi)

Suor Eufemia (see Muxi)

Swatar (Malta) 190

Sweden 212

Switzerland 195

Syracuse (Sicily) 61-62

TTa’ Braxia Cemetery (Msida) 211

Tambourine 80

Tasso, Torquato 161

The Convent 105

The Malta Mail 228n9

The Malta Times 226, 228n9

The Other Voice 168

The Trustees of the British Museum 70

Tholossenti, Paolo 41

Titian 109, 163, 185

Tobias 119

Torre Falca 177

Torrellas, Fra' Giovanni Ottone 157

Torto, Fra' Torquato 155

Touchet, Marie 111

Trento (Italy) 189

Treviso (Italy) 22n4

Tridentine 33

Trieste (Italy) 189

Tripoli (Libya) 59

Tropea (Italy) 21

Turin (Italy) 11, 22n1

Turner, Robert 217

Tuscany (Italy) 35, 39, 123, 170, 189

Tyrrhenian Sea 173


United Kingdom 201, 215, 224-225

United Kingdom Life Insurance Company 191

United Nations 130

United States of America (USA) 162, 211

University of Chicago 184

University of Malta 3, 22, 22n1, 244

University of Toulouse 114

University of Turin 3, 22

Uramini, Fra' Pietro Maria 137

Urbino (Italy) 162

Ursulines 145

Uzès (France) 114

VVagnon, Fra' Alexander 155

Valera, Fra' Giovanni 41

Valletta 4, 17, 36, 40, 47, 48-49, 62, 65, 69, 90, 95, 121, 129, 130, 133, 135, 137-138, 139, 141, 144, 146-147, 149, 153, 156, 170, 179, 190-192, 205, 211-213, 217, 235, 240-241, 241, 244

Van Dalen, Cornelis II 185

Vassalli, Mikiel Anton 146

Vatican 113, 162, 224

Vecellio, Cesare 109


Ambrogio 41

Pietro 150n3;18

Venice (Italy) 22, 22n5, 38, 109, 136

Venice Commission 244

Venturina, Constantia 155

Venus 118, 143

Vercelli 156

Verona (Italy) 12, 22n4

Veronica 91

Versailles (France) 71, 77, 103, 115

Vettori, Pietro 168

Vianeo brothers 21

Victoria Gate (Valletta) 17

Vilhena (see De Vilhena) Legislation (1724) 93

Virgin Mary (or Madonna) 91

Visscher I, Nicolaas 39-40

Vitale, Caterina 135


Faustina 175

Gian Luigi Chiappino 169, 171, 172,

173-175, 177-178

Gian Vincenzo 175

Vittoriosa (Birgu) 33, 52, 91, 119, 121, 124

Vivaldi, Fra' Costanzo 156

W Wardle

Ensign John 213

Hector 213

John 213

Maryanne 213

Teresa Giuseppina, née Zimelli 213

Watt/s, John (Giovanni) Vuat 190

Weil, Simone 24

Weingarten Monastery Library 19

Wellcome Collection 9, 99, 143

Wembley Empire Exhibition (1924) 241

West, Dorothy 152

Westminister Parliament 224

Wettinger, Godfrey 91

Whitechapel (London) 205

Wignacourt Museum (Rabat, Malta) 233, 238

William of Malmesbury 18

Wollstonecraft, Mary 2

World Digital Library 151


Xiberras, Ambrogio 150n3;20

Xuereb, Giuseppe ‘ix-Xudi’ 22

Xurqana 231


Zamet, Charles 111

Jean Antoine 111 Zimelli

Ettore (Hector) 212-213

Francesco 63, 199

Giovanna 212, 215, 217

Teresa Giuseppina 213

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