4 minute read
from the Editor
The cultural life of the Maltese Islands still persists in its determination of being everything, and the opposite of everything, at the same time. Undeniably creative and vibrant in many aspects—music, theatre, arts, conservation, entertainment, literature, the hospitality industry, the Islands remain, just as ruthlessly, destructive in too many others, most significantly in the protection of nature and in the respect for the built environment.
Fully paid-up membership in the demolition-on-steroids brigade is hardly sanitised by the token salvage of some bitty façades of appreciable antique architecture. If anything, this sad resort to hollow façadism only makes the malaise appear more barbaric and painful.
After recently celebrating its thirtieth birthday anniversary, Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti perseveres stoically in the pursuit of its founding objectives. Part of its energies and resources are at present being channelled towards the radical restructuring of the palazzina on St Paul’s Street, Valletta, destined to serve in the immediate future as its office and public exhibition space. It was a marathon, now hopefully in sight of the finishing post.
The new headquarters will be inaugurated with an ambitious, meaningful, and unusual exhibition, In Search of Line, on which we have been working since we took down our last major project: Music in Malta – From Prehistory to Vinyl, hosted in the lovely spaces of the Mdina Cathedral Museum.
This rich display will not come on its own. Like all other previous exhibitions, it will be accompanied by a lavish book-catalogue which will enrich and preserve for the future the visitor’s viewing experience. Exhibitions remain essentially transient events, they come and go. Their catalogues outlive them by far.
The podcast series Treasures from Malta, run on behalf of our Foundation by Francesca Balzan, widens its circle of adepts. She captures leading stars in the cultural firmament of the island by throwing at them intriguing and challenging inquisitiveness. The series has been hosted on radio by Campus FM and has also been taken up by Air Malta in their inflight entertainment system. A new podcast series is in the making, thumbnails of lives and of achievements closeted but for the perseverance of our gifted interviewer, who we will miss sorely when she moves to pastures new.
Our collaboration with Kite group, apart from the present tri-annual magazine, will soon bear its first fruit—the publication of Theresa Vella’s lifelong research on the collections, and the collection manias, of the Knights of Malta. The volume Splendour & Devotion: The Art Collections of the Order of St John has now made it to all local bookstores, to the most lavish standards of production, in contents, imaging, and display.
This will be followed by a new series which will bring together the latest history and art history research that I had carried out and published in local newspapers. Packaged in a different format, this novel cycle of volumes hopes to outdo the popularity of the classic series Histories of Malta of which twelve volumes were successfully published. There will no longer be a need to rummage in old newspaper cuttings for discoveries, juicy narratives, and amazing stories. They will all be neatly housed between two covers. Other intriguing books by Vicki Ann Cremona, by Michael Frendo, and by Charlie Cauchi, are elbowing their way in the pipeline too.
Meanwhile, Palazzo Falson is in full swing, what with Music and Poetry evenings, its EduFun activities which teach children how to learn and play, its programmes now being extended to schools too. Funds have been gratefully allocated by GAL Majjistral Action Group for the restoration of some paintings preserved in the Olof Gollcher studio.
All in all, it promises to be an exciting year ahead.
Treasures of Malta is published three times a year, at Christmas, Easter and in the Summer
General Editor: Giovanni Bonello
Senior Editor: Giulia Privitelli
Creative Director: Michael Lowell
Publisher / Editorial Office
Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti
63, Old Mint Street, Valletta VLT 1518, Malta tel: (356) 21228145 / (356) 21231515 email: giovannibonello@patrimonju.org / info@patrimonju.org / publish@patrimonju.org www.patrimonju.org
Production, Sales, Subscriptions and Marketing www.kitegroup.com.mt
Print It, Salendar Group Co. Ltd., KW3, Corradino Industrial Estate, Paola, Malta
Advertising M.M. Enterprises
27 Magazines Street, Mdina MDN 1201, Malta tel: (356) 21456625 email: rachellemanduca@hotmail.com; manduca@onvol.net
© Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti
All material, pictorial and/or editorial, published in Treasures of Malta is the property of the respective author and/or photographer. Reproduction without the necessary permission in writing from the rightful owner is strictly prohibited. issn 1028-3013
Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti
Conseil d’Honneur
His Excellency the President, Dr George Vella
The Hon. Prime Minister, Dr Robert Abela
His Grace the Archbishop, Mgr Charles J. Scicluna
Hon. President
The Hon. Dr Owen Bonnici
Minister for National Heritage, the Arts, and Local Government
Hon. Life Founder President
Dr Michael Frendo
Life Founder Members
Rita Flamini, the late Maurice de Giorgio
Founder Members
John Lowell, the late John Manduca
Nicholas de Piro
Board of Governors
Joseph Grioli, Chairman
Giovanni Bonello, Deputy Chairman
Joseph V. Bannister
Pascal A. Demajo
Max Ganado
Michael Grech
Matthew von Brockdorff
Michael Lowell, Chief Executive Officer
Francesca Balzan, Senior Executive
The Chairman and Board of Governors of Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti would like to thank the following donors for their support
Corporate Supporters
The Chairman and Board of Governors of Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti would like to thank the following donors for their support
Personal Supporters
Mr & Mrs Andrew Hamish Forsyth
Simon Abrahams & Francesca Del Rio
Mr & Mrs Neville Agius
Baroness Apap Bologna Sceberras D’Amico lnguanez
Simon & Annabelle Ellul Sullivan
Atlas Insurance – Mr Matthew von Brockdorff
CamilleriParis Mode – Mr Paul Camilleri
Eden Leisure Group – Mr Ian De Cesare
Eyetech Ltd – Mr Patrick Cutajar
Forestals Group of Companies – Mr Tancred Tabone
GasanMamo Insurance Ltd – Mr Julian Mamo
Gianpula – Dr Roger de Giorgio
Good Earth Distributors Ltd – Mr Matthew de Giorgio
GVZH Advocates – Dr Michael Grech
IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd – Mr Raymond Busuttil
Joinwell – Mr Sebastian de Giorgio
Kite Group Limited – Mr Gordon Pisani
Lombard Bank Malta plc – Mr Joseph Said
Mapfre Middlesea plc – Mr Martin Galea
Mrs Janatha Stubbs
Mr Andrew Norman Vincenti
Personal Corporate
Miller Distributors Ltd – Mr Malcolm G. Miller
O. F. Gollcher and Sons Ltd – Mr Karl Gollcher
PwC – Mr David Valencia
RiskCap International Ltd – Dr Paul Magro
Rizzo, Farrugia & Co. (Stockbrokers) Ltd – Mr Vincent J. Rizzo
Satariano – Ms Natasha Chapelle Paleologo
Shireburn Software Limited – Ms Yasmin de Giorgio
Sigma Coatings (Malta) Ltd – Mr Anthony Critien
The Alfred Mizzi Foundation – Mr Julian Sammut
The Gasan Foundation – Ms Sarah Gasan
Tug Malta Ltd – Mr John E. Sullivan
Virtù Steamship Co. Ltd – Mr Charles A. Portelli
Water Services Corporation – Mr Karl Cilia
(As at time of going to press)