EDPB Provides Guidance on Personal Data Transfers Following Schrems II

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EDPB Provides Guidance on Personal Data Transfers Following Schrems II Earlier this year, in Schrems II, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield. That judgment also cast doubt over the validity of standard contractual clauses (SCCs) as a means by which to transfer personal data outside of the EU, in particular to the United States. Unsurprisingly, this has caused concern within organizations’ who rely on such transfers as part of their business model. Data protection requirements, imposed by the GDPR, travel with any personal data whenever it is transmitted outside of the EU. Problems arise when an organization needs to transfer personal data to a jurisdiction where local laws might undermine these protections. Without some way to manage this potential conflict, it was unclear if organizations personal data transfers outside of the EU would be able to continue. Unfortunately, the CJEU provided no practical guidance for organizations as to how to make international personal data transfers compliant with its ruling and did not provide any safe harbour period before its ruling took effect. In recent days, however, two key efforts have been made to assist organizations to meet their post-Schrems II GDPR requirements: 1. Recommendations have been issued by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB); and 2. A revised set of SCCs has been published by the European Commission for consultation. Recommendations Issued by the EDPB The EDPB has published a practical roadmap for organizations seeking to transfer personal data internationally in a compliant manner in the wake of Schrems II. This roadmap sets out six recommended steps:  Map all transfers of personal data As a first step, organizations should identify and catalogue all of their international personal data transfers. The EDPB used this opportunity to remind organizations that remote access to personal data, or the cloud storage of personal data, may constitute transfers to be included in this exercise.  Verify that this personal data is being transferred in a compliant manner Once the data flows have been catalogued, the tool (for example, SCCs) that each transfer relies upon must be identified. An international transfer of personal data should not proceed without an appropriate transfer tool in place. The transfer tools available are (i) an adequacy decision in respect of the recipient country made under Article 45 of the GDPR, (ii) one of the mechanisms provided for under Article 46 of the GDPR, including SCCs and Binding Corporate Rules, or (iii) one of the derogations provided for in Article 49 of the GDPR (such as public interest).

 Assess if there is any law or practice in the receiving country that would limit the effectiveness of the safeguards created by the transfer mechanism in use The third step requires organizations to assess each transfer tool, and identity – on a practical level – if each tool being relied upon protects personal data to the level required by the GDPR. Of principal concern, per the EDPB, is the existence of “anything in the law or practice of the [receiving country] that may impinge on the effectiveness of the appropriate safeguards” being relied upon. Schrems II highlighted the difficulties posed by U.S., mass surveillance programs in this regard. If a transfer tool is unable to provide an adequate level of protection, despite otherwise being valid, it should not be used alone as a means of transferring personal data outside of the EU. Where an assessment is required, the EDBP recommends that this should be based on an objective review of the receiving country’s legislation or, if this is not possible, “other relevant and objective factors.” This assessment should not take into account any subjective factors, such as the type of data being transferred. If the receiving country’s laws do not allow for personal data to be protected, then further action, as detailed in step 4 below, will be required. It is possible that a country’s legislation empowers national security agencies to access personal data. If this is the case, the assessment should consider (i) the extent to which these powers are limited to what is necessary or proportionate in a democratic society, or (ii) if they breach EU standards. Any such assessment will be a complex undertaking. Helpfully, however, the EDPB does provide practical and positive recommendations in this regard. In particular, the EDPB notes that: 1. It is possible to conclude following an assessment that any potential interference permitted by a country’s laws will be limited to a similar degree to that to level of potential interference allowed under the GDPR; and 2. The existence of a comprehensive data protection law, or an independent data protection authority, can indicate that a country’s potential interference with personal data protections can be considered proportionate. This is a pragmatic approach from the EDPB and seems to be designed to empower organizations to make positive decisions as to the ability to transfer personal data internationally, where appropriate. In any event, the assessment should be clearly documented and undertaken carefully. The EDPB notes that organizations will be held accountable for the decisions made based on the assessment. 1. Identify and adopt any additional measures as necessary to bring the level of protection for this data to the level required by the GDPR It is possible that a company concludes that the transfer tool they intend to rely on, by itself, will not provide the required level of protection for personal data. This may be the case with

transfers to the US in the light of Schrems II. The EDPB has however provided companies with suggestions as to how supplementary measures can be used to continue data transfers even if the tool for transfer alone is insufficient. These supplementary measures are categorized as being of a technical, contractual, or organizational nature. All three, when used in combination, are likely to be most effective in ensuring compliance with the GDPR. The technical measures suggested by the EDPB include:   

“State-of-the-art” encryption Pseudonymisation, where the personal data being transferred is altered such that an individual can no longer be identified without further information; and Split processing, where the personal data is segmented and provided to separate parties, such that no one party can identify an individual from the data it receives.

The contractual measures listed by the EDPB include imposing obligations on recipients of the personal data to implement appropriate technical measures, or a requirement for relevant legislative developments within the recipient country to be brought to the attention of the data exporter by the recipient. Organizational measures relate to internal policies or methods, intended to improve a company’s awareness of the risks present in transferring personal data outside of the EU. It is important to note that these supplementary measures must be capable of ensuring, in conjunction with a transfer tool, that the level of data protection provided will meet the level of data protection provided will meet the level required by the GDPR. If this is not the case then the transfer should not proceed. 

Take formal procedural steps if required Where supplementary measures are identified and implemented, certain formalities may need to be completed. These should be completed prior to any international transfer of personal data. Periodically re-evaluate the level of protection these transfers enjoy Finally, once this process has been concluded, organizations should ensure that they monitor any developments in countries where personal data has been transferred. In the event there are any developments, these six steps should then be re-visited to ensure continued compliance with the GDPR.

Drafts SCCs Published by the European Commission Seemingly drafted with the EDPB guidance in mind, the European Commission has proposed a new set of SCCs. This document, currently published in draft form, is open for consultation until 10 December 2020. It is currently unclear when the final version of the revised SCCs will be published. Importantly, and not entirely in response to Schrems II or the EDPB guidance, these drafts SCCs represent a clear attempt by the European Commission to provide as practical a set of SCCs as possible. For example, the draft SCCs:

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Cater for international data transfers from a data processor to another data processor, a long-overdue development; Set out a new modular approach, allowing for parties to use one single template document to govern transfers from (i) controller-to-controller, (ii) controller-toprocessor, (iii) Processor-to-processor and (iv) processor-to-controller; and Reference the need for parties, using whichever module, to assess what constitutes an “appropriate level of security” for a transfer account for the risks involved in a transfer, and then undertake due consideration of the technical measures that would be appropriate to safeguard a transfer.

In perhaps one of the more significant concessions to businesses put into some difficulty by Schrems II, the European Commission’s draft measures currently provide for a year’s grace period to implement these new clauses. This would give organizations time to transition from the previous form of SCCs (Subject to implementing any required supplementary measures in the meantime) to the new version, whenever these are finalized. Conclusion In the face of the uncertainty that Schrems II created, it is to be welcomed that the EDPB and European Commission have sought to provide practical guidance to organizations. This uncertainty has been compounded by the impending end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020, following which personal data transfer from the EU to the UK will need to rely on an effective and reliable transfer tool. The finalization of the new SCCs will allow for greater stability in that regard. It is a fact that many businesses rely on international personal data transfers for various reasons, and recognition that these should be facilitated as far as possible is a positive step. Organizations now face the task of implementing the EDPB’s recommendations, which is where their utility and practicality will really be tested.

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