Infoarena Business Journal - Technology & Innovation Arena 2015!

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Business Journal Your business intelligence and network partner

| Official Newsletter of the Technology & Innovation Arena 2015 | March 2015 | No. 01 |

Technology & Innovation Arena 2015 South East Europe Regional Conference 22nd - 24th March 2015, Belgrade, Serbia Infoarena Group is organising South East Europe Regional conference - Technology & Innovation Arena 2015. The Conference will be host from 22nd - 24th March 2015 in the Crown Plaza Hotel in Belgrade! ( The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is the general patron of the Conference.


omislav Gavazzi, Founder of Infoarena will introduce Infoarena Group and Technology & Innovation Arena 2015 to all readers and give a closer look on the ideas they represent: INFOARENA GROUP Infoarena Group

is the leader in the SEE region in supporting companies and governments with business networking, knowledge and intelligence. Our core business is event organisation (conferences, round tables and forums), networking of interest groups and the creation of quality business content. Our objective is the development of a partnership environment that provides a high quality platform to the business segment in order to create a competitive market advantage. So far, we have organised more than 300 business events (conferences, forums, round tables) in the region with more than 30,000 participants. Technology & Innovation Arena 2015 is a platform to increase

innovation based on technology in the region and to increase investment, new employment, new ideas, and new business opportunities. The goal of the Technology and Investment Arena is also to encourage co-operation in the region between the technology sector and innovators. The Conference also serves as a place for dialogue between the public and private sector, with the aim of makTOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE WOULD COVER:

1. roundtable 1: Technology and Innovations > Drivers of society 2. roundtable 2: New business and new models > opportunities for new employments and new revenue streams 3. presentations: View of regional ICT market 4. roundtable 3: Are regulators stoppers or instigators of innovation? 5. ICT INVESTMENTS

ing the entire region competitive on the European as well as the global markets. Technology & Innovation Arena 2015 serves as a place for dialogue

between the public and private sector, with the aim of making the entire region competitive on the European as well as the global markets. It brings all leaders of industry, both private and public sectors, to one place and gives them the opportunity to exchange their perspectives. It provides all participants with a chance to gain insights into the full potential of the market and to incorporate their business into it. The conference serves as the accelerator of socially responsible initiatives that have launched last year’s “Youth employment initiative in the region”. The main purpose of the initiative is helping young people to climb the career ladder.  I would personally like to use this opportunity to thank the EBRD and City of Zagreb for being our strategic co-organizers . I wish productive and pleasant stay to all participants!

<p.02> Hrvoje Somun

<p.03> Krešo Perica


APIS IT – half a century of Croatia’s informatization

Bringing the power of the enterprise to the hands of the employee

What participants say about us?


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Hrvoje Somun, CEO, APIS IT, Croatia

APIS IT – half a century of Croatia’s informatization


hat is the role of APIS IT Ltd. as a state-owned company? For over 50 years APIS IT Ltd. has been developing the largest IT systems in Croatia, primarily for the Tax and Customs Administration. By systematically keeping track of the technological progress and by dedicated work of its experts, APIS IT has been working to increase accessibility of public administration services to citizens via Internet in order to create connected, efficient and modern public administration. With such extensive experience and quality projects, APIS IT is a logical choice for the establishment of an IT Shared Service Centre (SSC), the central part of state IT, where the state IT infrastructure will continue to be consolidated and modernised on the state level. The goal of establishing standardisation of common business processes is more flexible, more accessible and better state apparatus, efficiency growth and ultimately significant savings in the budgetary resources usage. Can you describe services that APIS IT provides to the State and the public sector, as well as the benefits citizens have from these services, in the private and public sector? As I already mentioned, APIS IT has half a century experience in developing and hosting the largest information systems in the country, so in that sense, the company has been dedicated to facilitating the lives of citizens. Citizens are often unaware of this, but APIS IT has a personal ‘relationship’ with them. In fact, once it was a master citizen number (JMBG), which was designed and implemented by us. Today it is the personal identification number (OIB), without which the whole idea of networked government would be difficult to enforce, and whose central system is implemented in APIS IT. We are entrusted with the storage of state registers, voter register and other central

registers in electronic form. In recent years, the focus has been placed on modernisation into web technologies that are fully harmonised with EU standards and regulations. A good example of that is the integration of the Croatian Customs Administration into the EU system, what was a prerequisite of Croatia’s EU accession. For the Tax administration , whose IT system we are developing throughout decades, we worked on a fiscalisation solution, which enables control of invoices in real time. Our solution has shown to be the most efficient model for fighting the gray economy,

which is recognised in other countries. Currently one of our major projects are e-Citizens, within which we have been working on a solution of the central part of the system – e-Citizen Inbox (OKP), a special site for communication between the bodies of state authorities and citizens. Through that system citizens currently can communicate with 13 institutions. To citizens that system primarily saves time, because they no longer have to visit counters to get some personal information or take out a document. Now it can all be achieved with a few clicks from their computers.


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How can a national IT company pre­ pare and promote trends and contrib­ute to the market development? The role of APIS IT as a state-city com­ pany is specific and we can say there are four trends that we have influence on. Firstly, there is already mentioned project SSC which will be co-financed by the grants of the European Union, which will positively impact the whole IT market. Private companies will have to adapt in a way that the solutions they offer to ministries will have to be standardised, associ­ated with the OIB, e-Citizens inter­ face, NIAS, e-Citizen Inbox, pay­ ment transactions and statistics. Secondly, the consolidation through IT SSC will en­sure savings on hardware and licenses, which will provide savings in the budget for services. It is important to mention also export, where we aim to create the whole package together with local partners, that will be acceptable to international market. Finally, APIS IT will even more actively explore the possibility of using solutions based on open source, which would be applicable in the national IT infrastructure. What services can APIS IT offer to international market? One of our most recognizable and praised IT projects is the fiscalization solution which enables control of invoices in real time. Moreover, fiscalization has been awarded as the best IT project in the public sector for 2013, by independent analytic company IDC Adriatics. That model has shown to be the most efficient for fighting the gray economy, which raised interest of many countries in the region . We have concluded strategic partnerships with IBM and Oracle, who offered their export network for fiscalization sale. We also have extensive experience in the estab­lishment of the already mentioned OIB system, integration of the Croatian customs system into the EU customs system, IT support of the elections and referendums. For the city of Zagreb we have been working on one of the most complex geoportals. In other words, our half-century experience in development of large and complex IT systems for cities and countries can be of great benefit to all states that wish to develop in the di­ rection of modern and user-oriented public administration. 

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“Mobile Transformation of the Enterprise – Bringing the power of the enterprise to the hands of the employee” Krešo Perica, GBS BSP Leader CEE & Mobile/Apple lead CEE, IBM, Croatia



he way we live has been undeniably transformed by mobile technology. Now it’s time to transform the way we work. A new trend has started, and over the next months there will be hundreds of new apps that will combine the power of enterprise data and analytics with elegant mobile user experience, to fundamentally redefine the ways enterprises empower their professionals to interact, learn, connect and perform. They will give people access to collaboration opportunities when and where they need them and amplify organisational expertise. Thus, employees will be better able to leverage the knowledge of the entire enterprise, make better use of time and assets, and drive results faster. Learn how Apple and IBM

teamed up to help enterprises around the world answer these challenges, and how these new solutions will not only meet the needs of individual workers, but how they might also change entire industries. 


Integrated, bundled propositions are only one component of convergent products

Bundled propositions Integrated tariffs and package offers with attractive benefits and smart pricing

Communication Dedicated product category with clear convergence promise

Customer interaction Integrated sales approach, billing, hotline, self-care, and technical service

Source: BCG analysis BCG_Convergence_OTT.pptx

Bundled propositions



Convergent products

Customer interaction

Hardware Convergent devices/hardware combining fixed and wireless technologies, etc.

Services/ apps


Platforms Integrated service platforms, seamless handover, single number, etc.

Services/apps Multi-screen/agnostic services, security, synchronized data, smart home, etc.

Draft—for discussion only


Copyright © 2015 by The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



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Conference Programme

South East Europe Regional Conference Crowne plaza hotel, Belgrade, Serbia March 22nd, 2015 18:00- 20:00 Early registration (hotel) 22:00

Conference networking and welcome drink at Frida caffee

March 23rd, 2015 08:00 – 09:00 Registration and welcome coffee 09:00 – 10:00 Introduction and Opening ceremony welcome speech: Tomislav Gavazzi, Founder and Owner, Infoarena Group, Croatia “Innovation – Drivers of Society” Harri Airaksinen, Vice President, VTT, Finland 10:00 – 12:00 Roundtable 1: Technology and Innovations > Drivers of society key topics: • Importance of innovation • Digital economy based on innovations • Regulatory challenges • How to build a mindset for innovative society • Changing behavior of entire society • What are the advantages of connected society moderator: tbd introduction speaker: Ville Valovirta, Senior scientist, VTT, Finland panelists: 1. Jelena Čelenković Stojanović, Principal Banker, EBRD, Serbia 2. Ratko Mutavdžić, founder and experience architect at PROJEKTURA, Croatia

3. Hrvoje Somun, CEO, APIS IT, Croatia 4. Ivar Tallo, Member of the Executive Board at E-Governance Academy, Estonia 5. Milena Matic, Strategy& Marketing& Communications & Innovations Manager, Ericsson Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania 11:55 - 12:00 Representing Meeting Corner PandoPad - Miodrag Radičević, PandoPad 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch and business networking 13:00 – 15:00 Roundtable 2: New business and new models > opportunities for new employments and new revenue streams key topics: • New ecosystems - where are telecom operators now and who are the new actors • Consumer electronics - new hype for technology sector • Smart home, smart cars, smart…. Are we really smarter and how can we make business here moderator: Marko Lacković, Senior Conusultant, Boston Consulting Group

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panelists: 1. Telecom Serbia (Invited) 2. Nikola Popović, Council Member, HAKOM, Croatia 3. Dragan Stokić, CEO, Atos, Serbia 4. Marko Nokkalla, Key account manager, VTT, Finland 5. Sergej Lugović, Senior Lecturer, Information Economy, Technology Entrepreneurship and e-business at the Polytechnic of Zagreb, Croatia

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break and business networking 15:30 - 16:30 Presentations: View of regional ICT market • “Regional ICT Industry in Numbers – Inside Inteligence”, Bisnode, SEE 16:30 – 20:00 Free time and sightseeing of Belgrade 20:00 – 23:00 Business networking dinner

March 24th, 2015 08:30 - 09:00 Registration and welcome coffee 09:00 - 10:30 Roundtable 3: Are the regulators stoppers or instigators of innovations? moderator: Veronica Bocarova, Telecom Consultant and Contractor, Cullen International panelists: 1. Milan Janković, President of the Counsil, Ratel, Serbia 2. Zdravko Jukić, Board Member, HAKOM, Croatia 10:30 - 11:00 “A Telco CEO Agenda 2020: Compelling answers to the most pressing questions a Telco CEO faces - Convergence – creating market-side advantage from integration“, Marko Lacković, Senior Conusultant, Boston Consulting Group 11:00 - 11:30 “Transforming the Enterprise – Bringing te power of teh enterprise in the hands of emolyee” – Krešo Perica, GBS BSP Leader CEE & Mobile/Apple lead CEE, IBM, Croatia 11:30 – 12:00 Business networking Coffee Break

12:00 – 14:00 ICT INVESTMENTS • Part of the conference where big and midsize legal entities from private and public sector will present their investment plans in ICT for the upcoming year. They will present the correlation between strategy and ICT investment, investment plan in euros, investment targets,.... This is the part of the conference where each vendor can recognize his opportunity for business investment plans will be presenting by: 1. Hrvoje Somun, CEO, APIS IT, Croatia 2. Aco Tomašević,member of of the Board of Nelt Group, Serbia 3. Ivan Vasić, ICT Director, Delta holding, Serbia 4. Olivera Vujnović, ICT Director, Naftna Industrija Srbije, Serbia 14:00

Closing Ceremony

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What participants say about us? The Technology and Innovation Arena is a platform to increase innovation based on technology that we all need to make our business more efficient, and thus more successful. All participants have the opportunity to gain insights into the full potential of the market and to incorporate their business into it. Barbara Cerinski, General Manager of EOS Matrix, Croatia

Bisnode is Europe's largest provider of business and credit information, with its Head Office located in Stockholm, operating in 17 European countries. Since Bisnode is present in all markets in the region, we are pleased to have the opportunity to present our data about the regional ICT industry at the Technology & Innovation Arena 2015, the main regional platform for increasing technology-based innovation. Benjamin Cerovac, General Manager of Bisnode Croatia

As APIS IT Ltd. provides strategic, professional and implementation services to the public and Government sector organisations of the Republic of Croatia in planning, development, support and maintenance of their information systems based on the principles of user-oriented administration, the Technology and Innovation Arena is a great opportunity to present the role of APIS IT in development and tracing the implementation of the directions, norms and policies in e-Government. Participating in the event also provides a chance to share extensive know-how that APIS IT has in providing wide range of expert services. Hrvoje Somun, CEO of APIS IT, Croatia

The Technology and Innovation Arena 2015 is a proven meeting place of top regional private and public players with the common purpose to increase the regional competitiveness in the European and global market using technology. With a track record of one of the most important regional events dedicated to technology, it provides a valuable insights and perspectives of technology trends. BCG will discuss two trends important for the telcom industry, being the convergence and over the top services.

The Technology and Innovation Arena 2015 conference is an excellent regional opportunity to share ideas and discuss innovation with other relevant companies and organisations. The Conference will be full of great discussions and interaction around ideas on how we can improve our society through innovation and use of technology. It also provides an excellent opportunity for networking, sharing different experiences and best practices and market trends that will shape the future of technology and the way it is used.

Marko Lacković, Senior Conusultant at Boston Consulting Group

Ratko Mutavdžić, founder and experience architect at PROJEKTURA

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