At Holme Issue 20 - October 2023

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Issue Twenty | October 2023


FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S PEN At Least... When my daughter emerged from her 262 days of lockdown during six separate lockdowns in Melbourne, she shared her aversion to two words … ‘at least’. Our family received a stern lecture on the taboo nature of this sentence starter. From Natalie’s perspective, this phrase diminished empathy – a response she craved. “At least you had a job.” “At least you could exercise for an hour each day.” “At least you could Facetime your family.” There seemed to be an inexhaustive list of “at least” commentary from well-meaning friends and family (including us), none of whom had any idea what it actually had felt like to be locked down for a period equating to almost nine months. And, as I became aware of the words, I started to hear them everywhere. “At least it’s only three

weeks until the school holidays.” “At least you passed.” “At least you’ve got friends.” Catch those words, they do not, according to popularist author, speaker, and psychologist, Brene Brown, do anything to recognise someone’s feelings and need for empathy. According to Brown, “empathy fuels connection; sympathy drives disconnection.” When my daughter’s terse lecture to her family was completed, I asked her what might have been a better response – she expressed her yearning for something as uncomplicated as: “That must have been tough.” Can you see the difference? When we jump in with our well-meaning “at least” sentences, we are judgmental in reaching that understanding – we


place a value on the experience, diminishing its impact and presuming an understanding of the lived experience of that person. Whilst sympathy can be defined as “feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune,” empathy can be described very differently: the “ability to understand and share the feelings of another” (Oxford English Dictionary). Understanding the feelings of loss and fear associated with elongated lockdowns is quite different from presuming knowledge of the experience – a subtle nuance but an important one. Language matters. Language is an important mirror of understanding. Language affects the way we see ourselves in relation to others. I am judicious in the type and frequency of homework that I set my Year 10 English class, always reluctant to set homework just for the sake of it. But here is some homework for us all. Eliminate some of these phrases from your vocabulary, if you want to model and teach your children empathy, forge a positive outlook, and strengthen their understanding of self and others.

Dr Linda Evans | Principal

‘If you want to model and teach your children empathy, forge a positive outlook, and strengthen their understanding of self and others.’

HIT LIST OF DELETE-WORTHY PHRASES > At least … > I/we should have … They should have … > It’s their fault, not mine … > If only … RATHER > That must have been tough to hear. > It would have been good if I had …. however, I didn’t. > This is my part of the problem. > I am thinking that …

May we all have endured and survived the last of the lockdown world but, like all confronting and difficult situations, there is, (at least) learning to attend to: an idea or even a whisper to note.

Meet our 2024 SeniorLeaders

Head Girl

Rachel Yap Head Day Girl Sruthi Gandu Head Boarder Lottie Ostwald Sports Captains AFL Kristen Hurlock Athletics Milla Deignan-Ekelun Basketball Hannah Kassab Cadets Heather McKenzie Cricket Olivia Clark Cross Country Amelia Ramia Equestrian Lottie Ostwald Football Sophie Khan Futsal Roma Aarons Hockey Jordi Chesterfield Netball Mia Callachor, Amy Williams Rugby Ally Horn & Amelie Moore

Instrumental Music (Orchestra) Isabella Ryrie

Isabella Donaldson

Public Speaking Lena Nabizada

Amelia Ramia

Sound and Lighting Haylee Crouch & Scarlett Reedy Visual Art Kadence Wilson Prefects The Arts Lizzie Kelly Service Grace Cornford Sport Chelsea Gladwin Student Ministry Abbie Loughlin Boarding Isabella Donaldson, Ruby Newell, Abbey Peart, Annabelle Rogan, Jess Wild

Lizzie Kelly Lauren McAdam Hannah Pocknee Abbey Peart Isabella Ryrie Hannah Smith Shumaila Wahab Culture Grace Cornford Roma Aarons

Cameron House Holly Blinco and Milla Deignan-Ekelun

Milla Deignan-Ekelund

Stephens House Abbey Bradley and Clare Hogan

Molly Lutton

Powell House Kayla Horncy and Lexi McNall

Ruby Newell

Black House Molly Lutton and Amelia Ramia

Softball Kadence Wilson

Grace James Lena Nabizada Lottie Ostwald Ankita Sajjan Adele Schafferius

Swimming Amy Williams

Interact Board Members

Rachel Yap

Tennis Zoe Andrews

Grace Cornford (President)

Janae Mango

Touch Chelsea Gladwin

Hannah Kassab (Vice-President)

Volleyball Skye Lethbridge

Hannah Coggan


Water Polo Heather McKenzie

Claire Currie

Lily Cameron

Lauren McAdam

Jordi Chesterfield

Arts Captains

Lena Nabizada

Lyndsay Hales

Choral Music Olivine Murphy

Ankita Sajjan

Ally Horn

Dance Ella Everest

Isabella Tyrrell

Kristen Hurlock

Debating Ciara Teahan

Shumaila Wahab

Pip Lilford

Drama Hannah Pocknee Instrumental Music (Band) Annabelle Rogan

Harriet Smith Leadership Committees

Anna St John


Pearl Tweedy


Georgia Vaggs

Alana Callaghan

Bridie Gurner

Mia Callachor

Kayla Horncy

Heidi Cave

Lina Duong

Middle School

Jasmine Johnson

Sruthi Gandu

Hannah Kassab

Chloe Bruggemann

Emma Krieg

Sophie Khan

Heather McKenzie

Sammi Burke

Lyssie Rix

Abbie Loughlin

Celina Mouzouris

Luci Donges

Lucy Salter

Lizzie McCollum

Danielle McKenna

Ella Everest

Lucia Statton

Olivine Murphy

Lakshithaa Prabu

Chelsea Gladwin

Ciara Teahan

Annabelle Rogan

Danni Griffin

Isabella Tyrrell

Jess Wild

Junior School

Millie Maclean

Restorative Practice

Sophia Baker

Lexi McNall

Caroline Armstrong


Mia Best

Amelie Moore

Haylee Crouch

Chloe Anoleck

Claire Currie

Bonnie Boorman

Lizzie Janetzki Lily Manthey

Pastoral Care

Tilly Gillece

Katie Campbell

Millie McKenzie

Zoe Andrews

Clare Hogan

Olivia Clark

Priscilla McPhee

Meg Armstrong

Holly Lane

Georgia Hoffmann

Georgia Radnedge

Holly Blinco

Scarlett Reedy

Skye Lethbridge

Shelby Rowles

Ellen Birchley

Kadence Wilson

Meg Logan

Lily Schneider

Abbey Bradley

Penne Skene

Hannah Coggan

Abbie Lord Teaching and Learning

Amy Williams

Fairholme students dive into swim teaching

Year 10 students Katie Seaby and Ava Macey are making a splash on the pool deck, playing an important part in keeping children safe in the water this summer. Both students have recently completed the AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety course and are now working as Swim Teachers at the Fairholme Aquatic Centre. Katie has an interest in working with children and hopes to study Paediatrics when she finishes school. “I really enjoy working with kids and love seeing the improvement that each child makes. “The AUSTSWIM course took me about four months to complete’, says Katie. ‘It involved doing practical hours alongside qualified coaches, learning how to plan and teach lessons, as well as doing CPR. “If you enjoy swimming or have a swimming background, teaching children to swim is a really great thing to do.”

“I’m currently completing a certificate in teaching, so becoming a swim teacher has been great hands-on experience. “I enjoy watching the children progress comfortably in the water and having loads of fun.”

Fairholme Learn to Swim Coordinator, Judy Dickinson, says, “teaching swimming is not only Ava is a member of the competitive a rewarding experience, but an swim squad and enjoys connecting excellent way for students to get ready for university and earn some with the younger children. extra money.

“AUSTSWIM qualifications are recognised Australia-wide as well as internationally. “We regularly run the AUSTSWIM courses which can be completed in a term.” For further information on becoming a swim teacher or joining the Fairholme Aquatics Swim School program, get in touch with Fairholme Aquatic Centre by emailing or phone 07 4688 4658.

City to country

Day girl, Hannah Pocknee, got a taste of the rural life when she visited Boarder, Kadence Wilson, at her home near Julia Creek... Here she writes about her adventures in the country

Last holiday, I embarked on an unforgettable trip to spend a week with my friend, Kadence Wilson, and her family on their sprawling grazing property located near Julia Creek in North West Queensland.

This three-day event was so much fun watching the skilful drafting and rodeo events, with lively music and dancing stretching into the evenings.

While I was initially apprehensive about the considerable distance and the remote nature of this destination, my experience turned out to be nothing short of extraordinary, leaving me wishing for a longer stay.

It was intriguing to observe Kadence in her element, her speech subtly transformed into a unique country dialect, and her usual reserved demeanour gave way to an outgoing, exuberant version of her that I barely recognized.

The adventure kicked off with a flight to Mt Isa, where Kadence’s mum picked us up, and we headed to Dajarra (150km south of Mt Isa) to meet her dad and brother at a campdrafting event.

The Wilsons were fabulous and welcomed me with open arms, even her spirited younger brother, Zander, embraced my presence and introduced me to the intricacies of their farm life. I loved working with their cattle, separating them into different yards, learning to horse ride, star gazing at night, and the magnificent sunsets. The sunrises and sunsets in this remote landscape were unlike anything I had ever seen. The vast, unbroken horizon, flat and barren, painted a breathtaking canvas of colours that left me in awe. This holiday instilled in me a profound respect for farming families and their unmatched dedication and work ethic. Their days begin at the crack of dawn and extend well into the evening, filled with demanding tasks like herding cattle, mending fences and checking water supplies. I loved the way the family works together, especially during school holidays when the children actively

participate in the daily operations. Living in such a remote location, as the Wilsons do, presents unique challenges. Everyday conveniences that I often take for granted are luxuries there. The nearest shopping destination is a five-hour drive away in Mt Isa, and this visit is a bi-monthly marathon that requires meticulous planning by Kadence’s mum Kimberley. There’s no quick trip to town for forgotten items. Local schools are absent, leading to Zander’s enrolment in the School of the Air, and any medical emergencies are managed by the Royal Flying Doctors Service. Life in this remote location is far from easy, yet the Wilsons embrace it wholeheartedly, considering it their way of life and loving it. For Kadence, who travels back home from Fairholme each holiday, it’s a LONG journey – a 24-hour bus ride or a full day of travel by plane and car. Her decision to relocate to Toowoomba and attend boarding school shows remarkable courage and determination. My trip to the Wilsons’ grazing property was an incredible experience that provided me with an appreciation for the challenges and rewards of rural life and a profound respect for the Wilsons. I must confess that after my holiday, I can see the allure of spending a gap year working on a North West Queensland property.


Why did you want to be involved in Sony camp? When I first heard of Sony Camp, I knew I wanted to apply. I really wanted to be able to provide respite for parents of children with disabilities, and I also wanted to create a memorable and exciting experience for children who can’t, or are told they can’t, participate in other opportunities. What sorts of things did you do with the campers? In the three days we spent at TGS looking after the guests, we swam in the Grammar pool, had a visit from a helicopter, police car, army truck and fire truck, had a movie night and a disco, did activities in the gym, junior school and on the oval, and so many more fun activities. The camp provides so many exciting activities which are facilitated by staff members and Year 12 helpers. Who was your camping buddy? My guest was an 11-year-old girl named Maddy. She was born with cerebral palsy and has an intellectual impairment. Maddy loved the visit from the helicopter and swimming in the pool, she was an incredibly sweet and beautiful girl who really enjoyed the camp.

with Amelia Ramia, Sony Camp participant Were there any memorable or heartwarming moments during your time at the camp?

Sony Camp also teaches you to really be there for the people around you.

One of my favourite memories was at the disco, when Maddy, who had mostly stuck pretty close to her companions all weekend, was dancing with another friend she had made and was having a really good time. It was really nice to see her really enjoying herself.

There are people who you don’t know or might not usually talk to, but if their guest is running towards you and they are chasing after them, you help them.

Another especially rewarding moment was when Maddy was brushing her teeth and turned to me and said “I had lots of fun”. We had been doing so many fun things and Maddy seemed like she was enjoying it all, but to hear her say it made the whole weekend worth it. What did your experience at Sony Camp teach you? And how has it influenced you and your life beyond the camp experience? Sony Camp definitely tested my patience and ability to keep going, but it was the most rewarding opportunity for me. It gave me a small insight into what parents of children with disabilities experience every day, and knowing that I gave Maddy’s mum a break to go away for the weekend was a huge boost for me, it made me feel like I had made a difference for that family.

You need to work with the people around you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. In what ways do you think the camp impacts the families of special needs children? As I mentioned earlier, Sony Camp provided my guest’s mum to go away for the weekend and have a little holiday. Other parents spent time with their other children who can sometimes be overshadowed by the needs of their sibling. Sony Camp really gives parents who may receive little to no regular respite a chance to rejuvenate. It is also a really positive experience for most guests and they love getting to do all of these exciting activities and be part of a big group. Best part about being on the camp? The best part was definitely seeing

Maddy happy. When you give 100% to one person and are just doing everything to make sure they have a good time, it is so rewarding to actually see them having a good time. For any girl who may be on the fence about being part of next year’s Sony Camp, what advice do you have for them? Do not do it if you aren’t willing to put everything in. It will be exhausting, it will be challenging, but you will feel so good about giving your all to that one child, and when they have a good time, you forget the exhaustion straight away. Your guest will be your number one priority for those three days and your every waking moment will be spent making sure that they are safe and happy. It really is the most rewarding experience, and I know I have said this a lot, but it is, and when you can see that your guest had a good time and

their family had a good time, you will see that you did a really good thing and you made a difference for someone. To all the girls who want to do it next year, I encourage you to sign up, I believe you will find it challenging in the best way! Please feel free to chat to me about any questions or worries about the camp if you are considering it.

AROUND THE GROUNDS Fairholme Team Sports Awards Queensland Orienteering Representatives

Sorenson (Showjumping Captain), Anastasia Topolov (Eventing Vice Captain), Congratulations to Abigail Barnes, Charlotte Ostwald (Combined Kari Brennan and Alexandra Training Captain), Isabella Edwards on their fantastic efforts Ostwald, Kate Frith, Josephine representing Queensland at the Ostwald, Abbey Gordon, Georgie Australian Schools Orienteering Hill, Geneva Searle, Kaida Championships. MacDonald, Kendra MacDonald Highlights included: and Annabelle Rogan. > Alexandra Edwards and Abigail Barnes winning a Silver medal for the Junior Girls relay team.

All riders performed exceptionally well with a number of girls achieving top 10 placings across > A bronze medal for all three girls all disciplines. in the overall Junior Girls Teams Notable achievements included: competition. > Charlotte Ostwald - Reserve > A top 10 finish for Kari Brennan Champion Combined Training in the Sprint ‘Urban’ event, 105cm placing 9th overall and 5th > Georgie Hill - Reserve Australian. Champion Combined Training > 6th overall and 4th Australian 80cm for Alexandra Edwards in the All Schools Touch Long ‘Bush’ event. Congratulations to our touch Australian Interschool Equestrian footy girls on a fantastic Gold Championships Coast Titans All Schools carnival! 12 Fairholme girls recently Our Under 15 team went through represented Queensland at undefeated in the pool games, the Australian Interschool placing in the top 8 of 110 teams. Equestrian Championships held in Melbourne. The Under 13 Girls had four wins and two losses and our Under 18s Queensland Equestrian Team won three games, drew one and Members: Torra MacDonald lost two. Both teams placing top (Show Horse Captain), Simone three in their pool against some

tough competition. It’s our Junior Touch team’s turn next, heading to the Queensland Primary All Schools carnival in November. We wish them all the best. State Track and Field Our track & field athletes were on fire at the Queensland School Sport Track & Field Championships with many impressive top 10 results. A special mention to our five medallists: > Gold for Taylah Chapman in the Multi-Class Shot Put, Javelin, Discus and 200m, Silver in the 100m and Bronze in the 4 x 100m Relay > Gold for Lucy Barnes in the 1500m and a bronze in the 800m > Silver for Chelsea Gladwin in the 2000m Steeplechase > Bronze for Rose McLoughlin in the Hammer Throw > Bronze for Grace Vanzella in the 100m Hurdles Volleyball Champions Congratulations to our Year 7/8 Junior Volleyball team, who went through undefeated to win the Darling Downs Schools Cup. Well done girls and coaches!


IN THE ARTS Curtain Call

the Year


End of Year Middle & Senior School Arts Showcase & Awards

Isabella Lewis and Brigid Webb

Nia Saleh - Senior School

Talented Artists on Show

Encouragement Award

We’re very proud of our four Year 12 Art students currently exhibiting in the DDSWQ Region Creative Generation Exhibition.

Kelsey Mason - Junior School

Congratulations to all award recipients on your exceptional contribution and dedication to the Arts throughout the year. Outstanding Contribution to the Arts

Congratulations to Maggie Lattimore and Alyssa McDonald Senior School - Nia Saleh Smith who have both been awarded Excellence Awards, Middle School - Alicia Yap and Ava and to Laura Patterson who was Carrigan awarded a Commendation in these Instrumental Musician of the Year State-wide Awards. Senior School - Nia Saleh Maeve Toombes also represented Middle School - Alicia Yap & Aish Fairholme in these awards with her Prabu highly thought-provoking work about the Voice Referendum. Choral Musician of the Year Senior School - Isabelle Watts Middle School - Gabrielle Montefiore Dramatic Artist of the Year Senior School - Ruvarashe Maphosa

We are very excited that Maggie’s and Alyssa’s works will become part of the State-wide, Central Exhibition that will be held at Gallery of Modern Art in 2024. Fairholme Singers Shine

Dancer of the Year

The Toowoomba Choral Hall was filled with the sound of beautiful voices at the annual Fairholme Singing Studio Recital.

Senior School - Amelia O’Dea

Singer of the Year

Middle School - Ava Carrigan

Isabelle Watts (Year 12)

Visual Artist of the Year

Singer of the Day

Maggie Lattimore

Grace Ward - Junior School

Sound and Lighting Technician of

Gabrielle Montefiore - Middle

Middle School - Ava Carrigan, Lily Martin & Gabrielle Montefiore

Abi Barnes - Middle School Ruby Newell - Senior School State Champion Readers Congratulations to our Year 9/10 girls, Lily Martin, Hayley Clements, Serah Vimal, and Elana Schultheiss, who exhibited exceptional knowledge, earning them the State Champions at the Readers Cup in Brisbane. Our Year 7/8 squad clinched the State Runner-up title after an intense competition.

Curtain Call

The end-of-year Curtain Call Concert featured the incredible talents of our girls in The Fairholme Arts. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the evening’s entertainment!

On the pathway to success beyond the school gates

Thanks to the Fairholme Pathways Program, Year 11 student, Amelie Moore, is heading into Year 12 with the peace of mind of a guaranteed ATAR result Commencing a Certificate III in Education Support in Year 10, Amelie Moore is now fully qualified as an Education Support worker and has secured herself an ATAR rank of at minimum 68. Amelie’s passion for working with children lead her to choose the Certificate in Education Support and through completion of the course, she has been able to get a feel for what a future career in teaching may be like. ‘Doing a certificate while in school is a great option as it helps you decide if you want to do this as a career,’ Amelie said. ‘I completed most of the course in Year 10. I found it was a lot easier to get it done in Year 10 than Year 11, to fit in with workload and we had dedicated periods in the morning to do it.

‘The Certificate III in Education Support is just one of the many Pathway Programs available to Fairholme students in Years 10, 11 & 12. ‘By beginning a Pathway Program early in the girls’ senior schooling, it ensures they can make informed career and subject choices, having ‘tasted’ or experienced an area of interest outside the traditional subject offerings,’ Ms Anderson says. ‘Through completion of the Certificate III in Education Support, Amelie has already guaranteed herself an ATAR rank and has been afforded eight Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) points.’

‘If I’m studying at uni and want to get a job, this also gives me the option to work as a Teacher Aide or if I go overseas, I can use the ‘I’ve not only received a qualification, but it’s also given me experience to become a Nanny or a guaranteed ATAR which will help Governess,’ Amelie adds. me get into university.’ Amelie says that she enjoyed the practical hours she completed as Fairholme’s Pathways part of the course. Coordinator, Laura Anderson, is extremely proud of the opportunities the Pathways Program provides to students.

‘I did the 100 prac hours here on campus at the Junior School which made it really easy to get that part finished.

‘I did my prac with the Year One class and some work experience hours with the Year Two class. It was really fun, and the children seemed to really like having a young Teacher Aide working with their class. ‘When I finished my work experience, every girl did a drawing for me, and I received all of their drawings in a big folder which was really nice.’ In addition to the technical components of the course, Amelie found the practical experience helped her to learn important soft skills that will give her an edge when entering the workforce. ‘Doing the certificate taught me a lot of things other than just teaching. It taught me a lot about how to deal with different types of people and working with people with disabilities.’ We wish Amelie all the best as she heads into her final year at Fairholme and can’t wait to see where Amelie’s passion for education takes her over the coming years.

Fairholme Fashion Week

Fairholme Fashion Week - sponsored by Enterprise Legal -­brought an electrifying burst of creativity and style to the campus, as students stepped onto the catwalk and shone in a spectacular display of talent and fashion prowess. With months of preparation and dedication, these budding designers and models showcased their unique creations, turning the campus into a runway filled with glamour and innovation. The

event wasn’t just about clothing; it was a platform for self-expression, as students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines came together to celebrate their love for fashion. The catwalk was a vivid display of originality and individuality, as students confidently sashayed down the runway, owning the spotlight, and leaving the audience in awe. Congratulations to Head of Fashion, Ms Meisi, and all involved in a stunning Fairholme Fashion Week!

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Spring Fair The rides, the food, the fairy floss, the fashion, the smiles, the sunshine - Spring Fair 2023 was a cracking success! Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors, parents, staff and girls for a great day at Fairholme.

Thanks to our amazing Platinum Sponsor!

Presenting fairholme

Presenting Fairholme awards The Award for Original and Significant Contribution to College Life Aishwarya Prabu The Chairman’s Award for Positive Care and Support of Peers Gemma Sullivan General Merit Matilda Browning, Georgia Cussons, Yuexin Deng, Evelyn Dowling, Felicity Fagan, Greta Goddard, Stella Hanmore, Heidi Kassab, Claire Longmire, Arabella McDouall, Heidi Miller, Eva Newell, Felicity Piccini, Aishwarya Prabu, Giselle Statham, Amelia Taylor, Rosemary Wilson Multi-Class Sportswoman of the Year Taylah Chapman The Award for Original and Significant Contribution to College Life Layla Magarey The Chairman’s Award for Positive Care and Support of Peers Alicia Yap General Merit Alexia Davey, Mila Faletau, Zoe Hurford, Isabella Kentish, Charlotte Lee, Layla Magarey, Aemilia Moar, Emily Moore, Maeve Morison, Matilda Morton, Ruby Murphy, Avantika Saji, Caitlin Schultheiss, Sophie Willingham, Alicia Yap, Helen Yong The Chairman’s Award for Positive Care and Support of Peers Bronte Callachor The Madge Chamberlin Middle School Cultural Award Ava Carrigan Middle School Sportswoman of the Year Mackenzie Grimes The Virginia Noakes Memorial Prize for Dedication Claire Macdonald The Dorothy Morton Encouragement Prize for Piano Claire Murphy The Quota Award for Service Sadhana Nathan The Award for Original and Significant Contribution to College Life Isabella Ostwald General Merit Anne Anderson, Francesca Barwick, Ava Carrigan, Rhea Desai, Alexandra Edwards, Eva Lancaster, Isabella Loughlin, Penelope Moffitt, Claire Murphy, Sadhana Nathan, Mia Riches, Amelia Roughan, Emma Salter, Grace Taylor, Serah Vimal, Emily Wade, Claire Willis Ardens sed Virens Award Kaylah Daniel-Stafford The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award Leora Dowling Maria Barr Memorial Prize for Visual Art Indianna Hitchcock The Chairman’s Award for Positive Care and Support of Peers Millicent Lockwood The Allan and Jeanette Faragher Spirit of Fairholme Award Ayesha Saleh The Award for Original and Significant Contribution to College Life Ebbeny Williams-Cherry The Chairman’s Award for Positive Care and Support of Peers Elli Zillman

General Merit Chloe Carmody, Molly Cleeve, Chanudi Dissanayake, Lara Ecroyd, Lilli Hamilton, Indianna Hitchcock, Zoe Hoare, Eleanor MacFarlane, Gracie Mack, Charlotte Mailler, Lara McPhie, Ruoqing Qiu, Elana Schultheiss, Katie Seaby, Geneva Searle, Julia Wainwright, Annie White, Rori Zimmerman The Chairman’s Award for Positive Care and Support of Peers Chloe Anoleck The Patricia Horrocks Memorial Prize for Diligence Clare Hogan The Fairholme Old Girls’ Association Bursary Ruby Newell The Cupples Family Prize Amelia Ramia The Professor WM Kyle Memorial Bursary Annabelle Rogan The Professor WM Kyle Memorial Bursary Kadence Wilson The Award for Original and Significant Contribution to College Life Rachel Yap The Gwen Gartshore Prize for Piano Rachel Yap General Merit Sruthi Gandu, Lyndsay Hales, Clare Hogan, Hannah Kassab, Sophie Khan, Emma Krieg, Abbie Loughlin, Lauren McAdam, Celina Mouzouris, Ruby Newell, Hannah Pocknee, Annabelle Rogan, Ankita Sajjan, Shumaila Wahab, Rachel Yap The Nicholas Byron Award for an Outstanding Captain of Sport Olivia Barnes The Waveney Browne Memorial Award for Conscientious Endeavour Katie Brock The Rita Moreton Award for Servant Leadership Phoebe Callcott The Rita Moreton Award for Servant Leadership Janithya Dharmawardhane The Mrs Margaret Cameron Prize for Work and Character Isabella Doyle The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Future Innovators Award Sophia Finlay The Allan Faragher Memorial Award for Head Day Girl Holly Ford The Daisy Culpin Memorial Award for Leadership and Work Holly Ford The Phyllis Lovell Memorial Bursary Holly Ford The Rita Moreton Award for Servant Leadership Maddison Griffin Prefect for Sport Emerson Hamblin Senior School Sportswoman of the Year Emerson Hamblin The Moderator’s Prize for Christian Leadership Isabella Horsburgh The Award for Outstanding Service to the College Isabella Lewis The Community Service Award Isabella Lewis The Patrea O’Shea Memorial Award for an Outstanding Captain of The Arts Isabella Lewis

Presenting Fairholme awards Ray Powell Cup for Work and Sport Maya Lynch The Rita Moreton Award for Servant Leadership Ruvarashe Maphosa The Patrea O’Shea Memorial Award for an Outstanding Captain of The Arts Amelia O’Dea Significant Contribution in Work, Sport, Cultural Activities and Leadership Laura Patterson The Award for Outstanding Service to the College Tharushika Perera The Nancy Shaw Prize for Head Girl Tharushika Perera The Pat Jackson Prize for Responsibility and Initiative of a Day Girl Georgia Quinn Ampol Best All-Rounder Award Nia Saleh The Bob Balsillie Memorial Award for the Prefect for The Arts Nia Saleh Lindsay Statham Memorial Award for Contribution to The Arts Nia Saleh The Mayoral School Achievement Medal Racheal Saltner Dr Ros Dunlop Prize for Outstanding Commitment Primrose Slack-Smith The Janet Abberton Memorial Award Maeve Toombes The Award for Original and Significant Contribution to College Life Isabelle Watts The Award for Work and Artistic Endeavour Isabelle Watts The Patrea O’Shea Memorial Award for an Outstanding Captain of The Arts Brigid Webb The Marshall Award for Positive Attitude and Helpfulness in the Boarding House Amelia Webster The Phyllis Lovell Memorial Bursary Amelia Webster The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award Johannah Whittle The Chairman’s Award for Positive Care and Support of Peers Bridie Worland The Friends of Boarding Award for Responsibility and Initiative of a Boarder Bridie Worland The Prize for Head Boarder Bridie Worland Economics Award Claire Apel Music Award Tessa Beci Essential English Award Halle Belford Accounting Award Caitlyn Bowling Biological Science Award Mali Brennan German Award Mali Brennan General Merit Mali Brennan Literature Award Abigail Crocker French Award Janithya Dharmawardhane General Merit Janithya Dharmawardhane Belle Gillies Memorial Award for Specialist Mathematics Isabella Doyle Mathematical Methods Award Isabella Doyle Modern History Award Isabella Doyle Mrs Norma Thomas Memorial Award for Dedication in Year 12 French Studies Isabella Doyle

General Merit Isabella Doyle, Chloe Ecroyd, Sophia Finlay The Beverley-Anne Schmidt Award for Love of Literature Holly Ford General Merit Holly Ford Agricultural Science Award Caitlin Gray The Mrs M Snow Memorial Award for General Mathematics Caitlin Gray The Mater Education Pursuit of Health Excellence Award Isabella Horsburgh Patricia Sulewski Geography Award Summer I’Anson TAFE Queensland Outstanding Vocational Student Award Summer I’Anson General Merit Maya Lynch The Mrs Robyn Jones Award for a Dedicated Student of Ancient History Torra MacDonald General Merit Rose Malone General Merit Ruvarashe Maphosa English and Literature Extension Award Alyssa McDonald Smith Japanese Award Alyssa McDonald Smith Jeff Randall Memorial Award for Most Improved Student in Year 12 Accounting Eloise McKenzie General Merit Shenali Mikkelsen Dance Award Amelia O’Dea General Merit Eliza Paffey Physical Education Award Laura Patterson Fashion Award Tharushika Perera The Lady Persia Galleghan Memorial English Award Georgia Quinn Chemistry Award Julia Rathie Physics Award Julia Rathie General Merit Julia Rathie Music Extension Award Nia Saleh General Merit Nia Saleh Essential Mathematics Maddison Seawright Hospitality Award Lucia Sperling General Merit Emily Tonkin Legal Studies Award Maeve Toombes Visual Art Award Maeve Toombes General Merit Maeve Toombes Sport and Recreation Award Anastasia Topalov Ancient History Award Grace Vanzella General Merit Grace Vanzella Psychology Award Georgina Walker General Merit Isabelle Watts General Merit Johannah Whittle The MacLaren Award Millicent Beattie, Maya Lynch, Tharushika Perera, Ella Richardson, Celine Thomas, Emily Tonkin, Maeve Toombes, Cherie Wilkinson Fairholme College Year 12 Summa Cum Laude Award Isabella Doyle, Holly Ford, Julia Rathie, Emily Tonkin, Grace Vanzella

Upcomingevents 10 Nov

Mother’s Long Lunch

16 Nov

Valedictory Dinner

17 Nov

Year 12 Final Assembly

17 Nov

Kindy-Year 3 Christmas Musical

19 Nov

Christmas Carols and Markets

22 Nov

Year 11 Breakfast

22 Nov

Junior School Presentation Morning

22 Nov

Year 7-9 End of Year Excursion - Movies

22 Nov

Interhouse Dance Competition

22 Nov

Term 4 Concludes

2024 23 Jan

Term 1 Commences

26 Jan

Australia Day Public Holiday

16 Feb

Interhouse Swimming Carnival

16 Feb

Year 7 Parent Information Session

16 Feb

Principal’s Welcome

24 Feb

ACER Scholarship Exams

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