Boarding at Fairholme

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Any concerns regarding a student’s health is to be directed to the Health Centre: P 4688 4613 / E


Stationery, books, uniform requirements and small essentials may be purchased from the HOLMEstore. A HOLMEstore account is generated for each girl at the commencement of her Fairholme journey

Term time opening hours: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 12.30pm-4pm Thursday/Friday 7.30am – 12.30pm

Important Contacts 2 From Fairholme College Principal 5 From Head of Boarding 6 Boarding Philosophy 8 Boarding House Structure 11 Student Leadership 12 Senior Committees and Leadership 13 Leave Procedures 14 Weekend Leave 15 Special Leave 16 Boarding House Routine 19 Living in the Boarding House 20 Medical Support 24 What to Bring 27 Packing List 27 Uniform Checklist 28
Boarding House Office 4688 4611 Duty Phone (in an emergency) 0487 319 888 Floor Supervisor Mobiles Black Dorms 0438 023 623 Upper South and Upper Jean Tassie Dorms 0438 032 659 Lower South and Lower Jean Tassie Dorms 0438 048 757 Nancy Shaw Dorms 0407 992 541 Head of Boarding 4688 4611 or 0417 004 467 Deputy Head of Boarding and Senior School Co-ordinator 4688 4611 or 0419 265 159 Assistant to Head of Boarding 4688 4663 Head of Wellbeing – Boarding 4688 4696 Middle and Junior School Co-ordinator 4688 4611 Academic Leave
academic-leave-request@fairholme.qld. Health Centre 4688 4613


We acknowledge the difficult decision involved in sending your daughter to Boarding School and thank you for the opportunity to journey with you, throughout her schooling. As a College, we will never be able to replace her real home, but we do seek to work with you in the provision of a safe, structured environment with clear expectations and guidelines which allow for her growth and learning.

For most of our Fairholme Boarder parents, the choice to send their daughter away is necessitated by their rural or remote location or seeking out opportunities for a rich and diverse education, not otherwise accessible. We pride ourselves on thinking as a Boarding School, and, as one of the largest in Australia, we know that it is important that we do.

Your daughter will become part of a large, vibrant community of girls, girls who will literally become her lifelong friendship network. She will be cared for and nurtured throughout her formative adolescent years; a time when stability, routine and support are deemed vital. Our Boarding staff, led by Head of Boarding, Ms Marguerite Dunne have a wealth of experience in working with girls of this age. Whilst they cannot be mum or dad, they are passionately interested in each girl and want to see them achieve their very best in all that they do.

There is much to do in all spheres – academic, cultural, sporting and service. We believe that the best education is a well-rounded one, founded in the College’s values where Christ-centred faith is the underpinning. Importantly, we look forward to the journey ahead and welcome you warmly, to the Fairholme Family.

‘Your preparation of today determines your achievement of tomorrow.’


The Fairholme Boarding House is not just a place to stay; it’s a home away from home. We are dedicated to fostering a sense of community, responsibility and personal growth within these walls.

Boarding at Fairholme College is a happy and rewarding experience for all. For over 100 years, boarders have played a valued and significant role in the life of the College. With 220 girls and staff living on campus, Boarders make up the ‘fabric’ of the College constituting over a third of the student body of the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools.

The College maintains a strong connection with rural families with current Boarding students predominately from country areas of Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Western Australia and a small number of girls joining us from overseas.

In the Boarding House we aim to create a friendly and supportive home where the boarders gain the social skills necessary to live happily together, showing respect and empathy for the needs of others, whilst growing in independence and self-reliance. We all live by the core values of the school: Christ-centred faith, respect, collaboration, seeking excellence and enjoyment.

A committed, qualified and professional team of teaching, residential and medical staff aim to provide the highest level of care and support and monitor the wellbeing of each individual boarder. Recent refurbishments in the Boarding House have created warm ‘home away from home’ living and communal spaces for the girls to relax and enjoy together.


Being a boarder can be very rewarding in a number of ways. Living on campus gives convenient access to an extensive range of activities and facilities, enabling each boarding student the opportunity to experience a balanced involvement in the academic, spiritual, sporting and cultural life of the College. The carefully designed study program and prep routine assists the girls with their academic studies.

There is also a sense of fraternity that is fostered amongst all of the Fairholme Boarders, with friendships being established that last a lifetime.

The connections made across friendship groups and year levels, and the care and concern that the girls experience themselves from the staff and students, or give to others, are the valued extra that boarding at Fairholme provides. All of these experiences nurture lifelong learning in each girl which is not left at the gate when she leaves at the end of her Fairholme journey but enables her to flourish beyond school.

As in any community, there may be times which may challenge, particularly for a new boarder (and her family) when she first transitions into the boarding community. At Fairholme we try to alleviate any anxiety and turn it into anticipation through visits to each new student and their family by academic and boarding staff members, in the year prior to entry, as well as through our September Orientation and January First Day programs. At all times, parents are encouraged to work in partnership with the boarding staff in ensuring their daughter/s enjoy the positive experience of their time in Fairholme Boarding.

Boarding does make a number of demands on the girls as they have to complete several routine tasks, many of which have been done for them previously. These might include getting their clothes to the laundry, making beds, keeping their belongings and their area tidy, and getting organised for school or prep or their extra- curricular activities. This can be greatly assisted if parents ensure their daughters are familiar with some of these tasks before they come to boarding school.

Just like at home our experienced staff are always on-hand to offer encouragement, care and support as girls learn to manage boarding life. A network of support from the Head of Boarding, Deputy Head of Boarding and Senior School Co-ordinator, Middle and Junior Schools Coordinator, Head of Wellbeing – Boarding, Floor Supervisors, School Nursing Staff, older Boarders and, if needed, College Social Worker or Head of House, is in most cases successful in helping the girls quickly adjust to their new situation and environment.

Part of the growth process involves learning to live with others and within the guidelines appropriate for a busy boarding house. As past boarding parents will attest to, the girls will quickly build in confidence and independence during their time in our vibrant boarding community.

The Boarding House looks forward to welcoming you to Fairholme College. We hope your association with us will be a fulfilling and happy one.



Our aim is to create a warm and supportive environment where our girls can thrive academically, build lasting relationships and develop the skills they need for the future.

> Fairholme College Boarding House nurtures the growth and development of each girl within a safe and secure environment.

> Each girl is encouraged to reach her goals and the staff is sensitive to each girl’s physical, academic, emotional, spiritual, sporting and cultural needs

> Girls are encouraged to become responsible citizens who respect themselves and others, and who live harmoniously with others in a community whilst maintaining individuality

> Co-operation and consideration are fundamental principles underpinning the Boarding House

> Self-discipline is valued and each girl is encouraged to accept responsibility for her actions

> Parents are encouraged to visit the Boarding House as often as they wish. Communication between girls, parents and staff is fostered.




> Years 5 to 7 live in Nancy Shaw all year round

> Years 8 to 12 live throughout the Boarding House in vertically-structured floors of rooms but always sharing their room with their own year level. Each term, girls change rooms and room mates.


The Head of Boarding is responsible for the operation of the Boarding House. This entails establishing policy, communication with the parent body, staff matters, and student concerns. She provides a link between the Day School and the Boarding House and is to supervise the physical, emotional and spiritual development of the girls under her care while establishing effective communication with the parents.


The primary role of the Deputy Head of Boarding and Senior School Co-ordinator is the daily operation of the Boarding House. She also has a responsibility to oversee academic progress and the physical, emotional and spiritual development of the Senior School girls in the Boarding House.


The Middle School and Junior School Co-ordinator has a responsibility to oversee academic progress and the physical, emotional and spiritual development of the Middle and Junior School girls in the Boarding House.


The Boarding House provides another layer to the Boarders’ support network through our qualified staff who support and nurture the wellbeing of each individual girl.


The primary role of the floor supervisors is to be involved in the physical, emotional and spiritual development of each girl under their care in a day to day situation.


A Registered Nurse is available to girls throughout the day for health care and for making appointments with health professionals. There is also a Nurse-on-duty available to Boarders throughout the night.



Fairholme College encourages the development of leadership skills amongst the Boarders. Leadership opportunities are available for all students.


Prefects are expected to be fine ambassadors of the Boarding House and excellent role models for their peers and the younger boarders.

Each Prefect is responsible for setting high standards of behaviour and is to show pride in wearing the Fairholme uniform.

Prefects must be willing to set these high standards, talk regularly with the girls, attend weekly meetings with the Head of Boarding, assist in the operation of Boarder events and on occasions the organised weekend activities, and diligently perform their respective duties.


The Chairperson (Head Boarder) of this Council will:

> Form a committee of representatives from each year level

> Organise regular meetings of the committee

> Discuss the needs of students in the Boarding community

> Organise regular meetings for the committee with the Catering Manager to discuss weekly menu

> Raise funds for Boarder charities

> Perform other duties as requested by the Head of Boarding.

‘A leader is best when people barely knows she exists, when her work is done, her aim fulfulled, they will say: we did it ourselves.’



The Chairperson of this committee will:

> Form a committee of Year 11 Boarders

> Organise regular meetings with the committee

> Develop service leadership – creating activities and overseeing service eg World Vision Sponsorship etc

> Work with the committee to develop strategies for service opportunities within the Boarding community and beyond

> Perform other duties as requested by the Head of Boarding.


The Chairperson of this committee will:

> Form a committee of Year 11 Boarders

> Organise regular meetings of the committee

> Oversee the Boarder Communications page on myFairholme updating photos, activities and boarders’ birthdays etc.

> Liaise with the Publications and Promotions Department to provide current information on Boarding activities and events

> Perform other duties as requested by the Head of Boarding.


The Chairperson of this committee will:

> Form a committee of Year 11 Boarders

> Organise regular meetings with the committee

> Suggest and develop ecologically sustainable practices within the Boarding House, eg Water saving strategies

> Work with the Head of Boarding to maintain a pleasant boarding environment (the design and

upkeep of furniture and facilities)

> Perform other duties as requested by the Head of Boarding.


The Chairperson of this committee will:

> Form a committee of Year 11 Boarders

> Organise regular meetings with the committee

> Suggest and implement activities for each year group, both separately or together

> Work with the Head of Boarding and the Deputy Head of Boarding to organise social activities with Boarders from other schools

> Perform other duties as requested by the Head of Boarding.


The Chairperson of this committee will:

> Form a committee of Year 11 Boarders

> Organise regular meetings

> Liaise with the Head of Boarding and the Head of Wellbeing – Boarding to organise the Big Sister Program for new Boarders

> Provide ongoing support and care for the Boarders and design activities to provide this support

> Perform other duties as requested by the Head of Boarding.

‘As leaders, we are here to guide, inspire and help our fellow boarders make the most of their boarding experience. Together, we are creating a second family where every girl flourishes.’

- From the Head Boarder



The fundamental principle underlying the leave policy is that parents or guardians will be able to take their daughters on leave at any time except on the one closed weekend in the year. However, parents are reminded that the expectation of the College is that girls attend all classes for the duration of the school term.

Parents must give permission for all weekend leave their daughters take from the Boarding House. Fairholme College uses the automated online system REACH for parents to apply and approve leave for their daughter. REACH is a web-based application which is available for parents to use 24/7 from any PC, tablet computer or mobile device that has internet access. When your daughter starts at the College parents and girls will receive their unique ID and password which will allow them to log onto the Fairholme REACH portal to organise and therefore give their permission for all leave for their daughter.

Parents are responsible for entering suitable hosts’ details into this system. All weekend leave applications need to be submitted by 5pm on the Wednesday before leave is to be taken.

Boarders must be signed out and accompanied on leave by a responsible adult over the age of 21. Girls may not travel in cars driven by provisional drivers except when the driver is a sibling and written permission has been received from the parents (by way of our sibling driving indemnity form).

Leave is only granted to hosts other than parents for whom a name, address, email address and phone number have been entered into parents’ REACH account.

Boarders going on leave must be collected from, and returned to, the Boarding House personally by the host.

‘Boarding at Fairholme has given me the space to grow, both academically and personally, and I have loved every minute of this journey...’
- Boarder, Bridie Worland


Girls may go on leave with their parents on any weekend (with the exception of the one closed weekend). Girls may check out in good civvies. If girls are returning from leave on a Monday morning (for parental leave only), they must arrive before 8am, in school uniform.

good civvies and return in time for Prep

>Tea Leave is available Friday-Saturday and girls may be in uniform or good civvies and return by 8pm

> For special occasions and for those who are from further away, a later return time may be available by negotiation


Friday 3.20pm onwards return by 8pm (note: dinner is at 6pm, please do not interrupt the meal)

Saturday 9am onwards, return by 8pm Sunday 9am onwards, return by 6.30pm

Monday 8am return, for parents only, with girls dressed in school uniform

> Overnight Leave during the week is only available to parents. Girls are to return in uniform by 8am the next day

> Other leave for girls, such as birthday dinners, is given at the discretion of the Head of Boarding.


If there has been any change to leave situations during the weekend, please contact the Boarding Office by phone 07 4688 4611 or email ( and advise changes. It is essential that accurate travel information is communicated to the Boarding House, so that the girls’ safety is ensured.


Any leave involving academic time should be directed to the Deputy Principal ( with a copy to the Head of Boarding ( au)

Leave that does not impact on academic time is to be submitted via REACH as normal.


> Afternoon Leave is available with parents and family members from 3.30pm until 5.30pm and girls may be in uniform or good civvies

> Tea Leave is available Monday-Thursday to parents and family and girls may be in uniform or

The first weekend of the school year is deemed closed and parents are requested not to take girls out. It is an opportunity for the whole Boarding House to connect through specially-planned activities and to celebrate our community spirit.


A sleepover weekend is held for Year 7 Boarders and Day Girls at the College as a get-toknow-you activity. We then ask day families to reciprocate and take a Boarder out on leave.


> Parents are asked not to request that girls are granted permission to leave school early on Fridays or at the end of term.

> Normal classes are held on the final day of each term and a full school assembly is also conducted during which important announcements are made and awards presented to girls

> At the end of each term, there is a travel day for families who cannot collect their daughters after school on the last day of term. Girls may catch planes or buses on this day and meals will be provided for them before they leave.



The table below shows the special leave options (by year level) that are on offer for the girls to enjoy with other boarders whilst they are in residence in the Boarding House. An adult does not accompany boarders on this leave. At the start of each year parents sign and return a consent form indicating the leave/privileges that they give their daughter permission to have.

Special leave occurs in the context of trust, with the understanding that the girls strictly follow the arrangements that are approved in regard to company, venue, transport and times of return. It is also understood that the girls’ behaviour whilst on leave must be in accordance with school policy and student code of conduct.

Apart from taxi fares which will be placed on a parent’s school account, all costs of any special leave will need to be paid by the girls at the time of the leave.

Year 7

In the company of other Year 7 Boarders

After school walk/ run on designated local walking track in groups of two or more

Year 8

In the company of other Year 8 Boarders

Sunday Morning Leave (between 9am-12pm) to Mary and Bridge Street shops (minimum of three)

After school walk/ run on designated local walking track in groups of two or more

Year 9

In the company of other Year 9 Boarders

Saturday Leave (between 9am12pm and 1pm4pm) to Mary and Bridge Street shops (minimum of three)

Sunday Morning Leave (between 9am12pm) to Mary and Bridge Street shops (minimum of three)

After school walk/run on designated local walking track in groups of two or more

Year 10

In the company of other Year 10 Boarders

Weekday After School Leave to Mackenzie Row shop on one afternoon per week (return by 5pm)

Phone and laptop privileges on Friday evening - devices are not put in phone/laptop cupboards overnight

Saturday Leave (between 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm) to Mary and Bridge Street shops (minimum of two)

Sunday Morning Leave (9am-12pm) to Mary and Bridge Street shops (minimum of two)

After school walk/run on designated local walking track in groups of two or more


Year 11

In the company of other Year 11 Boarders

Saturday Shopping Leave in downtown Toowoomba between 9am-3pm)

Weekday After School

Shopping Leave at Grand Central on one afternoon per week (return by 5.30pm)

Saturday or Sunday Movie Leave to either Grand Central or The Strand Cinemas (return by 4.30pm)

Weekday After School

Leave to Mackenzie Row shop on two afternoons per week (return by 5pm)

Saturday Leave (between 9am-12pm and 1pm4pm) and Sunday Leave (between 9am-12pm and 2.30pm-4pm) to Mackenzie Row or Mary and Bridge Street shops

After school walk/run on designated local walking track in groups of two or more

Year 12

In the company of other Year 12 Boarders

Friday or Saturday Evening Dinner Leave to nearby Cafe Valetta, The Finch (East), Everest Spice Curry House (Margaret Street), Toowoomba Thai (Bridge Strteet) or Eastville Cafes in Cohoe Street (return by 8pm)

Weekend Breakfast/Morning Tea/Lunch Leave (between 8.30am-1pm) at nearby Parkhouse Cafe, Cafe Valetta, The Finch (East), Wendland Olives, Oscar and Charlie, or Eastville Cafes on a Saturday or Sunday morning

Friday Afternoon Tea Leave at nearby Parkhouse Cafe, The Finch (East), Wendland Olives, Raw Energy, or Eastville Cafes (return by 5.30pm)

Sarurday Shopping Leave (between 9am-3pm) in downtown Toowoomba

Weekend Movie Leave at Grand Central on a Friday afternoon/early evening(return by 8pm), or at either Grand Central or The Strand Cinemas on a Saturday or Sunday (return by 4.30pm)

Weekday After School Shopping Leave at Grand Central (return by 5.30pm)

Football Leave on Saturday afternoons to attend TGS home Rugby games at TGS (return by 5pm)

Weekend Streaming Services Access Privilege for account holders

Weekday After School Leave to Mackenzie Row shop on two afternoons per week (return by 5pm)

Saturday (between 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm) and Sunday Leave (between 9am-12pm and 2.30pm-4pm) to Mackenzie Row or Mary and Bridge Street shops

After school walk/run on designated local walking track in groups of two or more




6.45am Rise and shine, collect or deposit laundry

7 – 7.30am Open breakfast, girls attend in correct school uniform

7.45am Girls return to dorms, make beds and tidy up their room

8.20am Girls have left for school. Boarding House is closed for the school day

3.20pm Girls return to the Boarding House

Sport and other activities occur

6pm Dinner in the Dining Room (dress – good civvies)

7pm Supervised homework begins

8pm Years 5 to 7 complete Prep

8.15pm Year 8 completes Prep

8.30pm Years 5 to 8 lights out, Years 9 and 10 return to the Boarding House

9.10pm Year 9 lights out

9.30pm Year 10 lights out

10pm Year 11 lights out and Year 12 in their rooms


8am Open breakfast

9am Day Leave begins

After tidying up, leave for shopping (in uniform)

Attend sport (throughout the day)

12.30pm Lunch in the Dining Room

6pm Dinner in the Dining Room

8pm Return from day leave

9.30pm Lights out depending on activities


8am Breakfast 9am Day Leave begins

12.30pm Lunch in the Dining Room

6pm Dinner in the Dining Room

6.30pm Return from weekend leave / Office is closed / Boarders’ Chapel

8.30pm Years 5 to 8 lights out

9pm All other years lights out



The Boarding House operates with a routine that is designed to suit the development and age of the girls living in the particular environment

Each morning girls are encouraged to

> Make their beds

> Leave nothing on the floor

> Place clothes/personal belongings in their wardrobes and drawers

> Hang wet towels and swimming costumes on towel rails

> Place shoes and/or sporting equipment away

> Leave their desks and dressing tables in an orderly fashion

> Empty their waste paper bin

> Open blinds and windows

> Turn off all lights/heaters/fans

> Leave doors opened.


Common areas with kitchenettes are provided throughout the Boarding House for all girls to use. Girls are asked

> to work together to keep these areas clean and tidy

> Utensils and crockery are to be cleaned and put away immediately after use and not left for others to clean up

> No personal items are to be left in common areas.



Boarders attend the Boarding House Chapel Service every Sunday evening during term time.

These services are conducted by either the College Head of Ministry and Mission or the Head of Wellbeing – Boarding.

The girls are often involved in the planning and organisation, or take a special role, in the Service.


All clothing needs to be clearly named, including civvies. Cupboard space is limited so carefully select clothing to bring.


The College uses Linewize products on school laptops, and monitors use of technology on these devices during school term whenever students are logged in to the school network.

For privately-owned devices, the college has partnered with Linewize to provide the Qustodio Parent app to enable parents to monitor and manage their daughter’s usage of these devices within the Boarding House and elsewhere.

Qustodio’s Parent App is available to parents without charge and will provide parents with insights into their child’s online activity, as well as the essential features to create a safe online environment for them. The app works on all popular devices and will provide you with the following parental controls for up to two personal devices: web filtering, seven-day activity reports, safe search, screen time monitoring, restricted time periods, daily time limits.

While using the school IT facilities, Boarders must comply with the expectations of the College’s IT Facilities - Acceptable Use Policy. This includes use of email, the internet, printers, scanners, laptops, iPods, iPads, phones and any other technology.

For safety and responsible use of laptops, Years 5 to 10 girls store their laptops in the laptop cupboards on their return from Prep at night and collect them in the morning before school.


Mobile phones are permitted in the Boarding House under the following conditions:

> Responsibility for the security of the phone remains with the owner

> Girls need to record their phone number with the Boarding House

> Phones cannot be used during school, homework times or after lights out

> Girls in Years 5 to 9 may collect their phones after school and are to hand their phones to the staff member on duty before prep. A graduated access to mobile phones is in place for younger students

> Girls may not take photos of other girls that create a breach of privacy.


> Girls attend every meal and a roll is taken

> On weeknights, formal tables are allocated on a rotational basis and girls remain at these tables for the duration of the meal

> Girls dress appropriately for meals and wear good civvies, not uniform, for dinner

> Punctuality is a courtesy and girls must come to meals on time

> Good table manners are important and will be encouraged.


Only small electrical appliances may be used to avoid overloading electrical circuits.


> When the fire alarm sounds everyone is to leave the building as quickly as possible and stand in their floor groups on the North Lawn outside the Dining Room

> All names will be checked by a staff member assisted by Year 12 students

> When a fire alarm occurs at night, girls need to put on shoes and bring their doonas with them

> If a fire alarm occurs when it is raining, the Dining Room may be used as a gathering point if it is safe

> Evacuation procedure notices are displayed in prominent positions on each floor. Girls are to familiarise themselves with the procedure.


> Any food in dormitories must be kept in plastic, airtight containers and be consumed in communal areas

> Common Room kitchens are used for making tea, soup, noodles, popcorn and the like. Anyone using a kitchen is responsible for cleaning it after she is finished.


> All girls complete supervised homework throughout the week

> Years 5 to 10 are supervised by academic Staff at the College from Monday – Thursday

> Years 5 to 8 have prep from 7-8.15pm

> Years 9 and 10 have prep from 7-8.30pm


> Years 11 and 12 complete Prep in the Boarding House from 7pm

> There is a weekend Prep session on Sundays usually from 1-2.30pm

> Girls have time before school, after school and on weekends to complete unsupervised homework.


> Virtual library: The Greta Centre Onlineavailable 24/7 via the Fairholme Intranet.

> Weekdays from 8am until 4pm (this may change during the year)


Tutorials covering all major subject areas are offered free of charge from Monday to Thursday. Times for these are published on notice boards in the school and in the Parent Lounge of myFairholme under ‘General Information for Parents’. Academic staff are professional and diligent in their teaching practices and offer many opportunities for girls to access extra assistance.


Boarders may practise in the Music rooms before

and after school and on weekends. Music lessons occur during weekdays.


> Bed linen and towels are provided but girls are encouraged to bring their own doonas (and fitted sheets if they prefer)

> Sheet change is on Tuesdays. Girls strip their beds and take their sheets to the laundry before school

> After school, clean sheets are distributed by the supervisors and beds are made before dinner

> Clean towels are available on Mondays and Thursdays

> Other clothing is to be taken to the laundry and placed in the correct tub before school and may be collected after school until 4pm

> The Dry Cleaner calls on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and dry cleaning will be charged to your account

> All clothing and possessions need to be clearly named

> A washing machine and tumble dryer is available for Year 12 and Year 11 girls wanting to do their own washing

> Several irons and ironing boards are available.


Any concern regarding a student’s health is to be directed to the Health Centre:

P 4688 4613


Nursing Staff will attend the girl and decide whether further medical attention is required and make the necessary arrangements. If necessary, the Nurse-

on-duty will contact parents to inform them of the situation concerning their daughter

> Sick girls may remain in the Health Centre overnight under the care of the Nurse-onduty

> All Medication (including vitamins, pain killers and prescription medication) is to be handed into the Health Centre. Girls are not permitted to keep medication in their dorms

> The Nurse-on-duty dispenses medication at the Health Centre and in this way, can monitor each girl’s health

> A Pharmacy account can be opened by parents whilst their daughter is boarding at the College.


Special diets may be catered for if documentation is supplied from a medical practitioner.


> On Monday and Friday, a doctor runs a clinic at the Health Centre for girls who are unwell and need short appointments

> Nursing Staff will organise for girls to attend the clinic or if they need longer appointments, organise for them to attend the doctor’s surgery and organise taxi transportation of the girl to the appointment

> Arrangements for any Orthodontist or other specialist appointments must be made by parents (if possible these appointment times should occur after school hours) and details advised to the Health Centre as soon as you are aware of them.


Good personal hygiene is most important. The spread of germs is minimised by washing hands before meals and gel wash is provided outside the Dining Room, which girls use before entering Boarders should have some form of footwear on around the Boarding House and College including wearing thongs in the shower.


Girls are advised to not keep large amounts of money at school. An ATM situated outside the Principal’s Office is available for the girls’ use.

Each girl is provided with a lock-box in which to keep valuables.

However, the responsibility for these valuables rests with each student.

Expensive and precious items should not be Brought to the Boarding House.

Passports of overseas students may be handed in to the Head of Boarding for safekeeping.


No girl is to travel in a car with a learner or provisional driver unless she is a sibling and has written parental permission (by way of our sibling driving indemnity form)

Girls, with approval from the Head of Boarding and a driving indemnity form completed by parents, may drive a nominated vehicle to and from Fairholme College only for the purpose of going to and from the family home for leave with parents

> The vehicle is not to be driven whilst in the care of hosts and other students may not be transported in the vehicle

> The vehicle will be housed somewhere suitable off campus and the College can take no responsibility for the vehicle.


Girls change rooms each term to get to know one another better.

Once a year, girls may request a room with particular friends and this will be given strong consideration.

Every attempt is made to ensure that the girls have an opportunity to experience all the different aspects, including different types of rooms in the Boarding House, throughout their time at Fairholme.


On Saturdays, girls may go shopping to the Grand Central Shopping Mall for 2.5 hours, in uniform, with supervisors.

Unsupervised Saturday shopping leave in downtown Toowoomba is also available to Year 11s and Year 12s under the Boarder Special Leave privileges.

During the week shopping is available after school to Year 12s and Year 11s (once a week), who may request a taxi to town. Girls must be in uniform

If girls from other years need to go to town, they need to request special permission and must be accompanied by a Year 12 Boarder. All girls must be in uniform

Boarder special leave including shopping to Mackenzie Row and Mary Street shops may be available to different year levels as per the Boarder Special Leave.



Stationery, books, uniform requirements and small essentials may be purchased from the HOLMEstore.

A HOLMEstore account is generated for each girl at the commencement of her Fairholme journey

HOLMEstore term-time opening hours:

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 12.30pm-4pm

Thursday/Friday 7.30am – 12.30pm

Safety of the girls in the Boarding House is of utmost importance.

Girls must sign out to approved locations after school and during weekends whenever they are out of the building.

All exterior doors are locked and alarmed at 5.30pm, all other doors are security-alarmed by 7pm, except the door through the Office.

A security officer patrols the Boarding House surrounds throughout the night.



Television may be watched in Common Rooms until 5.30pm on weekdays and any time during the weekend, with the discretion of the staff on duty. Movies are available to be borrowed for viewing on the weekends.

Girls may wear casual clothes in the Boarding House and to dinner. More details regarding uniform may be found at the back of this booklet, in the Student Diary or on the College website (HOLMEstore area).



Travel to appointments or sporting commitments is by taxi and charged to parents’ accounts.

Travel arrangements at the beginning and end of term need to be submitted into REACH two weeks before the travel date.

If after travel girls are arriving back on a school day, they must arrive in uniform. Weekend travel requests need to be submitted into REACH by the Wednesday prior to the travel date.


Full school uniform is worn to breakfast on weekdays, shopping on Saturdays, and returning from weekend leave on weekdays.

All visitors report to the Boarding House Office and sign the visitor’s book. Boys may visit on Saturday and Sunday afternoons for two hours. Males are not permitted in the Boarding House except for the first or last day of each term to help with luggage.


The Boarding House, in conjunction with the Recreation Committee, organise a proposed program of activities for each weekend during the term. Activities are co-ordinated with schools in Toowoomba and Warwick.

Some activities offered are games afternoons, movies, shopping, ten-pin bowling, theatre productions, arts and crafts, visits to theme parks and walks.



It is important to bring items to school that make the girls’ space comfortable and homelike. Photographs, mementos and stuffed toys can help but too much clutter makes it hard to be tidy so parents are asked to monitor the amount of luggage brought to school.

• doona, doona cover, pillow (and fitted sheets if preferred)

• school-supplied laptop

• sporting equipment

• casual wear for afternoons and weekends

• warm items for those really cold Toowoomba days

• 3 smart casual outfits

• 2 pairs summer pyjamas

• 2 pairs winter pyjamas

• 1 dressing gown

• 2 jackets/jumpers/cardigans

• warm shirts

• 1 mending kit

• 1 clothes brush

• 1 plastic bucket (for laundry use)

• 1 large airtight plastic food container

• 1 coffee mug

• clothes pegs (optional)

• 1 umbrella

• outdoor hat

• sunscreen

• underwear and socks as required

• 1 pair shoes for indoor use

• 1 pair rubber thongs (to wear in shower only)

• jeans, shorts, and T-shirts for casual wear

• extra name tags

• togs and towel

• coat and skirt hangers

• 1 sponge bag

• soap and soap box

• 1 toothbrush and toothpaste

• 1 laundry bag for general items

• 2 laundry bags for underwear and socks

• hairdryer

• face washers

• tissues and/or handkerchiefs

• 1 shoe cleaning outfit

• 1 large lunch box (for excursions)

All miscellaneous items need to be clearly marked with the owener’s name in indelible ink. Footwear is to be worn at all times.



All Year Round Uniform Requirements

• College blazer

• College panama hat

• College jumper

• Black lace-up college-style shoes

• College badge (to be worn on the left collar of the summer uniform and on the left blazer lapel in winter)

• House badge (to be worn on the right collar of the summer uniform and on the right blazer lapel in winter)

• College sports shorts or skirt (boarders require two)

• College sports polo shirt

• College sports socks (boarders require three)

• Predominately white joggers

• College tracksuit

Team uniforms are purchased from the HOLMEstore and charged to accounts.

Coaching staff will notify girls when uniforms are available for purchase. The HOLMEstore is located on the Bridge Street side of the College, underneat the Gymnasium.

Hours of operation can be found on the website.

• College house polo shirt (Black - black, Cameron - yellow, Powell - green, Stephens - blue)

• College sports bucket hat or cap

• College swimmers

• House swimming cap

• Swimming goggles

• College sports bag

• College hoodie (optional)

• Laundry bags (boarders require two)

• College scarf (optional)

• Tartan or navy hair accessories



• Regulation white short-sleeve shirt or long-sleeve shirt (boarders require three)

• Tartan skirt to be worn mid-calf length

• Navy knee-high socks (boarders require 5 pairs)

• Navy plain pantyhose (boarders require 2 pairs)


• Tartan poly-cotton dress to be worn with hem level below the knee (boarders require three)

• Navy ankle socks with turnover (boarders require 5 pairs)

• Navy 40 denier pantyhose

Clothing should be named with sew-on tags suitable for laundering in industrial machines (available from the HOLMEstore)

This handbook is to be read in conjunction with the policies that can be found in myFairholme and also in the Student Diary.


Fairholme boarding has been an incredible experience for me.

forming life-long friendships and discovering who I truly am. it’s about learning independence, It’s not just about academics;

- Boarder, 2023

T 07 4688 4688 Proudly a College of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland Registered Provider (QLD): Fairholme College Toowoomba ABN: 16 917 099 053 CRICOS Provider Code: 03726D Handbook version Nov 2022

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