Fairholme Strategic Plan

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strategic plan

FLOURISHING sounds glorious, doesn’t it? Like spring flowers, or a wicked dance move. Flourishing is the end point of just a lot of hard work – but it is the point at which you can truly enjoy it, revel in it, take a deep breath and appreciate what you have achieved. It is just as important as ‘the burn’.

Following a year of community consultation throughout 2022, we are delighted to share a high level summary of our Strategic Plan for 2023–2026 with you. As we build upon the strongest enrolments ever experienced by our secondary school, we look to a continued strengthening of practice. In all that we do, we seek to honour our College’s motto: Ardens sed Virens - ‘burning yet flourishing’: a biblical reference to Moses and the burning bush, thus our foundation in Christ, as well as the Fairholme paradox which acknowledges that burning passion and hard work fuel our ability to flourish.

Undeniably, given that this Plan has been written in the third year of a global pandemic, there is a requisite shift in thinking as we strategise a future Fairholme. COVID-19 has disrupted the certainty of things but within that uncertainty lies greater opportunity for reimagining. The pillars upon which our Plan is founded speak to sustainability and renewal, enriching our communities, learning built on a foundation of wellbeing, and developing our people who determine our culture. Ultimately, our students are the focal point of all our endeavours and our Christian faith guides our practice.

We continue to focus upon the full Fairholme journey as a pathway to life beyond school. We envisage our school-leavers as confident, capable, hope-filled young women who can and will make a positive difference in their communities – locally and globally. Former principal Daisy Culpin (1922 – 1940), wrote in her first letter to the girls of Fairholme: “the honour of a school depends upon the honour of its members; what you ARE, the name of the school will be.”

Our strategic commitment is to create a richly inspirational environment where learning, in all its permeations, is central to students’ lives, in the present, and in the future. To do so, requires planning that is visionary and responsive; adaptive, and data-informed. Herewith, is an action plan for the future, and for all those who live and learn within Fairholme College during that time – may this continue to be a place of flourishing. Let us be mindful that “to keep us in the Infinite Game [of education], our Just Cause must be durable, resilient, and timeless” (Sinek, 2019).


Our strategic commitment is to create a richly inspirational environment where learning, in all its permeations, is central to students’ lives, in the present, and in the future.

the four pillars

We educate young women who approach their futures with hope, and the agency to lead positively within their communities.

Our Community lives its’ Christian faith and provides an inclusive, dynamic, and safe learning environment.

Ardens sed Virens: Burning yet Flourishing

Christ-Centred Faith is enacted through acknowledging God’s presence among us, believing and practising Jesus’ teachings as the core foundation of our community.

Collaboration is evidenced through the cohesive, considerate, and productive endeavours that occur within and between members of our community to enact a shared vision.

Enjoyment is the spirited engagement and joyful willingness to participate fully in all aspects of College life.

Respect is evident in our positive regard for one another in all interactions and communications. Seeking Excellence is demonstrated through embracing challenges and pursuing diverse learning pathways whilst never being complacent in goal setting or expectations.

The Four Pillars upon which our Strategic Plan is based:

- Learning and Teaching

- People and Culture

- Sustainability and Growth

- Community Engagement


We educate young women who approach their futures with hope, and the agency to lead positively within their communities.

learning and teaching

Our Teaching and Learning approach fosters the academic, wellbeing and learning growth of students through the use of current, evidence-informed practices.

Structuring our curriculum to support girls through embracing best practice of deep learning and rigour, whilst ensuring we are preparing our girls for success and to flourish beyond school

> We will develop and implement teaching and assessment programs that accommodate the updated V9 of the Australian Curriculum through the provision of professional learning experiences for staff. We will support the implementation of First Nations Australians perspectives within and across all learning areas in JS/MS/SS (with support of external indigenous experts in this field) and with the support of the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) group.

Responsive in our decision making, planning and analysis of student needs

> We will create and implement a whole-school Fairholme College Teaching and Learning Framework. We will implement a Progressive Reporting Model that enables all stakeholders access to current evidence of learning at key junctures across the school year.

Maintaining our position as a leading school for girls with focus on the output as well as celebrating and valuing the outcomes, for all learners

Continuing to be an evidence-informed school that values teachers as researchers

> Over 95% of eligible Year 12 girls will receive first preference university offers with 80% leaving with a Cert III or higher VET qualification. We will build further partnerships with leading universities to assist girls with early entry offers.

> We will provide opportunities for staff to self-identify areas of professional research interest within domains that attend to Fairholme priorities/strategic goals. We will undertake Research Projects in areas such as girls’ education, student-centered feedback and data collection. Our Research Projects will be in partnership with other educatonal institutions ISQ Griffith University, UniSQ, University Queensland.

Embedding technology in meaningful ways, fostering creativity and critical thinking of our girls through innovative use of technology to prepare our girls fora digital future

> We will utilise a range of adaptive technologies to differentiate assessment tools to cater for the range of learner needs within the classroom. We will continue to educate and empower girls and parents through utilisation of technology in purposeful ways. Fairholme girls will be active, responsible and engaged citizens who use technology to affect positive change and who also know how to be critical consumers of technology.


We will continue to be a leading school for girls with focus on the output as well as celebrating and valuing the outcomes, for all learners.

community engagement

Our connected community is invested in the vitality and welfare of all past, present and future members, through the growth of meaningful partnerships


Developing increased opportunities for our Alumni to participate in College life.

> Improving and increasing our communication methods with Alumni to facilitate easier engagement with the College.

> Developing an Alumni/Senior Student mentorship program.

> Initiating further networking opportunities, including an annual signature event supporting Alumni connections and strengthening the Foundation. This event will include the Young Alumni of the Year Award.

Increasing and improving opportunities for Parents to participate in College life.

> Improving communication processes for ease of use by parents and hosting regular focus groups and surveys to gain feedback from parents about their changing communication needs.

> Increasing the opportunities for current and past parents to engage on different levels with the College community through events such as FACETS exhibitions, Fathers’ and Mothers’ Long Lunches, Town Planning Meetings, Focus Groups, Parent forums and information nights topics that are relevant to Fairholme families; these may include foci such as Wellbeing, Technology and Respectful Relationships.

Increasing opportunities for our College to be involved in Service to the Toowoomba and broader Communities.

> Building upon our relationship with Tony’s Kitchen, RAW Impact, Blush Cancer Care, Leukemia Foundation, Rosies Friends on the Street, Peak to Park and Base Services (Hike for Homeless) and increasing the number of opportunities our students have to serve by developing relationships with other local charities.

Increasing the number of Pathway partnerships our College has for the benefit of our students

> Continuing our partnerships with Mater Education, St Vincent’s and St Andrews’ Hospitals in the area of Health Education, and expanding such partnership structures to include other industries.

> Developing closer ties with UniSQ and other SE Qld Universities through increasing the number of students accessing their Uni in Schools courses.

> Developing a pathway for UniSQ and/or other SE Qld Universities’ high achieving Education students to commence work at Fairholme.

> Developing partnerships with sporting organisations in order to establish a pathway for our students to pursue sporting careers.

> Developing partnerships with organisations in the area of The Arts, such as TRC, UniSQ and The Empire Theatres, in order to establish pathways for our students to pursue careers in The Arts.


We endeavour to increase for our College to be involved in Service to the Toowoomba and broader communities.

people and culture

Our safe, people-focused culture is underpinned by our commitment to living our Christian faith.

Maintaining and growing our culture by celebrating our history, story, diversity and community’s achievements. Building capacity in our students and staff to enhance the culture of Boarding.

> Invigorate existing celebrations and look for new opportunities to commemorate our history, tradition, diverse cultures and achievements of staff and students; both boarding and day students. Engage students in training towards peer support mental health skills program.

> Build strengths-based language to positively influence the culture in the Boarding House.

Respecting, adopting and strengthening

Christ-centered Faith

Developing staff talents and skills, progressing towards professional goals.

> Through links with PCQ - market and promote Christian camps, activities and external events to grow Christian Leaders within the school.

> Extend events for family engagement in Christ-centered Faith through the promotion of Family Worship Services in Term 1 and Carols Services in Term 4.

> Appoint a Ministry Support Worker

> Provide further avenues and opportunities for students to exercise engagement in service across all sub-schools.

> Develop a clearly articulated Professional Learning Plan.

Promoting and supporting the optimal wellbeing of all staff and students.

> Develop a Healthy Workforce Strategy for Staff at Fairholme. Train staff in wellbeing and mental health support and students in mental health peer support.

> Complete and implement Student Wellbeing framework.

> Promote and strengthen Restorative Practices as a community priority.


Staff and students will be approaching their learning and work with a sense of safety, connectedness, hope, meaning and purpose.

sustainability and growth

Our responsible stewardship and effective governance of all tangible resources supports our purpose now and enables growth into the future.

Improving our built environment and thus providing strengthened learning and living conditions for staff and students.

Strengthening Human Resource processes and capabilities in order to attract, support quality staff.

Exploring philanthropic opportunities as well as diversification of income streams.

Analysing, investigating, and streamlining systems and processes across the College to improve productivity and service provision.

Growing enrolments (where capacity allows) throughout the College to reach an optimum level of 900 students.

Seeking means by which alternative energy sources and more sustainable practices are utilised across the College.

> Commence building of the first stage of the Masterplan.

> Undertake planning for implementation of the Stage 2 of the Masterplan.

> Develop a pilot proposal for a teacher internship or teacher scholarship program.

> Refinement of processes in relation to retention, attraction, and induction of quality staff.

> Appoint a Foundation/Fundraiser Officer.

> Through the Foundation/Fundraiser Officer, develop a plan for diversification of revenue streams.

> Annual audit of business systems and staff practices.

> Re-establish partnerships with Japanese Schools to attract students for both short and long term enrolment.

> Undertake an external review of the potential use of alternative energy sources, throughout the College.

One of our Sustainability and Growth foci is to seek means by which alternative energy sources and more sustainable practices are utilised across the College.


THIS document is a snapshot of some of the key projects that will be undertaken and completed throughout the life of this plan. The fuller and far more comprehensive documentation sits with the Board and College Leadership Team, and we commit to this plan being one that breathes and lives, one that is able to be updated as the rapid changes of our world require so, from time to time.

Further, we will monitor its success, measure its outcomes, and revise our focus in the spirit of a learning community that is responsive to its charges. We unashamedly rest the foundation of this plan upon the bedrock pillar of Christian faith which lies at the heart of the College’s purpose, and its raison d’etre.

We extend our thanks, gratefully, to all who have contributed to Fairholme College’s Strategic Plan for 2023 –2026.

Particularly, we acknowledge the work of Dr Neil Carrington who led the process, the influence of Simon Sinek’s book ‘The Infinite Game,’ the persistence of the Leadership Team in drawing the documentation together, and the input of staff, students, parents, past students, and community members whose voices are captured within. Particularly, we thank those who engaged in our October 2022 Town Meeting where we enacted our College value of collaboration to discuss concepts, ideas, and beliefs central to this important planning and visioning process.

May we always seek fulfillment of our quest to be a rich learning and living environment for all, long into the future.

May we always seek fulfillment of our quest to be a rich learning and living environment for all, long into the future

Burning yet Flourishing

A biblical reference to Moses and the burning bush, thus our foundation in Christ, work fuel our ability to flourish. acknowledges that burning passion and hard as well as the Fairholme paradox which

Stands at a Fork

A signpost stands at a fork.

Pointing in one direction, the sign says ‘Victory.’

Pointing in another direction, the sign says ‘Fulfillment.’ We must pick a direction. Which one will we choose?

If we choose the path to Victory, The goal is to win! We will experience the thrill of competition As we rush toward the finish line.

Crowds gather to cheer for us! And then it’s over.

And everyone goes home.

(Hopefully, we can do it again)

If we choose the path to Fulfillment, The journey will be long.

There will be times in which we must watch our step There will be times we can stop to enjoy the view We keep going. We keep going.

Crowds gather to join us on the journey.

And when our lives are over, Those who joined us on the path to Fulfillment Will keep going without us and Inspire others to join them too.

From ‘The Infinite Game’, Simon Sinek

PLAN 2023-2026

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