1 minute read
St. Teresa’s Congregation is a world class commuity. Since 1887 we are running different types of Educational Institutions. St. Teresa’s Women’s College, Ernakulam is one of the best colleges in India. Students from different parts of India and abroad are studying in this college. These Institutions are managed by the St. Teresa’s Sisters.
The proposed project for the senior citizens will be controlled and managed by the congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa (CSST). this is a charity based project. Out motto is to receive from 6those who have and give to those who do not have. When you buy a unit you become part of a larger initiative of humanitarian and charitable deeds.
In Kerala alone we have thirteen centers for the education of poor children, four Old Age Homes for the poor and one Palliative care unit. We also provide free education for the deserving children who are financially backward. Now we are planning to provide a 4 star facility care center for the Elderly Parents who may be isolated at home.