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FDA clearance of Alzheimer's disease drug trials and Interviews Taj Pharma Group Chief Financial Officer
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Taj Pharma has announced that its CFO, Shantanu Kumar Singh, was interviewed by the Senior Editor of Times of India, Lynn Fosse. The interview, which was published on TF1 and BBC, focuses on Taj Pharma's UK launch of its Alzheimer's disease drug, Gabapentin, and the company's growth strategies.
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Mumbai, Maharashtra, February 4, 2012 /India PRwire/ -- Taj
Network 18 pvt. Ltd.
Pharma Group., a Pharmaceuticals manufacturing company
Vandana Malik Executive Director Email, (L) +91-22-6666 7777, (F) +91-22-2496 8238
that is developing treatments for Gabapentin (depression, mania and anxiety drug) and Pregabalin (diabetic neuropathy, surgical dental pain drug), said CFO, S.K.Singh in an Interview with
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Times of India.
Shantanu Kumar Singh CFO - Taj Pharma India
In the interview, Mr. Singh discusses the launch of Gabapentin, an over-the-counter treatment for moderate to severe (Stage 2) depression drug developed by Taj Pharma's drug discovery
Shantanu Kumar Singh CFO - Taj Pharma India
subsidiary, Sienna Biotec India. Additionally, Mr. Singh also discusses the company's growth strategy as it relates to future potential acquisitions and outlicensing partnerships. "It is a very exciting time for Taj Pharma. As the company realizes its first significant revenues through the sale of our depression, mania and anxiety drugs, it is more important than ever that we
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share the story of Taj Pharma with our investors and the public," explained Mr. S.K.Singh. "As excitement builds around the launch of Gabapentin and the development of our other leading drug indications, we plan to extend our communication outreach to include consumer-oriented media outlets in addition to financial industry publications," he concluded. PDFmyURL - online url to pdf conversion
If you have any query regarding information in the press releases, please contact the company listed in the press release itself. Please do not
The Times of India (TOI) is an Indian English-language daily newspaper. It has the largest circulation
call India PRwire, we will be unable to assist you with your inquiry.
among all English-language newspapers in the world, across all formats (broadsheet, tabloid, compact, Berliner and online). It is owned and published by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. which is owned by the Sahu Jain family. The weekly online financial publication that combines news and interviews from key executives at publicly-traded companies and venture capital firms in the United States and India. The interview with Mr. Singh is scheduled for publication in late-October. Once the interview is published in Times of India, a direct link will be made available on the Taj Pharma Group website.
Network 18 pvt. Ltd. recent press release(s) Judgment of Novartis Glivec: Taj Pharma and Indian healthcare companies Gains in India The Indian Supreme Court rejected the appeal of the Novartis patent protection of the updated version
SEC Disclaimer
dell'antitumorale Glivec.
This press release contains forward-look ing statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will
could differ materially from those projected in Taj Pharma's ("the Company") business plan. The
FDA approval of generic version of cancer drug doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome injection is expected to help resolve shortage of drug supply FDA approved generic version of cancer drug
Company's business is subject to various risk s, which are discussed in the Company's filings with
doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome which is used
the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The interview given by Shantanu Kumar Singh
to treat patients with ovarian cancer and currently
CFO should not be construed as an indication in any way whatsoever of the value of the Company or
faced with shortage supply
its common stock . The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be
Aspirin cuts throat cancer risk: Study Aspirin, already known to stave off a host of
relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such
diseases can also reduce the risk of throat cancer,
statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertak e, and we specifically
anew study has claimed.
allow," "intends to," "will lik ely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-look ing statements." Actual results
disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-look ing statements to reflect occurrences,
Notes to Editor
Economic slowdown of the third largest economy of the world, can 'India' realise the double digit growth rate? Third largest economy losing credibility with the
The Times of India
dipping GDP 4-6%, will government's 'damage
The Times of India (TOI) is an Indian English-language daily newspaper. It has the largest circulation
control mode' bring back the required growth?
among all English-language newspapers in the world, across all formats (broadsheet, tabloid,
FDA Approves Drug To Reduce Risk Of HIV Infection by combining tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statement.
compact, Berliner and online). It is owned and published by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. which is owned by the Sahu Jain family. The weekly online financial publication that combines news and interviews from key executives at publicly-traded companies and venture capital firms in the United States and India. The interview with Mr. Singh is scheduled for publication in late-October. Once the interview is published in Times of India, a direct link will be made available on the Taj Pharma Group website. Taj Pharmaceuticals Group Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited is known as a pharmaceuticals manufacturing company found and PDFmyURL - online url to pdf conversion
announced on Monday that it has approved an existing drug, Truvada for reducing risk of infection by sexually transmitted HIV-1 in adults.
based in India. The company manufacturer's pharmaceuticals formulations and API for India and other countries. The company was established in 1995 as an enterprise and in 2004 became a public limited company. As per Mumbai pharmaxil and Chemixil association the company manufacturers and exports to countries like Iran, Iraq and Asia Pacific. In recent EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue (EIBD) conference Taj Pharma Group was listed amongst top 10 pharmaceutical companies in EU by 2008 sales. The Group sales 16,234 ($M) making the company 12 ranked in EU by 2008 sales. Founded as a company for finished formulation marketing and Export and then entered Api and Agro business in 2004 and 2007 respectively.Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited announced the purchase of Mulberry chemicals (MulChem) wholly-owned US subsidiary from REVIB, Administration (DEA) as a narcotic raw material manufacturer. The founder of Taj Pharmaceuticals, Dr. R. K. Singh, is known as entrepreneur who was convinced that the future belonged to branded pharmaceutical products way back in 1995. Mr Singh is among the first to recognize that the industrial manufacture of standardized medicines would be a major advance in the fight against disease. Dr. R. K. Singh attached great importance to product information as the link between the pharmaceutical manufacturer and doctors, pharmacists and patients. Shortly after the foundation of the company, affiliates were opened in Mauritius, Malaysia, Dubai, Moscow, England, France, the US, Great Britain and Russia.
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