SPHS Annual Report 2016
Saving lives Sustainably ANNUAL REPORT 2016
SPHS Annual Report 2016
All rights reserved © 2017 UNDP July 2017 Authors: The SPHS Secretariat, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub The SPHS Secretariat, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub Dr. Rosemary Kumwenda, SPHS Coordinator Ms. Mirjana Milić, SPHS Associate Coordinator Ms. Nevra Gomdeniz, Communications Specialist Ms. Lorea Coronado-Garcia, Sustainable Procurement Specialist Mr. Ignacio Sanchez Diaz, Previous Greening Health Systems Specialist
Design & Layout: Ms. Cansu Topaloglu, UNDP Vectors and graphics: www.freepik. com Disclaimer: The content, analysis, opinions and policy recommendations contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Development Programme or any of the member organizations of the SPHS Task Team.
About the SPHS SPHS brings together seven United Nations agencies and three global health financing institutions, committed to introducing sustainable procurement in the global health sector. Through a transparent and inclusive engagement process, and by leveraging its normative and market power, the SPHS TaskTeam is dedicated to lowering the nvironmental and social impact of its procurement, with the aim of improving human health and well-being. For more information about the SPHS and its work, visit: www.savinglivesustainably.org
Acronyms 10YFP SPP: 10-year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production 3MDG: Three Millennium Development Goal Fund
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus HPV: Human Papillomavirus ILO: International Labour Organization
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
kg: Kilogram
AMR: Anti-Microbial Resistance
kWh: Kilowatt-hour
ARV: Antiretroviral
LTA: Long Term Agreement
CIPS: Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
m3: Cubic Meter
TLE: Tenofovir Lamivudine Effavirenz UN: United Nations UNDP: United Nations Development Programme UNEP: United Nations Environment UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
MSL: Medical Stores Limited
UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund
FSC: Forest Stewardship Council
NOREPS: Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System
UNITAID: International Drug Purchase Facility
GAVI: Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
PPM: Pooled Procurement Mechanism
UNOPS: United Nations Office for Project Services
GF: Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
PV: Photovoltaic
WHO: World Health Organization
CO2: Carbon Dioxide
GGHH: Global Green and Healthy Hospitals GPIH: Green Procurement Index Health GRI: Global Reporting Initiative
SDD: Solar Direct Drive SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals SPHS: Sustainable Procurement in the Health Sector
HCWH: Health Care Without Harm
SPP: Sustainable Public Procurement
HIST: Health Implementation Support Team
SSFLC: Substandard, Spurious, Falsely Labelled and Counterfeit
Cover: © 2010 UNICEF Ethiopia / Getachew
SPHS Annual Report 2016
The Year in Review
Sustainable Health Procurement Practices
Innovative Health Procurement Tools
Promotion of sustainable health
monitor and evaluate performance
procurement practices and docu-
of suppliers and manufacturers of
menting good practice.
health commodities.
New initiatives, tools, platforms and partnerships to support countries in strengthening sustainability in their health systems, in building procurers’ capacities and in supporting sustainable supply chain
Development of novel tools to
Capacity-Building in Sustainable Health Procurement
Influencing Global Health Markets
Message from the
Strategic health procurement and
Supply Overview
Page 7
Meet the SPHS Voices
Page 26
Looking Forward
Page 28
Annex 3 Statement of Intent
Page 31
Building capacity of public procurers market transparency as strategies to improve supply security and affordato design and implement sustainable health procurement practices
bility of key health commodities.
Page 5
Health Procurement and
and policies.
Annexes Annex 1 The SPHS Task Team
Page 30
Annex 2 The SPHS Route Map
Page 30
SPHS Annual Report 2016
© 2011 UNICEF Ethiopia / Getachew
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Message from the Coordinator
Dr. Kumwenda at the CleanMed Europe, Š 2016 HCWH Europe
Every year we strive to do better, and
to the threat of climate change,
This was truly a year for growth and
2016 was no different.
2016 also saw the inauguration of
expansion and it is a great privi-
the Paris Climate Agreement. This
lege to spearhead this important
This Annual Report highlights the
landmark agreement lays out a
initiative and work alongside key
key achievements of the Sustainable
framework for sustainability with-
stakeholders from the global health
Procurement in the Health Sector
in which the SPHS work can be
sector. In 2017, we look forward
initiative (SPHS). Our objective, as
to new global partnerships and market-shaping investments in the
always, has been to reduce the
health sector.
environmental and social impact of
Thanks to the global capacity de-
procurement of health commodities
velopment sessions organized by
by the SPHS member agencies and
the SPHS members throughout the
I am delighted to share this annu-
to contribute to a more sustainable
year, many healthcare procurement
al report with you and our valued
global health sector.
and manufacturing professionals
were able to share and learn valuaOverall, it has been a lively year for
ble lessons. Together, we were able
We hope to continue to work with
the SPHS Task Team. As one of the
to design sustainable procurement
you to protect the planet by saving
leading advocates for sustainable
policies and practices that can be
lives sustainably.
healthcare and environmental
implemented in the health sector.
health, we have continued our efforts to promote more sustainable
The SPHS initiative has not only
health systems globally.
grown its network size to record numbers, but has also been able to
Crucial to these efforts and to
significantly expand its knowledge
strengthening the global response
base and expertise.
Dr. Rosemary Kumwenda The SPHS Global Coordinator
SPHS Annual Report 2016
© 2013 The Global Fund / John Rae
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Supplier Location per UN Region
UN HEALTH PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY OVERVIEW $3,565 Total Health Goods and Services Total health supplies and services procured by the SPHS UN agencies
Procured byGoods the SPHS UN Agencies (in US $ millions)
2013 nt Health Total Total HealthGoods Goodsand andServices Services e m ocure r P of total UN proh lt a e H Procured Procured by by the the SPHS SPHS UN UN Agencie Agenc l a curement is health Annu The Annual Growth of of UN h t w (in (inUS US$the $millions) millions) procurement The gro United Nations Health Procurement
of total UN health procurement is purchased by SPHS UN member agencies
Key UN Categories of Goods 2013Volumes - 2015 UN Health Procurement Volumes 2013 - 2015 Health Procurement and Growth (in US $ millions) and Services in 2015 UN and Growth by Categories of Goods and Health Procurement Total UN Health Procurement Key Categories of Health Goods and Services
3,661 3,402
14% 9.3%
Total growth of health SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 1 procurement Pharmaceuticals Medical - 2015 inc Contraceptives2014Equipment
2,400 2,400
$3,402 $3,402
1,800 1,800
UN Healthcare Procurement
International NonProfit (0.54%)
Laboratory and Testing Equipment Corporations (0.05%)
Health Care Services
Foundations (0.72%)
Governments (98.19%)
$4 $4
ththo ww hegrgoro Th Te
$3,661 $3,661
2,100 2,100
2013 2013and andGG e en em u rerm cServi u oServic rorc latlhthPP
Key KeyCategories CategoriesofofGoods Goods 2014 2014 and andServices Servicesinin2015 2015UN UN 2013 Health HealthProcurement Procurement 2013
1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200
2% Key Funding12% Partners for the
2013 2013
TotalHealth HealthGoods Goodsand andServices Services Total Procuredby bythe theSPHS SPHSUN UNAgencies Agencies Procured 3,000 3000 (in US $ millions) (in US $ millions) 2,700 2,700
US US$$mil mil
900 900
e ea lH alaH uu nnn NAA U N f U o f o h tht ow rorw e egg Th Th
600 600 300 300
72% 72%
USUS $ mil $ mil
14% 14%
3,000 3,000
2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2013
2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2013
2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2013
2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2013
2,700 2,700
Laboratory and Laboratory and Testing Equipment Equipment Testing
Medical Medical Equipment Equipment
Pharmaceuticals inc Pharmaceuticals incContraceptives Contraceptives
Health Care Healthcare Services Services
2,400 2,400
KeyCategories CategoriesofofGoods Goods Key
SEGMENT 2 Health 2 2,100 2,100 SEGMENT SEGMENT 1 1- 2015 2013 UNHealth Procu 2013 - 2015SEGMENT UN Procu
6% Africa
14% 14%
12% 12% 2,700
3,000 3,000 2,700
Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Contraceptives incinc Contraceptives inc Contraceptives
36% 12% 12% Asia
1,200 1,200
International NonProfit (0.54%)
72% 72% All data is extracted from the 2015 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement. Key product categories taken into consideration are: Medical Equipment, Healthcare Services, Pharmaceuticals including Contraceptives, and Laboratory and Testing Equipment.
$ mil USUS $ mil
Corporations (0.05%)
Foundations (0.72%)
Governments (98.19%)
Key Partners for andServices Servicesinin2015 2015 UN Funding Supplier Location per UN and Region UN Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Medical Medical 1,800 1,800 o and Growth by2015 Categories and Growth by Categories of Key Categories of Health Goods and Services in Health Procurement inc inc Contraceptives Contraceptives Equipment Equipment Health ProcurementHealth Care Procurement 1,500 1,500 UN41% Health Procurement Services(in (inUS US$$millions) millions) Services 900 900
2% 2%
600 600 300 300
SEGMENT SEGMENT 3 3 SEGMENT SEGMENT 4 4 2,100 2,100 SEGMENT 3 SEGMENT 4 Health Health Care Care Laboratory Laboratory and and Medical 1,800 Medical 1,800 Medical Healthcare Laboratory and Services Services Testing Testing Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Services Testing Equipment 1,500 1,500 All data is extracted from the 2015 Annual Statistical SEGMENT SEGMENT 2 22 SEGMENT
Report on United Nations Procurement. Key product 1,200 1,200 categories taken into consideration are: Medical Equipment, Health900 Care 900Services, Pharmaceuticals including Contraceptives and Laboratory and Testing 600 600 Equipment.
2% 2%
La TesT
Supplier SupplierLocation Locationper perUN UNRegio Reg 7
41% 41
SPHS Annual Report 2016
© 2014 The Global Fund / John Rae
SPHS Annual Report 2016
THE YEAR IN REVIEW Conventions on Chemicals.
2016 was another year of success
Our work on strengthening sus-
for the SPHS Member Agencies. We
tainability in health product
joined forces to leverage our health
supply chains was highlighted at
We continued to focus on capacity
procurement purchasing power into
the COP22 in Morocco by leading
building as one of the pillars of our
legislative and operational frame-
technical experts. An SPHS Mem-
work. In 2016 we developed and de-
works for sustainable health systems
ber Agency Cold Chain Equipment
livered a number of global and na-
and programmes. In 2016, this col-
Optimization Platform in India has
tional training courses in sustainable
lective health procurement totaled
also set us a great example for how
health procurement and supported
some US $5 billion.
sustainable immunization supply
staff from Ministries of Health and
chains can be implemented.
UN Agencies to understand, use innovative tools and implement
We signed the Interagency Statement on Sustainable Procurement
We supported procurement officers
sustainable health procurement
of Health Commodities to align and
in evaluating and incorporating sus-
“green� procurement of health com-
tainability into their practices, and
modities. This overarching, high-lev-
have developed a novel barcode
We recognize that achieving the
el United Nations commitment
technology to track health com-
sustainable development goal
provides a framework for the SPHS
modities during transportation. This
of improving human health and
initiative and gives guidance on how
technology can also expose counter-
well-being, cannot be reached with-
our agencies can work together to
feit medical products and prevent
out safeguarding the health of our
promote sustainable health systems.
thefts along the supply chain.
planet at the same time. This report details key achievements of the
It will also aid our engagement with key stakeholders within the health
We have developed a harmonized
SPHS initiative in 2016 as we strive
sector, in particular with suppliers
and standardized environmental
to protect our environment as well
and manufacturers of health com-
questionnaire, as well as the first
as the health of communities.
procurement tool to measure compliance of healthcare procurement
As part of our collective efforts to
with International Environmental
empower lives and built sustainable resilient nations, we built new of the world and under difficult conditions. We also continued to ensure a clean energy supply for Zambian pharmaceutical storage operations. We decreased CO2 emissions by transitioning transportation of medicines from air to sea freight. We worked with manufacturers of male condoms to enhance sustainability of the manufacturing process and achieved noteworthy savings in electricity and water, as well as a reduction in CO2 emissions and solid waste.
The graphic shows the complexity of the interface between Sustainable Development Goals and the SPHS focus areas. For more information about other good practice examples in sustainable procurement and manufacturing of health commodities, please visit http://savinglivesustainably.org/knowledge-practice.html
healthcare facilities in different parts
Perhaps, to follow format in Table of Contents page, this should not read as a complete sentence? “Achievements/accomplishments in our effort to promote... and document...”
SPHS Annual Report 2016
SUCCESS STORIES We succeeded in our effort to promote sustainable health procurement and documented the following good practices.
© 3MDG
Healthy and Full Lives for Every Woman, Man and Child Accessing healthcare in rural My-
need it most and locally sourced
anmar is no easy task. Now, thanks
construction materials and labour
to 82 new rural health centres, it is
help to keep maintenance costs
getting easier for people to reach
the services they need. In remote areas of the country, bad road
Before building the facilities, to-
conditions, inaccessible water ways
gether with the Ministry of Health
and expensive transportation costs,
and Sports, UNOPS developed
keep healthcare out of reach for
three types of designs for rural
many people. Those that manage
health centres, sub-rural health
to access medical facilities often
centres and modified rural health
find sub-standard amenities. This
centres. The Ministry then stand-
problem contributes to the deaths
ardized the designs so that they
of about 2,400 pregnant women
can be widely used, with variations
and 70,000 children every year.
for the different geological and topographical conditions of the
The achievements highlighted in this section contributed to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Primary healthcare in rural areas
country. This includes delta, flat-
of Myanmar is provided through
lands, hills and coastal areas.
rural health centres and sub-rural health centres. The Ministry of
The progress of work at each site
Health and Sports joined efforts
is regularly monitored and evalu-
with The Three Millennium De-
ated for quality assurance, health
velopment Goal Fund (3MDG) to
and safety, and the environmental
build 82 new centres in areas that
aspects of construction. Through
are remote or hard-to-reach.
the entire process, community engagement is prioritized to
The facilities are being construct-
develop a better understanding of
ed to withstand severe weather
local needs and encourage greater
conditions like earthquakes and
ownership of the final product by
floods. Solar panels ensure that the
the community.
power remains on, when people
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform
CO2 emissions by up to 1.25 tons
Gavi’s Cold Chain Equipment Opti-
mated savings.
annually, or $54 million in total esti-
mization Platform helps countries modernize cold chain systems with
2016 has served as a ‘learning year’
high-performing equipment – a vital
for the platform. Gavi has approved
building block towards delivering
or recommended for approval
vaccines more equitably throughout
applications with a Board approved
the full length of the immunization
investment totaling $250 million.
supply chain.
Solar Panels Improve Healthcare in Rural Zambia
The cold chain is a key part of the immunization supply chain, keeping temperature-sensitive immu-
Establishing a reliable and afforda-
nization products safe and potent. Hard-to-reach communities often have poor or no access to electricity, which reduces the ability to safely store health supplies such as vaccines. Frequent power outages can further compromise the safety and effectiveness of health supplies. In addition, the older-generation refrigerators currently in use in many Gavi-supported countries rely on costly, high-polluting fuels or can require nearly three times more electricity than newer-generation devices. Gavi works together with manufacturers of cold chain equipment that meet a higher-level of performance criteria, for example, Solar Direct Drive (SDD) refrigerators which operate without ancillary battery
Onojo Otowo, 43, Chief of Vaccines Security Distribution at the National Cold Storage Centre in Abuja, shows the cooler used by vaccine outreach workers. © 2013 Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance.
or imported kerosene/diesel fuel; long-term passive devices with user-independent freeze protection; on-grid refrigerators that require less than eight hours of electricity per day; and freeze free cold boxes and vaccine carriers. These products enable the scale up of innovative green technologies, encourage the use of sustainable energy sources in remote communities, and ultimately improve healthcare access and provision. The carbon savings can be significant. For example, replacing kerosene-powered cold chain equipment with solar direct drive refrigerators and freezers can reduce
ble energy supply in sub-Saharan Africa is a main priority of UNDP in order to secure access to public health services towards the national responses of prevention, care and treatment of HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases. According to a 2013 WHO study, which covered 4,000 clinics and hospitals, one out of every four health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa has no access to energy, with most facilities having access to an unreliable supply with regular power interruptions. The Medical Stores Limited (MSL) in Zambia, an autonomous government agency mandated to receive, store and distribute pharmaceutical health products across the country, is faced with a consistent energy distress that affects the operations of warehouses, including the critical refrigeration of medicines and vaccines. With funding received from the Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System (NOREPS), UNDP supported MSL to install Solar power systems, combined with an energy efficient temperature control system, that covers up to 7,000 m2 of warehouse storage space.
See the full documentary at: http://bit.ly/2qlSa9I © 2016 UNDP
Success Stories
SPHS Annual Report 2016
With the new solar system in
ject, all CO2 data corresponding to
2015-2016, the savings achieved are
place, MSL can ensure the effective
UNDP first line Antiretrovirals (ARV)
quite significant.
running of its operations without
procurement is consolidated into
depending on an unreliable supply
an interactive dashboard in order to
from the national hydro-power grid,
systematically analyze and establish
and can record significant energy
metrics per trade lane.
cost savings by generating its own
Sustainability Scorecard for Antiretrovirals UNDP GF-HIST TLE/ARV LTA Sus-
clean solar power. The product qual-
Strengthened procurement plan-
tainability Baseline was originally
ity and efficiency of health services
ning has facilitated a gradual
introduced in 2014 as a CO2 Reduc-
from the warehouse has also im-
transition from air to sea based
tion Project and with the develop-
proved due to the reduced process-
freighted consignments. To create
ment and gathering of systematic
ing time that was caused by regular
an estimate of the amount of CO2
data, this led to the development
power interruptions, and also with
saved by shipping through sea
of the baseline and establishment
medicines and vaccines now being
freight instead of air, a comparison
of UNDP mandatory sustainability
consistently maintained at the re-
was made for the trade lane Mum-
eligibility criteria and call-off mech-
quired temperatures in order for the
bai/Durban - Harare/Lusaka. This
anisms. This Sustainability Scorecard
prescriptions to be effective. Based
trade lane represents 90% of total
was constructed via research, ques-
on the success of this pilot project
procurement. With an average size
tionnaires and discussions together
in partnership with the MSL, and in
container of 80,000 packs, 0.21 Kg
with TLE-ARV manufactures to
collaboration with funding entities
of CO2/pack are saved by using sea
understand their current market po-
such as the Global Fund, NOREPS
over air freight, with a 81% decrease
sitioning for sustainability initiatives,
and others, UNDP will be contrib-
in CO2. Furthermore, approximately
and to help create realistic criteria to
uting to future projects in 2017 to
US$0.26/unit is saved in freight cost
incentivize TLE-ARV manufacturers
help build solar capacity for health
for the same route by sea instead of
to move towards the implementa-
in Zambia, Zimbabwe and other
air, with 49% cost savings increase.
tion of sustainability initiatives.
Considering that the procurement
Transitioning From Air to Sea Freight with Clear Benefits As part of the UNDP Global Fund Health Implementation Support Team (GF-HIST) CO2 Tenofovir Lamivudine Efavirenz (TLE) Long Term Agreement (LTA) Emission Pro-
volume channeled through the UNDP TLE/ARV amounted to over US$ 150 million during the period
49 81 % cost savings increase
% decrease in CO2
Sustainability Call-off Criteria
CO2 Emmision Reporting for Logistics
Sustainability Scorecard Initiative
Packaging Optimization and Innovation
UNDP GF-HIST Sustainability pro gramme:
oo Sustainability Scorecard initiative: Working together with suppliers to collaboratively develop and monitor sustainability initiatives within the supply chain oo Sustainability Call-off Criteria: Creating incremental call-off mechanisms for the UNDP GF-HIST LTA frameworks oo CO2 Emmision Reporting for Logistics: Decreasing CO2 emissions by proactive planning and creating environmental performance metrics
One Stop Shops for HIV and TB Testing and Care a Winning Strategy in Zimbabwe Š 2014 The Global Fund / John Rae
oo Packaging Optimization and Innovation: Working together with manufactures and regulatory authorities to streamline packaging
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Certificate for Good Practice in Sustainable Procurement UNOPS received its second gold-level certificate from the world’s leading purchasing and supply association, Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS). UNOPS is the only United Nations organization, and one of only five organizations in the world, to achieve this honor. “We welcome this award as it strengthens our resolve to provide greater support to our partners and clients in achieving the sustainable development agenda,” said Grete Faremo, UNOPS Executive Director. One UNOPS project highlighted as part of the latest award submission implemented the distribution of solar-powered lanterns and mobile phone charging kits, as well as the setting up of solar street lights in internally displaced persons’ camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Solar photovoltaic power systems and solar water heaters were also installed. UNOPS previously received a bronze level award in 2011, a silver level award in 2013 and a gold level award in 2015.
Ebola Prevention and Treatment in Conakry, Guinea © 2015 UN Photo / Martine Perret
2014 and 2015. Now under control,
sessments of each centre. Existing
41 healthcare centres across the
infrastructure was overhauled and
country are being rehabilitated and
rehabilitated to make the facilities
renovated to keep it that way.
accessible and safe for the workers that use the space. This included
UNOPS and the Government of
renovating bathrooms, fixing sur-
Guinea, with funding from the
rounding fences and constructing or
World Bank, established a $20
repairing water towers. Solar panels
million operational platform in
and waste treatment equipment,
2016 to support the fight against
such as incinerators, will be pro-
Ebola. The $5.5 million dedicated to
cured and installed this year in 2017.
infrastructure development promises a stronger national health sector,
The UNOPS team selected, trained
with better working conditions for
and supervised 23 local compa-
health workers and access to care
nies, five of which are managed by
for Guineans.
women, to complete the rehabilitation works. Two-three-day training
The rehabilitation or construction of
sessions were organized to build
the rural health centres, complete
capacities of around 50 national
with equipment, began in 2015 and
construction companies in procure-
finished in 2016. The project could
ment and contract management.
not have come at a more crucial time for the country, with over 2,000 Ebola deaths recorded by the end of 2015.
UNOPS personnel demonstrate how to use the solar-powered lamps. © Fabienne Vinet / UNAMI
Better Work Environments in the Fight against Ebola
UNOPS expedited the project, undertaking financial and techni-
5.5 41 M $ infrastructure investment
healthcare centres
cal evaluations, and procurement activities. The beginning of works coincided with the rainy season, adding to the challenges that needed managing.
Guinea battled one of the worst outbreaks of Ebola in its history in
Work began with individual as-
SPHS Annual Report 2016
PROJECTS We initiated and supported the implementation of a number of projects aimed at introducing more sustainable practices in the global health sector.
Š 2012 UNHCR / F. Noy
Spearheading Packaging Reduction for Global Health The UNDP GF-HIST is currently
formance measurements, includ-
working together with TLE/ARV
ing a 16.7% increase in shipping
manufacturers included in their
container capacity for the pilot
LTA framework to reduce the im-
undertaken so far. In addition, the
pact of product waste through the
project achieved 14% reduction of
UNDP Packaging Reduction for
the transportation cost, as well as
Global Health Project. This project
12% reduction of waste.
is designed to reduce unnecessary product waste by optimizing TLE/
The project is based on a strong re-
ARV packaging, which not only
lationship and close collaboration
improves important environmental
with TLE/ARV suppliers in order
aspects such as a decrease in car-
to facilitate pragmatic transfor-
bon footprint and product waste,
mational change within manu-
but it also leads to substantial cost
facturing and logistics operations
savings and resource efficiencies.
for TLE/ARV products. This also includes strong working relation-
The achievements highlighted in this section contributed to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
The Packaging Reduction for
ships with national regulatory
Global Health project was initiated
authorities in order to make any
in 2016 with pilots undertaken in
necessary adjustments for reg-
South Sudan and Zimbabwe. The
ulatory approval with regards to
project consisted of a new pack-
reduced packaging criteria.
aging criteria which include the removal of all outer packaging for
During 2016, UNDP also initiated
TLE/ARV bottles, the removal of
the supply of ARV of TLE formu-
glued leaflets, removal of carton
lation in 100 packs presentation.
used to pack shippers and a re-
These will also be supplied under
duction of stacked leaflets to only
the above described reduced
10% of what is required for each
packaging modality.
shipment. As a result, the pilot has demonstrated an improvement in the TLE/ARV environmental per-
14 12
% transport cost reduction
% waste reduction
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Technical Highlights from South Sudan Packaging Reduction Pilot 2016 Old packaging 11.16 kg per shipper 72 bottles in a shipper Total 79, 488 packs in a 40 ft-reefer container
New packaging 9.78 kg per shipper 96 bottles in a shipper Total 92,736 packs in a 40 ft-reefer container
Solar for Health Initiative
addition, it enables water pumping
established measurable goals and
and facilitates water purification.
engaged with suppliers to develop
Installation of PV power genera-
action plans to respond to its envi-
Since 2010, UNDP has acted as
tion systems in these facilities has
ronmental goals. The focus has been
interim Principal Recipient of the
demonstrated that renewable
on collaboration, mutual benefits,
Global Fund grants, on behalf of the
energy systems, notably solar energy
return on investment, and how to
Ministry of Health in Zambia. UNDP
can be an effective and cost-effi-
achieve value for money by scaling
support through installation of Solar
cient climate change mitigation
up sustainability rather than reduc-
Photovoltaic (PV) power generation
alternative. This project represents
ing costs. Changes were introduced
systems in ART Clinics in Zambia’s
a key milestone in the activities of
progressively and improvements
Eastern Province is clear evidence
UNDP GF-HIST partnership in Zam-
monitored. Today, all male condom
of how renewable energy systems
bia and shows how health facilities
suppliers holding a LTA with UNFPA
can be an effective climate change
can significantly cut greenhouse
are ISO 14000 certified.
mitigation alternative. Photovoltaic
gas emissions and save energy costs
Key results:
(PV) technology installed in these fa-
over time, by using alternative forms
cilities produces electricity through
of renewable energy, which is both
virtually infinite renewable resource
environmentally and economically
at the human time scale (solar radia-
tion) and has great potential in providing energy source to help health facilities achieve health outcomes,
ty saved per month oo
More than 7 metric tons of CO2 saved per month
Environmental Friendly Condoms
Over 11 million kWh of electrici-
Reduction of 11.8M kg of solid waste per month
Over 200,000 kg of FSC certified or equivalent cardboard used
especially for populations that live
per month
in remote rural areas that have no
Since UNFPA launched its Green
connection to electric power grids.
Procurement Strategy in 2013, it
Besides helping to maintain the
has collaborated with its suppliers
temperature control systems in the
of male latex condom to reduce the
clinics, this helps with equipment
environmental impact of its supply
sterilization, maintaining cold chain
chain. UNFPA is the largest procurer
580,000 m3 of water is saved
for vaccine storage and provides
of contraceptives and has much lev-
and over 990,000 m3 of water is
power for operating theatres. In
erage for male condoms. UNFPA has
Chief, Procurement Services Branch, UNFPA Copenhagen
Outer boxes and shipping materials use more than 55% recycled/post-consumer materials.
Each month, more than
A different way to shape markets: Forward-thinking procurement strategies include proactive and open collaboration with suppliers. UNFPA, through its purchasing power, endeavors to create the conditions for suppliers to scale up their sustainability efforts throughout their supply chain by promoting, among other things, environmental protection.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
TOOLS We applied eco-innovative approaches in health procurement and developed novel tools.
Š UNFPA / Liuichi Hara
Scanning Our Public Health Supply Chain DNA The fight against substandard,
UNFPA Procurement Services
spurious, falsely labelled and coun-
Branch is responding to this chal-
terfeit (SSFLC) medical products
lenge, beginning with a two-step
requires pragmatic ways to ad-
approach: firstly, by introducing
dress the traceability of life-saving
barcoding technology to the
health commodities. This is why
public health supply chain and,
UNFPA is working with suppliers to
secondly, by taking a lean ap-
implement barcode technology in
proach to eliminate wasted time
public health supply chain.
and effort through the adoption of existing standards.
Aside from the high reputational
The achievements highlighted in this section contributed to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
risk that traditional public procure-
This two-step approach will have
ment agencies are exposed to, fal-
several immediate impacts. First,
sified medical products and theft
it will help to build a solid founda-
or diversions of life-saving health
tion for organizations and recipi-
commodities can have a dire effect
ent countries to drastically improve
on final users who are reliant on
the visibility of the public-health
national public-health system.
supply chain. With better visibility, this will enhance the overall in-
The existence of SSFFC medical
tegrity of the public health supply
products is an unacceptable risk
chain. Moreover, the approach
to public health. It is believed
will reduce, if not eliminate, the
that SSFFC and theft/diversions
reputational risk to the donor
will remain a critical challenge for
agency and other development
the public health supply chain.
aid network participants, as well
Therefore, how can traditional pro-
as the negative health and safety
curement agencies fight against
risks to the consumers and final
falsified medical products and
ensure donated products become immune to theft or diversions?
Future-Proofing Procurement: For more examples on creatively re-imagining the new and existing roles, stakeholders, technologies and connections of procurement systems, read at: http://bit.ly/2nf00QT
SPHS Annual Report 2016
New Efforts with Suppliers of Health Products
ture on these dimensions.
For the Global Fund, which invests
e-marketplace through which recip-
the world’s money to defeat AIDS,
ients of Global Fund grants are able
Healthcare Procurement and the
tuberculosis and malaria, life-sav-
to place their orders starting initially
Compliance with International
ing medicines, mosquito nets and
with PPM countries but becoming
Environmental Conventions on
other health products are vital to
open to all recipients of Global Fund
Chemicals: A UNDP Guide for Pro-
the efforts to end the three diseases
grants. The vision is to expand use
curement Practitioners presents a
as major public health problems.
of wambo.org further to include
practical guide on how to monitor
One key tool for maximizing the
countries transitioning from Global
compliance of healthcare procure-
Global Fund’s purchasing power
Fund financing. Through partnership
ment with applicable International
when sourcing these critical health
and innovation, the Global Fund is
Conventions for environmental
products has been the Pooled
leveraging advances in technology
safe-guarding. It offers an introduc-
Procurement Mechanism (PPM),
and economies of scale to provide
tion to the International Environ-
through which it negotiates the best
better value for money in health
mental Conventions and highlights
prices and delivery conditions with
key aspects for procurement con-
Further, a new online platform called wambo.org is an innovative
manufacturers on behalf of Principal Recipients of grants implementing
As a vehicle for knowledge transfer
programs in countries.
in procurement and as a driver of value for money, PPM and expand-
Recently, the Global Fund’s Sourcing
ed use of wambo.org will support
team has taken steps to address en-
efficient and sustainable domestic
vironmental and social responsibility
health investment.
considerations further upstream
Novel Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for Green Procurement
with suppliers with whom it signs long term Framework Agreements to deliver value for money for countries fighting the three diseases.
In 2016, UNDP drafted the Environ-
International Environmental Conventions Procurer’s Guide
siderations. The indicators proposed in this guide are intended to serve as building blocks for the Green Procurement Index Health (GPIH), which will be a tool to monitor and report progress on the implementation of green procurement practices in a transparent manner. Procurement Guide: This document presents a simple guide for procurement practitioners in how to monitor compliance of healthcare, procurement with relevant International Conventions for environmental safeguarding. Download it at: http:// bit.ly/2dDbnL0
mental Questionnaire for Healthcare In 2015, the Global Fund conducted
Suppliers and Manufacturers. The
a production site Social and Envi-
questionnaire has been used by
ronmental Audit of manufacturers
several UNDP procurement units
of bednets to address environmen-
to extract critical questions and
tal health and safety issues. Begin-
include them in tender processes
ning in late 2016, the Global Fund’s
for the environmental assessment
sourcing team began engaging with
of suppliers. UNDP has taken the
manufacturers of artemisinin, a key
usability of the questionnaire and
ingredient of recommended malaria
data it generates one step further by
treatment, to address environmental
beginning the development of its
health and safety issues in a market
Online Environmental Assessment
that has not been subject to much
tool, to serve as a reporting platform
regulation on these matters. The
for both suppliers/manufacturers
Global Fund’s efforts are supporting
and procurement practitioners.
these health product markets maMAGDY MARTÍNEZSOLIMÁN Assistant SecretaryGeneral, Assistant Administrator and Director Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
JENS WANDEL Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau for Management Services, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Conventions tool represents a major shift towards greener healthcare systems and will contribute to the 2030 Agenda, by reducing the overall impact of the health sector on the environment, reducing the risk of diseases that may be generated by healthcare related hazardous substances and final disposal of medical products. 17
SPHS Annual Report 2016
TRAININGS We organized sustainable public procurement trainings for procurement practitioners.
The achievements in this
Š 2016 UNDP Ukraine / Olena Laba
Ukraine Ministry of Health Opens the Door to Sustainable Health Procurement UNDP, in collaboration with UNEP,
in-depth review of good practice
delivered a two-day training on
in sustainable procurement at
sustainable health procurement
both national and regional levels.
practices to Ministry of Health
The Ukrainian Ministry of Health
procurement experts in Ukraine.
procurement experts improved
UNDP plays a key role in support-
their knowledge of environmental
ing public health procurement in
and social impacts of health pro-
Ukraine. In 2015, in a bid to fight
curement and also gained sound
corruption, the Ukrainian Ministry
understanding of UNDP and UNEP
of Health temporarily transferred
sustainable health procurement
the procurement of emergen-
policies and practices. The experts
cy medications to international
had hands on experience with
organizations, including UNDP.
sustainable procurement tools,
Capacity strengthening is an
methodologies and international
important contribution to reform-
standards and learned how to
ing the healthcare system and to
develop sustainable procurement
the creation of a transparent and
independent procurement agency.
section contributed to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
The training took place on 10-12 October 2016 in Kiev, and helped the Ukrainian government officials to understand how to develop and implement sustainable health procurement practices. The training focused on understanding potential environmental risks posed by the transportation, packaging, use and disposal of medical products. The training also included an
Interested to learn more about this training or host a training at your organization? Take a look at the report at http://bit.ly/2qi8fft, and get in touch with us at info@savinglivesustainably.org
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Interactive Sustainable Procurement Training Tailored to the UN System
ment processes through the use of
In 2016, UNOPS continued to train
By the end of the training, partici-
procurement professionals in the
pants were able to:
* These workshops were based on the Buying for a Better World: A Guide on Sustainable Procurement for the UN System, developed by UNOPS, UNEP and ITC-ILO.
presentations, real-life case studies and through working on practical, participatory activities.
UNOPS SPP Trainings: UNOPS Procurement Group delivering SP training to UNOPS Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Š UNOPS
UN system by offering its comprehensive sustainable procurement
oo Grasp the complexity of sustaina-
workshop, developed in partnership
ble procurement concepts, giving
with UNEP and the International
due consideration to risk mitiga-
Training Center of the ILO*.
tion, organizational priorities and the local context;
The two- three-day workshops were designed to help participants
oo Design a balanced, step-by-step
develop a thorough understanding
sustainable procurement ap-
of sustainable procurement and
proach, in full compliance with
provide sound approaches for im-
UN procurement regulations.
plementing and managing sustainable procurement in the UN context.
The training is designed for procure-
This included concrete guidance
ment practitioners, policy makers,
on tools, techniques and examples
project managers, specification
of good practice. The workshops
writers, requisitioners, members
assisted participants with under-
of contract committees and other
standing good practice for embed-
procurement professionals.
ding sustainability into procurePOLICY & ACTION PLAN
What is sustaina ble procurement? Key concepts, challenges and opportunities. An action plan to integrate sustainable health procurement .
Training Outline: The training combines presentations, practical cases, group work and real examples that allow the participants to acquire an extensive understanding and hands-on experience of sustainable public procurement practices in the health sector. For a full overview of the training, please see the graphic below.
Sourcing more sustainable suppliers. Evalua tion with inno vative procurement tools with empha sis on sustainability. Life cycle cost assessments .
Discussion on good practices from regional and global levels. Practical exercise on development and implementa tion of sustainable health procure ment process.
Prioritizing action in sustainable health procure ment: assessment of risks and opportunities. Planning sustai nable health procurement and rethinking needs .
Development of contract conditions, use of KPIs and close collaboration with key strategic suppliers.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
EVENTS We strengthened our engagement with key partners from the global health sector including policy makers, global leaders, suppliers and manufacturers and technical experts.
© 2016 UNDP
Fostering Sustainable Health Procurement On 11 May 2016, The SPHS gath-
that environmental hazards like
ered more than 40 health procure-
climate change have an immedi-
ment experts and practitioners at
ate impact on people’s health and
UN City in Copenhagen to explore
well-being. They also know that
the latest sustainable procurement
their work should not be compro-
initiatives, share good practice ex-
mised by in-action which, in turn,
amples, and advance the dialogue
may increase the environmental
on how sustainable procurement
footprint of their collective endeav-
practices can be harmonized and
scaled up across the global health sector. Organized by UNDP and UNFPA, and supported by LeaderLab and the SPHS Secretariat, the meeting The achievements in this section contributed to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
was a milestone in the work of the SPHS. It kicked off a broader engagement with public procurers, who jointly explored how sustainable practices and policies in the public and private spheres can be harmonized and scaled-up across the global health sector. Participants addressed the question of how to provide critical life-saving health commodities and services to individuals while also addressing environmental problems. This is a real challenge for procurers, who know
“Fostering Sustainable Health Procurement”: This meeting report captured highlights from participant dialogues, lessons shared through discussions, private sector insights, and resources for actionable steps, and is available at: http://bit. ly/1S8PX31
SPHS Annual Report 2016
More Global Than Ever Dive into Our Engagement Statistics for January-December 2016 Communication is key to success. In 2016, with over 13 million media impressions, SPHS was more global than ever. SPHS is highly active on seven social media channels: Twitter, LinkedIn, Issuu, SlideShare, YouTube, Flickr and the SPHS Newsletter. Our hashtag #act4health marks our individual and collective efforts for the implementation of sustainable procurement practices in the health sector. good practice examples on green-
ers’ perspectives under the SPHS
was the SPHS online engagement
ing the health sector, as well as the
platform, on which we shared the
views of the global healthcare lead-
Total # of Media Impressions
Our most interactive media outlet
ROBERT MATIRU Director of Operations, UNITAID
23% 21% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 2% 5%
Suppliers + Manufacturers
Technical Experts
Governmental Organizations
Network Distribution
7 75% 50%
T3 2015
T1 2016
T2 2016
95% of Total Network Engagement
Media Channels
Average Time Spent Per Visit:
2 out of 3 visitors come back to the Platform
• Newsletter • Platform • Twitter
Areas of Expertise of our Network #1 Media Platform
Network Focus
Sustainable Development Medical Products Resource Efficiency Public Health Waste Management Chemicals Energy Procurement Water Transportation Other
T3 2016
Number of
• Newsletter • Platform • Twitter
3.000 1.500
T3 2015
T1 2016
T2 2016
T3 2016
As a member of the SPHS Task Team, Unitaid is very committed to promoting the concept of sustainable healthcare. When we engage with suppliers of health products to diagnose, prevent or treat HIV/ AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, we make it our business to ensure environmentally and socially responsible procurement.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
PUBLICATIONS We advanced knowledge and practice in sustainable health procurement and in the manufacturing of health commodities.
© 2013 Gavi
Strengthening Sustainability in the Health Supply Chains In the context of global devel-
In the transition to green pro-
opment assistance, mounting
curement, the SPHS Task Team is
a successful and responsible
committed to ensuring fair-play
response to current environmental
for its global base of suppliers and
and development challenges often
manufactures. It is recognized that
hinges on relationships with sup-
maintaining a level playing field
pliers and manufacturers and how
across a diverse range of compa-
these are managed, measured
nies requires a gradual approach,
and grown. Relationships that are
which takes account of different
mutually supportive and based on
circumstances and contexts.
trust and transparency can provide opportunities to eliminate inefficiencies, introduce eco-innovations and develop synergies. The SPHS engagement with suppliers and manufacturers is guided by the signed High Level EngageThe achievements in this section contributed to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
ment Statement and the SPHS Engagement Strategy, which expresses the voluntary, informative, collective commitment to work with suppliers and manufacturers to introduce sustainable procurement in the global health sector. Our vision is for the SPHS Task Team and its suppliers and manufacturers to be able to act as drivers for change, working towards sustainability.
“The SPHS Engagement Strategy”: with Suppliers and Manufacturers on Green Procurement in the Health Sector was officially launched at the COP 22: Conference on Climate Change and Health on 14 November 2016. Read the Strategy at: http://bit.ly/2fSmXmC
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Switzerland: Signing ceremony at WHO Headquarters, Geneva. The Joint Interagency Statement being signed by the WHO, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, GAVI - The Vaccine Alliance, UNITAID, UNDP, UNEP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS. Read full Statement at page 31. © 2016 World Health Organization
Interagency Statement on Sustainable Procurement of Health Commodities In the context of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, a successful response to current
systems and improved governance,
environmental and development
is at the heart of the Sustainable De-
challenges must include sustain-
velopment Goals and the UN’s work
able procurement practices. The
in supporting countries to achieve
Joint Statement reminds us that
these goals. We are confident that
we can no longer afford to advance
together with suppliers and man-
one strand of development at the
ufacturers of health products and
expense of others. Advancing social,
our other partners, we can work
economic, and environment goals
together towards sustainable health
together, underpinned by resilient
Helen Clark Video Speech can be watched at this link: https://youtu.be/zjtsydXwD1k
Supplier Countries and Engagement Focus
Health procurement in 2015 (in $ millions by the SPHS
Top supplier countries of health commodities
Overview of countries where the
member UN agencies)
(exceeded $20 million)
United States
Rep. of Korea
United Kingdom
South Africa
UN SPHS Members have conducted health procurement (based on country of invoice from 2015)
This map is for illustrative purposes and does not imply the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimination of froontiers or boundries.
For more information about the SPHS UN Agencies procurement statistics, see the page 7.
The Global Fund’s mission to end AIDS, TB and malaria as epidemics is situated within a broad health context, where working conditions and the environment have a significant impact on well-being. Improving sustainability in production and procurement of health products is part of our commitment to innovation for maximum impact.
Chief Procurement Officer The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Role of Immunization in Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
Gavi provides health system strengthening funding to help countries address barriers to immunization, including those related to gender. In addition, Gavi supports two vaccines that particularly
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, pub-
benefit women’s and girls’ health:
lished an Environmental Sustain-
human papillomavirus (HPV) and
ability Statement on Earth Day
rubella vaccines. HPV is the main
2016. This statement recognizes the
cause of cervical cancer. Over 85% of
impact that issues such as environ-
deaths from cervical cancer occur in
mental degradation and climate
developing countries, where women
change have on global disease
often lack access to screening and
trends. For example, changes in
treatment. By 2020, approximately
temperature and rainfall can lead
40 million girls in Gavi-supported
to increased prevalence and spread of vector-borne and water-borne diseases; this can disproportionately affect children living in the countries which Gavi supports. Immunization can be a key and cost effective strategy to protect against these anticipated health effects of climate change. Gavi investments in strengthening immunization programmes can also build resilience in health systems, reducing the risk of severe disruptions due to population displacement and disease outbreaks.
A health worker with a vaccine carrier, which keeps vaccines cold to maintain safety and effectiveness. The photo was taken at a ceremonial vaccine launch as Tanzania became only the second GAVI-eligible country to introduce pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines concurrently. The vaccines protect children against the leading causes of pneumonia and severe infant diarrhea, at the Buguruni Health Clinic in Dar-es- Salaam on Thursday. © 2012 Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
exploring the nexus of climate
countries are expected to have been immunized with HPV vaccine. Gavi measures two indicators directly related to gender equity under the 2016-20 strategic framework: oo Gender related barriers: This indi-
change, environmental sustaina-
cator uses education status as a
bility and immunization, poten-
proxy of women’s empowerment
tially including ways to make its
and tracks the differential level of
programmes and operations more
coverage between women with
environmentally-friendly while at
no education and women with
the same time maintaining high
secondary or higher education.
standards of quality and safety.
Gavi Alliance partners implement environmental sustainability policies and safeguards that guide Gavi
oo Sex discrepancies: this indicator
Overcoming GenderRelated Barriers
tracks coverage with all three doses of pentavalent vaccine for girls and boys.
programmes. The Alliance encourages countries to have immuni-
The purpose of Gavi’s Gender Policy
zation waste management plans
is to support countries to increase
compliant with WHO standards and
immunization coverage by support-
requires manufacturers to comply
ing countries overcoming gender-re-
with internationally recognized
lated barriers to accessing immu-
nization services and to promote equity of access and utilization for
In 2016, Gavi committed to further
Head, Procurement Management and Contracting Service, UNHCR
all boys and girls.
At UNHCR we remain committed to sustainable procurement. Through our constant focus on improving the social, environmental and economic impacts of our procurement, UNHCR aims to play an influential and decisive role in encouraging our suppliers and partners to create and develop sustainable procurement solutions. UNHCR in collaboration with the SPHS Task Team is fully committed to expanding these best practices in the medical sphere.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Towards Green Procurement Index Health
GPIH Project Report Phase I: Read the full version at: http://bit.ly/22sh7x2
its values. This report reflects UNOPS’ firm belief that transparency and accountability lead UNOPS to
There is a wide range of environ-
better work. Consistently measuring,
mental risk caused by medical
monitoring and reporting UNOPS’
products. Following the maxim of
performance using the GRI stand-
medical ethics “primum non nocere”
ard enables UNOPS to assess their
(first do no harm), these risks need
sustainability impact and to plan
to be addressed systematically on
for better decision making, stronger
the normative, financial and oper-
operations and increased benefits
ational level. The leveraging power
for the people they serve. Going
that procurement has to influence
forward, UNOPS will evolve its re-
the adoption of sustainable prac-
porting of results to better measure
tices into the health sector is well demonstrated. However, more work is required
Prequalification Recognizes Sustainable Health Procurement
the impact of their actions. UNOPS’ measurement of success must increasingly focus on how individuals and communities have been positively affected by their projects. This
to specify and harmonize green procurement criteria and to monitor
WHO, together with UNDP, UNF-
report also serves as UNOPS’ mani-
and benchmark green procurement
PA, The Global Fund and UNITAID,
festo of continued commitment to
practices. The Green Procurement
recognize that international procur-
putting its core values into action for
Index Health (GPIH) project aimed
ers are working towards sustainable
sustainable development.
to address these challenges. In 2016,
(“green”) procurement and will con-
UNDP finalized the first phase of
sider how assessment for prequali-
the GPIH project. The project report
fication can contribute to meeting
explains the challenge of measur-
this objective. The SPHS Task Team
ing green health procurement. It
strongly supported the integration
describes what UNDP, with gener-
of sustainable health procurement
ous support from the Government
in the Prequalification Statement.
of Denmark and the UNDP Innovation Facility, has done to improve transparency of procurement in
“Our Common World” showcases UNOPS contribution to sustainable development, by profiling the organization and its people, partnership goals and work on the ground, as well as the impact of UNOPS operations on the planet. Download a copy of the Report at: http://bit.ly/2r8jrMS.
Launch of the Global Reporting Initiative Report
the health sector with regard to its environmental impact.
Our Common World’ is one of the first sustainability reports from a
Through this report, UNDP encour-
UN organization using the Global
aged UN agencies, their suppliers
Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework.
and manufacturers to produce, pro-
GRI is a global standard for sustaina-
cure and supply in a more environ-
bility reporting, and UNOPS adop-
mentally friendly manner.
tion of this framework underscores the organization’s commitment to sustainability, which is ingrained in
PATRICIA MOSER Director of the Procurement Group, UNOPS
At UNOPS, Sustainable Procurement continues to be at the heart of what we do. By working with our clients, partners and suppliers, we are driving sustainability considerations upstream and downstream throughout our supply chain to help people build better lives and countries achieve sustainable development. We strive for continued leadership in this area to ensure that we remain worthy of the recognition we have as one of five organizations in the world with the CIPS gold-level certificate in sustainable procurement. 25
SPHS Annual Report 2016
MEET THE SPHS VOICES We bring you thought leaders’ personal perspectives on the nexus of sustainable development, procurement and health By taking a closer look at the inspiring leaders who aim to save the planet as we save lives, we share their vision through their very own eyes and learn what has yet to be done and how we will achieve it together. 1
What is your role in the nexus between sustainable development, procurement and health?
What is your vision for the SPHS space?
What sustainable healthcare challenges do you anticipate for 2017?
Being the Voice of the SPHS, and a prominent leader in its network, which opportunities would you pursue, given the momentum created in 2016?
Towards a Low Carbon, Toxic Free Economy GARY COHEN even consequences into policy and President and Founder, Health Care without Harm
development decision making
oo Building a powerful network
Lorem Ipsum Lorem President and Founder, Health Care Without Harm
challenge we need to counter is the incorrect perception that sustaina-
and set of partnerships that can
ble procurement is more expensive.
achieve all the above.
If we work together to aggregate
A2: SPHS can validate a powerful
more important. The other
strategy to drive its procurement volumes and support companies that are innovating for the 21st cen-
sufficient demand, we can lower the price for sustainable products and technologies and scale them across many countries (e.g. Greenhealth Exchange).
A1: We see Health Care Without
tury. By leveraging its environmental
Harm’s role in this nexus of goals in
specifications to health systems and
A4: We plan to continue building
four ways:
health ministries around the world,
momentum for the 2020 Health
oo Educating the health sector and
the SPHS can educate them about
Care Climate Challenge across many
policy makers to achieve the UN’s
sustainable health procurement
countries and support their sharing
SDGs by transforming the global
and help shape global markets for
of case studies on Health Care With-
economy away from fossil fuels,
environmentally superior products
out Harm (HCWH)’s Global Green
toxic chemicals and industrial
and technologies.
and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) net-
agriculture. oo Leveraging the purchasing power of the healthcare sector to model the transformation to a low carbon, toxic free economy oo Mobilizing the voices of health leaders around the world to advocated for policies to accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy and other policies that incorporate the health
A3: There are powerful economic forces that are working to impede the transformation to a low carbon, toxic free economy and they have recently received high level political support that could slow down progress at the policy level. In such a political environment, making transformative progress through procurement strategies become
work. In addition, we believe there is a great opportunity to educate the supply chain through the Asia Forum 2017|18. We need the supplier community to partner with health systems, ministries and agencies to develop the next generation of products that meet the needs of 21st century healthcare, where planetary health will become a core value and aspiration.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
The Untapped Potential of Sustainable Health Procurement Sweden to the detriment of people’s
of those demands, we can contrib-
health in other countries so there is
ute to combatting anti-microbial
a clear connection between pro-
curement, health and a sustainable
Lorem Ipsum Lorem National Coordinator for Sustainable Public Procurement, Swedish County Council
A1: Public procurement in Sweden is used as a political and strategic tool to ensure that products and services are manufactured in a responsible and sustainable way throughout the supply chains. Since 2010 all 21 Swedish county councils work together using our joint buying power to increase leverage and create a demand for sustainable products and services. This is beneficial for both suppliers and society. We cannot conduct healthcare in
A4: During 2016, we have done our
A2: My vision for the SPHS space is
proved our processes and strategies
that good examples can be shared
for sustainable procurement. Look-
and used as inspiration. But also, to
ing at 2017 we see an untapped
drive progress by harmonizing de-
potential in increasing our leverage
mands and sharing information.
by more formalized cooperation’s
A3: One of the challenges of utmost importance is the development of anti-microbial resistance (AMR). The use and misuse of antibiotics is one driver behind the problem of drug-resistance. Another driver is the large environmental discharges of antibiotics from pharmaceutical manufacturing. By using sustainable public procurement, i.e. making the right demands and doing follow-ups
internal “health-check” and im-
with other actors procuring supplies to the healthcare sector. We have already signed a letter of intent with the healthcare sector in Norway which entails coordinating follow-ups and sharing results. However, we see great opportunities in developing more partnerships with other global actors to promote awareness of and respect for human rights.
The Power of Collaboration
ARTHY Lorem Ipsum SANTHAKUMAR Lorem Senior Policy Advisor (Global Health), British Medical Association
A1: The interlinked agenda of sustainable development, procurement and health is extremely important, and each community must under-
change through accounting for wid-
A4: The regulatory environment is
er social and environmental issues in
closing in and shaping the market,
purchasing decisions. Small changes
bringing with it the opportunity to
at local level can have a big impact,
embed a zero-tolerance principle
especially when shared and imple-
towards labour rights abuses. Euro-
mented at scale. There is a wealth of
pean directives, coupled with the
examples of individual groups pio-
UK Modern Slavery Act at national
neering system-wide changes that
level, to the UN SDGs, and guiding
have far reaching benefits. Using the
principles have created a political
SPHS as a learning platform we can
momentum towards more socially
share our pockets of excellence and
responsible business activity and
best practice with other countries
reporting. This is a clear signal that
and organizations.
this is not business as usual – and
stand the power of collaboration.
A3: One of the biggest challenges
Our role is about using the clout of
that we continue to try and address,
the health sector to foster real and
is that of transparency within global
sustainable gains, from the perspec-
supply chains. We must continue to
tive of human rights due diligence
apply the same scrutiny and encour-
in global supply chains.
age the same consumer demand
A2: There is an opportunity to use public procurement as an agent for
seen in the retail and agriculture sectors.
that healthcare organisations around the world want the goods it uses to not come at a cost to basic human rights and wellbeing.
Interested to read more from the SPHS Voices and explore the news and stories on sustainable healthcare practices around the world? Visit us at: http://savinglivesustainably.org/ news.html
SPHS Annual Report 2016
LOOKING FORWARD* 2017 Plan: More Sustainable Health Policies, Strategies and Practices * SPHS Member Agencies will participate in activities on a voluntary and informal basis and to the extent possible.
Further Growth of Our Global Technical Network Engaging and connecting leading experts in the procurement, sustainability and healthcare sectors from academia, practice, private and public sectors to share knowledge, opportunities for collaboration and to strengthen initiatives.
Sustainable Public Procurement Trainings for the Health Sector Delivering tailored training courses and providing interactive learning with real-life case studies. Empowering participants to master the complexity of sustainable health procurement
Guidance Note on Green Health Procurement Criteria
Developing a methodology for procurers to understand environmental impacts of healthcare procurement and include environmental aspects in the decision-making process.
Low Carbon Purchasing in Healthcare Co-developing and co-organizing with international partners, advocacy and awareness raising and training materials and activities on low carbon purchasing in healthcare. Providing support to governments for the development of legal frameworks for sustainable health procurement.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Environmental Assessments of Health Suppliers and Manufacturers Evaluating the environmental performance of healthcare suppliers to develop a realistic green procurement requirement that supports our organizations to advance the sustainability agenda and the transition to green economies.
Carbon Footprint Assessments of Health Programmes Assessing the carbon emissions of healthcare programmes to reduce the environmental burden. Identifying corrective actions and sustainable practices for the main areas of impact.
Healthcare Waste Management Promoting sustainable waste management practices for healthcare waste to reduce environmental and health impacts of hazardous substances generated during waste disposal.
Sustainable Healthcare Manufacturing Organizing the 1st Saving Lives Sustainably: Asia Forum 2017, with the aim of fostering social, economic and environmental benefits in healthcare manufacturing.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Members List Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance Andrew Mends, Director of Operations Aurelia Nguyen, Director, Policy & Market Shaping
Camilla Brückner, Director, Nordic Representation Office
Deepali Patel, Senior Program Officer, Policy Pan American Health Organization (WHO PAHO) Jordi Balleste, Unit Chief Genevieve Grabman, Policy and Compliance Specialist The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberclosis and Malaria
Lin(Roger) Li Manager, Strategy, Analytics & Data Management at the GF Sourcing Department Nathan Vasher, Data Management Specialist UNITAID Robert Matiru, Director of Operations
United Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Katinka Aanjesen Rosenbom, Chief Contracting, UNICEF Supply Division
Stephen Ingles, Head, Procurement Management and Contracting Service
Rosemary Kumwenda, HIV, Health and Development Team Leader, SPHS Coordinator
Martine Israel, Head of Unit, Procurement Omkar Sivakumar, Senior Procurement Assistant United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Mirjana Milić, SPHS Associate Coordinator
Eric Dupont, Chief, Procurement Services Branch
Tilly Sellers, HHD Regional Team Leader RBA
Roberto Mena, Procurement Specialist Strategic Procurement
Gregory Soneff, Team Leader, Global Procurement Unit, Procurement Support Office
World Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations Environment (UNEP) Isabella Marras, SUN Facility Coordinator
Michaela Pfeiffer, Technical Officer, Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health
Farid Yaker, Programme Officer Names of the member representatives are listed alphabetically.
Carlos Dora, Coordinator, Interventions for Healthy Environments (IHE)
Francesca Racioppi, Senior Policy and Programme Adviser, Environment and Health Policy and Governance Gerardo Sanchez Martinez, Technical Officer, CGS Climate Change, Sustainable Environment, Green Health
UN Informal Inter-Agency Route Map for Sustainable Procurement in the Health Sector Roadmap
UN becomes a global leader in sustainable procurement
Measures of Success
Normative approaches for the health sector become valid for other sectors including the agricultural sector
Getting There
Jamieson Saab, Team Manager, Sustainability Team
Dominic Grace, Director, Procurement Support Office
Desiree Montecillo Narvaez, Programme Officer, UNEP Chemicals Branch Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
Lorenzo Witherspoon, Supply Advisor
Patricia Moser, Director
United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
John Macauley, Regional Programme Specialist, HIV, Health and Development
Nick Jackson, Ethics Officer
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Lorea Coronado-Garcia, Sustainable Procurement Specialist, HHD IRH
Amanda Lindstorm, Technical Officer, GF - HIST
Dr. Mariatou Tala Jallow, acting Chief Procurement Officer
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Alfonso Buxens, Procurement Advisor, GF - HIST
All agencies understand their individual role in sustainable procurement Our global health donors are integrated with our sustainable procurement practices
Embed/Integrate Sustainable Procurement into all levels of working
UN practices and policies used for benchmarking
No Waste No Harm
Enhanced innovation and changed thinking
Technology an enabler of positive societal and env. change
The overall UN footprint reduced through set targets and timelines
Baseline indicators in sustainable procurement established and shared publicly
Establish a Sustainable Index for suppliers as a reference.
All health systems have access to affordable technology (including drugs) to enable better care delivery
Sustainability integrated into all decision making processes
Value all resources and a ‘No Waste’ approach
Substitution and Innovation delivers more health with fewer resources
All products have a low environmental impact
On The Way
Systematic Joint Framework in place
Clear on contribution to joint approach
Account and regulate for total cost of ownership
Report impacts of decisions on health and the environment
Enhanced supply chain management
Enable and support new technologies and materials
Getting Started
Identify and engage with stakeholders
Raise Awareness and understand where you are and where you want to get to
Agree sustainable development definition and structures
Agree baseline and indicators. Act to reduce resource waste
Achieve more outcomes from the same investment – maximise efficiency
Adopt and Invest in more sustainable materials and technologies
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Engaging with Suppliers and Manufacturers to Promote Environmentally and Socially Responsible Procurement of Health Commodities Statement of Intent Recognizing the importance of “leading-by-example” as UN and international health development agencies and other organizations that are engaged with procurement of health commodities in the development sector (‘the Signatories’) in enacting policies and practices that promote sustainable development;
Cognizant of existing international agreements, declarations, and commitments that reaffirm the above¹; Understanding that procurement can contribute to sustainable development, particularly where it promotes responsible consumption and production patterns, as called for in Sustainable Development Goal 12, and where it positively influences the application of environmental and social standards to products and services², including in the health sector;
Aware that in leveraging our collective positioning and purchasing power in the international health development sector, we can help advance environmentally and socially responsible procurement principles and practices, including through our engagement with suppliers and manufacturers of health commodities;
Mindful that such engagement is part of our collective commitment to ensuring environmental and social responsibility of our own procurement practices; We, the undersigned Signatories, agree to align our approach to engagement and communication with suppliers and manufacturers of health commodities in our efforts to collectively advance environmentally and socially responsible procurement; The approach we will take to this engagement will: oo Take into account compliance by manufacturers with applicable national and international legislation and regulations addressing environmental issues associated with manufacturing; oo Be supportive of wider principles of value for money and effective competition based on equal treatment, transparency and accountability; oo Balance important environmental, social, health, and economic priorities; oo Recognize the different mandates of the Signatories, and opportunities for engagement with suppliers and manufacturers available to each; oo Build upon existing good practice, including relevant ongoing interagency efforts to advance environmentally and socially responsible procurement.³ We further agree to make efforts to reflect this common commitment to advancing environmental and social responsibility as part of our engagement with suppliers and manufacturers in our respective, related institutional (or organizational) strategies and policies, as applicable. Launched in Geneva on 7th December 2016,
Dr Margaret Chan Director-General WHO
Mr Anthony Lake Executive Director UNICEF
Ms Helen Clark Administrator UNDP
Dr Mark Dybul Executive Director The Global Fund
Ms Grete Faremo Executive Director UNOPS
Dr Babatunde Osotimehin Executive Director UNFPA
Mr Erik Solheim Head UN Environment
Dr Seth Berkley Chief Executive Officer GAVI
Mr Leilo Marmora Executive Director UNITAID
¹ For example in Agenda 21, the outcome document of RIO+20 “The Future We Want”, the Millennium Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals, and in other related commitments such as the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as in other protocols for the protection of the environment, such as the Basel, Stockholm, Montreal and Minamata Conventions and Kyoto Protocol. ² Recommendation # 28 in the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (2012). Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing. New York: United Nations. ³ For example: Greening the Blue and the UNSG’s wider initiative on Moving forward to a Carbon Neutral UN; The HLCM Procurement Network Statement on Sustainable Procurement; interagency efforts underway as part of the UN Environmental Management Group (EMG); work being carried out within the Informal Interagency Task Team on Sustainable Procurement in the Health Sector (iIATT-SPHS); etc.
SPHS Annual Report 2016
Saving lives Sustainably