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CGCI Gambler’s Health Fun Walk 华人赌博者健康关注同乐日 Date/日期: 4/12/2010 Saturday 星期六

Opening ceremony commence 起步礼 10:30am to 1:30pm Every participant please donates at least AUS $10 Donation over $2 is tax deductible 每位參加者請募捐善款澳幣10元或以上 捐款多于澳币 $2 可扣除税款

Total length 公里

Donation 善款数目

Minimum (2km)


Twice (4km)


Triple (6km)


Location/ 集合地点: Ruffey Lake Park, George Street Entrance, Doncaster (Melway ref: 33 J10) Total length/路線全長: 4km/ 公里 Estimated duration /步行时间: 20 minutes to 45 minutes /20 分钟- 45 分钟 Free light lunch will be provided/ 免费簡单午餐供应 Participation method/参加方法: All participants must complete and return the application form (see below) with payment to our mailing address. Minimum donation is AUS $10 per each participant. Payment can be made either by internet transfer or by check. Free lunch will be provided by providing proof of payment. The participant who donates the greatest amount of money and the one who walks the longest distance will each receive a gift. 所有参加者必须预先报名,邮寄参加表格(见下)和银行支票澳币10元以上以确认参加资格。欢迎网上转帐。 凭银行收据派发午餐。筹款数目最高的参赛者和步行路途最长的参赛者均可获得精美礼品一份。

Contact/ 联络人: Henry Mak 0434 282 618 Mailing address/ 邮寄地址: Room 4, Level 2, 79 Mahoneys Road, Forest Hill 3131 Bank/ 付款银行: HSBC Bank Australia Ltd (Box Hill Branch) Payee/ 收款人: Chinese Gambling Concern Inc Account number/ 帐号: 099 793 031 BSB: 343 003 Name Name姓名 姓名

Donation 善款 $

Contact details 联络方法

重要事項 1. 名额有限,先到先得,额满即止。 2. 每张步行证只限一人。 3. 高度1米或以下之小童则毋须步行证。 4. 基于安全理由,十六岁或以下参加者需由家长或监护人陪同方可参加。 5. 是次活动不设任何-退出点,参加者须完成2公里的路程。 This event was jointly held by CGCI and Yang Guang International Association of Australia Inc. 这次步行筹款是阳光国际吸毒者康复协会及华人赌博关注协会合办

Yang Guang International Association of Australia Inc. 阳光国际吸毒者康复协会


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