Healthy Workplace Bulletin (November 2015)

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Healthy Workplace Bulletin November 2015

Meatless Entrée - Healthy vegetarian recipe contest winners Inside this issue: Meatless Entrée Healthy vegetarian recipe contest winners ...1 Don’t risk your health. Get your flu shot! ...2 Do your employees want to quit smoking cigarettes? ...2

The City of Hamilton has a corporate policy to ensure healthy food and beverages are provided at all City meetings and hosted events. To create new menu options, the City has reached out to local caterers and City staff through themed recipe contests. All City of Hamilton catering menus must provide vegetarian options featuring Meat Alternatives. Not only does Canada’s Food Guide recommend eating more Meat Alternatives like beans, lentils, tofu, eggs, nuts and seeds; more people are requesting these menu options. So, the City of Hamilton chose to highlight Meatless Entrées for the 2015 recipe contest. The challenge was to: 

create entrées with Meat Alternatives as the main ingredient: beans, lentils, tofu, eggs, nut and seeds.

wouldurather…. Contest ...3

New City of Hamilton website ...3

include ingredients from 2 of the 3 other Food Groups from Canada’s Food Guide: Vegetables and Fruit, Grain Products, and Milk and Alternatives.

use less salt, sugar, fat and only healthy fat.

Encourage your employees to book a mammogram ...4

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Check out our winners and their amazing recipes at http://

find healthy menu options and a list of City of Hamilton approved caterers to consider using for your own meetings and events.

 learn more about the City of Hamilton’s Healthy Food and Beverage Policy.  suggest local caterers interested in working on healthy menu options.  develop a healthy food and beverage policy for your workplace.

Don’t risk your health. Get your flu shot! Flu season is here. Protect yourself today by getting the flu shot. Remember to promote the influenza vaccine to your co-workers. Employees can visit their doctor, pharmacist, or clinic to get their flu shot. For more information, visit

Do your employees w ant to quit smoking cigarettes?

It’s time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Hamilton Public Health Services can help your employees quit smoking! The STOP program delivers research-based, cost-free smoking cessation workshops in local communities. Employees can attend one of our monthly workshops for support and five weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy patches. Upcoming workshops will be held on December 11, 2015 at 10:00 am or 1:30 pm in downtown Hamilton. To register, employees can call the Tobacco Hotline at 905-540-5566 ext. 1.

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wouldurather‌ Contest

The wouldurather... contest is designed to give young adults an easy, free way to quit or cutback on their tobacco use, or stay tobacco-free, for the chance to win cash prizes. This 6week contest is open to any individual between the ages of 18 and 29 living in Ontario and all registered students at publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Ontario, regardless of age. Young adults can choose from four categories because not everyone is ready to quit right now. So whether they smoke a little, a lot, or not at all, there is a category that is perfect for everyone. For more information or to promote the contest to your employees, visit https://

New City of Hamilton w ebsite: Workplace Policies and Programs Pages Click here to see the new workplace health and wellness pages! Information is organized in ways to make it easy for employers and citizens to find, access, and use the City’s online information and services, and designed to work well on all devices. After visiting the workplace pages, feel free to browse other areas to see what new and exciting things you can discover about the City of Hamilton.

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Encourage your employees to book a mammogram The average mammogram screening takes just five minutes to book and less than 10 minutes to complete. It could save a life. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Canadian women, with one in nine women expected to be diagnosed with it in their lifetime. In 2015, an estimated 9,800 Ontario women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 1,900 women will die of the disease. The Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) found that the 50 to 54 age group has the largest number of women eligible for breast screening who have not booked their mammogram appointments. By promoting mammography to employees in this age range, you can help save lives. Mammograms are free of charge to Ontario women who are eligible to be screened and include: 

Women aged 50 to 74 years who are at average risk for breast cancer. Women are considered eligible for the average risk program if they show no signs of acute breast cancer symptoms, have no personal history of breast cancer, have no current breast implants and have not had a mammogram within the last 11 months. It is recommended that most eligible women get screened every two years.

Women aged 30 to 69 years who are identified as being at high risk for breast cancer. Starting at age 30, women who may be at high risk for breast cancer can be referred by their healthcare provider to Ontario’s High Risk Breast Screening Program based on their family or medical history.

Eligible women can schedule their own mammogram appointments at any OBSP site. For more information about mammograms, the OBSP or to book an appointment, women in Hamilton can call 1-855-338-3131 or 905-975-4467. As an added bonus for busy working women in Hamilton, they can hop on the Screen for Life mobile coach and get a mammogram, a Pap test and the FOBT colorectal cancer screening kit all in one location. Men can also get the FOBT screening kit on the coach. Check the schedule to see when the coach is near your area. Promote this site to your staff to show them what steps they can take to reduce their risk of cancer Send an email to for an electronic poster that will promote breast cancer screening to your employees. Find out more at

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Questions or Comments? Contact a Workplace Health Promotion Specialist with the City of Hamilton Public Health Services: Phone: 905-546-2424 x3634 or x3065 Email:

Having previously signed up to receive electronic communications from the City of Hamilton Public Health Services Workplace Health Promotion Program, we are pleased to share with you the latest edition of the Healthy Workplace Bulletin. If you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please send an email to with your name and “unsubscribe� in the subject line. The Healthy Workplace Bulletin (HWB), published by the City of Hamilton Public Health Services, is a source of ideas for planning and sharing workplace health in Hamilton. Contents of the HWB can be forwarded, posted on intranets, included in newsletters, memoranda and other communications within an organization, provided the contents are not changed and the source is identified. Some content may be subject to additional conditions set by other parties claiming intellectual property rights relating to the contents. The City of Hamilton Public Health Services will try to disclose these additional conditions in the relevant sections of the HWB, but it is ultimately your responsibility for ensuring that your use of the contents is authorized. The HWB provides general information and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. If you need medical or other professional advice, consult with a qualified health care professional. The City of Hamilton Public Health Services puts considerable effort into ensuring the quality of the contents of the HWB. However, it provides no warranty and makes no claims as to the reliability and accuracy of the contents. The City of Hamilton assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information in the HWB. The HWB provides links to external organizations’ websites for information purposes only. These websites contain information created, published and maintained by or for those organizations, independent of the City of Hamilton. The City of Hamilton does not necessarily guarantee or endorse the organizations or the information, views or advice found on their respective websites. The City of Hamilton assumes no liability or responsibility for the linking of any of these websites, the operation or content of any of these websites, or for the information, views or advice found on them. Page 5

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