IN Formazione Magazine - Shaping the Future of Pediatrics

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Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital continuing vocational training

Special edition



What is “Shaping the Future of Pediatrics”?

20th to 22nd September 2017


1 Let’s design the future of pediatrics! Innovation in pediatrics and Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital

2 What is Shaping the Future of Pediatrics

3 The 10 keywords of the conference

4 5 facts to know on innovation in pediatrics

5 iSPI network for innovation in pediatrics

6 Big data to prevent and treat obesity: here’s Ob-Server

7 Practical information

By Rita Mingarelli, Alberto Eugenio Tozzi, Bruno Dallapiccola, Eleonora Agricola EFE - Training Events Service ECM

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Let’s design the future of pediatrics!

By Alberto Eugenio Tozzi


haping the Future of Pediatrics stems from the idea that quality of care in pediatrics may benefit from technology, from multidisciplinary approaches involving non medical experts, and from a closer involvement of patients and familes in the daily medical activities. Innovation may be the only option when we have to cope with increasingly difficult challenges with decreasing resources. Innovation by definition implies the identification of solutions that create added values and therefore may have an economical impact. Many international healthcare institutions, especially in the US, are establishing collaborative networks to support health innovations. Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital is since 2015 part of the international Society for Pediatric Innovation (iSPI, http://www.ispi4kids. org/) and it is one of the three European hospitals in the network. Shaping the Future of Pediatrics is a conference for people interested in innovation in pediatrics: we welcome pediatricians, nurses, patients, researchers, ICT experts” (information and communcation technology experts), entrepreneurs. We should move from a compartmentalized logic in which pediatricians tend to discuss only among themselves, to a multidisciplinary approach, even in daily medical routines. In addition we support an active role of patients and their families in the healthcare pro-

cess.We have invited for this conference around 50 speakers, that include experts of several disciplines as well as patients, that are all particularly interesed in meeting with people as you, wanting to work for innovation in pediatrics. The following big themes have been chosen to be discussed in our sessions: the –omics and precision medicine, big data, the active role of patients and the methodology of innovation. The first session, the –omics and precision medicine, will be a thorough discussion on the possibilities that these technologies have to change our approach to diagnosis and therapy. Think, for example, of undiagnosed diseases, cancer, or genetic diseases: we have now the potential to address these issues. The latest developments in technology have drastically increased data available for peds. We must learn to use this information to improve health in patients, preserving privacy and patient rights. What can patients and their families do in a participatory model of care and how technology can support this role? A dedicated session on this topic will keep the interest of the audience at very high level. Finally, we will have a discussion on on what innovation in pediatrics means in different contexts and how different experiences can be translated into our pediatrics routine. A bridge toward the development of a modern, sustainable, patient tailored pediatrics.

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Guida alla formazione continua del Bambino Gesù

Innovation in pediatrics and Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital

By Bruno Dallapiccola


edicine evolves through continuous progress in scientific knowledge. Some technologic revolutions have a direct impact on diagnosis and management of diseases, and drastically change their natural history. Speaking of innovation in pediatrics means recognizing what the scientific progress makes available and translating it into practice relevant information. Hosting this conference allows our research institute to express that we think that changing some aspects of the current medical culture would represent an important step to develop a better medical management, tailored to patient needs. We believe that this conference may be the first of a long series focusing on exploring new dynamics of innovation in pae-

diatrics and on providing pediatricians with updates on the latest advances in technical solutions for their job. OPBG is an academic hospital engaged in medical education and wich intends to confirm and strengthens this role at the national and international level. This mission is witnessed by participation of Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital as main character in the international Society for Pediatric Innovation. Unity is strength: networking is natural and important in rare diseases but more in general to boost brainstorming. As experts looking actively at innovation we need to continously exchange our ideas and experiences at global level.

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Bambino Gesù continuing vocational training

What is Shaping the Future of Pediatrics

The conference will be held from the 20th to 22nd of September 2017 in Rome


ambino Gesù Children’s Hospital has organized the first European conference on innovation in pediatrics, “Shaping the Future of Pediatrics”, that will be held from the 20th to 22nd of September 2017 in Rome. This conference is dedicated to pediatricians, researchers, nurses, patients, entrepreneurs and specialists in in the field of innovation in pediatrics, especially in Europe. The conference promotes the idea that innovation is the result of a multidisciplinary collaboration across various disciplines. Bambino Gesù Children’s hospital has been a leader in applying innovative processes that have improved healthcare. This is why the Hospital aims at promoting a European network for innovation in pediatrics, through a collaboration with iSPI, the international Society for Pediatric Innovation (, a scientific society including innovative pediatric hospitals mainly in US. A MUST-ATTEND CONFERENCE: 5 REASONS • To practice the tools that pediatricians, researchers and patients will be using in 10 years. • To understand the value of data in pediatric care. • To learn about collaboration models between pediatricians, families and patients, and developers. • To move from theory of innovation to practice examples. • To understand how ethics is relevant to innovation in pediatrics.

THE TOPICS Omics and personalized medicine: a session dedicated to understanding how genomics and the link between genotypes and phenotypes can help making a diagnosis and predicting and choosing the optimal therapy. The ultimate tools for treating genetic diseases and overcoming the frontiers of traditional medicine in complex syndromes will be discussed. Finally, speakers will focus on personalized therapies, metagenomics and system medicine. Big data and digital integration: we will talk about how to deal with multiple data streams for pediatric care and about how to simulate heart surgery with virtual reality and 3D printing. We will present data on the application of artificial intelligence to image analysis. Finally, we will approach how to get the best from continuous follow-up in patients with diabetes. Patients and participatory medicine: we will discover how patients can be engaged in a powerful partnership with researchers and clinicians and inspire innovations in healthcare. We will focus on the quantified self, patient platforms and patient autonomy and how patients can communicate digitally. Finally, we will approach the challenge of data privacy and data protection from the patient’s point of view. The innovation cycle in pediatrics: we will host a competition between innovative solutions for pediatrics from a selection of start-ups. We will discuss about how to systematically apply the principles of innovation and how the interactions between clinic, research, and industry can fertilize innovation in pediatrics.

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Summary Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital has organized the first European conference on innovation in pediatrics, “Shaping the Future of Pediatrics”, that will be held from the 20th to 22nd of September 2017 in Rome. This conference is dedicated to pediatricians, researchers, nurses, patients, entrepreneurs and specialists in in the field of innovation in pediatrics, especially in Europe.

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Bambino GesĂš continuing vocational training

The 10 keywords of the conference

Big data


Precision medicine

Ethics of innovation


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Participatory pediatrics

Patient empowerment

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Gene therapy


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10 9 Start up

3D printing

Artificial intelligence

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Bambino GesĂš continuing vocational training

4 5 facts to know on innovation in pediatrics

From Precision medicine to 3D printing: what you need to know

PRECISION MEDICINE Precision medicine is an advanced frontier of medicine, based on -omic sciences, which will allow to tailor diagnostic procedures and treatments to individual patients. Access to -omic data allows to deal with heterogeneous data matrices, which will change the approach to diagnosis and therapy of oncologic diseases, inherited diseases and of diseases without a diagnosis. The same approach will give a new impulse to the diagnosis of diseases that have never been defined or classified. BIG DATA New technologies allow to gather heterogeneous data, often continuously streamed from different data sources. The potential impact of this kind of data on disease treatment has yet to be comprehensively explored. In specific areas, like pediatric oncology, image diagnostic and cardiology, big data represent the way forward diagnosis and therapy. 3D PRINTING AND WEARABLE DEVICES Computing speed and image elaborations allow to build 3D virtual models

that can be visualised or printed in order to plan surgical interventions and for a better communication with patients. Artificial intelligence techniques allow to predict the course of a disease in specific patients, thus opening the way to appropriate and timely treatments. Through wearable and implantable devices, patients can be remotely monitored and can communicate with healthcare providers through telemedicine applications. THE PATIENTS The patient of the future will play an active and empowered role in the treatment process, when the therapies will be tailored to her medical and biological profile, and in actively monitoring their disease. The patient will be involved in research activities and will manage digital communication tools, that will be used to increase the awareness of the public on certain diseases. ETHICS AND TECHNOLOGY Ethics will be the keypoint of any pediatric activity and technology application. Security and privacy will be fundamental for transfer of health data that are property of the patient.

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INNOVATIVE HOSPITALS Include a permanent group for the systematic evaluation of new ideas and for their transfer into research and clinical practice

Look for and evaluate new ideas to solve existing problems

Involve patients into the innovation process

Support and encourage cross fertilization among various professionals

Continuously monitor the impact of innovation and are ready to changes for addressing failures

Bambino GesĂš continuing vocational training

TRADITIONAL HOSPITALS Accidentally introduce innovations not applying a systematic approach

Look for solutions based on best practices achieved of other institutions or published in the scientific literature

Do not involve patients in the innovation process

Work in closed groups

Do not monitor the impact of the innovative solutions

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Bambino Gesù continuing vocational training

iSPI network for innovation in pediatrics

Born in 2013, iSPI currently includes more than 50 pediatric hospitals; Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital is one of the 10 members in the executive board.


nnovative technologies applied to healthcare are emerging at an accelerated rate. To take on the challenges of leveraging them to transform healthcare delivery and of staying current and relevant, it is fundamental to build an open and global community of pediatric hospitals. By exchanging ideas, data, knowledge and experience, these innovative hospitals will actively participate in transforming the collective future of pediatric health care delivery. To this aim, the International Society for Pediatric Innovation (iSPI) was formed in 2013. Since 2015 Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital is member of the Executive Board, where the critical decisions to shape and guide the society are taken.

TOP 10 REASONS TO JOIN ISPI VISION The International Society for Pediatric Innovation (iSPI) represents a network of leading pediatric hospitals with a shared vision for innovation. That vision is embodied in the word – ONE! Without the power of a unified network, hospitals have very limited capacity to achieve meaningful innovations. Through collective intelligence, enabled collaboration, and shared resources, pediatric hospitals will have an unprecedented opportunity to empower truly transformative healthcare innovations that can only be achieved by ONE unified community of innovators.

BELONG TO A BETTER FUTURE Innovation is a path to a better future, but it’s not easy to innovate. Belonging to iSPI is more than the sum of the many benefits of membership. By empowering your innovators with access to the empowering iSPI resources, you are providing a clear signal that your organization believes in the transformative power of innovation, and that you are embracing the future. LEARN & ADAPT There are very dire consequences When there is an inability to understand changes in an industry, there are dire consequences. For example, with steady revenue, it was hard for the executives at Blockbuster to imagine and evolve to the industry changes that were just around the corner. Healthcare is similarly changing rapidly. Is your hospital ready to adapt and survive? Seeing around the corner and working together to prepare for and to engineer a better future is what iSPI is all about. As an iSPI member your executives will be better informed and prepared to adapt and evolve to thrive during the shifts in the healthcare industry. INNOVATION HAPPENS AT THE CROSS-ROADS The cross-roads represent convergence between disciplines. Bringing multidisciplinary experts together to empower iSPI members is at the core of iSPI events. The iSPI leadership forums and

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Bambino Gesù continuing vocational training

innovators will have access to a powerful collaboration platform that empower large multi-lateral collaborations with hundreds of healthcare and industry collaborators. COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE Innovation does not happen in a vacuum. Innovators need other innovators to learn from. As a member of iSPI, your innovators will be able to participate in iSPI events, and have access to sophisticated platforms that enable multi-lateral communication and collaboration with experienced innovators from across iSPI. the PEDS2040 Symposia bring together clinicians, administrators, parents, engineers, scientists, policy experts, investors, and government regulators to network and collaborate on some of the biggest challenges in pediatrics. ACCESS TO VENTURE CAPITAL Transformative innovations that improve patient’s lives usually require major capital investments that most hospitals don’t have access to. Furthermore, independent pediatric innovations represent a risk that most philanthropists and investors are not willing to take. As a member of iSPI, your hospital’s innovators will be empowered with collaborators, shared resources and access to dedicated capital. Specifically, iSPI will create a massive Venture Philanthropy Fund that will enable individuals and institutions to safely invest in a large, diverse, and de-risked portfolio of commercial opportunities, and give iSPI innovators access to the financial resources they need to innovate. AMPLIFIED COLLABORATION In the past, most pediatric hospitals work in silos, struggling to figure out how to implement the latest technologies or how to explore game changing business models. Occasionally, hospitals empower innovation by partnering with a limited number of collaborating hospitals and/or industry. Working independently, it is difficult to find, coordinate, and manage multiple collaborators. As a member of iSPI, your hospital’s

DATA SHARING Whether your innovators are working to cure a disease or exploring how to leverage the power of machine learning to individualize patient care, access to data is a major barrier to innovation. As a member of iSPI, your innovators will have unprecedented cloud based access the collective shared data resources from across the participating members of the iSPI network. Additionally, iSPI will bring together leading technology companies to provide unique and early access to the latest in computational tools and resources. INTERNATIONAL IMPACT Although iSPI can help members innovate to achieve positive results local and regional., the collective network includes international members from around the world, providing a unique opportunity for members to learn about new models for innovation, and collaborate more broadly to help each other achieve global impact that would not be possible without access to an international society. BE A LEADER There are many more benefits to joining iSPI that are not listed here, but this last reason to join is not about what iSPI can do for you, and your organization, but what you can do for iSPI. Transforming the future of pediatric healthcare requires visionary leaders like you, who have the courage to join forces with other like-minded leaders, and work as ONE to build a better future for children everywhere.

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Bambino Gesù continuing vocational training

Big data to prevent and treat obesity: the Ob-Server project

Developed by IBM in collaboration with Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, this project will be presented at Shaping the Future of Pediatrics By Melania Manco


sing big data to prevent and treat obesity: this is what the Ob-Server system, developed by IBM in cooperation with OPBG, aims to achieve. What we are talking about is an innovative digital project consisting in real-time data collection on the incidence of overweight and obesity in preschoolers (6 to 10 years) in Italy. The aim is to collect data in order to increase the level of knowldege on pediatric obesity and the environmental variables which contribute to its development, and to provide information to families, paediatricians, teachers and authorities for its primary prevention and management. The Ob-Server system has been developed considering two different point of access: a web portal and a mobile application (Android Operative System). OPBG’S ROLE The Bambino Gesù Children Hospital is a pioneer in the field of innovation technology for research and treatment

of paediatric obesity. OPBG designed, as scientific partner, the infrastructure of the system developing all the different questionnaires included in the system, focusing on risk factors easy to be monitored and modified. OPBG team continuously cooperated with the IBM technical partner in order to develop the system and to test it. SHAPING THE FUTURE OF PEDIATRICS During the event “Shaping the Future of Pediatrics” Ob-Server will be presented in both its components: the web portal and the mobile application. In addtion, the feedback obtained from users after the pilot phase, will be presented. We expect to raise interest for Ob-Server on big data collection both at National and at International level, with revelance for epidemiological surveys, paediatric obesity characterization in preschoolers and environmental variables description.

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Summary Main scopes of the project are increasing the knowledge about pediatric obesity, including details on external variables that contribute on its development, and providing families, pediatricians, teachers and other players with relevant information on obesity

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Practical 7 information REGISTRATION

You can register at: ereg/index.php?eventid=188461&

Physicians and Researchers




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Bambino GesĂš continuing vocational training

Registration includes:

1 Access to all Scientific Sessions

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Congress Kit and attendance badge

UEMS accreditation

Access to the Exhibition area

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Certificate of attendance

For further informations:



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