H e l p i ng Kids G row U p Safe, Hea lthy & D r u g-Free S in ce 1982. 速
2012 ANNUAL REPORT Empowering Parents . Drug Prevention . Saving Lives . School Programs . Educating Families Community Awareness . Positive Social Norms . Spreading Healthy Messages . Protecting Children . Lock Your Meds . Safe Homes Safe Parties . Engaging Teens . Red Ribbon Campaign Celebrating Family Day . Helpful Tools . Latest Drug Trends . Fostering Communication Science Based Programs . Drug Free Living . Empowering Parents . Drug Prevention . Saving Lives . School Programs . Educating Families . Community Awareness . Positive Social Norms Spreading Healthy Messages . Protecting Children . Lock Your Meds . Safe Homes Safe Parties Engaging Teens . Red Ribbon Campaign . Celebrating Family Day . Helpful Tools . Latest Drug Trends . Fostering Communication . Science Based Programs . Drug Free Living . Empowering Parents . Drug Prevention . Saving Lives . School Programs . Educating Families . Community Awareness . Positive Social Norms . Spreading Healthy Messages . Protecting Children . Lock Your Meds . Safe Homes Safe Parties . Engaging Teens . Red Ribbon Campaign . Celebrating Family Day . Helpful Tools . Latest Drug Trends . Fostering Communication . Science Based Programs . Drug Free Living . Empowering Parents . Drug Prevention . Saving Lives . School Programs . Educating Families . Community Awareness . Positive Social Norms . Spreading Healthy Messages . Protecting Children . Lock Your Meds . Safe Homes Safe Parties . Engaging Teens . Red Ribbon Campaign . Celebrating Family Day . Helpful Tools . Latest Drug Trends
Chairman Of The Board Dear Friends of Informed Families, Thank you for allowing me to serve as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Informed Families. It has truly been a privilege.
John L. Hofmann
It is the mission created thirty one years ago by Peggy Sapp and a concerned group of parents which keeps Informed Families forging ahead. We all have a responsibility to protect our children - and help them grow up in a safe, healthy and drug free environment. Informed Families’ four primary programs are the core to accomplishing our mission. The Red Ribbon Campaign®, Safe Home Safe Parties®, Lock Your Meds®, and Family Day all help communicate our mission and protect our children. Informed Families communicates its mission by providing community connections and educational materials for students, parents and educators. Our strength lies in integrating community, professionals and government organizations to communicate one message. Current societal trends provide new challenges in carrying out our
mission. Whether you are for or against the legalization of medical marijuana, or whether or not you believe marijuana has any medicinal benefit, there is one fact on which everybody agrees: drug use, of any sort, is hazardous for a child. The society as a whole has a responsibility to protect children from the possible use of drugs, including marijuana. Any law that threatens our children from growing up in a safe, healthy, and drug free environment cannot be tolerated. The valuable programs that Informed Families provides cannot survive without direct community support. Our annual fundraising dinner at Joe’s Stone Crab Restaurant continues to be our primary source for raising discretionary funds. The future of Informed Families depends on identifying additional sources for funding and our growth of discretionary dollars. Informed Families is about providing a better life for children. Its success lies within the dedication of the people who commit their time, talent, and treasure. Thank you to each and every person involved with Informed Families for your support. Sincerely,
John L. Hofmann
Letter From The President It’s hard to believe we just completed Informed Families’ 30th year of helping kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free. We’ve sure come a long way from six volunteers around a kitchen table. Now, with the launch of our brand new, interactive, engaging and informative website; our monthly Lunch & Learn webinar series; and new creative ways Peggy B. Sapp of gaining more participation like our text to pledge program, we are reaching parents across the State of Florida and beyond at the convenience of their own kitchen tables. We continue to work in homes, schools and communities at the local, statewide and national level, focusing on effective prevention, resulting in behavior change. Our delivery of 3.5 million healthy messages through media outlets is certainly something to be proud of, but we know that true change requires not just awareness, but your understanding, acceptance and making a change. Our four universal prevention campaigns are designed to lead families, schools and communities through that very process.
We directly reached over fifty thousand students and families through our prevention programs in 2012, but we have so many more people to reach and the problem is not getting smaller. In 2010, there were 189,060 visits to the emergency room due to underage drinking, 76,918 of which were kids between 12 and 17 years old. It’s no wonder the CDC calls underage drinking “a major public health problem. That in addition to the prescription drug abuse problem and new synthetic drugs entering the market faster than the blink of an eye, reminds us that we really have our work cut out for us. Sitting around and waiting for someone else to fix the issue is not going to work; the solution requires YOUR participation. Informed Families looks forward to working together with YOU in 2013 to help kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free because our children have the right to grow up drug free – and WE (that includes you!) have the responsibility to make that happen... right here, right now. Sincerely,
Peggy B. Sapp
Our 2012 Board Leadership Team
Our Mission: Helping Kids Grow Up Safe, Healthy & Drug Free Our Vision: To Be The Most Recognized Prevention Resource Supporting & Connecting Families In The State of Florida Our Goals: • • • •
Developing a prevention safety net for children and parents Reducing underage drinking and drug use through education and parent involvement Creating environmental change by disseminating healthy messages Building The Parent Network to educate, empower and connect parents
Vice Chairman
President & CEO
John L. Hofmann, CPA
Neca Logan
Elena Jakubowicz
Marc Breslow, CPA
Peggy B. Sapp
Executive Committee Maria Baluja, RN, CDE Raymond Estefania
Bertram “Chico” Goldsmith Georgee Kluck
Rona Levitt Judge Norma Lindsey
Fabian Thurston
Marino Carbonell Calvina L. Fay Regine Jean-Pierre Joly
John McLaughlin Deborah Montilla James Pfleger
Mark Trouville
Trustees Eddy Barea Pat Barton James Boink
Development Sale of Goods and Services In-kind Contributions
$371,037.00 $97,106.00 $235,058.00
Sale of Goods and Services In-kind Contributions Grants
$349,091.00 2012 ANNUAL $119,583.00 $497,429.00
$1,935,253.00 $5,061,380.00
Where Our Resources Came
Where Our Resources Went
Grants $1,232,052 Development $371,037 Sale of Goods and Services $97,106 In-kind Contributions $235,058 Total $1,935,253
Community Action Teams (CATs) $489,820 Regional CATs $387,155 Universal Campaigns $300,363 Parent Training $162,175 Red Ribbon Certified Schools® $175,764 Administration $218,865 Development $263,757
25% 19% 15% 8% 9% 11% 13%
Red Ribbon Campaign
Red Ribbon Week® is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the nation. Informed Families is the Statewide Sponsor of the Florida Red Ribbon Campaign®, reaching 2.9 million students in over 6,300 schools.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Red Ribbon planning information was delivered to all Florida Schools, complete with information about the 2012 theme, “The Best Me Is Drug Free,” the Red Ribbon Photo Contest and creative ways to participate in the campaign.
• President & CEO Peggy Sapp served as keynote speaker at the Drug Enforcement Administration’s annual Red Ribbon Rally in Washington DC. Other speakers included Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and James Cole, Deputy Attorney General. • 47,886 votes were cast in support of Florida entries in the 2nd Annual Red Ribbon Photo Contest, where students Sponsored by National Family Partnership bring the Red Ribbon message home to their families and together decorate their door, fence or mailbox with a drug free message. The winning Florida family with the most votes in support of their entry, the Kennedy Family in Boynton Beach, received an iPad and $1,000 for Poinciana Elementary School from the National Family Partnership and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Recognition ceremony featured Senator Jeff Clemens and representatives from the Department of Children & Families and the Department of Juvenile Justice. • The Third Annual Miami Gardens Red Ribbon Week® Parade attracted 700 community members, families and supporters. • Red Ribbon sign-up pledge banners were incorporated into Red Ribbon Week® school curriculum at several schools in Miami, Orlando and Pensacola. Students, parents, teachers and school administrators participated in pledging to live drug free. • 15,511 visits were recorded during the months of September and October from parents and educators seeking to obtain information about ways to participate in the Red Ribbon Campaign®. • Informed Families participated in various community presentations and events throughout the State of Florida to celebrate Red Ribbon. “I’m really excited that the Red Ribbon Campaign® has extended to our families’ homes. When we do things together as a community, that’s when we really see change.” Lisa Lee, Principal Poinciana Elementary School Winning School – 2012 Red Ribbon Photo Contest Boynton Beach, FL
Red Ribbon Certified Schools
Red Ribbon Certified Schools® (RRCS) is a “Good Housekeeping Seal” for prevention in schools, evaluating schools in four areas:
• School Environment • Use of Best Practices in Education and Prevention • Parental Engagement
“The Red Ribbon Certified Schools® Program is a way to let your parents and community know that you are serious about your commitment to children’s lives. If we can do the work of prevention during middle school, we save students years and years of trouble. We are educating them, but more than that we are preparing students for life and we take that very seriously.” Brent Brummet Principal, Ransom Middle School 2012 Red Ribbon Certified School Pensacola, FL
• Year-Round Commitment To Prevention In 2012, 9 schools received Red Ribbon Certification.
Miami-Dade, Florida
Orange County, Florida
Escambia County, Florida
Aspira South Charter School
Edgewater High School
R.C. Lipscomb Elementary School
Hialeah Gardens Middle School
Howard Middle School
Ransom Middle School
West Miami Middle School
South Creek Middle School
Workman Middle School
Red Ribbon Certified Schools®
Delivering Year-Round Healthy Messages INFORMING & INVOLVING FAMILIES • Informed Families delivered 3.5 million prevention messages through print and electronic media. • 2,196 Parents pledged their support for the Lock Your Meds®, Safe Homes/Safe Parties®, Family Day™ and Red Ribbon® Campaigns. • 488,000 students (duplicated) received prevention messages through Safe Homes/Safe Parties®, Family Day™, Lock Your Meds® and Red Ribbon Campaign® prevention activities as part of the statewide Community Action Team program. • Informed Families participated in several statewide drug take-back events in 2012, helping to minimize the amount of unused medication falling into the hands of youth. • Over 500 people attended our Family Day event in Orlando, in collaboration with the Orange County Drug Free Coalition. Other Family Day events took place in schools and community locations throughout the State of Florida.
“I like promoting the [Informed Families Universal] Campaigns because they raise awareness on important topics. We often see celebrities doing drugs. They may not be intending to say, ‘I think you should do it too,’ but it may come off that way. I don’t want my friends to become statistics.” Malik Williams
Sophomore, Apopka High School, Orlando
FAMILY DAY™ Informed Families promotes the Family Day™ campaign, which is based on more than a decade of research from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) that has proven that kids who eat dinner with their families are less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs. For the third year in a row, Informed Families sponsored a Florida Family Day Photo Contest. This year, we also hosted a Family Day Webinar featuring a representative from CASA during the month of September.
Compared to teens who have frequent family dinners, those who have infrequent family dinners are: • Three and a half times likelier to say, “it’s okay for teens my age to get drunk;” and Twice as likely to say that they expect to try drugs (including marijuana and prescription drugs without a prescription to get high) in the future.
Delivering Year-Round Healthy Messages LOCK YOUR MEDS®
FACT: Seven Floridians die each day from prescription drug overdoses
Lock Your Meds® is a national prevention campaign designed to reduce prescription drug abuse by making adults aware that they are often the unintentional suppliers of prescription medications being abused by young people.
Adults are asked to: • Secure, monitor and take inventory of their medicine cabinets regularly. • Set clear rules such as no sharing medications and always following proper dosages. • Talk to children about the dangers of abusing prescription medication • Properly dispose of old or unused medicine.
SAFE HOMES/SAFE PARTIES® FACT: Every year, nearly 5,000 young people under the
age of 21 die from binge drinking. Prom and graduation season is a peak time for tragedies.
The Safe Homes/Safe Parties Campaign® is a statewide initiative developed by Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership and implemented by parents of teens and pre-teens to ensure that drugs, alcohol and cigarettes will not be permitted at parties held in their homes and discouraged at parties in the community.
Campaigns For Safe & Healthy Children ____________________ FIRST NAME ____________________ LAST NAME ____________________ GRADE ____________________ SCHOOL ____________________ CITY ____________________ STATE Sponsored by:
Empowering Parents DEVELOPING PARENT LEADERS • In 2012, Informed Families launched an online monthly parent webinar series, featuring the latest research, trends and relevant topics in the field of prevention. • 298 Parents enrolled in our school based parenting programs. • 1145 (duplicated) seniors participated in our Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program. • 97% of parents in our programs maintained or increased their knowledge of parenting for prevention and awareness of children’s substance abuse. • 90 parents graduated from the Triple P Positive Parenting Program in the Miami Gardens Community after attending eight educational sessions. Informed Families utilized the Triple P program to provide parents with positive parenting education and skills training, including ways to manage misbehavior, budgeting family time and bonding. Triple P is designed to prevent social, emotional, behavioral, and developmental problems in children by enhancing parents’ knowledge, skills, and confidence. • With generous funding from the Woman’s Relief Association and the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration’s Drug Free Communities Mentoring Grant, Informed Families continued to provide parenting services and offer prevention programs in the Greater Miami Shores Area.
Parenting Programs
Empowering Parents
PARENT PEER GROUPS The award-winning Parent Peer Group Program, developed by parents for parents, educates and unites proactive parents seeking to work together to prevent underage drinking and youth substance abuse. The program, which utilizes Informed Families’ Parent Pilot Kit® book, helps parents learn to set boundaries and monitor behavior.
Topics include: • Brain development • Combating harmful media • Social norms • How to form parent peer groups
GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN The Grandparents raising Grandchildren program in the Informed Families offers educational and supportive classes covering a variety of topics, including parenting, drug prevention, exercise and nutrition.
TRIPLE P POSITIVE PARENTING PROGRAM With funding from The Children’s Trust, Informed Families offers an international award-winning evidence-based program, providing simple solutions to issues ranging from temper tantrums to disobedience, bedtime dramas to homework battles, schoolyard bullying to teenage rebellion.
“The Informed Families Parent Peer Group trainings we’ve held at our school have been very inspiring and fortifying for us as parents. Sometimes we might become cynical about parenting or think that we don’t want someone giving us a lot of impossible rules for raising our teens, but this program has taught us new techniques and has served as a reminder that we each have a voice - and together we can prevent our children from getting involved with alcohol and drugs.” Elaine Morgan PTSA Volunteer, Mother of seven Edgewater High School, Orlando
Environmental Change In Schools COMMUNITY ACTION TEAMS The Community Action Team (CAT), an all encompassing prevention program developed by Informed Families, provides youth substance abuse prevention activities, services and strategies, targeting middle school youth and their parents, schools and neighborhoods.
“West Miami Middle School is so fortunate to have a Community Action Team program at our school. Every day, I see the positive impact of the program on our students and I can’t thank Informed Families enough for their unwavering dedication to helping kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free.”
• Over 20,000 students and 30,000 parents were reached by direct school based prevention programs statewide.
Helena Garcia Community Involvement Specialist West Miami Middle School
• CATs promoted prevention through Universal Campaigns and other prevention strategies in four schools in Miami-Dade County, six schools in Escambia County and ten schools in Orange County. Additionally schools were reached through distance learning ambassadors, who received tool kits with everything needed to roll out the four prevention campaigns in their schools. • Through the CAT program, 425 Escambia County school teachers were trained on tobacco prevention. 185 students were then trained to deliver the message to their peers, reaching 798 elementary, middle and high schools students in seven schools total. Pre/Post tests showed a 14% gain in knowledge among the students. • 591 students in Miami and Orlando were trained in the Alcohol Literacy Challenge. Students learn about how alcohol expectancies influence behavior and gain skills in media literacy. • 57 students participated in CAT youth groups in Miami and Pensacola. • 99% of CAT youth group participants maintained their lack of use or decreased their use of drugs. • 92% of CAT Youth group participants maintained or increased their disapproval of drugs. • An Online Scavenger Hunt program for teens to learn the facts about underage drinking and drug use in a fun and engaging way was developed. 316 participants took part in the adventure, representing 34 schools across 11 states. COMMUNITY ACTION TEAMS
Transforming Communities South Miami Coalition Founded in 2003 by Informed Families, the South Miami Drug-Free Coalition’s mission is to reduce drinking and drug use in the community, particularly among youth. Coalition members represent business, government, health care, law enforcement, media, schools, faith community, youth, parents and others. The Coalition is funded by the Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant,Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President, and the STOP Act Grant.
South Miami Drug-Free Coalition • Delivered social norms and other prevention messages to 2,400 students at South Miami Senior High. • Past 30 day use of alcohol among area high school students down 8% since 2008. • Led four prevention programs in three area schools, serving approximately 2,700 students. • Hosted a Youth Dialogue Day event attended by 81 students and community leaders to give students a voice in the decisions affecting their community. • Conducted Project Sticker Shock in cooperation with the South Miami Police Explorers, a project to remind adults not to provide alcohol to minors. • 11,000 South Miami residents reached with over 80,000 prevention messages. • Four prevention activities targeting local businesses reached approximately 3,000 residents. • Signature event, 4th Annual King Pins Challenge, raised over $20,000 with 272 attendees.
“It is an invaluable experience to be a member of the South Miami Drug-Free Coalition. The meetings provide me with excellent information to share with my faculty, staff, students and parents to help promote a healthier drug-free community. Through my work with the coalition, I have been motivated to apply for Informed Families’ Red Ribbon School Certification, to be trained by Informed Families in the Alcohol Literacy Challenge Program, to begin Parent Peer Groups and to help facilitate a Community Safety Night at the Gibson-Bethel Community Center in South Miami.” Pat Levy Counselor, Ludlam Elementary School, South Miami Member, South Miami Drug-Free Coalition
Outreach & Education
Educating Communities • Informed Families launched a brand new website in March 2012, offering the latest technology and interactive educational opportunities for parents throughout the State of Florida and beyond. 144,000 web visits were recorded in 2012. • Parent webinar series created to educate parents who are unable to attend in-person trainings. 369 participants viewed webinars independently or at viewing parties. Topics included: • Teen Drinking & Learning: What Every Parent Needs To Know
“The September Webinar was of the best webinars I have ever attended. The information was very helpful and we will be using it.” Beverly Clay Children & Family Services, Inc.
• Family Dinners & Other Simple, Timesaving Tools To Protect Kids • Red Ribbon: Creating a Drug Free Community • Listen UP: Teen Mistakes & Their Unexpected, Permanent Consequences • 95% of Informed Families Webinar participants would recommend the webinar series to a friend. • 192,551 CATalyst and eCATalyst newsletters were delivered, offering parents helpful tips along with the latest prevention education information.
“I discovered the Informed Families website when I was seeking ideas and information about Red Ribbon Week activities. After doing some research, I learned more about the Family Day Campaign and was inspired to implement a Family Day program in my school. We were thrilled by the positive results of our program; 50 parents attended, learning the connection between family dinners and prevention, and the kids were very excited about having regular family dinners.” Kristina Longino School Counselor
• Informed Families worked with Judge Beth Bloom and her teenager son Jacob Stern to promote and grow their Listen Up Program in South Florida schools and communities, educating parents and teens about the long-term consequences of common teen mistakes, such as underage drinking, owning a fake ID, or unsafe driving.
G E T I N F O R M E D. G E T I N V O LV E D. B E C O M E A L E A D E R .
Informed Families’ Dinner at Joe’s: A Crabulous Success
Generous sponsors and over 400 guests participated in the organization’s 27th Annual Fundraising Dinner at Joe’s. Turn to page 2 for more…
Myth Vs Fact
The latest teen drug use survey is in. Is Marijuana a gateway drug? Turn to page 3 to find out…
7 Creative Ideas for Safe Summer Fun
Research shows that kids with nothing else to do are more likely to use drugs. Check out our tips for keeping your tweens/teens safe this summer on page 3…
For the latest prevention news and tips, visit us online at www.InformedFamilies.org
If Life Is A Box of Chocolates, Then Family Is A Box Of Nuts
hether you are ten, forty or eighty years old, we are all impacted in a variety of ways by family. Let’s face it: at one time or another, our families drive us crazy. Why do you think we eat so much during Thanksgiving? As the saying goes, “If you think you are so enlightened, go and spend a week with your parents.” But, it’s not just parents. It’s siblings, cousins, in-laws and sometimes our own children, too!
Much of the internal conflict experienced within families occurs as a result of clashing needs, motivations and values. Age related issues are huge. For example, while parents are concerned about keeping their teens safe, kids crave independence, socializing and are prone to taking risks. Siblings often vie for their parents’ attention and affection. This type of competitive behavior can start in early childhood and continue throughout their lives. No individual is immune from their own box of nuts we call “family.” Why? Because each family member is in their own age, stage, or phase of life and reality doesn’t look the same to each of us. Trying to communicate requires that we have some understanding and appreciation of where each person is in their life cycle. Here are some tips from Parents: The Anti-Drug for staying sane this summer with your tweens and teens: • Establish a summertime curfew for your tween/teen • Help plan activities to keep your tween/teen busy • Schedule time together to do something fun as a family • Check in with adult supervisors, such as coaches and employers • Meet your child’s friends, especially those that your tween/teen hangs out with regularly
Congratulations to Scott Ginchereau of Orlando, Safe Homes Safe Parties Contest Winner Kudos to you and everyone who took the online pledge to protect your children from underage drinking. We hope you enjoy your $100 Publix Gift Card!
• Set some kind of check-in system, such as an established call time when they get home
Enjoy your summer,
Peggy B. Sapp
President & CEO
Donor of the Year for
7 Years
CATalyst Sponsor – Thank You
Follow us online:
In Memorium Marian Krutulis
Informed Families mourns the loss of our esteemed donor, volunteer and friend, Marian Krutulis, founder of Gulliver Schools. Mrs. Krutulis, fondly known by her students as “Mrs. K,” proudly supported Informed Families from the very beginning and its mission of helping kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free. The very first Informed Families Community Action Team (CAT) took place at Gulliver Schools, thanks to the support of Mrs. K. She was also involved in Red Ribbon Week since its inception. “Mrs. K” and Gulliver have been steadfast, generous and loyal supporters of our annual fundraiser since the very first “Joe’s” dinner! We are tremendously grateful to her son, John Krutulis, for continuing the tradition of promoting prevention at Gulliver and in the community and continuing Mrs. K’s interest and devotion to Informed Families.
Ethel Beckham
Informed Families is deeply saddened by the loss of long-time supporter and activist, Ethel Beckham. As a member of the Miami Dade County School Board, Ethel made it possible for Informed Families to be funded to provide school prevention and parent programs to Miami Dade County Public Schools. Ethel was also an enthusiastic supporter of the Red Ribbon Campaign (October 23-31st). Long-time donors of Informed Families, Ethel, her late husband Walter, and her children attended the first Informed Families Fundraising Dinner at Joe’s and have continued to support Joe’s every year. We are proud that her grandson Justin and wife Melissa are carrying on that tradition. The Beckham Family created a tradition of giving to the betterment of the Miami community and for that we will always be grateful. We miss Ethel tremendously.
Thank You To Our Generous Donors Donors of the Year $20,000+ Baptist Health South Florida The Batchelor Foundation Florida Blue $10,000 -$15,000 Carnival Foundation Crispin Porter & Bogusky Advertising Gulliver Schools Health Foundation of South Florida $7,500-$10,000 Harry Kramer Memorial Fund $5,000 -$7499 Peter & Kerrin Bermont/Bermont Advisory Group John & Stacy Bolduc Deborah & Jim Davidson/ Coral Gables Trust Paul “Butch” & Tammy Davis Paula & Michael Fay/Colliers International South Florida The Goldsmith Family Foundation
Cindy & Mike Moran Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. Kim & Kevin Smith Jerry Sokol/McDermott, Will & Emery, LLP Village of Miami Shores Police Department $2,500 - 4,999 Paul Arango/Credit Suisse Richard Bermont & Adam Carlin/ The Bermont/Carlin Group Jordan Bock Greg Cesarano/Carlton Fields Ofe & Louis Chiavacci Dougan Clarke/Tucci Worldwide Ashley & James Cusack Mary & Joel Eaton Stuart Grossman/Grossman Roth, PA John & Ivette Hofmann Laurie Huseby/Team Footworks Christopher Knight Neca Logan Mead Family Foundation Mercedez Benz of Coral Gables John M. Montgomery, Inc.
Charles & Marabel Morgan/The Chatlos Foundation Richard Morgan/Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Dorothy & Aaron Podhurst/ Podhurst Orseck, PA Police Officer Assistance Trust Jeff & Laura Roberts Melissa Medina-Schnur/Medina Family Foundation EWM Realty International/Christie’s International Real Estate Louis Wolfson $1,000 -$2499 Sergio & Julee Akselrad Ruth Admire/The Ruth Anderson Foundation Raphael Bastian & James Boink DeFabio Beckham Solis Marc & Diane Breslow/Rachlin Foundation City of South Miami Cobb Family Foundation Mary Lou Cokl Robert D. Cole, CPA, P.A.
The Community Foundation, Inc. Marilyn Correa-Gonzalez Ray & Sarai Estefania/Family Recovery Specialists Horace Feliu Arthur A. Finkle First National Bank of South Miami Jessie Trice Community Health Center Katz Barron Suitero Faust R. Kirk Landon & Pamela Garrison Rene Landa Eugene & The Honorable Norma Lindsey Derek McDowell Joe Mendez Miami Shores Mayor’s Community Task Force William & Jan Morrison Pennekamp Law Jim & Jennifer Pfleger Red Sunset Merchants Association Cheri Rosenthal Rotary Foundation of South Miami Mauricio & Monica Quirch Verdeja & de Armas, LLP
Thank You To Our Generous Donors $500 -$999 Patrick & Michele Battle Maria Beguiristain Thomas V. & Hillary Cash Dade County Police Benevolent Association Severy Gautier Henry Guzman House of Houston Foundation John Huseby Elena & Roberto Jakubowicz LAZ Parking Charlie & Georgee Kluck Merrill & Elizabeth Freeman Foundation Commissioner Sally Heyman Roymi Membiela City of Miami The Honorable Bronwyn Miller Deborah Montilla Dr. Linda Neider North Dade Community Federal Credit Union Doug & Ellen Oppenheimer Bud & Betty Park/Performance Miguel & Cybelle Santo Domingo
Greg & Andrea Heuson Sharp John Edward Smith South Miami Hometown Inc. Katherine Sparger Paul & Linda Sugrue Robert & Jessica White $250-$499 Steven Arch The Honorable Beth Bloom Mario Capone Sissy De Maria Enchanting Creations Priscilla Greenfield
Diane Landsberg Maggie Maceiras Larry Malbog Marhaba Food, Inc. Mary Mark Thomas Mark Carmen Layne Powers Rodriguez FT Studios 2 Lynda Carson Scheuermann Mitchell & Nancy Small Margaret Sotham Marsha Stanton Vila, Padron and Diaz, PA Westminster Christian School
Restricted Grants Public
Escambia County Public Schools Senior Resource Alliance/State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs – Orlando South Florida Behavioral Health Network State of Florida Department of Children & Families The Children’s Trust US Dept. of Health & Human Services – SAMHSA/CSAP
The Health Foundation of South Florida Woman’s Relief Association
Sally Wise Ronald Yacoub $101 - $249 Arthur Agatston Christopher L. Amione Scott Baumann/Fitness Together Helen Bentley Christine Blackburn Alvaro Bustos College of Business & Technology Kristin Connor Copy Express Joseph Corradino Fox’s Sherron Inn Barry Givner Raquel Hickey Richard & Carole Hrebik Michael Kaiser Kenneth Kistner Simone Brown Knight Maritza Landa Rona Levitt Kelly Lederman Bianca Martinez Joseph Mendez
Thank You To Our Generous Donors Paul Merker Hector L. Rivera Jennifer Rodriguez Mary Scott Russell Peggy B. Sapp South Miami Senior High School South Miami Senior High School Students Kenneth Spell Whisk Gourmet Zami’s Coffee & Tea Co. Sara Zamikoff $100 or less Kevin Acevedo Carol Adams Kerrie Albert Freddie Ambrose William Arata Terry Arango Marisol Arceo Gisele Armour Rene Atkinson Ana M. Bajos
Diane Balceiro Eileen Bandel Juan Battle Christine Blackburn Lisa Bowers Scott Breitkopf Michael Brodie Tyrone Burton David Carlisle John Clark Keri-Lyn Coleman Joanna Cornide Luis Cornide Anthony Cortina Melby Cortina James C. Cosmides Cheyenne Daraujo Roxanne Davies Eileen Depalo Nila Depalo Lisette Diaz Shelley Dimitrievic Patricia Domenech Sebastian Eilert Rosie Felipe
Ana Cristina Ferro Bettina Ferro Connie Freeland Doug Frye Joseph Gallagher Amy Goldstein Irma Gomez Jessie Gomez Victoria Gonzalez Henry Guzman Wilfred Hall Susan Hannan Brian A. Hart Bill Harvey Andraisa Hernandez Jan Hurley Insource Yvonne Iturralde John Janette/Town Kitchen Cyrus Jollivette Edgar Jones Ferne Kalstone Marjorie Katz Court Keeley
Dan Kline Maria Krutulis George Kyparisis Cynthia Lamaa Diane Landsberg Joe Lane Henry Langston Janet Logan Eduardo Lombard Gilbert Lorenzo M Cycle Gym, LLC Mary Jane Mark Carlos Martinez Mayor Philip K. Stoddard John McLaughlin Jessica Medina Corey Mershon Miami Dade Chapter Cheryl Miller Peter H. Monroe Bill Murphy Barbara Perez Jody Perlmutter Maria Prieto Peter Prieto
Jack Quist Joan Ramington Ramon Rasco Reba Americas, LLC Manny Riera Delfin Rivera Patrick Robinson Hector Rodriguez Terry Rodriguez Yesenia Roman Mindy Rosenthal Constance Ryan Luis Salhuana Jeffrey Shapiro Chip Shepard Sheryl Shoup Nancy Small Margaret Sotham Edward Stone Barbara Taylor Fabian Thurston Benjamin & Jay Turnbull Maury Udell Enrique Villamor Maida Watson
Thank You To Our Generous Donors Marta Weeks Jeanne Wigg Michael Wilson Mary Young Nelson Zaldivar Jooy Zeder In Kind Donors Ad2 Orlando All Star Auctions All Star Event Photography Baptist Hospital Biscayne Elementary BJ’s Wholesale Blu by Best Friends Carmela Bechtel Carrabbas Chamber South Citrus Grove Elementary Community Newspapers Cool de Sac Copy Express Coral Oaks Tennis Correa & Co. Cream
Designworks Miami, Inc D.Find@Sunset DMS Studio Inc. Earth Learning Elks Magician Emilio’s Casa Toscana Escambia School District Exotica Design Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center Fitness Together Garden Gate George’s on Sunset Google Adwords Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa Interval International JES Communications John & Stacy Bolduc Kathy Sparger La Ley Sports Training Center Laurie Weldon LVS Salon Group Mack Cycle and Fitness Maraha Margaret Sotham
Margarita Society South Miami Drug-Free Coalition Margie Tabak South Miami Hospital Miami Disc Golf Association South Miami Police Department Melby Cortina South Miami Police Department Explorers MexiZan Gourmet Miami Marlins South Miami Senior High Miami Shores Drug Free South Miami Senior High Coalition Students Michael Kaiser South Pointe Elementary National Family Partnership Splitsville Nautica Design Gallery Statler Media Nautilus Middle Sunset Quickprint Non-Violence Project The Dressing Room Old Lisbon Town Kitchen & Bar Outside the Huddle Foundation Trattoria Sole Plus 3 TUUCI Worldwide Roasters and Toasters Unique D’lites Robert Parente venue.btq Rocklake Community Center Verdeja & de Armas, LLP Rockway Middle Vida Day Spa Shenandoah Elementary West Miami Middle Shops at Sunset Place Winn Dixie Shula’s 347 Grill Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Skintique listings in this report. We regret and apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions and ask that the corrected information be South Beach Diet
sent to Informed Families Development Office.
2 012 Staff Leadership Team Peggy B. Sapp President & CEO
Michael Kaiser
Helping Kids Grow Up Safe, Healthy & Drug-Free Since 1982
Director of Finance & Operations
Carmela Bechtel Pensacola Regional Director
Simone Brown Knight
Together, we can help kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free.
Marketing Director
Amy Goldstein Communications Director
Margaret Sotham South Miami Coalition Director
Christine Stilwell Orlando Regional Director
Headquarters Pensacola Office (850) 393-2145 cbechtel@informedfamilies.org
2490 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33145 (305) 856-4886 (305) 856-4815 fax www.informedfamilies.org info@informedfamilies.org
David Williams, Jr. Community Relations Director
Orlando Of fice (321) 231-0587 cstilwell@informedfamilies.org