Explore the World of Cybersecurity with Free Courses at Infosec4TC Are you prepared for a cybersecurity emergency? Or want to establish a career in cybersecurity? Infosec4TC has some amazing cybersecurity courses for you, and the best part is that they are free.
Types of Cyber Emergencies Security Breach
Natural Disaster
Unplanned Down�me
Human Error
Free Courses Available at Infosec4TC
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CISSP-Basic Version
The course focuses on the 8 domains of knowledge presented by (ISC)2.
SQL Injec�on
Master the SQL injec�on a�acks with our free course. In this course, you will learn what SQL injec�on is, how it works, and different types of SQL injec�on.
Ethical Hacking Course
Learn the founda�on of ethical hacking for free. The course contains 20 comprehensive modules and covers 270 a�ack technologies.
Business Con�nuity and Disaster Recovery Plan
Reconnaissance and Scanning Techniques
The course will help you build a BCP/DRP from scratch.
Learn about different tools and techniques to gather different types of informa�on.
Threat Management
Learn how to use threat-deduc�on tools, perform data analysis and interpret the results with the end goals of securing the firm’s applica�ons.
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