Fun Arts And Crafts

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Fun Birthday Crafts for Kindergarten Birthdays are ve ry e xciting e ve nts for childre n. T he y can e at de licious foods like birthday cake s and othe r tre ats, play game s, win priz e s, and just basically have fun. If it is your child’s birthday and you want to make it more fun, spe cial, and pe rsonal for your little one , you can le t hi do some of the birthday e sse ntials. He re are some fun birthday craft s for kinderg art en .

One ve ry e asy birthday craft proje ct that will make your child’s birthday more pe rsonal is to le t your child make his own birthday invite s. You can te ll him to draw anything that he wants. Or you can draw the patte rn and just le t him color the drawings. T he gue sts will sure ly be impre sse d and your child will be ve ry happy.

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Birthday party hats and loot bags are also gre at craft s for kinderg art en . For

Fun Birthday Crafts fo r Kindergarten

the party hats, he lp you child make cone s using pape r plate s. Staple the plate s

Making Shirts Fo r Crafts

and le t your child draw his own de signs. For loot bags, you should cre ate the

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te mplate s. Afte r stapling the bags at the right place s, your child can draw

Christmas Craft Ideas

birthday symbols and things. Do not forge t to te ll your child to write “T hank you

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for coming!”


You can also make a birthday banne r with your child. You can use a long she e t of

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pape r or board for this or you can sue a cloth. Le t your child write the le tte r if

Cute Crafts

he can. He should also paint the de signs to make it more inte re sting and

Mary Engelbreit


Pumpkin Painting Sew So Cute! Stitched So Cute!

In making craft s for kinderg art en , you have to take into conside ration your child’s

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age . T his is to make sure that your child will e njoy making the craft proje ct.

poste d by (toddle rscrafts)



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Making Shirts For Crafts

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If you are a Girl Scout mom, de n maste r, or any othe r type of facilitator to a group of young childre n, you have probably had to come up with some good craft ide as for

Se arc h Bo o ks S ti tch e d S o Cu te !

me e tings. If you are looking for a gre at ide a that the kids will e njoy doing and ge t some use out of late r, why not conside r making shirts?

Sho wing 1 - 3 o f 5 re s ults Mary Eng e lb re it: Stitc he d So Cute ! (Le is ure Arts #49 6 1)

You have se ve ral options whe n it come s to making shirts. You can do tie dye , finge r

Ma r y En g e l b r e i t En t. ( S p i r a l -b o u n d - J u l 1, 2010)

paints, or puffy paints. You could e ve n use marke rs if you wante d to. T he type of shirt

$ 20.6 6

you choose should de pe nd on the age s of most of your me mbe rs. You don’t want to

Mary Eng e lb re it: Stitc he d So Cute ! (Le is ure Arts #49 6 1) [Sp iral-b o und ] [20 10 ] (Autho r) Mary Eng e lb re it Ent.

pick some thing too difficult for a group of first grade rs unle ss you know you can ge t some pare nts to he lp out.

( S p i r a l -b o u n d )

You can e ithe r make e ach child supply his or he r own shirt or if you have the funds available , you can find shirts pre tty che ap online . Blank T-Shirts can be bought in bulk

Anna Maria' s Ne e d le wo rks No te b o o k An n a Ma r i a Ho r n e r ( P a p e r b a ck - O ct 1 , 2012)

$ 16 .9 8

for far le ss than buying the m individually in a store . 1



You can choose the color of the shirts de pe nding on the type of shirt you are going to make . If you plan to do tie dye or use marke rs, white shirts will probably work be st. For

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hand paints or puffy paints, any color shirt would be acce ptable . If possible , try and ge t at le ast a fe w pare nts to he lp out if you have a large r group. Make sure you have ple nty of supplie s for all of the kids and also a way to cle an up any me sse s or spills which will probably occur.

poste d by (John K Vince nt)



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